Connecting Rod Manual April 2006 Compiled & edited By Mike Caruso, Steve Fox, Dave Hagen, Yolanda Carranza & Scott Groves Copyright © AERA 2006 Printed in U.S.A. AERA - Engine Builders Association 330 Lexington Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6998 Tech Support - (888) 324-2372 (847) 541-6550 FAX (857) 541-5808 http://www.aera.org Note: Do not attempt to use solely as an interchange manual. This manual contains all information from previous editions and was compiled from the best available sources, and has been edited with the utmost care. Neither the Association nor its staff can assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this data or the consequences of its application.

Aeraid Connecting Rod Manual

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  • Connecting Rod Manual

    April 2006

    Compiled & edited By

    Mike Caruso, Steve Fox, Dave Hagen, Yolanda Carranza & Scott Groves

    Copyright AERA 2006

    Printed in U.S.A.

    AERA - Engine Builders Association 330 Lexington Drive

    Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6998

    Tech Support - (888) 324-2372 (847) 541-6550

    FAX (857) 541-5808


    Note: Do not attempt to use solely as an interchange manual.

    This manual contains all information from previous editions and was compiled from the best available sources, and has been edited with the utmost care. Neither the Association nor its staff can assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this data or the consequences of its application.

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    Table of Contents

    Note: Do not attempt to use as an interchange manual. Section 1. The Connecting Rod Manual Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Preliminary Checks 4 Machinists Shop Data 4 - 5 Engine and/or Equipment Specifications 6 Quick Cubic Inch Displacement & Compression 7 Abbreviations & Symbol Marks 8 Modo de Empleo en Espaol 9 - 11 Clculo Rpido del Desplazamiento 12 Abreviaturas y Smbolos 13 Index 14 - 15 Section 2. Specifications by Manufacturers 17 452 Section 3. Connecting Rod Applications by Casting Number 453 - 539

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    Introduction AERA gratefully acknowledges the excellent cooperation and feedback provided by all Past, Active and Associate members who were called upon for assistance in the creation of this manual. This manual is created from latest information contained and maintained in PRO-SIS AERAs Engine Specification Software program. All information contained in the manual is available on a CD-ROM for use in your shop. PRO-SIS also links these specifications with applicable AERA Technical Bulletins for easy review of the latest product updates and revisions. The word PRO-SIS stands for Professional Specification Information Software. PRO-SIS Engine Specifications is a trademark of AERA.

    Preliminary Connecting Rod Checks Assuming that the connecting rod is otherwise serviceable, the complete rod should be checked for cracks or flaws through magnetic particle inspection. Furthermore, the connecting rod should be checked for twist and bend. All bolt spot faces should be flat and without visible fretting. The connecting rod bolt and/or nut should be checked for elongation and worn or stripped threads. Torque-to-yield and other fasteners should be replaced in accordance with original manufacturer recommendations. During printing of this manual, AERA listed all known bolts that require replacement, however, OEM manufacturers make changes to bolts often. If you have a question please call the Techline, because we have the latest information from the OEM manufacturers and we update our PROSIS engine specification program daily. Necessary corrections should be made before processing and machining to minimize the danger of costly engine repair, lost machine time and disruption of shop work schedules.

    Machinists Shop Data Identifying a Connecting Rod - When the accurate identity of a component is not known it is best to first attempt to locate an identifying number or mark. It is suggested to identify rods before cleaning in an oven because you might bake off any ink or paint makings. A forging number is usually stamped or cast into the connecting rod. All available numbers known to AERA have been listed in this manual. Certain connecting rods do not carry a forging number. Identification may be possible from insignias, paint marks or other markings located on the connecting rod. Reference the comments in the Alphabetical Listing by Manufacturer section of this manual for these marks. Locating Specifications by Casting Number - Find the casting number in the numerical list of casting numbers. The corresponding engine manufacturer, displacement(s), and specifications are detailed in the alphabetical listing section. An asterisk (*) following the engines displacement suggests that additional information about the connecting rod can be found in the alphabetical listing comment section.

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    Locating Specifications by Manufacturer - Each engine make is listed by number of cylinders in the alphabetical listing section (i.e., four cylinder, six cylinder, eight cylinder, etc.). Displacement is listed in liters from smallest to largest. Some heavy-duty engines are listed by model number in place of liter displacement for easier reference. Note that extensive use of VIN codes has been made to insure that the proper specifications are listed. Multiple VIN listings: Vehicle manufacturers use the same VIN designation character for different engines, (i. e. GM uses 1.6L VIN 6) these engines that are manufactured by four different engine companies, Daewoo, Isuzu, Suzuki & Toyota. Others such as the Ford 5.0L VIN F have seven different records according to years used. Those different records are necessary as engine specifications or castings changed significantly enough to warrant a different record. All available connecting rod specification and application data are shown to the right and below the displacement specification. All dimensions are expressed in inches unless otherwise noted.

    Note: Do not attempt to use as an interchange manual.

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    Engine And/Or Equipment Specifications

    Manufacturer - Listed in alphabetical order. Since many vehicle manufacturers will offer engines of other than their own manufacture, it may be necessary to refer to another section in the manual. Saturn (i.e., see GM, Lincoln, Mercury - see; Ford, AMC, Rambler, Jeep/Eagle - see Chrysler, - International, see Navistar). Liter - The engine's displacement in liters. This information is generally supplied by the engine manufacturer. Model - Heavy duty and industrial engines, such as Caterpillar, are listed by their engine model number rather than Liter displacement. One notable exception is Cummins, where engine model numbers have been replaced by their Liter displacement. VIN/Code - Either the original equipment manufacturer's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), or a commonly used Code to delineate between engines of like displacement, is listed in this column. Year Produced and/or Used - this data is applicable when the column shows the production year, or years, when the engine is or was made and/or used by the manufacturer. The year(s) data is also used to indicate variations in model years when an engine is, or was, used in differently named vehicles and/or equipment. Cntr-to-Cntr - The center-to-center distance is the length of the connecting rod when measured from the center of the big end bore to the center of the small end bore. Assembly Orientation - The assembly orientation of the piston and connecting rod. Big End Bore - The diameter of the lower or big end bore of the connecting rod. Bolt Dia. - The diameter of the big end bolts. Small End Bore - The diameter of the top or small end of the connecting rod. If a wrist pin bushing is fitted, this will be the inside diameter of the finished bushing. Bore w/Bushing - When a connecting rod is fitted with a wrist pin bushing, this is the diameter of the parent bore. Wrist Pin Dia. - The outside diameter of the wrist pin. Lock/Float - The type of retaining mechanism that is used to maintain the position of the wrist pin. Locked usually refers to the use of a locking ring. Torque - The specified amount of torque for the big end bolts Casting # - The casting numbers found on this connecting rod. Comments - The last line of each listing may contain additional information about this particular engine.

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    Quick Cubic Inch Displacement

    .7854 X bore diameter X bore diameter X crankshaft stroke = cubic inches of one cylinder.

    .7854 X 4.00 = 3.1416 X 4.00 = 12.57 X 3.484 = 43.79 cubic inches of one cylinder.

    One cylinder containing 43.79 cubic inches X number of cylinders 8 = 350.32

    Quick Check Engine Compression Ratios

    The calculation of an engine's compression ratio (C.R.) is based on the formula:

    SV + CV CR = --------------

    CV S.V. = Swept Volume for one cylinder in ccs. = Bore X Bore X Stroke X 12.9 C.V. = Clearance Volume for one cylinder in ccs. = H.V. minus E.D.V. plus D.V. plus G.V. H.V. = Head Volume (published or measured in ccs) = Best if measured because head volume varies. E.D.V. = Effective Dome Volume (published or measured in ccs) = Dome Volume minus valve relief and/or dish volume D.V. = Deck Volume clearance (piston to deck) in ccs = Bore X Bore X deck height X 12.9 G.V. = Gasket Volume in ccs = Gasket bore X gasket bore X compressed thickness X 12.9 or enter known gasket volume.

