Advanced Statistics-19 —Nonparametric regression II Changliang Zou Institute of Statistics, Nankai University Email: [email protected] Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Advanced Statistics-19 |Nonparametric regression II

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Advanced Statistics-19—Nonparametric regression II

Changliang Zou

Institute of Statistics, Nankai University

Email: [email protected]

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Uniform convergence

The next theorem is related to uniform convergence of the N-Westimator under some mild conditions.


Suppose the conditions all hold. The Nadaraya-Watson estimator ofm(x) satisfies


|m̂0(x)−m(x)| = Op

(h2 +

√log n



Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Uniform convergence

The study on uniform convergence of various nonparametricestimators has a long history; see Silverman (1978) for example.

In this part, we will impose certain stringent conditions on themoments of ε and bandwidth so that a simple proof of thistheorem is achievable.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Uniform convergence

Additional conditions

Assumption (Density of x)

The density of the i.i.d. xi ’s, f (x), is bounded away from zero on thecompact support (0, 1).

Assumption (Moments condition)

For a fixed C <∞, E(|εi |θ) ≤ C <∞.

Assumption (Kernel and bandwidth condition)

The h satisfies n1/θ/√

nh→ 0 as n→∞; K (·) is a Lipschitzcontinuous function.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: preliminaries

Lemma (Bernstein’s inequality)

Let X1, . . . ,Xn be independent centered random variables a.s.bounded by A <∞ in absolute value. Let σ2 = n−1

∑ni=1 E (X 2

i ).Then for all x > 0,

Pr( n∑


Xi ≥ x)≤ exp

(− x2

2nσ2 + 2Ax/3



Suppose the conditions in theorem hold. We have,


∣∣∣f̂h(x)− f (x)∣∣∣ = Op

(h2 +

√log n



Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: preliminaries

Denote bn =√

log nnh and εi = σ(xi )εi

The m̂0(x) can be expressed as

m̂0(x) =1



Kh(xi − x)m(xi ) +1



Kh(xi − x)εi





By Lemma 2, we have

supx|A1(x)/f̂h(x)−m(x)| = Op(h2 + bn).

Thus, it remains to show that supx |A2(x)| = Op(bn).

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: preliminaries

We truncate the error εi by a quantity ψn = n1/(θ−δ), for some smallpositive number δ > 0. Moreover, define

ε≤i = εi I(|εi | ≤ ψn) and ε>i = εi I(|εi | > ψn).

Accordingly, A2(x) can be rewritten as

A2(x) = n−1n∑


Kh(xi − x)ε≤i + n−1n∑


Kh(xi − x)ε>i

:= n−1n∑


Z≤i (x) + n−1n∑


Z>i (x) (1)

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: main

For the second part of (1), notice that





Z>i (x)

∣∣∣∣∣ > bn

)≤Pr(|εi | > ψn, for some 1 ≤ i ≤ n)

≤Cn/ψθn = Cn1− θθ−δ = o(1).

This yields that supx |n−1∑n

i=1 Z>i (x)| = op(bn).

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: main

We next bound the first part of (1).

Let (x ′1, . . . , x′L) be an equidistant grid of points covering the

support and set L = ψn/(bnh2)

By the Lipschitz continuity of the kernel function, standardderivations yield that




Z≤i (x)

∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ max1≤`≤L



Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣+ supx



where the second term is O(bn) by the design of L.

As a result, we can replace the supremum over x by a maximumover the grid point x ′`.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: main

By Bonferroni inequality, it suffices to show that





Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣ > C0bn






Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣ > C0bn


where C0 is a sufficiently large constant.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: main

Conditioned on (x1, . . . , xp),∑n

i=1 Z≤i (x ′`) is a sum of independent

random variables. Also, ε≤i /ψn ≤ 1. By Lemma 1




n−1Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣ > C0bn | X

)≤ 2 exp

{−C 2

0 b2n

2cn + 2/3ψn



where cn = n−2∑n

i=1 K 2h (xi − x ′`).

