2018 September & October 01 Newsletter DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL,GAYA (Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi) Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi On the 2ⁿ of October 2018, a Social Science Exhibion was organised at Delhi Public School, Gaya campus. It focused on comprehensive learning of the students by engaging, exploring & empowering them with knowledge. Different exhibits were put up by different classes in the school. These included charts, models and project work done by the students from classes VI to XII. Parents and grandparents were invited to visit the exhibion and they enjoyed the work done by the students.The Social Science Department along with the enthusiasc children had put up a great show. The topics covered by the students ranged from Electronic Vong Machines, Industries, Relief Features, Indus Valley Civilizaon, Means of Transportaon, Global Warming, Water Harvesng, Changing Phases of the Modern Cies, Volcanoes, Telecommunicaon Revoluon, Mining Services, Weather Condions and many more. Each topic, covered several sub – topics reflecng the ingenuity of the children. Principal congratulated the enre Social Science Department as well as children for the show. Delhi Public School, Gaya celebrated Gandhi Jayan and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayan with great nd fervour and zeal on October 2 , 2018. Students remembered Mahatma Gandhi on his 149th birth anniversary which is also known as Gandhi Jayan, and also paid tribute to Lal Bahadur Shastri. The school reverberated with the melodious sound of 'Raghupa Raghav Rajaram' which made the students and teachers emoonal and created patrioc atmosphere in the school. School Choir also presented 'Medley Melody' which was equally enjoyed by the enthused children. Two students of the school spoke on the Life and Works of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri. Sri Sanjeet Soni, Principal, Delhi Public School, Gaya reminded the students to take inspiraon from the life of these worthy people and work hard to make a meaningful life. He reminded that the worthy task among the educaonists is to build the character of the students. The programme concluded with Naonal Anthem. Jayanti Celebration Cone and Ball Race Students of Nursery enthusiascally parcipated in the Cone and Ball Race on 1 September 2018, which enhanced their sportsmanship and gross motor skills. Social Science Exhibition

Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

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Page 1: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated






DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL,GAYA(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)

Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi

On the 2ⁿ� of October 2018, a Social Science Exhibi�on

was organised at Delhi Public School, Gaya campus. It

focused on comprehensive learning of the students

by engaging, exploring & empowering them with

knowledge. Different exhibits were put up by different

classes in the school. These included charts, models

and project work done by the students from classes VI

to XII. Parents and grandparents were invited to visit

the exhibi�on and they enjoyed the work done by the

students.The Social Science Department along with

the enthusias�c children had put up a great show. The

topics covered by the students ranged from Electronic

Vo�ng Machines, Industries, Relief Features, Indus

Valley Civiliza�on, Means of Transporta�on, Global

Warming, Water Harves�ng, Changing Phases of the

Modern Ci�es, Volcanoes, Telecommunica�on

Revolu�on, Mining Services, Weather Condi�ons and

many more. Each topic, covered several sub – topics

reflec�ng the ingenuity of the children. Principal

congratulated the en�re Social Science Department

as well as children for the show.

Delhi Public School, Gaya celebrated Gandhi Jayan� and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayan� with great

ndfervour and zeal on October 2 , 2018. Students remembered Mahatma Gandhi on his 149th birth anniversary which is also known as Gandhi Jayan�, and also paid tribute to Lal Bahadur Shastri. The school reverberated with the melodious sound of 'Raghupa� Raghav Rajaram' which made the students and teachers emo�onal and created patrio�c atmosphere in the school. School Choir also presented 'Medley Melody' which was equally enjoyed by the enthused children. Two students of the school spoke on the Life and Works of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri. Sri Sanjeet Soni, Principal, Delhi Public School, Gaya reminded the students to take inspira�on from the life of these worthy people and work hard to make a meaningful life. He reminded that the worthy task among the educa�onists is to build the character of the students. The programme concluded with Na�onal Anthem.

Jayanti CelebrationCone and Ball Race

Students of Nursery enthusias�cally par�cipated in the Cone and Ball Race on 1�� September 2018, which enhanced their sportsmanship and gross motor skills.