    All compression volume measurements are in cubic centimeters. (ccs)

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    Abbreviations & Symbols

    AIR air injection/thermactor ports BC barrel carburetor BS balance shaft CC cubic centimeters CFI central fuel injection Cyl. cylinder DEFI dual electronic fuel injection DIA diameter DOHC dual overhead camshaft E external EFI electronic fuel injection EX except EXH exhaust valve FWD front wheel drive HD heavy-duty HP horsepower HYD hydraulic I internal INT intake valve IVSH installed valve stem height LP liquid propane MFI multi-port fuel injection N/ none or not NA not available OHC overhead camshaft OHV overhead valve RWD rear wheel drive SOHC single overhead camshaft TBI throttle body injection VIN vehicle identification number VLV valve V/PRO valve protrusion V/REC valve recession W/ with W/O without

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    Manual de Bielas


    AERA reconoce y agradece el excelente apoyo de todos los miembros Activos y Asociados cuya colaboracin se solicit para la elaboracin de este manual. El manual fue preparado con la informacin mas reciente contenida y mantenida en los Programas (Software) de Especificaciones de Motores PRO-SIS de AERA. Toda la informacin contenida en el manual est disponible en un Disco Compacto (CD-ROM) para el uso en su taller. PRO-SIS asimismo vincula estas especificaciones con los Boletines Tcnicos de AERA para as contar con una revisin sencilla de las actualizaciones y modificaciones de los productos y partes mas recientes. La palabra PROSIS significa Professional Specification Information Software. PROSIS Especificaciones de Motores es una marca de AERA.

    Revisiones Preliminares de Bielas Asumiendo que la biela puede estar sujeta a reparacin, la biela completa deber ser verificada con el objeto de comprobar si existen fracturas, a travs de una inspeccin magntica de partculas. Adicionalmente, la biela deber ser verificada para el caso de que existan torceduras o que pudiere estar doblada. Todas las caras lisas debern estar planas y sin desgaste visible. El tornillo y la tuerca de la biela debern verificarse para detectar un posible alargamiento y desgaste en las cuerdas. La fuerza de torsin y los sujetadores debern sustituirse de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del fabricante original. Durante la impresin de este manual, AERA enumer todos los tornillos conocidos que requieren reemplazo, sin embargo, la Fabricante de Equipo Original a menudo realiza cambios a los tornillos. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta llame a nuestra lnea tcnica, nosotros tenemos la informacin mas reciente del Fabricante de Equipo Original y actualizamos el programa de PROSIS diariamente. Debern hacerse las correcciones necesarias antes de procesar y rectificar con objeto de minimizar el riesgo de una reparacin costosa al motor, perdida de tiempo de rectificacin e interrupcin de los horarios de trabajo.

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    Informacin para Talleres de Rectificado

    Identificacin de Biela Cuando la identidad exacta de un determinado componente no se conozca, lo mejor es intentar primero ubicar un nmero o marca de identificacin. Se sugiere que identifique las bielas antes de limpiarlas, ya que algunas marcas pintadas pueden borrarse con este proceso. Por lo general aparece un nmero forjado o estampado en la biela. Todos los nmeros de fundicin disponibles conocidos por AERA han quedado listados en este manual. Ciertas bielas no llevan un nmero forjado. En estos casos, su identificacin puede hacerse mediante insignias, marcas pintadas u otros distintivos contenidos en la propia biela. Refirase a los comentarios en la seccin de la Lista Alfabtica por Fabricante de este manual en relacin con dicha identificacin. Localizacin de Especificaciones por Nmero de Fundicin Localice el nmero de identificacin en la lista numrica de nmeros de fundicin. El fabricante de motores, el desplazamiento y las especificaciones correspondientes se detallan en la seccin de Lista Alfabtica. Si aparece un asterisco (*) despus del desplazamiento del motor, esto indica que la informacin adicional sobre la biela puede localizarse en la seccin de comentarios de la lista alfabtica. Localizacin de Especificaciones por Fabricante Cada clase de motor se lista por nmero de cilindros en la seccin de lista alfabtica (p. ej., cuatro cilindros, seis cilindros, ocho cilindros, etc.). Su desplazamiento se indica en litros de menor a mayor. Algunos motores de trabajo pesado se incluyen por nmero de modelo en lugar de desplazamiento por litros; esto es para efectos de referencia. Ntese que el uso extenso de los cdigos VIN (Nmero de Identificacin de Vehculo) se ha hecho con el objeto de asegurar que las especificaciones apropiadas se encuentran listadas. Listados Mltiples de VIN: En algunos casos los fabricantes de vehculos usan la misma carta de designacin de VIN para los diversos motores, es decir los motores de GM 1.6L VIN 6 son fabricados por cuatro diversas compaas, Daewoo, Isuzu, Suzuki y Toyota. En otros casos como la Ford 5.0L VIN F tiene siete diversos registros segn los aos usados. Esos diversos registros son necesarios pues las especificaciones o las forjas del motor cambiaron perceptiblemente lo suficiente para hacer necesario un expediente diferente. Toda la informacin sobre bielas que se tiene disponible y la informacin sobre su aplicacin, se muestra a la derecha y en la parte inferior de la especificacin de desplazamiento. Todas las dimensiones se expresan en pulgadas a menos que se indique otra cosa.

    Nota: No intente utilizar como manual de intercambio.

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    Especificaciones de Motores y/o Equipo

    Fabricante Listados en Orden Alfabtico En virtud de que muchos fabricantes de vehculos ofrecern motores diversos a los de su propia manufactura, ser necesario referirse a otra seccin en el manual. Saturn (ver GM, Lincoln, Mercury ver Ford, AMC, Rambler, Jeep/Eagle ver Chrysler). Litro El Desplazamiento del Motor en Litros. Esta informacin por lo general es proporcionada por el fabricante del motor. Modelo Los motores de trabajo pesado e industriales, tales como Caterpillar, se mencionan por su nmero del modelo de motor y no por el desplazamiento en Litros. Una excepcin notable es Cummins, en donde los nmeros de modelo se han sustituido por su desplazamiento en litros. VIN-Cdigo En esta columna se seala el Nmero de Identificacin de Vehculo (VIN) del fabricante del equipo original o un cdigo comnmente usado para efectos de delinear entre motores de igual desplazamiento. Ao de Produccin y/o Uso Cuando esta informacin es aplicable, esta columna muestra el ao de produccin, o bien el nmero de aos cuando el motor haya sido hecho y/o usado por el fabricante. La informacin sobre el ao(s) asimismo se utiliza para poder indicar las variaciones en los aos del modelo cuando un motor este siendo o haya sido usado en vehculos y/o equipo de diferente denominacin. Centro a Centro La distancia de centro a centro es la longitud de la biela cuando se mide a partir del centro del dimetro mayor (alojamiento del cojinete) al centro del dimetro menor (alojamiento del perno). Ensamble La orientacin sobre el ensamble del pistn y la biela. Dimetro Mayor (alojamiento del cojinete) El dimetro mayor de la biela o de la parte inferior. Dimetro de los Tornillos Dimetro de los tornillos de la biela. Dimetro Menor (alojamiento del perno) El dimetro menor o alojamiento del perno. Si es un perno que utiliza buje, este ser el dimetro interior del buje ya rectificado. Dimetro Interior con Buje Cuando una biela es ajustada con un buje en el perno del pistn, este ser el dimetro principal. Dimetro del Perno de Pistn El dimetro externo del perno de pistn. Con Seguro / Flotante El tipo de mecanismo de retencin que se utiliza para mantener la posicin del perno del pistn. Seguro por lo general se refiere al uso de arillos para asegurar el perno en el pistn. Torque La cantidad determinada de fuerza con llave de torsin para los tornillos finales mayores. No. de Fundicin Los nmeros de fundicin localizados en la biela. Comentarios Es posible que la lista pueda contener informacin adicional sobre este motor en particular.

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    CLCULO RPIDO DEL DESPLAZAMIENTO EN PULGADAS CBICAS .7854 X dimetro del cilindro X dimetro del cilindro X carrera del cigeal = pulgadas cbicas

    de un cilindro.

    .7854 X 4.00 = 3.1416 X 4.00 = 12.57 X 3.484 = 43.79 pulgadas cbicas de un cilindro.

    Un cilindro con 43.79 pulgadas cbicas X el nmero de cilindros 8 = 350.32


    El Clculo de la relacin de compresin de un motor se basa en la frmula:

    SV + CV CR = --------------

    CV S.V. = Volumen de Barrido (cilindrada para un cilindro en c.c. ). = Dimetro X Dimetro X Carrera X 12.9 C.V. = Volumen de la Distancia Libre del cilindro en c.c. = H.V. menos E.D.V. mas D.V. mas G.V. H.V. = Volumen de la Cabeza (publicado o medido en c.c.) = Es mejor medir, porque varia el volumen de la cabeza. E.D.V. = Volumen Efectivo del Domo (publicado o medido en c.c.) = Volumen del Domo menos el relieve de la vlvula y/o el volumen del Plato. D.V . = Volumen del (Techo) Tope, (espacio del pistn al tope en c.c) = Dimetro X Dimetro X Altura del Techo X 12.9 G.V. = Volumen de la Junta (Empaque) en c.c. = Dimetro de la junta X Dimetro de la Junta X el Espesor Comprimido X 12.9 o introducir el volumen conocido de la junta. Todas las medidas de volumen de compresin son en centmetros

    cbicos. (c.c.)

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    Abbreviations & Symbols Smbolos y Abreviaciones

    AIR Air Injection/Thermactor Parts / Inyeccin de Aire / Entrada del Termactor BC Barrel Carburetor / Garganta del Carburador BS Balance Shaft / Arbol Balanceador CC Cubic Centimeters / Centmetros Cbicos CFI Central Fuel Injection / Inyeccin de Combustible Central Cyl Cylinder / Cilindro DEFI Dual Electronic Fuel Injection / Doble Inyeccin Electrnica de Combustible DIA Diameter / Dimetro DOHC Dual Overhead Camshaft / Doble Arbol de Levas en la Cabeza E External EFI Electronic Fuel Injection / Inyeccin Electrnica de Combustible EX Except / Excepto EXH Exhaust Valve / Vlvula de Escape FWD Front Wheel Drive / Traccin Delantera HD Heavy-Duty / Servicio Pesado HP Horsepower / Caballos de Fuerza HYD Hydraulic / Hidrulico I Internal INT Intake Valve / Vlvula de Admisin IVSH Installed Valve Stem Height / Altura del Vstago con la Vlvula Instalada LP Liquid Propane / Propano Liquido MFI Multi-Port Fuel Injection / Inyeccin Mltiple de Combustible N/ None or Not / Ninguno o No N/A Not Available / No Disponible OHC Overhead Camshaft / Arbol de Levas en la Cabeza OHV Overhead Valve / Vlvulas en la Cabeza RWD Rear Wheel Drive / Traccin Trasera SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft / Un Arbol en la Cabeza TBI Throttle Body Injection / Acelerador de Inyeccin de Combustible VIN Vehicle Identification Number / Nmero de Identificacin Vehicular VLV Valve V/PRO Valve Protrusion / Protuberancia de la Vlvula V/REC Valve Recession / Recesin de la Vlvula W/ With / Con W/O Without / Sin

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    Index Acura .................................................................................................................... 17-18 Alfa Romeo .......................................................................................................... 18-19 Allis Chalmers ...................................................................................................... 19-26 Audi .................................................................................................................... 26-28 Austin .........................................................................................................................29 Bedford .......................................................................................................................30 BMW ..................................................................................................................... 30-32 Buda ..................................................................................................................... 32-35 Case ..................................................................................................................... 35-43 Caterpillar ............................................................................................................. 44-63 Checker ......................................................................................................................64 Chris-Craft In-Line ......................................................................................................64 Chrysler ................................................................................................................ 64-99 Continental ......................................................................................................... 99-108 Crosley .....................................................................................................................108 Cummins .......................................................................................................... 108-117 Cushman ..................................................................................................................117 Daewoo ............................................................................................................ 117-118 Daihatsu ...................................................................................................................118 DDC .................................................................................................................. 118-127 Deutz ................................................................................................................ 127-132 Ferguson ..................................................................................................................132 Ferrari .......................................................................................................................133 FIAT .................................................................................................................. 133-135 Ford .................................................................................................................. 135-174 GM .................................................................................................................... 175-225 Hanomag ..................................................................................................................225 Harley Davidson ............................................................................................... 225-226 Hatz .................................................................................................................. 226-227 Henry ........................................................................................................................227 Hercules ........................................................................................................... 227-236 Hillman .....................................................................................................................236 Hino .................................................................................................................. 236-237 Honda ............................................................................................................... 237-245 Hudson ............................................................................................................. 245-246 Hyundai ............................................................................................................ 246-247 Infiniti ........................................................................................................................248 Isuzu ................................................................................................................. 248-257 Iveco ................................................................................................................. 257-259 Jaguar .............................................................................................................. 259-260 Jeep .................................................................................................................. 260-261 John Deere ....................................................................................................... 261-278 Kaiser .......................................................................................................................278 Kawasaki ..................................................................................................................278 KIA .................................................................................................................... 278-279 Kohler ............................................................................................................... 279-284 Komatsu ........................................................................................................... 284-288 Kubota .............................................................................................................. 288-295 Leroi .........................................................................................................................295 Lexus ................................................................................................................ 295-296 Leyland .....................................................................................................................296 Liebherr ............................................................................................................ 296-297 Lister ................................................................................................................. 297-300 Lombardini ....................................................................................................... 300-302

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    Long .........................................................................................................................302 Mack ................................................................................................................. 302-305 Maserati ...................................................................................................................305 Massey Ferguson ............................................................................................. 305-307 Mazda ............................................................................................................... 307-312 Mercedes Benz ................................................................................................ 312-317 Mercruiser ........................................................................................................ 317-320 MG .................................................................................................................... 320-321 Military STD ...................................................................................................... 321-322 Mini............................................................................................................................322 Minn Moline ...................................................................................................... 322-324 Mitsubishi ......................................................................................................... 324-335 Murphy ............................................................................................................. 335-336 MWM ................................................................................................................ 336-337 Navistar ............................................................................................................ 337-354 Nissan .............................................................................................................. 354-365 Oliver ................................................................................................................ 365-367 OMC .........................................................................................................................367 Onan ................................................................................................................. 367-372 Opel ..........................................................................................................................372 Packard ............................................................................................................ 372-373 Perkins ............................................................................................................. 373-383 Peugeot ............................................................................................................ 383-384 Porsche ............................................................................................................ 384-388 Renault ............................................................................................................. 388-389 Reo ................................................................................................................... 389-392 Rolls Royce ..............................................................................................................392 Rover ................................................................................................................ 392-393 Saab ................................................................................................................. 393-394 Same ........................................................................................................................395 Satoh ........................................................................................................................396 Scania ......................................................................................................................396 Shibaura ...................................................................................................................397 Slanzi ........................................................................................................................397 Sterling .....................................................................................................................397 Studebaker ....................................................................................................... 397-399 Subaru .............................................................................................................. 399-401 Superior ....................................................................................................................401 Suzuki ............................................................................................................... 401-403 Tecumseh ........................................................................................................ 403-404 Toyota .............................................................................................................. 404-413 Triumph ............................................................................................................ 413-414 Universal .......................................................................................................... 414-416 Volkswagen ...................................................................................................... 416-422 Volvo ................................................................................................................ 422-428 Waukesha ........................................................................................................ 428-440 White ................................................................................................................ 440-442 Wisconsin ......................................................................................................... 442-447 Yanmar ............................................................................................................. 447-452 Zetor .........................................................................................................................452

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    NOTES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4ACURA Cylinders

    ACURA 1.6 97 D16A1 INTEGRA 86-89 D16A1

    1.8899-1.8906" (48.003-48.021 MM) 23 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.415" (137.541 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .7462-.7470" (18.953-18.974 MM) *

