ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Almaty, Kazakhstan 12-13 November 2015 This workshop introduces participants to the concept of Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful which essentially deal with the developmental needs of the unbankable members of the society; particularly their financial needs and those related to social security. The workshop addresses these needs comparatively from the conventional and Islamic perspectives. The workshop is enriched by discussions on microfinance and microtakaful issues related to contemporary business practices and cases. This workshop is also expected to enhance the capabilities of the participants holding various positions particularly in the banking and finance sectors, and equip them with the necessary tools of Islamic social financing. At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to; a) Explain the need for Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful and understand how they were developed from Shari’ah sources. b) Identify and explain the general features of Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful c) Apply Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful to the areas of Islamic social financing, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. d) Recognize Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful as viable alternatives to the conventional Microfinance and Microinsurance. Supporting Institutions Islamic Social Financing: Micro-Finance and Micro-Takaful

ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Islamic Social Financing: Micro … · Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

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Page 1: ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Islamic Social Financing: Micro … · Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop

Almaty, Kazakhstan12-13 November 2015

This workshop introduces participants to the concept of Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful which essentially deal with the developmental needs of the unbankable members of the society; particularly their financial needs and those related to social security. The workshop addresses these needs comparatively from the conventional and Islamic perspectives. The workshop is enriched by discussions on microfinance and microtakaful issues related to contemporary business practices and cases.

This workshop is also expected to enhance the capabilities of the participants holding various positions particularly in the banking and finance sectors, and equip them with the necessary tools of Islamic social financing.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to;

a) Explain the need for Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful and understand how they were developed from Shari’ah sources.b) Identify and explain the general features of Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful c) Apply Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful to the areas of Islamic social financing, poverty alleviation and sustainable development.d) Recognize Islamic Microfinance and Microtakaful as viable alternatives to the conventional Microfinance and Microinsurance.

Supporting Institutions

Islamic Social Financing:Micro-Finance and Micro-Takaful

Page 2: ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Islamic Social Financing: Micro … · Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

DAY 1: 12 November 2015Time Program8.30 – 9.00 Registration9.00 – 9.30

9.00 – 9.15

9.15 – 9.30

Welcoming Remarks

Mr. Narmukhan Sarybayev, Chairman of the Board, Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture, Kazakhstan

Mr. Nuri Birtek, Secretary General of ADFIMI / WFDFI

Session 1

9.30 – 10.00

Inauguration Address

by Mr. Alibek Nurbekov, Deputy Director of Regional Financial Centre and Islamic Finance Department, National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

10.00 – 10.15 Photo Session

10.15 – 10.45 Networking BreakSession 2

10.45 – 12.30

Panel I: Capacity Building of Islamic Micro-entrepreneurs


Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Department of Economics, International Islamic University of Malaysia


1. Kazakhstan: “The Development of Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia: implications for Kazakhstan”, Assoc. Prof. Alfiya Salikhova, Certified Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

2. Kyrgyzstan: Mr. Talant Kerimbaev, Director of Microfinance Institutions of Kyrgyzstan

3. Tajikistan: “Role of Credit Bureau in the Development of Islamic Microfinance” Mr. Shukhrat Abdullayev, Director of “Somonien Credit Bureau

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch & Prayer BreakSession 3

14.00 – 15.00

Keynote Address 1

Unlocking the Potentials of Islamic Microtakaful: Challenges and Prospects

by Dr Osman Babikr Ahmed, Lead Economist/Training Specialist, IRTI/IDB

15.00– 15.15 Networking BreakSession 4

15.15 – 17.15

Presentation I: Business Models for Islamic Microfinance and Selected Cases by Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Department of Economics, International Islamic University of Malaysia

Presentation II: Sukuk Finance for Inclusive Growth by Dr. Osama Rayis, Director General, Africa City of Technology, Sudan

Presentation III Microtakaful - opportunities and challenges in Kazakhstan by Ms. Kuralay Yeldesbay, Chair of Board of Mutual Insurance Society, Kazakhstan

End of day 1

DAY 2: 13 November 2015Session 5

9.30 – 10.30

Keynote Address 2Vision and Strategies for Technology Enabled Islamic Micro-financeMr. Azhari Gasim Ahmed, Lead Economist, Islamic Solidarity Fund, IDB

10.30 – 10.45 Networking Break

Session 6

10.45 – 12.00

Panel II: Cross Country Experiences of Islamic Microfinance MODERATORProf. Dr. Naseem Shirazi, Senior Economist, IRTI, IDBPANELLISTS1. Kazakhstan: “Developmental Perspectives of Islamic

