Adapting New Tech

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  • 7/31/2019 Adapting New Tech



    Creation, Adoption, and Transferof New Technology

  • 7/31/2019 Adapting New Tech



    PageSumm a r y . . . . . ,0, ,0 . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

    Role of Technology in Solving IndustrysProblems q ,.. .s. ..0. ..00 s 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 268

    Parity Versus Advantage. . . . . . . . . . .......268Major Versus Incremental Innovation. .. ....270

    Resea rch and Deve lopmen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271Long-Range Strategic Planning for Innovat ion 271Domestic Funding and Structure . ..........272Foreign R&D Activities. . .................277R&D and Trad e Per formance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280Adop tion and Diffusion of New Technology

    Case Studies of Six Technologies. . .......281Adoption Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281Six Case Stud ies of Technological Cha nges. .. 282Conclusions From Case Studies . ...........298

    Technology Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299From the Un ited States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..299By Foreign Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301Summary Comparisons. . .................305

    List of Tables

    Table No. Page107. Allocation of R&D Fun din g by Selected

    Sectors of Industry, United States, 1975 272108. U.S. Steel R&D Spend ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 273109. R&D Spen din g of Severa l U.S. Steel

    Com pan ies, 1976-78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273110. Measure of Diversification of R&D

    Efforts in Ferrous Com pa nies . . . . . . . . . 274111. R&D Fund s as Percentage of N et Sales in

    Ferrous Metals, Nonferrous Metals,

    Chemicals, Petroleum Refining, andStone, Clay, and Glass ProductsInd us tries, Un ited States, 1963-77 . . . . . 275

    112. Competitive U.S. Trade Performan ce inComparison With R&D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

    113. Federal Support of Industrial R&D, 1977 276

    Table No. Page114*











    U.S. R&D Intensity and TradePerformance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281Summary Informationon Six OTA CaseStudies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283Adop tion of AOD Technology in VariousCou ntries of th e Wor ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284Percent Raw Steel Continu ously Ca st... 289Continuous Casting in Segments of U.S.Steel Industry, 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290Econom ic Costs and Benefits of Adop tingContinu ous Cast ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291Ten Most Promising Formcoke Processes 294High-Iron Waste-Recycling ProcessesComm ercially Available in the Un itedStates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295Prod ucers of On e-Side Galvan ized Steel 297Chann els of Steel Technology TransferBetween the Un ited States and Japa n. . . 299Chann els of Steel Technology TransferBetween the United States and OtherNation s Except Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300Major Japanese Steel TechnologyTransfer Projects Involving BarterTrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302Features of Technology Transfer inDifferent Nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

    of FiguresFigureNo. Page

    36. R&D and Environm ental Expend itures,Steel Industry, United States, 1965-78. . 274

    37. R&D Expend itures in Japan as

    Percentage of Net Sales by Sectors . . . . 27838. Installed Argon-OxygenDecarbu riza tion Cap acity. . . . . . . . . . . . 284

    39. Grow th o f BOF Insta lled Ca pa city . . . . . 28640. Continuous Casting Apparatus. . . . . . . . 28641. The Diffusion of Continuous Casting. ,.. 289

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    Creation, Adoption, and Transferof New Technology

    SummaryThe domestic steel industry has a well-es-

    tablished record for generating product inno-vations, but it is less inclined to generate newsteelmaking processes. The industry prefersto adopt proven technologies that have a rec-ord of successful commercialization. Eventhen, its adoption rates for new products,such as one-side galvanized steels, is verygood; but it lags in adopting new process tech-nologies, such as continuou s casting an d eventhe basic oxygen furnace. This lag is mainly aresult of aging plant, poor industry growth,and lack of capital.

    To the extent that adoption rather thancreation reduces risk and R&D costs and pro-vides near-term payoffs, it is a useful ap-proach. But it also has major drawbacks: itleads to industry dependence on technologiesthat may be poorly suited to domestic needs;it reduces learning opportunities for innova-tive applications; and most importantlyitdoes not enable the industry to stay ahead inthe international market. Independent crea-

    tion of new technologies and their successfuladoption would enable the steel industry togain technological advantage, rather thanmerely achieve delayed parity, This advan-tage would enhance the industrys competi-tive position in both domestic and interna-tional markets.

    R&D expend itures by th e dom estic steel in-dustry, as a percentage of sales, have de-clined over the years and are lower than inmost other basic industries in the United

    States. The industrys basic research effort isparticularly small. The low level of steel in-dustry R&D may be attributed to a number of factors, including cautious management atti-tudes towards research, the high cost of dem-onstration projects, the industrys decliningshare of the domestic market, high regulatorycosts, and low profitability.

    Steel industry R&D has very little Federalsupport and is complemented by only a lim-

    ited amount of steel R&D carried out by theGovernment and universities. Foreign steelR&D, on the other han d, is generally in a m orevigorous state because of larger budgets andstronger government support, particularlyfor high-risk projects whose likely benefitspromise to be widespread. Some foreign steelindu stries also benefit from the w ork of mu lti-sectoral steelmaking research institutes.

    Domestic steel technology exports are lim-ited. They are largely handled by equipmentfirms and are mainly in the area of raw mate-rials handling. Foreign steel industries are in-creasing their efforts in technology transferin order to offset declining steel product ex-ports. To a much greater degree than domes-tic steelmaker, foreign companies have de-sign, consult ing, and construction d epart-ments that aggressively pursue the sale of both hard and soft technology to other na-tions, particularly the less developed coun-tries (LDCs). Japan, West Germany, Austria,and Great Britain are major exporters of in-novative steelmaking technologies.


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    268 q Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    Role of Technology in Solving Industrys ProblemsIn many industrial sectors in the United

    States and in foreign steel industries, tech-nology is viewed as one of the principalmeans of reducing costs, gaining competitiveadvantage, and meeting societal needs andobjectives. Some U.S. steel companies, how-ever, are ambivalent and occasionally nega-tive toward new technology and innovation.These attitudes are barriers to the develop-ment and adopt ion of new technology.Another impediment is the lack of emphasison basic and applied research. This short-range orientation may result in failure to de-velop beneficial new technologies and in slowadop tion of successful foreign innovations.

    Many steel executives consider theirs to be

    a classic example of an industry character-ized by a slow rate of technological change.They firmly believe that innovation is a riskyundertaking with uncertain returns and thatpurchasing proven technologies is more costefficient. This view, however, does not takesufficient account of the many recent majortechnological changes in steelmaking or of the changing competitiveness of the domesticsteel industry.

    Industry spokesmen contendwith consid-erable justification that the rarity of majortechnological changes in the steel industryresults from severe f inancial diff icult ieswhich prevent the construction of new facil-ities based on n ew technologies. How ever, noteven increased capital availability and profit-abilityperhaps brought about with the as-s is tance of appropr ia te Government pol -icieswould ensure vigorous technologicalinnovation unless the prevailing industry at-titude toward new technologies also changes.

    The robust and highly competitive Japa-nese steel industry can be used as a model of the maximum use of new technology: i t

    achieved its premier position by applying in-novative processes widely and improvingthem constantly. The real lesson of the Jap-anese experience, however, is that if Govern-ment policies facilitating capital formation

    are combined with a positive industry atti-tude toward the adop tion of new technology,the w idespread u se of new steelmaking proc-esses will indeed take place.

    The U.S. steel industry needs new technol-ogy to cope with the changing nature of theeconomic, social, and political world in whichit operates. New technology can improve thecompetitiveness of domestic steels with re-spect to quality and cost; it can also reduceindustry vulnerability to inflation and otherexternal factors. New and innovative technol-ogies, some already commercially availableand others w ith a significant likelihood of suc-cessful development and demonstration, offerpotential for:

    reducing energy consumption, includingthe u se of coke;making greater use of domestic low-grade coals;reducing production costs as a result of improvements in process yield (althoughyield improvements will also put upw ardpressure on the price of scrap):using more domestic ferrous scrap andother waste materials containing iron;improving labor productivity;reducing capital costs per tonne of an-nual capacity;shortening construction time of newplants; andallowing greater flexibility in using im-ports of certain raw materials and in im-porting semifinished rather than fin-ished steel products,

    Although new and im proved steel technology,alone, is not sufficient to reverse unprofit-ability and inefficiency, it is an essential in-gredient for the future economic health andindependence of the steel companies.

    Parity Versus AdvantageNew technology may be developed throu gh

    two processes: by true innovation, consistingof the creation and first successful commer-

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology q 269

    cial use of new technology: or by th e ad optionof innovations created by others. For produc-tion processes, most domestic firms stressadoption rather than innovation. They arguethat the cost and risks of innovation outweighthe benefits and that it is cheaper in the longrun to buy proven technology than to createit. Although the innovation process does infact produce failures as well as successes, italso offers an opportunity for gaining thecompetitive advantages of earlier marketpenetration, cost reductions, and the possiblesale of new technology.

    Strictly economic analyses of the creationand adoption of new technology ignore twovery important issues: the unique circum-stances of the domestic steel industry, andthe benefits of an ongoing learning process.Innovations from external sources, especiallyforeign sources, may not lead to new technol-ogies appropriate to the particular charac-teristics and needs of the domestic steel in-dus t ry. Domest ic s tee lmaker unders tandthis with regard to raw materials and prod-ucts, but they undervalue the importanceof developing unique process technologies,shaped by domestic resource opportunities.Furthermore, the domestic regulatory climateshould be viewed as a constraint which canbe dealt w ith most effectively throug h the cre-ation of new technology specifically geared tomeeting its requirements.

