MSc PROGRAMMING Dr Rupak Kharel E343 [email protected]

Advanced programming using C# · Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Object oriented programming was a paradigm shift in the way programs were developed. The basic concepts are grouped

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[email protected]

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object oriented programming was a paradigm shift

in the way programs were developed.

The basic concepts are grouped around the phrases

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• Object,

• Class,

• Encapsulation,

• Inheritance

• Polymorphism.

• Objects model themselves on real-world things

(e.g. you could imagine a Person object)

and interact with each other.

Classes and Objects

• Class is a blueprint that defines a new data type.

• Contains combination of different attributes to define

something and methods to access them.

• Classes can be instantiated into objects which are self

contained entities.

• Objects are concrete realization or instantiation for the

model specified on class.

• A class is a blueprint from which individual objects are


• When programing in OOP language, it is important to

think of what different entities can be defined as classes.

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Classes and Objects

• For example, in a banking system, Account can be a class

and your and mine account are instance of that class.

• In the university, Student can be a class and each

students instance of Student, i.e. objects

• Lecturer can be a class and I am one instance of it

• Computer is a class and this computer is one instance

• So, any noun is a class

• Classes and Objects model the real world environment

more closely

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Initial balance £100

Account current balance


John's account Jack's account

Account current balance


Account current balance



Jill's account


Individual objects

Defining a Class

class Account {

//attributes are defined here

float minimumBalance;

string accountNumber;

string accountName;

float currentBalance;

//now method goes in here

public void Transaction(float amount){

currentBalance += amount;


public void showAll() {

Console.WriteLine(“The account number {0} has £ {1}

balance currently”, accountName,currentBalance);



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Instantiation of Objects

• The object can be instantiated by using a new() keyword.

• Each new object is given a new identity.

Account jack = new Account();

Account jill = new Account();

• Each new object is given a new identity.

• Each new object can have its own state (by containing its

own data/attributes).

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More on instantiation of objects

Account jack = new Account();

Create a

reference to an


Create an object


reference to


A reference is analogous to a pointer in C/C++ -

it refers or points to an object in memory


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class Hello


public void Go()


Console.WriteLine("Hello World!!! By Object Instantiation");



class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


Hello h = new Hello(); // object h of class instantiated

h.Go(); // Go method called



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Create a new class file in VS, Person.cs

class Person { public int age; public string name; public string address; public double height; public double weight; public string bmiResult; public void CalculateBMI() { //write the program to calculate BMI here and put the result in string bmiResult; bmiResult = "OverWeight"; } public void GetPerson() { Console.WriteLine("I am {0}. \nI am {1} years old. \nMy address is {2}\nAnd I am {3}\n",name,age,address,bmiResult); } }

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The Program.cs contains the Main() and is as follows

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Person jack = new Person(); //new object jack of type class Person jack.name = "Jack Smith"; jack.age = 21; jack.address = "Manchester, Chester Street"; jack.height = 165; jack.weight = 75; jack.CalculateBMI(); //method defined inside the class called jack.GetPerson(); Person jill = new Person(); //new object jill of type class Person jill.name = "Jill Young"; jill.age = 22; jill.address = "Manchester Met Uni"; jill.height = 155; jill.weight = 65; jill.CalculateBMI(); //method defined inside the class called jill.GetPerson(); } }

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Access Modifiers and Accessibility Levels

• This defines who has access to attributes or methods. In

the earlier example, things are defined as public, meaning

they can be accessed by anyone and changed.

• e.g. the string bmiResult can be changed outside instead

of calculation, which we really don’t want.

• C# provides access modifiers.

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• So really our Person should be defined like this

class Person


private int age;

private string name;

private string address;

private double height;

private double weight;

private string bmiResult;

public void CalculateBMI()


//write the program to calculate BMI here and put the result in string bmiResult;

bmiResult = "OverWeight";


public void GetPerson()


Console.WriteLine("I am {0}. \nI am {1} years old. \nMy address is {2}\nAnd I am {3}\n",name,age,address,bmiResult);



Default is private if not defined

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• If all the attributes are private, then how to set or read their values then.

• For this we have to define methods (getters and setters)


public void setAge(int newAge) //this sets the age to newAge


age = newAge;


public int getAge() //this returns the age


return age;


If we just want read-only access, then we can only define getters method.

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Built in getters/setters in C# e.g.

public int Age




return age;




age = value;



Property Age is defined and getter and setter are provide in for get {} and set {}

value is a keyword

Convention is to write first letter in uppercase for the property.

