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  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc


    Laboratory Manual

    Subject: Automobile Engineering Lab

    Index No. Title of Content Page No.

    1 Study of engine components

    2 Study of clutches3 Study of gear boxes

    4 Study of differential

    Study of rear axle

    ! Study of ignition system

    " Study of charging system

    # Study of alternator

    $ Study of battery

    1% Study of starting system&

    11 Study of bra'es

    # Study of suspension system

    $ Study of basic dimension and (ehicle layout

    1% Study of computer control engine

    2. List of additional experiments/jobs planned (if any) :


    No.Brief description about the experiment

    No. of Lab. lots

    per batch(estimate)

    %1Study and )emonstration of distributor less ignitionsystem


    %2 *********************+il********************* *****

    !. List of open ended experiments/jobs planned (if any):


    No.Brief description about the experiment

    No. of Lab. lots

    per batch


    %1 ,ntroduction to )ri(ing -ractice on a six .heeler *****


  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc



    /he Automobile Engineering Laboratory mainly deals 0ith the idea of exposing the students to

    main areas5

    /hey are&

    15 Exposure to (arious automoti(e systems

    25 Exposure to ser(icing of (arious automoti(e systems535 Study of most of chassis components545 /o impart 'no0ledge of using (arious measuring instruments& used in an automoti(e


    /he laboratory experiments fully concentrate on the ser(icing aspects of an automobile5 6ere the

    students are exposed to all the abo(e mentioned areas& 0hich ma'e a student to enable himself to

    understand the concepts of ser(icing and testing in detail5


    7ho0 to use the e8uipment or facilities and ho0 to a(oid misuse& safety measures& laboratory code&dress code& standard accessories to be possessed by the students9

    I. Ho to u!" t#" E$u%&'"nt!:

    a9 /he students should handle follo0ing E8uipment and instruments only in presence of labinstructor or staff member5

    i9 Auto electrical /est ench5

    ii9 ;ear box5

    iii9 Steering gear box

    i(9 ear axle

    (9 ra'ing system 7)rum& master and 0heel cylinder9


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    II. Ho to a(o%) '%!u!":

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    In!tru,t%on to t#" !tu)"nt!:

    All students are re8uired to

    e present in the laboratory in time5

    +ote do0n the dismantling procedure& specifications of the e8uipment& if re8uiredcalculations& and obser(ations from lab manual before the commencement of each lab5

    ollo0 the procedure& 0hich is gi(en in the laboratory manual to conduct respecti(e


    >ome 0ith the obser(ation boo'& 0rite* up and results of the pre(ious experiment 0ithout

    fail for conducting the next experiment5

    >onduct each experiment in presence of staff member or lab instructor5

    /a'e the re8uired spanners and tools to conduct each experiment and must return them on

    completion of that experiment 0ithout fail5 ,f students are unable to return the tools and

    instruments in good conditions& a suitable penalty 0ill be imposed on them5

    L%!t o* all "$u%&'"nt! %t# !&",%*%,at%on! *ro' 'anual! %t# n"at )ra%n/!:

    +art A:

    A5 Engine

    5 >lutch assembly>5 ;ear box)5 ear axle and )ifferential assembly

    E5 ,gnition system

    5 >harging system;5 ra'ing system

    65 Suspension system

    ,5 attery 712 (olts9

    @5 stator motor5 >omputer control module

    +art B:

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    1. -rocedure for procurement of specimen=materiallutch5


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    .2.2 A%' or ob5",t%("! o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    /o dismantle& inspect and assemble the gi(en clutch assembly5

    .2.3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:6

    E$u%&'"nt6 >lutch plate Assembly

    Cehicle hec' crac's& une(en 0ear on pressure plate if necessary replace it5#9 After inspecting all the parts& replace the necessary parts5

