Ad Headlines in Health | Alternative Medicine Ad Headlines  If you’re looking for proven ad headlines in the health and alternative medicine markets …here are some to get you started. I’ve spent a small fortune on books and newsletter subscriptions over the last decade to acuire the most successful direct mail promotions. !hese were winners and mailed over"and"over again.  Alternative Medicine and Health Ad Headlines Swipe File #oronaries #ured $or %ennies Prostate Problems GONE In Jst !" #a$s% &inegar #an 'e (sed $or )HA!* How Modern &hinese Medicine Helps 'rn #isease Ot O( )or 'od$ +nd ,ou r Heart %roblems in !hree Months or -ess $or -ess !han a ollar a ay *+++ ,imes Stron-er ,han Saw Palmetto !he 'lood /ugar /hocker0 Are $o pa$in- ./+ a month (or vitamins0 12"#ent !ummy !uck %uts %lastic /urgeons 3ut of )ork 1hat New Medical #iscoveries 1ill Help )o Avoid AN# 2everse A-e 2elated Memor$ 3oss0 !he 'iggest 4evolution in Medicine in 152 ,ears How ,o Improve )or E$e Health How !he $rench -ive 67 -onger !han +veryone +lse How Gin Soaked 2aisins &red &armen4s 5Hopeless6 Arthritis% High 'lood %ressure And High #holesterol #ured 'y $idel #astro* Herbs ,hat 1ork 'etter ,han #r-s Heart isease #onuered0 Is ,here An$one 3e(t 1e &an ,rst0 Healing )ith &itamins Headaches Gone% &hronic Fati-e 'anished% #i-estive Problems #isappear% Have ,ou +ver /een An 3ld Man ance !he Hoochie #oochie* #iscover How ,o7Free )orsel( From E8tra Fat79ickl$: Easil$: Sa(el$ efeat iabetes )ith Miracle &itamins &holesterol 3owerin- #r-s #holesterol 152 In 8ust 12 ays &hances Are 1e Have Alread$ Solved )or Problem #an’t $all Asleep* 9ot /taying Asleep* )aking !oo +arly* 9ever Again 'e$ond Glcosamine And &hondroitin; ,he Ne8t 'reakthro-h For Joint #iscom(ort 'eat iabetes with #actus %ills And #innamon Annoncin- ,he First 2eal 'reakthro-h For Pain Free Joints In More ,han A #ecade% 7 rops Is All It !o ok… !o 4ub 3ut %ain )ithout %ills 3r /urgery0 For Ever$ Illness: ,here Is A &ontr$ 1here It Simpl$ #oesn4t E8ist )hy )ould /omeone -ike ,ou #are About 'lood /ugar* 1h$ Glcosamine And &hondroitin &an4t ,och ,he Hidden &ase O( Joint And Mscle Pain )hich 'read Is 'est $or )eight -oss* 1ait #on4t &t%71arns ,ime Ma-a<ine Abot Standard Prostate ,reatments ,hat 3eave )o In Horrible Pain

Ad Headlines in Health

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7/21/2019 Ad Headlines in Health

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7/21/2019 Ad Headlines in Health

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!he !ruth About /upplements

,he New &helation Miracle

!he :7 #ure

,he Greatest New Medicines O( Or ,ime

!he ;reatest Medical !eam +ver Assembled

,he Great Nrsin- Home Escape

!he ;reat Hip Hoa<

,he Forbidden Files

!he = Must Have 9utrients If ,ou’re 3ver 52…that you’ll never find in even the most popular multivitamins

,he = Most #an-eros 3ies )or #octor4s ,ellin- )o7Even I( He #oesn4t >now It

!he 7> #ent -ife /aver Heart /urgeons 9ever !ell ,ou About ?Clayton Makepeace wrote this one. He helped create the the alternative medicine category, as we

know it.@

Speed ?p 1ei-ht 3oss '$ Slowin- #own 'lood S-ar 

9ew Harvard Medical /chool and 8ohns Hopkins /tudies 4eport…/pectacular Anti"Aging Ingredient iscovered In 4ed ) ine

Soothe )or Arthritis 1ith Soda Pop

How !he /ilk Moth Helped /cientists…/olve !he 4iddle 3f Arthritis…and how you can now dance away from oint pain

,he Most Advanced Healin- ,echni@es On ,he Planet

4ub 3ut 72 ,ears 3f Aging

3ose ! Ponds 1ith ,his 51onder Food6 And Never Feel Hn-r$%

9ew )arning About Healthy &itamins !hat #an !rigger Hypertension /trokes And #ancer 

Proven% He4s Healin- ,he 1orld4s Most Incrable &onditions7In As 3ittle As ,wo Mintes

Myth 3r Miracle*Mst 1e ,rade Hi-h &holesterol For Memor$ 3oss0

9atural 'orn !umor :illers0

Meet ,he Greatest Medical ,eam Ever Assembled

Medicine’s Hushed (p 122

Medical &overB?p

'reakthrough iscoveriesB -ose 72 %ounds )ith 9ew Miracle )eight"-oss rug

3ast 3on-er 

4ead !his 3r ie0 ?This was one of the ballsiest magalog titles ever penned and its writer, Jim Rut, is one of the all time greats.!

