silviculture Advanced Oak Seedling Development as Influenced by Shelterwood Treatments, Competition Control, Deer Fencing, and Prescribed Fire Gary W. Miller, Patrick H. Brose, and Kurt W. Gottschalk Advanced northern red oak (Quercus rubra) seedlings in an 85-year-old forest located in north-central Pennsylvania were observed for 10 years after manipulation of available sunlight by shelterwood treatments, reduction of interfering plants by broadcast herbicides and/or a single prescribed fire, and reduction of deer damage by fencing. Twenty-four treatment combinations including untreated controls were studied on 72 permanent plots. The key to sustainable oak regeneration is to enhance both survival and growth of the advanced oak seedlings several years before a planned overstory harvest. In this study, survival and growth of 4,235 tagged oak seedlings were greatest in plots that received an overstory shelterwood harvest or midstory removal to increase sunlight, plus mist-blown herbicides to reduce interfering plants and fencing to reduce deer browsing. The overstory shelterwood harvest and midstory removal treatments reduced basal area by 30 and 12%, respectively. The prescribed fire treatment reduced survival because of the small size of the seedlings at the time of the burn. Published dominance probabilities were applied to the density and size of seedlings present after 10 years to compare the predicted number of codominant oaks resulting from the various treatments. Predicted success was greatest in fenced plots that received herbicide reduction of interfering plants and either the overstory shelterwood harvest or midstory removal treatments. Keywords: Quercus, shelterwood, prescribed fire, herbicide, deer fence, oak seedlings R egenerating northern red oak (Quercus rubra) on high-quality growing sites is a continuing prob- lem in the central Appalachian region. New stands that develop after overstory harvests often contain fewer oaks than the preceding stands. The basic problem is that overstory harvests are applied when an insufficient number of competitive advanced oak seed- lings are present to compete with other hard- wood species after the harvest (Brose et al. 2008, Dey 2014). In undisturbed mature oak stands, ad- vanced oak seedlings usually exhibit both poor survival and slow growth. In one study, the survival of a cohort of northern red oak seedlings that germinated after a good acorn crop steadily declined from 60% after 1 year to only 10% after 10 years (Beck 1970). Similarly, the average total height of survi- vors was less than 1 ft after 1 year and gen- erally did not increase over the next 10 years. As mixed-oak stands in the central Appala- chians approach maturity, adequate ad- vanced oak reproduction usually does not develop due to several factors: acorns are consumed or damaged by deer, insects, ro- dents, and birds; advanced oak seedlings and sprouts are browsed by deer; and cohorts of new seedlings are suppressed and killed by excessive shade from dense interfering vege- tation in the midstory and understory strata (Dillaway et al. 2007, Rebbeck et al. 2011). As a result, few oak seedlings are able to as- cend into the canopy of the new stand after the parent oaks are removed. Instead, com- peting species occupy a greater proportion of the new stand, and the proportion of oaks in the overstory often falls short of manage- Received January 5, 2016; accepted June 28, 2016; published online September 15, 2016. Affiliations: Gary W. Miller ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, WV. Patrick H. Brose ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service. Kurt W. Gottschalk ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service. Acknowledgments: The Pennsylvania DCNR, Bureau of Forestry provided partial funding and expertise in planning this study. Special thanks go to the staff at the Moshannon State Forest near DuBois, Pennsylvania, for providing the study sites and for administering all of the treatments. Dave Feicht, Brian Simpson, and John Juracko, foresters with the Northern Research Station, Morgantown, WV supervised and assisted all field crews involved in the installation and maintenance of the study. John Stanovick, mathematical statistician with the Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA provided valuable expertise and assistance with the data analyses. RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Forestry • May 2017 179 J. For. 115(3):179-189 https://doi.org/10.5849/jof.16-002

Advanced Oak Seedling Development as Influenced by

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Page 1: Advanced Oak Seedling Development as Influenced by


Advanced Oak Seedling Development asInfluenced by Shelterwood Treatments,Competition Control, Deer Fencing, andPrescribed FireGary W. Miller, Patrick H. Brose, and Kurt W. Gottschalk

Advanced northern red oak (Quercus rubra) seedlings in an 85-year-old forest located in north-centralPennsylvania were observed for 10 years after manipulation of available sunlight by shelterwood treatments,reduction of interfering plants by broadcast herbicides and/or a single prescribed fire, and reduction of deerdamage by fencing. Twenty-four treatment combinations including untreated controls were studied on 72permanent plots. The key to sustainable oak regeneration is to enhance both survival and growth of theadvanced oak seedlings several years before a planned overstory harvest. In this study, survival and growthof 4,235 tagged oak seedlings were greatest in plots that received an overstory shelterwood harvest or midstoryremoval to increase sunlight, plus mist-blown herbicides to reduce interfering plants and fencing to reduce deerbrowsing. The overstory shelterwood harvest and midstory removal treatments reduced basal area by 30 and12%, respectively. The prescribed fire treatment reduced survival because of the small size of the seedlings atthe time of the burn. Published dominance probabilities were applied to the density and size of seedlings presentafter 10 years to compare the predicted number of codominant oaks resulting from the various treatments.Predicted success was greatest in fenced plots that received herbicide reduction of interfering plants and eitherthe overstory shelterwood harvest or midstory removal treatments.

