ARBITRATION INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 21, No. 3 © LCIA, 2005  253   J urisdictional Disputes under the Arbitration  Act 1996: A Procedural Route Map   JurisdictionalDisputes under theArbitration Act 1996: AProceduralRoute Map  by PETER AEBERLI*   ArbitrationInternational  Johnny VeederQ.C.  ArbitrationInternational, Volume 21Number 3 2005  Articles  IT IS some years since the Arbitration Act 1996 (‘AA 1996’ or ‘the 1996 Act’) introduced into the arbitral law of England and Wales  1  principles of Kompetenz- Kompetenz largely derived from the UNCITRAL Model Law on Arbitration (‘Model Law’).  2  It did so by providing that, unless otherwise ag reed by the parties, and subject to challenge by any available arb itral process of appeal or review or in accordance with the pr ovisions of Part I of the 1996 Act, an arbitral trib unal may rule on its own substantive jurisdiction,  3  that is, as to whether there is a valid arbitration agreement, whether the tribunal is properly constituted and whether the matters in question have been submitted to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement.  4  There is, now , a signicant body of case law concerning this new regime and its relationship with the court’s power to consider jurisdictional issues whether under express pro visions of the 1996 Act or at common law . This article written in early 2004, and revised for publication in mid 2005, considers, in the light of that case law and the provisions of the 1996 Act, the options available to the  * DipICArb, RIBA ARIAS FCIArb, Barrister, Chartered Arbitrator , Adjudicator , Re gistered CE DR Mediator. The author is a visiting senior lecturer at Kings College London. This article developed from a talk given by the author to the Society of Construction Arbitrators and from the author’s lectures on arbitration practice and procedure for the Kings College Centre of Construction Law and Management.  1  The 1996 Act also applies in Northern Ireland, thus the principles discussed in this article are applicable there. The 1996 Act does not apply in Scotland.  2  There is no single doctrine of Kompetenz-K ompetenz (compétence-compétence). Rather , these words embody a range of concepts, which differ between jurisdictions, concerning the relationship between the arbitral tribunal and the court in deciding questions concerning the tribunal’s jurisdiction and, where the tribunal has determined its own jurisdiction, the manner and timing of any recourse to the court in respect of the tribunal’s determination, and the circumstances in which the tribunals’ determination may become nal. See  W. Park, ‘The Arbitrability Dicta in First Options v. Kaplan  ’ in (1996) 12 Arb. Int’l  137 at p. 149.  3   AA 1996, s. 30; note also s. 7 (giving effect to the doctrine of separability). These provisions are a nalogous to, although differently worded from, art. 16(1) of the Model Law. Unlike art. 16(1), they can be excluded by agreement of the parties; see   AA 1996, s. 4.  4   AA 1996, s. 30(1). Compare art. 36(1)(a)(i), (a)(iii) and (iv) of the Model Law.

Aeberli - Jurisdictional Disputes Under AA

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