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Person jack = new Person();

jack.Age = 21; //calls the setter to set the attribute age to

//the passed value 21

We can’t directly do like this now

jack.age = 21; //because age attribute is private and can’t

// be accessed from outside

int objectAge = jack.Age; // this will now call the getter and

// will assign objectAge with age of

// jack object

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• These are special kind of method

• Has the same name as its containing class

• Has to return type

• Is automatically called when a new instance/object is

created, hence the name constructors

• Contains initialization code when each object is created,

like assigning values for attributes, etc

• Can be overloaded

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Constructors (II) class Person


private int age;

private string name;

private string address;

public Person()


Console.WriteLine(“Constructor called… Object Initialized”);



So now when the object is initialized the method Person() will be invoked automatically and will display that message.

Person aPerson = new Person();

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Constructors (III) class Person { private int age; private string name; private string address; public Person() { age = 0; name = “undefined”; address = “undefined”; } public Person(theName,theAge,theAddress) { age = theAge; name = theName; address = theAddress; } }

This is overloading constructors and the appropriate constructor will be invoked depending on the parameters passed.

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Constructors (IV)

Person onePerson = new Person(); //calls the first one

Person twoPerson = new Person(“Jack”, 21, “MMU”);

//this calls the second one and sets the attributes with the

passed values

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• Are opposite of constructors

• Same name as the containing class but prefixes with the ~ sign.

• Automatically called when the object is about to be destructed

• No return type

class person


public person(){


~person() //destructor


// put resource freeing code here



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Instance variables, local variables and

variable scope

• One of the powerful features of OO is the

concept of instance variables and local


• An instance variable is declared outside any

method (usually the top of the class) and can

be seen & used by any method in the class

• A local variable is declared inside a method,

and can be used until the method finishes (this

is its scope or lifetime). E.g.

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class Class1{

private string s="instance string";

private int i = 10;

// a simple method, with no return type, and no parameters

public void Go() {

//Declare a couple of local variables

// These will 'hide' the instance variables

string s = "local string";

int i=5;

Console.WriteLine("local string s is "+s);

Console.WriteLine("local int i is "+i);

// We can still reference the instance variables however, using the


// object reference

Console.WriteLine("instance string s is "+this.s);

Console.WriteLine("instance int i is "+this.i);



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static void Main(string[] args) {

Class1 c = new Class1();




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Using the ‘this’ reference

• Every object can reference itself by using the keyword


• Often used to distinguish between a method’s variables

and the instance variables of an object

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class person


int age;

string name;

public person(int age, string name)


this.age = age;

this.name = name;


public string getPerson()


return “I am ”+ this.name + “\nMy age is”+this.age;



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encapsulation. Basically this means protecting the

information (data) within the object.

Inheritance Building on the properties of an existing class.

Very useful when trying to re-use software.


Treating an entity as a whole, not worrying about the details.

We use abstraction without realising it

Treat a car as a single object without worrying

about the complex mechanics.

polymorphism. This literally means many forms.

A neat way of saving duplication of code.

Private (encapsulated)

data (instance variables)

public methods or operations

Setting data

Retrieving data

Encapsulation - protecting private data

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Return types

Two ways to return values from methods

1. By the return statement

2. As a reference parameter.

E.g. Look at the full example “TestMethods” that follows:

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using System;

class TestMethods {

private string data;

public void Method1() {

data="***Set By Method1***";


public void Method2() {


Console.WriteLine("The data string is "+data);

data="***Set By Method2***";


public string GetString() {

return data;


static void Main() {

TestMethods t = new TestMethods();


Console.WriteLine("just called method1, data is now :"+t.GetString());


Console.WriteLine("just called method2, data is now :"+t.GetString());



Can be any return type

string, any type of object,

arrays, simple data types

etc etc

Could have written

String s;


Complete example “Testmethods”

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Passing data to a method (and returning

some back again). Data is passed to an object via the parameter list of a


Two types of parameter

1. Value

2. Reference

A copy of the data is made and

passed to the method

A reference that points to the

original object is passed to the


If a change is made, the

object’s state changes


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Parameter lists

• Parameters are passed to methods by order and type, THE NAME IS UNIMPORTANT – see the examples later

• E.g.

double bbb;

char aaa;

int k;



public void setData(int i, char c, double d)…

Data declaration

Call method setData

Method declaration

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Parameter passing by value

• A COPY of the parameter is passed to the method:

public void ChangePi(double rrr) {


Console.WriteLine("In ChangePi.. rrr is "+rrr);


double r=3.14159;

// An example of pass by value


Console.WriteLine("In Main, after changepie, new value is :" + r);

OUTPUT: Prints 100, then 3.14159

rrr has ‘local


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Pass by reference – changing the original


public void ChangePiByRef(ref double rrr) {


Console.WriteLine("In ChangePiByRef.. rrr is "+rrr);


double r=3.14159;

Console.WriteLine("Before the call to ChangePi : "+r);

// An example of call by reference

ChangePiByRef ( ref r );

Console.WriteLine("In Main, new value is :" + r);

With pass by reference, the

ADDRESS of the original object is


Prints 3.14159 then 100,

then 100.

