... is the founder and CEO of Social Brand U, LLC. After 17 years in the mobile technology industry, Adam was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and decided he wasn’t going to continue to “play it safe” in corporate America to climb the proverbial ladder of success. He was ready to put all of his chips on the table and live the adventure that is entrepreneurship. For him, it is the ultimate American Dream. Adam Karwoski... Social Brand U was formed with three core principals in mind: 1.) Leveraging technology to build relationships (Social) 2.) Creating a platform to build your (Brand) and 3.) Using the power of story to inspire, educate and encourage your target audience (U, short for university). This consultancy has an intentional university type theme because the learning never stops. Technology is constantly changing. The way we engage and communicate has turned word of mouth into world of mouth. Every person, every company, every employee and every customer has a compelling story to tell and story is the most effective way to inform, inspire and connect with one another. Story, technology and strategy is the core of Adam’s relationship marketing consultancy. “Social media is a conversation, and conversations build relationships, relationships build trust and trust builds your business.” He’s a die hard Seminole fan and even bears a Seminole tattoo Faith, family and college football are the core of who he is and where his passions lie He loves to cook but lives to grill • He’s a coach/mentor for The Royal Family Kids Camp: A camp for abused or neglected foster children ȧ 'LVQH\$SSOH &KLFˉO$ DQG 1RUGVWURP DUH brands with stories that he admires


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... is the founder and CEO of Social Brand U, LLC. After 17 years in the mobile technology industry, Adam was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and decided he wasn’t going to continue to “play it safe” in corporate America to climb the proverbial ladder of success. He was ready to put all of his chips on the table and live the adventure that is entrepreneurship. For him, it is the ultimate American Dream.

Adam Karwoski...

Social Brand U was formed with three core principals in mind:

1.) Leveraging technology to build relationships (Social)

2.) Creating a platform to build your (Brand) and

3.) Using the power of story to inspire, educate and encourage your target audience (U, short for university).

This consultancy has an intentional university type theme because the learning never stops. Technology is constantly changing. The way we engage and communicate has turned word of mouth into world of mouth.

Every person, every company, every employee and every customer has a compelling story to tell and story is the most effective way to inform, inspire and connect with one another. Story, technology and strategy is the core of Adam’s relationship marketing consultancy.

“Social media is a conversation, and conversations build relationships, relationships build trust and trust builds your business.”

• He’s a die hard Seminole fan and even bears a Seminole tattoo

• Faith, family and college football are the core of who he is and where his passions lie

• He loves to cook but lives to grill

• He’s a coach/mentor for The Royal Family Kids Camp: A camp for abused or neglected foster children

ȧ� 'LVQH\��$SSOH��&KLF�ˉO�$��DQG�1RUGVWURP�DUH�brands with stories that he admires

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Sample Speaking Topics include:

Branding You, Inc., Leadership and Change, B2B vs. B2C, What’s Your Story-What’s Your Strategy, Social Media For The Rest of Us.

Adam released his new book, Taking The Mystery Out Of Social Media, in 2013 and has been published in Social Media Marketing Magazine, Socialnomics, Smartbrief, American Marketing Association’s B2B Marketing Social Brand U is a Relationship Marketing Consultancy. They build communication strategies that resonates with your target audience and builds brand champions. They bring life to your business by building relationships through the power of story ~ stories that make you (and your audience) COME ALIVE.

Adam Karwoski was born in Fullerton, CA, raised in Morris Plains, 1-�DQG�DWWHQGHG�)ORULGD�6WDWH�8QLYHUVLW\�LQ�7DOODKDVVHH��)/��+H�participated in study abroad programs in Seville, Spain and San -RVH��&RVWD�5LFD�� +H�JUDGXDWHG�LQ������ZLWK�D�%$�LQ�&ULPLQDO�-XVWLFH�DQG�PRYHG�WR�-DFNVRQ��+ROH��:\RPLQJ��2QH�\HDU�ODWHU�KH�ZDV�KLUHG�DW�%HOO6RXWK�Mobility, in Atlanta, GA where he was given the opportunity to sell VRPH�RI�WKH�FRROHVW��FRPPXQLFDWLRQ�GHYLFHV�DW�WKH�WLPH��FHOOXODU�ˊLS�phones and bag phones.