Is Alternative Medicine Sellin- Ot0

If ,ou #ould /ee ,our 3verworked -iver C Here’s How It Might -ook..

How ,he 5New Old6 1ill 2le America%

-et ,our ;rocery /tore 'e ,our %harmacy

Cirtall$ atomatic at -ettin- a prospect to open his wallet

-ike the three"word core of a headline in the financial markets. It originated in spaceD was heavily adopted in magalogs and has been going strong for 62 years.

 And it’ll probably keep working for ust as long due to its devilishly clever psychology. My mentor learned it from his copy mentor and unfortunatelyD I’m bound to

secrecy on this one.

'utD I’ve compiled nine headlines that have a chance of selling. And that’s the litmus test. If they can sellD they can also generate leadsD get your emails opened or

bring scores of bookmarking visitors to your blog.

+ither I ?or someone in my network@ has staked his own cash on many of them. And even though some of them are widely knownD they’re not as fatigued as the

usual template fare. MoreoverD many of them have a several decade track record with numerousD verifiable ad insertions.

4ememberD there are no guarantees. And what I or anyone else advocates is irrelevant unless it’s been vetted in the marketplace. !hese at least offer a fighting


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1@ For -ol(ers who are almost Dbt not @ite satis(ied with their -ame and can4t (i-re ot what the$4re doin-


1riter; Mel Martin

 )earsB 1=E2"1=E>

Prodcts; )ritten for  8ohn 8acobs’ bookD"ractical #olf . A similar pre"headline was used for multiple book offers.

3f all the headlines on this pageD this is probably the one with the purestD bottled selling power. It not only identifies and calls out to the prospect like a siren but

touches a nerve that sparks action. !hough Mel Martin used it as a pre"headlineD it works effectively as a headline as well.

'efore 722ED you couldn’t find a swipe of this headline if you tried. After the posts about this and nearly two doFen other remarkable ?and almost unknown@ ads of

Mel Martin were writtenD numerous e<amples are all over the )eb.

Swipe E8amples;

$or Internet Marketers who are almost ?but not uite@ satisfied with their conversions C and can’t figure out what they’re doing wrongB

$or mutual fund investors who are almost ?but not uite@ satisfied with their portfolios C and can’t figure out what’s missingB

$or gardeners who are almost ?but not uite@ satisfied with the siFe of their tomatoes C and can’t figure out what they’re doing wrongB

7@ #ont Pa$ A Penn$ (or ,his 'ook ,ill It #obles )or Power ,o 3earn

1riter; +ugene /chwartF

 )earsB 1=G2’s

Prodct; +ugene /chwartF’s self"published bookD How To $ouble %our "ower to &earn

!his works similarly to headlines with the ifthen construction. Instead of emphasiFing the benefitD the don’t pay a penny until <yF result happensJ stresses the try

before you buyJ proposition. !his headline works well for the now trendy risk free trial offers.

Swipe E8amples;

on’t %ay A %enny for !his #ourse !ill It oubles ,our )ebsite !raffic

on’t %ay A %enny for !his #ourse !ill It !eaches ,ou !o !rade -ike A )all /treet &eteran

on’t %ay A %enny for !his 'ook !ill It 'oosts ,our #hild’s /A! /cores

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>@ How I 2aised M$sel( (rom Failre to Sccess in Sellin-

1riter; &ictor /chwab

 )earsB 1=52’s

Prodct; $rank 'ettger’s bookD How ' Raised Myself from (ailure to )uccess in )elling 

&ictor /chwab wrote the ad for this self"help and sales classic by $rank 'ettger. !he human interest angle is what gives this headline its hook. 'oardroom 'ooks

repeated this headline with success in the 1==2’sD udging from the ad insertionsD

Swipe E8amples;

How I 4aised Myself from 8unior !rader to Head of the esk

How K,L #ompany )ent $rom /mall /tartup !o %ublicly !raded In 6 ,ears

How I )ent $rom uffer to %ar ;olfer In G Months

How I )ent $rom anish abbler to $luency in =2 ays

6@ Ever$ secret bt one is in this book

1riter; avid 3gilvy

 )ear B 1=G7

Prodct; avid 3gilvy’s book Confessions *f +n +dvertising Man

-et this headline henceforth be known as the asterisk headline or a read the fine printJ headline. As in the 3gilvy originalD the reader sees the asterisk and

becomes more curious about the e<ception then the main product claim. !he only way to satisfy this curiosity is to read the fine print and this in turn drives the

reader into the body copy.

