Lesson # : Lesson Length : 50 minutes # of Students : 30 Grade Level : 9 th Teaching Styles : Self feedback and Divergent Discovery Assessments Used : Question Station Equipment Needed : Outdoor track 16 BOSU balls Station Task Sheets Score Cards for Riddle Station Score Cards for End of the Race 16 Jump Ropes 8 Frisbees Radio Ballroom music 6 stopwatches Pencils Tape Student Learning Objectives: Psychomotor Domain: 1. SWBAT perform BOSU exercises using the proper techniques. Cognitive Domain: 1. SWBAT explain the relationship between calories and activity levels. Affective Domain: 1. SWBAT work together as a team to complete the race. 2. SWBAT appreciate the importance of physical activity. Health Related Fitness Domain: 1. SWBAT engage in a minimum of 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity.

Adventure Race - 20 Questions

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Adventure Race - 20 Questions

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Page 1: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

Lesson # : Lesson Length : 50 minutes # of Students : 30 Grade Level : 9th

Teaching Styles : Self feedback and Divergent Discovery Assessments Used : Question Station

Equipment Needed : Outdoor track 16 BOSU balls Station Task Sheets Score Cards for Riddle Station Score Cards for End of the Race 16 Jump Ropes

8 Frisbees Radio Ballroom music 6 stopwatches Pencils Tape

Student Learning Objectives:

Psychomotor Domain:1. SWBAT perform BOSU exercises using the proper techniques.

Cognitive Domain:1. SWBAT explain the relationship between calories and activity levels.

Affective Domain:1. SWBAT work together as a team to complete the race.2. SWBAT appreciate the importance of physical activity.

Health Related Fitness Domain:1. SWBAT engage in a minimum of 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity.

Page 2: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

Introduction(Set Induction, Short explanation of the day’s activities, State learning objectives, and Check for Understanding)

Who here has seen eco-racing on TV? Well today we are going to do a simplified version called an adventure race. This is a fun alternative to running a traditional mile and a great way to increase your cardiovascular endurance and reach your daily goal for moderate to vigorous activity. The race will also reinforce the BOSU skills we learned earlier and will have a station that explains the relationship between calorie consumption and energy expenditure of various activities. What were some of the BOSU skills we did last week?

General Rules of Adventure Racing

1. Teammates must stay together for the entire race.2. Students can help each other and other teams complete obstacles.3. Students unable to participate can be judges at each station. They cannot help participants.4. On the first lap, students only complete the question station. Each lap thereafter, students complete all stations. This creates separation

between the teams.

Specific Rules of This Race

1. Race format is “20 Questions.” Teams start off with 10 questions to use at the end of the race but can earn 8 extra questions to use from the Riddle Station and 2 extra questions from good fair play. Teams earn a time deduction depending on how many questions it takes the team to find the answer. Each answer attempt also counts as using one of their questions. Questions are asked one at a time from each team member so that everyone has a chance to play.

2. Unfair play or not staying together as a team during the race results in a question deduction.

Closing(Review of what was learned and Assessment)

So I hope everyone had fun during the race. Adventure races are an example of interval running, which is a great way to increase your cardiovascular endurance. Remember to turn in your exit slips before leaving.

What did your team do to be successful? What would you do different? Did the M&M station surprise you? What did you learn?

Page 3: Adventure Race - 20 Questions


  Learning Activities


  Variations and Challenges




5 Introduction(demonstrate BOSU exercises if necessary)

-Teamwork-Try your best School Circle

30 - 40 Adventure RaceStation 1 – Riddles

-Only the team leader can give a response, response from anyone else will count as a wrong answer.-Maximum of 2 attempts-Answered correctly on 1st chance = 2 bonus ?s-Answered correctly on 2nd chance = 1 bonus ?



Challenge Can you answer on your 1st


Station 2 – BOSU Balls: Upper Body & Abs

1. Plank2. Crunches3. Design own exercise

-Controlled movements

-Tight core

-All the way

Easier Rest between repetitionsHarder Do not rest

Challenge Can you do more than your teammates?

Station 3 – M & M’s Fitness Concept

1. Fast Ballroom Dancing2. Moderate Jump Roping3. Playing Frisbee



Station 4 – BOSU Balls: Lower Body

1. Calf Raise2. Back Lunge3. Design own exercise

- High Knee

- Bottom Down

- Knee to Ground

Easier Rest between repetitionsHarder Do not rest

Challenge Can you do more than your teammates?

Closing- Cool down- Stretch in Teams: Teams play 20 questions game during this time using the number of questions they earned.-Total times are tallied

Group Space

Page 4: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

Race Times








_______________Race Time

Answered onAttempt #

Bonus ReductionTotal Time

Riddle Station – Bonus Questions





Riddle 1 - Fire

Riddle 2 – 0 Times

Riddle 3 - Corn

Riddle 4 – Tennis Ball

*2 bonus questions for answering riddle on 1st try*1 bonus questions for answering riddle on 2nd try

20 Questions Point Reductions

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Attempt Reduction Attempt Reduction

1 200 Seconds 11 100 Seconds

2 190 Seconds 12 90 Seconds

3 180 Seconds 13 80 Seconds

4 170 Seconds 14 70 Seconds

5 160 Seconds 15 60 Seconds

6 150 Seconds 16 50 Seconds

7 140 Seconds 17 40 Seconds

8 130 Seconds 18 30 Seconds

9 120 Seconds 19 20 Seconds

10 110 Seconds 20 10 Seconds

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As a team, you must collectively hold for:

40 Seconds

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As a team, you must collectively perform:

80 Crunches

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As a team, create a variation that focuses on the Upper Body and do:

20 Repetitions

Page 9: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

As a team, you must collectively perform:

40 Leg Raises

Page 10: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

As a team, you must collectively perform:

40 Lunges

Page 11: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

As a team, create a variation that focuses on the Lower Body and do:

20 Repetitions

Page 12: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.

Page 13: Adventure Race - 20 Questions

If your mom asked you to come downstairs and you did. Then she asks you to go back upstairs

and get some dirty clothes and then come back down, but you sat on the couch instead. How

many times did you go upstairs?

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Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. What am I?

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What do you serve that you can't eat?

Lap # ActivitySeconds to burn the calories from

1 M&M130 lbs 155 lbs 190 lbs

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2 Fast Ballroom Dancing 50 42 34

3 Moderate Jump Rope 27 23 19

4 Playing Frisbee 92 77 63

**Each lap, eat 1 M & M and perform the designated activity for the 155 pound category. Use the stopwatches to keep time.**