It was there that his love for the latest technology, new ways of communication and leveraging the two to build new relationships with those around the world or around the block began.

Adam is a national speaker and his audience includes companies like Verizon Business, Lee Hecht Harrison, University of Delaware, Florida State University’s College of Information and Communication, Emory’s Goizueta Business School, &RPFDVW�%XVLQHVV�&ODVV��'%0�:RUOGZLGH��1RNLD�86$�DPRQJ�RWKHUV�

About Adam...

“Adam has a keen sense of how to take a brand from concept to execution” J ILL HEINECK, HEINECK RELOCATION PARTNERS

“What’s so impressive about Adam is his ability to connect and engage with his audience. “ CAROLE HUNTER, MCKESSON

“Adam’s company has transformed our company” SUSAN COEFIELD, CERTIFICATION PARTNERS

“Adam’s is on the cutting edge of global communication platforms and is able to develop highly creative strategies for a variety of industries.” JULIE CAINES, MICROSOFT

What people are saying about Adam...

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“A good story is great business. Everyone has a compelling story to tell so how are you sharing your story and with whom are you sharing it with? Stories draw people in and is the most effective way to communicate your message or information. When you connect with your audience in an emotional way, via story, you get them to act.”

“How you’re perceived online matters. Your avatars, your social networks and your email signature all shape they way you are perceived. One thing that makes social PHGLD�VR�LQFUHGLEOH�LV�WKDW�LW�SURYLGHV�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�LQˊXHQFH�KRZ�\RX�DUH�SHUFHLYHG���<RX�KDYH�WKH�SRZHU�WR�GHˉQH�\RXU�EUDQG���,W�WDNHV�VRFLDO�PHGLD�IURP�a conversation to an interactive business and branding tool. Building your brand builds value for your brand.”

Ȣ,�GHˉQH�VRFLDO�PHGLD�OLNH�WKLV���3HRSOH��KDYLQJ�D�FRQYHUVDWLRQ�DERXW�VRPHWKLQJ�WKHLU�SDVVLRQDWH�DERXW��WKHLU�IDPLO\��WKHLU�EXVLQHVV��WKHLU�FXVWRPHUV��WKHLU�SURGXFWV��WKHLU�HPSOR\HHV��HWF��DQG�WHOOLQJ�WKHLU�VWRU\��WKURXJK�WH[W��LPDJHV��SKRWRV��videos, etc). Social media is a conversation, and conversations build relationships, relationships build trust and trust builds your business.”

Snippet from the book...

Companies we’ve worked with...

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Contact Adam...��������������[email protected]

www.linkedIn.com/in/ adamkarwoski

Twitter: @AdamKarwoski


“If you’re looking for a partner to help you cut through all the clutter and get results, don’t just get a consultant, get Adam Karwoski” KEVIN MONROE, XFACTOR CONSULTING

Ȣ:KDW�LV�UHDOO\�GLIˉFXOW�LV�WR�ˉQG�VRPHRQH�ZKR�\RX� can trust, and guide you on how to effectively leverage Social Media in your business… Adam is that someone.” MALLIE PRESTON, AT&T MOBILITY

“I highly recommend Adam as a Keynote Speaker” KEVIN BUCHANAN, HEWLETT PACKARD

“He has a unique ability to see what lies ahead and anticipate what solutions would work best for our organization” CHRIS MORNING, THE COCA COLA COMPANY

“Adam’s ability to facilitate a meaningful workshop added tremendous value to all who attended” MARK MYETTE, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT

“Adam knows how best to design and implement a well thought out plan to achieve maximum results” THOMAS MORRISON, SR. ASSOCIATE DEAN, THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL