Adjectives – Comparison – Exercise 1 1. old → 2. bad → 3. difficult → 4. large → 5. good → 6. big → 7. easy → 8. much → 9. little → 10. interesting → 11. → longer → 12. → worst 13. modern → 14. → nicest 15. → nearest 16. → flattest 17. popular → 18. → happier → 19. many → 20. exciting → 21. strong → stronger; good →


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Adjectives Comparison Exercise 1

1. old 2. bad 3. difficult 4. large 5. good 6. big 7. easy 8. much 9. little 10. interesting 11. longer 12. worst

13. modern 14. nicest

15. nearest

16. flattest

17. popular 18. happier 19. many 20. exciting 21. strong stronger; good 22. coldest colder; happiest 23. nice nicer; bad 24. angry angrier; much 25. more boring boring; sunnier 26. more interesting most interesting; worse 27. hard hardest; new 28. most expensive expensive; cleanest 29. fast fastest; old 30. shortest short ; most difficult Ex.2


































1. Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est Exercise

2. young 3. short 4. cheap 5. small 6. dark 7. long 8. warm 9. sweet 10. big 11. nice 12. cold 13. fast 14. hot 15. easy 16. tall 17. low 18. pretty 19. strange 20. quiet 21. spicy Task

Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).

22. This is a nice cat. It's much than my friend's cat.

23. Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is .

24. This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the exercise on the worksheet.

25. He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the hobby in the world.

26. In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even one last weekend.

27. School is boring, but homework is than school.

28. Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is than skateboarding.

29. This magazine is cheap, but that one is .

30. We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even than ours.

31. Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the joke I've ever heard.

32. My father is heavy. My uncle is much than my father.

33. The test in geography was easy, but the test in biology was .

34. Florida is sunny. Do you know the place in the USA?

35. Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is than Stan.

36. My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is than my mother's.

37. Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the baby on earth.

