Chief Executive-London Borough of Newham 13/12/2018 Date of Survey : The Fire Risk Assessment was undertaken by The assessor detailed in the Assessment Summary below who has the necessary qualifications, competency and experience in Fire Risk Management that give him/her the status of “Competent Person” as described in articles 15 and 18 of the ‘Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005', for properties in England & Wales, and the 'Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006' for those in Scotland. This legislation now supersedes all previous fire legislation for England, Wales & Scotland and forms the ‘Fire Regulations'. General Needs Flatted Accommodation Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Responsible person Address of Premises 1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Address of Premises - Newham Council

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Page 1: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Chief Executive-London Borough of Newham

13/12/2018 Date of Survey :

The Fire Risk Assessment was undertaken by The assessor detailed in the Assessment Summary below who has the

necessary qualifications, competency and experience in Fire Risk Management that give him/her the status of

“Competent Person” as described in articles 15 and 18 of the ‘Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005', for

properties in England & Wales, and the 'Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006' for those in Scotland. This legislation

now supersedes all previous fire legislation for England, Wales & Scotland and forms the ‘Fire Regulations'.

General Needs Flatted AccommodationFire Risk Assessment (FRA)

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

Responsible person

Address of Premises

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Page 2: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Assessment Summary

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA



Head of Housing Works Commissioning


No major additional controls required. However, there might be a need for

improvements that involve minor or limited cost.

Purpose built nineteen storey block with 73 single storey flats . 4 flats are

located on each floor apart from ground floor where there is 1 flats all

accessed from a single protected stairway. There are two passenger lifts

serving all 19 floors. Brick and concrete contruction with flat roof. Two

internal concrete staircase and floors with plaster on hard walls. Floor

covering is a mixture of vinyl and concrete floors throughout.There is a

concierge office at ground floor level. The block is in the process of having

scaffolding remeoved.

Asset Image

Person managing fire safety for the premises:

Risk Level

Risk Description

Site Address:


Date Due:

Date Assessed:

Surveyed By

General Building Description

( Floors, Construction, Staircases etc… )

Page 3: Address of Premises - Newham Council

The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the risk to life from fire in these premises, and, where

appropriate, to make recommendations to ensure compliance with fire safety legislation. The report does not

address the risk to property or business continuity from fire. If you have any questions about this Fire Risk

Assessment please contact:

Building Risk Assessor

Direct House, Bridge Road Depot, Abbey Road, London E15 3LX

Tel: DDI - 020 3373 4296 – Int. Ext. 34296

This Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed by a competent person if it is no longer valid, or if there has been a significant change in the

matters to which it relates, or if a fire occurs.

1.        Introduction

This report has been prepared as a written record of the Fire Risk Assessment, carried out at

1.1 The objectives of this Fire Risk Assessment are:

a.       To identify all current significant fire hazards to which relevant persons on the premises, or in the immediate

vicinity of the premises, will be exposed.

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA under the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

b.      To reasonably quantify the level of residual fire risk that is attributed to the premises and its use, with regard to

existing (preventive and protective) controlling measures.

c.       To advise on the nature and extent of any additional (preventive and protective) controlling measures which

should be implemented in order to counteract this residual risk, in accordance with the ‘Principles of Prevention’ as

defined in Article 10 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

1.2 Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are not a ‘one off’ activity, and are part of a dynamic process. It is thus a requirement under Article

9(3) of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to review and modify the risk assessment when either:

a.       There is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid, perhaps due to a gradual change in the nature of the

tenancy numbers or type, wear & tear on facilities, a large number of small changes, an appreciation of a hazard (e.g.

highlighted by fire evacuation drill), or

b.      the occurrence of an incident (e.g. actual fire or near miss), which triggers a need to review, OR there is a

significant change in the matters to which it relates, (i.e. following major organisational changes or any

refurbishment, alterations or extension).

1.3 This Risk Assessment

This risk assessment is a ‘dynamic’ working document that should be used as a guide to planning future actions

aimed at improving Health & Safety for tenants and others who may be affected by a potential fire at the premise.

Notwithstanding the requirements noted in Section 1.2 above, it is a requirement of London Borough of Newham

that Fire Risk Assessments are normally reviewed annually, unless otherwise advised by the Fire Risk Assessment

report. Some reasonable flexibility is permitted to accommodate logistical and financial constraints.