    $9 Assemble all clutch assembly in re(erse order5

    1%9 ,nspect clutch assembly for correct operation5

    .2.1 Tabl" o* ob!"r(at%on: 6

    >lutch Assembly elongs to Cehicle: *

    -ermissible Spring pressure: *



    Spring Si?e Spring


    >an be used= eplaced

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    1 irst

    2 Second

    3 /hird

    4 ourth


    ! Sixth

    .2. D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on: 6>lutch assembly is dismantled& cleaned chec'ed for(isual damages and reported the problems5

    .3. T%tl" o* "4&"r%'"nt: )ismantling& ,nspection& Assembly of constant mesh gear box B

    >alculation of ;ear ratios5.3.2 A%' or ob5",t%(" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    )ismantle& clean and inspect the (arious parts of the gi(en gearbox and also gi(e the

    detailed report of it5 Also calculate the different gear ratios in different gear dri(es5

    .3.3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") *or ,on)u,t%n/ t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:

    E$u%&'"nt: 6constant mesh ;ear ox


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  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc


    the dri(ing gear dri(en gear






    irst gear

    Second gear

    /hird gearourth gear

    ifth gear

    e(erse gear

    .3.9 S&",%'"n ,al,ulat%on!:

    or reading +o: %1

    ;ear ratio D

    +o of teeth on counter gear of pinion clutch shaft G+o of teeth on dri(en gear 71st gear9

    +o of teeth on pinion of clutch shaft G +o of teeth on dri(ing gear 71stgear9

    .3. D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on:

    /he different gear ratios are**********

    List out the components found defecti(e=bro'en=replaced5

    Also ma'e the analysis of the defect& thus find out the cause for it5

    .. T %tl" o* "4&"r%'"nt: 66 )ismantling& ,nspection& Assembly of )ifferential B >alculation

    inal dri(e and differential gear ratios5

    ..2 A%' or ob5",t%(" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: ** /o dismantle& inspect and assemble the differential system5

    ..3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:**

    E$u%&'"nt:6/ata (ehicle differential


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    .0. T%tl" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 ear Axle 76ub ;reasing9

    .0.2 A%' or ob5",t%("! o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    /o study& dismantle& inspect and replace the 0orn out parts and grease necessary parts and

    reassemble the rear axle

    .0.3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:6

    E$u%&'"nt < /ata ear Axle

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    ear axles are used to transmit po0er to the 0heels and ta'es dri(e from the differential 5,t is

    also called as final dri(e5 /he rear axle al0ays carries complete (ehicle load hence theregular maintenance of rear axle is (ery important factor5 /he 0ear and tear of axle bearings&

    chuc' nuts and 0ear and tear of rear half axle B its splines are the major problems found in

    this system& due to lac' of maintenance5 6ence it is re8uired to carry out regular maintenance

    at regular time of inter(al as recommended by the manufacturer in his chart5

    .0.0 St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    19 Loosen the bolts of the rear half axle hub co(er plate5

    29 emo(e the co(er plate 0ithout damaging the co(er plate hub pac'ing5

    39 .ith the help of 0ooden hammer tap the rear half axle 0hich is present inside the hubby tapping it 0ill come out side5

    49 emo(e the half axle and 0ash it in cleaned 'erosene5

    9 >hec' the condition of the half axle gear teethHs and splines on the axle shaft5!9 ,f the gear teethHs fond damaged and splines 0ere 0orn out then& replace the axle shaft5

    "9 emo(e the chec' nut 0ith the help of chec' nut spanner5

    #9 emo(e the drum 0ith 6ub5

    1%9 .ith the help of bearing puller remo(e the hub bearings5119 .ash the 6ub and hub bearings in cleaned 'erosene& 0ith cotton 0aste ma'e it dry

    129 >hec' the bearings and if the balls or cone of the bearing is found damaged then

    replace the bearings5139 ;rease the hub and bearings 0ith recommended bearing grease5

    149 emo(e the old oil seal from hub shaft5

    19 >lean the hub shaft 0ith 'erosene and ma'e it dry 0ith cotton 0aste51!9 it the ne0 oil seal on the hub to the big end side of the bearing5