38. I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a family.

39. We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even time.

40. Lucy is clever, but Carol is than Lucy.

41. Have you visited the old castle? It was the castle we visited during our holidays.

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"DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386244.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName72, 41, 41, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName62, 42, 42, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName52, 43, 43, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName42, 44, 44, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName32, 45, 45, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName22, 46, 46, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName112, 47, 47, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName23, 48, 48, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName192, 49, 49, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName182, 50, 50, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName172, 51, 51, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName162, 52, 52, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName152, 53, 53, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName142, 54, 54, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName132, 55, 55, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName122, 56, 56, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName113, 57, 57, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName102, 58, 58, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName92, 59, 59, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName83, 60, 60, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName73, 61, 61, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName63, 62, 62, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName53, 63, 63, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName43, 64, 64, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName33, 65, 65, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName24, 66, 66, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName114, 67, 67, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName25, 68, 68, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName193, 69, 69, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName183, 70, 70, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName173, 71, 71, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName163, 72, 72, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName153, 73, 73, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName143, 74, 74, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName133, 75, 75, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName123, 76, 76, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName115, 77, 77, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName103, 78, 78, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName93, 79, 79, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName84, 80, 80, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName74, 81, 81, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName64, 82, 82, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName54, 83, 83, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName44, 84, 84, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName34, 85, 85, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName26, 86, 86, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName116, 87, 87, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName27, 88, 88, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName194, 89, 89, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName184, 90, 90, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName174, 91, 91, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName164, 92, 92, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName154, 93, 93, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName144, 94, 94, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName134, 95, 95, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName124, 96, 96, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName117, 97, 97, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName104, 98, 98, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName94, 99, 99, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName85, 100, 100, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName75, 101, 101, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName65, 102, 102, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName55, 103, 103, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName45, 104, 104, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName35, 105, 105, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName28, 106, 106, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName118, 107, 107, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName29, 108, 108, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName30, 128, 109, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName119, 127, 110, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName210, 126, 111, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName36, 125, 112, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName46, 124, 113, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName56, 123, 114, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName66, 122, 115, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName76, 121, 116, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName86, 120, 117, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName95, 119, 118, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName38, 118, 119, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName120, 117, 120, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName211, 116, 121, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName37, 115, 122, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName47, 114, 123, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName57, 113, 124, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName67, 112, 125, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386252.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName72, 41, 41, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName62, 42, 42, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName52, 43, 43, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName42, 44, 44, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName32, 45, 45, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName22, 46, 46, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName112, 47, 47, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName23, 48, 48, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName192, 49, 49, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName182, 50, 50, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName172, 51, 51, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName162, 52, 52, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName152, 53, 53, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName142, 54, 54, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName132, 55, 55, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName122, 56, 56, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName113, 57, 57, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName102, 58, 58, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName92, 59, 59, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName83, 60, 60, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName73, 61, 61, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName63, 62, 62, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName53, 63, 63, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName43, 64, 64, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName33, 65, 65, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName24, 66, 66, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName114, 67, 67, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName25, 68, 68, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName193, 69, 69, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName183, 70, 70, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName173, 71, 71, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName163, 72, 72, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName153, 73, 73, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName143, 74, 74, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName133, 75, 75, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName123, 76, 76, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName115, 77, 77, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName103, 78, 78, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName93, 79, 79, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName84, 80, 80, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName74, 81, 81, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName64, 82, 82, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName54, 83, 83, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName44, 84, 84, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName34, 85, 85, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName26, 86, 86, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName116, 87, 87, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName27, 88, 88, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName194, 89, 89, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName184, 90, 90, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName174, 91, 91, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName164, 92, 92, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName154, 93, 93, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName144, 94, 94, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName134, 95, 95, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName124, 96, 96, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName117, 97, 97, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName104, 98, 98, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName94, 99, 99, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName85, 100, 100, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName75, 101, 101, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName65, 102, 102, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName55, 103, 103, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName45, 104, 104, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName35, 105, 105, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName28, 106, 106, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName118, 107, 107, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName29, 108, 108, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName30, 128, 109, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName119, 127, 110, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName210, 126, 111, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName36, 125, 112, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName46, 124, 113, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName56, 123, 114, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName66, 122, 115, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName76, 121, 116, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName86, 120, 117, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName95, 119, 118, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName38, 118, 119, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName120, 117, 120, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName211, 116, 121, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName37, 115, 122, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName47, 114, 123, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName57, 113, 124, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName67, 112, 125, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386256.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName72, 41, 41, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName62, 42, 42, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName52, 43, 43, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName42, 44, 44, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName32, 45, 45, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName22, 46, 46, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName112, 47, 47, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName23, 48, 48, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName192, 49, 49, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName182, 50, 50, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName172, 51, 51, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName162, 52, 52, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName152, 53, 53, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName142, 54, 54, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName132, 55, 55, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName122, 56, 56, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName113, 57, 57, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName102, 58, 58, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName92, 59, 59, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName83, 60, 60, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName73, 61, 61, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName63, 62, 62, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName53, 63, 63, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName43, 64, 64, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName33, 65, 65, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName24, 66, 66, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName114, 67, 67, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName25, 68, 68, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName193, 69, 69, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName183, 70, 70, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName173, 71, 71, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName163, 72, 72, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName153, 73, 73, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName143, 74, 74, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName133, 75, 75, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName123, 76, 76, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName115, 77, 77, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName103, 78, 78, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName93, 79, 79, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName84, 80, 80, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName74, 81, 81, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName64, 82, 82, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName54, 83, 83, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName44, 84, 84, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName34, 85, 85, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName26, 86, 86, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName116, 87, 87, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName27, 88, 88, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName194, 89, 89, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName184, 90, 90, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName174, 91, 91, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName164, 92, 92, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName154, 93, 93, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName144, 94, 94, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName134, 95, 95, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName124, 96, 96, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName117, 97, 97, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName104, 98, 98, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName94, 99, 99, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName85, 100, 100, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName75, 101, 101, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName65, 102, 102, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName55, 103, 103, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName45, 104, 104, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName35, 105, 105, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName28, 106, 106, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName118, 107, 107, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName29, 108, 108, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName30, 128, 109, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName119, 127, 110, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName210, 126, 111, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName36, 125, 112, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName46, 124, 113, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName56, 123, 114, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName66, 122, 115, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName76, 121, 116, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName86, 120, 117, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName95, 119, 118, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName38, 118, 119, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName120, 117, 120, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName211, 116, 121, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName37, 115, 122, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName47, 114, 123, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName57, 113, 124, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName67, 112, 125, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386258.