    The industry admits that there is a gap inthe adoption of new technologies between theUnited States and its competitors, but itdenies that a knowledge gap exists. The in-dustry gives little weight to the considerationthat the foreign knowledge base is responsiveto foreign needs and may be better suited toparticular foreign conditions. A uniquely do-mestic steelmaking knowledge base cannotexist without domestic innovation based onresearch (basic and applied), development,and demonstration that are shaped by thecurrent and anticipated needs and opportu-

    IN . A. proceedings The American Steel Industryin the 1980sCrucial Decade. 1979.

    nities of domestic steelmaker. Even the Japa-nese, once noted for using foreign researchand innovations, have now shifted their em-phasis to creating their own.

    The secondary effects of innovation fromgreater R&D experience are also lost inadopting rather than creating new technol-ogies. The lessons learned in originatingtechnology allow a firm or industry to movemore rapidly up the learning curve of a majorinnovation. Japanese s t ee lmaker, fo r i n -stance, have benefited greatly from a con-stant flow of incremental innovations thatspill over from their extensive experiencewith a major new technology and from theirhigh level of improvement-oriented R&D onsteelmaking software. These incremental in-

    novations, based on new applications ratherthan on new fundam ental knowledge, can sig-nificantly reduce production costs and in-crease productivity. The Japanese experiencewith continuous casting (discussed in a latersection) is the most recent example of turninganother nations innovation into a host of in-cremental new technologies for use and sale.The U.S. steel industry, on the other hand,has relatively low levels of R&D, adoption,and experience with new technologies. As aresult, the industry does not have the sameopportunities for movement along learning

    curves or for incremental innovation.

    Consequently, whatever new technology ispurchased from foreign sources still leavesthe pu rchaser one step behind the originator.By the time all is learned about the innova-tion, the foreign source is well on its way toexploiting the next one. It may be true thatthere is equality of knowledge among theworld steel industries concerning fundamen-tal innovations, yet it is an error to believethat knowledge about innovations is equiv-

    alent to innovating. Waiting to use someoneelses innovation is a strategy likely to spellcompetitive loss in the long ru n. It takes yearsfor steel plants to be designed and built, andthose who innovate tend to stay ahead of their competitors.

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    270 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    Major Versus Incremental Innovation

    Possible technological solutions that mightbe considered for steel industry moderniza-tion are:




    to modernize existing operations by add-ing existing technology;to build new plants using the best avail-able technology; orto develop and put in place at new plantsrad ically innovative n ew technology.

    These solutions differ in two major re-spects: in their capital costs , and in theamounts by which they can be expected to re-duce production costs. The third, for exam-ple, is a high-cost, high-payoff solution; thesecond is somewhat less costly and somewhatless productive; the first is an incremental

    solution with incremental rewards. Thechoice among these solutions rests on how thecosts and payoffs balance out,

    The first solution, the extension of existingoperations with available, improved technol-ogy (such as continuous casting), is generallyconsidered to have the best balance betweencapital costs and reduction of productioncosts. The second option, involving construc-tion of completely new plants using existingtechnology, would involve high capital coststhat cannot be expected to be sufficiently off-set by the limited production cost reductionsit would bring. The third option, constructionof new plants based on radically innovativetechnology, will not be technically feasible forat least a decade; once feasible, however,there is a possibility that high capital costscould be sufficiently offset by significant pro-duction cost savings. Thus, the first option,complemented with a vigorous research pro-gram in radical steelmaking innovations,could prepare the industry now for short-term r evitalization with th e potential for long-term, fundamental modernization.

    Several important considerations argueagainst constructing new facil i t ies usingavailable incremental improvements. The ma-

    jor constra ints ar e th e high cap ita l costs of greenfield construction and the need for im-mediate modernization and expansion. Thecapital costs of greenfield sites, estimated tobe well over $l,l00/ tonne of annu al capac-ity, * are very h igh compared to the other tw o

    investment alternatives roundout expan-sion costing about $550/ tonne, and n oninte-grated (minimill) expansion costing only $154to $275/ tonne of annu al capacity. Given thehigh cost of capital, any reduction in steelproduction costs gained by using advancedsteelmaking technologies in greenfield inte-grated plants is outweighed by significant in-creases in financial costs. The domestic in-du strys low profitability w ould make it diffi-cult to obtain the necessary funds for thistype of expansion.

    The industrys immediate need for capaci-ty replacement and expansion** also makesconstruction of new integrated plants less at-tractive than the roundout option. Conserva-tive estimates place the time required for de-sign, permit approval, and construction atabout 8 to 10 years, although plans exist forone greenfield plant to be built in half thattime. Such a timelag is incompatible with theindustrys current needs, and the long con-struction time would also dim the prospect of achieving technological parity thr ough green-field expansion: during construction, majorsteelmaking innovations could become avail-able for commercial application elsewhere.Furthermore, once a substantial number of new domestic plants are in place, integratedsteelmaking technology in the United Stateswould be static for some years. The lifetimeof such plants is long, and the need for addi-tional steelmaking capacity will have beenlargely met for the immediate future; by thetime new capacity is needed, it is probablethat other nations will have moved aheadwith n ewer technologies.

    *Detailed analyses of these costs are presented in ch. 10.* *Detailed analyses of this are presented in ch. 10.

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology q 271

    Research and DevelopmentTechnological supremacy is most likely to

    be achieved through deliberate and continu-ous research, development, and demonstra-

    tion. A recent analysis of radical steelmakingtechnologies suggests that several offer suffi-cient economic advantages to merit furtherresearch. z These include direct steelmakingand direct casting of steel. However, with aleadtime of approximately 10 to 20 years forthe development of these and other radicallyinnovative technologies, they would not haveany impact on the industrys current prob-lems. Nevertheless, commitment to long-termtechnological competitiveness would dictateproceeding immediately with R&D activitiesaimed at developing and using radical steel-

    making technologies. This position has beensumm arized by Bela Gold:

    The very futu re of the d omestic steel in-du stry over the long run depend s on inten-sive programs to develop such (radical tech-nological) advan ces . . . . Such efforts m ustbe combined with a more immediate programto modernize and expand the domestic steelindustry through effective utilization of already available technologies as well as of relatively straightforward extensions of them. To do n othingas is implied by th eCOWPS Reportor to wait until some mirac-ulous new technological advances are devel-oped (which could n ot be reasonably d up li-cated by foreign competitors in relativelyshort ord er) is likely to p rove catastrophicnot only for the U.S. steel ind ustry, bu t alsofor related industries and major geographi-cal areas.

    In addition to developing radical innova-tions in the long term, it is important for thedomestic steel industry to adopt incrementalinnovations in the near term, using available

    Julian Innovative Tech-nologies. report submitted to (no date), and 4 of this

    report.Bela Gold, Some Economic Perspectives on StrengtheningIndustrys Technological Capabilities: With to

    the U.S. Steel Industry, p repared for the Experts Panel on Ex-ploring Revolutionary Steel Technologies, Office of TechnologyAssessment, meeting th e ts Institute

    Apr. 25, 1978.

    steelmaking technologies. This approachwould use the less costly roundout alternativefor increasing capacity and would calI for

    constructing electric furnaces for use in com-bination with basic oxygen furnaces in nonin-tegrated plants (see ch. 10).

    Long= Range Strategic Planningfor Innovation

    A number of industry difficulties, pre-sented in chapter 4, might have been lesssevere had there been a well-prepared strate-gic plan for technological innovation. Theseproblems includ e:






    increased production costs and declin-ing eminence after World War II;lack of exports to meet rapidly risingsteel demand in Third World and indus-trialized nations;lack of emphasis on exporting proventechnology, which could have justifiednew investments in R&D and innovationactivities:the large integrated steel producersl a c k o f r e s p o n s e t o d e m o g r a p h i cchanges and to opportunities for usingscrap in local markets by means of mini-mills; andlengthy and costly resistance to compli-ance with environmental regulations.

    A number of studies 4 suggest that one of the principal reasons for the lack of U.S.steelmaking innovation lies in the lack of in-dustry commitment to planning for technicalinnovation. Most domestic steel companiesappear to conduct strategic economic plan-ning, but few p ay any a ttention to technologi-cal planning. This is reflected by their rela-tively low investments in R&D and pilot anddemonstration work, and by their heavy reli-

    ance on foreign innovations. These factorsexample, B. Gold, Steel Technologies and Costs in the

    U.S. and Japan, Iron ond Engineer, April 1978; andInnovation. Plant Site and Performance of the Amer-

    ican, British and German Steel Indu stries, Atlanta EconomicsConference, October 1979.

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    272 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    combine to form a barrier against innovation.In ad dition, dom estic firms are inclined to sellpromptly whatever innovative technologythey create: they maximize immediate profits,instead of keeping the technology proprietarylong enough to gain a comp etitive advan tage.

    Domestic steel industry management mustexamine the consequences of continuing toconcentrate on: low-risk, incremental techno-logical changes to the exclusion of high-risk,major changes; product rather than processchanges; promotion of R&D managerial per-sonnel from within rather than recruitmentfrom other industries, universities, and Gov-ernment; the enhancement of raw material(iron ore and metallurgical coal) profitability;traditional domestic markets; and defensiverather than aggressive business strategies.

