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Aeration ControlSystem Design

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Aeration ControlSystem Design

A Practical Guide to Energy andProcess Optimization

Thomas E. Jenkins, PEJenTech Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Jenkins, Thomas E., 1950-

Aeration control system design : a practical guide to energy and process optimization / Thomas E.

Jenkins, PE, JenTech Inc. – First edition.

pages cm

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-118-38998-0 (hardback)

1. Sewage–Purification–Aeration. 2. Water–Aeration. 3. Supervisory control systems. 4. Sewage

disposal plants–Energy conservation. I. Title.

TD758.J47 2013



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Page 7: Aeration Control System Design: A Practical Guide to ... · A Practical Guide to Energy and Process Optimization ... Aeration control system design : a practical guide to energy


Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

List of Figures xv

List of Tables xxi

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Basic Concepts and Objectives / 2

1.2 Safety / 9

1.3 The Importance of an Integrated Approach / 10

1.4 Importance of Operator Involvement / 13

1.5 The Benefits of Successful Aeration Process Automation / 14

1.5.1 Energy Cost Reduction / 14

1.5.2 Treatment Performance / 18

1.5.3 Improved Equipment Life / 18

Example Problems / 19

2 Initial System Assessment 21

2.1 Define Current Operations / 24

2.1.1 Energy Cost / 25

2.1.2 Energy Consumption Patterns / 29


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2.1.3 Influent and Effluent Process Parameters / 35

2.1.4 Treatment Performance / 36

2.2 Evaluate Process and Equipment / 37

2.3 Benchmark Performance / 40

2.4 Estimate Potential Energy Savings and Performance Improvement / 42

2.5 Prepare Report / 45

Example Problems / 47

3 Aeration Processes 49

3.1 Process Fundamentals / 49

3.1.1 Peripheral Equipment and Processes / 55

3.1.2 BOD Removal / 62

3.1.3 Nitrification / 66

3.1.4 Denitrification / 67

3.2 Loading Variations and Their Implications / 68

3.3 Process Limitations and Their Impact on Control Systems / 70

Example Problems / 74

4 Mechanical and Diffused Aeration Systems 77

4.1 Oxygen Transfer Basics / 78

4.2 Types of Aerators / 87

4.2.1 Mechanical Aerators / 88

4.2.2 Mechanical Aeration Control Techniques / 90

4.2.3 Diffused Aeration / 95

4.2.4 Diffused Aeration Control Techniques / 103

4.3 Savings Determinations / 106

Example Problems / 111

5 Blowers and Blower Control 113

5.1 Common Application and Selection Concerns / 114

5.1.1 Properties of Air / 114

5.1.2 Effect of Humidity / 119

5.1.3 Pressure Effects / 123

5.1.4 Common Performance Characteristics / 125

5.2 Positive Displacement Blowers and Control Characteristics / 134

5.2.1 Types and Characteristics / 134

5.2.2 Lobe Type PD Blowers / 134


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5.2.3 Screw Blowers / 138

5.2.4 Control and Equipment Protection Considerations / 141

5.3 Dynamic Blowers / 143

5.3.1 Types and Characteristics / 144

5.3.2 Multistage Centrifugal Blowers / 150

5.3.3 Geared Single Stage Centrifugal Blowers / 152

5.3.4 Turbo Blowers / 154

5.3.5 Control and Protection Considerations / 155

Example Problems / 157

6 Piping Systems 161

6.1 Design Considerations / 162

6.1.1 Layout / 162

6.1.2 Pipe Size / 172

6.1.3 Pipe Material / 174

6.2 Pressure Drop / 178

6.3 Control Valve Selection / 182

Example Problems / 187

7 Instrumentation 191

7.1 Common Characteristics and Electrical Design Considerations / 192

7.2 Pressure / 202

7.3 Temperature / 205

7.4 Flow / 209

7.5 Analytic Instruments / 216

7.5.1 Dissolved Oxygen / 217

7.5.2 Offgas Analysis / 221

7.5.3 pH and ORP / 224

7.6 Motor Monitoring and Electrical Measurements / 224

7.7 Miscellaneous / 226

Example Problems / 230

8 Final Control Elements 233

8.1 Valve Operators / 234

8.2 Guide Vanes / 238

8.3 Motor Basics / 239

8.4 Motor Control / 247

8.5 Variable Frequency Drives / 251

Example Problems / 259


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9 Control Loops and Algorithms 261

