Advertising Theory Pro- Forma Scott Wilson

Advertising theory pro forma

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Advertising Theory Pro-Forma

Scott Wilson

Advertising Task 1

Distribution and Consumption• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital and non-digital distribution and consumption with examples.

• Digital and non-digital consumption is another way of talking about media based products such as magazines,newspapers,posters outside cinemas,Tv’s,Radio’s. Using digital and non-digital consumption has many advantages and dis-advantages. An Advantage for digital consumption would be that it’s on TV so many viewers will notice it and if it’s catchy, humorous or Memorable then you will be able to make a significant amount of money. Also with digital consumption you are able to advertise your product on social media sites or you can make a website, even on other websites there are so many ways you can advertise your company or product, it even makes the audience more entertained and they’re able to visualise. Another Advantage of Digital consumption is the ability to promote your own business so you can diverse your business throughout the world especially if you do your business outside of your community, one other advantage of Digital consumption is it’s very simple to get income as the internet is very vast and can also allow advertisements so that you are able to gain income and it’s a lot easier to advertise your business and can be seen by and can reach further to more people than using media at a fraction of a cost.

• The dis-advantages of digital consumption are that in some cases it may cost you a significant amount of money to put your advertisement on social media websites or on a website even on TV it costs $20 a month or more. Another disadvantage Is that some adverts can be offensive and maybe inferred differently and some may take it personally, this could lead to lawsuits and other various crimes. Also if your company doesn’t make enough money you may have to stop your advertisement, to add to this customers tend to ignore adverts on other websites. You can also get hacked or get a virus this could result to hackers finding out all your details and steal money from you. One other dis-advantage of advertising on the internet is that your marketing materials may appear automatically available for anyone in the world to copy, regardless of the legal actions which you must go through t still can be done. One disadvantage of using digital media is that Logo's, images and trademarks can be copied as well and also used for commercial purposes., this could lead to then someone mocking your company. This is not the case on TV or radio or magazine advertisements.

• The advantages of using non-digital media for example news papers, job advertisements, billboards etc. Its cheaper to make and can be made quickly, there is also no risk of viruses, they can also be very catchy towards the eye. You are able to make several copies by printing and for billboards you will be able to see them whilst on the freeway. One other Advantage of using newspapers is that it allows you to reach a vast number of people in a certain area, you also have the flexibility in deciding the ad size and placement in the newspaper this will give you an advantage over another company. One other advantage of using non-digital advertisements would be that your advert will stay on a billboard or newspaper or magazine for a long period of time this will give you the chance to either expand your business and get more recognition.

• However the disadvantages of non-digital media is that it can be vandalised this would mean that people wouldn’t be able to see your advertisement, as a result it will cost you a significant amount of money to replace or repair. Another disadvantage would be that it could be ignored if you it’s not eye catching and often some advertisements may seem to be in bad taste. One other dis-advantage of using Digital advertising for example newspapers, is that having Ad space can be expensive, Your advert has to compete against the clutter of other advertisers, including the giant ads run by supermarkets, big business’ and companies, as well as your competitors and Poor photo reproduction can limit your creativity, you can also expect your advert to only a appear in the newspaper for a short amount of time. This means it will be very difficult for you to compete with the other businesses if you are starting out a new company.

Gunn’s Categories: Comparison• Discuss one of Gunn’s categories with examples from specific adverts

• An example of Gunn’s categories is comparison. Comparison is where you look at one product and compare it with another for example the Aldi advert this is worked by using your product and another retailers product and comparing the price or the value for money or the size of the product an other examples of this are Fast food restaurant adverts such as, Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell and Subway. All these companies use this advertising style to show which company is the best.

• Video • Advantages: suggests to the viewer that one item is better than the other without saying it, Provides more

information about brands, available products, and prices to the market place, Helps a new business who may have an unknown position in the marketplace to maybe try and get involved with a big Company to gain there popularity, Creates confidence for the challenger These are all included with the examples listed above.

• Disadvantage: Other companies may get offended and could be a potential lawsuit, Open Media warfare may turn out of sorts and escalate dramatically, Generates too much Information such as irrelevant noise and misinformation to the consumer, may create brand name confusion on part of the audience, may decrease rather than enhance believability and creditability for the sponsor brand, consumers may view the Adverts as unprofessional and may also lead to Unnecessary Conflict.

Gunn’s Categories: parody • Discuss one of Gunn’s categories with examples from specific adverts

• Another example of Gunn’s categories is parody’s, what happens is the one company does there own version of the similar advert. This is worked by having the same background and the same concept of the advert you are trying to copy Just using your own Product to manipulate the advert and make it your own, an example of this would be the Specsavers version of the Lynx advert. One other example of the parody advert was the Tango clear advert which was launched , parodying with the “ Balls” going down the stairs and around the streets which was themed with the Sony Bravia LCD TV adverts. The original consisted of footage of thousands of Balls going down the streets of San Francisco, however the Tango advert was filmed in Swansea and featured fruit instead of Balls.

• Video

• Advantage: gives the viewer a humorous effect and will make the advert memorable, Using this idea has the potential to make your company go viral as some of the viewers may find it amusing this could make it trend on social media websites, this allows it to be shared around by the consumers therefore, adding to the hype of the brand which will give you the word of mouth, all of this could then result to you making your company increase it’s income.

