hotel information cancellation policy Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email or fax and received by April 20, 2018. A refund less an administrative fee of $75 will be processed within four weeks of your received request. No refunds will be allowed after April 20, 2018. desired outcomes for more info... If you have any questions, please contact AAP-CA2 (818) 422-9877, Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 5 pm PST or email [email protected] In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please call AAP-CA2 at (818) 422-9877 should you require special assistance. APRIL 28, 2018 Ad v a n ces in P e d i a tr i cs Universal City, California S heraton U ni v ersal H otel is activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of PeerPoint Medical Education Institute and Conference Series, LLC. PeerPoint Medical Education Institute is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. PeerPoint Medical Education Institute designates the live format for this educational activity for a maximum of 7. 2 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ . Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Advances in Pediatrics Universal City, California Sheraton Universal Hotel The presentational method for this activity will be case presentation with learner participation, Lecture with Q&A, and Small Group Discussion/Roundtable. This activity is geared to meet the educational requirements of Pediatricians. All Physician Specialties, Allied Health Care Professionals, and Nurses are welcome to attend. This activity will encompass the following desirable physician attributes: Medical Knowledge, Professionalism, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement and Systems-Based Practice. At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to: Understand mindfulness and learn meditation techniques to reduce burnout and promote resilience. Apply the latest therapeutic recommendations to pediatric food allergies, and identify specific cases/ conditions. Identify local and state advocacy techniques for pediatricians and pediatric patient care that can influence federal public policy. Understand the latest American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) options for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements. Review screening and treatment guides as outlined in The Red Book, along with updates for emerging medical issues. Address parents utilizing social media during their child’s clinic visit. Understand the development and behavioral complexities of adolescents. Recommend maternal vaccines and discuss the health implications for the mother, fetus, and newborn. Recognize social or emotional difficulties associated with the child with special health care needs and his/her family; and provide guidance and empathetic support to the child and family. NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PASADENA, CA PERMIT NO. 678 +2ma :ggnZe I^]bZmkb\ Lrfihlbnf April 28, 2018 Maximum of 7.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM awarded San Luis Obispo Kern Sheraton Universal Hotel 333 Universal Hollywood Drive Universal City, CA 91608 (818)509-2799 A block of rooms has been reserved for April 27-28, 2018 with a special rate of $229/night Applicable taxes are not included. Rooms are based on availability. The iconic Sheraton Universal Studios Hollywood Hotel, known as the "Hotel of the Stars," has been immersed in the entertainment community. Featuring an artful blend of Sheraton’s four-star service and the history of an iconic Hollywood hotel, our Universal Studios Hollywood hotel plays a starring role for business travelers who want to extend their trip for pleasure and for leisure guests seeking a friendly, cool and lively Hollywood hotel. To make a room reservation, please call Sheraton's Central Reservations Office directly at (888) 627-7186. The special rate listed above is for a standard/traditional guestroom and is subject to all applicable state and local taxes. Please say you are with AAP-CA Chapter 2 when making your reservation. For more details on the hotel, visit http://www.sheratonuniversal.com/ **Please note Reservation deadline is April 6, 2018. Reservations made after this date will be accepted on a space and rate availability only. Supported by

Ad van ces in Advances in Ped iatr ics Pediatrics · Ad van ces in Ped iatr ics Universal City, California Sheraton Universal Hotel ... Pee rPo int Medical Educ ati on Institute designates

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hotel information

cancellation policyCancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email or fax and received by April 2 , 201 . A refund less an administrative fee of $75 will be processed within four weeks of your received request. No refunds will be allowed after April 2 , 201 .

desired outcomes

for more info...If you have any questions, please contact AAP-CA2

(818) 422-9877, Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5 pm PST or email [email protected] accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please call AAP-C 2 at (818) 422-9877 should you require special assistance.


Advances in in Advvvavavavananannces in Pediatrics

Universal City, CaliforniaUniversal City, CaliforniaUniversal City, CaliforniaUniversal City, CaliforniaUniversal City, CaliforniaSheraton Universal Hotel

�is ac t i v i ty ha s been p lanned and implemented in accordance wi th the acc red i t a t ionrequ i rement s and po l i c i e s o f the Accred i t a t ion Counc i l fo r Cont inu ing Medica lEduca t ion (ACCME) through the jo in t p rov ider sh ip o f Pee rPo int Medica l Educa t ionIns t i tu te and Confe rence Se r i e s , LLC. Pee rPo int Medica l Educa t ion Ins t i tu te i sacc red i t ed by the ACCME to prov ide cont inu ing medica l educa t ion fo r phys i c i ans .