    Domestic Funding and Structure

    The U.S. position of leadership in steel pro-duction and technology through World War IIand the decade thereafter was achieved asmuch by its size and economies of scale, andby its organization and business practices, asby technical innovation. A review of the prin-cipal technological contributions made by theU.S. steel industry during the past severaldecades indicates a practical orientationtoward labor efficiency improvement and

    produ ct developm ent, According to an ind us-try survey of a relatively small sample of large steel companies in 1975, 81 percent of steel industry R&D funds were allocated todevelopment, 12 percent to applied research,and less than 7 percent to basic R&D work (table 107). 5 However, the annual NationalScience Foundation (NSF) data series, R&D inIndustry, indicates that less than 2 percent of steel industry R&D spending is in basic re-search, compared to 3 percent for all domes-

    The following comment on basic research appears to sum-marize the situation w ell for the dom estic steel industry: Fun-dam ental research is the most prom inent casualty of the Amer-ican industrys need to adapt to the realities of high costs andlow profits, a situation that has prevailed and worsened overthe p ast two decades. (33 Metal Produ cing, June 1979.)

    Table 107.Allocation of R&D Funding by SelectedSectors of Industry, United States, 1975

    Percent Percent Percentbasic applied development

    Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 12.3 80.8Aerospace . . . . . . . . . 1.5 39.2 59.3Automotive . . . . . . . . 0.1 83.4 16.4Chemicals . . . . . . . . . 10.9 37.9 51.2Electronics. . . . . . . . . 2.1 27.0 70.9Instruments. . . . . . . . 5.3 7.7 87.0Office equipment,

    computers . . . 1.9 5.3 92.8Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 21.1 77.5Textiles. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 9.0 91.0

    SOURCE National Science Foundation, Support of Basic Research by Industry,1978, (based on sample of companies belonging to IndustrialResearch Institute (l RI) and a survey by IRI)

    tic industry and nearly 4 percent for nonfer-rous m etal comp anies, *

    According to NSF data (table 108), steel in-dustry R&D increased by about 10.2 percentannually from 1963 to 1977, from $105 mil-lion to $256 million. However, annual realR&D spending increased by only about 22percent during this entire period. For all U.S.industry, the growth in real R&D spendingduring the same period was about 18 per-cent. 6 More importantly, expressed as a per-centage of sales, steel research actually de-clined from 0.7 to 0.5 percent du ring th e sameperiod.

    R&D data for several steel producers are

    given in table 109. These data illustrate sev-eral points: R&D spending as a percentage of profits is rather large and closer to other in-dustries than R&D spending as a percentageof sales; alloy/ specialty steel prod ucers spendmore than integrated companies on R&D; andthe trend of decreasing R&D spending in thepast few years shown by NSF data is con-firmed by comp any d ata.

    *When using NSF data, it should be kept in mind that they

    tend to overstate steelmaking-related R&D somewhat. First.nonmetals R&D conducted by diversified steel companies ap-pears to be included in the NSF data for ferrous industry R&D.Secondly, the ferrous industry category also contains R&Dfoundries and other m etals-processing facilities not included inthe scope of this study. Nevertheless, since NSF data are thebest available, they will be used.

    National Science Foundation, R&D in Industry,1977.

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transferor New Technology q 273

    Year1963 . . . . . .

    1966 .1967 . . . . . .1968 . . . .1969 . . . . . .1970 . . . . . .1 9 7 1 . ,1 9 7 21973 . . . . . .1974 . . . . . .1975 . . . . . .1976 . . . . .1977 ,,....1978 . . . . .

    Table 108.U.S. Steel R&D Spending (dollars in millions)

    Ferrous industry

    Ferrous industryR&D spending

    $ 1 0 5


    R&D steelPercent of total Steel industry industry

    Percent of ferrous Federal R&D Federal R&D environmental environmentalindustry sales spending spending capital spending capital spending

    0.7 -$ 2 - -


    0.7 3 2.2 $ 5 6 2.430.7 1 0.7 94 1.430.7 1 0.7 102 1.310.7 2 1.5 138 0.980.7 1 0.7 183 0.810,7 2 1.4 162 0.880.6 3 2.0 202 0.710.5 4 2.5 100 1.59NA NA 2,2a 267 0.660.6 3 1.4 453 0.470.6 4 1.6 489 0.520.5 b 4 1.5 535 0.480.5 5 1.9 458 0.57

    NA = not availableacalculated from total of $181 million, assuming $4 million for Federal spendingbFirst 8 companies 0.5 next 12 companies 0.6.NOTES 1) Federal R&D spending IS only for R&D in company Iaboratories, it does not include Federal R&D at Government facilities

    2} NSF data based on sample of companies in the following SIC categories 331 blast furnace and basic steel products 332 iron and steel foundries 3,398 metalheat treating and 3,399 primary metal products not elsewhere classified. only the first is the traditionally defined domestic steel Industry as used in this assessment and for which AISI data apply One consequence of this IS probably that R&D spending for just the 331 category IS lower than that Indicated by theabove figures particularly on a percent of Industry sales basis

    SOURCES R&D data from NSF environmental capital spending from AISI

    Table 109.R&D Spending of Several U.S. Steel Companies, 1976-78

    Millions of dollarsCompany 1976 - 1977 1978Integrated U.S. Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52.2 $49.8 $52.5Bethlehem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,7 42.7 37.1Republic Steel . . . . . . . . . 16.3 16,8 15.1

    Average. . . . . . . . . .Alloy/specialty Allegheny Ludlum ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 10.7 13,3Carpenter Technology . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 9.2 9.4

    SOURCES Business Week July 3 1978 July 2 1979, and company annual reports

    During the past several years, steel indus-try expenditures on research aimed at im-proving technological performance and re-ducing production costs have been lower thanaggregate steel industry R&D spending levelsindicate. This is because some R&D must bedirected toward regulatory research necessi-tated by the Environmental Protection Agen-cy (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and

    Health Administration (OSHA) policies. Ac-cording to one steel R&D execut ive:

    There is a trend toward more defense tvpe

    Percent of sales Percent of profits1976 1977 1978 1976 1977 1978 -

    0.6 0.5 0.5 66.2 36.1 21.70.8 0.8 0.6 26.0 - 9 . 5 16.50.6 0.6 0.4 24.7 40.9 13.50.7 0.6 0.5 40.0 22.5 17.2

    1.0 1.1 1.0 131.4 42.1 34.92.8 2.8 2.4 30.3 32.2 27.8

    meet government mandates and regulations,and less time being spent on the kinds of long-term, h igh risk, innovative pr ojects whichw ill lead to the new w ays of making steel inthe future.

    Part of the problem is that w hat we are do-ing with this money is not what everybodywou ld call research an d development . , . butis pointed m ore toward short term objectivesfor a variety of reasons and not so much onthe real innovative work and the fundamen-tal research w ork that you m ight define asresearch and development .-

    research . . . more time being spent on short- Proceedings, The American Steel Industry in the 1980ser range projects and projects designed to The 1979.

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    274 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    There is no obvious relationship betweenR&D spending and environmental capital ex-penditures (see table 108), but the ratio of in-dustrial R&D funding to environmental spend-ing does appear to be related to the level of capital spend ing (figure 36). As capital spen d-

    Figure 36. R&D and Environmental ExpendituresSteel Industry, United States, 1965-78

    (R&D)Log e iE n = 0 . 6 8 2 L o g e E n + 3 . 4 6

    (Cor re la to r coe ff i c i en t ) r = - .973



    1.0 1 I4 4,5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5

    L o g e Environmental capital spending (En)

    SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment from data in table 108

    ing for environmental needs increases, R&Dspending decreases relatively. That such astatistically significant relationship shouldhold over the 13-year period for aggregatedindustry data is curious: nondiscretionary en-vironmental spending because of governmen-

    tal regulations appears to be controlling thelevel of R&D spending. However, since envi-ronmental spending is in the capital categoryand R&D spend ing is in the expense category,the cause-effect relationship, if one exists,may n ot be as simp le as this curve imp lies.

    The rate of R&D spending is not uniformamong segments of the domestic steel indus-try. Alloy/ specialty mills often allocate alarger proportion of their sales and profits toR&D than do large integrated steel companies(see table 109). Furthermore, integrated steelcompanies that have diversified are channel-ing a growing proportion of their R&D fundsinto non steel R&D spend ing. Using NSF data,apparent nonsteel R&D spending by steelcompanies increased between 1963 and 1977from 14 to 32 percent of total R&D spending(table 110). Thus, R&D spending as a percent-age of sales for diversified steel companiesdeclined by even more than the data in table106 indicate. Finally, it appears that noninte-grated steel companies spend much less on

    Table 110.Measure of Diversification of R&D Efforts in Ferrous Companies(dollars in millions)

    Apparent nonferrous R&D spendingFerrous industry Ferrous product of ferrous companies

    R&D spending field spending Dollars Percent of total1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . $105 $ 90 $15 14.31966 . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 104 32 23.51967 . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 117 17 23.51968 . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 119 15 11.21969 . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 125 10 7.41970 . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 127 21 14.21971 . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 114 28 19.71972 . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 137 7 4.91973 . . . . . . . . . . . 159 158 1 .61974 . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 156 21 11.91975 ....., . . . . . . 211 144 67 31.81976 . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 163 89 35.31977 . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 172 84 32.8

    SOURCE National Sc!ence Foundation

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology . 275

    R&D than the other industry segments, al-though no published data on spending levelsare available to document this.