    1"9 >lean the drum inside portion 0ith sand paper5

    1#9 >hec' the bra'e liners for 0ear and tear if necessary replace it5

    1$9 it the drum and hub on the hub shaft5

    2%9 /ighten the chuc' nut on hub shaft5219 it the half axle5

    229 ix the hub co(er plate and tighten the bolts5

    .0.1 D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on: 6

    ear axle is dismantled& inspected and replaced the necessary parts& reassembled5


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    .1. T%tl" o* "4&"r%'"nt: /esting of ,gnition System and Spar' -lug

    .1.2 A%' or ob5",t%(" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    /o dismantle& inspect and also diagonise the fault in the ignition system5

    .1.3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:

    Spar' plug spanner& double end spanner& cutting pliers& scre0dri(er& cotton 0aste& spar'plug testing e8uipment 7Elgi9& sand& etc5

    .1. T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) *or t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    /he ignition system consists of a battery& a s0itch& ignition coil& contact brea'er assembly

    distributor& spar' plug and 0iring5 Apart from these& the generator is also a part of the

    system5 ,nitially the current is dra0n from the battery and is made to pass through the

    induction coil& 0hich is nothing but a step up transformer5 ,n order to produce the spar' atthe spar' plug& (oltage should be stepped up from 12(olts to 2%&%%% (olts instantaneously5

    /his (oltage is then passed to the distributor& 0hich supplies the necessary (oltage at therespecti(e spar' plug according to the firing order of the engine5

    /he spar' should occur at an appropriate moment i5e5& at some degrees of cran'

    rotation before the piston reaches the /)> during compression stro'e5 .hen the speed of

    the engine increases& the spar' should appear some0hat earlier to that of the normaloperation so that this ignited charge gets ample time to burn and deli(er full po0er5

    Similarly 0hen the speed falls& it should appear some0hat later5

    .1.0 St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out "4&"r%'"nt:


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    .. T%tl" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 Ser(icing of an Automobile ;enerator

    ..2 A%' or ob5",t%("! o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 /o dismantle& chec'& ser(ice and assemble

    the generator assembly5

    ..3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:6

    ;enerator 7dynamo9& Spanners 7si?es *! to 14 mm9& 'erosene oil& petrol& cotton 0aste&

    ;ro0ler& multi*meter5

    .. T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    An automobile has a number of electrical e8uipments5 /o operate these

    electrical e8uipments& electrical po0er is re8uired and also to recharge the storage battery5/he storage battery can supply po0er only for a limited period5 6ence it is necessary to

    ha(e a built in system& 0hich can deli(er necessary po0er for the electrical system in the

    (ehicle& 0hile it is in motion& and also for charging the battery5 Such system for anautomobile is 'no0n as po0er generating system5 /his consists of a generator coupled to

    the engine through a belt dri(e and a controlling unit& to control the out put of the generator5

    ..0 St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 615 >lean the outside surface of the gi(en generator 0ith clean 0aste5

    25 emo(e the top co(er by unscre0ing nuts B bolts5

    35 emo(e the generator pulley by remo(ing the loc'ing nut and 'ey545 /a'e out the armature assembly from the body by unscre0ing the nuts and bolts5

    5 >lean all the parts inspect and attend the follo0ing test5

    Armature test: *15 >hec' the armature for short circuit test& continuity and faulty insulation5

    25 /he armature is 'ept on the gro0ler and it is energi?ed by main supply5

    35 A thin hac'sa0 blade is placed o(er the core of armature and the armature is turned by


    45 ,t is said to be faulty& if the blade starts (ibrating or stic's to the core of the armature5 55 /o chec' the continuity test& connect one probe of main 11% (olts supply to one of the

    segments of the commutator and the other probe to other segments of commutator& if the lamp glo0s the 0inding is said to be correct5