Keywords: Quercus, shelterwood, prescribed fire, herbicide, deer fence, oak seedlings

R egenerating northern red oak(Quercus rubra) on high-qualitygrowing sites is a continuing prob-

lem in the central Appalachian region. Newstands that develop after overstory harvestsoften contain fewer oaks than the precedingstands. The basic problem is that overstory

harvests are applied when an insufficientnumber of competitive advanced oak seed-lings are present to compete with other hard-wood species after the harvest (Brose et al.2008, Dey 2014).

In undisturbed mature oak stands, ad-vanced oak seedlings usually exhibit both

poor survival and slow growth. In one study,the survival of a cohort of northern red oakseedlings that germinated after a good acorncrop steadily declined from 60% after 1 yearto only 10% after 10 years (Beck 1970).Similarly, the average total height of survi-vors was less than 1 ft after 1 year and gen-erally did not increase over the next 10 years.As mixed-oak stands in the central Appala-chians approach maturity, adequate ad-vanced oak reproduction usually does notdevelop due to several factors: acorns areconsumed or damaged by deer, insects, ro-dents, and birds; advanced oak seedlings andsprouts are browsed by deer; and cohorts ofnew seedlings are suppressed and killed byexcessive shade from dense interfering vege-tation in the midstory and understory strata(Dillaway et al. 2007, Rebbeck et al. 2011).As a result, few oak seedlings are able to as-cend into the canopy of the new stand afterthe parent oaks are removed. Instead, com-peting species occupy a greater proportion ofthe new stand, and the proportion of oaks inthe overstory often falls short of manage-

Received January 5, 2016; accepted June 28, 2016; published online September 15, 2016.

Affiliations: Gary W. Miller ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, WV. Patrick H. Brose ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service. Kurt W.Gottschalk ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service.

Acknowledgments: The Pennsylvania DCNR, Bureau of Forestry provided partial funding and expertise in planning this study. Special thanks go to the staff at theMoshannon State Forest near DuBois, Pennsylvania, for providing the study sites and for administering all of the treatments. Dave Feicht, Brian Simpson, and JohnJuracko, foresters with the Northern Research Station, Morgantown, WV supervised and assisted all field crews involved in the installation and maintenance of thestudy. John Stanovick, mathematical statistician with the Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA provided valuable expertise and assistance with the dataanalyses.


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Page 2: Advanced Oak Seedling Development as Influenced by

ment objectives (Fei and Steiner 2007).These conditions call for preparatory treat-ments that reduce acorn predation, reducedeer browsing of established seedlings, andreduce interfering plants so that more ad-vanced oak seedlings survive and grow tosufficient sizes before the parent trees are re-moved (Marquis et al. 1976, Marquis 1981,Tilghman 1989, Lorimer 1992).

Numerous research studies have indi-cated that successful oak regeneration de-pends on the presence of competitivesources of oak reproduction when overstoryharvests or other stand-replacing distur-bances occur (Dey 2014). One reason whylarge, competitive advanced reproductiondoes not develop in mature mixed-oak for-ests is that a dense overstory and interferingplants in the understory limit the availabilityof sunlight (Brose et al. 2008, Rebbeck et al.2011). Examples of interfering plants in-clude ferns, grasses, suppressed shade-toler-ant trees, and various evergreen or deciduousshrubs. Throughout the eastern oak region,repeated partial harvest practices, heavy deerbrowsing, fire suppression, and diseases havecontributed to the development of interfer-ing plants (Schuler 2004, Nowacki andAbrams 2008, Rooney 2009). Such interfer-ence often develops and persists over manydecades. Without a natural or prescribed in-tervention to reduce the interference, suc-cessive acorn crops rarely become competi-tive advanced seedlings to sustain the oakcomponent in the next stand (Loftis 1985).

Successful oak regeneration is related tothe size and number of advanced seedlingspresent when harvests occur (Sander et al.1984, Loftis 1990a, Johnson et al. 2009).For example, on northern red oak site index80 (base age 50 years), the probability thatan advanced oak seedling with a 0.1-in. basaldiameter will become dominant or codomi-nant 20 years after a harvest is essentiallyzero. Although numerous small seedlingsmay be present before a harvest, very few willcompete successfully after the harvest due totheir small initial size. This probability in-creases to 1% for a 0.2-in. basal diameterand 8% for a 0.7-in. basal diameter. Domi-nance probability is inversely related to siteindex; thus, oak regeneration is more diffi-cult on better quality growing sites. As theseedling size and probability of success in-crease, fewer seedlings are needed to achievesustained regeneration after a harvest. A pre-harvest inventory of advanced oak seedlingsis recommended to determine whether thenew stand will contain a sufficient oak com-

ponent. Dominance probabilities applied tothe size and number of seedlings presentshould indicate a minimum of two to threecodominant oaks in the new stand at canopyclosure for each percentage point of desiredoak stocking at stand maturity. For example,at least 120 codominant oaks are needed atcanopy closure to achieve 50% oak stockingat maturity (Ward and Stephens 1994,Brose et al. 2008). If the projected numberof codominant oaks is insufficient, then sil-vicultural treatments may be needed to in-crease the growth and survival of advancedseedlings before the overstory is removed(Loftis 1990b).