    Pin Diameter: .7478-.7480" (18.994-18.999 MM)

    Notes: *.0006-.0016" INTERFERENCE, ROD TOTAL WEIGHT 490G

    Comments: DOHC, MPI

    ACURA 1.7 104 B17A1 INTEGRA 92-93 B17A1

    1.8898-1.8906" (48.001-48.021 MM) 14,23 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.394" (137.000 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8255-.8260" (20.968-20.98 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8265-.8268" (20.993-21.001 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, MPI, 1678 CC, 160 HP, ALSO VIGOR

    ACURA 1.8 110 B18B1 INTEGRA 94-01 B18B1

    1.8900-1.8907" (48.006-48.024 MM) 15,24 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.394" (137.007 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: CONNECTING ROD OIL HOLE TO.8255-.8260" * (20.968-20.98 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8265-.8268" (20.993-21.001 MM)

    Notes: * .0005-.0013 ROD FIT


    ACURA 1.8 110 B18C1 INTEGRA 94-00 B18C1

    1.8898" (48.001 MM) 15, 33 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.4290 " (137.922 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: CONNECTING ROD OIL HOLE TO.8254-.8267" * (20.965-20.998 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8265-.8268" (20.993-21.001 MM)

    Notes: * .0007-.0014" INTERFERENCE FIT "PRESS"

    Comments: DOHC, VTEC, SFI, 1797 CC, GSR, 170 HP

    ACURA 1.8 110 B18C5 INTEGRA 97-03 B18C5

    1.8900" (48.000 MM) ROD BOLT STRETCH OF .005-.006"

    (0.127-0.1524 MM)

    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.4290" (137.869 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: CONNECTING ROD OIL HOLE TO.8254-.8267" (20.965-20.998 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8265-.8268" (20.993-21.000 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, VTEC, SPI, INTEGRA

    ACURA 1.8 112 B18A1 INTEGRA 90-94 B18A1

    1.8900-1.8907" (48.006-48.024 MM) 30 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.394" (137.007 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: .8255-.8260" * (20.968-20.98 MM) Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: CONNECTING ROD OIL HOLE TO.8255-.8260" (20.968-20.98 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8265-.8268" (20.993-21.001 MM)

    Casting Numbers: C7917, PR4

    Notes: * .0005-.0013 PRESS FIT

    Comments: DOHC, MPI, 1834 CC, 130 HP

    ACURA 2.0 122 RSX 02-03 K20A2

    1.8898" (48.000 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Center to Center: 5.4720" (138.988 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8650-.8652" (21.970-21.976 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8646-.8648" (21.961-21.965 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, VTEC, PGM-FI

    5ACURA Cylinders

    ACURA 2.5 149 G25A4 95-98 G25A4

    24 FT/LBSTorque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.8900" (48.006 MM) *

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8661" (21.994-21.999 MM) *

    Notes: * .0005-.0013 INTERFERENCE FIT

    Comments: PGM-FI, 2.5TL

    ACURA 2.5 150 G25A1 VIGOR 92-94 G25A1

    1.8898-1.8906" (48.001-48.021 MM) 24 FT/LBS NUTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Piston to Rod: SQRT HOLE/LEFT

    Comments: SOHC, MFI


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6ACURA Cylinders

    ACURA 2.5 151 C25A1 LEGEND 86-87 C25A1

    2.1654-2.1663" (55.001-55.024 MM) 33 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: PH7

    Notes: * MAX SIDE PLAY .016"

    Comments: DOHC, MFI, STERLING

    ACURA 2.7 163 C27A1 LEGEND 87-90 C27A1

    2.1654-2.1663" (55.001-55.024 MM) 33 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.010" (152.654 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8640" (21.946 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8661" ** (21.994-21.999 MM)

    Casting Numbers: PH7

    Notes: ** OVERSIZE PIN AVAILABLE .8660-.8663

    Comments: DOHC, MFI, 24 VALVE ENGINE

    ACURA 3.0 182 C30A1 NSX 91-95 C30A1

    2.1855-2.1860" (55.512-55.524 MM) 14 FT/LBS + 95 ADDITIONAL TURNHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: DOHC, MFI

    ACURA 3.2 193 V SLX 96-98

    2.2434-2.2441" (56.982-57. MM) 40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: .8660-.8663" (21.996-22.004 MM)

    Comments: SOHC, SFI

    ACURA 3.2 193 W SLX 96-99

    2.2434-2.2441" (56.982-57. MM) 40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: .8660-.8663" (21.996-22.004 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, SFI

    ACURA 3.2 196 C32A1 LEGEND 91-96 C32A1

    2.2434-2.2441" (56.982-57.000 MM) 33 FT/LBS FOR NUTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .8649-.8654" (21.968-21.981 MM) Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .0015-.0013" PRESS (.038-.033 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8661" (21.994-21.999 MM)

    Casting Numbers: PY3

    Comments: SOHC, MFI

    ACURA 3.2 196 C32A6 96-99 C32A6

    33 FT/LBSTorque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8649-.8654" (21.968-21.981 MM) *

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8661" (21.994-21.999 MM) *

    Notes: * .0005-.00013 INTERFERENCE FIT

    Comments: SFI, 3.2TL

    ACURA 3.2 196 J32A3 TL 01-05 J32A3

    2.2835" (58.000 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8650-.8652" (21.970-21.976 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8646-.8648" (21.962-21.965 MM)

    Comments: SOHC, 60r V6, VTEC

    ACURA 3.5 211 C35A1 96-98 C35A1

    2.2434-2.2441" (56.982-57.000 MM) 33 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8649-.8654" (21.968-21.981 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8646-.8648" (21.961-21.966 MM)

    Comments: SFI, 3.5RL

    ACURA 3.5 214 X SLX 98-01

    2.2434-2.2441" (56.982-57.000 MM) 40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: .8660-.8663" (21.997-22.005 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, SFI, SLX

    4ALFA ROMEO Cylinders

    ALFA ROMEO 1.6 96 62-81

    2.1139-2.1145" (53.693-53.708 MM) 67-72 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: 105 ENGINE, GIULIA, 1600


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4ALFA ROMEO Cylinders (cont.)

    ALFA ROMEO 1.8 110 69-71

    2.1139-2.1145" (53.693-53.708 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8667" (22.004-22.014 MM) BLACK PIN

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8660" (21.994-21.996 MM) BLACK PIN *

    Comments: DOHC

    ALFA ROMEO 2.0 119 116 SPIDER 85-88

    2.1139-2.1145" (53.693-53.708 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: ROD #'s TO DRIVER SIDE OF EN.8663-.8667" (22.004-22.014 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8660" (21.994-21.996 MM) *

    Notes: * BLACK PIN DIA.; WHITE PIN DIA. = .8660-.8661"

    Comments: DOHC 2000 SPIDER


    32-39 FT/LBSTorque:

    Pin Diameter: .7872-.7874" (19.996-20.000 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, SPIDER

    6ALFA ROMEO Cylinders

    ALFA ROMEO 2.5 152 119 MILANO 81-89

    2.1854-2.1860" (55.509-55.524 MM) 39-44 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8667" (22.004-22.014 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8660" (21.994-21.996 MM) *

    Notes: * BLACK PIN DIA.; WHITE PIN DIA = .8660-.8661"

    Comments: MILANO, GT

    ALFA ROMEO 3.0 181 164 MILANO 88-89

    2.1854-2.1860" (55.509-55.524 MM) 39-44 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8667" (22.004-22.014 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8659-.8660" (21.994-21.996 MM) **

    Notes: * BLACK PIN DIA.; WHITE PIN DIA = .8660-.8661"

    Comments: MILANO, GT

    2ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders

    ALLIS CHALMERS 1.3 77 S126 5020 S126

    66-73 FT/LBSTorque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.1026-1.1035" (28.006-28.029 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.1020-1.1022" (27.991-27.996 MM)