Page 4: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Scope and Methodology

1.4 Statutory Requirement

1.5 Identification of Fire Hazards

1.6 Assessment of Fire Risk

1.7 The Fire Risk Assessment Action Schedule

1.8 Information Source

Article 9 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires every responsible person to make a suitable and sufficient

assessment of the fire risks to which relevant persons are exposed, with respect to premises within their control. This is for the

purpose of identifying the general fire precautions that are needed to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed

by the Order. The responsible person, or any other person who has to any extent control of the premises, must ensure that the

duties imposed by the relevant articles of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 are complied with in respect of those

premises, so far as the requirements relate to matters within their control. Where the premises are licensed, an alterations notice

is in force, or the responsible person has five or more employees, it is a requirement to record the significant findings of the fire

risk assessment including the measures which have been or will be taken as a result of the assessment and details of any group of

persons identified by the assessment as being especially at risk. This report therefore incorporates such relevant information,

significant findings and recommended actions that are considered necessary to demonstrate compliance with The Regulatory

Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

In order to identify the significant fire hazards within the premise, a checklist is used which considers the particular fire hazards

associated with this type of building and the nature of the occupancy. The hazard identification process will consider each item

with due regard to the existing ‘control measures’, which are either already inherent within the building fabric design or are

implemented through the management policy procedures for the premise. The answers to all questions should be YES, NO or


Each identified hazard is assessed in accordance with the fire risk-rating matrix detailed in Section 2.0 of this report. This matrix

has due regard to the person or group of persons who are likely to be affected by each hazard, by considering the hazards in

terms of their potential to harm (severity) and their likelihood (probability) of actually occurring. The matrix allows the

assignment of a specific risk rating for each perceived hazard, which subsequently assists in determining the nature and extent of

any necessary additional controlling measures, (both physical and procedural deficiencies), as well as the timescale in which

these measures should be

This Action Schedule details the blend of technical and procedural measures, which are considered necessary to adequately

address the residual risk that has been previously identified, semi-quantified and assigned a ‘risk-rating’. This risk control plan is

essentially an inventory of remedial / advisory actions which should be carried out by London Borough of Newham Group or an

appointed representative, within the recommended timescales. These timescales are suggested purely to aid reasonable

implementation of the Action Schedule, but for the residual risk to be reduced to an acceptable level, it will be necessary to

implement all Action Items on the schedule. It is a requirement of London Borough of Newham that P1 timescales may not be

exceeded without the recorded authorisation of a senior manager, Head of Department or a Director.

Information for the completion of this assessment was obtained by a semi non-invasive physical inspection of the premise,

inspection of records and drawings (where available). For accurate identification of hazard location, digital photographs are

enclosed to ‘pin-point’ the specified hazard.

Page 5: Address of Premises - Newham Council

2. Risk Assessment Details 2.1 Fire Risk Rating Matrix





Score Degree






The following risk rating matrix is used to enable semi-quantification of the itemised fire safety deficiencies (hazards)

that were found during the recent survey of the premise.

The matrix allows the identified significant fire hazards to be classified in terms of the harmful or unwanted

consequences (severity) that the hazard would cause, if it were to occur and also the likelihood (probability) that

such harm will occur. These factors are considered with due regard to the existing fire safety features and

procedures (controlling measures), which are either incorporated within the building design or procedurally

implemented within the premise.

Degree Probability of Exposure to Harm

Likely to occur at some stage in the foreseeable future

Very likely to occur frequently and/or in the near future unless actively prevented

Medium Risk

Very High Risk

The product of the severity and probability factors will equate to a specific risk rating for each identified hazard. The

following band matrix can then be used to assign a comparative degree of risk (Very Low , Low, Medium or Very

High) to each individual fire safety deficiency. This will assist in determining the extent of any necessary additional

controlling measures, as well as the timescale in which these measures should be implemented.


Considerable resources might have to be allocated to reduce the risk. If the

building is unoccupied, it should not be occupied until the risk has been

reduced. If the building is occupied, urgent action should be taken.


Intolerable Building (or relevant area) should not be occupied until the risk is reduced.

