The Baysider COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - THEBAYSIDER.COM FREE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009 Prospect boys knock off Spartans in OT: See page B1. Volume 5 • Number 43 26 Pages in 2 Sections © 2009, Salmon Press, LLC. Call us at (603) 569-3126 email: [email protected] www.salmonpress.com Business........................A7, B5 Churches .............................A8 Classifieds .................B8 - B11 Editorial Page......................A4 John Harrigan .....................A7 Letters .................................A4 Obituaries ...........................A8 Public Notices .....................B9 Sports ..........................B1 - B4 INDEX MATTHEW FASSETT - COURTESY Thanks for the help The Alton American Legion Post 72 family received a plaque in appreciation of the fundraising effort for the Moving Wall, which was on dis- play at The Nick in Wolfeboro last month. New Durham salon cutting for cancer NEW DURHAM — Sa- lon at Old Bay, located at 301 Old Bay Rd. in New Durham, will be holding its first “Cuts for Cancer” event on Saturday, Oct. 24, and Monday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The salon owners have a relative cur- rently fighting cancer, making this a cause near and dear to their hearts. As a community, they have re- alized that together, great things can happen, and they are excited by this op- portunity to reach out for this worthwhile cause. The event will be a hair- cut only, as this will allow the stylist to have as many people as possible partici- pate and raise more money for the fight against cancer. All proceeds will be donat- ed to the American Cancer Society. Being a one-chair salon, those wishing to at- tend need to call for an ap- pointment. The event will also be on the calendar of events on the salon Web page at www.salonatold- bay.webs.com. Directions to the salon can be found on the Web page, or call for directions. Alton man indicted for threatening to blow up police barracks BY DAYMOND STEER Carroll County Independent OSSIPEE — An Alton man who in August alleged- ly threatened to kill a State Trooper and an Ossipee Po- lice Officer and blow up the State Police barracks in Tamworth has been indict- ed on three misdemeanor level criminal threatening charges. A grand jury handed down the indictments against David Greenwaldt, 19, of 14 Juliet Lane, in Al- ton, on Oct. 3. An indictment isn’t an indication of guilt. Rather, it means the grand jury believes there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial. The events that led to the indictments began around 1 a.m. on Aug. 13 when Os- sipee Officer Shane Emer- son arrested and charged Greenwaldt with driving while intoxicated and un- lawful possession of alco- hol, according to court pa- pers filed by State Trooper Michael O’Neill. O’Neill writes that he was called to the scene to assist Emerson with the trans- portation of another indi- vidual who was also arrest- ed. Once in Emerson’s cruis- er, Greenwaldt began hurl- ing obscenities and threats at O’Neill and Emerson. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with, I know what you look like (exple- tive),” police documents quote Greenwaldt as saying. “I’m going to find you and (expletive) kill you. I’m go- ing to shoot you with my nine (millimeter gun).” He also threatened Emer- son in the same fashion, ac- cording to police papers. Police had to transport Greenwaldt to Huggins Hos- pital in Wolfeboro because he injured himself by strik- ing his head into the interi- or of Emerson’s cruiser. Once at Huggins, he began threatening five members of the hospital staff. “I’m going to come back and shoot you all, Bang! Bang! Bang,” Greenwaldt al- legedly said. Then Greenwaldt al- legedly turned his attention to threatening the officers again, according to the court papers. This time, po- lice say he threatened to blow up the police barracks with Trooper O’Neill inside it. He also made more un- usual threats. “I’m going to head butt your jaw right off your face,” Greenwaldt allegedly said. Greenwaldt was released from the hospital and taken to Carroll County’s jail in Ossipee where he consented to an intoxilyzer test with a result of .14 BRAC. As of Tuesday, Oct. 13, Green- waldt was being held on $10,000 personal recogni- zance bail because he is ap- parently unable to pay for an electronic monitoring system if released, accord- ing to the county attorney’s office. Criminal threatening is a misdemeanor offence that’s normally dealt with in Dis- BRENDAN BERUBE Keep your eye on the ball A light-up bouncing ball found by her mom, Tiffany (right) was the focus of little Isabella’s attention during Tuesday morning’s Li’l Pesaukees playgroup session at the Alton Bay Community