    In addition to significant within-industryR&D spending differences, there are majorbetween-industry differences. Ferrous metalsR&D as a percentage of net sales has beenlower than that of other basic industries for15 years or more. Between 1966 and 1977,ferrous m etals R&D was on ly one-sixth to one-half the level of other basic industries likenonferrous metals and chemicals ( table11 l). * Steel ind ust ry R&D also r anks very lowamong a broader range of manufacturing in-dustriesat about 20 percent of the all-man-ufacturing average, it ranks above only thefood, textile, and lumber industries. Sim-ilarly, the number of R&D scientists and engi-neers per 1,000 employees is smaller for steel

    Steel industry sources claim that the record understates ac-tual research efforts, since considerable research is for opera-tional and tax accounting purposes undertaken in productiondepartments and reported as a production expense, See, for in-stance, Frederick C. Lagenberg, president, American Iron andSteel Institute, United States Steelmaking Technology-Sec-ond to None, in Proceedings of the Steel Industry EconomicsSeminar, AISI, 1977, p. 43.

    The same tax laws also apply to other industries, and there-fore similar reporting practices could prevail in other indus-tries although the extent probably varies from industry to in-dustry. Valid conclusions can be made about the comparativestanding of steel industrv R&D.

    than for any other industry except for textilesand apparel, about 15 percent of the averagefor all reported industries (table 112).

    Low R&D levels relative to oth er ind ustriesand declining R&D relative to sales can be at-tributed to a nu mber of economic factors. Thepilot and demonstration plant stages of steel-making research are very expensive com-par ed to R&D in other sectors of the economy,and the steel industry is thus exposed to amuch greater degree of risk than are other in-dustries. The decline in the steel industrysshare of the domestic market has also in-creased the market risk of capital-intensiveR&D. Related to a declining market share hasbeen a real decline in steel industry invest-ments since about 1965 (ch. 3), which hasnarrowed the industrys choices among pro-duction processes and equipment. And final-ly, as steel profitability declined professionalmanagers of iron and steel companies haveexercised considerable caution with respectto R&D activities. In the case of conglomer-ates, these managers must al locate R&Dfunds among various activities: they are un-doubtedly influenced by profitability trendsin these activities.

    Nonindustry R&D. Steel industry R&D iscomplemented by only limited efforts else-

    Table 111. R&D Funds as Percentage of Net Sales in Ferrous Metals, Nonferrous Metals, Chemicals,Petroleum Refining, and Stone, Clay, and Glass Products Industries, United States, 1963-77

    Stone, clay, andYear Ferrous metals Nonferrous metals Chemicals Petroleum refining glass products

    1963 ., . ..-

    0.7 1.1 4.3 1.0- 1.6

    1966 . . . . . . . . . 0.7 0.8 4.4 0.9 1.51967 . . . . . . . . . 0.8 1.0 4.6 0.8 1.81968 . . . . . . . . . 0.7 1.0 3.8 0.8 1.61969 . . . . . . . . . 0.7 1.0 3.9 0.9 1.71970 . . . . . . . . . 0.7 1.0 3.9 1.0 1.81971. , . . . . . . 0.7 1.0 3.7 0.9 1.81972 . . . . . . . . . 0.6 0.9 3.6 0.8 1.71973 . . . . . . . . . 0.5 0.9 3.5 0.7 1.71974. , . . . . . . . 0.5 1.0 3.5 0.6 1.71975 . . . . . . . . . 0.6 1.2 3.7 0.7 1.21976 . . . . . . . . . 0.6 1.2 3.7 0.6 1.2

    1977 . . . . . . . . . 0.51.1 3.6 0.7 1.2

    Annual averages 1966-77, . . . . . . 0.6 1.0 3.8 0.8 1.51968 -72. . . . . . . 0.7 1.0 3.8 0.9 1.71973 -77. . . . . . . 0.5 1.1 3.6 0.7 1.4

    SOURCE National Science Foundation

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    276 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    Table 112.Competitive U.S. Trade Performance in Comparison With R&D.

    Scientistsand engineers

    engaged in R&DCompany R&D as Federal R&D as Total R&D as as a percentage

    U.S. share of percentage of percentage of percentage of of employment,exports, 1962 sales, 1960 sales, 1960 sales, 1960 January 1961

    Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.52 2.6 19.9 22.5 7.71Scientific and mechanical

    measuring equipment. . . . . . 36.52 4.1 7.7 11.8 NADrugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.09 4.7 0.1 4.8 6.10Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.50 2.7 1.6 4.3 1.39Chemicals, except drugs . . . . 27.32 3.4 0.7 4.1 3.65Electrical equipment. . . . . . . . . 26.75 3.7 7.2 10.9 4.40Rubber products . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.30 1.4 0.7 2.1 0.95Motor vehicles and other

    transport equipment. . . . . . . 22.62 2.4 0.7 3.1 1.14Other instruments. . . . . . . . . . 21.62 4.4 2.1 6.5 NAPetroleum refining . . . . . . . . . . 20.59 1.0 0.1 1.1 2.02Fabricated metal products. 19.62 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.51Nonferrous metals ... . . . . . . 18.06 0.9 0.2 1.1 0.64Paper and allied products. . 15.79 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.47Lumber, wood products,

    furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.26 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.03Textiles and apparel . . . . . . . . 10.26 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.29Primary ferrous products . . . . . 9.14 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.43Rank correlation with first column. . . . . . . . . . . 0.84 0.73 0.92Linear correlation with first column. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.59 0.84 0.90

    NA = not available

    SOURCE D B Keesing, The Impact of Research and Development and U S Trade, J.Political Economy 75, 38-48, 1967

    where in the private sector and in Govern-ment and academic institutions. The industryrelies heavily on its supplier industries andcompanies for technological developments,but for a variety of reasons, includ ing the lowlevel of new steel plant construction in the

    United States, these supplier companies havebeen losing their share of the world marketand are themselves spending less on R&D.Federal contributions to support steel R&Dhave also been meager. On average, since1966, Federal agencies have spent $3 millionannually, or 1.9 percent of total steel industryR&D, to support ferrous metals and productsR&D (table 108), In fact, Federal support of ferrous metals R&D is lower than for anyother category of industrial R&D (table 113).Commenting on this imbalance in FederalR&D, the administrations major policy state-

    ment on the steel industry, the so-called Solo-mon report, notes:

    Despite the fact that steel is an importantbasic industry, Federal contributions to thesteel industrys R&D expenditures are low,

    Table 113.Federal Support of Industrial R&D, 1977

    Federal R&D funds(percent of total R&D)

    Ferrous metals and products. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9Nonferrous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4Aircraft and missiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.8Electrical equipment and communication . 45.5Motor vehicles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0 Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1

    SOURCE National Science Foundation, R&D in Industry, 1977

    representing on ly 1.9 percent of the indu s-trys R&D spendingcomp ared w ith 9 per-cent for the chemical indu stry, 14 percentfor the machinery ind ustry, 47 percent forthe electrical equipment industry, and 78percent for the aircraft indu stry,8

    Academic institutions also make a limitedcontribution to steel R&D. The American Iron

    and Steel Institute (AISI) provides about $1million annuall y for university research pro- jects. Fed eral fund ing for steel-related R&Dat universities may approximate this level, al-

    Solomon Report, 1977.

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transferor New Technology 277

    though no detailed data on university re-search in ironmaking and steelmaking appearto be available. The relatively low level of academic effort devoted to this area can beinferred, however, from the research inter-ests of metallurgy and materials faculty: in a1976 survey, thought to be representative of the past decade, less than 3 percent of facultymembers listed interests in the areas of iron,steel, or ferrous research. 9 There are largernumbers of academic researchers working onsubjects applicable to the steel industry thanthis figure would suggest, but they may beonly indirectly concerned with iron, steel, orferrous metals research. Low levels of steelresearch by professors also reflect the poorimage steel research has in the academiccommunity. The National Academy of Sci-ences has identified this low level of aca-demic activity in materials processing as abarrier to progress and innovation:

    Materials-processing technology also suf-fers from insufficient a ttention in ou r en gi-neering colleges. Fewer than 10 percent of the m aterials faculty (who them selves com-prise only a small fraction of the engineeringfaculty) are experts in m aterials processingand manufacturing. These fields do not enjoythe status accorded some other academicdisciplines, and little current research in theschools is relevant to major developments inmaterials p rocessing. The n ear a bsence in

    our universities of research in materials-processing and man ufacturing technologydenies the country a potential source of newideas and innovation. Furthermore, it meansthat the u niversities are not exposing youngpeople to current advances in the field.10

    It is apparent that steel R&D must bestrengthened, and that current R&D must beredirected, for the industry to lower its over-all costs, Some of the emphasis on improvinglabor productivity should be shifted toward

    Education American

    for 1976. This represents27 the 936 members, 6 whom t Canadian schools; the remaining21 were at 16 U.S. schools. There were 92 schools representedin the