Microfinance in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Mr. Timur Alim, CEO and Founder of “New Finance” Microcredit Organization

2. Azerbaijan – “The Main Conclusions, Challenges and Perspectives of the Islamic Finance and Microfinance Development in the CA countries ”, Mr. Adalet Dzhabiev, Chairman of the Board of TIEC

3. Tajikistan: “Islamic Microfinance in Tajikistan. Formation stages”, Mr. Farkhodzhon Akbarov, Chairman of Management Board, Association of Microfinance Organizations in Tajikistan

12.00 – 14.00 Lunch & Prayer Break

Session 7

14.00 – 15.15

Panel III: Cross Country Experiences of Islamic Microfinance MODERATORMr. Narmukhan Sarybayev, Chairman of the Board & CEOFund for Financial Support of Agriculture JSC, KazakhstanPANELLISTS1. Kyrgyzstan : “The Difficulties, Challenges and

Opportunities of Islamic Microfinance in Central Asia: The Example of the Kyrgyz Republic”, Mr. Zamir Pusurov, Executive Director of Islamic Microcredit Company (Kompanion Invest), Kyrgyzstan

2. Kazakhstan: “Islamic Finance in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Association of Development of Islamic Finance”, Mr. Zaratkazy Nurpeisov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Development of Islamic Finance

3. Malaysia: Mr Redzuan Yaacob, Senior Deputy CEO, TEKUN Nasional Malaysia

15.15 – 15.30 Networking Break

Session 8

15.30 – 16.45

Panel IV: The Role of Waqf and Zakat in financing Islamic MicrofinanceMODERATORMr. Azhari Gasim Ahmed, Lead Economist, Islamic Solidarity Fund, IDBPANELLISTS1. “Integrating Philanthropy with Micro Finance: Models

of Community Empowerment” Prof. Dr. Naseem Shirazi, Senior Economist, IRTI, IDB

2. Malaysia: “The Role of Waqf in Financing Islamic Micro-finance: Selected cases from OIC Countries” Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Department of Economics, International Islamic University of Malaysia

3. Kazakhstan: “Islam in Islamic Financial Organizations”, Mr. Adlet Aliyev, Chief Dealer of Treasury and Investment Dept., Al-Hilal Islamic Bank

4. Iran: Mr. Siamak Dolati, CEO of Qarzol-Hasaneh Mehr Iran Bank

16.45 – 17.30 Conclusions, certificate ceremony, closing remarks

Page 3: ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Islamic Social Financing: Micro … · Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

Mr. Narmukhan Sarybayev Chairman of the Board, Fund

for Financial Support of Agriculture, Kazakhstan

Mr Redzuan YaacobSenior Deputy CEO, TEKUN

Nasional, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Alfiya SalikhovaCertified Islamic Banker

(CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic

Finance in Kazakhstan

Mr. Talant Kerimbaev Director of Microfinance Institutions of Kyrgyzstan

Mr. Shukhrat Abdullayev Director of “Somonien

Credit Bureau,Tajikistan

Osman Babikr Ahmed Lead Economist/Training

Specialist, IRTI/IDB,Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Mustafa Omar Mohammed Associate

Professor, Department of Economics, International

Islamic University of Malaysia

Mr. Alibek NurbekovDeputy Director of Regional Financial Centre and Islamic

Finance Department, National bank of the Republic of


Dr. Osama Rayis Director General, Africa

City of Technology, Sudan

Ms. Kuralay Yeldesbay Chair of Board of Mutual

Insurance Society, Kazakhstan

Mr. Siamak DolatiCEO of Qarzol-Hasaneh

Mehr Iran Bank

Mr. Azhari Gasim Ahmed Lead Economist, Islamic

Solidarity Fund, IDB,Jeddah, KSA

Prof. Dr. Naseem Shirazi Senior Economist, IRTI, IDB,

Jeddah, KSA

Mr. Adlet Aliyev Chief Dealer of Treasury and

Investment Dept., Al-Hilal Islamic Bank, Kazakhstan

Mr. Timur AlimCEO and Founder of “New

Finance” Microcredit Organization,Kazakhstan

Mr. Adalet Dzhabiev Chairman of the Board of TIEC,


Mr. Farkhodzhon AkbarovChairman of Management Board,

Association of Microfinance Organizations in Tajikistan

Mr. Nuri BirtekSecretary GeneralADFIMI / WFDFI


Mr. Zamir PusurovExecutive Director of Islamic

Microcredit Company (Kompanion Invest), Kyrgyzstan

Mr. Zaratkazy Nurpeisov Chairman of the Presidium

of the Association of Development of Islamic

Finance, Kazakhstan

Speakers and Moderators in the alphabetical order

Page 4: ADFIMI - FFSA Joint Workshop Islamic Social Financing: Micro … · Islamic Banker (CIBAFI), Head of Research Committee of Association for Development of Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