Center. The group is currently searching for a new form of funding. See the press release on page A14. SEE INDICT PAGE A13 Residents push for openness in town government BY BRENDAN BERUBE Staff Writer ALTON — Voicing con- cerns about what they saw as the deliberate exclusion of voters from town affairs, sev- eral residents encouraged the board of selectmen Mon- day night to allow more pub- lic involvement in their deci- sion-making. Re-iterating concerns she raised during the board’s Sept. 30 meeting about busi- ness being conducted out of the public’s sight, resident Ruth Messier asked during the first of Monday evening’s two public input sessions when the board last reviewed its backlog of non-public meeting minutes or voted to unseal them. Given the potential for a change in the makeup of the board after any town elec- tion, Messier also asked whether former board mem- bers were still expected to keep information they were given in non-public sessions confidential. It would not be fair, she said, for some private citi- zens to be able to openly dis- cuss privileged information that the rest of the town had no access to. Selectmen Steve McMa- hon and Pat Fuller replied that former board members are expected to uphold the confidentiality of material discussed behind closed doors. Suggesting that the board consider setting a policy un- der which they would regu- larly review and, if appro- priate, release sealed min- utes, Messier shifted her fo- cus to Ryan Heath’s recent promotion to the position of chief of police. Commenting that former chief Phil Smith was making roughly $80,000 a year based on his previous experience, and that she hoped the younger Heath would be making less than that, Messier asked whether the board had agreed upon his salary prior to its decision to promote him. Explaining that Heath’s salary was not discussed ahead of time, and was, in fact, not set until two or three weeks after his promotion, Fuller announced that he will enter the police chief ’s step-and-track schedule at a Step 3, and will be paid just over $76,000 a year. Resident Peter Keen asked the board to clarify exactly where Heath was situated on the step-and-track schedule. McMahon replied that the scale goes up to Step 10, meaning that Heath “isn’t even at the halfway point yet.” Confirming with Town Administrator Russell Bai- ley that written policies are on file for all town depart- ments, Keen asked whether the town had a policy for Residents raise questions about committee’s decisions staffing and equipment ex- penses in addition to the ini- tial construction costs, Howard suggested that the Twombly property might be seen as another "long-term burden" by a community that she felt was not in favor of higher taxes. "Was this committee nev- er told that doing nothing was an option?" she asked, adding that she works with a number of low-income peo- ple in the area who are "get- ting it from all sides." Given the current state of the economy, she said, dis- trict officials should be look- ing for ways to save money, rather than spend it. Stating her belief that the condition of the building should not dictate the quali- ty of education students re- ceive, Howard suggested that with the construction indus- try and the housing market at a virtual standstill due to the recession, the communi- ty might not outgrow Alton Central as quickly as school officials originally thought. Stating that he agreed BY BRENDAN BERUBE Staff Writer ALTON — The Alton School Board's Buildings and Grounds Committee found itself confronted dur- ing its Oct. 15 meeting with tough questions from a group of residents voicing concerns about its decision- making process. Stating that a number of concerns had risen in her mind after reading recent press reports about the com- mittee's decision to renovate and expand the Alton Cen- tral School and its interest in the Twombly property as a possible site for athletic fields, Barbara Howard asked which state statute re- quires an elementary school to have a minimum of 18 acres of land. Superintendent Kathy Holt explained that the re- quired minimum acreage is a standard imposed by the state Department of Educa- tion, and not a matter of state law. Asked by Howard whether the committee had looked at the land behind Water Industries, Inc. on Route 28 as an alternative to the Twombly property, Holt replied that it had, and had determined that the site would be "inappropriate" for an elementary school. Explaining that she did not want to see the Alton Central renovations turn in- to a repeat of what happened during the construction of Prospect Mountain High School, when she said the price tag kept rising as vot- ers were asked to approve SEE COMMITTEE PAGE A13 SEE SELECTMEN PAGE A12