Forest managers can increase theprobability of successful oak regenerationby prescribing preparatory treatments thatenhance the size and competitiveness ofadvanced oak seedlings several years be-fore a planned overstory harvest (Carvelland Tryon 1961, Sander and Clark 1971,Gottschalk 1983, Hannah 1987, Beck1988, Loftis 1990b, Marquis et al. 1992).Shelterwood treatments reduce stand den-sity and increase the amount of sunlight andother site resources available to advancedoak seedlings. The added sunlight increasesboth survival and growth of advanced oakseedlings, thus increasing the abundanceand competitiveness of advanced oaks in thenext stand. In the southern Appalachians,overstory shelterwood harvests that removedmore than 50% of the stand basal area stim-ulated the growth of advanced oak seedlingsbut also stimulated the development of com-peting species such as sweet birch (Betulalenta) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tu-lipifera), particularly where canopy gaps

were created (Loftis 1983). A similar shelter-wood harvest followed 4–7 years later byprescribed fire is an effective method for re-ducing competing species and promotingvigorous oak sprouting in preparation forthe final overstory harvest (Brose et al.2014). Applying prescribed fire in standswhere advanced oak reproduction is sparseor too small to be fire resistant can severelyreduce or eliminate any advanced oak repro-duction that is present until the next acorncrop (Loftis 1990b, Brose et al. 2006, Alex-ander et al. 2008, Green et al. 2010, Brose2014, Dey 2014).

An important factor to consider in pre-scribing a shelterwood treatment is the ap-propriate amount of sunlight needed to en-hance the survival and growth of advancedoak seedlings without overstimulating theircompetitors. At very low levels of micrositelight, advanced oak seedlings will not growor survive once resources within the acornare exhausted (Rebbeck et al. 2011). North-ern red oak exhibits intermediate shade tol-erance (Trimble 1975) and has the ability tosprout after a top disturbance if an adequateroot system has had time to develop (Broseet al. 2014). At very high levels of micrositelight, the response of competing species maysurpass that of the oaks (Loftis 1983). If pre-scribed fire or other remedial treatments arenot available to control competing vegeta-tion several years after a heavy shelterwoodharvest (Brose et al. 1999), a gentler ap-proach to stimulating oak seedling growthand survival may be necessary. Alternativeshelterwood treatments that removed onlymidstory trees from below the overstory can-opy (with no canopy gaps) increased the de-

Management and Policy Implications

Research has shown that commercial harvests in oak-dominated forests can remove valuable forestproducts, stimulate the development of diverse wildlife habitat, protect water resources, and provideadequate sunlight and other favorable environmental conditions to restore and sustain oak-dominatedforests in the future. The key to sustaining oak forests is to assess the competitive status of advanced oakreproduction present before a planned overstory harvest. In many cases, preparatory treatments areneeded several years before an overstory harvest to promote a competitive cohort of advanced oakseedlings that can later replace parent trees after they are harvested. Preparatory treatments includevarious combinations of mechanical and/or chemical control of interfering plants, reduction of deerherbivory, timely application of prescribed fire, and manipulation of sunlight available to young oakseedlings. Forest managers and policymakers can use the information in this report for planning andprescribing preparatory treatments that enhance the survival and development of advanced oak seedlingsin the decade before a planned overstory harvest. If properly applied, these preparatory treatments canincrease the probability of successful regeneration and restoration of oak species in mixed-hardwoodforests.

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velopment of advanced oak seedlings with-out stimulating competing species (Loftis1988). Recent studies of similar treatmentsdescribed as “midstory removal” have shownthat gently increasing microsite light under aclosed canopy can have positive effects onoak seedling growth and survival (Milleret al. 2004, Lhotka and Loewenstein 2009,Motsinger et al. 2010, Parrott et al. 2011,Rathfon 2011). Although similar treatmentshave not been widely tested in the centralAppalachians, advanced oak reproductionwas found to be more abundant in maturestands where the overstory canopy wasclosed and the midstory density was rela-tively sparse (Schuler and Miller 1995,Miller 1997).

This study examined how manipula-tion of available sunlight by shelterwoodtreatments, reduction of interfering plantsby broadcast herbicides and/or a single pre-scribed fire, and reduction of deer damageby fencing (alone and in various combina-tions) affected the development of 4,235 ad-vanced northern red oak seedlings under amature oak forest in north-central Pennsyl-vania from 2002 to 2012. The objective wasto identify strategies that would prepare forsustained regeneration of oak species in thesubsequent forest after an overstory removalharvest.


Study SiteThe study site is located in the unglaci-

ated Allegheny Plateau physiographic prov-ince in Clearfield County of northcentralPennsylvania within the Moshannon StateForest, managed by the Pennsylvania De-partment of Conservation and Natural Re-sources (PA DCNR), Bureau of Forestry.Forests within the general vicinity are char-acterized by relatively flat topography, aver-age elevation of 2,150 ft, average annual pre-cipitation of 46 in., and average annualtemperature of 44° F. In 2001, the second-growth forest on the study site was about 85years of age, with initial basal area of 142–151 ft2/ac, relative density of 99%, and siteindex 74 for northern red oak. The domi-nant overstory tree was northern red oak,with white oak (Quercus alba), chestnutoak (Quercus montana), red maple (Acerrubrum), black cherry (Prunus serotina),white ash (Fraxinus americana), white pine(Pinus strobus), and eastern hemlock (Tsuga