Pee rPo int Medica l Educa t ion Ins t i tu te de s igna te s the l i ve fo rmat fo r th i s educa t iona l ac t i v i ty fo r a max imum of 7. 5 AMA PRA Cat ego r y 1 Cred i t s™ . Phys i c i ans shou ld on ly c l a im c red i t commensura te wi th the ex tent o f the i r pa r t i c ipa t ion in the ac t i v i ty .

Advances in Pediatrics

Universal City, CaliforniaSheraton Universal Hotel

The presentational method for this activity will be case presentation with learner participation, Lecture with Q&A, and Small Group Discussion/Roundtable. This activity is geared to meet the educational requirements of Pediatricians. All Physician Specialties, Allied Health Care Professionals, and Nurses are welcome to attend. This activity will encompass the following desirable physician attributes: Medical Knowledge, Professionalism, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement and Systems-Based Practice.

At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:

• nderstand mindfulness and learn meditation techni ues to reduce burnout and promote resilience.

• pply the latest therapeutic recommendations to pediatric food allergies and identify specific cases/conditions.

• dentify local and state advocacy techni ues for pediatricians and pediatric patient care that can influence federal public policy.

• nderstand the latest merican oard of ediatrics ( ) options for aintenance

of Certification ( OC) re uirements.

• Revie screening and treatment guides as outlined in The Red oo along ith updates for emerging medical issues.

• ddress parents utili ing social media during their child s clinic visit.

• nderstand the development and behavioral complexities of adolescents.

• Recommend maternal vaccines and discuss the health implications for the mother fetus and ne born.

• Recogni e social or emotional difficulties associated ith the child ith special health care needs and his/her family and provide guidance and empathetic support to the child and family.










, CA



O. 6


April 28, 20182 e ory red s

San Luis Obispo Kern

Sheraton Universal Hotel333 Universal Hollywood Drive

Universal City, CA 91608(818)509-2799

A block of rooms has been reserved for April 27-28, 2018

with a special rate of $22 /nightApplicable taxes are not included.Rooms are based on availability.

The iconic Sheraton niversal Studios olly ood otel no n as the otel

of the Stars has been immersed in the entertainment community. eaturing an artful blend of Sheraton s four-star service and the history of an iconic olly ood hotel our

niversal Studios olly ood hotel plays a starring role for business travelers ho ant to extend their trip for pleasure and for leisure guests see ing a friendly cool and lively

olly ood hotel.

To ma e a room reservation please call Sheraton's Central Reservations Office directly at (888) 627-7186. The special rate listed above is for a standard/traditional guestroom and is subject to all applicable state and local taxes.

Please say you are with AAP-CA Chapter 2 when making your reservation. For more details on the hotel, visit http://www.sheratonuniversal.com/

**Please noteReservation deadline is April , 201 . Reservations made after this date will be accepted on a space and rate availability only. S ppor ed by

ersal ersal otelSheraton Universal HotelniSheraton Universal HotelniniSheraton Universal HotelniSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal Hotelersal Sheraton Universal Hotelersal ersal Sheraton Universal Hotelersal ersal Sheraton Universal Hotelersal Sheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelHSheraton Universal HotelHSheraton Universal HotelotelSheraton Universal HotelotelotelSheraton Universal HotelotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal HotelSheraton Universal Hotel

S ppor ed byS ppor ed byS ppor ed

Sponsored by AAP California Chapter 2


Universal City, California

contact information (please print)





first mi last date

State Zip


1. online2. by mail

(check / credit card)

3. by fax(with credit card)

Visit our website at www.aapca2.org

Mail completed registration form with check or credit card information to: (Make check payable to AAP-CA2 )

AAP-CA2 PO Box 94127 Pasadena CA 91109

Fax completed registration form and credit card information to: 1-888-838-1987

We encourage you to invite colleagues or organize a reunion with your alumni.

Credit Card #

I have enclosed a check (payable to AAP CA2) in the amount of: � $

Please charge my credit card:� Mastercard � Visa � $


Name (as it appears on credit card)

Exp. Date

Credit card billing address

Security Code (last 3-digits on back of card)

Zip Code (of billing address) Cannot be processed without zip code

Physician Member (AAP CA Chapter 2 only)Physician Non-Member*Pediatric Residents (by circling the tuition amount to the right, "I attest that I am currently a Resident")

edical StudentsAllied Health ProfessionalsPhysician Emeritus & Retired

$2 .00

$ .00

$ .00

$19 .00

$19 .00

tuition fee B April 2 th at-the-door

$2 .00

$3 .00

$1 0.00



early birdth(by at midnight)

$1 .00


$7 .00

$1 .00

$1 9.00

• Join the Chapter option: Pay Member Rate plus $99 to Join AAP-CA2.