Unlikely to occur, but still possible

No known instances of such an event occurring

Probability Level

Very Low Risk

Low Risk


No action is required and no detailed records need to be kept.

It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures

should be implemented within a defined time period. Where moderate risk is

associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further

assessment might be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm

as a basis for determining the priority for improved control measures.

No major additional controls required. However, there might be a need for

improvements that involve minor or limited cost.

Risk Control Plan



Page 6: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Very High Risk A 9

High Risk B 6

Medium Risk C 4

Low Risk D 1 to 3

Very Low Risk M 0 to 0

Internal and External Communal areas including but not limited to the following:

Within 12 months

No set timescale

Timescales for Remedial Action( maximum time limits )

Within 1 Month

Within 6 Months

Degree of RiskPriority

Level for



The table details the systematic approach that has been taken to assess the individual level of risk that is inherent in

each identified hazard / fire safety deficiency, recorded during the inspection of this premise.

Each hazard (item) has been considered with regard to the specific group of people that it threatens; its potential

severity and its probability of being realised. Existing control measures are taken into account before determining

the nature and extent of any additional control measures deemed necessary to contend with the residual fire risk

that remains.

The table below provides timescales for remedial action proportionate to the risk.

2.2 Assessment of Fire Risk

Entrances, Exits , Escape Stairs, Landings, Lobbies, Electrical Intake/service cupboards, Pram shed areas, Refuse


2.6 How are occupants who warrant special consideration identified?

In the event of an emergency any vulnerability information is obtainable from the Housing database which is available

to the LBN Emergency Officer.

Management/ procedural

2.3 Sheltered Accommodation Containing Vulnerable Persons

The same method is used but the overall fire risk rating is adjusted up one level. For example, if the individual risk

ratings on the itemised schedule is a Low Risk then the fire risk rating for the premises is categorised as Moderate


2.4 Exceptional Circumstances

Where the assessor risk or receiving manager feels the method of calculation has arrived at a grossly

disproportionate fire risk rating, the matter should be referred to the Director for consideration and advice.

2.5 Extent of Common Areas

Page 7: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Priority Description

A When an unacceptable risk to fire safety is present

BWithin 6 months. These items are regarded as important but a lead time to

organise is recognised to be necessary.


Where an immediate risk to fire safety is not present but

improvements/actions are necessary to maintain the essential systems and


DWorks to be considered in future improvements or ongoing/rolling

maintenance programmes.

MRelates to continuing managerial responsibility or recognised best practice







Priority Ownership Action Comments

(to include location and any required remedial works)Additional Comments Photo ref.

Hazard identification - housekeeping

1 Is fire load close to the premises minimised? Yes

Arson- Security

2 Are premises adequately secured against potential arson? Yes

The Bin store located at rear of building is accessed via timber doors that are

locked and secure and needs to be kept locked and secure to avoid any

possibility of arson. No Action Required

32.) Bin Store


3Are there suitably located and secured provisions for the disposal of waste

and recyclable material?Yes 5.) Bin Chute

Combustible Materials - Housekeeping

4Are any potential combustible materials adequately segregated from any

sources of ignition?No A


Engagement/Client Servs

There are items stored in ground floor staff room cleaners cupboard and locker

cupboard. There are chemical bottles, car battery and aerosol cannisters that

are highly flammable that are not stored in a metal store cupboard that should

be provided. Remove all chemical bottles and aerosol cannisters and store

within a metal cabinet. Remove the car battery from building. Remove all

flammable items and ensure all the electric intake cupboards and store

cupboards are kept clear from debris and stored items.


Items stored in

staff cpd

5Are quantities of combustible waste allowed to accumulate in the premises

such as Paper, cardboard, wood shavings, dust?Yes B


Engagement/Client Servs

There are items in the lift room area stored that need to be removed. There are

items located in the external spiral staircase that need to be removed.

Where scaffolding has been removed there are timber hoardings located within

the bin chute areas. Ensure these are all removed.

27.) Items

stored in tank


29.) Items

stored in ext


41.)Timber in

bin chute area

Fire Detection - Alarms

6 Are fire alarm tests recorded? Yes

There is a fire alarm panel located at ground floor that only serves the ground

floor and concierge area. It is unknown whether fire alarm tests are recorded.

