REVIEW National Science Review 4: 810–833, 2017 doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx117 Advance access publication 22 September 2017 ENVIRONMENT/ECOLOGY Special Topic: Air Pollution and Control Aerosol and boundary-layer interactions and impact on air quality Zhanqing Li 1 , 2 , , Jianping Guo 3 , , Aijun Ding 4 , Hong Liao 5 , Jianjun Liu 2 , Yele Sun 6 , 7 , Tijian Wang 4 , Huiwen Xue 8 , Hongsheng Zhang 8 and Bin Zhu 9 1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, GCESS, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 1000875, China; 2 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Maryland, MD 21029, USA; 3 State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 4 School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China; 5 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China; 6 State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 7 Center for Excellence in Regional Atmospheric Environment, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China; 8 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China and 9 School of Atmospheric Physics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Corresponding authors. E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] Received 30 March 2017; Revised 18 July 2017; Accepted 16 September 2017 ABSTRACT Air quality is concerned with pollutants in both the gas phase and solid or liquid phases. e laer are referred to as aerosols, which are multifaceted agents affecting air quality, weather and climate through many mechanisms. Unlike gas pollutants, aerosols interact strongly with meteorological variables with the strongest interactions taking place in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). e PBL hosting the bulk of aerosols in the lower atmosphere is affected by aerosol radiative effects. Both aerosol scaering and absorption reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground and thus reduce the sensible heat fluxes that drive the diurnal evolution of the PBL. Moreover, aerosols can increase atmospheric stability by inducing a temperature inversion as a result of both scaering and absorption of solar radiation, which suppresses dispersion of pollutants and leads to further increases in aerosol concentration in the lower PBL. Such positive feedback is especially strong during severe pollution events. Knowledge of the PBL is thus crucial for understanding the interactions between air pollution and meteorology. A key question is how the diurnal evolution of the PBL interacts with aerosols, especially in vertical directions, and affects air quality. We review the major advances in aerosol measurements, PBL processes and their interactions with each other through complex feedback mechanisms, and highlight the priorities for future studies. Keywords: aerosol, PBL, radiation, aerosol–PBL interaction, climate change INTRODUCTION Aerosols are multi-facet agents that affect air qual- ity, weather and climate through many mechanisms, as reviewed extensively in a series of IPCC reports. Aerosols are colloids of fine solid particles or liq- uid droplets suspended in the atmosphere. rough the effects of aerosol–radiation interactions (ARI), aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI) or both, aerosols can significantly affect Earth’s climate by perturb- ing the Earth’s radiation budget and water cycle pro- cesses [1–8]. As some observational analyses have indicated, cloud and precipitation properties are re- markably affected by elevated aerosols, which sup- press light rainfall but intensify heavy rainfall and lightning in the coastal regions of Southeast China [9]. Aerosol pollution in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) adversely affects human health [10,11]. Chemical reactions can occur on the surface of non-gaseous particles or within the body of liquid droplets, and these processes are key components of the biogeochemistry of our planet [12]. e ARI effect is concerned with the scaering and absorption of solar radiation by aerosol parti- cles. Aerosols can substantially reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground [13,14], and thus reduce sensible heat fluxes that drive the diurnal evolution of temperature and the PBL [15]. is in turn leads to weaker turbulence in the PBL, and a re- duction of entrainment of dry air into the PBL from the free troposphere, which leads to more moisture in the PBL. e combined effects of lowering near- surface temperature and increased moisture can in- crease relative humidity (RH). e increased RH tends to favor the hygroscopic growth of aerosols and enhances the scaering of solar radiation. e C e Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/nsr/article-abstract/4/6/810/4191281 by guest on 08 February 2018

Aerosol and boundary-layer interactions and impact on air … 4 5 MPL PBL AERI PBL Sonde PBL SGP MPL Backscatter, May 2−10, 2004 Fractional Julian Day

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Page 1: Aerosol and boundary-layer interactions and impact on air … 4 5 MPL PBL AERI PBL Sonde PBL SGP MPL Backscatter, May 2−10, 2004 Fractional Julian Day

REVIEW National Science Review4: 810–833, 2017

doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx117Advance access publication 22 September 2017


Special Topic: Air Pollution and Control

Aerosol and boundary-layer interactions and impact on airqualityZhanqing Li1,2,∗, Jianping Guo3,∗, Aijun Ding4, Hong Liao5, Jianjun Liu2, Yele Sun6,7,Tijian Wang4, Huiwen Xue8, Hongsheng Zhang8 and Bin Zhu9

1State Key Laboratoryof Earth SurfaceProcesses and ResourceEcology, GCESS, BeijingNormal University,Beijing 1000875, China;2Department ofAtmospheric andOceanic Sciences,University of Maryland,MD 21029, USA; 3StateKey Laboratory ofSevere Weather,Chinese Academy ofMeteorologicalSciences, Beijing100081, China; 4Schoolof AtmosphericSciences, NanjingUniversity, Nanjing210023, China; 5Schoolof EnvironmentalScience andEngineering, NanjingUniversity ofInformation Scienceand Technology,Nanjing 210044, China;6State Key Laboratoryof AtmosphericBoundary Layer Physicsand AtmosphericChemistry, Institute ofAtmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing100029, China; 7Centerfor Excellence inRegional AtmosphericEnvironment, Instituteof Urban Environment,Chinese Academy ofSciences, Xiamen361021, China;8Department ofAtmospheric andOceanic Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871, Chinaand 9School ofAtmospheric Physics,Nanjing University ofInformation Scienceand Technology,Nanjing 210044, China

∗Correspondingauthors. E-mails:[email protected];[email protected]

Received 30 March2017; Revised 18 July2017; Accepted 16September 2017

ABSTRACTAir quality is concerned with pollutants in both the gas phase and solid or liquid phases.The latter arereferred to as aerosols, which are multifaceted agents affecting air quality, weather and climate throughmany mechanisms. Unlike gas pollutants, aerosols interact strongly with meteorological variables with thestrongest interactions taking place in the planetary boundary layer (PBL).The PBL hosting the bulk ofaerosols in the lower atmosphere is affected by aerosol radiative effects. Both aerosol scattering andabsorption reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground and thus reduce the sensible heatfluxes that drive the diurnal evolution of the PBL. Moreover, aerosols can increase atmospheric stability byinducing a temperature inversion as a result of both scattering and absorption of solar radiation, whichsuppresses dispersion of pollutants and leads to further increases in aerosol concentration in the lower PBL.Such positive feedback is especially strong during severe pollution events. Knowledge of the PBL is thuscrucial for understanding the interactions between air pollution and meteorology. A key question is how thediurnal evolution of the PBL interacts with aerosols, especially in vertical directions, and affects air quality.We review the major advances in aerosol measurements, PBL processes and their interactions with eachother through complex feedback mechanisms, and highlight the priorities for future studies.

Keywords: aerosol, PBL, radiation, aerosol–PBL interaction, climate change

INTRODUCTIONAerosols are multi-facet agents that affect air qual-ity, weather and climate throughmanymechanisms,as reviewed extensively in a series of IPCC reports.Aerosols are colloids of fine solid particles or liq-uid droplets suspended in the atmosphere.Throughthe effects of aerosol–radiation interactions (ARI),aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI) or both, aerosolscan significantly affect Earth’s climate by perturb-ing the Earth’s radiation budget andwater cycle pro-cesses [1–8]. As some observational analyses haveindicated, cloud and precipitation properties are re-markably affected by elevated aerosols, which sup-press light rainfall but intensify heavy rainfall andlightning in the coastal regions of Southeast China[9]. Aerosol pollution in the planetary boundarylayer (PBL) adversely affects human health [10,11].

Chemical reactions can occur on the surface ofnon-gaseous particles or within the body of liquiddroplets, and these processes are key components ofthe biogeochemistry of our planet [12].

The ARI effect is concerned with the scatteringand absorption of solar radiation by aerosol parti-cles. Aerosols can substantially reduce the amountof solar radiation reaching the ground [13,14], andthus reduce sensible heat fluxes that drive the diurnalevolution of temperature and the PBL [15]. This inturn leads to weaker turbulence in the PBL, and a re-duction of entrainment of dry air into the PBL fromthe free troposphere, which leads to more moisturein the PBL. The combined effects of lowering near-surface temperature and increased moisture can in-crease relative humidity (RH). The increased RHtends to favor the hygroscopic growth of aerosolsand enhances the scattering of solar radiation. The

C©TheAuthor(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing &Media Ltd. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:[email protected]

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increased RH could also enhance the formation ofsecondary aerosols. The aqueous-phase reactions ofNO2 and SO2 in fog/clouds or aerosol water are im-portant for sulfate formation under hazy conditionsin China [16–18].