    Comments: TOYOSHA S126 DIESEL, MODEL 5020

    ALLIS CHALMERS 1.5 90 S148 5030 S148

    66-73 FT/LBSTorque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.1026-1.1035" (28.006-28.029 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.1020-1.1022" (27.991-27.996 MM)

    Comments: TOYOSHA S148 DIESEL, MODEL 5030

    3ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders

    ALLIS CHALMERS 1.0 61 CS100 75-82 CS100

    2.0079-2.0086" (51.001-51.018 MM) 32-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.7087-5.7106" (145.001-145.049 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .9432-.9437" (23.957-23.97 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9445-.9447" (23.99-23.995 MM)


    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.3 142 6140 3S233

    2.4023" MAX (81.019 MM) 36-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.6102-6.6181" (167.900-168.100 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.2205-1.2215" (31.000-31.025 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.1026-1.1035" (28.007-28.028 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.1020-1.1022" (27.992-27.996 MM)

    Comments: DIESEL, 6140 TRACTOR, 3S233 ENGINE


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    3ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.3 143 5040

    2.4628" (62.555 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.4125-4.4140" (35.878-112.116 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2600-1.2603" (32.004-32.012 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2592-1.2594" (31.984-31.989 MM)


    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.3 143 D15 82-85 D15

    2.4628" (62.555 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: FIAT DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.5 152 D 160 152

    2.3950-2.3955" (60.833-60.846 MM) 65-70 FT/LBS PLAIN*,


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 8.8110-8.8130" (223.799-223.85 MM) Bore Diameter: .4375" (11.113 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3747-1.3762" (34.917-34.955 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: 1.2497-1.2500" (31.742-31.75 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 31337140, 31337220



    Comments: PERKINS D3.152 DIESEL, 160 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.6 158 5045

    2.4628" (62.555 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.4125-1.4140" (35.878-35.916 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2600-1.2603" (32.004-32.012 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2592-1.2594" (31.984-31.989 MM)

    Comments: 5045 + 5050 TRACTOR, FIAT DIESEL

    4ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders

    ALLIS CHALMERS 0.4 25 W 25

    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 35-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: U3988

    Notes: NOTE; 2.375" CRANKPIN

    ALLIS CHALMERS 1.0 60 H 60 60H

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 207459

    Comments: 60H DIESEL


    1.6240-1.6245" (41.25-41.262 MM) 20-25 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: .5434" (13.802 MM)

    Casting Numbers: N56D-400, N62A400, N62D400, N62D-400




    Piston to Rod: 1&3 ROD OFFSET TOWARDS FLY

    Casting Numbers: 207459


    # 26775 08-24-2004 MC



    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) * 35-40 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Piston to Rod: 1&3 ROD OFFSET TOWARDS FLY

    Pin Diameter: .8131" (20.653 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 207459


    # 26775 08-24-2004 MC


    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.0 120 B B & C

    Piston to Rod: 1&3 ROD OFFSET TOWARDS FLY

    Comments: B & C TRACTORS


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.1 125 B B & C

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Piston to Rod: 1&3 ROD OFFSET TOWARDS FLY,

    Pin Diameter: .8131" (20.653 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 206975, 207459

    Notes: B TRACTOR

    Comments: GAS, B, C & CA TRACTOR


    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .8131" (20.653 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 207459

    Comments: GAS, RC TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.2 139 G D10 & D12 D10 & D12

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .8133-.8135" (20.658-20.663 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 207459

    Comments: GAS D10 AND D12, PRIOR-SER #D10-3501 & D123001

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.3 142

    3.0625-3.0630" (77.788-77.8 MM) 65-75 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 10.120" (257.048 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 5150093, 5154265

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.4 149 D14 D14

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: .8133-.8135" (20.658-20.663 MM)

    Comments: D-14 GAS TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.4 149 D15 D15 D15

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: .8133-.8135" (20.658-20.663 MM)

    Comments: D-15 GAS TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.4 149 G D10 & D12 D10 & D12

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .8133-.8135" (20.658-20.663 MM)

    Comments: SERIES III D10 & D12,AFTER SER# D10-3500 & D123000

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.5 153

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.4375" (188.913 MM) Bore Diameter: .3750" (9.525 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.1210-1.1230" (28.473-28.524 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, B5708

    Comments: FORKLIFT

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.5 153 D 153 153

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, B-5708

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.5 153 G 153 153

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.240-1.250" (31.496-31.75 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: .9996-.9998" (25.39-25.395 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, 4507347


    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.6 160 G1600 D15 SERIES II

    2.0615-2.0620" (52.362-52.375 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK*

    Pin Diameter: .8133-.8135" (20.658-20.663 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 207459, 237633

    Comments: G1600 GAS, D15 SERIES II


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.9 175

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    ALLIS CHALMERS 2.9 175 D D15 D-15 DIESEL

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-50 FT/LBS


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: .9995-.9997" (25.387-25.392 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 207459, 237633, 4500141

    Comments: D-15 DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.3 200 443 443T

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Comments: 443T DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.3 200 D 6060 433T

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.2480-7.2520" (184.099-184.201 MM)

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2527-1.2532" (31.819-31.831 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4007878, 4020888

    Comments: 6060, 6070, & 433I 6080 TRACTOR, F2 COMBINE


    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 70 FT/LBS CASTELLATED NUTS,


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .9892" (25.126 MM)

    Casting Numbers: U3190, U3988

    Comments: GAS, WC & WF TRACTORS


    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 70 FT/LBS CASTELLATED NUTS,


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .9892" (25.126 MM)

    Casting Numbers: U3190, U3988

    Comments: GAS, WD TRACTORS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.6 220 D346 D346

    2.5883-2.5893" (65.743-65.768 MM) 44-46 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.9990-7.0010" (177.775-177.825 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3720-1.3730" (34.849-34.874 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2501-1.2506" (31.753-31.765 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2495-1.2497" (31.737-31.742 MM)

    Comments: NON-TURBO DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.6 220 D346T D346T

    2.5883-2.5893" (65.743-65.768 MM) 44-46 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.9990-7.0010" (177.775-177.825 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3720-1.3730" (34.849-34.874 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2501-1.2506" (31.753-31.765 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2495-1.2497" (31.737-31.742 MM)

    Comments: TURBO DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.7 226 170 & 175

    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 45-55 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Piston to Rod: PIN C/BOLT-CAM

    Pin Diameter: .9893-.9895" (25.128-25.133 MM)

    Casting Numbers: U3988

    Comments: GAS, MODEL 170 & 175

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.7 226 G D17 54-57 D17 SERIES IV

    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 45-55 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Piston to Rod: PIN C/BOLT-CAM

    Pin Diameter: .9893-.9895" (25.128-25.133 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 232441, 232441, U3988

    Comments: GAS, D17 SERIES IV TRACTOR


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.7 226 W WD45 WD45

    2.4995-2.5005" (63.487-63.513 MM) 35-45 FT/LB SELF LOCKING NUTS,70


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Piston to Rod: LOCK PIN-CAM

    Pin Diameter: .9892" (25.126 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, U3988

    Comments: GAS, WD45 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.9 236 170 & 175

    2.6460-2.6465" (67.208-67.221 MM) 65-70 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: 1.3748-1.3750" (34.92-34.925 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 31337180JGSB, 31337310, 59554

    Comments: DIESEL, PERKINS, MODEL 170 & 175

    ALLIS CHALMERS 5.6 344 6000 HD6

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: HD-6

    ALLIS CHALMERS 5.6 344

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4349339


    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.5027-1.5032" (38.169-38.181 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.5015-1.5017" (38.138-38.143 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: HD-6 DIESEL

    6ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.8 230 G-230 G-230

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM) Bore Diameter: .3750" (9.525 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.0001-1.0006" (25.403-25.415 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9995-1.0000" (25.387-25.4 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Comments: GAS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.8 230 D D17 D-17

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Comments: D-17 DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.8 230 G 230 230

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.0001-1.0006" (25.403-25.415 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9995-1.0000" (25.387-25.4 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Notes: BUSHING CLEARANCE .0003-.0010

