Advanced Third Party Access Rebecca Pyle October, 2007

Advanced Third Party Access Rebecca Pyle October, 2007

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Page 1: Advanced Third Party Access Rebecca Pyle October, 2007

Advanced Third Party Access

Rebecca Pyle

October, 2007

Page 2: Advanced Third Party Access Rebecca Pyle October, 2007


Agendum – more of the same


> Microsoft Access

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ISQL – basics

> SELECT fields or * for all fields

> FROM table

> WHERE criteria


FROM dba.Invoice

WHERE InvoiceDate between ′2007-06-01′ and ′2007-06-30′

> Single quotes around text.

> Be careful if you copy and paste – curly quotes don’t work

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ISQL – statistics window

> Shows what and how: table and method of search

> How: Index or sequential (“seq”). Seq is table scan (entire table)

> Sybase 9:• Scans table unless very limiting criteria

• Caches results then subsequent queries on same criteria are fast

• GW users tend to see performance suffer in some circumstances

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ISQL – Force use of index

> You can “force” the engine to use a specific indexSELECT fields

FROM table

FORCE INDEX (index name)

WHERE criteria

> ExampleSELECT *

FROM dba.Invoice

force index (invinvdate)

WHERE InvoiceDate between '2007-06-01' and '2007-06-30‘

> Finding index names:select * from sys.sysindexes

where tname = 'invoice'

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ISQL – Force use of index

> Not available in Access GUI

> Can put in pass-through query• Query, SQL-specific, Pass-through

> Speaking of which, Access and ISQL syntax similar but not exactly the same• Dba_invoice vs. dba.invoice for table names

• #...# vs. ‘…’ around date values

• Double vs. single quotes around text values

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ISQL – query from command line

> ISQL queries can be run from the command line

> And consequently, in a batch file

> “dbisqlc” + connection parameters + select statement (one paragraph)

dbisqlc -c "uid=edit; pwd=data; dsn=gblware32" SELECT * from dba.invoice where invoicedate between ‘2007-06-01' and '2007-06-03' and FOP in ('A', 'P'); output to c:\inv.txt;

> Can’t use symbols that mean something to DOS.

<> (not equal) doesn’t work (because > means something in DOS),

Use != e.g., where Status != ‘V’

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> LIST is comma-delimited

> You can get a “cross-tab” file with this:

select bkagt, list(distinct provider order by provider) as Provsfrom dba.invoicewhere invoicedate = '2007-04-16' and traveltype = 'a' group by bkagt;output to c:\bkagt.txtquote ''

> quote '' means no quotes

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> Invoices missing service fee

> Apollo invoice numbers

> Original ticket information

> Thru-fare calculation

> City pair “include returns”

> True OD with segment information

> One-way tickets

> Last segment

> Building import files

> Add/delete comment lines – Fare savings in Invoice Query

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Access – Invoices missing service fee

> Query what’s potentially missing (fees)

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Access – Invoices missing service fee

> Query invoice table and the Fees query

> Outer join on branch and invoice number

> Criteria “is null” on a field from the Fees query

> Group by

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Access – Missing invoice numbers

> GlobalWare Missing Invoices report is not always accurate because of /QA- and MCOs

> These attach to the original invoice and Apollo invoice number is in comment line 115

> Query invoice and comment line 115, and create a field that is line 115 if present, else invoice number

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Access – Missing invoice numbers

> Query comment line 115

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Access – Missing invoice numbers

> Query invoice and comment line 115 query, and create a field that is line 115 if present, else invoice number

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Access - Calculated leg fare

> Like commission – sum and divide by number of legs

> Add Fare and TrueODNum to Segment Count query

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Access - Calculated leg fare

> Join to Segments table on InvPayid and TrueODNum

> Divide fare total from segment count by number of segments

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Access - City pair “include returns”

> Treat AUS-DEN and DEN-AUS as the same city pair

> Create field:

CityPair: Iif (DepartCity<ArrivalCity,DepartCity & '-' & ArrivalCity,ArrivalCity & '-' & DepartCity)

> If logic syntax in ISQL (also concatenate and field alias):

IF DepartCity<ArrivalCity THEN

DepartCity || '-' || ArrivalCity ELSE

ArrivalCity || '-' || DepartCity ENDIF AS CityPair

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Access - True OD with segment information

> Information that could be different on connecting flights is not necessarily in TrueOD, e.g., fare basis

> To get this information, join Segments and TrueOD tables via InvPayId and TrueODNum

> To get TrueOD only segments in results, group by and pick an aggregate (min or max) for FareBasis

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Access - True OD with segment information

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Access - One-way tickets

> Segments with only one true OD• Max(trueOD) = 1

> Also• Not void

• Not refund

> Can get info from invoice also if needed (invoice date for criteria, tkt #, etc.)

> Might want to exclude Amtrak (OX not accurate)

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Access - One-way tickets

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Access – Last Segment

> For Arrival manifest-type reports

> Query segments for greatest segment number per Payid

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Access – Last Segment

> Query segments and that query

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Access - Building import files

> Export from one GW and import into another

> Export from something else (e.g., website) and import into GW

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Access - Building import files

> Account IDs, Invoices (including segments and comments), GL

> All are flat files• Account IDs and Invoices files are tab-delimited

• GL file is fixed-length fields

> Account Id is easy; Invoices tricky particularly if you need segments or comments, GL not too bad once you figure out the number fields

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Access - Building import files

> Basic steps• Build a table in Access that looks like the file

• Query data source (e.g., AccountID table) and append to Access table

• Export the Access table to text file

• Import into GlobalWare

> You can build a macro to automate the query and export steps

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Access – Add/delete comment lines

> EDIT user has insert and delete rights to the Comments table

> Fare savings through Invoice Query• Calculate fare savings

• Store in Comment line

• Define comment line in Invoice Query

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Access – Add/delete comment lines

> Calculate fare savings• If MaxFare is zero, savings = zero

• Otherwise, MaxFare minus TotalCost

• If you do fare savings on exchanges the GW way, add the Exchanged amount back in

> Saved: IIf([MaxFare]=0,0,[MaxFare]-[TotalCost]-[Exchange])• Exchange is a negative value, so you subtract it

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Access – Add/delete comment lines

> Store in comment line fields• Store PayId in InvPayid

• Store a number in LineNum

• Store Saved in Data

> Append to Comments table

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Access – What else?

> I know we didn’t cover all of these topics in PHX

> If you have questions, please feel free to email me – my email address is in the attendee list