It has been found that the discrepancy in aerosoltypes leads tohugedifferences in estimatesof aerosoldirect forcing at the top and bottom of the atmo-sphere over the Indian Ocean [14] and in China[19]. Also, it is well recognized that various aerosoltypes exhibit quite different ARI effects. Among alltypes of aerosols, absorbing aerosols, consisting pri-marily of organic carbon, black carbon (BC) andbrown carbon [21], have the strongest interactionwith the PBL [22]. In a polluted environment, BCcan be transformed into fully compact particles andbecomes a much stronger absorbing agent [23,24].As such, absorbing aerosols can alter the PBL moreeffectively than other types of aerosol, whichmay beanother major factor on top of the formation of newparticles in triggering severe haze events in China[25].

The PBL is inherently connected to air pollutionbecause of the bulk of aerosols residing in the PBL,and the strong interactions or feedbacks betweenaerosols and the PBL [26]. These interactions canconsiderably exacerbate air pollution, even if emis-sion rates remain the same. Observational andmod-eling studies suggest that aerosol–PBL feedbacksinfluence air quality significantly. Surface dimming(by all types of aerosols) and upper-PBL warming(by absorbing aerosols) help stabilize the PBL andweaken turbulence mixing, leading to a decreasein the boundary-layer height (BLH), which correc-tively favors the accumulation of air pollutants in ashallower PBL [15,24,27].

The absorption of solar radiation by aerosols caninduce a temperature inversion (TI) at the top ofthePBL that is often associatedwith severe pollutionepisodes [28]. When the temperature difference be-tween the top and bottom of a TI layer is greaterthan 20◦F, severe pollution ensues [29]. Someof themost severe pollution events in history have been as-sociated with elevated TIs. In general, high aerosolconcentrations tend to occur in the atmospherewitha TI [30–32]. Gas pollutants such as SO2 [33] andNO2 [32,34] have also been found to be closelylinked to TIs.

In this article, we comprehensively review thestudies with regard to aerosol, pollution, PBL andtheir interactions, starting with the section entitled‘Overview of air pollution and aerosols in China’.PBL processes and observations are given in thesection entitled ‘Fundamentals and observationsof the PBL’. Aerosol–PBL–convection interactionschemes are described in the section entitled ‘Pro-

cesses governing aerosol and PBL interactions’. Thesection entitled ‘The trend and fluctuation of air pol-lution: the roles of circulation, PBL, climate changeand weather’ elaborates on the general roles of PBL,climate changes and weather regimes on surface airpollution.The section entitled ‘Concluding remarks’concludes the paper.

OVERVIEW OF AIR POLLUTION ANDAEROSOLS IN CHINAGround surface measurementsAerosols have been measured extensively acrossChina, chiefly after 2000, through national opera-tional networks and field experiments, which havebeen comprehensively reviewed by Liao et al. [6]and Li et al. [7]. Prior to 2000, a few direct aerosoloptical depth (AOD) measurements were made,which were inferred from clear-sky radiation data[35,36,], revealing a rapid deterioration of air qual-ity from the 1960s to the 1990s. This was con-firmed by concomitant satellite-derived AOD ob-servations [37].More accurate AODmeasurementscan be provided by ground-based sunphotometers.After 2000, several ground-based aerosol observa-tion networkswere established acrossChina, includ-ing the Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network [38], theChina Atmosphere Watch Network (CAWNET)[39], the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network[40,41], and theCampaign onAtmospheric AerosolResearch network of China (CARE-China) by theChinese Academy of Sciences [42]. Intensive fieldexperiments measuring rich aerosol properties havebeen increasingly conducted in China, such as theEastAsianStudyofTroposphericAerosols: an Inter-national Regional Experiment (EAST-AIRE) [43]and the East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosolsand Impact on Regional Climate [44].

These data have been widely used to derive thenationwide distribution of AOD [38] and aerosolsingle scattering albedo (SSA) [45]. Aerosol loadingis exceptionally heavy in the eastern half of China.Aerosol absorption is particularly strong in central-west China and Northeast China due to the highconsumption of coal (Shanxi is the capital of coalmining in China).There is much weaker absorptionin southeastern China due presumably to its indus-trial emissions containinghighproportionsof sulfateand nitrate whose absorption is weak. Combiningground- and satellite-based measurements, Li et al.[20] for the first time derived the estimate of aerosolradiative forcing at the top, bottom, and within theatmosphere.Thedaily andannualmeanatmosphericabsorption and surface cooling due to aerosols

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(primarily in the PBL) are −20 W m−2 and 18 Wm−2, respectively.

Air pollution typically characterized by high con-centration of aerosol particles in aerodynamic diam-eter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5) concentrations is oneof the major environmental concerns in China. Al-though air quality in megacities has continued toimprove since 2013, the annual mean PM2.5 con-centration in most cities in northern China is stillmuch higher than the National Ambient Air Qual-ity Standard (i.e. 35 μg m−3 as an annual average),e.g. 70.3 μg m−3 in Beijing in 2016. These resultsclearly indicate that air pollution in megacities inChina is still severe, and it is even worse during thewinter season because of the increased emissions bycoal combustion for residential heating along withthe frequent stagnant meteorological conditions. Asa result, extensive ground measurements have beenconductedduring thepast decade to characterize thechemical composition, sources and formationmech-anisms of aerosol particles, with most of them tak-ing place in the four most polluted regions, includ-ing the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta,the North China Plain and the Sichuan Basin. Thisincludes several international field campaigns by in-volving tens of research teams around the world,such as the Campaigns of Air Quality Research inBeijing and Surrounding Regions (CAREBeijing),the Program of Regional Integrated Experiments ofAir Quality over Pearl River Delta (PRIDE-PRD)[39], and the Haze Observation Project Especiallyfor Jing-Jin-Ji Area (HOPE J3A) [46].

Numerous results and findings on aerosol com-position, sources and processes have been pre-sented.Overall, organic aerosols account for thema-jor fraction of PM2.5 followed by ammonium sulfateor ammonium nitrate, and black carbon. While thesources of primary emissions including traffic, coalcombustion, biomass burning and cooking are iden-tified and quantified, secondary aerosols are foundto bemore important in the formation of severe hazeepisodes [16,47,48]. It has beenwell recognized thatthe high anthropogenic emissions and rapid sec-ondary aerosol formation are the key factors leadingto the frequent occurrence of severe haze episodes,characterizedby efficient newparticle formation andgrowth [49]. The efficient aerosol nucleation, com-bined with aerosol growth, is closely associated withsevere haze episodes in China. It is quite distinctfrom those typically observed in the urban regionsof other countries and pristine environments world-wide [50], which are modulated by interactions be-tween sulfuric acid and organics [51–54]. Typically,there exist clear diurnal variations in the PM num-ber, size and mass concentration [55], reflecting theinterplay between primary emissions, new particle

formation, photochemical growth, removal and thePBL variation. In contrast, haze events in China typ-ically exhibit a periodic cycle of 4–7 days [56].

In addition, recent studies have also illustratedthe important roles of stagnant meteorology, whichare typically characterized by low BLH, weak windspeed, strong temperature inversion and high RH inthe formation of these events [57,58]. In fact, the fa-vorable weather conditions induced by the increasesin greenhouse gas emissions or the changes in theboreal cryosphere, particularly in the global environ-ment, are mainly responsible for the more frequenthaze episodes in winter on the North China Plain[59,60]. The most recent results from air pollutionstudies in China are summarized in [61], and theextensive ground measurements of aerosol particlesbased on real-time techniques are presented in [62].

Aerosol vertical distributions and the PBLThe aerosol vertical distribution is key in determin-ing aerosol radiative forcing. To date, our under-standing of aerosol radiative forcing is still very poordue to the assumption of vertically constant pro-files in radiative-transfer models, among other fac-tors. Aerosol radiative forcing strongly depends onthe vertical distributionof aerosols relative to clouds,especially for dust layers [63].

Using aircraft observations over the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region of North China, differenttypes of aerosol vertical distributions in associationwith the PBL evolution have been revealed [64–66].When thePBL iswell developed, the aerosol numberconcentration (Na) is homogeneously distributedthroughout the whole PBL, leading to a sharp dropabove the PBL top [66]. The vertical profile ofaerosol number concentration (Na) can then be ap-proximated by a piecewise function [64].

Our understanding of the aerosol verticalstructure has been improved tremendously sincethe advent of the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar withOrthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) onboard theCloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared PathfinderSatellite Observations satellite, which has becomeincreasingly recognized as a valuable sensor toelucidate the altitude-resolved structure of aerosolparticles such as smoke, dust and polluted dust[67]. While ground-based lidar and aircraft-bornein situ measurements have provided major insightsinto regional aerosol structure, CALIOP-basedobservations have been extensively used to derivethe 3D structure of aerosols on a global scale [68].By defining themost probable height (MPH)whereaerosol particles most likely reside, Huang et al. [69]generated a global MPH distribution for dust andsmoke aerosol types.

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On regional scales, large discrepancies and un-certainties remain when it comes to the vertical dis-tribution of aerosols at altitudes within the PBLup to the bottom of the free troposphere [70],depending on the regions and seasons of interest[71–74]. Specifically, Adams et al. [75] presentedthe 3D structure of aerosols across the trans-Atlanticregion. Based on 10 dust cases observed by theCALIOP, Huang et al. [76] found that summertimedust storms occurred more frequently than previ-ously thought on the remote northwestern TibetPlateau, and that the dust layer reached altitudesof up to 4–7 km. Based on CALIOP observations,along with surface meteorological data and the Hy-brid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajec-tory Model (HYSPLIT), Guo et al. [77] found thatdust storms originating in northwestern China weretransported eastward to Beijing at a rate of 1200 kmper day, mostly at altitudes of 3–5 km. As shown inFig 1, two zonal transport pathways were revealedfrom synergetic observations made by the CALIOPand the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrora-diometer (MODIS): one dust belt across northernChina and a smoke belt across southern China [78].Recently, based on long-term satellite- and ground-based measurements, both seasonal and spatialvariations of the profiles of aerosol extinction coeffi-cients over China have been identified. In particular,the lapse rates of aerosol extinction in the pollutedregions were much greater than those in the pristineregions, most likely due to more stable atmospherecaused by absorptive aerosols in the polluted regions[79].

The aerosol vertical distribution in the PBL, sub-ject to the PBL dynamics and large-scale weathersystems, exhibits strong temporal (seasonal and di-urnal) variations and spatial differences, as revealedin the meteorological tower measurements of PM2.5and PM10 in Beijing in 2003 [80]. Further subse-quent measurements were made on the same towerto characterize the vertical distributions of tracegases (e.g. ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2),and sulfur dioxide (SO2)), PM2.5 and filter-basedaerosol composition [81–84]. The results showedthat the mixing ratio of O3 often peaked at ∼120 mand remained high in the residual layer at nighttime[85], while SO2 was found to have the highest mix-ing ratio at ∼50 m [82]. More recently, Sun et al.[86,87] conducted simultaneous real-time observa-tions of aerosol particle composition at two differentheights on a tower, i.e. ground level and 260maboveground level (AGL), using two similar aerosol massspectrometers. The results illustrated very complexvertical distributions of aerosol species that inter-act closelywith boundary-layermeteorology. In gen-eral, the vertical differences between ground level

Figure 1. Annual mean 3D occurrence (color shaded) for (a)all aerosol types, (b) dust aerosols and (c) smoke aerosols,which are derived from level-2 CALIOP aerosol layer prod-ucts, in combination with MODIS/Aqua AOD data (white–black shaded) for the period October 2006–September 2014.Note that only those with frequency greater than 5% areshown here. (Adapted from [78].)

and 260 m AGL are reduced substantially in thedaytime due to the elevated BLH associated withstronger vertical mixing. They also observed the in-teractions of different air masses at different heightsthat affect the vertical gradients. For example, thetemperature inversion during the clearing stage of asevere pollution event results in a delay of the clean-ing of air pollutants between ground level and 260mAGL, while the stably stratified layer associated witha fog event is often characterized by much higherconcentrations of aerosol species in the lower atmo-sphere and rapid decreases on the top of the layer.Further analysis shows that the vertical differences inmeteorology (e.g. T andRH) and gas precursors canalso affect secondary aerosol formation at differentheights. For example, higher concentrations of ni-trate at higher altitudes were clearly associated with

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the lower T and higher RH that facilitated the gas-to-particle formation mechanisms.

Although the vertical distributions of air pollu-tion and its interaction with the boundary layer inthe low atmosphere have been extensively charac-terized based on the tower measurements, our un-derstanding of these characteristics and interactionsat high altitude is far from complete. The verticaldistribution of aerosol number concentration in thePBL over Beijing has been found to be strongly re-lated to different weather systems, based on in situaircraft measurements [66]. Distinct vertical pro-files of aerosol scattering coefficient and precursorswere found over cities in eastern, northwestern, andnortheastern China [88]. Similar vertical distribu-tion characteristics of aerosol optical propertieswerereported based on micropulse lidar data from theYangtzeRiverDelta ofChina [89].Multi-layerBC inthe PBL, including local accumulation near the sur-face and regional transport from upwind megacitiesin the upper PBL, was revealed using a tethered bal-loon platform [90]. In 2014, the vertical profiles ofO3 and size-resolved aerosol number concentrationswere measured at a rural site on the North ChinaPlain using an unmanned aerial vehicle [91].The re-sults showed higher O3 levels in the residual layerthan themixed layer,while this is reversed for aerosolnumber concentrations. Further analysis illustratedthat the vertical profiles of air pollutants are influ-encedbynotonlyPBLmeteorology, but also anthro-pogenic emissions on local and regional scales.

FUNDAMENTALS AND OBSERVATIONSOF THE PBLPBL processesA comprehensive review of the theory, nature andmodeling of PBL was given in Baklanov et al. [92].The physical processes in the PBL are concernedwith turbulent diffusion, wind speed, the atmo-spheric thermodynamic state (i.e. temperature, hu-midity), and adiabatic heating due to aerosols andother absorbing agents. The wind and temperatureprofiles along with the BLH are the main factors af-fecting turbulent diffusion [81]. The PBL structureis also dictated by large-scale weather regimes [93].

Based on the Monin–Obukhov similarity the-ory of continuous turbulentmotion, the relationshipbetween flux (e.g. momentum, sensible and latentheat fluxes) and atmospheric profile (e.g. wind, hu-midity, temperature, gradient) in the atmosphericsurface layer is key for air pollution diffusion, es-pecially under stable stratification conditions. Thestructure of a stable boundary layer remains a puz-zle in the PBL study. A series of experiments to

tackle this issue have been carried out, such as theStable Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Experiment inSpain [94], the Cooperative Atmospheric–SurfaceExchange Study in Kansas [95], and the SurfaceHeat Budget of the Arctic Ocean Experiment in theAntarctic [96]. Turbulent intermittency frequentlyoccurs in a stable boundary layer, which tends toscale up the transport of heat, water vapor, andmomentum in the vertical, as opposed to the re-duced vertical transport in the unstable boundarylayer characterized by continuous turbulent motion[97]. The characteristics of such scalar quantities asPM2.5 and NOx are affected by the turbulent ve-locity field and present a complex, chaotic struc-ture on spatiotemporal scales, which makes it dif-ficult to study the turbulent transport of pollutants[98]. The Hilbert–Huang transform method [99]is a valid method to solve atmospheric turbulenceproblems in a stable boundary layer and has beenwidely applied [100,101]. Currently, most topicsassociated with generalized PBL parameterizationschemes in models are related to a stable boundarylayer. For example, a systematic overestimation ofsimulated near-surface wind velocities under stableatmospheric conditions has been reported in addi-tion to an overestimated turbulent diffusion capacityof air pollutants in a stable layer, resulting in the un-derestimation of pollution [102,103]. It is thereforeimperative to explore and understand the structureof the stable boundary layer and its interaction withand influence on the air pollutant transport process.

Detection and variations of BLHKnowledge of the PBL is crucial for understandingthe interactions between air pollution andmeteorol-ogy. A key question remaining unclear is how thediurnal evolution of the PBL interacts with the ver-tical distributions of aerosols. To address this ques-tion, we need to have a good knowledge of the BLHand its evolution. The determination of BLH is anontrivial task because it is not directly measured byroutine meteorological instruments.The most com-mon PBL observations are obtained by radioson-des, which can provide vertical temperature, mois-ture and wind profiles from the surface up to the∼50-hPa level [104–106]. Various algorithms havebeendeveloped to retrieve theBLH; thesehavebeencompletely summarized in Seidel et al. [107].

Guo et al. [108] obtained the first BLH cli-matology in China using long-term fine-resolution(1-s resolution) atmospheric soundings from theradiosonde observation network operated by theChina Meteorological Administration. In additionto the spatial and seasonal variability of the BLH,

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45 N

35 N

25 N

15 N

45 N

35 N

25 N

15 N

(a)0200 (b)0800

(c)1400 (d)2000

110 E90 E 110 E90 E

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2BLH (km)

Figure 2. Spatial distribution of mean BLHs derived from summertime sounding mea-surements at (a) 0200, (b) 0800, (c) 1400 and (d) 2000 Beijing time in summers of theperiod 2011 to 2015 throughout the L-band China Radiosonde Network as operatedby the China Meteorological Administration (colored dots), overlaid with those derivedfrom simultaneous ERA-Interim reanalyses (color shading). (Adapted from [108].)

the diurnal cycles of PBL were investigated for thefirst time across China (Fig 2). A large discrepancybetween sounding- and reanalysis-derived BLHwasfound, particularly in North China at 1400 Beijingtime.Thismay undermine our ability to observe andsimulate surface PM2.5 because the latter relies onreanalysis-derived BLH data [40,109–111].

Although radiosondes are widely deployedaround the world, operational radiosonde launchesare done only twice a day (0000 UTC and 1200UTC), prohibiting observation of the diurnalvariation of the BLH. To overcome this limitation,various types of measurements have been used toderive the BLH, including more frequent launchesof radiosondes that usually happen during a fieldexperiment, ground-based remote sensing usinghigh-resolution infrared sounder, multi-channelmicrowave radiometer, lidar, sodar, etc.

Among the various observation techniques, thelidar measurements have been most widely used toretrieve the PBL. The wavelet covariance transformmethod is one of the widely used algorithms; thisis detailed by Davis et al. [112] and Brooks [113].The algorithm allows for comparisons between thebackscatter sounding and a step function, such thatthe largest gradient in backscatter with altitude ismarked as the top of the PBL. The wavelet co-

variance transform is suitable for the automatic de-tection of the PBL because it requires only the li-dar backscatter information. However, the waveletcovariance transform method often detects cloudbackscatter and elevated aerosol plumes instead. Toavoid this problem, Steyn et al. [114] fit the entirebackscatter profile to an idealized curve. The algo-rithm uses an iterative curve-fitting routine to min-imize the root-mean-square difference between thebackscatter profile and the idealized curve. Simu-lated annealing allows the iterative process to by-pass local solutions and returns a more robust BLH[115]. It also introduces a small random elementthat must be filtered out to avoid occasional unreal-istic jumps in BLH values.

Sawyer andLi [116] proposed a versatilemethodthat can be applied to any type of atmospheric pro-file data. Moreover, it takes advantage of the meritsof the aforementioned techniques while overcom-ing their limitations. Figure 3 presents a compari-son of the BLH detected by lidar, radiosonde andtemperature profiles from a high-resolution infraredsounder. The BLH values derived from these differ-ent approaches agree generally well, although someconsistent differences exist.

Themast ormeteorological tower is an importantobservational platform used to continuously mea-sure profiles of turbulent flux (latent and sensibleheat), and profiles of the atmospheric mixing ratiowithin the lower part of the PBL at a reasonablyhigh resolution [84,104,117,118]. The main short-coming of this platform is its limited range, which istypically below 300 m. As a simple remote sensinginstrument, the sodar is suitable for routine opera-tions [104,119]. The sodar can capture typical PBLfeatures by measuring structure parameters such asthe acoustic refractive index, irrespective of stable orconvective atmospheric conditions. With Dopplercapability, it can determine vertical velocity varianceprofiles. For instance, Yang et al. [120] characterizedthe daytime evolution of the PBL based on observedvertical velocity variance profiles using one Dopplersodar on the Tibetan Plateau during the dry season.The sodar, however, is limited to an altitude range of500–1000 m and is highly sensitive to environmen-tal noise [104].

Boundary-layer wind profilers have been widelydeployed in field campaigns to investigate the PBLstructure [121–123] as well. Based on wind pro-filer measurements, the features of low-level jets inShanghai and Tianjin have been elucidated by Duet al. [124] and Wei et al. [125], respectively. Thewind profiler observed backscatter signals in clear airare proportional to the structure function parameterof the refractive index, which can be used to estimatethe BLH under convective conditions [126,127].

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SGP MPL Backscatter, May 2−10, 2004

Fractional Julian Day











Figure 3. Evolution of BLHs calculated using micropulse lidar (MPL), atmospheric emitted radiance interferometer (AERI) and radiosonde data,overlaid on the MPL backscatter field during a nine-day period (2–10 May 2004) at the Southern Great Plains site in the US. (Adaptedfrom [116].)

Orbiting around the Earth, the space-borne lidarhas the unique merit of providing global BLHs. Us-ing CALIOP-attenuated backscatter observations,the BLH was investigated over China by Liu et al.[128] and Zhang et al. [129], in the southeast-ern Pacific by Ho et al. [130], and over Europeby Leventidou et al. [131]. However, under sta-ble PBL conditions, large uncertainties in estimat-ing BLHs from space-borne lidar like CALIOP en-sue due to the weak vertical gradients in the aerosolloading [104].

PROCESSES GOVERNING AEROSOL ANDPBL INTERACTIONSAerosol-induced adiabatic heating in thePBLTogain an insight into the radiative effect of aerosolson the PBL, it is essential to compute the radiativeheating rate with known aerosol vertical extinctionprofiles and SSAprofiles.TheSSAprofile ismost dif-ficult to get, although there are some aircraft in situmeasurements of SSA. Several methods have beenused to calculate the columnar SSA. One methodis to use a combination of satellite-measured spec-tral reflectance and surface-measured transmittance,which can be collected over large regions such asacrossChina [45]. Since the bulk of aerosols arewellmixed in the PBL, one may assume to the first orderof approximation that SSA derived for the entire at-mospheric column is the same as that for the PBL.

SSAvalues can thenbeused to compute the radiativeheating rate by virtue of lidar-observed aerosol ex-tinction or even backscattering profiles with certainassumptions regarding the backward scattering ra-tio [89]. Based on a single-channel elastic-scatteringlidar, the backscattered radiation can be calculatedaccording to the following equation [132,133]:

P (r ) = Oc (r )C Eβ(r )r 2


∫ r

0σ (z)dz


+ Nb + A(r ), (1)

where r represents the range, and β(r) and σ (r) de-note the backscattering and extinction coefficientscaused by both aerosol and molecular factors, re-spectively. Other variables are detailed by Campbellet al. [132] and Welton et al. [71]. The normalizedrelative backscatter, PNRB(r), orNRB, can be formu-lated as

PNRB(r ) = Cβ(r ) exp[−2

∫ r

0σ (z)dz


(2)whereC can be solved using a technique constrainedby the co-located AOD at a range where molecularscattering is determined above the surface-detectedaerosol layer under cloud-free conditions [71].One can then solve for layer-averaged extinction–backscatter ratios and aerosol extinction coefficientprofiles [71,134].The radiative forcing of aerosols atthe top, bottom, andwithin the atmosphere has beenderived from this information [89].The aerosol par-ticles largely reside below 2 km AGL, most of which

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Figure 4. Seasonal daily averaged vertical profiles of aerosol particle heating rate (black solid lines), with their corresponding standard deviations (grayhorizontal lines) at Taihu in the central Yangtze River Delta region of eastern China in (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn and (d) winter during the periodfrom June 2008 to May 2009. (Adapted from [89].)

(60%–80%) are within 1 km AGL. This results inlarge amounts of solar radiation trapped in the low-est part of the PBL, which in turn heats up the loweratmosphere (Fig 4).

Aerosol–PBL interactions due to ARIThestrong contrast betweenwarming and cooling inthe atmosphere and the surface can drastically im-pact atmospheric stability and the PBL, which canaffect weather and dynamics. By means of model(NCAR/CAM3) tests, it has been demonstratedthat increases in aerosols ofmoderate absorptioncanreduce wind, weaken atmospheric circulation andeven the monsoon system [7,135]. Accompanyingthe rapid degradation of air quality is the steady de-crease in surface wind speed [136] that has been at-tributed at least partially to the effect of increasingaerosols, as shown in recent studies using long-termmeteorological data [137,138].

Aerosols and the PBL interact inherently in a va-riety of ways [7,22,26,139]:

(1) Aerosols cool the surface and lower atmosphereby the reduction of shortwave, sensible heat,and latent heat fluxes.

(2) Absorbing aerosols above the PBL warm up theair of the free troposphere, and thus stabilize theboundary-layer inversion cap, inducing andpro-longing the temperature inversion in the upperPBL, and suppressing diffusional dispersion ofpollutants near the surface.

(3) Absorbing aerosols within the PBL may notstrengthen the atmospheric stratification sincethere is strong vertical mixing in the PBL dueto aerosol-induced atmospheric heating.There-fore, absorbing aerosol within the PBL does notnaturally feed back to lower BLH. In this case,the lower BLH may be caused by the decreaseof sensible heat at the surface.

(4) Aerosolsweaken surfacewinds andatmosphericcirculation within the PBL and increase atmo-spheric circulation above the PBL.

Long-term visibility data, a proxy for aerosolloading, have been used to infer the impact ofaerosols on meteorological variables in the PBL[137,138,140]. Long-term (>50 years) trends inmany meteorological variables were analyzed incentral-western China, where aerosols are abundantand strongly absorbing [45]. By virtue of the specialtopography of the region (a large mountain range

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and a broad plain), changes due to background dy-namics (mountain stations), the aerosol or pollu-tion effect (contrasting trends between mountaintop and bottom), and urbanization (the big city ofXi’an and a rural station located on the plain) weresuccessfully differentiated. Below are the major ob-servational findings and conclusions that offer someclues about the potential influences of aerosols onthePBL andmeteorological variables inside thePBLlayer [137,138]:

(1) The difference in the daytime maximum tem-perature between plain stations (inside thePBL) and mountain-top stations (outside ofthe PBL) has decreased, implying cooling of thesurface during the daytime, due presumably toaerosols.

(2) Wind speed has decreased over the plain sta-tions, but increased at a neighboring mountain-top station, with the largest difference occurringaround noon (most sensitive to aerosols), im-plying a trendof stabilization inside thePBLanddestabilization outside the PBL.This has an im-portant implication for the dispersion of pollu-tants from low lands, in particular, basins.

(3) The number of thunderstorms in the plains hasdecreased substantially, but little change is ob-served at the neighboringmountain-top station,implying weakening convection over the plains.

(4) The number of rainy days has decreased, imply-ing the likely suppression of PBL clouds, whichalso has a bearing on the removal of pollutantsby rain scavenging.

The finding of decreasing surface winds and in-creasing winds aloft is consistent with the hypoth-esis originally proposed by Jacobson and Kaufman[139] based on their model simulation with ab-sorbing aerosols.The finding of decreasing thunder-storms is at oddswith the aerosol invigoration effect,suggesting a dominant role of the aerosol thermody-namic effect due to strong aerosol absorption. Thehypothesis was confirmed using Tropical RainfallMeasuringMission(TRMM)thunderdata in south-eastChina,where sulfate aerosols aremoreprevalent[140].The trend is opposite to that found in centralChina, where aerosols are more strongly absorbing.

The effect of aerosols on atmospheric thermody-namics is more clearly revealed by the relationshipsbetween aerosol loadings and near-surface temper-ature inversions derived from continuous measure-ments from an atmospheric emitted radiance in-terferometer (AERI) deployed at the US SouthernGreat Plains site for over a decade. Atmospherictemperature profiles derived from the AERI havebeen used to study the climatology of tempera-ture inversions [28]. It is expected that the thermal

inversions in the lowest troposphere, especially nearthe ground, are substantially affected by aerosols,particularly absorbing ones. This was confirmed bythe observed enhanced frequency of inversions withincreasing aerosol loading but declining frequencyof inversions with increasing aerosol SSA, as shownin Fig 5. This indicates that temperature inversionstend to occur at high and absorbing aerosol con-ditions. Among the absorbing aerosols, BC is oneof the most important categories, accounting for∼10%–50% of the total tropospheric aerosol parti-cles. The atmospheric effects of BC largely refer tothe interference with radiative transfer, visibility im-pairment, PBL stabilization, and alteration of cloudformation, which are strongly sensitive to the agingprocesses and mixing states with other aerosol con-stituents [141–143].

Comprehensive measurements of atmosphericchemical composition, the PBL, meteorological pa-rameters and surface flux at ground-based stationsprovide opportunities to gain further insights intoaerosol–PBL interactions [144]. Based on suchmeasurements at the Station forObservingRegionalProcesses of the Earth System (SORPES), a ‘golden’case that occurred on 10 June 2012 was studied byDing et al. [15]. Compelling evidence of aerosol–PBL–weather interactions was revealed. A mixedlayer of heavy biomass burning and urban pollu-tionplumes substantially reduced the amounts of so-lar radiation, latent and sensible heat fluxes, and airtemperature on the ground and in the lower PBL,which suppressed convection and the formation ofa would-be major rain event in Nanjing. Increasedhygroscopic effects related to increased RH asso-ciated with decreased air temperature [15] and afaster secondary aerosol formation [16] could en-hance aerosol–meteorology interactions. By analyz-ing long-termcontinuousmeasurements of aerosols,radiation and fluxes at the SORPES station in Nan-jing and guided by theory, quantitative relation-ships were established between PBL turbulence flux,aerosol concentration and RH [27]. Suppression ofvertical turbulence mixing confined aerosols to ashallower PBL, causing a positive feedback loop be-tween aerosols and the PBL that further lowers theBLH [145].

Intensive measurements made throughout theday help understand the aerosol–PBL relationship.For example, using vertical profiles of BC mea-sured by a micro-aethalometer, Ran et al. [146]found weak turbulence and an inversion layer un-der high concentrations of aerosols in a shallowPBL.Aerosols were diluted by the fast development of thePBL and a uniform distribution of aerosols was typ-ically observed during the daytime in an unstablePBL. In the evening, aerosols quickly build up near

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Figure 5. Impact of aerosol on temperature inversion in the lowest troposphere. Upper panel: A time series of temperature profiles retrieved fromthe atmospheric emitted radiance interferometer (AERI) measurements on 30 October 2008 over the US Southern Great Plains (SGP). Lower left: thefrequency of occurrence of temperature inversion near the surface as a function of the number concentration of condensation nuclei (CN) derived fromnine years of observations at the SGP site, which is part of the US Atmospheric Radiation Measurements (ARM). Lower right: same as the lower leftpanel but as a function of aerosol single scattering albedo. The method and dataset used are described in [28].

the surface and decline exponentially with height,followed by the collapse of themixing layer and thenthe formation of a stable nocturnal boundary layer[146,147].

Aerosol and convection interactionsPBL–aerosol interactions also affect convection, dueto aerosol-induced changes in the atmospheric pro-file of heating, and surface latent and sensible heatfluxes that significantly affect the evolution of theboundary layer. Gu et al. [148] found that for EastAsia, the modeled radiative impact of boundary-layer aerosols suppressed tropical convection.

Convective potential available energy is controlledby boundary-layer temperature and humidity [149].The source of energy for both the convective bound-ary layer and deep convective cells ultimately origi-nates from surface heating and moisture [150,151].The PBL also affects deep convection [3,152,153],especially if it hosts absorbing aerosols that can pro-vide enhanced potential energy above the PBL [22].

Wang et al. [154] shows that absorbing aerosolsresiding in the PBL can destabilize the lower at-mosphere at the periphery of tropical cyclones, en-hance convection in the rainband region, but cutoff the energy inflow to the eyewall. More re-cently, the conditional enhancement of instability by

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1 m/s

20 km

-8 0 8 16 24 32

Figure 6. Vertical cross-section of the difference in simulated O3 concentration (ppbv)and in-plane vectors, where the vertical speed is multiplied by a factor of 10, betweenurban land use and no urban land use in Shanghai simulations. (Adapted from [157].)

absorbing aerosols was simulated by Fan et al. [155]and Lin et al. [156]. In those simulations, due tothe radiative heating caused by soot particles in thePBL, both relative humidity and convection strengthassociated with shallow cumuli are reduced duringdaytime. However, the altered daytime temperatureand moisture conditions act to reserve the energy,thereby facilitating the development of nighttimedeep convection.

Aerosol–PBL–chemistry interactionsVariations in the macro- and micro-physics of thePBL may alter the photochemical and thermalchemical reaction conditions in the PBL and thusaffect the near-surface air quality. Any variations inphotolysis rate, temperature, humidity and concen-tration of species and structures of the PBL result inthe adjustment of photochemical and thermal chem-ical reaction rates, the chemical equilibriumconstantand even changes in chemical products. Moreover,small modifications of solar radiation, atmosphericstability and the structure of the PBL could inducesignificant changes in the chemical environment,for instance in the ozone photochemistry [157]

or on new particle-formation processes [158,159].Figure 6 shows that the circulations and boundary-layer structures over the downstream Kunshan areclosely associated with the upstream urban sur-face (Shanghai), which further affects the O3 con-centration by redistributing O3 and its precursors.To be specific, the horizontal transport of O3 andits precursors, from upstream Shanghai to down-stream Kunshan, are suppressed in the lower PBLbut strengthened in the upper PBL due to the strongcirculation caused by the urban heat island effect.

A significant attenuation (>50%) in ultraviolet(UV) radiation due to atmospheric aerosols in pol-luted and urban areas has been reported [160]. Suchan attenuation of UV radiation by aerosols can ex-ert a significant influence on photolysis and specieschemical cycles, especially photochemical reactionprocesses. The brown carbon emitted from biomassburning diminishes UV-B radiation so strongly thatit can reduce the net production rate of ozone by upto 18% and the mass concentrations of HO2, rad-icals OH and RO2 by up to 15%, 17% and 14%,respectively [161]. From observations and simu-lations using a radiative-transfer/air-quality model,UV-scattering particles in the PBL tend to acceleratephotochemical reactions, as opposed to the inhibi-tion effect caused by UV-absorbing aerosols [162].The hygroscopic growth of aerosol particles nor-mally occurs in polluted air with relatively high hu-midity,which can largely affect their SSA. In compar-isonwith the dry state condition, the calculated JNO2at RH = 98% at 1 km AGL increased by 30.4% dueto the UV radiation enhancement induced by thelarger-sized humidified scattering aerosol particles[163]. The influence of aerosol hygroscopic growthon the JNO2 profile inhibits photolysis at the sur-face and accelerates it in the upper PBL by a similarmechanismdescribed byDickerson et al. [162].Thisamplification of JNO2 in the upper PBL likely bringsabout high aerosol concentration and more ozoneproduction in the polluted upper PBL and free tro-posphere [163].