canadensis) as common associates in theoverstory. Few advanced oak seedlings werepresent in 2000 when installation of the per-manent plots began. Initially, oak regenera-tion stocking was zero as defined by Broseet al. (2008). Stocking of tall woody inter-ference and low woody interference was 65and 60%, respectively, and stocking of rhi-zomatous fern interference was 62%. Thewoody interference was composed mainly ofstriped maple (Acer pensylvanicum), red ma-ple, and American beech (Fagus grandifolia).The fern interference was mostly hay-scented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula). Asdefined by Brose et al. (2008), initial deerimpact on the study site was level 4, charac-terized by the absence of preferred herba-ceous and woody browse species, a lack ofvertical structure in woody reproduction,and heavy infestation of interfering fernsand woody species typical of severe andsustained deer browsing. Soils on thestudy site are described as Cookport chan-nery loam (Hallowich 1988). A relativelyabundant acorn crop fell in the autumn of2001, and by late spring of 2002 there wasan abundant and ubiquitous cohort ofnew oak seedlings present on the studysite.

TreatmentsThree 50-acre rectangular research ar-

eas in relatively close proximity were in-stalled on the study site with 24 rectangular2.1-acre treatment plots in each area. Thetreatment plots were arranged in three rows,with eight plots in each row. The treatmentsincluded two levels of deer impact controlvia fencing, two levels of prescribed fire, twolevels of interfering plant control using her-bicides, and three levels of residual overstorydensity for a total of 24 treatment combina-tions. The 24 treatment combinations wereassigned to the individual treatment plots bya restricted randomization whereby the 50-acre research areas were split for commercialinstallation of fences and then were splitagain for random assignment of the pre-scribed fire and herbicide treatments. For ex-ample, the fencing treatment was randomlyassigned to half of each 50-acre area. In eachresearch area, approximately 25 acres wassurrounded by a single fence, thus minimiz-ing installation and maintenance costs.Then the prescribed fire treatments wererandomly assigned to each half of the 50-

acre research area, such that half of thefenced section received the prescribed firetreatment and half of the unfenced sectionreceived the prescribed fire treatment. Simi-larly, the herbicide treatments were ran-domly assigned to half of the plots, thus pro-ducing a split-split-split plot assignment offence-prescribed fire-herbicide treatments.Finally, the three levels of residual overstorydensity were randomly assigned to the threerows of eight plots in each 50-acre researcharea and resulted in a split-split-split-striprestricted randomization of treatments as-signed to the 24 treatment plots in eacharea (Supplemental Figure S1). Such ar-rangements also led to increased efficiencyof operations for the commercial contrac-tors. The logging operations, fence instal-lation, prescribed fire, and herbicide ap-plications were conducted by commercialoperators under contract with the PADCNR, Bureau of Forestry. Detailed de-scriptions of each treatment are providedbelow.

The three levels of residual overstorydensity included the following: a controloverstory treatment where both the mid-story and overstory were left intact; a mid-story removal of trees in the suppressed andintermediate crown classes where the canopywas left intact and 12% of the initial basalarea was removed; and an overstory shelter-wood harvest treatment where canopy gapswere created and 30% of the initial basal areawas removed. The overstory treatments wereapplied during the dormant season 2001–2002. Plots assigned to the control overstorytreatment had no tree felling or logging ac-tivity in the midstory or overstory. The mid-story removal treatment involved fellingtrees from 4 to 10 in. dbh by commerciallogging contractors. The overstory shelter-wood harvest treatment involved removingthe same tree size classes as the midstory re-moval treatment plus a partial removal ofcodominant trees in the overstory canopy.During logging in the midstory removal andoverstory shelterwood harvest plots, somefelled trees in the 8- to 10-in. dbh range wereremoved from the plots at the discretion ofthe contractor, whereas smaller trees wereleft on the plots. Tree-length logs wereskidded from plots in both the midstoryremoval and overstory shelterwood har-vest treatments to log landings locatedoutside the 50-acre research areas. Care

Supplementary data are available with this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/jof.16-002.

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was taken to avoid locating skid trailswithin the interior of the treatments plotswhere detailed measurements were takenduring the 10-year study.

Although the control overstory treat-ment was intended to exhibit ambient sun-light conditions, the midstory removal treat-ment was intended to gently increasesunlight on the forest floor without creatingcanopy gaps (Loftis 1990b). The overstoryshelterwood harvest was similar to a tradi-tional shelterwood harvest where canopygaps are created to provide a relativelygreater increase in sunlight on the forestfloor (Brose et al. 2008). In summary, thecontrol overstory, midstory removal, andthe overstory shelterwood harvest treat-ments were applied to one-third of the treat-ment plots, respectively, and provided a con-tinuum of sunlight conditions.

The deer impact control treatments in-cluded the following: exclusion by an 8-ft-tall woven wire fence and no fence. Afterlogging activities were complete in thespring of 2002, an 8-ft-tall woven wire deerfence was installed by commercial con-tractors around 12 treatment plots in each50-acre research area; thus, half of theplots had no deer impact and half of theplots had ambient deer impact. The integ-rity of the fence was maintained through-out the study by the PA DCNR, Bureau ofForestry.