 Asterisk headlines or pre"headlines that lay out a ualification for the reader to meet can also be successful since the reader wants to know whether she meets it.

Swipe E8amples;

+very secret but one is in this direct marketing course

 A limitedD first edition copy for ualified Info Marketing 'log readers.

+very secret but one for converting prospects to lifelong customers

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1hen #octors Feel 2otten: ,his Is 1hat ,he$ #o

1riter; (nknown

 )earsB 1=>E

Prodct; Artie Mc;overn’s bookD The )ecret of eeping (it 

!his potent one is appropriated so often because it preloads a proof mechanism into the ad via the headline. It’s worth testing the use of underlingD as in the


Swipe E8amples;

)hen I4/ Agents ;et AuditedD !his Is )hat !hey o

)hen 3lympic Marathoners 4un 3ut 3f +nergyD !his Is )hat !hey o)hen %;A %ros Hit a /lumpD !his Is )hat !hey o

Speak Spanish 3ike A #iplomat%

1riter; on Hauptman

 )earsB 1=N2’s

Prodct; Audio"$orum /panish -anguage #ourse

 Analogous to )hen octors $eel 4ottenD !his Is )hat !hey oDJ this compact headline is loaded with proof.

Swipe E8amples;

%lay #hess -ike A 4ussian

'ake %iFFa -ike A 9eapolitan

4ead $ood -abels -ike a 9utritionist

E@ = 1a$s )or o$sia Grass 3awn Saves )o ,ime: 1ork: and Mone$

1riter; +ugene /chwartF ?possibly@

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 )earsB 1=EG"present

Prodct; Loysia grass lawn plugs

I believe the writer of the earliest version of this ad is ;ene /chwartF based on his oeuvre in this market. It’s hard to sueeFe more tangible benefits into a

headline than this and it’s smoothly translated to a variety of products and services. It’s surprising the headline in this latest version ?722G@ is grammatically


Swipe E8amples;

E ways K,L Accounting Inc. /ave ,our 'usiness !imeD )orkD and Money

E )ays ;ourmet"!o";o /ave ,our )ife !imeD )orkD and Headaches In !he :itchen

E ways ;eeks"3n"!he";o /ave ,our Home #omputer 9etwork $rom &irusesD ata -oss And /luggish -oad !imes

N Shoestrin- 'sinesses ,hat )o Or )or 1i(e &an Start And 2n In )or Spare ,ime

1riter; ;ary 'encivenga

 )earsB 1=N1"1=N7

Prodct; avid /eltF’s bookD + Treasury of -usiness *pportunities (or the /0s

!his headline plays to the overwhelming number of male respondents to business opportunities ?especially so in the N2’s@ while dismantling the perennial

obections of needing too much time and money to launch a small business venture.

Swipe E8amples;

/hoestring Internet 'usinesses !hat ,ou 3r ,our )ife #an /tart And 4un In ,our /pare !ime0

/hoestring 4eal +state 4ehabs ,ou 3r ,our )ife #an /tart And 4un In ,our /pare !ime0 ?Might be feasible by 7212.@

/hoestring Import+<port 'usinesses ,ou 3r ,our Husband #an /tart And 4un In ,our /pare !ime0

=@ #o )o Make ,hese Mistakes In En-lish0

1riter; Ma<well /ackheim

 )earsB 1=77"1=G6

Prodct; -ead generation for the /herman #ody /chool of +nglish

 As far as anyone knowsD this is the longest running ad in space. Ma< /ackheim was a vigilant tester and there were numerous versions of this ad dating before1=72 till /ackheim came up with this Finger of a headline.

9o better evidence of this headline’s evergreen appeal was its use in 1==5 by the world’s winningest royalty writerD ;ary 'encivengaD for his information

productD 'nterviews That 1in Jobs. !he headline wasB o ,ou Make !hese Mistakes in 8ob Interviews*J

Swipe E8amples;

o ,ou Make !hese Mistakes in +state %lanning*

o ,ou Make !hese Mistakes in irect Marketing*

o ,ou Make !hese Mistakes #hoosing &itamins*