    Comments: GAS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 3.8 230 W WD45 WD45

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 30-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: .9996-.9998" (25.39-25.395 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Comments: DIESEL, WD45 TRACTOR


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.3 262 D19 D-19 DIESEL

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.0001-1.0006" (25.403-25.415 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .99955-.99975" (25.389-25.394 MM)

    Comments: D-19 DIESEL TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.3 262 D D17 D17 & D19

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-50 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.3730-7.3770" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.0001-1.0006*" (25.403-25.415 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9995-.9997" (25.387-25.392 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Notes: * .0004-.0010 CLR

    Comments: DIESEL, D17 & D19 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.3 262 G D19 D-19 GAS

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 40-50 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.1005-1.1006" (27.953-27.955 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9995-.9997" (25.387-25.392 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Comments: GAS, D-19 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.3 265 G 2500

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4020888

    Comments: GAS, 180, 185, 190 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.5 273

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.5 273 D 273 273

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 35-40 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.9 301 D 180 2800

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.248-7.252" (184.099-184.201 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3750-1.3755" (34.925-34.938 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2527-1.2532" (31.819-31.831 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4007878, 4020888

    Comments: 2800 DIESEL, 180, 185, & 190 TRACTORS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.9 301 D 200 2900

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.248-7.252" (184.099-184.201 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3750-1.3755" (34.925-34.938 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: #'S TOWARD CAM1.2527-1.2532" (31.819-31.831 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4007878, 4020888

    Comments: 2900 DIESEL, 200 & 7000 TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.9 301 D 7010 649T

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.248-7.252" (184.099-184.201 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3750-1.3755" (34.925-34.938 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2527-1.2532" (31.819-31.831 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4007878, 4020888

    Comments: TURBO DIESEL,545B LOADER,MODEL 7010,7020,8010,649I


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 4.9 301 G 190XT 2800

    2.5620-2.5625" (65.075-65.088 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.248-7.252" (184.099-184.201 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.3750-1.3755" (34.925-34.938 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.2527-1.2532" (31.819-31.831 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.2515-1.2517" (31.788-31.793 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4020888

    Comments: G2800XT GAS, 190XT TRACTOR

    ALLIS CHALMERS 7.0 426 3400 70-85 D21 SERIES II

    2.9700-2.9705" (75.438-75.451 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 8.498-8.502" (215.849-215.951 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.6230" (41.224 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: ROD CYLINDER NUMBERS TOWA1.5010-1.5020" (38.125-38.151 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.5011-1.5013" (38.128-38.133 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: 3400, 3500 DIESEL, D21 SERIES II, 210 & 220

    ALLIS CHALMERS 7.0 426 D 3400 70-85 670T

    2.9700-2.9705" (75.438-75.451 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 8.498-8.502" (215.849-215.951 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.6230" (41.224 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT


    Pin Diameter: 1.5011-1.5013" (38.128-38.133 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4036181, 4349339

    Comments: 3400,3500 MARK II,670T,3700,3750 MARKII,7030, 7080

    ALLIS CHALMERS 7.0 426 D-21 D21 70-70 D21

    2.9700-2.9705" (75.438-75.451 MM) SEE TB 2018-RHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 8.498-8.502" (215.849-215.951 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.6230" (41.224 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT


    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: D-21 DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 7.0 426 I 8030 670I & 670T

    2.9700-2.9705" (75.438-75.451 MM) 80-85 FT/LBS 6 PT BOLTS,

    68 FT/LBS 12 PT BOLTS

    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 8.498-8.502" (215.849-215.951 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.8750-1.8755" (47.625-47.638 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: ROD CYLINDER NUMBERS TOWA1.7527-1.7532" (44.519-44.531 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.7511-1.7513" (44.478-44.483 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 402733, 4036541

    Comments: 670I/670T DIESEL, 8030, 8050, 8070 SERIES TRACTORS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 8.5 516 10000 10000

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    ALLIS CHALMERS 8.5 516 11000 HD11

    3.0250-3.0260" (76.835-76.86 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 10.4980-10.5020" (266.649-266.751 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.8090" (45.949 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.6277-1.6282" (41.344-41.356 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.6265-1.6267" (41.313-41.318 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: HD-11, 11000 DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 8.5 516 11000 11000

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 10.498-10.502" (266.649-266.751 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.8155-1.8175" (46.114-46.165 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.6277-1.6282" (41.344-41.356 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.6265-1.6267" (41.313-41.318 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    Comments: 11000 DIESEL


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6ALLIS CHALMERS Cylinders (cont.)

    ALLIS CHALMERS 8.5 516 745HB 685

    3.0250-3.0260" (76.835-76.860 MM) 160 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 10.498-10.502" (266.649-266.751 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.0600-2.0605" (52.320-52.340 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.8757-1.8762" (47.640-47.660 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.8745-1.8747" (47.610-47.620 MM)


    ALLIS CHALMERS 12.0 731 6120T 6120T

    3.6245-3.6250" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 11.998-12.002" (304.749-304.851 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.4365-2.4375" (61.887-61.913 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: SQRT/HOLE/CAM2.2527-2.2533" (57.219-57.234 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 2.2515-2.2517" (57.188-57.193 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4393053

    Comments: MODEL 8550 DIESEL

    ALLIS CHALMERS 13.1 799 19000 19000 MKII

    3.6245-3.625" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200,245 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 11.998-12.002" (304.749-304.851 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.249-2.250" (57.125-57.15 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Comments: MKII, FIAT ALLIS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 13.8 844 16000T 16000T, 17000

    3.6245-3.6250" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200,245 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 12.498-12.502" (317.449-317.551 MM) *

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.4365-2.4375" (61.887-61.913 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 2.2527-2.2533" (57.219-57.234 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 2.2515-2.2517" (57.188-57.193 MM)

    Notes: * 3 VALVE ENGINE, 4 VALVE ENGINE IS 11.998-12.002"

    Comments: 16000T, 17000 MKII, 4 VALVE HEAD

    ALLIS CHALMERS 13.8 844 21000 21000 MKII

    3.6245-3.625" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200, 245 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 11.998-12.002" (304.749-304.851 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.249-2.250" (57.125-57.15 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Comments: MKII, FIAT ALLIS

    ALLIS CHALMERS 13.8 844 25000 25000 MKII

    3.6245-3.6250" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200,245 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 11.998-12.002" (304.749-304.851 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.2527-2.2533" (57.219-57.234 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 2.4365-2.4375" (61.887-61.913 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 2.2515-2.2517" (57.188-57.193 MM)


    ALLIS CHALMERS 13.8 844 6138T 262B

    3.6245-3.6250" (92.062-92.075 MM) 190-200 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 11.998-12.002" (304.749-304.851 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 2.4365-2.4375" (61.887-61.913 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: SQRT/HOLE/CAM2.2527-2.2533*" (57.219-57.234 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 2.2515-2.2517" (57.188-57.193 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4393053

    Notes: *PIN CLR .0001-.0007

    Comments: 262B SCRAPPER, 21C

    ALLIS CHALMERS 34.4 2,100 2100 HD21

    3.4995-3.5000" (88.887-88.9 MM) 150-160 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: HD-21

    4AUDI Cylinders

    AUDI 1.5 90 XV 73-74

    1.9291-1.9298" (48.999-49.017 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Casting Numbers: 056

    Comments: EFI, XW, XY, XZ, ZD, ZE

    AUDI 1.6 97 CR 82-83

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Piston to Rod: TANGS-AUX SH

    Casting Numbers: 068

    Comments: DIESEL, TURBO, CY, JK


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4AUDI Cylinders (cont.)