The herbicide treatment involved broad-cast mist blowing by machine in June andJuly of 2001 to control herbaceous com-petition (mostly ferns) and low woodycompetition (mostly striped maple, redmaple, and American beech �2 in. dbh).The broadcast herbicide consisted of atank mixture of 4 quarts per acre of Accord

(glyphosate) and 2 ounces per acre of Oust(sulfometuron methyl) in water applied atthe rate 25 gallons of mixture per acre.Soon after logging operations in both themidstory removal and overstory shelter-wood harvest treatments, trees from 1 to 4in. dbh were injected with herbicide inplots assigned to the herbicide treatment,whereas they were felled in plots assignedto the no-herbicide treatment. The steminjection herbicide consisted of 50% Gar-lon 3A (triclopyr amine) in water appliedat the rate of 0.05 ounce (1.5 ml) per in.dbh on treated stems. Herbicide treat-ments were applied to 12 plots in each50-acre research area; thus, half of theplots received herbicide treatments andhalf did not.

The prescribed fire treatment involvedthe following: strip head fires applied in thespring of 2004, two growing seasons afterthe overstory, herbicide, and fencing treat-ments were applied and no fire. The delay inapplying prescribed fire was intended to al-low advanced oak seedlings to develop alarger root mass and greater fire resistanceand enhance their ability to produce vig-orous sprouts after the fire (Brose et al.1999). Similar in design to the fencingand herbicide treatments, the prescribedfire treatment was applied to 12 plots ineach 50-acre research area; thus, half of theplots were burned and half were not.

The 24 treatment combinations couldbe viewed as a continuum of increasing dis-turbance or intervention in ambient condi-tions on the study site. Some plots receivedno manipulation of overstory density, no fireor herbicide control of interfering under-story vegetation, and no protection fromdeer. At the other extreme, some plots

received a dramatic increase in sunlightthrough canopy gaps, control of interferingvegetation by herbicide and fire, and protec-tion from deer by fencing. Once the studywas fully installed, all 24 combinations oftreatments and their associated degrees of in-tervention were represented.

MeasurementsWithin each treatment plot, a rectangu-

lar 0.75-acre measurement plot was installedsuch that it was surrounded by a similarlytreated buffer zone (Supplemental FigureS1). An average of 64 advanced northern redoak seedlings were tagged for long-termmonitoring in spring 2002 and their loca-tions were fixed by azimuth and distancefrom 10 permanent reference points withineach measurement plot. Basal diameter andheight of tagged seedlings were recorded atvarious intervals from 2002 to 2012. Meanpercent fern cover on each treatment plotwas determined from 2000 to 2008 usingthe same 10 reference points based on anocular estimate of fern foliage occupying thesurrounding 26-ft radius circular areaaround each reference point.

Percent photosynthetically active radia-tion (PAR) in each plot was measured withAccupar linear ceptometers at 10 referencepoints within each 0.75-acre plot on over-cast days in late July or early August from2001 to 2008. This method uses one cep-tometer placed in a nearby open site to mea-sure above canopy sunlight and a secondtime-synchronized ceptometer in each treat-ment plot to measure the percentage of am-bient sunlight reaching the subject seedlings.In two previous studies, measurements ofPAR taken on overcast days were found tobe superior estimates of season-long avail-

Table 1. Summary of initial inventory (2001) by assigned overstory treatment and residual inventory (2003) after all understorytreatments were installed.

InventoryNo. ofplots

Stems Basal area(ft2/ac)

Residual stand Volume

Saplings Poles Sawtimber Basal area Relative density ft3/ac bf/ac

. . . . . . . . . .(no./ac) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(%) . . . . . . . . .

All plots combinedInitial 72 105 50 69 148 100 99 3,074 12,896

Overstory shelterwoodInitial 24 87 46 68 142 95 2,980 12,443Residual 24 4 8 48 100 70 53 2,329 10,208

Midstory removalInitial 24 120 54 69 151 102 3,133 13,214Residual 24 8 16 67 133 88 72 2,914 13,609

ControlInitial 24 108 50 71 150 101 3,108 13,028Residual 24 15 49 71 148 99 95 3,155 13,366

* International 1/4-in. rule.

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able sunlight (Parent and Messier 1996,Gendron et al. 1998). Similar measurementson sunny days were less accurate because sunflecks inadvertently intercepted in below-canopy readings yielded overestimates ofPAR.

Statistical AnalysesFour analyses were conducted in which

the response variables were PAR, fern cover,seedling basal diameter, and seedling height,all using similar statistical procedures. ForPAR and fern cover, repeated measures were

collected at fixed points within the 0.75-acretreatment plots and included years 2001,2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 for PAR andyears 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2008 for ferncover. For seedling basal diameter andheight, repeated measures were collected ontagged seedlings within the 0.75-acre treat-ment plots and included years 2003, 2007,and 2012. The treatment plots were sur-rounded by similarly treated buffer zones,thus assuring that treatments did not affectresponse variables in adjacent plots and pre-cluding autocorrelation. For each of the re-sponse variables, the initial measurementswere evaluated as possible covariates in theirrespective analyses but were not statisticallysignificant.