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName72, 41, 41, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName62, 42, 42, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName52, 43, 43, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName42, 44, 44, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName32, 45, 45, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName22, 46, 46, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName112, 47, 47, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName23, 48, 48, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName192, 49, 49, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName182, 50, 50, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName172, 51, 51, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName162, 52, 52, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName152, 53, 53, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName142, 54, 54, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName132, 55, 55, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName122, 56, 56, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName113, 57, 57, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName102, 58, 58, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName92, 59, 59, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName83, 60, 60, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName73, 61, 61, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName63, 62, 62, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName53, 63, 63, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName43, 64, 64, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName33, 65, 65, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName24, 66, 66, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName114, 67, 67, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName25, 68, 68, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName193, 69, 69, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName183, 70, 70, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName173, 71, 71, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName163, 72, 72, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName153, 73, 73, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName143, 74, 74, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName133, 75, 75, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName123, 76, 76, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName115, 77, 77, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName103, 78, 78, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName93, 79, 79, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName84, 80, 80, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName74, 81, 81, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName64, 82, 82, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName54, 83, 83, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName44, 84, 84, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName34, 85, 85, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName26, 86, 86, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName116, 87, 87, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName27, 88, 88, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName194, 89, 89, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName184, 90, 90, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName174, 91, 91, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName164, 92, 92, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName154, 93, 93, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName144, 94, 94, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName134, 95, 95, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName124, 96, 96, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName117, 97, 97, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName104, 98, 98, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName94, 99, 99, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName85, 100, 100, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName75, 101, 101, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName65, 102, 102, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName55, 103, 103, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName45, 104, 104, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName35, 105, 105, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName28, 106, 106, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName118, 107, 107, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName29, 108, 108, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName30, 128, 109, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName119, 127, 110, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName210, 126, 111, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName36, 125, 112, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName46, 124, 113, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName56, 123, 114, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName66, 122, 115, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName76, 121, 116, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName86, 120, 117, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName95, 119, 118, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName38, 118, 119, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName120, 117, 120, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName211, 116, 121, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName37, 115, 122, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName47, 114, 123, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName57, 113, 124, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName67, 112, 125, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386259.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName72, 41, 41, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName62, 42, 42, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName52, 43, 43, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName42, 44, 44, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName32, 45, 45, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName22, 46, 46, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName112, 47, 47, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName23, 48, 48, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName192, 49, 49, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName182, 50, 50, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName172, 51, 51, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName162, 52, 52, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName152, 53, 53, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName142, 54, 54, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName132, 55, 55, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName122, 56, 56, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName113, 57, 57, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName102, 58, 58, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName92, 59, 59, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName83, 60, 60, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName73, 61, 61, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName63, 62, 62, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName53, 63, 63, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName43, 64, 64, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName33, 65, 65, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName24, 66, 66, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName114, 67, 67, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName25, 68, 68, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName193, 69, 69, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName183, 70, 70, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName173, 71, 71, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName163, 72, 72, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName153, 73, 73, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName143, 74, 74, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName133, 75, 75, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName123, 76, 76, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName115, 77, 77, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName103, 78, 78, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName93, 79, 79, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName84, 80, 80, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName74, 81, 81, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName64, 82, 82, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName54, 83, 83, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName44, 84, 84, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName34, 85, 85, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName26, 86, 86, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName116, 87, 87, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName27, 88, 88, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName194, 89, 89, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName184, 90, 90, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName174, 91, 91, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName164, 92, 92, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName154, 93, 93, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName144, 94, 94, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName134, 95, 95, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName124, 96, 96, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName117, 97, 97, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName104, 98, 98, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName94, 99, 99, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName85, 100, 100, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName75, 101, 101, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName65, 102, 102, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName55, 103, 103, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName45, 104, 104, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName35, 105, 105, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName28, 106, 106, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName118, 107, 107, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName29, 108, 108, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName30, 128, 109, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName119, 127, 110, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName210, 126, 111, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName36, 125, 112, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName46, 124, 113, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName56, 123, 114, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName66, 122, 115, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName76, 121, 116, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName86, 120, 117, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName95, 119, 118, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName38, 118, 119, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName120, 117, 120, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName211, 116, 121, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName37, 115, 122, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName47, 114, 123, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName57, 113, 124, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName67, 112, 125, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName77, 111, 126, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName87, 110, 127, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName96, 109, 128, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName195, 129, 129, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName185, 130, 130, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName175, 131, 131, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName165, 132, 132, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName155, 133, 133, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName145, 134, 134, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName135, 135, 135, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName125, 136, 136, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1110, 137, 137, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName105, 138, 138, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName97, 139, 139, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName88, 140, 140, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName78, 141, 141, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName68, 142, 142, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName58, 143, 143, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName48, 144, 144, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName39, 145, 145, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName212, 146, 146, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName126, 147, 147, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName40, 148, 148, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName196, 149, 149, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName186, 150, 150, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName176, 151, 151, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName166, 152, 152, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName156, 153, 153, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName146, 154, 154, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName136, 155, 155, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName127, 156, 156, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1111, 157, 157, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName106, 158, 158, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName98, 159, 159, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName89, 160, 160, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName79, 161, 161, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName69, 162, 162, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName59, 163, 163, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName49, 164, 164, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName310, 165, 165, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName213, 166, 166, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName128, 167, 167, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName50, 168, 168, MSForms, HTMLText"

_1486386257.unknownAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = TrueAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName19, 0, 0, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName18, 1, 1, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName17, 2, 2, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName16, 3, 3, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName15, 4, 4, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName14, 5, 5, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName13, 6, 6, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName12, 7, 7, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName11, 8, 8, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName10, 9, 9, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName9, 10, 10, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName8, 11, 11, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName7, 12, 12, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName6, 13, 13, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName5, 14, 14, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName4, 15, 15, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName3, 16, 16, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName2, 17, 17, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName1, 18, 18, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName, 19, 19, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName191, 20, 20, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName181, 21, 21, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName171, 22, 22, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName161, 23, 23, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName151, 24, 24, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName141, 25, 25, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName131, 26, 26, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName121, 27, 27, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName111, 28, 28, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName101, 29, 29, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName91, 30, 30, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName81, 31, 31, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName71, 32, 32, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName61, 33, 33, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName51, 34, 34, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName41, 35, 35, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName31, 36, 36, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName21, 37, 37, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName110, 38, 38, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName20, 39, 39, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Control = "DefaultOcxName82, 40, 40, MSForms, HTMLText"Attribute VB_Co