Newham Council to advise

30.) Fire alarm


7Is automatic detection and/or manual alarm provided in the premises?

If yes, describe system.Yes

There is a zoned fire alarm panel with dection throughout all communal areas on

all floors.

39.) Smoke

detection in


8Is further automatic detection and/or manual alarm provision required?If

yes, state what.No

9 Is the alarm system adequately maintained? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

10 Is the fire alarm system in working order? Yes

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Management/ procedural


Within 1 month

Within 6 months

Within 1 year

No set timescale

Page 8: Address of Premises - Newham Council






Priority Ownership Action Comments

(to include location and any required remedial works)Additional Comments Photo ref.

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Fire Fighting Equipment - Entry

11 Is the fireman's switch working correctly? Yes2.) FIREMANS


12 Are fire extinguishers adequately maintained? n/a

Fire Fighting Equipment - Extinguishers

12 Are fire extinguishers adequately maintained? No AResident

Engagement/Client Servs

There is a Co2 and foam extinguisher located within the concierge office are at

ground floor. Both extinguishers are currently within service date, however one

has been discharged and is now empty and is not in correct posistion.Replace

with new extinguisher or refill. There is an extinguisher located in the lift motor

room area that is out of date. Replace with up to date extinguisher or remove



Extinguishers in




service date

40.) Fire

extinguisher out

of date

13Are other fire extinguishing systems provided/accessible and in good

working condition?n/a .

14Are portable fire extinguishers provided/accessible and in good working


Fire Fighting Equipment - Other

15 Are all bin chamber doors secure? Yes 32.) Bin Store


Fire Fighting Equipment - Risers

16 Are dry/wet risers in good order? Yes 3.7.) Dry Riser

17 Are rising mains adequately maintained? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

Flammable Substances - Housekeeping

18 Are there any highly flammable substances in the premises? No

General Hazards - Any Other Issues

19 Are there any other issues? Please specify No

Limiting Fire Spread - Compartmentation

20 Are any installed linings appropriate for limiting the spread of fire? No A Asset Management

The majority of flat entrance doors all appear to be FD30s doors wih

intumescent strips and door closers, however, flat 64 is not fire rated and needs

changing with a FD30s fire door fitted. Flat has either no automatic door

closer fitted or they have been dismantledand. It is recommended to replace

these closers and to carry out a full inspection of all doors to determine if any

more are needed to be replaced.The tank room and lift motor room doors are

metal and fully compliant. HThe compartmentation doors and doors leading to

the staircases to all floors have closers and all have intumescent strips fitted,

however the doors on 1st,and 4th floors are not closing properly and need

servicing/adjusting.. The riser doors, bin chute doors and electric intake doors

from the 1st floor to 19th floor are all compliant. The electric intake to the

concierge area on the ground floor are all compliant with intumescent strips and

no action needed. The store room doors to concierge and lobby area at ground

floor do not have intumescent strips fitted.

The paint is delaminating on walls and ceilings within the communal lobby

corridors . Prepare and redecorate using "type 0" paint.

It was not confirmed whether the walls and ceiling paint is fire rated "O" type

paint. It is advised at the next redecoration programme to ensure that correct "O

" type fire retardent paint is used within communal areas. Flat

Entrance Door

6.) Dry

Riser/tank room




on Doors

15.) Concierge


25.) Grnd floor

electric intake


23.) Lift Motor

room door

36.) Electric

intake room


35.) Paint


Page 9: Address of Premises - Newham Council






Priority Ownership Action Comments

(to include location and any required remedial works)Additional Comments Photo ref.

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

21 Is the current level of compartmentation adequate for the premise? No A Asset Management

Doors as above (Question 20.)

The tank room and lift motor room doors are metal and fully compliant. However

there is an issue with compartmentation to the service room door as there is a

breach in compartmentation above the door. It is recommended to fit appropriate

fire stopping with fire retardent materials to provide correct compartmentation.

The Georgian wire glazing that forms part of the compartmentation on 1st, 7th

and 9th floor is either loose or incorrect silicone and metal gaskets fitted. Ensure

correct fire retardent glazing gaskets are fitted.