In each analysis, the dependent vari-ables were compared within a repeated-mea-sures split-split-split-strip plot design to ex-amine the effect of the fence (factor 1), theprescribed fire (factor 2), the herbicide treat-ment (factor 3), the overstory treatment(factor 4), and the measurement years (fac-tor 5). The three 50-acre research areas com-prising the 24 treatment plots served asblocks. Because of the unequal spacing be-tween repeated-measures years, the spatialpower covariance structure was used tomodel the correlation between years. Thisdesign generated five error terms in themodel. Each of the split plots and the stripplot and their associated interactions wereanalyzed by their associated block � factoreffect. The repeated measures was the lasterror term and was associated with the resid-ual error. Each response variable was ana-lyzed using a lognormal distribution andthe identity link function that generated thebest residual plots using the generalizedlinear mixed-model routine via PROCGLIMMIX in SAS (SAS Institute, Inc.2008). To keep pseudoreplication out of thestudy, an average of the response variablewas taken for the five effects so only oneobservation was used in the analyses insteadof individual measurements. The Kenward-Rogers denominator degrees of freedommethod was used in each analysis and theTukey-Kramer least-squares mean separa-tion test was used for all multiple compari-sons (see Supplemental Code S2). Treat-ment effects were considered to bestatistically significant when P � 0.05. Foreach analysis, the residuals were tested fornormality using the Shapiro-Wilk test andfor homogeneity of variance using the Lev-ene test.

Figure 1. Mean microsite light levels as measured by percent PAR by overstory andunderstory treatment combinations from 2001 to 2009.

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ResultsThe three overstory treatments resulted

in three distinct levels of residual basal areaand residual relative density (Table 1). Thecontrol overstory treatment had no impacton the midstory or overstory, leaving thenumber of poletimber and sawtimber trees

per acre essentially intact. In plots that re-ceived the control overstory treatment plusthe herbicide and prescribed fire treatments,the number of saplings per acre was greatlyreduced. The midstory removal treatmentreduced the number of poletimber trees peracre by 70%, thus reducing basal area by

12%. The overstory shelterwood harvesttreatment reduced the number of poletim-ber and sawtimber trees per acre by 83 and29%, respectively, thus reducing basal areaby 30%. The residual stand relative density,as measured by Marquis et al. (1992), wasreduced to 72 and 53% for the midstory re-moval and overstory shelterwood treat-ments, respectively.

Microsite LightPercent PAR was not significantly af-

fected by the fencing treatment (P � 0.72),so the mean results were combined forfenced and unfenced plots (Figure 1). Theblocking factor of the three 50-acre researchareas was not significant (P � 0.54) in theanalysis of percent PAR. The midstory re-moval and overstory shelterwood harvestsignificantly increased percent PAR com-pared to pretreatment conditions (P �0.02). The overstory shelterwood harvestalone, without the additional impact of theherbicide and prescribed fire treatments, in-creased PAR from 7 to 19%. The overstoryshelterwood harvest treatment plus the her-bicide treatment further increased PAR toabout 23%. Once all treatments were ap-plied and mortality of low woody vegetationwas manifest, percent PAR remained ele-vated in the overstory shelterwood harvesttreatment through 2009 when the last lightreadings were recorded. Similarly, themidstory removal treatment significantlyincreased percent PAR compared withpretreatment conditions (P � 0.01), andthe increase was sustained through 2009.The combined herbicide and prescribedfire treatments increased percent PAR inthe midstory removal and control over-story treatments by small amounts, usuallyless than 5% (P � 0.01). In all three over-story treatments, the prescribed burntreatment was applied in the spring of2004, so the effect of that treatment on percentPAR was not fully evident until the 2006growing season.

Fern CoverFern cover was not significantly af-

fected by the fencing treatment (P � 0.52),so the mean results were combined forfenced and unfenced plots. The blockingfactor of the three 50-acre research areas wassignificant (P � 0.01) in the analysis of per-cent PAR, but significant interactions withthe other treatments was not evident. Theherbicide treatment significantly reducedfern cover (P � 0.01) under all three over-

Figure 2. Mean percent fern cover by overstory and understory treatment combinationsfrom 2000 to 2008.

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story treatments from the 2002 growing sea-son measurements for the duration of thestudy (Figure 2). In the midstory removaland overstory shelterwood harvest treat-ments, where percent PAR was significantlyelevated compared with the control overstorytreatment, the prescribed fire treatment cou-

pled with no herbicide treatment led to a sig-nificant increase in fern cover (P � 0.01). Theincrease in fern cover was greatest in the over-story shelterwood harvest plots that receivedthe prescribed burn treatment and no herbi-cide treatment, where fern cover had returnedto pretreatment levels by 2008.

Seedling SurvivalThe herbicide treatment was applied in

the summer of 2001, and the vast majorityof tagged seedlings monitored in this studyoriginated from the acorn crop in the au-tumn of 2001. As a result, the herbicidetreatment had a negligible effect on seedlingsurvival in the early years. Seedling survivalexceeded 45% in the overstory shelterwoodharvest and midstory removal treatmentswhere the herbicide and fencing treatmentswere applied (Figure 3). In contrast, the pre-scribed burn treatment was applied in thespring of 2004, just two growing seasons af-ter most of the tagged seedlings germinatedfrom the autumn 2001 acorn crop. The pre-scribed fire treatment had an immediate andlasting negative effect on seedling survivalfrom 2004 to 2012 (Figures 3 and 4). Sim-ilar results were observed when a prescribedfire was applied to relatively small oak seed-lings (Loftis 1990b, Green et al. 2010). Inthe control overstory treatment, fencingalone slightly improved survival comparedwith that for unfenced plots. In the midstoryremoval treatment, fencing alone had a neg-ligible effect on survival. In the overstoryshelterwood harvest treatment, fencingalone nearly doubled the 10-year seedlingsurvival from 30% in unfenced plots to 59%in fenced plots (Figures 3 and 4).