    AUDI 1.6 97 YG 75-80

    1.9291-1.9298" (48.999-49.017 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Comments: EFI, YH, YK, YM

    AUDI 1.7 105 81-83

    1.9291-1.9298" (48.999-49.017 MM) 33 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.354" (135.992 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 056


    AUDI 1.8 109 AEB 96-03 AEB

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.620 MM) 22 FT/LBS, +90Housing Bore Size: Torque:


    AUDI 1.8 109 JN 4000 SERIES 84

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: EFI GAS, 4000S

    AUDI 1.8 109 MG 85-87

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: MFI, GAS

    AUDI 1.8 112 84-87

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Comments: SOHC

    AUDI 1.8 112 DOHC 86-88

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 411.105.411

    Comments: DOHC

    AUDI 1.9 114 ZJ 74-77

    2.0315-2.0322" (51.6-51.618 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Comments: EFI, ZN, ZU, ZZ

    AUDI 1.9 114 ZL 73

    2.0315-2.0322" (51.6-51.618 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Comments: 2BC, ZW

    AUDI 2.0 121 3A 80 SERIES 88-90

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: SOHC, MFI, 80 SERIES CAR

    AUDI 2.0 121 A/J 77-79

    2.0315-2.0322" (51.6-51.618 MM) 41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.667-5.671" (143.942-144.043 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9454-.9456" (24.013-24.018 MM) Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .9454-.9456" (24.013-24.018 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9447-.9449" (23.995-24. MM)

    Comments: JEEP, OHC

    5AUDI Cylinders

    AUDI 2.0 121 D 5000 SERIES 80-83

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 33 FT/LBS *Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.354" (135.992 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: * SEE COMMENTS BOX BELOW.9449" (24. MM)

    Comments: DIESEL, TURBO & NON-TURBO, 5000

    AUDI 2.0 121 DE 82-85

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 33 FT/LBS *Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.667-5.671" (143.942-144.043 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: * SEE COMMENTS BOX BELOW.9449" (24. MM)

    Comments: TURBO DIESEL

    AUDI 2.1 131 KH 5000 SERIES 84-86

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Casting Numbers: 056

    Comments: EFI, GAS, 5000 TURBO & NON TURBO

    AUDI 2.1 131 WD 5000 SERIES 78-83

    1.9291-1.9298" (48.999-49.017 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Casting Numbers: 056

    Comments: GAS, EFI, 5000, TURBO & NON TURBO, WE, WK


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    5AUDI Cylinders (cont.)

    AUDI 2.2 136 3B 91-92

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS, + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Notes: LESS NOTCHES 44 FT.LB


    Comments: SOHC, EFI, TURBO, GAS

    AUDI 2.2 136 KX 5000 SERIES 83-87

    1.9291-1.9298" (48.999-49.017 MM) 22 FT/LBS, + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: MFI, GT COUPE, JT/5000S

    AUDI 2.2 136 KZ 5000 SERIES 85-86

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 22 FT/LBS, + 90Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: EFI, 5000S, WAGON

    AUDI 2.2 136 MC 5000 SERIES 86-91

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: SOHC, MFI, TURBO, 5000CS, 200, QUATTRO

    AUDI 2.3 141 7A COUPE 89-91

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: EFI, COUPE, QUATTRO

    AUDI 2.3 141 NF QUATTRO 87-91

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: MFI, QUATTRO, 100

    AUDI 2.3 141 NG COUPE 87-92

    1.9921-1.9929" (50.599-50.62 MM) 37 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: MFI, COUPE, 90 QUATTRO

    6AUDI Cylinders

    AUDI 2.7 163 APB S4 00-02

    2.2670-2.2680" (57.559-57.612 MM) M8=22 FT/LBS, +90r,

    M8.5=30 FT/LBS, +90r


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.022-6.024" (152.958-153.009 MM)

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8270" (21.005 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8267" (21.000 MM)

    Comments: S4 TURBO

    AUDI 2.8 169 AAH 92-94 AAH

    15 FT/LBS, + 90 VERTICAL *,



    Notes: * USE NEW BOLTS

    Comments: SOHC, 12 VALVE, MFI

    AUDI 2.8 169 AHA QUATTRO 98-01 AHA

    2.2670-2.2680" (57.559-57.612 MM) M8=22 FT/LBS +90, M8.5=30 FT/LBS +90r


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.0220-6.0240" (152.958-153.009 MM)

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8270" (21.005 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8267" (21.000 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 078J

    Comments: DOHC, A6, 30 VALVE, 2000 + 2001 VIN ATQ

    AUDI 2.8 170 AFC 90 SERIES 95

    22 FT/LBS, +90



    Comments: SFI, MODEL 90

    AUDI 2.8 170 AFC* CABRIOLET 96-98

    22 FT/LBS, + 90 USE NEWTorque:



  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4AUSTIN Cylinders

    AUSTIN 0.9 58 SPRITE 56-65

    1.7705-1.7710" (44.971-44.983 MM) 35 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.750" (146.050 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .6244-.6246" (15.860-15.865 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 17009 EVEN, 17010 ODD

    Comments: SPRITE, 948CC

    AUSTIN 0.9 58 C 52-62

    1.7705-1.7710" (44.971-44.983 MM) 35 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.750" (146.050 MM)

    Pin Type: LOCK

    Pin Diameter: .6244-.6246" (15.860-15.865 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 17009, 17010

    Comments: 948CC, SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.1 67 62-72

    1.7705-1.7710" (44.971-44.983 MM) 35 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Piston to Rod: Squirt hole away from camshaft

    Casting Numbers: G-124 EVEN, G-127 ODD

    AUSTIN 1.1 67 C 64

    1.7705-1.7710" (44.971-44.983 MM) 35 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: G124, G127

    Comments: SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.2 73 C 54-59

    2.0210-2.0215" (51.333-51.346 MM) 23-25 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.2 78 64

    1.8955-1.8960" (48.146-48.158 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Casting Numbers: 507, AEG-521

    AUSTIN 1.5 91 C 54-61

    2.0210-2.0215" (51.333-51.346 MM) 23-25 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.6 99 C 61-72

    2.0210-2.0215" (51.333-51.346 MM) 23-25 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.8 110 C 64-80

    2.0210-2.0215" (51.333-51.346 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 3596, 3597

    Comments: SEE MG AS WELL

    AUSTIN 1.8 112 73-75

    2.0210-2.0215" (51.333-51.346 MM) 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 3596, 3597


    6AUSTIN Cylinders

    AUSTIN 2.6 159 100-6 56-59

    2.1140-2.1145" (53.696-53.708 MM) 60-65 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: BOLT TYPE

    Pin Diameter: BOLT TYPE PIN



    AUSTIN 3.0 183 3000 59-67

    2.1140-2.1145" (53.696-53.708 MM) 50 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 6.4980-6.5044" (165.049-165.212 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: .995-1.000" (25.273-25.4 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8748-.8750" (22.22-22.225 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .8748-.8750" (22.22-22.225 MM)



  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    4BEDFORD Cylinders

    BEDFORD 3.6 220 220

    2.5195-2.5200" (63.995-64.008 MM) 55-65 FT/LBS USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.3754-1.3759" (34.935-34.948 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.3748-1.3750" (34.92-34.925 MM)

    Comments: DIESEL

    6BEDFORD Cylinders

    BEDFORD 5.4 330 330

    2.5195-2.5200" (63.995-64.008 MM) 55-65 FT/LBS USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: 1.3754-1.3759" (34.935-34.948 MM)

    Pin Diameter: 1.3748-1.3750" (34.92-34.925 MM)

    Comments: DIESEL

    4BMW Cylinders

    BMW 1.8 108 M10B 318I 84-85

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.311-5.319" (134.899-135.103 MM)

    Comments: VIN M10B18, MFI, 318I, 320I

    BMW 1.8 108 M10B 320I 80-83

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.311-5.319" (134.899-135.103 MM)

    Comments: VIN M10B18, MFI, 320I

    BMW 1.8 110 318I 91-95 M42B18

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 15 FT/LBS + 70Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9472-.9488" (24.059-24.1 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.004-22.009 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, 318 IC & IS SERIES

    BMW 1.8 110 M42 318I 93-95

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 17 FT/LBS, + 70Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.5120" (140 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9472-.9488" (24.059-24.1 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.004-22.009 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, SFI, 318I

    BMW 1.9 116 M44 Z3 92-98 M44

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.000-48.016 MM) 15 FT/LBS, +70r (REPLACE, WASH & OIL


    Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9447-.9457" (23.995-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8666" (22.005-22.012 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, Z3 ROADSTER (E36/7), M44

    BMW 2.0 121 M10 2002 73-76

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.314" (134.976 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663" (22.004 MM)

    Comments: 2BC, 2002

    BMW 2.0 121 M10 320I 77-79

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: EFI, 320I

    BMW 2.3 140 S14 M3 88-91

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 7,22 FT/LBS + 60-62Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8669-.8671" (22.019-22.024 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, M3, MFI

    6BMW Cylinders

    BMW 2.4 149 M21D 524 85-86

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 14 FT/LBS + 70Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 12756921B

    Comments: VIN M21D24, TURBO DIESEL, 524 MODEL

    BMW 2.5 152 325I 87-90 M20

    1.8898-1.8901" (48.001-48.009 MM) 15 FT/LBS + 70 USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9449-.9461" (24.-24.031 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: Piston to Rod: PISTON ARROW TO RIGHT AND R.8663-.8665" (22.004-22.009 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1717085

    Comments: SOHC, MFI, 325I, 325IC, 325IS, 525I,M20B25,M20B25M


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6BMW Cylinders (cont.)