28.) Breach in




glazing gasket


Limiting Fire Spread - Dampers

22 Where required, are dampers provided? n/aIt was not determined whether dampers where fitted to extraction and other

plant throughout. Newham to advise.

26.) Extraction


Maintenance Checks - General

23 Are appropriate building maintenance checks undertaken regularly? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

24 Are lifts adequately maintained? Yes

25 Are the premises generally well maintained? Yes

26Have all installed or portable electrical appliances been tested in

accordance with regulations?Yes Items in the concierge area where checked and found to be "in date"

16.) Concierge

Pat tested items

27 Is the lightning protection system adequately maintained? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

28 Is the sprinkler system adequately maintained? n/a

Page 10: Address of Premises - Newham Council






Priority Ownership Action Comments

(to include location and any required remedial works)Additional Comments Photo ref.

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Means Of Escape - Lighting

29Are all exits and exit routes adequately illuminated (internal and


30 Are any other areas as required adequately illuminated? Yes Emergency lighting fitted in communal areas.

31 Are emergency escape lighting tests recorded? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

32 Is the emergency escape lighting adequately maintained? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

33Where fitted, is the emergency escape lighting in good working

order?Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

Means Of Escape - Routes

34 Are all escape routes clear and unobstructed? No AResident

Engagement/Client Servs

There items stored in communal lobby areas. Remove Items.Flat has metal

security gate fitted within landlords demise. Ensure theis is removed to maintain

escape route.

Regular checks to ensure that walkways are kept clear of obstructions is


37.) Items

stored in lobby



Grill fitted

35 Are all floors free from slipping/tripping hazards? Yes

36 Are corridors sub-divided (where appropriate)? Yes

37Are doors on escape routes easily opened and do they open in the

correct direction?Yes

Main Entrance and exit doors are all in fair condition and open in direction of


34.) External

Exit Door

38Are there reasonable arrangements in the building for means of

escape for disabled people?Yes

LBN in liaison with the LFB have a stay put policy. Dutyholder to confirm if

provisions for disabled access is required.

39 Are travel distances to fire exits satisfactory - single and two-way? Yes

40 Do all escape routes lead to a place of safety? Yes

41Does the escape route design meet the necessary Home Office


42Is adequate separation evident on all escape routes (as


43 Is the number and provision of exits adequate? Yes

44 Is there adequate protection provided/installed to all escape routes? Yes

Means Of Escape - Signage

45 Are signs clearly visible and not obstructed? Yes

46 Is there adequate provision of fire safety signs and notices? No BResident

Engagement/Client ServsThere is a damaged "No smoking "sign on 11th floor

42.) Damaged

"No smoking"


Other Issues - General

47 Are there any other issues to specify? No

Premises Management - Records And Security

48 Are there appropriate fire safety procedures in place? Yes All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team.

49Are there provisions in place for liaison to take place with the local

fire and rescue service?Yes LBN in liaison with the LFB have a stay put policy

50 Is there an available and suitable record of fire safety arrangements? No All records relating to fire safety are held by the Asset Management team

Page 11: Address of Premises - Newham Council






Priority Ownership Action Comments

(to include location and any required remedial works)Additional Comments Photo ref.

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Records - Fire Maintenance

51 Are fire safety maintenance records available for the premises? No All fire safety maintenance records are held by the Asset Management team

Sources Of Ignition - Smoking

52Is there evidence of any smoking related activities taking place in

non designated areas?No

Training - Evacuation

53Where fire evacuation safety drills are considered appropriate, are

they carried out at regular intervals?n/a

Training - Trained Personnel

54 Are staff trained in fire safety via induction and/or annual refreshers? n/a

55 Is fire safety training recorded? n/a

Page 12: Address of Premises - Newham Council

Priority Description

A When an unacceptable risk to fire safety is present

BWithin 6 months. These items are regarded as important but a lead time to organise is

recognised to be necessary.

CWhere an immediate risk to fire safety is not present but improvements/actions are necessary to

maintain the essential systems and standards.

D Works to be considered in future improvements or ongoing/rolling maintenance programmes.

M Relates to continuing managerial responsibility or recognised best practice guidance.


Question Action to be taken Priority Ownership Additional Comments / Review Notes





There are items stored in ground floor staff room cleaners cupboard and locker

cupboard. There are chemical bottles, car battery and aerosol cannisters that are

highly flammable that are not stored in a metal store cupboard that should be provided.