� I am seeking MOC Part 2 credit. Please provide your ABP ID� Special dietary requests

Mindfulness Session (complimentary, pre-registration required to attend)

� I plan on attending.three ways to register (please select one)

ADVANCES IN PEDIATRICS · 2 th Annual Pediatric Symposium · April 28, 2018

6:30 am – 7: 0 am

6:45 am – 7:30 am in uln r lini ian (CME Provided) aula . hiteman C indfulness is a po erful tool to help clinicians to reduce

burnout and to promote resilience and ellness.

7: 0 am – 8: am Welcome and IntroductionsEdward Curry, MD, FAAP

8: am – 8: am a A it ut All r elinda . ras ett, MD

8: am – 9: am Stay in The oat - dvocacy for Children n Turbulent Times ar el onte,

9:45 am – 10:15 am Morning Refreshment BreakSpeak with Professors / Visit the Exhibits

10:15 am – 11:00 am al r th ichael T. rady

11:1 am – 11: am Breakout Session #1Attendees may choose one seminar.

12:00 pm – 1:05 pm Lunch, General Membership MeetingPresiding Officer: Edward Curry, MD, FAAP

1:05 pm – 1: 5 pm Breakout Session #2Attendees may choose one seminar.

1: 0 pm – 2:20 pm Resident Research Award Presentation

2:20 pm – 3:05 pm , ru , an an ll r a n rati n

lice uo, MD, h , FAAP C

3:05 pm – 3:20 pm Afternoon Refreshment BreakSpeak with Professors / Visit the Exhibits

3:20 pm – 4:0 pm S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lectureat rnal uni ati n

r t tin th r, tuan rn

ichael T. rady

4:0 pm – 4:50 pm

4:50 pm – 5:00 pm Overview of the Day’s Learnings / Closing RemarksEdward Curry, MD, FAAP

breakout sessions (please choose one for each session)

Session #1 Session #2

$9 .00 $1 .00$ .00

: am – 9: am - OC Overvie and nnovations arshall u . and r.

11: am – 11:10 am Maula . hiteman C

• ssociate edical irector irector of atient Safety and hysician irector ofpidemiology/ nfection Control at ation ide Children's ospital

• ssociate ditor for 2 1 and 2 18 Red oo

ar l nt , • Chief eputy and Senior ice resident of dvocacy and xternal ffairs for the

merican cademy of ediatrics ( )

ar hall u an , r , AA• R. ames c ay r. reen and old rofessor of ediatrics at the niversity of

ermont College of edicine and ermont Children's ospital• merican oard of ediatrics dvisor for iplomate Outreach and Strategic lanning

lin a ra tt, • oard Certified llergist Clinical mmunologist and in ediatric edicine• ssociate edical irector at the ores amily llergy Center at Children's ospital

os ngeles

Ali u , , h , A, AA , A• ice resident -C 2• rofessor of nternal edicine ediatrics and ealth olicy anagement• Chief of edicine- ediatrics at C• irector ealth Care Transitions Research et or

BREAKOUT SESSIONSPlease choose two topics. You may attend one for each session.

No. 1 A atin hil lu al an tat trat i r ral pa t

ar el onte No. 2 nn ati n an pr nt in

An pp rtunit r ur a

No. 3 All r i nt r tin a

o. t al t ar nt A ut ial ia


AA A2 2 2

o n s or n e en n o pro ess on ne or n ee p er o ers n on e ders p nd spe ers e s r on

Supported by

lice uo h C

elinda . ras ett . .

ar urr , , AA• resident -C 2• artner ediatrician ith Southern California ermanente edical roup practicingin areas of general pediatrics autism learning and behavior• irector of edical ducation at the ontana edical Center and co-chair ofSC ediatric Symposium Committee.

i ha l ra , , AA



attendee profile (please mark)

MD � D � R � N � PA-C � pti n i trati n ri a , April 2 0 8 0 p

� ill attend ( dd 1 ) A atur a , April 28 (please circle tuition amount)

• mmediate ast resident -C 2• Chapter orum anagement Committee Representative - istrict • Clinical ssistant rofessor of mergency edicine at Cedars-Sinai edical


aula hit an, , A , AA ar iatri a , arnin , an r p ti

d ard Curry

AGENDAContinental Breakfast and Registration

Supported by

arshall u . and r.