Aerobask GTN 750 / 650aerobask.com/Doc/panthera/Aerobask_GTN_manual.pdfAerobask GTN 750 / 650 FOR SIMULATION ONLY! DO NOT USE FOR REAL FLIGHT! AEROBASK GARMIN GTN 750 / 650 FOR X-PLANE

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Owner's Manual

Aerobask GTN 750 / 650


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Developped from scratch by Lionel Zamouth.Associated with our EFIS Skyview, the Aerobask GTNs offer the most advanced glass-cockpit simulation for X-Plane General Aviation.

The GTNs are fully integrated in our aircraft.

System Requirement :Windows / Mac OS / Linux

CAUTION Our EFIS simulate the true Garmin instruments, but they do not reproduce them strictly.Do not use for real training.


Popup views 3


Transponder Control 4

Home page 5

Moving map 6

Terrain Proximity 7

Traffic Information Service (TIS) 8

Charts 9-10


Procedures 14

Direct To 15

Weather 16

Nearest 17

Waypoint info 18-19

Autopilot 20

Utilities 21

Checklists 22

DALT/TAS/Winds 23

Flight Timers 24

Credits 25


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Our aircraft offers you to optionally show the EFIS 750/650 as popup windows.

You can move and resize the popups using your mouse and close them using the small “x” icon on their upper right corner.


Click on the border frame in the 3D cockpit to display the pop-up

Click on the border frame in the 3D cockpit to display the pop-up

Click & drag to resize the pop-up

Click to close the popup

Click to reset the pop-upto its original size.

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Active Com Frequency

Back Home page

Squawk CodeWindow

Volume, Squelch On/Off, and Nav ID On/Off

Standby Com FrequencyActive Nav Frequency

Standby Nav Frequency

Xpdr PanelControls

Squawk CodeBackspace Key

Enter Key

TransponderMode Keys

VFR SquawkCode (1200) Key

Numeric Keypad

Touch the IDENT key once to reply with an identifying squawkcode.


Large andSmall Knobs(FrequencyAdjust)

Com/Nav StandbyEditing Window

Com/Nav frequencies are selected by touching the value in the standby Com/Nav frequency field and usingthe subsequent keypad.The GTN750 features COM1/NAV1, the GTN650 features COM2/NAV2.

Transponder code is selected by touching the value in the XPDR Panel Control field and usingthe subsequent keypad.

VFR SquawkCode (1200) KeyVFR SquawkCode (1200) Key

Com/Nav frequencies and Transponder are selected by touching the value in the standby Com/Nav frequency / Xpdr Panel field and usingthe subsequent keypad.

Mic / MonitoringSelection

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GTN 750

GTN 650

Active & Standby Com1 Frequency

Back Home page

Direct To

Large andSmall Knobs

Volume, Squelch On/Off, and Nav ID On/Off

Active & Standby Nav1 Frequency

Audio Panel / Xpdr PanelControls

Active & Standby Com2 Frequency

Active & Standby Nav2 Frequency

Audio Panel / Xpdr PanelControls

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The Map page is used to provide situational awareness in flight.

Active Flight Plan leg

Touch the Menu to access options

Aircraft GSL Value

Map ScaleMap menu to change Resolution, displaying, etc...

The Map page can display the following information :

Airports, NAVAIDsFlight plan legs,Topography data,Aircraft icon,Nav range ring.

Aircraft GSL Value


Navigation SourceSelection

Tab to select your display options

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Terrain Proximity uses information provided from the GPS receiver to provide a horizontal position and altitude.

Red Terrain Is Above Or Within 100 ft Below The Aircraft Altitude

Touch the Menu to access options

There are low, average and hi-resolution options for adapting to your system's performance.

Aircraft GSL Value

Yellow Terrain Is Between 100 ft and 1000 ft Below The Aircraft Altitude

Terrain Scale

Terrain Page 120° Arc or 360° Rings

Touch the Flight Plan key to toggle the display of active flight plan on or off.

Terrain scale

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Available on both GTN750 & 650.The Traffic Information Service (TIS) is intended for advisory use only. TIS is intended to help the pilot locate traffic visually. It is the responsibility of the pilot to see and maneuver to avoid traffic.The TIS is designed to help in detection and avoidance of other aircraft.

Your aircraft position

Range ringdistance

Current selected traffic information

Our TIS works with:• AI aircrafts• IVAO• VATSIM• Pilot Edge




Alert TrafficProximityAdvisoryWith vocal alert

Current Network online

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The Chart feature provides a digital representation of a paper airport charts and provides no vertical or lateral course guidance.

Click and hold to move the chart in the window

Touch To Select your airport

Zoom chartClick to choose a full or split display

Touch to select a chart in the current set

Touch to select a chart

Note:There's a short latency when selecting a new chart. This is normal and should not be reported as a bug, as images are loaded and unloaded on-demand in order to limit memory footprint.

Touch to select a charts set

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Install your charts setBy default, the folder ‘charts’ is installed in the main directory aircraft.You can share your charts with another aicraft using our technology by copying the ‘charts’ folder in the X-Plane ‘Custom Data’ folder.

To add a new airport charts set, just create a new folder named with the ICAO code in the ‘charts’ folder.

How To create your own charts setAll charts source can be used. The only requirement is to convert your charts to PNG format.

Step 1 : convert automaticaly your PDF charts online with the website : http://pdf2png.com/Step 2 : rename your PNG charts according to the following rules:INF.xxxxx.png for the Information charts (ground mouvement, obstacles, area, etc…)DEP.xxxxx.png for the Departure chartsAPP.xxxxx.png for the Approach chartsARR.xxxxx.png for the Arrival charts

Caution: no special or accented characters.Next, copy your PNG charts in your dedicated airport folder. Check the default LFBZ folder (charts/LFBZ) included in the aircraft to get an example.

CAUTION : Before sharing charts with other users, ensure you have the right to distribute them.

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The Flight Plan function is accessed by touching the Flight Plan key on the Home page. The Flight Plan function allows you to create, store, edit, and copy flight plans.You can choose SID&STAR and AIRWAYS.

First screen. Click the Menu key to access

Flight Plan displayed. Use your mouse wheel to scroll in the list

Menu tab.Click ‘Catalog’ icon to choose a saved FPL on your HDD.

Choose your FPL in the list. Click ‘Activate’ to valid.

Click a WPT to get the options.

According the selected WPT, the ‘Options’ Tab displays several choice. For example, add Departure (SID), Arrival (STAR) or Airways.

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Click the ‘Load Airway’ key

Select your airway Select the exit point

The Airway is automatically added in the flight planThe Airway is automatically added in the flight plan

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Click the ‘Load Departure’ key

Select your runway Select the SID

The SID/STAR are automatically addedin the flight lan

First, select your departure Airport


Click the ‘Load Arrival’ key

Select your final

Select the STARFirst, select your Arrival



Select Transition

Select Approach

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Click the ‘PROC’’ key on the main page to access.

From this page, you can directly add SID/STAR in your flight plan.Make sure you you created a FPL before access.

Select your departure/arrival airport to choose the according procedure.

Read the page 13 for more information.

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Select a tab.WPT: to choose any WPTFPL: to choose any WPT in your FPLNRST APT: to choose a proximity airport

Direct-To key

Click the Direct-To key to access to options.

Click the key to activate the Direct-To

Selected WPT

Select a WPT in your FPL or a proximity airport

The Direct-To feature is available on the 650 too.

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The current weather is displayed on the Weather page.

Winds speed(3 levels)

Cloud cover(3 levels)

WindsDirection(3 levels)

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Find easily the nearest airports, VOR, FIX, etc...

Touch to find an airport, VOR, NDB or FIX

Click to scroll the list up/down

Click to select your choice

Click to select your choice Set Frequencies COM/NAV directly(see WAYPOINT INFO page)

Use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the list !

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From this page, you can :● Get information about any airport, VOR, NDB or FIX.● Find and select all radios frequencies.● Select a Direct To.● Get the charts

Touch to find an airport, VOR, NDBor FIX

Touch to get information from the WPT selected

Use the numpad toSearch your WPT

Click the keyboard icon to activate your physical keyboard. The icon lights up when the keyboard is selected

Info page


Select a Direct To

Click to view the airport charts

Click to select the runways to get the information

Click to select a new WPT Select a tab

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Frequencies page

Click to see and choose all COM frequencies available on the selected airport


Click to see and choose all NAV frequencies available on the selected airport

Click to inject the selected frequency to NAV1 or NAV2

Click to set the OBS

Click to inject the selected frequency to COM1 / COM2

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We choose to add this feature on the GTN650 to manage the autopilot easily in simulation.In this mode, you can select/activate all functions available.

Note : the Skyviews EFIS provide the AP features too. Please refer to the dedicated manual.

● AP: This button activates or de-activates the autopilot.

● FD: This button shows or hides the flight director bars on the PFD. The flight director shows you the direction and altitude you need to fly in order to reach a set target heading and target altitude.

● HDG: This button activates the autopilot's heading hold mode. The autopilot will follow the heading bug you set on the PFD's HSI.

● NAV: This button activates the autopilot's navigation mode. The autopilot will follow the active navigation source. Change the navigation source with the „HSI SRC“ softkey in the PFD or GTNs menu.

● APR: This button activates the autopilot's approach mode. Use this button for capturing the localizer and glideslope of an ILS approach.

● IAS: This button activates the IAS hold mode. The autopilot will try to hold the indicated airspeed set on the PFD's speedtape.

● VS: This button activates the vertical speed mode. The autopilot will try to climb or descend with the speed selected with the “UP/DN” buttons. The autopilot will climb or descend to the altitude pre-selected.

● ALT: This button activates the altitude hold mode. The autopilot will hold the current or pre-selected altitude.

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The Utilities page provides a group of features that will support your flight planning to make them easier and more efficient.

Current active features (more features will are added in future update) :

Flight Timers – Interactive Checklists – DALT/TAS/Winds




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Interactive Checklists


Select a Group:Normal ChecklistsEmergency ChecklistsReference

Select a Checklist, according the Group.



You must validate all items (green checkmark) to switch to the next.

Blue items are optional.

Checklists menu

Use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the list !

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Density Alt / TAS / Winds indicates the theoretical altitude at whichyour aircraft performs depending upon several variables, including indicatedaltitude (Indicated ALT), barometric pressure (BARO) and total air tempera-ture (TAT; the temperature, including the heating effect of speed, read ona standard outside temperature gauge). This item computes true airspeed(TAS) and density altitude, based upon the factors above. Also, this featuredetermines winds aloft — the wind direction and speed — and a headwind/tail wind component, based on true airspeed, aircraft heading (HDG)and ground speed.

Click To SelectIndicated Altitude

Click To Select Baro Pressure

Click To ToggleSenor Data Use

TRK, HDG, &GS Statistics

Click To SelectTotal Air Temp

DALT, TAS, andWinds Statistics

Click To SelectCalibrated AirSpeed

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Flight Timers


Selected CounterDirection


Select PresetTime (use Numeric Keypad)

Select Criteria ForTimer Start

The Flight Timers function provides count up/down timers, plus automatic recording of departure time, and total trip time. Departure and total trip time recording can be configured to run either any time unit power is on, or only when your ground speed exceeds the in-air threshold set by the installer

750 and 650 timers are independent.

If the Generic Timer Direction counter is set to "Up," the Reset Timer key will be shown and when touched will return thetimer to 00:00:00. If the Direction counter is set to "Down," the Preset Timer key will be shown and the key will return the timer to the Preset time value.

Elapsed TimeDeparture Time

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Manual template: Mario DonickSome texts: From the original Garmin manual