ADENDA ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA … de...ADENDA – ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA DOCENTE CURSO 2020-21 EN USAL El equipo docente de la asignatura deberá marcar y/o añadir la

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Page 1: ADENDA ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA … de...ADENDA – ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA DOCENTE CURSO 2020-21 EN USAL El equipo docente de la asignatura deberá marcar y/o añadir la

Vicerrectorado de Docencia e Innovación Educativa

Vicerrectorado de Postgrado y Formación Permanente


El equipo docente de la asignatura deberá marcar y/o añadir la siguiente información (a partir de las Recomendaciones del Ministerio de Universidades a la comunidad universitaria para adaptar el curso universitario 2020-2021 a una presencialidad adaptada, de 10 de junio de 2020)

A. FORMACIÓN ONLINE Formación online recibida por el profesorado responsable de esta asignatura (especificar por cada profesor): 1. Profesor:

☐ He participado como docente en una titulación oficial online, durante al menos un curso académico con responsabilidad en una asignatura (Grado/Máster de la Universidad de ).

☐ He realizado Cursos sobre la plataforma Studium en el Plan de Formación docente de la Universidad de Salamanca desde el IUCE, en los últimos dos años.

☒ He realizado varias actividades formativas (cursos, seminarios, webinars, etc.) sobre formación online para docencia universitaria en los últimos dos años.

☒ Soy formador o experto en formación online (he impartido formación a profesores universitarios sobre aspectos relacionados con formación online, etc.)

☒ Otro (indique cuál): Autoformación (Se podría solicitar evidencia sobre la opción u opciones marcadas).


Adaptación a la docencia virtual: Ante la posibilidad que en el curso 2020/2021 se produzca un escenario de riesgo de salud, y no se pudiera realizar la evaluación presencial, en esta asignatura, se realizarán las siguientes adaptaciones en la metodología docente dentro de la plataforma virtual Studium:

☒ Se impartirán clases teóricas y prácticas a través de Blackboard u otra aplicación (Meet, Teams, Zoom, etc.).

☒ Se pondrá a disposición del alumnado materiales complementarios (lecturas, audiovisuales, etc.).

☒ Se presentarán tareas (estudio de casos, proyectos, ejercicios, etc.) a través de Studium.

☐ Otro (indique cuál): ………………………………… (Se podría solicitar evidencia sobre la opción u opciones marcadas).

C. TUTORÍA Y ORIENTACIÓN A LOS ESTUDIANTES Ante la posibilidad que en el curso 2020/21 se produzca un escenario de riesgo de salud, y no se pudiera realizar tutoría presencial en horario de 6 horas semanales, en esta asignatura, se realizarán las siguientes adaptaciones a través de herramientas de Comunicación dentro de la plataforma virtual Studium:

☒ Se garantizan 6 horas a la semana de atención a los estudiantes, que se anunciarán en el Curso de Studium, con días y horas concretas.

☒ La tutoría grupal se realizará a través de Foro en el curso de Studium.

☒ Para tutorías individuales, previa consulta del estudiante a través del Foro, se habilitará videoconferencia en Studium.

☒ A través de correo electrónico. Otro (indique cuál):

Page 2: ADENDA ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA … de...ADENDA – ADAPTACIÓN FICHA DE LA GUÍA DOCENTE CURSO 2020-21 EN USAL El equipo docente de la asignatura deberá marcar y/o añadir la

Vicerrectorado de Docencia e Innovación Educativa

Vicerrectorado de Postgrado y Formación Permanente


(Se podría solicitar evidencia sobre la opción u opciones marcadas).

D. SISTEMAS DE EVALUACIÓN DE COMPETENCIAS Adaptación de los sistemas de evaluación de esta asignatura: Ante la posibilidad que en el curso 2020/2021 se produzca un escenario de riesgo de salud y no se pudiera realizar la evaluación presencial, en esta asignatura se realizarán las siguientes adaptaciones a través de las herramientas de evaluación dentro de la plataforma virtual Studium:

☐ Se reduce el peso en calificación de la prueba final en favor de pruebas de evaluación continua. Especificar los pesos de ponderación:

☐ Se prevé la presentación de trabajos individuales a través de Studium, aumentando su peso ponderado.

☐ Se realizarán cuestionarios online a través de Studium.

☒ Se informará a los estudiantes de todas las modificaciones en materia de evaluación, previamente a la recogida de información de los estudiantes.

☒ Otro (indique cuál): El examen podría ser sustituido bien por un examen o un examen oral, elaborados bajo modalidad on line.

Se valorará la posibilidad de que la calificación del examen sea sustituida por las prácticas y evaluación continua, en función de las casuísticas del alumnado y en consenso con ellos.

(Se podría solicitar evidencia sobre la opción u opciones marcadas).