The direct and indirect effect of aerosols can al-ter the photochemical reactions and ozone concen-tration [164–166]. For instance, absorbing aerosolswere found to be able to reduce the photolysisrate and weaken ozone generation, while scatteringaerosols showed opposite change [167,168]. Li et al.[169] found that PBL O3 was reduced by 5% inhighly polluted regions in summertime in CentralEasternChina. Deng et al. [160] found thatUV radi-ation/ozone is negatively correlated with PM10, andat least half of the UV radiation was attenuated bythe atmospheric aerosols. Li et al., [170] found a re-duction of about 2%–17% in surface ozone duringthe daytime in Mexico City due to the changes in

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photolysis rates caused by aerosols. The simulationby Cai et al. [171] shows that an elevated concentra-tion of particulate matter can increase the AOD by20%–40% and reduce photolysis rates of NO2 andO3 by 20%–30%, resulting in a reduction of 30%–40% in the net photochemical production rate ofO3.

Aerosols also exert an important influence onozone concentrations by heterogeneous reactions.Ravishankara [172] determined the role, rates andmedia of heterogeneous reactions in the tropo-sphere. Jacob [173] proposed that heterogeneousreactionshave an impact onO3 concentrationsby af-fecting generation and consumption of NOx, HOx,O3 and halogen radicals. Heterogeneous reactionson sea salt and soot surfaces have significant effectson the trace gas [174–177]. Kleffmann et al. [178]and Kaiser et al. [179] noted that BC has relativelylarger surface area, favoring heterogeneous chem-istry.

Liao and Seinfeld [180] found that the surfaceO3 concentrations in eastern China can be reducedby 25%–30% because of the heterogeneous reac-tions on wet surfaces of sea salt, nitrate, sulfate, am-monium, mineral dust and organic carbon aerosols.Overall, the heterogeneous reactions reduce annualmeanO3 in easternChinaby10%–18%[182].Thesereactions take up ozone precursors such as NOx andN2O5, leading to reduced O3 concentrations, whichexplains in part whyO3 concentrations have kept in-creasingwhilePM2.5 concentrations havedecreased,which has been happening in China in recent yearsas a direct result of emission control measures foraerosols.Note that the impact of heterogeneouspro-cesses is strongly dependent on aerosol concentra-tions and the surface uptake coefficients [181]. Het-erogeneous reactions also likely play a central role inthe formation of major aerosol ingredients, includ-ing sulfate, nitrate and organics [183–185].

Urbanization also affects local and downstreamair quality in two major ways. First of all, land sur-face properties and meteorological fields modifiedby urban canopies alter the chemical reaction, dryand wet depositions, and the spatial distribution ofprimary and secondary atmospheric pollutants. Sec-ond, urbanization processes tend to enhance localhuman activities, thereby scaling up anthropogenicemissions. Both pathways will exert non-negligibleinfluences on air quality on local and regional scales.Zhang et al. [186] showed that without an upstreamcity, the urban heat island (UHI) effect over Balti-more would be 1.25◦C weaker and the PBL wouldbe 200 m shallower, which could redistribute theair pollutants throughout Baltimore. Anthropogenicheat emissions can significantly change theUHI andurban-breeze circulations in cities in the YangtzeRiver Delta region, which in turn changes the spa-

tial and vertical distributions of the simulated air pol-lutants [187]. Urban aerosols may also contributeto the UHI based on satellite observations and ur-ban climate simulations [188]. The urban–rural dif-ference in haze pollution levels is one of the key fac-tors determining nighttime UHI across China.

Rapid vertical mixtures in the convectiveboundary layer (CBL), along with a temperature-dependent partitioning of atmospheric nitratebetween the gas and aerosol phases, results incomplex interactions between dynamics and aerosolformation [189]. Near the top of the CBL (cooler),gaseous nitric acid and ammonia condense onammonium nitrate and the gas–aerosol equilibriumshifts towards the aerosol phase. Close to thesurface (warmer), ammonium nitrate evaporatesinto gaseous nitric acid and ammonia, shiftingthe equilibrium towards the gas phase. Using alarge-eddy simulation (LES) model coupled withradiation, chemistry and the surface exchange ofaerosols, Barbaro et al. [190] highlighted that theclose connection of the gas–aerosol conversion ofnitrate to CBL (thermo-)dynamics produces highlynonlinear concentration and vertical profiles ofturbulent flux.

Although a great deal of phenomena related toaerosol–PBL–chemistry interactions have been re-ported, most of the explanations for the underlyingmechanisms are qualitative and a deeper insight isstill warranted.

Aerosol, PBL and cloud interactionsThe interactions between cloud-nucleating aerosolsand the PBL involve complex feedbacks betweencloud microphysics, precipitation and PBL turbu-lence. Precipitation is a key component regulatingthe PBL evolution. When the aerosol concentra-tion increases, more but smaller cloud droplets areformed and precipitation is suppressed [2], leadingto significant changes in PBL evolution [191–193].

In a stratocumulus-topped PBL, the effects ofheavy drizzle on PBL turbulence and structure weresimulated with a LES model developed by Stevenset al. [191]. Significant evaporative cooling in thesub-cloud layer ensued and weakened mixing fromthe cloud layer to the sub-cloud layer. Less tur-bulent kinetic energy (TKE) was generated in thePBL, leading to a weaker cloud-top entrainment.As a result, the growth rate of the PBL was sloweddown and the PBL became thinner. PBL turbulenceand cloud-top entrainment can become significantlystronger with increasing aerosols [193].The growthrate of a stratocumulus-topped PBL increases withaerosol loading. Because the air in the inversion layer

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above the PBL is normally warm and dry, the en-hanced cloud-top entrainment can cause warmingand drying of the PBL and reduce the cloud liquidwater path (LWP) [194].

However, in a stratocumulus case with very weakdrizzle, the evaporative cooling andmoistening rightbelow the clouds can create instability for the sub-cloud layer. The weak drizzle then helps to produceTKE in the PBL. When aerosols are increased, thereduced drizzle results in weaker PBL turbulence[192]. This is because there is less evaporative cool-ing and less moistening below clouds, and thereforeweaker instability in the sub-cloud layer. The PBLthen has a less effective supply of surface water va-por to clouds and therefore a much lower LWP.Thereduced drizzle in the high cloud condensation nu-clei case is believed to weaken the coupling betweenthe surface and air in the PBL, and to reduce thevertical fluxes of heat and the transport of water va-por. This weakens any cloud development that mayensue.

In a cumulus-topped PBL, the aspect ratio, theturbulent mixing process, cloud organization andformation mechanisms of shallow cumulus cloudsall differ from the stratocumulus cloud case. As cu-mulus clouds introduce liquid water into the in-version layer, the subsequent evaporation providesmoisture and the dry inversion-layer air graduallybecomes moist and takes on the characteristics ofthe cloud layer, therefore deepening the PBL [195].Also, the non-precipitating cumulus-topped PBLgrows proportionally with time. It was hypothesizedthat the precipitation from shallow cumulus can ar-rest the growth of the PBL by the removal of liq-uid water from the cloud top. However, to whatextent the aerosol-induced changes in precipitationcan affect the PBL growth rate has not been wellstudied.

As aerosols increase in the cumulus-topped PBL,PBL turbulence is affected by two processes. Xueand Feingold [196] described one process in whichincreasing aerosols results in smaller cloud droplets,and therefore faster evaporation at the cloud topand edges. The faster evaporation tends to gener-ate stronger evaporative cooling and stronger down-drafts at cloud edges,whichproducesmoreTKEandenhances the evaporation of the clouds. This resultsin a smaller cloud fraction and thinner clouds. In an-other process described by Grabowski et al. [197],increasing aerosols leads to precipitation suppres-sion, less efficient condensate removal, and there-fore weaker buoyancy due to the water loading, re-sulting in shallower clouds. Although both of themechanisms suggest shallower clouds under higheraerosol-loading conditions, their underlying reasonsare completely different.