    BMW 2.5 152 M50 325I 91-95 M50

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 17 FT/LBS, + 70Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9449-.9461" (24.-24.031 MM) Pin Type: LOCK

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.004-22.009 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1717085

    Comments: DOHC, MFI, 325I, 325IC, 325IS, 525I

    BMW 2.7 164 325E 82-89

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 15 FT/LBS, + 70Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 5.243" (133.172 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9420-.9430" (23.927-23.952 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8660-.8664" (21.996-22.007 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1278848

    Comments: MFI, 325E, 528E, M20B77

    BMW 2.8 170 M30 528I 79-81

    2.0472-2.0478" (51.999-52.014 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: MFI, 528I

    BMW 2.8 170 M52 328I 97-00 M52

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 17 FT/LBS, +70 USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.004-22.009 MM)

    Comments: SFI, M3, Z3,328I,328IS,528I,Z3 M SERIES,323I,323IS

    BMW 3.0 182 M3 (E36) 95-05 S50

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.000-48.016 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9447-.9457" (23.995-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.005-22.010 MM)

    Comments: DOHC. M3 (E36). 2990CC, S50

    BMW 3.0 182 M30 530I 75-78

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: 530I, 630CSI, EFI

    BMW 3.0 182 M30 530I 77-78

    2.0472-2.0476" (51.999-52.009 MM)Housing Bore Size:

    Comments: 530I, 630CSI, EFI

    BMW 3.2 195 S52 328I 97-02 S52

    1.8898-1.8904" (48.001-48.016 MM) 17 FT/LBS, +70, USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9447-.9457" (23.995-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8665" (22.005-22.010 MM)

    Comments: M3, Z3,328I,328IS,528I,Z3 M SERIES,323I,323IS

    BMW 3.2 196 M30B 81-84

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Comments: GAS, M30B32, MFI

    BMW 3.2 196 M69 528I 78-80

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 38-42 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: EFI, 528I

    BMW 3.4 209 M30B 535I 87-93

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 38-42 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9472-.9488" (24.059-24.1 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8662-.8664" (22.001-22.007 MM)

    Comments: SOHC, 535I, 735I, M30B35MZ, MFI

    BMW 3.4 209 M30B 735I 85-88

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9472-.9488" (24.059-24.1 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8662-.8664" (22.001-22.007 MM)

    Comments: 735I, M30B34, MFI

    BMW 3.5 211 S38Z 535I 87-88

    2.0472-2.0479" (52.000-52.016 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9449-.9457" (24.000-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8669-.8671" (22.020-22.024 MM)

    Comments: DOHC, MFI, 16 VALVE HEAD, *ALSO 1991, 535I


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6BMW Cylinders (cont.)

    BMW 3.5 211 S38Z 89-91

    2.0472-2.0479" (51.999-52.017 MM) 38-41 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8861-.8862" (22.507-22.509 MM)


    Comments: DOHC, MFI, 24 VALVE HEAD

    8BMW Cylinders

    BMW 3.0 183 M60 530I 94-95

    1.8901-1.8904" (48.009-48.016 MM) 45 INCH/LBS, +20, +80Housing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9449-.9457" (24.-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8662-.8664" (22.001-22.007 MM)

    Comments: PFI, 530I

    BMW 4.0 242 M60 540I 94-95

    42 INCH/LBS, + 20, + 80Torque:

    Comments: 540I, 740I, 740IL

    BMW 4.4 268 M62 540I 97-99

    2.0472-2.0477" (52.000-52.013 MM) 15 FT/LBS, +80^ USE NEW BOLTSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Bore I.D.: .9092-.9457" (23.095-24.021 MM)

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .8663-.8666" (22.005-22.012 MM)

    Comments: SFI, 540I, 840CI, 740I, 740IL

    12BMW Cylinders

    BMW 5.0 304 M70 750 88-92

    7,22 FT/LBS, + 60Torque:

    Comments: MFI, 850I

    1BUDA Cylinder

    BUDA 0.6 38 1BD38 1BD38

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: 1BD38

    4BUDA Cylinders

    BUDA 2.5 153

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) * 40-45 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, B5708

    Notes: * MILITARY STANDARD: 2.2495-2.2500

    Comments: DIESEL

    BUDA 2.9 175 BD 4BD175 4BD175

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    Notes: ENGINE CODE: 4BD175

    Comments: 4BD175

    BUDA 2.9 175 D

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    BUDA 3.0 182

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    BUDA 3.0 182 BD 4BD182 4BD182

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4500141, B5708

    Comments: 4BD182

    BUDA 5.6 344

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4349339

    BUDA 5.7 344 HD-6 HD-6

    3.0250-3.0255" (76.835-76.848 MM) 120-130 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Comments: HD-6


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6BUDA Cylinders

    BUDA 0.0 0 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 0.0 0 KM

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 0.0 0 L

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 0.0 0 LM

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 3.8 230

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-65 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 7.373-7.377" (187.274-187.376 MM)

    Pin Bore I.D.: 1.1240-1.1250" (28.55-28.575 MM) Pin Type: FLOAT

    Finish Bushing I.D.: .9999-1.0004" (25.397-25.41 MM)

    Pin Diameter: .9996-.9998" (25.39-25.395 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4500141

    BUDA 4.3 262 D DD262 DD262

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 55 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Pin Type: FLOAT

    Pin Diameter: .9995-.9997" (25.387-25.392 MM)

    Comments: DD262, 6DA262

    BUDA 4.5 273

    2.1600-2.1605" (54.864-54.877 MM) 50-60 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    BUDA 4.6 279

    2.2705-2.2710" (57.671-57.683 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 9.500" (241.3 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1251, 1260, 1266

    BUDA 4.8 294

    3.4368-3.4370" (87.295-87.3 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 9.500" (241.3 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1251, 1260, 1266

    BUDA 5.2 317

    3.4368-3.4370" (87.295-87.3 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 9.500" (241.3 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1251, 1260, 1266

    BUDA 5.3 325

    3.4368-3.4370" (87.295-87.3 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 9.500" (241.3 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 1251, 1260, 1266

    BUDA 5.3 325 K

    3.4368-3.4370" (87.295-87.3 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Center to Center: 9.500" (241.3 MM)

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 5.5 336 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 5.8 358 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.0 369 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.2 381 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163


  • Connecting Rod Application Section

    Make Liter CID Vin Model Year Engine Model

    6BUDA Cylinders (cont.)

    BUDA 6.4 393 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.4 393 KM

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.6 404 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.6 404 KM

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.8 415 DR

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 6.8 415 LD

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 7.0 428 K

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 FT/LBSHousing Bore Size: Torque:

    Casting Numbers: 4250, 4251, 4260, 4263C, 4379, 5130, 5159, 5160, 5163

    BUDA 7.4 451 L

    3.4375-3.4382" (87.313-87.33 MM) 75-85 F