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Page 1: Adverboffrequency

Adverb of Frequency


Page 2: Adverboffrequency

Adverb of frequency คอ คำำกรยำวเศษบอกควำมถของกำรกระทำำ

ของประธำนในประโยค ซงคำำกรยำวเศษณบอกควำมถ สำมำรถแบงได 2 ประเภท ดงน

เปนคำำเดยวเชน always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never

Adverb of frequency คอ คำำกรยำวเศษณบอกควำมถของกำร

เสมอ ปกต บอย บำงครงนำนๆครงไมเคย

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เปนกลมคำำ เชน every day, once a week

ตำำแหนงของคำำกรยำวเศษณในประโยคดงน คอ

คำำกรยำวเศษณชนดคำำเดยว จะอยหนำคำำกรยำแท และอยหลง V. to be หรอกรยำชวยอน ๆ

My sister always plays with her doll.หลอนเลนกบตกตำของหลอนเสมอ


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I never eat meat. ฉนไมเคยกนเนอ

He is sometimes at his home. เขำอยบำนเปนบำงครง

Jane and her sister are usually in bed at 10 p.m.เจนและนองสำวเขำนอนต 10 เปนปกต

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My sister always plays with her doll.หลอนเลนกบตกตำของหลอนเสมอ


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2. คำำกรยำวเศษณ sometimes และ often สำมำรถวำงไวทตนประโยคหรอทำยประโยค กได

Example Does she go to the pool often?หลอนไปสระวำยนำำบอยใชไหม

Sometimes I get up early.บำงครงฉนตนเชำตร

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Example Nop watches TV every day.นพดทวทกวน

I go to swimming pool twice a month.ฉนไปวำยนำำเดอนละ 2 ครง

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Rewrite these words into correct sentences.

1. always / at / He / works / home

He always works at home.

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2. brother / usually / My / to / doesn’t / go / the / by / park /car

My brother doesn’t usually go to the park by car.

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3. never / his / That / does / student / homework

That student never does his homework.

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4. often / under / My / sleeps / dog / chair / that

My dog often sleeps under that chair.

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5. friends / to / My / come / don’t / school / late / day / every

My friends don’t come to school late every day.

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6. and / sometimes /Sandy / lunch / Bob / have / the / restaurant / at

Sandy and Bob sometimes have lunch at the restaurant.

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7. at / is / She / seldom home

She is seldom at home.

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8. the / letter / I / my / write / twice /to / friend / a / week

I write a letter to my friend twice a week.

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9. don’t / the / go / They / to / always / concert

They don’t always go to the concert.

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10. never / his / I / dog / love

I never love his dog.