The patchy precipitation in cumulus clouds cancause a temperature anomaly (cold pool) and amoisture anomaly (moremoisture) in the sub-cloudlayer [198]. The evaporative cooling and associateddowndrafts lead to divergence at the center of theprecipitating cells at the surface and convergence atthe edges of theprecipitating cells.This facilitates theformation and development of new clouds, result-ing in amesoscale open cellular structure [199,200].In the polluted case, increased aerosols can sup-press precipitation and the formation of open cellu-lar structures.

In a cumulus-topped PBL, cumulus clouds arealso very efficient at vertically transporting aerosols[201].When the source is at the surface, aerosols aretransported upwards mainly through the updraft re-gions of cumulus clouds. When the source is in theinversion layer, which means that aerosols are trans-ported to the studied region by the free atmosphere,aerosols can be transported downwardmainly in thedowndrafts of the shell regions of cumulus clouds.

In summary, most studies have shown that in-creasing aerosols can suppress precipitation, as ex-pected from the traditional theory of cloud micro-physics. However, it has feedbacks to PBL turbu-lence, surface processes and radiation through sev-eral pathways. Further studies are needed to revealthemechanisms underlying these interactions in thePBL.

THE TREND AND FLUCTUATION OF AIRPOLLUTION: THE ROLES OFCIRCULATION, PBL, CLIMATE CHANGEANDWEATHERConcentrations of pollutants (aerosols and pre-cursor gases) are driven by emission, transforma-tion (e.g. gas to particle conversion), transport anddeposition. These drivers may be classified as beingchemical (e.g. the availability of oxidants), meteoro-logical (e.g. wind speed, temperature, humidity, pre-cipitation, soil moisture, solar radiation) and biolog-ical (e.g. vegetation cover andproperties), etc.Whileall these factors are at work in dictating air pollutionat any time and location, we argue that the followingfactors are most essential:(1) Emissions of precursor gases, primary and sec-

ondary aerosol particles;(2) Gas-to-particle, or new particle formation and

growth;(3) Large-scale circulation and local-scale aerosol–

PBL interactions;(4) Long-term climate change;(5) Weather regimes.

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Natural & Anthropogenic emissions

Natural & Anthropogenic emissions





BVOCs SO2 NOx... SO2 NOx...BVOCsVOCsNOx...



With BCWithout BC



Figure 7. A schematic figure showing the aerosol–boundary-layer feedback loop forscenarios without (left) and with (right) black carbon (BC) emissions in a megacity. Theblack lines give air temperature profiles (solid, dotted and dash-dotted lines for thescenarios with BC, without aerosols, and with aerosols except for BC, respectively).The yellow dashed lines with arrows denote the reflection of solar radiation by theground surface, clouds and aerosols. The red arrows show absorption of solar radiationby absorbing aerosols. The blue dash-dotted line indicates the top of the PBL. Whitearrows show the vertical ventilation of urban plumes induced by circulations or largeeddies induced by the urban heat island effect. (Adapted from [24].)

Since the first two topics will be addressed in sep-arate review articles of the same special issue, we willjust elaborate more on (3) to (5).

Large-scale circulation and local-scaleaerosol–PBL interactionsAir pollution is intimately related with large-scalecirculation and local-scale aerosol–PBL interactions[66,202–207]. High-resolutionmesoscalemeteoro-logical models, e.g. the MM5 and the WRF, havebeen widely used to study their joint roles. For ex-ample, MM5 simulations suggested that the evolu-tion of sea–land breezes and PBL dynamics wereinfluenced by an approaching northwest Pacific ty-phoon [205]. Based on WRF-FLEXPART simula-tions, it was found that the PBL air pollutants fromthe North China Plain can be transported by cy-clones and its associated warm conveyor belts tothe free troposphere over Northeast China [206].This study showed that Lagrangian modeling con-nected to high-resolution meteorological outputfrom mesoscale models could well demonstrate de-tailed air pollution transport and dispersion mech-anisms under specific synoptic weather conditions.Also, based on offline air-quality models [208,209],many previous studies have been conducted to un-

derstand PBL aerosols and their impacts in typicalregions ofChina under different synoptic conditions[210–215].

In comparison with ‘offline’ air-quality modelsthat often underestimate extreme aerosol peaks dur-ing severe haze episodes [215], ‘online’ coupledmodels considering the aerosol–radiation–PBL–weather feedback can improve the forecast capabili-ties of severe pollution events taking place in Beijingduring wintertime [216,217]. For the WRF-Chemsimulation with mixed biomass burning with urbanplumes [15], it showed that daytime mixed biomassburning plumes not only ‘burn off’ daytime precip-itation but also enhance nighttime precipitation indownwind regions [218]. It was also found that dustaerosols from Northwest China could have a strongaerosol–PBL feedback and influence the PBL struc-ture along transport pathways, which could even in-fluence the emission and deposition of dust in thesource and downwind regions [219].

Using the online-coupledWRF-Chemnumericalmodel,Ding et al. [24] first singled out the role of BCaerosol and PBL interactions in polluted events andattributed an extreme haze episode in East China tothepositive feedbackbetween absorbing aerosol andPBL. The feedback tends to lower the BLH, whichwas thus referred to as the ‘dome effect’, as illus-trated in a simplified conceptual scheme (Fig 7) thatis valid under the static state of the PBL. Under gen-eral conditions, mixing takes place due to any in-homogeneous heating of the atmosphere. The extraheating by aerosol absorption in the upper PBLmaybe mixed down into the interior of the PBL to lowerthe PBL.

The hypothesized ‘dome effect’ seems to prevaileven on the decadal trend of AOD retrieved fromsatellites (MODIS andMISR) at different altitudes.As shown in Fig 8a, Dong et al. [145] found oppo-site trends for AOD: decreasing and increasing be-low and above ∼0.5 km in northern China, whichis dominated by strong absorbing aerosols with lowSSA (45). The increase in the lower PBL is a testi-mony to the positive feedback caused by a reducedtemperature lapse rate or even inversion that keepspollutants accumulating, whereas above the layer ofmaximum absorption conditions the PBL becomesmore unstabilized andmore favorable for diffusionaltransport of pollutants. As such, even though theoverall basin-wide column total AODmay not havechanged much, the aerosol loading near the sur-face in the center of the basin has increased drasti-cally. To reinforce the argument, they also analyzedsimilar trends in southern China (cf. Fig 8), whereaerosols are generally less absorbing and thusweakerfeedback takes place. The trends of AOD at differ-ent altitudes are much more consistent with little

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-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06AOD trend in northern China









.l. (k



-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06AOD trend in southern China









.l. (k



Figure 8. The vertical profiles of AOD trends over the period of 2002–2014 as a function of altitude above sea level in northern (low SSA) and southern(high SSA) China derived from MODIS AQUA. (Adapted from [145].)

change, due presumably to the lack of the positivefeedback process.

These findings suggest that absorbing aerosolsnot only alter atmospheric thermodynamics and sta-bility, but can also effectively push down the BLHto severely exacerbate air pollution near the surface.Apparently, such a deterioration of air quality has lit-tle to dowith the emission of pollutants, butmore todo with their accumulation in a thinning PBL. Thiscould be an important mechanism that ought to beaccounted for in understanding and forecasting airpollution.

The mechanism may also help explain the sys-tematic difference in the PBL height between theUS South Great Plains and Hefei, Anhui, China, asshown in Fig. 9.The two sites have somewhat similarmeteorology, but aerosol concentrations and typesare distinctly different. AOD is much larger at Hefeithan at the SGP, and the opposite is true for the PBLheight. Besides, aerosols inChina are generallymoreabsorbing than the rural area of US due tomuch lessconsumption of coal.

The mechanism governing aerosol and PBL in-teractions for absorbing aerosols is illustrated in Fig.10. As a result of reduction in surface fluxes andatmospheric heating, the lapse rate decreases andprobability of inversion increases.These are unfavor-able for the dispersion of pollutants that would fur-ther enhance atmospheric stability, etc.

Aerosols and climate changeIncreased temperature can enhance the chemicalproduction of sulfate [220] but reduce nitrate for-mation through shifting gas–particle equilibrium[221,222]. All aerosol species are found to be verysensitive to changes in precipitation scavenging[223–225].As such, understandingof any long-termchanges in air pollution must take into account thechanges in climate [6,7], as well as the day-to-daychange in air quality [103]. In Asia, the monsoonis the most important dynamic regime dictating theAsian atmospheric environment whose changes arekey to understanding any long-term trend of air

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0.1-0.15<0.05 0.2-0.25 0.3-0.35

Daily mean AOD

Mean daily PBL with AOD








L he











L he




0.5-0.75<0.25 1.0-1.25 1.5-1.75

Daily mean AOD

Mean daily PBL with AOD

PBL Depth vs. AOD at SGP and Hefei

Figure 9. Boxplots showing the distribution of PBL depths with increasing AOD, at SGP (left) and Hefei (right). Adapted from the Ph.D dissertation ofV. Sawyer (2015).