    {National Academy Sciences, Science TechnologyA Year Outlook, Freeman, San Francisco, 1979,p. 322.

    attaining substantial raw material and ener-gy savings through technological changes.Capital cost reductions are also necessary.During the late 1960s, U.S. raw materialscosts were low and labor costs high com-pared to European producers.] Under suchconditions, it was reasonable that consider-able U.S. steel R&D effortmainly innova tionin operating efficiencycentered on labor-intensive operations such as rolling. But aheavy emphasis on improvements in laborproductivity may no longer be appropriate.The costs of energy, materials, and capitalhave increased during the past decade tosuch a degree that they now deserve moreprominence in R&D strategies. This inappro-priate allocation of steel R&D effort is espe-cially serious in view of the U.S. steel indus-trys need to modernize. More intensive re-search into and use of continuous casting andother raw-material-saving innovations wouldhave m ade th is need less pressing. *

    Foreign R&D Activities

    Foreign steel-related R&D activities differrad ically from those in the United States: theyhave significantly larger budgets; they areconducted with considerable government as-sistance; and they are often undertaken inmultisectoral steel production research insti-tutions,

    Foreign steel producers spend more onR&D than those in the United States. The U.S.steel industrys steel-related R&D expendi-tures have been about 0.5 to 0.6 percent of sales in recent years; in Japan, they areslightly more than 1 percent. Furthermore,Japanese steel-related R&D expenditures

    K. McAdams (Big Steel, Invention and Innovation Re-considered, Quarterly Economics, 91 Au -gust 1967) provides the following data:

    costs UnitedLabor, total ., . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . u

    Energy, materials, supplies, . . . 45 70 Investment and interest , ., . . . . 10 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5

    *It is interesting to note that U.S. Steel Corp. in May of 1977formed a task force to develop a comprehensive procedure toensure that potentially attractive new steelmaking processesare effectivelv evaluated .

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    278 Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    have grown gradually but steadily over time(figure 37), even though Japanese steel salesand profits have declined since 1974. In 1974,steel R&D occupied 3 percent of the totalnumber of researchers in Japanese industry,and accounted for 5 percent of total industry

    R&D spending; 2 in 1973-75, the equivalentfigures for U.S. steel R&D were 0.9 and 1.3percent , respect ive ly. 13 As in the UnitedStates, however, steel R&D ranks lower thanR&D expenditures in other sectors of the Jap-anese economy. French and West Germansteel ind ustry R&D as a percentage of sales isroughly similar to U.S. levels, l4 but there issomewhat more difference in R&D spendingper net tonne of raw steel produced; in 1972,the United States spent $1.30, the EuropeanCommunity $1.46, and Japan $2.26 per tonneof steel output. s

    Science and Technology, Science Found ation, cit.+ Eto, Relationship Between Basic and Improv ement

    InnovationsDevelopment of Innovation Policy of Japan, pre-sented at December 1979.

    Mueller, Factors Determining Competitiveness in theWorld Steel Market, Atlanta Economic Conference, October1979.

    Figure 37. R&D Expenditures in Japan asPercentage of Net Sales by Sectors

    0 I f I1965 1970 1975 1977


    E l e c t r i c a l m a c h i n e r y Machinery~ P r e c i s i o n I n s t r u m e n t To t a l - - - - - C h e m i s t r y . . . . . . . . . . . . Iron and steel

    q T ra ns po rt eq ui pm en l

    Regional and intersectoral (industry, uni-versity, government) steel R&D cooperation istypical in foreign steel-producing countries,but not in the United States. Here, joint R&Defforts by domestic steel producers are inhib-ited by Federal antitrust policies, but in many

    other steel-producing countries such coop-erative efforts are encouraged. Further,much foreign steel research is undertaken byresearch institutes jointly supported by in-dustry, university, and government. The SteelDirectorate of the Commission of EuropeanCommunities has a mechanism for regionalR&D coordination. It arranges for significantsteel-related R&D funding, and the costs areshared among the steel companies and themember countries. At the present time, theannual funding level by the Steel Directorate,alone, is about $36 million. Member country

    governments supply $20 million of this fund-ing, an amount about four times greater thanthe U.S. Governments support of steel R&D.

    JapanThe Agency for Industrial Science and

    Technology (AIST) is the part of the Ministryof International Trade and Industry (MITI)that coordinates and influences R&D withinJapanese industry. The stated purpose of AIST is the promotion of R&D of industrialscience and technology and diffusion of ob-tained results. 16 One of the many AIST pro-grams, the national R&D program, deals withlarge-scale projects that require a greatdeal of expense, risks and long-range peri-od. 17

    When initiated in 1973, the policy criteriaguiding the selection of projects wer e that:

    Projects should have a prospect for highsocial returns by providing technical ad-vances for a wide sector of the economy.Projects should be unable to be under-taken by private firms because of mar-ket failure, including an absence of profit motives and h igh risk.

    Agency for Industrial Science and Technology, MITI,1978.

    Agency for Ind ustrial Science and Technology, op. cit.SOURCE Japanese Government 1979

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology q 279

    Projects should use technologies thatcan be clearly specified: extensive basicresearch should not be required.Projects should be carried out coopera-tively by universities, government lab-oratories, and industry; projects involv-ing only one firm are u sually rejected.


    One of the major AIST R&D projects hasbeen the nuclear steelmaking program, withthe goal of a commercial nuclear steelmakingcapability by 2000. A sizable amount (about$54 million) was allocated for the first phaseof the program in 1973-79, and project imple-mentation continues on schedule.

    Another part of AIST supports R&D activ-ities in private industry. There are four com-ponents of this program:


    Subsidies for R&D :

    The total subsidiesgranted in (the) past 29 years . . .amounts to approximately 40.2 billionyen ($168 million) for 4,112 programs.

    . Tax credits for increased R&D expendi-tures: If R&D expenses exceed the larg-est amount of such expenses of any pre-ceding accounting periods since 1966, 20percent of such excess amount may bededucted from the corporation tax. Themaximum amount deductible is 10 per-cent of the corporation tax,

    q Low-interest loans: AIST plays an impor-

    tant role in allocating long-term loansthrough the Japan Development Bank toencourage the use of new technologydeveloped by private enterprises. Thesum of loans furnished in 1976 was ap-proximately 36 billion yen ($150 million)for 38 items.

    . A research association for mining andmanufacturing technology: for the pro-motion of joint research among privatecompanies and the research associa-tions, 19

    AIST has been conducting technology as-sessments since 1975; the Japan IndustrialTechnology Association also helps dissemi-nate technical information by spreading R&D

    results achieved mainly by AIST laboratoriesand institutions. In addition, AIST carries outfor industry a technological survey that de-fines R&D themes an d d escribes ongoing R&Dactivities.

    The AIST laboratories and institutes alsoplay a direct R&D role. There are 16 of these,and many, such as the National Research In-stitute for Pollution and Resources and theGovernment Industrial Development Labora-tory, carry ou t w ork of interest to the steel in-dustry. The Industrial Development Labora-tory, for example, has a project on high-pres-sure fluidized r edu ction of iron ore, as well asone on coal gasification.

    The Japanese steel industry, during theperiod since World War II, has shifted frombasic research to very applied R&D. Thisshift, largely stimulated by demonstrated de-ficiencies in manufacturing and other tech-nologies, set the stage for Japans massive in-dustrialization after the war.

    Japanese physicists developed high qualitysteel in the interwar period. But the Japa-nese production process of iron and steelwas inefficient for mass production, and lack of quality control resulted in big variance of quality which cancelled out the theoreticallycalculated high quality. The basic innovationfound ed on great p hysical discoveries w asfound useless without suitable production

    technology. * * *A great deal of effort was [therefore] put

    into automation technology developmentrather than to improvement in qu ality of ironand steel itself. 20

    A recent survey of Japanese steel industrypersonnel, apparently conducted by MITI,found that the most significant changes forthe iron and steel industry were expected tobe a future de-emphasis on market-driven in-novation and resource saving, and an in-crease in R&D in other fields. The latter

    would appear to indicate a trend towarddiversification. Furthermore, nearly three-quarters of the industry personnel believed

    op. cit.

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    280 Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    that there would be incremental innovationwithin 5 years, and 10 percent believed thatthere would be an epoch-making innovation inthe next 10 years. There are, indeed, indica-tions of a decline in private-sector R&D,which the respondents attributed variously to

    higher costs, greater risks, declining profits,and a global stagnation in both basic re-search and technical innovation.

    West Germany

    The Federal Ministry for Education andScience in West Germany plays a strong coor-dinating and sponsoring role in the area of in-dustrial research. The attitude of the Germansteel industry is that basic research shouldbe done in the universities and the develop-ment work in the industry. The West GermanGovernment apparently accepts this divisionof labor.