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Another type of reference parameter, the OUTPUT parameter.

For passing new values back from a method

public void ChangePiOutput(out double rrr) {

rrr = 123.4;

Console.WriteLine("In CHangePiOutput, new value is :" + rrr);



ChangePiOutput(out r);

Console.WriteLine("In Main,after ChangePiOutput new value is :" + r);

No real need

to initialise r Prints 123.4

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Local variables, instance variables and the this


• We need to understand the scope of a

variable or object (i.e. when it exists and

ceases to exist).

• A variable is passed to another object via a

parameter list.

• It becomes a local variable.

• To preserve it, it must be copied to an

instance variable.

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Local variables, instance variables and all

that. E.g.

public class Person {

private int ID;

private string name;

public void setData(string nameIn, int IDIn) {

name = nameIn;

ID = IDIn;

} //etc etc


instance or



local variables,

with local or

block scope

Notice: local &

instance variables

named differently.

Local variables go out

of scope here;

instance variables

last for the life time

of the object

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Simplifying code using the this reference.

Keyword this is a reference to the object itself...

public class Person {

private int ID;

private string name;

public void setData(string name, int ID) {

this.name = name;

this.ID = ID;

} //etc etc


no confusion now

between local and

instance variables

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Static Classes and Static Class Members

• A static class is basically the same as a

non-static class, but there is one difference:

a static class cannot be instantiated.

• cannot use the new keyword to create a

variable of the class type

• the members of a static class is accessed

by using the class name itself.

• Have we seen static keyword before


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Static Classes and Static Class Members

• For example, in the .NET Framework Class Library,

the static System.Math class contains methods that

perform mathematical operations, without any

requirement to store or retrieve data that is unique to

a particular instance of the Math class.

double dub = -3.14;




// Output:

// 3.14

// -4

// 3

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Main features of a static class:

• Contains only static members

• Cannot be instantiated

• Is sealed - cannot be inherited

• Cannot contain Instance Constructors – but can

have static constructor

Non-static classes should also define a static constructor

if the class contains static members that require non-

trivial initialization.

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Example – Temperature converter

public static class TemperatureConverter


public static double CelsiusToFahrenheit(string temperatureCelsius)


// Convert argument to double for calculations.

double celsius = Double.Parse(temperatureCelsius);

// Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.

double fahrenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;

return fahrenheit;


public static double FahrenheitToCelsius(string temperatureFahrenheit)


// Convert argument to double for calculations.

double fahrenheit = Double.Parse(temperatureFahrenheit);

// Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.

double celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;

return celsius;



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Example – Temperature converter

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class TestTemperatureConverter { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Please select the convertor direction"); Console.WriteLine("1. From Celsius to Fahrenheit."); Console.WriteLine("2. From Fahrenheit to Celsius."); Console.Write(":"); string selection = Console.ReadLine(); double F, C = 0; switch (selection) { case "1": Console.Write("Please enter the Celsius temperature: "); F = TemperatureConverter.CelsiusToFahrenheit(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Temperature in Fahrenheit: {0:F2}", F); break; case "2": Console.Write("Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: "); C = TemperatureConverter.FahrenheitToCelsius(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Temperature in Celsius: {0:F2}", C); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please select a convertor."); break; } // Keep the console window open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } }

Example Output:

Please select the convertor direction

1. From Celsius to Fahrenheit.

2. From Fahrenheit to Celsius.


Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: 20 Temperature in Celsius: -6.67

Press any key to exit.

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Static Members

• A non-static class can contain static methods, fields, properties, or events. The static member is callable on a class even when no instance of the class has been created.

• The static member is always accessed by the class name, not the instance name. Only one copy of a static member exists, regardless of how many instances of the class are created.

• more typical to declare a non-static class with some static members, than to declare an entire class as static.

• Two common uses of static fields are to keep a count of the number of objects that have been instantiated, or to store a value that must be shared among all instances.

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Static Members

public class Automobile {

public static int NumberOfWheels = 4; public static int SizeOfGasTank { get { return 15; } } public static void Drive() { } public static event EventType RunOutOfGas; // Other non-static fields and properties...

} //use Automobile.Drive();

int i = Automobile.NumberOfWheels;

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• What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Static

classes and Static members?

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• What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Static

classes and Static members?

• Does the massive use of static concept takes away the

advantages that OOP offers??

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Few Resources for you to have look at

• “Traffic Simulation: A Case Study for Teaching Object

Oriented Design” – available at



• Case study of ATM simulation – available at



• Case study of Address Book Example – available at



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Next Week

• Advanced OO concepts

• Inheritance

• Polymorphism

• Delegates

• Abstract classes

• Interfaces

• etc

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