About FFSAFund - is a specialized financial and credit institution, a member of the group of companies of “National Holding “KazAgro” JSC, focused on providing and expanding access to financial services for rural populations

through the development of microcredit.The Fund carries out its activities through its branch and representative network – there are 14 structural units, which are located in the cities of regional importance over Kazakhstan.The staff of the Fund - are a young highly qualified personnel with experience in government and financial institutions, as well as knowing the characteristics of the agricultural sector of the economy.The Fund is designed to achieve its goals, and is convinced that by supporting the village, it is strengthening the future!

About SESRIC The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), was founded as a subsidiary organ of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in pursuance of Resolution No.

2/8-E adopted by the Eighth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM), held in Tripoli in May 1977. The Centre started its activities in Ankara on 1 June 1978. The basic mandate drawn up for SESRIC is threefold:

• To collate, process and disseminate socio-economic statistics and information on and for the utilisation of the member countries,

• To study and evaluate the economic and social developments in the member countries to help generate proposals that will initiate and enhance co-operation among them, and

• To organise training programmes in selected fields geared to the needs of the member countries as well as to the general objectives of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

In addition to the implementation of the above-mentioned mandate, the Centre assumes the role of focal point for the technical co-operation activities and projects between the OIC system and the related UN agencies. It also acts as the major research arm of the OIC whereby it is assigned the task of preparing the main economic and social reports and background documents for the multitude of economic, social and technical co-operation meetings and conferences held at different levels under the umbrella of the OIC every year.At the threshold of its 37. year of existence and active involvement, within the framework of its field of specialisation, in the common effort towards the realisation of the noble objectives of the OIC, the Ankara Centre is increasingly solicited to put its accumulated experience and acquired know-how at the service of the Organisation and its member countries as reflected in the ever-expanding scope of activities it carries out.

About ADFIMIADFIMI, Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of Islamic Development Bank. Established in 1986, ADFIMI is an international non-profit association serving 50 members in 18 countries with headquarters in İstanbul. The main field

of activity of ADFIMI is capacity building of its member institutions some of which come from the least developed countries. In this context, ADFIMI organizes seminars / workshops / conferences for its members in various cities in its region(like İstanbul, Antalya, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, Amman, Hammamet, Cairo, Beirut, Almaty, Baku, Asghabat, Sarajevo, Prishtina, Ouagadougou, Damascus, Khartoum, Girne, İslamabad, Dakar, Lome, Kuwait City, Kampala, Tunis, Dubai, Lefkosa, Dushanbe, Maputo, Maldives). In its 28 years of existence, ADFIMI has trained over 2500 executives and directors from development finance instititutions (www.adfimi.org).ADFIMI aspires to be “a forum for development”.

About IDBThe Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is an international financial institution established in December 1973 and began operations on 20 October 1975.The purpose of the Bank is to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities individually as well as

jointly in accordance with the principles of Islamic Law. The functions of the Bank are to participate in equity capital and grant loans for productive projects and enterprises besides providing financial assistance to member countries in other forms for economic and social development.The Bank is authorized to accept deposits and to mobilize financial resources through Shari’ah compatible modes.

About IRTIFormed in 1981 Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) is the training arm of Islamic Development Bank and it is part of the IDB Group. IRTI was founded for the purpose of creating and nurturing Islamic financial services, research and training.

IRTI’s research findings shape the landscape of the Islamic financial industry and its policies. It conducts training that covers all the areas of Islamic Finance Industry (ie. Islamic Economics, Banking, Finance, Sukuk, Takaful, Awqaf, Islamic Microfinance) that includes distance learning programmes, e-learning programmes and Masters Degree programmes. It has over 60 staff members.IRTI produces a refereed journal in 3 languages and has already produced 300 publications. It also collects reliable and verifiable data from Islamic financial institutions and make them available online for the research communities, market players, and regulators.IRTI is trying to become a reference point for Global Islamic Financial Services Industry.