    As in Japan, government support for steel-related R&D can also be found in West Ger-many. Government-funded projects are estab-lished and supported on a long-term basis.Four-year projects are normal, with renewalperiods ranging from two to four years. Suchsupport creates a large core of people toguide R&D projects to successful outcomes,and German technology in steelmaking andprocessing normally stays abreast of competi-tion from other countries, This has helped

    West German steel plant equipment purvey-ors to capture a fairly large share of businessfrom both developed and developing coun-tries. Several research organizations alsodraw West German Government support tosolve steel industry problems:





    Vere in Deu t sche r E i senhu t t en leu te(VDeh)Iron Works Slag Research Association(Reinhausen)Iron Ore Dressing Stud y Group (Othfres-sen)Iron and Steel Application Study Group

    ( D u s s e l d o r f )-

    -The aim of these group s is to find solutions topractical problems encountered by steelplant operators. Government funding is tied

    to close cooperation between these researchorganizations, the steel plants, and the seniorfaculty at the universities and polytechnicalschools.


    The emphasis of Swedish R&D appears tobe on the alloy and specialty steels and on thedevelopment of major steelmaking innova-tions that can be exported to foreign steel in-dustries. Swedish research is particularly ac-tive in coal-based direct reduction, directsteelmaking processes, and plasma steelmak-ing.

    In addition to significant, though recentlydeclining, private-sector R&D, the govern-ment funds a number of research establish-ments. These include the Swedish Institutefor Metals Research and the Royal Instituteof Technology, both in Stockholm, and theFoundation for Meta l lurgica l Research(Mefos). Mefos was p romoted for the Swed ishsteel industry by Jernkontoret, the SwedishIron Makers Association, wh ich is ow ned col-lectively by the steel works of the country.Mefos has 65 employees and an annual budg-et of $3.8 million. About 50 percent of its an-nual expenditures, outside of contract re-search, come from th e Swedish Governmen t.*The foundation operates two full pilot plants,constructed and equipped for a total invest-ment of about $16 million.

    R&D and Trade Performance

    The export performance of an industry in-creases with increasing levels of private andgovernment R&D spend ing, as well as with in-creasing numbers of scientists and engineersengaged in R&D. 22 The data of tables 112 and114, as well as more recent trade data,strongly suggest that increasing U.S. steel im-ports and decreasing participation in world

    z Swedish Trade Office, December1979,Z- The of R&D in d etermining export

    was shown to be significant in W. H. Branson and H. B.Trends in U.S. Trade and Comparative Advantage,

    Economic Activity , vol. 2, 1971.

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transferor New Technology 281

    Table 114.U.S. R&D Intensity and Trade Performance

    Trade balance Trade balanceexports- exports-

    R&D imports, 1976I n t e n s i t y a (mil l ions

    R&D imports, 1976

    Description (percent)in tensi ty (mil l ions

    of dollars) Description (percent) of dollars)Above-average R&D intensity

    Communications equipment. .Aircrafts and parts . . . . . . . . .Office, computing equipment . .Optical, medical instruments .Drugs and medicines . . . . . . . . .Plastic materials . . . . . . . . .Engines and turbines . . . . . . . .Agricultural chemicals. . . . . . .Ordinance (except missiles) . . . .Professional and scientific instr.Electrical industrial apparatus .Industrial chemicals. ... . . . . . .Radio and TV receiving equip.

    Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    $ 793.76,748.31,811.4




    2,049.4 2,443.4


    Below-average R&D intensityFarm machinery ., ... 2.34 696.2

    Electric transmission equipment

    Motor vehicles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Other electrical equipment . . . .Construction, mining . . . . . . . . . .Other chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fabricated metal products. . . . . .Rubber and plastics . . . . . . . . . . .Metalworking machinery . . . . . .Other transport . . . . . . . . . . .Petroleum and coal products. . .Other nonelectric machines .Other manufactures . . . . . . . . . . .Stone, clay, and glass. . . . . . . . .Nonferrous metals . . . . . . . . . . . .Ferrous metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Textile mill products, . . . . . . .Food and kindred products . . . .

    Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    2.30 798.12.15 4,588.61.95 311.21.90 6,160.41.76 1,238.51.48 1,525.71.20 478.81.17 736.41.14 72.11,11 NA1,06 3,991.31,02 5,137.40.90 61 .30.52 2,408.90.42 -2,740.40.28 40.30.21 190.0 2.0

    aMeasures of R&D intensity and trade balance are on product line basis The ratio of applied R&D funds by product field to shipments by product class, averaged between 1968-70

    SOURCES Department of Commerce, BIERP Staff Economic Report U S Bureau of the Census

    export markets are linked to the domesticsteel industrys relatively low levels of R&Dspending. A counter example can once againbe found in Japan ese R&D and the connectionbetween Japanese performance in technologyand exports:

    Japan, which has no significant natural re-sources, runs a positive trade balance. TheU. S., which has many natural resources,

    runs a large deficit. A key difference is in our

    use of technology. The export accomp lish-men ts of Japa n in optics, steel, automobiles,and consumer electronics provide obviousexamples of what the Japanese can do whenthey set technological and export goals. In allof these fields they have used their resourcesmore effectively than we . . . We shouldmatch it with ou r best efforts and people.z]

    B. Wiesner, The Chronicle Higher Nov. 13,1978.

    Adoption and Diffusion of New TechnologyCase Studies of Six Technologies

    Adoption Strategies

    Any successful technological innovationhas certain benefits associated with it; thesemay be reductions in the costs of input fac-tors (like raw materials and labor) or im-

    provements in product quality. The change-over to new technology also has the attendantcosts of adjustments in employment levels,skill requirements, production quotas, andassociated supervisory arrangements. For an

    innovation to be adopted, obviously, thebenefits should outweigh the capital andchangeover costs. The adoption decisionsmad e by the man agement of individual firmscollectively determine the rate at which atechnological innovation diffuses throughoutan industry, and capital investment is a majorfactor in the firms adoption decisions. *

    *A third variable, labor relations has generally not createdany difficulties with the introduction of new steelmaking equip-ment (see ch.12).

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    282 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    The issue of capital formation, then, is acrucial one. A companys sources of capitalfunds may be external, or they may be inter-nalthat is, generated from cash flow. Gov-ernments, by their tax policy, influence thecash flow companies have available for rein-

    vestment. If a company has sufficient discre-tionary funds, it will base its investment deci-sions on its evaluation of the return on invest-ment from alternate projects, the perceivedrisk of each project, and the urgency manage-ment associates with each project.

    The diffusion of major innovations fallsinto one of three categories: those involvingcapacity addition, those involving replace-ment of obsolete facilities, and those involvingdisplacement of functioning facilities. 24 Th eeconomic considerations in a decision toadopt a technological innovation are quitesimilar for capacity expansion and for re-placement of obsolete facilities, but they areslightly different for displacement.

    When management considers capacity ex-pansion or replacement to be necessary, it islikely to prefer new technology to establishedtechn ology if the new technology offers eitherimproved produ ct quality (and increased rev-enue) at little or no increase in cost, or equiv-alent product quality with at least a modestcost reduction. Both options, however, de-pend on the prior elimination of technologicaluncertainties about minimum acceptable per-formance; even in expansionary periods, theadoption rate of a new technology may re-main modest so long as its technical uncer-tainties outweigh prospective gains. More-over, if innovations offer ad vantages in on ly alimited range of plant sizes or only part of aprod uct range, techn ological diffusion m ay bedelayed while methods are developed toadapt the technology to the remainder of thesize or product range. And finally, a shortsupply of inputs may delay rapid adoption of technology. Adoption rates would be ex-pected to rise sharply, then, as cumulative

    pierce, and G. Rosseger, Diffusion of MajorTechnological Innovations in the U.S. Iron and Steel Manufac-turing, The Journal Indu strial Economics, vol.18, No. 3, July1970, pp. 218-41.

    practical experience removes uncertaintiesabout acceptable performance and as furthertechnical advances allow the innovation to beapplied advantageously to a broad array of products and facility sizes.

    The economic criteria for adopting innova-tions that displace currently functioningfacilities are more stringent than for thosethat add to capacity or replace obsolete facil-ities. First, an innovative facility that is toreplace a functioning facility producing anequivalent product must produce at costscomparable to those of the technology it re-places. If a company has recently undertakenmajor modernization or expansion programs,any undepreciated investment must be writ-ten off, so management is less likely to adoptinnovative technology to replace functioningfacilities. In evaluating displacements, thechangeover costs associated with adjust-ments in employment levels, skill require-ments, production quotas, and associatedsupervisory arrangements must also be con-sidered. If the displacement of capacity is ef-fected with no increase in capacity, the po-tential gains may be lower than if capacitycan also expand. In such a case, direct dis-placement is likely to be substantial only if the older facilities have heavier requirementsfor input factors that are in short supply, or if demands increase for product qualities notattainable by the older facilities.

    Six Case Studies ofTechnological Changes

    The six case studies chosen examine majorinnovations representing different aspects of steel technology, different national origins,and different levels of adoption. Informationon the six innovations is summarized in table115.

    Argon-Oxygen Decarburization (AOD)Process

    This process is generally considered to be amajor process innovation of U.S. origin. Itbelongs to a class of pressurized-gas stainlesssteel processes developed during the mid-1950s and early 1960s, and has been in com-

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology q 283

    Table 11 5.Summary Information on Six OTA Case Studies

    Type of innovation Stage of steel making Place of major Level of adoptionCasting- innovation World- United

    Innovation Process Product Ironmaking Steelmaking fabrication activity wide States

    A rg o n - o x y g e n d e c a r b u r i z a t i o n . X x United States High Very highBasic oxygen furnace. . . . . . . . X x Austria Very high Very high

    Continuous casting. . . . . . . . . . X

    x West GermanyHigh Low

    Formcoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X x United States Very low Very lowSteel mill waste recycling. . . . . X x Japan High Very lowOne-side galvanized steel. . . . . x x United States Moderate High

    SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment

    mercial production since the late 1960s.Other processes in this class include thebasic oxygen furnace (or oxidation-reduc-tion) process, the vacuum oxygen decarbur-ization (VOD or LD-VAC) process, and thesteam, ammonia/ oxygen, or Creusot-LoireUddeholm (CLU) process.