    !5 Similarly& chec' for other segments of the commentator for continuity5

    "5 /o chec' the insulation& connect one probe of 11% (olts main supply to one of the segmentsof commutator and the other probe to the armature core5 ,f the bulb glo0s then there is a

    fault in the insulation5

    ..1 Tabl" o* ob!"r(at%on: 6



    S#ort ,%r,u%t t"!t Cont%nu%ty t"!t In!ulat%on



    Cibrates hac'sa0 ulb glo0s ulb glo0s Armature ailure

    .. D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on: 6


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    ;enerator 7dynamo9 is dismantledF chec'ed& inspected and reassembled the same for

    0or'ing condition5

    .9. T%tl" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 Ser(icing of an Automobile Alternator

    .9.2 A%' or ob5",t%("! o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 /o dismantle& chec'& ser(ice and assemblethe Alternator assembly5


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    .9.3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:6

    Alternator assembly& Spanners 7si?es *! to 14 mm9& 'erosene oil& petrol& cotton 0aste&


    .9. T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    An automobile has a number of electrical e8uipments5 /o operate these

    electrical e8uipments& electrical po0er is re8uired and also to recharge the storage battery5/he storage battery can supply po0er only for a limited period5 6ence it is necessary toha(e a built in generating system& 0hich can deli(er necessary po0er for the electrical

    system in the (ehicle& 0hile it is in motion& and also for charging the battery5 Such system

    for an automobile is 'no0n as po0er generating system5 /his consists of a generatorcoupled to the engine through a belt dri(e and a controlling unit& to control the out put of

    the generator5 /he alternator is type of generator 0hich has ad(antage of getting charged at

    lo0er speeds of automobile o(er con(entional generator5

    .9.0 St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    !5 >lean the outside surface of the gi(en alternator 0ith clean 0aste5

    "5 emo(e the top co(er by unscre0ing nuts B bolts5#5 emo(e the alternator pulley by remo(ing the loc'ing nut and 'ey5

    $5 /a'e out the field assembly 7rotor assembly9 from the body by unscre0ing the nuts

    and bolts51%5 >lean all the parts inspect and attend the follo0ing test5

    otor test: *

    15 >hec' the armature for short circuit test& continuity and faulty insulation525 /he armature is 'ept on the gro0ler and it is energi?ed by main supply5


    35 /o chec' the continuity test& connect one probe of main 11% (olts supply to one of the

    segments of the field coil and the other probe to other segments of slip ring& if the lamp glo0s the 0inding is said to be correct5

    45 Similarly& chec' the stator fpr continuity 5

    .9.1 Tabl" o* ob!"r(at%on: 6



    S#ort ,%r,u%t t"!t Cont%nu%ty t"!t In!ulat%on t"!t



    .9. D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on: 6

    Alternator is dismantledF chec'ed& inspected and reassembled the same for 0or'ing



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    .. T%tl" o* "4&"r%'"nt: /esting of a lead acid attery

    ..2 A%' or ob5",t%(" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    /o conduct the test and charge the gi(en battery& also state the condition of the same5

    ..3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") ,on)u,t%n/ t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:

    E$u%&'"nt:6 attery

    attery 12(olts&13 plate

    Coltage tester ange of 252 (olts


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    6ydrometer 15% to 153 (olts

    >harging unit ! (olts B 12(olts capacity

    ..Tool! an) ,on!u'abl"!: 6

    )istilled 0ater& sulphuric acid& 0ires& spanners 7si?e* 1% to 1! mm9& and cotton 0aste5

    ..0 T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) *or t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    /he battery supplies necessary electrical po0er to operate (arious electrical e8uipments& li'e

    starting system& headlamps& electrical gauges etc in a (ehicle5 /herefore it is essential that thebattery has to be 'ept in (ery good condition5 /he battery tests helps to 'no0 the state of

    charge of the battery5 ,f the battery is in poor state of charge then it has to be charged suitably5

    ..1 8or'ula" r"$u%r") natur" o* /ra %* any:

    a9 Standard temperature at 0hich specific gra(ity are to be noted ****** 1oc and 2"oc

    b9 >orrection to be applied is %5%%%4 should be added=subtracted for e(ery degree

    abo(e=belo0 the standard temperature5

    .. St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out "4&"r%'"nt:

    15 irst of all remo(e the battery connections and the holding clamps5

    25 /a'e the battery to the 0or'ing table and place the same on a 0ooden platform535 emo(e the entire cell stopper and chec' the le(el of electrolyte in the cells& if

    re8uired top*up 0ith distilled 0ater5

    45 )o not ta'e the readings immediatelyF charge the battery for some period 7thirty

    minutes955 +o0 note do0n the specific gra(ity and cell (oltage readings for all the cells5

    !5 ,f the battery is partially discharged& then 'eep the battery for charging 0ithnecessary connections5

    "5 Coltage should be selected according to the battery (oltage rating and one ampere

    per positi(e plate in a cell should be selected5

    #5 ,t is to be noted& temperature should not exceed beyond %%c during charging5$5 After completion of charging& the final readings are to be noted5

    ..9 Tabl" o* ob!"r(at%on!:

    15 oom temperature D3%o>

    25 Specifications of the battery:a9

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    >ell (oltagereading





    ,nitial inal ,nitial inal

























    153%% 15$ attery


    .. S&",%'"n ,al,ulat%on!:

    or reading no********* %1

    ,f Specific gra(ity reading is**** 1523&/he temperature is *** 3%oc&

    /hen the corrected reading& for std temperature*** 2"oc is gi(en by

    D 1523 J %5%%%473%*2"9D 152312

    ..= D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on:


    19 A(erage specific gra(ity of the electrolyte D 153%%29 A(erage cell (oltage D1$ (olts

    6ence it can be concluded that the state of the gi(en battery is5 )ischarged B after charging became fully charged5

    .=. T%tl" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: * Ser(icing of an Automobile starter

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    /he starter motor is used to cran' the engine5

    .=.0 St"& by !t"& &ro,")ur" to ,arry out t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

    1 >lean the out side surface of the gi(en starter motor 0ith clean 0aste5

    2 emo(e the top co(er by unscre0ing nuts B bolts5

    3 emo(e the starter motor bendix dri(e by remo(ing the loc'ing nut and 'ey54 /a'e out the armature assembly from the body by unscre0ing the nuts and bolts5

    >lean all the parts& inspect and attend the follo0ing test Armature ;ro0ler /est:*

    1 >hec' the armature for short circuit test& continuity and faulty insulation5

    2 /he armature is 'ept on the gro0ler and it is energi?ed by main supply5

    3 A thin hac' sa0 blade is placed o(er the core of armature and the armature is turned by hand5

    4 ,t is said to be faulty& if the blade starts (ibrating or stic's to the core of the armature5

    /o chec' the continuity& connect one probe of main 11% (olts supply to one of the segments of the commutator and the other probe to other segments of commutator& if the

    lamp glo0s the 0inding is said to be correct5

    !5 Similarly& chec' for other segments of the commutator for continuity5

    " /o chec' the insulation& connect one probe of 11% (olts main supply to one of the segments of commutator and the other probe to the armature core5 ,f the bulb glo0s then

    there is a fault in the insulation5

    .=.1 Tabl" o* ob!"r(at%on :6



    S#ort ,%r,u%t t"!t Cont%nu%ty t"!t In!ulat%on t"!t B"n)%4 )r%("



    6ac'sa0 (ibrates ulb not glo0s ulb not glo0s .or'ingcondition

    ailure ofArmature

    .=. D%!,u!!%on o* r"!ult! an) ,on,lu!%on:6

    Starter motor is dismantledF chec'ed in detail& and made the necessary repairs& andreassembled the same for 0or'ing condition5

    .. T%tl" o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 )ismantling& ,nspection& Assembly 6ydraulic rea'ing system

    ..2 A%' or ob5",t%("! o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6 /o dismantle& chec'& ser(ice and assemble

    the 6ydraulic rea'ing system

    ..3 L%!t o* "$u%&'"nt r"$u%r") to ,on)u,t t#" "4&"r%'"nt %t# t#"%r !&",%*%,at%on!:6