Seedling Basal Diameter and TotalHeight Growth

The blocking factor of the three 50-acreresearch areas was significant (P � 0.01) inboth analyses of seedling basal diameter andtotal height growth, but significant interac-tions with the other treatments was not evi-dent. The overstory treatment (P � 0.01),herbicide treatment (P � 0.01), and fencingtreatment (P � 0.01) had a significant effecton both measures of seedling growth. Theprescribed fire treatment did not affect basaldiameter growth (P � 0.30) or total heightgrowth (P � 0.28). In general, maximumbasal diameter growth was observed in plotsthat received the overstory shelterwood har-vest and fencing treatments (Table 2). Seed-lings on plots that received the midstory re-moval treatment plus fencing and theherbicide treatment had similar basal diam-eter growth (P � 0.05). In the unfencedplots, only the overstory shelterwood harvestalone or with the herbicide treatment addedhad comparable basal diameter growth.Similar results were observed for seedlingheight growth, where plots that received theoverstory shelterwood harvest, fencing, and

Figure 3. Mean survival of tagged northern red oak seedlings by overstory and understorytreatment combinations in plots protected by deer exclusion fences from 2002 to 2012.

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Page 8: Advanced Oak Seedling Development as Influenced by

the herbicide treatments had mean seedlingheights �2.7 ft by 2012 (Table 3).

DiscussionThe purpose of preparatory treatments

in the oak regeneration process is to increasesurvival and growth of advanced oak seed-

lings before a planned overstory removalharvest. It is the interaction of the number ofadvanced seedlings available and their rela-tive size at the time of a final overstory har-vest that determines how they will contrib-ute to overstory species composition in thenext stand. To compare and contrast the

treatment combinations applied in thisstudy, dominance probabilities for northernred oak seedlings on site index 70 (Loftis1990a) were applied to the mean densities ofoak seedlings present and their associatedbasal diameters observed in the various treat-ment plots in the final year of the study(Table 4). The mean seedling densities peracre in Table 4 were determined from six6-ft-radius plots in each measurement plotin 2012 using inventory methods describedby Brose et al. (2008). Seedlings werecounted in three height classes and assigneda basal diameter based on data taken ontagged seedlings in the same height classes(Tables 2 and 3). Dominance probability is anonlinear relationship between seedling size(basal diameter) and its predicted ability toreach a codominant canopy position 20years after an overstory removal harvest. Thelarger the seedling, the more likely it is tosuccessfully compete with surrounding veg-etation and reach an upper canopy positionafter the parent trees are removed. The num-ber of oak seedlings available and their rela-tive sizes are equally important in predictinghow many will reach codominant status inthe next stand.

Based on earlier research on the devel-opment of oak-dominated forests, about120 codominant oaks are needed in a 20-year-old stand to achieve 50% oak stockingat stand maturity (Schnur 1937, Ward andStephens 1994, Brose et al. 2008). In thisstudy, several treatment combinationsachieved the predicted number of codomi-nant oaks in the next stand to meet thisthreshold (Table 4). Most of the plots in theoverstory shelterwood harvest and midstoryremoval treatments protected by deer fenc-ing were adequately prepared for a finaloverstory removal harvest. Without fencing,only the overstory shelterwood harvest treat-ments that did not include the prescribedburn treatment met this threshold. If lessoak stocking is acceptable in the next stand,only 72 predicted codominant oaks per acreare needed to achieve 30% oak stocking atstand maturity.

Earlier assessments of the treatmentsbased on dominance probability predictionsin 2003 and 2007 did not yet indicate ade-quate advanced reproduction to proceedwith an overstory harvest. The tagged seed-lings were more numerous than in 2012, butthey had not developed an adequate size(basal diameter) to yield codominant trees inthe next stand. In most cases, an adequateperiod of preparatory treatments for success-

Figure 4. Mean survival of tagged northern red oak seedlings by overstory and understorytreatment combinations in plots not protected by fences from 2002 to 2012.

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ful oak regeneration in the next stand willinvolve at least 10 years (Sander and Clark1971, Loftis 1990b, Brose et al. 2008, John-son et al. 2009, Dey 2014).

Although infrequent and irregularacorn crops can result in numerous smallseedlings for a few years, the new cohort usu-ally exhibits small basal diameters and rela-tively low dominance probabilities untilthey have time to grow. For new seedlings,the dominance probability is often nearzero. In Table 4, most of the seedlings pres-ent in 2012 were small and had very lowdominance probabilities, having germinatedfrom sparse acorn crops in the latter years ofthe study. However, most of the predictedcodominant trees in Table 4 were from seed-lings in the 2002 cohort that had grown tolarger, more competitive size classes as a re-sult of the treatments applied (Figure 5).The treatments sustained and enhanced thedevelopment of many of the original taggedseedlings, thus raising the probability of suc-

cessful regeneration after a planned over-story harvest.