9.1 Control Fundamentals / 264

9.1.1 Discrete Controls / 264

9.1.2 Analog Control / 267

9.1.3 Proportional-Integral-Derivative / 271

9.1.4 Deadband Controllers / 274

9.1.5 Floating Control / 276

9.2 Dissolved Oxygen Control / 280

9.3 Aeration Basin Air Flow Control / 287

9.4 Pressure Control / 288

9.5 Most-Open-Valve Control / 291

9.6 Blower Control and Coordination / 293

9.7 Control Loop Timing Considerations / 302

9.8 Miscellaneous Controls / 303

Example Problems / 305

10 Control Components 309

10.1 Programmable Logic Controllers / 310

10.1.1 System Architecture / 314

10.1.2 Program Structure / 315

10.1.3 Communications Networks / 318

10.1.4 Accommodating Instrument Inaccuracy and Failure / 322

10.2 Distributed Control Systems / 323

10.3 Human Machine Interfaces / 323

10.3.1 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition / 325

10.3.2 Touchscreens / 327

10.4 Control Panel Design Considerations / 328

Example Problems / 330

11 Documentation 333

11.1 Specification Considerations / 335

11.2 Data Lists / 338

11.3 Process and Instrumentation Diagrams / 341

11.4 Ladder and Loop Diagrams / 342

11.5 One-Line Diagrams / 344

11.6 Installation Drawings / 345

11.7 Loop Descriptions / 347

11.8 Operation and Maintenance Manuals / 348

Example Problems / 349


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12 Commissioning 351

12.1 Inspection / 354

12.2 Testing / 357

12.3 Tuning / 361

12.4 Training / 365

12.5 Measurement and Verification of Results / 368

Example Problems / 369

13 Summary 371

13.1 Review of Integrated Design Procedure / 371

13.2 Potential Problem Areas / 374

13.3 Benefits / 375

Example Problems / 375

Appendix A: Example Problem Solutions 377

Appendix B: List of Equations and Variables 447

Bibliography 485

Index 487


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Page 13: Aeration Control System Design: A Practical Guide to ... · A Practical Guide to Energy and Process Optimization ... Aeration control system design : a practical guide to energy


This is an engineering manual.

There are a lot of excellent resources available for energy conservation in

wastewater treatment facilities. They contain a great deal of useful information

on developing and implementing energy conservation programs. Most of them

discuss aeration in general and automated aeration control in particular. Many of

them include case histories identifying successful implementations of aeration

control and showing the resulting savings. A few identify unsuccessful attempts

and how to avoid problems.

To the best of my knowledge none of the available resources provide the detailed

engineering procedures required to design, commission, and test an aeration control

system. To the best of my knowledge none of the available resources provide detailed

guidance on applying the multiple engineering disciplines—mechanical, electrical,

and environmental—necessary for successful system design.

The information in this book is the result of over 30 years experience in analyzing

energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants. It includes the lessons learned in

the design of over 200 aeration control systems. This is hard-won knowledge, and

was gained by personal experience in all of the tasks needed to develop concepts, sell

management on the cost-effectiveness, get operator buy-in, and work through the

inevitable start-up issues. The intent is to explain the nuts and bolts details of what to

do—and what not to do—in designing aeration control systems.

There are two concepts that appear repeatedly in this book. First, there are no hard

and fast rules. Steady-state operation is virtually nonexistent in wastewater treat-

ment. This leads to the second concept. Whenever possible the assistance and input

of equipment manufacturers should be obtained in order to obtain the highest level of

precision possible in calculations.


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Unfortunately, equipment manufacturers may not be responsive enough to meet

the tight deadlines associated with many energy conservation and control designs.

Worse, in some cases the information obtained may not be pertinent or even accurate.

A thorough knowledge of the many aspects of aeration system operation is necessary

to filter good information from bad and to make independent evaluations when

outside sources fail. My intent is to provide that knowledge.

Another theme that appears throughout this text is “reasonable accuracy.” One

unfortunate side effect of the wide availability of computers, math software, and

advanced modeling programs is the tendency to create elaborate analyses of various

alternatives. The results, calculated to 10 or 20 digits, are reassuring and intellectu-

ally satisfying. There is a tendency to forget that the elaborate calculations are all

based on initial assumptions that are only correct to two or three significant digits!

There is a time for detailed and precise calculations, and sophisticated modeling

can provide insight into relationships between variables that would be difficult to

achieve in any other way. However, when the early stages of the design process

require deciding between multiple alternatives, it is generally adequate to use what

used to be called “slide rule accuracy.” Then, when the problem has been narrowed

and the needed supporting data gathered, more advanced calculation methods can be

used for the final analysis and design confirmation.

This book will show in detail how to predict savings, how to design systems that

meet the mechanical, electrical, and process requirements, and how to commission

the systems to secure successful operation. It is wide ranging in scope, but focused on

providing practical guidance to creating aeration control systems that the operators

will feel comfortable leaving in automatic.


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First and foremost the credit for making this book possible goes to my wife, Ginny. I

know—everybody says that. In this case Ginny has earned the credit a hundred times

over. She gave me support and encouragement, of course. But more than that she

backed me 30 years ago when I had “an idea,” supported me when I began a business

to commercialize that idea, figured out how to feed our family through the long lean

years getting started, and for many years handled the finances for the business purely

as an act of love. “Thanks” is inadequate, but all I have.

I also need to thank our employees. Over the years they contributed their hard

work, ideas, and expertise to improving and implementing aeration control systems.

All of them were important, but a special “thank you” goes to Tim Hilgart. He stuck

it out through the tough times and was in it for the long haul. In my long career I have

met no better engineer or finer man.

Finally, I want to thank my brother Paul and all of the plant operators I have

worked with over the years. These professionals contributed insights, ideas, and

encouragement. Some also contributed harsh and much needed criticism because

they knew and understood reality in a way that no engineer really can. I hope this

book repays their efforts by helping engineers design solutions—not problems!


Milwaukee, WI