Remove all chemical bottles and aerosol cannisters and store within a metal cabinet.

Remove the car battery from building. Remove all flammable items and ensure all the

electric intake cupboards and store cupboards are kept clear from debris and stored







There are items in the lift room area stored that need to be removed. There are items

located in the external spiral staircase that need to be removed.

Where scaffolding has been removed there are timber hoardings located within the

bin chute areas. Ensure these are all removed.






1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Fire Risk Assessment Action Plan

No set timescale

Management/ procedural


Within 1 month

Within 6 months

Within 1 year

Page 13: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Question Action to be taken Priority Ownership Additional Comments / Review Notes

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA







13 .








The majority of flat entrance doors all appear to be FD30s doors wih intumescent strips

and door closers, however, flat 64 is not fire rated and needs changing with a FD30s

fire door fitted. Flat has either no automatic door closer fitted or they have been

dismantledand. It is recommended to replace these closers and to carry out a full

inspection of all doors to determine if any more are needed to be replaced.The tank

room and lift motor room doors are metal and fully compliant. HThe compartmentation

doors and doors leading to the staircases to all floors have closers and all have

intumescent strips fitted, however the doors on 1st,and 4th floors are not closing

properly and need servicing/adjusting.. The riser doors, bin chute doors and electric

intake doors from the 1st floor to 19th floor are all compliant. The electric intake to the

concierge area on the ground floor are all compliant with intumescent strips and no

action needed. The store room doors to concierge and lobby area at ground floor do

not have intumescent strips fitted.

The paint is delaminating on walls and ceilings within the communal lobby corridors .

Prepare and redecorate using "type 0" paint.

A Asset Management

Page 14: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Question Action to be taken Priority Ownership Additional Comments / Review Notes

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA


Doors as above (Question 20.)

The tank room and lift motor room doors are metal and fully compliant. However there

is an issue with compartmentation to the service room door as there is a breach in

compartmentation above the door. It is recommended to fit appropriate fire stopping

with fire retardent materials to provide correct compartmentation.

The Georgian wire glazing that forms part of the compartmentation on 1st, 7th and 9th

floor is either loose or incorrect silicone and metal gaskets fitted. Ensure correct fire

retardent glazing gaskets are fitted.

A Asset Management














There items stored in communal lobby areas. Remove Items.Flat has metal

security gate fitted within landlords demise. Ensure theis is removed to maintain

escape route.







Page 15: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Question Action to be taken Priority Ownership Additional Comments / Review Notes

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA










46 There is a damaged "No smoking "sign on 11th floor B Resident










Page 16: Address of Premises - Newham Council



1.) Front Elevation 2.) Firemans Switch 3.) Dry Riser

4.) Bin Chute Room 5.) Bin Chute 6.) Dry Riser/tank room door

7.) Dry Riser 8.) Flat Entrance Door 9.) Flat Entrance Door

10.) Flat Entrance Door 11.) Flat Entrance Door 12.) Compartmentation Doors

1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

Page 17: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Premises: 1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

13.) Compartmentation Doors 14.) Compartmentation Doors 15.) Concierge Door

16.) Concierge Pat tested items 17.) Items stored in staff cpd 18.) Items stored in staff cpd

19.) Items stored in staff cpd 20.) Extinguishers in concierge 21.) Extinguisher service date

22.) Extinguishers in concierge 23.) Lift Motor room door 24.) Lobby riser

Page 18: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Premises: 1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

25.)Grnd floor electric intake door 26.) Extraction plant 27.) Items stored in tank room

28.) Breach in compartmentation 29.) Items stored in ext stairs 30.) Fire alarm panel

31.)Security Grill fitted 32.) Bin Store doors 33.) Bin Store room

34.) External Exit Door 35.) Paint Delaminating 36.) Electric intake room door

Page 19: Address of Premises - Newham Council


Premises: 1-73 Dunedin House Manwood Street E16 2LA

37.) Items stored in lobby area 39.) Smoke detection in lobby 40.) Fire extinguisher out of date

41.)Timber in bin chute area 42.) Damaged "No smoking" Sign 43.)Georgian glazing gasket