    An AOD furnace uses pressurized argonand oxygen to prepare molten alloy steel. Theuse of argon in combination with oxygenallows decarburization of the melt withoutexcessive oxidation of the chromium , wh ich isquite expensive and has a high affinity foroxygen. In the AOD steelmaking and refiningprocess, less chromium is lost and lower costchromium charge material can be u sed,

    The AOD process was invented in 1954 byUnion Carbide at their Niagara Falls facility.Several years of R&D followed, and UnionCarbide began a cooperative AOD develop-

    ment program with Joslyn Stainless Steels in1960. In conjunction with experiments in thearc furnace, Union Carbide continued to ex-plore the idea of using a separate refiningvessel, In 1969, 15 years after AODs originalinvention, Joslyn started a 100-percent, full-scale AOD system. The successful demon-stration and commercial operation at Joslynand the aggressive technical marketing effortby Union Carbide spurred the rather rapidadop tion of this technology by U.S. alloy/ spe-cialty comp anies.

    Computer techniques for optimizing AODwere also developed in the United States andcame into use in 1972. 25 This practice has

    K. Worldwide Technological Developments andTheir Adoption the Steel Ind ustry in the United States, pre-pared for the General Research Committee of the AmericanIron and SteelInstitute, Apr. 13, 1977.

    since been widely adopted throughout theworld to about the same extent as in theUnited States.* The use of the AOD process isnow being extended to the manufacture of other specialty alloys, such as tool-and-die,high-speed, and forging steels. A great manyfoundries have also installed AOD vesselswithin the last few years.

    Since its first commercial use by a U.S.steel company, the AOD process has beenwidely adopted throughout the world for theproduction of stainless steel. Worldwide in-stalled AOD annual capacity increased from90,700 tomes in 1970 27 to 5,705,000 tonnesby mid-1978. 28 Of this, about 40 percent, or2,282,000 tonnes, is in the United States, 29

    U.S. installation of AOD capacity since 1970has been almost double that of Western Eu-rope and more than double that of Japan (fig-ure 38); of all major steel-producing coun-tries, only Italy has adopted AOD technologyfaster than the United States (table 116). TheUnited States is clearly the leader, by far, ininstalling AOD technology.

    U.S. adoption of AOD technology was en-couraged by the generally high domesticgrowth rate for stainless steel consumption.The overseas marketing effort was delayedpending the results in the U.S. domestic mar-ket, and this appears to have contributed todifferences in the rates of AOD diffusion forthe United States and other countries. Also,some plants in Japan and


    Round-Up of Steelmaker , July 1978, pp . 22-29.

    Europe had recently

    AOD Furnaces, Iron and

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    284 q Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    Figure 38. Installed Argon-Oxygen DecarburizationCapacity

    1965 1970 1975 1980


    SOURCE American Iron and Steel Institute

    Table 116.Adoption of AOD Technology in

    Various Countries of the World (in tonnes)1974 production of

    1978 installed stainless steelCountry AOD capacity ingotUnited States . . . . . . . . . 2,250,000 1,955,000Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762,000 2,037,000West Germany . . . . . . . . 454,000 688,000France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272,000 570,000Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390,000 519,000Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372,000 311,000United Kingdom . . . . . . . 400,000 224,000Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554,000 446,000

    Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,454,000 6,750,000

    SOURCES, Institute for Iron and Steel Studies, INCO World Stainless Steel Sta-tistics, 1976

    adopted competing technology. For suchplants, a switch to AOD would offer only in-cremental cost savings, and in addition unde-preciated equipment would have to be writ-ten off. In some of the LDCs, the availabilityof industrial gases could be responsible forthe delay in adop ting AOD technology.

    The rapid growth of the AOD process canbe attributed to its reduction of raw materialcosts. The process permits refining almostany initial melt chemistry and achieves high

    recoveries of almost all elements. High-car-bon chromium charge can replace more ex-pensive low-carbon ferrochrome. In additionto chromium, improved recoveries of manga-nese, molybdenum, nickel, and titanium havebeen reported. Other savings stem from less

    overall silicon consumption, lower electricfurnace costs because of less power con-sumption, reduced electrode consumption,and less refractory wear.

    AOD operating cost savings range from anestimated $55 to $110 or more per tonne of stainless steel. Even larger savings are typi-cal for the higher chromium and other spe-cialty alloys. Between 20 and 30 percent of these stainless steel savings are attributableto lower energy-related costs. Payback peri-ods ranging from 6 months to 2 years havebeen estimated. In addition to allowing costeconomies, the process also improves productquality: sulfur content is lower, inclusion dis-tribution is improved, temperature and chem-ical homogenization are better, and final dis-solved oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen are re-

    duced.Summary .The main motivating factors

    for the rapid ad option of AOD techn ology are:q




    reduced raw materials cost, because of impr oved yields of alloying elemen ts andthe use of lower cost raw materials;improved product quality;low-cost increases in capacity, becauseAOD vessels can be retrofitted in exist-ing melt shops; andan aggressive technical marketing effortby the process developer, a company in

    the supplier category.Some of the barriers are:




    the recent instal lat ion of competingpneumatic technology in Europe and Ja-pan, which reduced the economic incen-tive to switch to AOD when it becameavailable;the availabil i ty of industrial gases,which may have hindered adoption of AOD technology in the LDCs; anddelays in government approval of li-censes in certain countries.

    Basic Oxygen Process

    The basic oxygen furnace (BOF) has revo-lutionized steelmaking, and it is generallyconsidered the most significant major process

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology q 285

    innovation for steelmaking in modern times.Total BOF tonnage has grown faster in Japanand the European Economic Community (EEC)countries than in the United States. About 62percent of all U.S. steel, 75 percent of WestGerman and French steel, and 80 percent of Japan ese steel are mad e in th e BOF,

    BOF technology reduces costs and im-proves productivity. The BOF comprises avertical, solid-bottom crucible with a verticalwater-cooled oxygen lance entering the ves-sel from above. The vessel can be tilted forcharging and tapping. The charge is normallymade up of molten pig iron (hot metal) plusscrap and fluxes, although small quantities of cold p ig i ron and i ron ore may a lso becharged, The distinguishing feature is thatthe heat produced by the reaction of oxygen

    with various constituents of the charge isused without other sources of energy to bringthe metal to the desired final conditions of composition and temperature. Occasionally,the heat balance may be altered by the in-troduction of supplementary fuel to permitmelting of above-normal am oun ts of scrap.

    In 1949, experimental results from a smallBOF pilot plant in Switzerland showed that itwas possible to refine iron by use of oxygenand to remove phosphorus and sulfur by theuse of basic linings and fluxes. In addition, asignificant proport ion of scrap could beaddedclose to half the weight of the iron insome cases. Scientists at VOEST continueddevelopment work on the BOF at Linz, Aus-tr ia, where the f irst successful heat wasmade in October 1949. This development re-sulted in th e first commer cial plant, w hich be-gan operation in 1952 with 32-tonne vessels.Many problems had to be met as growth con-tinued. Some of the improvements were car-ried out in Austria, and as other nationsbegan to use the BOF, they accelerated thepace of improvements. The BOF has grownfrom a 30-tonne novelty to the leading steel

    process in the world, with vessels more than10 times the original size. To achieve suchgrowth during 20 short years of industrial lifeis remarkable.

    Most of the worlds BOF capacity came on-stream in the 1963-70 period, and the rate of BOF instal lat ion has since declined sub-stantially. The earliest plants were installedin the early and mid-1950s, with vesselsranging from 27 to 45 tonnes; none had a de-sign capacity exceeding the 73 tonnes of Jones and Laughlins BOF in 1957. There-after, the number of yearly installations andthe size of the vessels continued to increase,with four installations of over 200 tonnesstarting u p by the end of 1962.

    It has been pointed out that the U.S. in-du stry was more aggressive than Japan or theEEC in introducing this technology as oppor-tunities occurred to increase capacity; how-ever, only limited U.S. capacity expansiontook place during the 1952-76 period when

    large numbers of BOFs were being installedthroughout the world. Until 1969, BOF adop-tion rates for the United States, Japan, andEurope were in fact roughly similar. Sincethat time BOF capacity in Europe and par-ticularly in Japan has continued to grow.Despite limited steel ind ustry gr owth , the U.S.steel industry has had a reasonable growth-rate record for the BOF, largely as BOFsreplaced open hearth capacity. Europe andJapan, on the other hand, experienced sub-stantial capacity expansion during the post-war period, and more BOF capacity was putinto place in Japan and the EEC countriesthan in the United States (see figure 39). *

    Most of the U.S. companies that haveadopted BOF technology are large integratedplants producing carbon and low-alloy steels,and most have hot metal availablea primerequirement for the BOF. U.S. companies caneasily purchase BOF technology from othercompanies and vendors, so it is not necessaryfor them to support extensive R&D work be-fore installing BOF capacity, nor do they needpilot or demonstration plants, A company candecide on the size of the equipment it needs

    and purchase it from the vendors, who will*The higher Japanese and EEC grow th rates for the installa-

    tion of BOFs has contributed to growing exports from thesecountries to the United States and th e rest of the world .