Applying Lemma 1 to cK again, we claim that


{∣∣∣∣cn − R(K )


∣∣∣∣ > C0

√log n


}≤ exp{−(log n)C 2

0 /2}

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Proof: main

As a consequence, we have cn ≤ R(K)nh {1 + o(1)} with probability

tending to one as n→∞.




Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣ > C0bn

)≤ C exp{−(log n)C 2

0 /2} = Cn−C20 /2,

where the constant C is independent of x ′`. Because C0 can be

chosen arbitrarily large and accordingly n−C20 /2 will eventually

dominate L, leading to

L× Pr




Z≤i (x ′`)

∣∣∣∣∣ > C0bn

)→ 0,

from which we complete the proof. �

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Other smoothers

Orthogonal series regression

Polynomial spline

Smoothing spline

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Orthogonal series regression

Motivation: model the function m(x) with a large number ofunknown parameters

m(x) is represented as a series of basis functions:

m(x) =∞∑j=0


where {φj}∞j=0 are fixed basis functions (e.g. Fourier andLegendra polynomial) and {βj}∞j=0 are unknown coefficients

The aim is to estimate the unknown coefficients βj .

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Orthogonal series regression

An infinite number of coefficients cannot be estimated from afinite number of observations

Instead we consider:

m(x) =N∑j=0


Series estimation procedure:1 select basis functions2 select the smoothing parameter N, such that N < n3 estimate the N unknown coefficients by a suitable method

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Orthogonal series regression

Least-squares methods

β = arg minβ

∑yi −N∑j=0

βjφj(xi )


Using orthonormal basis functions.

The orthonormality requirement can be formalized as∫φj(x)φk(x)dx = δjk .

The coefficients βj can be calculated from

βj =∞∑k=0

βkδjk =∞∑k=0


∫φj(x)φk(x)dx =


The natural estimates are: β̂j = n−1∑n

i=1 φj(xi )yi

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Polynomial Spline: idea

Recall that we are interested in the conditional expectationfunction of Y given X , m(x) = E (Y | X = x)

By Taylor expansion, we can approximate m(x) byg(x) = a0 + a1x + · · ·+ akxk

Polynomial splines approximate the function piecewise

Partition the region of x into several subintervals by t1, . . . , tJ , asequence of fixed points such that

−∞ < t1 < t2 < · · · < tJ <∞

{t1, . . . , tJ} are called knots.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Polynomial Spline: idea

in each interval a polynomial is used to approximate the truefunction

at the ends of interval, the function is smooth (has kth orderderivatives)

the most popular order is 3, that is the cubic spline

The cubic spline functions are twice continuously differentiable,and in each interval is a cubic polynomial

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Cubic spline: power basis

B1(x) = 1,B2(x) = x ,B3(x) = x2,B4(x) = x3,B4+j(x) =(x − tj)

3+, j = 1, . . . , J

A cubic spline function with J knots is given by

s(x) =J+4∑k=1


where Bk(x) is the kth spline basis function.


Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Cubic spline: Estimation

It is proved that for any function m(x) with continuousderivatives on [a, b]. If the knots tj+1 − tj → 0 then we haveapproximation

s(x)→ m(x)

for any x ∈ [a, b], by setting θ1, . . . , θJ+4 appropriately.

the least squares estimation is to minimize



{yi −




Theoretically, we can choose them by the AIC method or CVmethod (time consuming). In practice, we can order theobservations of x and use equally spaced points.

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Smoothing Spline: idea

The smoothing spline takes a different strategy:

m̂λ = arg min Sλ(m),


Sλ(m) =n∑


{yi −m(xi )}2 + λ‖m′′‖22

the sum of squared errors interpolate data and minimizing thispart will lead to over-parametrization

idea: adding a stabilizer that penalizes non-smoothness of m(·)

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021

Smoothing Spline: idea

smoothing parameter λ ≥ 0. For λ = 0, m̂λ interpolates dataand for λ = 1, m̂λ reduces to a linear model.

The (unique) minimizer of Sλ(m) is given by the cubic spline onthe interval [X(1),X(n)]

Changliang Zou Advanced Statistics-19, Spring 2021