The prescribed fire in this study was ap-plied too early in the sequence of treatments.In the spring of 2004 when the strip headfire was applied, mean basal diameter oftagged seedlings was �0.1 in. (Table 2),thus leading to much lower survival of ad-vanced seedlings for the remainder of thestudy (Figures 3 and 4). A more effectiveshelterwood-prescribed fire sequence wouldhave involved waiting 5–7 years after theoverstory shelterwood harvest (Brose et al.2008). By 2007 and beyond, the basal diam-eters of many tagged seedlings were �0.25in.; thus, survival and sprouting of top-killedoak seedlings after the prescribed fire treat-ments would have been increased (Broseet al. 2014).

There were other treatment sequencesto consider in preparing the advanced oakreproduction for an eventual overstory re-

moval harvest. For example, simply applyingthe midstory removal treatment and con-trolling low competitors with the herbicidetreatment led to 87 predicted codominantoaks in the next stand (Table 4). An alterna-tive approach is to apply the midstory re-moval and herbicide treatments and thenwait several years to apply the overstory shel-terwood harvest, thus adding microsite lightand competition control in stages. This ap-proach would be akin to a traditional three-step shelterwood approach (Johnson et al.2009). The decision to apply a prescribedfire in this sequence would be contingent onthe development of the advanced oak seed-lings and the aggressiveness of competingvegetation along the way. Periodic assess-ments of the advanced oak reproduction andassociated competition would be useful intiming the application of additional treat-ments (Brose et al. 2008).

Finally, the dominance probability pre-

Table 2. Mean basal diameter of tagged northern red oak seedlings 1, 5, and 10 years after overstory and understory treatmentswere applied in fenced and unfenced plots.

Understory treatment

Overstory treatment and year

Overstory shelterwood Midstory removal Control

2003 2007 2012 2003 2007 2012 2003 2007 2012

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(in.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deer fenceControl 0.084 0.175 0.244 cd 0.082 0.159 0.178 bc 0.083 0.123 0.125 abFire 0.093 0.160 0.205 cd 0.075 0.092 0.157 ab 0.086 0.110 0.182 bcFire and herbicide 0.089 0.225 0.324 d 0.083 0.099 0.144 ab 0.089 0.151 0.180 bcHerbicide 0.100 0.233 0.341 d 0.092 0.206 0.255 cd 0.080 0.135 0.168 b

No deer fenceControl 0.087 0.162 0.198 cd 0.085 0.120 0.122 ab 0.076 0.136 0.113 aFire 0.082 0.146 0.165 b 0.089 0.126 0.143 ab 0.102 0.118 0.155 abFire and herbicide 0.090 0.126 0.163 b 0.077 0.094 0.106 a 0.096 0.130 0.159 abHerbicide 0.090 0.183 0.216 cd 0.084 0.135 0.177 bc 0.078 0.167 0.145 ab

Mean basal diameters in 2012 followed by the same letter are not significantly different (� � 0.05).

Table 3. Mean total height of tagged northern red oak seedlings 1, 5, and 10 years after overstory and understory treatments wereapplied in fenced and unfenced plots.

Understory treatment

Overstory treatment density and year

Overstory shelterwood Midstory removal Control

2003 2007 2012 2003 2007 2012 2003 2007 2012

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(ft). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deer fenceControl 0.352 0.791 1.737 d 0.332 0.584 1.187 c 0.380 0.534 0.777 abFire 0.356 0.624 1.358 c 0.360 0.443 0.717 ab 0.391 0.454 0.967 bcFire and herbicide 0.424 1.259 2.715 d 0.326 0.441 0.832 b 0.360 0.525 0.859 bHerbicide 0.368 1.403 2.797 d 0.354 0.859 2.067 d 0.339 0.537 0.926 b

No deer fenceControl 0.308 0.782 0.784 ab 0.320 0.472 0.612 a 0.336 0.440 0.654 aFire 0.331 0.547 0.889 b 0.354 0.474 0.818 ab 0.360 0.484 0.685 abFire and herbicide 0.339 0.482 0.921 b 0.250 0.380 0.517 a 0.375 0.410 0.686 abHerbicide 0.302 0.661 1.170 bc 0.248 0.474 0.722 ab 0.293 0.471 0.672 ab

Mean heights in 2012 followed by the same letter are not significantly different (� � 0.05).

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dictions in Table 4 merely provided a de-rived comparison among the treatments.The actual effectiveness of the treatmentsobserved in this study in promoting success-ful oak regeneration in the next stand will bemonitored over the next 10–20 years. In thedormant season of 2012–2013, a near com-plete overstory removal harvest was appliedto all 72 treatment plots. There were varia-tions in the 2012 status of advanced oak re-production resulting from the treatmentsapplied in this study. Future results will in-dicate the relationship between preharvestconditions resulting from the various prepa-

ratory treatments and the eventual speciescomposition in the next stand.

Pesticide Use DisclaimerCAUTION: Pesticides can be injurious

to humans, domestic animals, desirableplants, and fish or other wildlife if they arenot handled or applied properly. Use allpesticides selectively and carefully. Followrecommended practices for the disposal ofsurplus pesticides and pesticide contain-ers. This publication reports research in-volving pesticides. It does not contain rec-ommendations for their use, nor does it

imply that the uses discussed here havebeen registered. All uses of pesticides mustbe registered by appropriate state and/orfederal agencies before they can be recom-mended.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(no. seedlings/ac) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(no. trees/ac). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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