• Disadvantage: it may cause a lawsuit or the viewer may not see the humorous side, This could result to Conflict between various companies and other small rival business’ would benefit from this, you can also loose your own identity as you could be viewed as a company that only copy’s other peoples idea’s. Another disadvantage is the potential risk’s you face when doing the parody like legal actions or other charges.

Non-Digital Advertising• Analyse the advertising conventions used in a specific example

• An example of an advertising convention would be a poster for a movie or a advertisement on a Billboard.• The majority of the work put in to make an advert poster is the use of imagery, bold titles and contrast with the

colours. If it’s an advertisement for a film you could put the biggest actors in your film at the top of the advert to make the viewer want to watch it. For example for the film iron man it required actors names at the top like Robert Downey Jr etc. This would attract the audience for Robert Downey JR fans.

• If your trying to advertise on a billboard then the same procedure applies. You will need bold titles and contrasting colours to give it effect and to attract drivers on motorways or citizens.

• On a advert in order for it to be effective you must include a slogan to get your attention, also you must make sure that your content has relevance towards what you are trying to promote. Another aspect is branding make sure that it’s clear and the logo is clear, this is key so they will be able to know your company.

• The content used within this example is structured very well the main image is in the centre of the Advertisement to show a point of focus and who the Main character is in the film, the subtitles are layer out accordingly with the date at the Bottom of the page with the bold font and the colour of the font gives it a bionic/ robotic feel to the advertisement this is relevant to the film title which is “ Iron man. “ In this advertisement you can also notice the Marvel logo above the Iron man Film title this indicates to the reader about the Marvel Franchise and it also shows the point of focus as well. You can also see that the Film which is being advertised that it’s action as the special effects are in the background which also contrasts with the Dark background colours, it also contrasts well with the way that the Images are positioned in the front of the advertisement as the characters are facing a certain way, which could represent danger as the facial expressions used on Image suggest that there I danger, this could link in with the Film genre which is SCI-FI/Super hero.

Digital Advertising• Analyse the advertising conventions used in a specific example

• A common example for digital advertising would be the adverts that you see on TV or on a computer for example; adverts that promote there company like insurance companies, car adverts or retail adverts, or adverts to promote a film or video game.

• These adverts will include or exploit the following aspects; narrative to give promote and give other special offers, also for seasonal offers for example in the summer McDonalds advert it would show ice drinks and the winter hot drinks like tea or coffee. Visual imagery to inform and show them your product, it may also include Music as background to add effect, if it includes a famous or catchy song then it may remind you of the advert.

• A important part of advertisement would be the slogan, if it’s catchy then it will be remembered for example McDonalds “ I’m lovin’ it “ and Kfc “ Finger lickin’ good”. Another way it could make it more rememberable would be the use of Rhyme or repetition so it gets in your head more.

• In some cases an advert which is irritating and sometimes annoying, for example the Go compare advert. With the use of opera/ classical music to promote there insurance company, it gets on some peoples nerves this makes the advert rememberable, it may also get in your head.

• The conventions used in the some of the Digital advertisements which are mentioned above is the use of identity of the product a big company for example KFC would have an identity because the company itself has been around for many generations this will give it’s familiarity to it’s audience. Another advertising convention used in the examples would be celebrity Endorsement , this would help increase the companies popularity and if the advert has any humorous effect then it could trend on social media which would increase it’s income and the Familiarity would increase also. One other convention which I used in the example KFC would be that the business is a Family orientated and this will increase the audience familiarity and the company values are on show this gives it an authentic feel.

Advertising Task 2

Print Advert• Analyse the persuasive techniques used in a print advert

• The purpose of persuasive techniques is to make the viewer want buy your product, it is also used to inform you about the advert. One of the Persuasive techniques is the bandwagon, it’s used because they believe that’s what everybody does, this creates popularity and can make your company mainstream within the advertising industry. Another important technique which is used is celebrity endorsement this is a useful technique as it can make your print advert memorable.

• For example In the printed advert above in this case it’s Coca-Cola, due to the fact that it’s fairly memorable and it’s a huge company it would simply rely on it’s branding. It also has a catchy slogan “ Tired? Then Drink Coca-Cola.“ Also if you look at the font it draws your attention and almost makes you want a drink and it advises you to have a drink of Coca-Cola. It also states that it relieves exhaustion, which in the picture it shows 3 gentlemen enjoying a glass of Coca-Cola and looking relaxed this links in with one of the slogans.

Video Advert• Analyse the persuasive techniques used in a video advert Ensure you include the URL of the advert on

Youtube and employ screen-grabs.

• In the NSPCC advert one of the features it uses is depressive actions, this is to make you want to donate and feel like you are making a impact on the child’s life. The advert also includes footage of a supposedly abused child to add a very deep dark effect.

• Another interesting aspect of the advert is the use of subtitles to symbolise how the children in the advert are feeling, which then would lead to making you feel shocked and guilty.

• The colour scheme of the advert is dull and dark to symbolise how you wold feel if you was in that situation, It also makes you feel sympathetic which would lead to you wanting to donate. The advert also uses the children’s facial expressions to add sympathy to the advertisement, this affects you emotionally and could result to you making donation.