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    286 . Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    Figure 39.Growth of BOF Installed Capacity

    1955 1960 1965 1970 1975Year

    SOURCE. American Iron and Steel Institute

    also provide technical and operating know-

    how. None of the operations in the UnitedStates, however, has received any Govern-ment assistance in adopting BOF technology,whereas in Europe and Japan a number of companies received help from their govern-men ts in securing capital for BOF adop tion.

    Continuous Casting*

    Continuous casting was originally patentedin 1865 by Sir Henry Bessemer. However, en-gineering and equipment problems were notsolved and the process was not commercial-ized until the early 1960s, when significantamounts of steel began to be continuouslycast in a number of the worlds steel indus-tries. Today, continuous casting is the pre-

    *A d etailed discussion of continuous casting has been givenin Benefits Increased Use Continuous Casting by the U.S.

    OTA technical memoran du m, October 1979.

    ferred choice in new steelmaking plants,although there are still some types of steelthat have not been converted from the olderingot casting method to continu ous casting.

    Continuous casting replaces with one oper-ation the sep arate steps of ingot casting, moldstripping, heating in soaking pits, and pri-mary rolling. In some cases, continuous cast-ing also replaces reheating and rerollingsteps (figure 40). The basic feature of all con-tinuous casting machines is their one-stepnature: liquid steel is continuously convertedinto semifinished, solid steel shapes by theuse of an open-ended mold. Clearly, continu-ous casting makes long production runs of aparticular product easier and more efficientthan ingot casting. The molten steel solidifies

    Figure 40.Continuous Casting Apparatus

    Molten metal



    Solidified bar


    To ingot shearing andtransfer stations

    Motorized pull roll

    SOURCE. Technology Assessment and Forecast, Ninth Report, Department ofCommerce, March 1979.

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    Ch. 9Creation, Adoption, and Transfer of New Technology . 287

    from the outer cooled surfaces inward duringthe casting process, so that finally a fullysolid slab, bloom, or billet is produced. Thisproduct can then either be processed in a sec-ondary rolling mill or be shipped as a semi-finished steel product.

    Energy Savings and Increased Yield.Thecontinuous casting process saves energy di-rectly, by eliminating energy-intensive steps,and indirectly, by increasing yields. The elim-ination of intermediate casting steps reducesthe consum ption of fuels (natura l gas, oil, andin-plant byproduct gases) and electricity byapp roximately 1.1 million Btu/ tonne cast. InJapan, where one-half of all steel is continu-ously cast, the direct energy savings is appar-ently about 50 percent over traditional ingotcasting. Further energy is saved indirectly by

    the substan tial increase in yield from continu-ous casting, perhaps an additional 2.2 millionBtu/ tonne.

    Increased yield also means that less scrapis generated. End losses, typical with indi-vidual ingots, are eliminated, and oxidationlosses are reduced because less hot metal isexposed to the air. The simplicity and im-proved control of continuous casting also im-prove overall efficiency. All these improve-ments mean that more shipped steel can beobtained from a given am ount of molten steel.When yield increases by 10 percent, an addi-tional tonne of shipped steel is gained foreach 10 tonnes of molten steel; continuouscasting increases yields by at least 10 to 12percent, and in some cases by 15 to 20 per-cent. The raw materials used to producethese extra tonnes of steel, including ironore and coke, have also been saved.

    Total direct and indirect energy savingsaverage 3.33 million Btu/ tonne continuou slycast, which can lead to a significant cost sav-ing. These are average energy savings formany types of steels, but although actual sav-

    ings may var y considerably the figure is prob-ably conservative. For example, one detailedanalysis showed a saving of 6.0 mill ionBtu/ tonne for the traditional integrated steel-making route of blast furn ace to basic oxygenfurnace, and 2.9 million Btu/ tonne for the

    scrap-fed electr ic furnace route used bynonintegrated mills. * It is probably safe tosay that the total energy savings because of continuous casting are normally equal toabout 10 percent of the total energy used tomake finished steel products. A comprehen-sive survey by the North Atlantic Treaty Or-ganization of steel industry experts through-out the world, which considered 41 energy-conserving measures for steelmaking, con-cluded that continuous casting had the bestcombination of potential energy conservationand return on investment. 30

    Other Advantages and Benefits.Continu-ous casting can also be recommended on thebasis of its potential for higher labor produc-tivity, better quality steel product, reducedpollution, lower capital costs, and the in-

    creased use of purchased scrap.Because continuous cast ing el iminates

    many of the steps required by ingot casting,all of which require direct labor input, it re-sults in higher labor productivity. The De-partment of Labor reports that 10 to 15 per-cent less labor is required in continuouscasting than in ingot casting. 31 Productivitygrowth also results from the increase in yieldof shipped steel, from improved working con-ditions, and from at least 5 hours reduction inproduction time from the pouring of moltensteel to the production of semifinished forms.Advances have recently been made in elimi-nating time losses that occur when productsof different size or composition must be madesequentially.

    Most industry experts also report an im-provem ent in the quality of some continuouslycast steels, resulting from the reduced num-ber of steps and greater automatic control of the process. There have been steady improve-ments in the process, particularly in the pro-duction of slabs for flat products that requirehigh su rface qu ality.

    *This analysis (by J. E. Elliott, in The Steel Industry and theEnergy Crisis, J. Szekely (cd.), Marcel Dekker, N. Y., 1975, pp.9-33) assumes a 10-percent increase in yield, w hich is pr obablyconservative.

    (The Steel Industry, 1977.U.S. Department Bureau of Labor Statistics Bul-

    letin 1856, 1975, p. 4.

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    288 q Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness

    It is generally recognized that continuouscasting reduces pollution, as well. It elimi-nates soaking pits and reheating furnaces,and its lower energy requirements also re-du ce pollution hot steel is exposed to th e at-mosphere for a shorter time than in ingot

    casting, so there are fewer airborne particu-late. Increased yield also means that lessprimary steelmaking is required for any givenlevel of shipped steel, so less coke is manufac-tured in integrated plants using blast fur-naces; coking is steelmakings largest sourceof pollution, part icularly for toxic sub-stances.

    It is generally agreed that continuous cast-ing reduces capital costs because it elimi-nates intermediate processing equipment. Astudy of five new steel technologies by Re-sources for the Future concluded that contin-uous casting has the greatest potential forcapital cost saving* and recommended theadop tion of continuou s casting both in new fa-cilities and to displace existing ingot castingcapacity.

    Finally, continuous casting increases theuse of purchased scrap. Home scrap (pro-duced in-plant) is normally recycled back tothe steelmaking furnaces or the blast fur-naces, or both. With higher yields, purchasedscrap must replace the lost home scrap inorder to maintain liquid-iron-to-scrap ratios.

    The price of purchased scrap has generallybeen lower than prod uction costs for hot steelmade from new iron units; under such cir-cumstances, increased use of purchasedscrap is an advantage.

    U.S. and Foreign Rates of Adoption of Con-tinuous Casting. During the past severalyears, the Japanese have made frequent re-ports concerning the continued adoption of continuous casting and its effects in reducingenergy consumption and increasing yield insteelmaking operations. Despite these advan-

    tages, the United States has fallen behindalmost all foreign steel industries in adoptingthis beneficial technology. Continuous castinghas been adopted at a much faster rate incountries like Japan, West Germany, andItaly than in the United States, England, or

    Canada (figure 41). In 1978, Japan continu-ously cast 50 percent of all its primary steeland West Germany, 38 percent; in the UnitedStates the level was only 15 percent. TheSoviet Union has the only major foreign steelindustry with a lower level of continuouscasting than in the United States (table 117).This is explained by that countrys unusualcommitment to the open hearth process,which does not readily interface with contin-uous casting equipment. *

    The high rate of adoption of continuouscasting by many countries, particularly Ja-pan, is largely explained by the considerableexpansion of their steel industries in the late1960s and early 1970s. The benefits of con-tinuou s casting ar e so compelling th at it is theobvious process to choose when new steelplants are constructed, More recent con-struction of steel plants in Third World na-tions has also revealed the unequivocal ad-vantages of continuou s casting.

    Although m uch of the increased u se of con-tinuous casting in the Japanese steel industryhas been related to its expansion, in more re-

    cent years the Japanese have also pursued areplacement strategy. They will probablymeet th eir goal of 70-percent continuous cast-ing production within a few years. This willbe a remarkable achievement, particularly inview of a number of negative factors facingthat industry: low rates of capacity utiliza-tion, the closing of many older facilities, con-tinued loss of world export markets, and verylow profit levels. One reason these adversefactors have not impeded continuous castingadoption is that the Japanese Governmentand the banking system have channeled suffi-

    *The other four technologies were: scrap preheating, directreduction based on natural gas, coal gasification for direct re-duction, and cryogenic shredding of automobilederived scrap.(W. Vaughan et al., Governmen t Policies and the Adop tion of Innovations in the Integrated Iron and Steel Industry, 1976