Social Science Exhibition

Page 2: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

Newsletter September & October 2018


An interac�ve session cum seminar on

the topic 'How To Become a More

Sensible Person' was organised for the

teaching fraternity of Delhi Public School,

Gaya on 3rd of October, 2018. The session

began with the formal introduc�on of the

resource person Dr. (Mr.) Sanjeev Arora, a

counsellor, consultant cum trainer,

speaker, educator and author by the

compere of the day Ms. Mousami. He

beau�fully (with his interac�ve session)

highlighted the need to enhance the

communica�on and interpersonal skills

so that they can func�on more effec�vely

in various professional and social

se�ngs. He further reinforced the need

to innovate and bring together the

different pieces of informa�on to

construct coherent knowledge. It also

aimed to teach the importance of

effec�ve planning, �me management,

code of conduct, coordina�on, flexibility,

discipline and pa�ence for achieving

personal and professional goals. The

workshop adopted the process of

demonstra�on cum discussion which

made it more enjoyable and relaxing at

the same �me and teachers par�cipated

enthusias�cally in all the ac�vi�es. He

concluded his session with the idea that

in order to control the outcome, one

needs to change the method. The

Principal, Mr. Sanjeet Soni congratulated

and felicitated Dr. Sanjeev Arora,

presen�ng a memento and a cer�ficate of

apprecia�on for throwing a wonderful

insight so lucidly. He appreciated Mr.

Keshav and Mr. Chander from Indiannica

Learning Pvt. Ltd. for having arranged the

programme in school at such a short

no�ce. Mr. Ashutosh Kumar, Department

of English, proposed the vote of thanks for

this interac�ve session. The programme

concluded with singing of the Na�onal

Anthem in chorus by the par�cipants.

Workshop on how to become a More Sensible Human Being

Page 3: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

Newsletter September & October 2018


A grand gala two �er Inter House Quiz was thorganized on the 4 October, 2018 in the

school Ac�vity Hall, exclusively on the life, �mes and acts of Mahatma Gandhi, designed & conducted by the Quiz Master Pradip Banerjee. Chanakya House emerged as the winning house in a closely fought contest, followed by Aryabha�a, Buddha and Ashoka Houses respec�vely In the Senior Category(Std. 9 to 12). In the Junior Quiz for the classes 6 to 8, a�er the grueling duel of 7 rounds Ashoka House stole the limelight followed by Aryabha�a, Buddha and Chanakya Houses.

A sports ac�vity for Class I students ‐ Passing the Bal l with Music, was conducted on 04/10/2018 to develop their hand and eye coordina�on. Children of all 4 houses added zeal, enthusiasm and colours of fun with frivolity to the event. The crowd cheered their respec�ve houses a long with smal l dancing cheerleading dolls.

Inter House Gandhi Quiz - 2018

Musical Ball Game for Class I students

Page 4: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

Newsletter September & October 2018


A special sports ac�vity “Mayhem Game” was organised for Class Prep. Students on 3rd October, 2018. Through this game children understood the concept of group‐cohesiveness and learnt teamwork. The students enjoyed the ac�vity with enthusiasm.

Delhi Public School, Gaya organised a one day workshop for the pre‐primary and primary teachers with an aim to sensi�se them on the topic 'Early Childhood Care and Educa�on' on 6th of October, 2018. The Na�onal Policy on Early Childhood Care and Educa�on (ECCE), 2013 visualises “nurturance and promo�on of holis�c development and ac�ve learning of all children below six years of age by promo�ng free, universal, inclusive, equitable, joyful and contextualised opportuni�es”.

Workshop on 'Early Childhood Care and Education'

Mayhem Game for Class Prep. Students

Page 5: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

Newsletter September & October 2018


Twenty five Students of Delhi Public School, Gaya,visited the

Bodhi Tree School near Bodh Gaya for a Interac�ve session with

the Specially abled children.A number of ac�vi�es was

undertaken by the Students of DPS Gaya towards fostering a sense

of empathy and compassion for the specially abled children. An

interac�ve session was organised between the students of DPS

Gaya and the specially abled children, gi�s were presented by

students of DPS Gaya to the specially abled children of Bodhi Tree

school in the form of sta�onary items. Alongwith this, the

students of DPS Gaya interacted in groups with some Foreign

Teachers from Spain and Germany.The topics ranged from

German tradi�onal food, Halo chocolates of Germany, the

Bhagavad and Hinduism and importance of Pitri Paksha and Gita

Vishnupada Temple. Deopyari Madam, Teacher of DPS Gaya

presented a Power Point Presenta�on on the importance of Pitri

Paksha and Vishnupada Temple to the Foreign Teachers from

Spain and Germany. The students of DPS Gaya deeply felt grateful

to Almighty God for giving them an opportunity to serve their

fellow students of Bodhi Tree School with empathy and

compassion and it was a memory to cherish for.

Delhi Public School, Gaya is having the best talents and

poten�al and to groom them to be successful they are

required to be nurtured and thus taking all these issues

into account an Orienta�on cum Career Guidance Seminar th

was organized in the school's Conference Hall on 6 of

October, 2018 for the students of class X. The students

studying in Class X and aspirants for Engineering, Medical

and other Entrance Examina�ons were guided and trained

to cope up with latest technical approach to crack the

compe��ve exams. Mr. Vikas Kumar, Counsellor,

Psychographic Society, Ranchi was invited to speak on all

important topics related to career choices and guided all

the par�cipants towards a stable and right career choice.