Atmos stable, PBL down

Absorbingaerosol up

Atmos T upsurface T down

Lapse ratedown,

inversion up

Positive feedback

Figure 10. The mechanism of a positive feedback between absorbing aerosol andPBL interactions. T: temperature; Atmos: Atmospheric.

pollution [7]. On the other hand, climate changes inAsia, especially inChina, are also strongly affectedbyanthropogenic activities.

Climate change influences aerosol concentra-tions in China on different timescales, includingseasonal [226], interannual [135,227–230] anddecadal variations [135,227,231,232]. Summermonsoon rainfall, cross-equatorial flows that carryclean air from the oceans and the relatively higherBLH lead to generally lower aerosol concentrationsin summer than in winter [226]. In North China(32–42◦N, 110–120◦E), interannual variations of

11%−17% relative to the mean pollution concen-trations were simulated over 2004−2012 [228],indicating that the aerosol effect on the PBL couldvary greatly year by year. As special cases of aerosolinterannual variations, seasonal mean aerosolconcentrations in eastern China have been reportedto correlate negatively with East Asian monsoonstrength for both summer and winter [7,135,227].For decadal variations of aerosols, Yang et al. [231]reported that, although changes in anthropogenicemissions dominated the increasing trend in win-tertime PM2.5 concentrations over eastern China,variations inmeteorological parameters contributed17(±14)% to the overall increasing trend in PM2.5concentrations in this region from 1985 to 2005.

Climate change also influences severe fog andhaze events, especially in northern China in winter.Niu et al. [135] found that decadal and persistentdecreases in visibility were associated with a long-term reduction in cold-air outbreaks from Siberia,and an increase in calm or low-wind days, whichwere further attributed to global warming by meansof global climate model (GCM) simulations [135].Cai et al. [59] developed an effective haze weatherindex to represent such favorable weather condi-tions by using observed long-term PM2.5 daily con-centrations at Beijing and daily reanalysis of meteo-rological fields, and showed that favorable weatherconditions for severe haze increased by 10% over1982–2015 relative to 1948–1981, owing to globalwarming by greenhouse gases. Other studies alsoshowed consistent conclusions. As a result of global

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warming, reductions in Arctic sea-ice cover corre-lated with the increases in wintertime haze days innorthern China [60,233], and reduced mineral dustaerosol emissions led to more stagnant conditionsfavorable for haze days over eastern China [234]. Inaddition to climate change by anthropogenic forc-ing, natural climate variabilitywas found to influencehaze days. Decadal variability in the occurrence fre-quency of wintertime haze in central eastern Chinawas reported to be closely associatedwith the PacificDecadal Oscillation [235].

Aerosols and weather regimesThe vertical distribution of aerosol particles is sig-nificantly affected by meteorological conditions[66,236] such as convective transport and removalprocesses [237], and the PBL structure and pro-cesses [238–242]. Aerosol concentrations and effec-tive radii typically differ within and above the PBLsince the BLH and the intensity of the turbulence af-fect to some degree the 3D distribution of air pollu-tants [243,244]. It has been observed that fine parti-cles (< 2.5μm in aerodynamic diameter) tend to bewellmixed vertically during thedaytimewhile coarseparticles tend to reside close to the ground and sur-face due to gradation settling [245].

Modeling studies have suggested that the verti-cal distribution of aerosols tends to bemodulated bylocal atmospheric circulations [241,246,247] suchasmountain-valley breeze circulation and sea-breezecirculation. In mountain-valley/plain regions, thepresence of a mountain-valley breeze circulationcan modify the PBL structure over valleys/plainsthrough dynamic advection and the accompanyingthermal alteration [241,248,249]. Meanwhile, theupslopewindof a valley breeze circulationmaybringaerosols to the top of the PBL and form an elevatedpollution level there [246,250,251]. In coastal re-gions, the updraft induced by the frontal movementof a sea breeze may also bring near-surface aerosolsto the top of the PBL [241,252,253].

CONCLUDING REMARKSThe PBL involves a number of chemical, physicaland dynamic processes that are closely related tothe accumulation of aerosol pollution, dispersionand transport. There are complex interactions be-tween aerosol and PBL that jointly dictate air pollu-tion. PBL–aerosol interactions and their feedbackson meteorology thus complicate the forecasting ofair quality.

This paper presents a comprehensive review ofaerosols, the PBL, their interactions and impact onair quality. While we have learned a great deal on

all pertinent fronts, there is still a wide range offundamental PBL characteristics or key boundary-layer processes that are poorly understood or over-looked.Most work related to PBL processes is basedprimarily on time series of measurements made atfixed sites chiefly through field experiments thathave a poor spatial coverage. A dense network ofboth aerosol and meteorological measurements isurgently needed to gain an explicit insight into theevolution of the PBL and the roles of aerosols playedin combination with atmospheric processes drivenby both large-scale and local-scale processes. Thiswould improve PBL parameterizations and turbu-lence closures used in themodels. Amajor challengelies in the observation of the vertical profiles of at-mospheric variables and aerosol properties, nonebe-ing trivial at present but essential to improve ourunderstanding of aerosol–PBL interactions.This re-quires more state-of-the-art ground-based and air-borne measurements in different regions. For exam-ple, the BLH is a key variable whose observationis still far from being adequate. Sounding balloonsare generally launched twice per day, making it im-possible to study the diurnal variation of the PBLduring a day, whereas space-borne lidar has a lowsignal–noise ratio, and thus very large uncertainty,due to strong attenuation, besides being available atnadir view only. Likewise, there is a severe dearth ofvertical profile measurements of aerosol absorptionthat is the key for aerosol–PBL interactions.

In addition to boundary-layer measurements,PBL modeling efforts such as explicit PBL schemeshave to be improved in operational weather or cli-mate models. Current aerosol–climate models areable to simulate aerosol–climate interactions on sea-sonal, interannual and decadal timescales, but fewstudies have examined the changes in PBL from cli-mate simulations. Attention has mostly been paidto atmospheric temperature, circulation and pre-cipitation in a changing climate. PBL schemes aregenerally included as sub-models in atmosphericchemistrymodels, and numerical weather or climateprediction models, and are typically limited to a cer-tain scenario.The coarse horizontal and vertical res-olutions of climatemodels prohibit the accurate rep-resentation of boundary-layer processes. Many PBLschemes were developed mainly for applications inlow-resolutionmodels.These schemes would be dif-ficult to apply to increasingly high-resolution mod-els that require more detailed and explicit repre-sentations of physical processes and physiograph-ical features. Considering that climate models aremoving forward to higher resolutions, accurate rep-resentations of land use, sub-grid thermal and dy-namical structures, as well as the radiative effectsof aerosols on the boundary layer, are the keys to

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improving simulations of boundary layer, air qualityand climate. Continual development of PBLmodelsand parameterization schemes is thus highly recom-mended. Forecasting of air quality may be improvedsignificantly by accounting for the aerosol–PBLinteractions, which further require both aerosolloading and aerosol-absorption property, includingits vertical distribution.

While the aerosol–PBL interaction plays a keyrole in air pollution, it is by nomeans the sole mech-anism dictating air pollution, which is affected by alot of different mechanisms and processes, but theyare not the foci of this review. Other pertinent fac-tors and their associations with aerosol pollution arepursued in other review papers, such as the effects ofnew particle formation [25], and large-scale circula-tion associated with monsoon systems [7].

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank Prof. Tong Zhu for his invitation to write this reviewarticle. We also appreciate the efforts made by J. Li, who helpedgenerate Fig. 5.

FUNDINGThe majority of the authors are supported by the NationalHaze Research Program of the Natural Science Foundationof China (91544217, 91544229, 91544230, 91544231 and91744207), the National Basic Research Program on GlobalChange (2013CB955804), the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China (41471301 and 41771399), National ScienceFoundation of US (5245880), and Chinese Academy of Meteo-rological Sciences (2017Z005).

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Appendix 1: List of acronyms and abbreviations used in this paper.

Acronyms Full name

ACI Aerosol–cloud interactionAERI Atmospheric emitted radiance interferometerAOD Aerosol optical depthARI Aerosol–radiation interactionBC Black carbonCALIOP Cloud–aerosol lidar with orthogonal polarizationCBL Convective boundary layerEAST-AIRE East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: an International Regional ExperimentHOPE J3A Haze Observation Project Especially for Jing-Jin-Ji AreaLES Large-eddy simulationMODIS Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometerMPH Maximum probability heightNa Aerosol Number ConcentrationPBL Planetary Boundary LayerPRIDE-PRD Program of Regional Integrated Experiments of Air Quality over Pearl River DeltaRH Relative humiditySORPES Station for Observing Regional Processes of the Earth SystemSSA Single scattering albedoTI Temperature inversionTKE Turbulent kinetic energyUHI Urban heat island

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