    Spanners 7si?es *! to 14 mm9& 'erosene oil& petrol& cotton 0aste B 6ydraulic rea'ingsystem

    .. T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) t#" "4&"r%'"nt: 6

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    1% ppm for 6>

    .. T#"or"t%,al ba,7/roun) *or t#" "4&"r%'"nt? (al%)at%on o* t#" "4&"r%'"nt:

    ,n the de(elopment of transport the internal combustion engines& both petrol and diesel

    engines& occupy a (ery important position5 Exhaust gases let out by automobile cause

    problems to people and matter5 /hese substances produce harmful effects on human beingsand pollute en(ironment by adding toxicity5

    Air pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material& 0hich 0ill ha(edeleterious effect on life5 /he main pollutants contributed by automobiles are carbon

    monoxide 7>9& unburned hydrocarbons 76>9& oxides of nitrogen 7+K9 and lead and

    other particulate emissions5

    /he (arious standards are pro(ided for the exhaust emission le(els& 0hich pro(ide a

    reference for (ehicle users to safeguard the en(ironment5 ,n order to chec' the emissionle(el& exhaust emission test is employed uni(ersally5


    M1% 12 #

    1%NN3% 12J7*1%9=2%% #J47*1%9=2%%

    O3% 3% 12

    Light )uty Cehicles

    eference 7g='m9

    r0M1%2% 1453 25%

    1%2%Nr0N12% 1!5 251

    12%Nr0N14"% 1#5# 251

    14"%Nr0N1"%% 2%5" 253

    1"%%Nr0N1$3% 225$ 251$3%Nr0N21% 245$ 25"

    r0O21% 2"51 25$

    15 >onformity of production tests

    /0o B /hree .heelers

    eference 7g='m9 6> 7g='m9


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    M1% 1 1%

    1%NN3% 1J7*1%9=2%% 1%J47*1%9=2%%

    O3% 4% 1

    Light )uty Cehicles

    eference 7g='m9

    r0M1%2% 1"53 25"

    1%2%Nr0N12% 1$5" 25"

    12%Nr0N14"% 225 25#

    14"%Nr0N1"%% 245$ 35%

    1"%%Nr0N1$3% 2"5! 353

    1$3%Nr0N21% 2$5$ 35

    r0O21% 325! 35"

    ubic capacity 7>m39 > 7g='m9 6> J +x7g='m9

    M14%% #5!# 35%%

    M14%%M2%%% 1152% 35#4

    M2%%% 1254% 453!

    +ote: 15 /he test 0ill be as per ,ndian dri(ing cycle 0ith 0arm start5

    25 /here should be no cran'case emission

    35 E(aporati(e Emission should not more than 25% g=test

    ii9 /hree 0heelers 7for all categories9

    >*g='m !5"

    6> J +xg='m 54%

    iii9 /0o 0heelers 7for all categories9

    >*g='m 45%6> J +xg='m 35!%

    Light )uty Cehicles

    7-assenger cars92% relaxation in the standards for > and 2% in combined 6> B + x for the >-

    (olumes 0ould be gi(en

    /0o B /hree .heelers

    1% relaxation in the standards for > and 2% in combined 6> B + x for the >-

    (olumes 0ould be gi(en

    ..0 8or'ula" r"$u%r")- natur" o* /ra %* any: N%l


  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc


    ..1 St"& by !t"& +ro,")ur" to ,arry out t#" "4&"r%'"nt:


    a5 >onnect the sampling tube to the drain separator and the probe assembly5 /ighten each joint

    0ith the hose bands5

    b5 -lug the drain separator in to the sample inlet and t0ist to securec5


    A 2 S "" 15! 2%%% nder control

    4 A@A@


    A2 1$1" %5# $3% nder control

    "5145# Specimen calculations: +il

    "5145$ -lotting of the graph: +il

    "51451% )iscussion of results and conclusion:


  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc


  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc


  • 7/26/2019 AEL I MANUAL.doc