Visit to Bodhi Tree School

Career Guidance Seminar for Class X students and their parents.

Page 6: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated


Skipping Race

Newsletter September & October 2018

The students of Class IV par�cipated in Inter House Skipping th

Race on 9 October 2018 with great zeal and enthusiasm. This sportsmanship was stupendous and commendable.

The CBSE Zonal Taekwondo Compe��on 2018‐19 (East Zone) was held at Rosy Public School, PWD Road, Fatehgarh

th th(UP) from 12 October, 2018 to 15 October, 2018. A total of 62 Boys’ Teams and 19 Girls’s Teams comprising about 900 girls and boys par�cipated in the compe��on from the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and U�ar Pradesh. A�er a tough series of figh�ng bouts, adding another feather in Delhi Public School, Gaya the cap of Dipsites emerged victoriously and was declared overall winners with 3 Gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze medals. First Runner‐up trophy was bagged by Vanita Public School, Varanasi. The Second Runner‐up trophy was bagged by Sunbeam School, Lahartara. The par�cipants held their trophies with great pride and expressed their con�nued commitment for the sport. The event culminated with a valedictory ceremony where all the par�cipants received par�cipa�on cer�ficates, winners and runners‐up received their cer�ficates and medals. The coaches and referees were also felicitated for their contribu�on. The Management, Principal and Teachers of Delhi Public School, Gaya congratulated the students for their success. The team of DPS, Gaya was groomed by our Taekwondo Coach Mr. Chandeshwar Kumar. Ms. Anuradha, PE Teacher and Mr. Shailendra Goswami Computer Teacher escorted the team to Fatehgarh.


Page 7: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated


Durga Puja Celebration

Newsletter September & October 2018

Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated in Delhi Public School, Gaya on 13th October 2018, through a rainbow of cultural performances. The students of both the junior and the senior wings par�cipated in this auspicious occasion with great energy and enthusiasm. The programme began with the 'Durga Stotram' and the 'Mahalaya Stotram', se�ng a perfect tone for the day. The school choir paid homage to Goddess Durga for descending on this earth and dispelling darkness from every corner, through songs like 'Dhaak Baaje Kashor Baaje' and 'Mother You Have Come Down'. The �ny tots of the school enthralled the audiences with their vigorous dance performance like 'Mahishashur Mardini' in which they enacted the fierce combat between Goddess Durga and Mahishashur. The other performances of the day include Classical Dance, Ac�on Dance, Joyful Dance, presenta�on of teen taal in tabla etc. Sanjeet Soni, Principal, in his speech, threw light on the importance of Durga Puja Celebra�on for the students in the school reitera�ng the need to inculcate values in our lives and congratulated the par�cipants and their mentors for their wonderful performances.

National Unity Day

CelebrationstNa�onal Unity Day was celebrated on 31

October. We celebrate this day as the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel; who was instrumental in keeping India united. The students of the pr imary wing , c lasses I V and V have par�cipated in the Unity Day Ac�vity organised in the school campus. They had prepared posters and charts which acquainted them with the importance of this day and inculcated in them the spirit of unity, enhanced their knowledge and intellectual ability.

Page 8: Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Newsletter SeptemberDurga Puja Celebration Newsletter September & October 2018 Durga Puja which epitomizes the victory of good over evil, was celebrated

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL,GAYAAt Dubhal, Gaya, Bihar-823001Contact :+91 8521092596, +91 7091499421E-mail. info@dpsgaya,com 08

Newsletter September & October 2018

Chanakya 21 Felicitation Ceremony

DPS Gaya hosted a Felicita�on Ceremony in

its compus on 28.10.18 to honour the

students from Class VI to IX who have

excelled and achieved wonderful results in

the Chanakya 21 Screening Test

(Mathema�cs). Out of 900 par�cipants, the

top 96 scorers were felicitated and

selected. Cash Awards money, Mementos

of Apprecia�on and Cer�ficates were

conferred upon the top three rank holders

of each class. The other rank holders were

presented with cer�ficates and mementos.

The purpose of organising the screening

test and felicita�ng the top scorers was

n ice ly e lab o rated by th e Math s

Department with the help of an effec�ve

powerpoint presenta�on. Dignitaries like thMr. R.K Singh (Commandant, 29 Ba�alion,

SSB Gaya) and Mr. Vikas Kumar (counsellor

of Psychographic Society, Ranchi) graced

the occasion. Principal Sanjeet Soni in his

speech, praised the students for their

outstanding accomplishment and

acknowledged the en�re Maths

Department for their efforts in shaping

the young minds.