ACTS: THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD SERIES (TALK 1/13: THE ASCENSION) SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CONNECT: Who is one person, on your front line, you can pray for, share the good news with, and disciple this year? WARM-UP 1. Have you ever considered the ascension of Jesus to be critical? Why or why not? 2. Have you ever had a moment where you suddenly understood who Jesus is more clearly? Have you ever shared that with anyone else? READ Acts 1:1-11 3. As you read the introduction to Acts, what gives credibility to this report? 4. Why does Luke both finish Luke and commence Acts with the ascension account? If the ascension didn’t happen, what are the implications? READ Hebrews 7:23-27 5. What are the implications of Jesus being alive? What does it mean that he is our permanent priest? 6. In what was does the living Lord Jesus intercede for us? What gives you confidence to run to him with both your greatest need (for forgiveness) along with all other needs? 7. What does it mean to you that you can not only know ‘about’ Jesus, but actually know him? 8. In what way is Jesus both the perfect High Priest and perfect sacrifice? How does that make him worthy of our praise and our devotion? READ Luke 24:45-53 9. What is the significance of the disciples worshipping Jesus immediately after the ascension? 10. What is different about Jesus’ assumption into heaven compared to Enoch’s or Elijah’s? 11. What exactly were the disciples to be witnesses to? How about us? 12. Why did the disciples have to wait until Pentecost to continue Jesus’ mission on earth? How are we equipped for this mission too? 13. How should Jesus’ return motivate us to go into the world as witnesses of Jesus? APPLY: What is one key opportunity for you to connect with or pray for your ‘one key person’ who are hoping becomes a Christian? PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank you so much that Jesus died, rose, and ascended to sit at your right hand. Please help us to be witnesses for Jesus, in the power of your Spirit, as we await for his return. Amen. For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU


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CONNECT: Who is one person, on your front line, you can pray for, share the good news with, and disciple this year?

WARM-UP 1. Have you ever considered the ascension of Jesus to be critical? Why or why not? 2. Have you ever had a moment where you suddenly understood who Jesus is more clearly? Have you

ever shared that with anyone else?

READ Acts 1:1-11 3. As you read the introduction to Acts, what gives credibility to this report? 4. Why does Luke both finish Luke and commence Acts with the ascension account? If the ascension

didn’t happen, what are the implications?

READ Hebrews 7:23-27 5. What are the implications of Jesus being alive? What does it mean that he is our permanent priest? 6. In what was does the living Lord Jesus intercede for us? What gives you confidence to run to him with

both your greatest need (for forgiveness) along with all other needs? 7. What does it mean to you that you can not only know ‘about’ Jesus, but actually know him? 8. In what way is Jesus both the perfect High Priest and perfect sacrifice? How does that make him worthy

of our praise and our devotion?

READ Luke 24:45-53 9. What is the significance of the disciples worshipping Jesus immediately after the ascension? 10.What is different about Jesus’ assumption into heaven compared to Enoch’s or Elijah’s? 11.What exactly were the disciples to be witnesses to? How about us? 12.Why did the disciples have to wait until Pentecost to continue Jesus’ mission on earth? How are we

equipped for this mission too? 13.How should Jesus’ return motivate us to go into the world as witnesses of Jesus?

APPLY: What is one key opportunity for you to connect with or pray for your ‘one key person’ who are hoping becomes a Christian?

PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank you so much that Jesus died, rose, and ascended to sit at your right hand. Please help us to be witnesses for Jesus, in the power of your Spirit, as we await for his return. Amen.

For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU "




GOING DEEPER RESOURCES This Week on Your Front Line

• Invite someone along to discover different ways that we can pray for our community, city, and world at the Prayer Night.

For Families

• Animated map depicting the spread of the Gospel over the last 2000 years https://vimeo.com/113801439

Audio and Video

• “The Ascension of Jesus” by Tim Keller (Redeemer, New York) https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/the-ascension-6496/

• Acts 1:1-11 part of the “To the ends of the earth” series at St Helen’s Bishopsgate http://www.st-helens.org.uk/resources/media-library/src/talk/7966/title/acts-1-1-11

• Videos by the Bible Project overviewing Acts:https://thebibleproject.com/explore/acts/

• ACTS Study Guide can be accessed in a a number of ways including Podcast and eBook:https://stbarts.com.au/acts

• You might like to revisit our series on the Apostles’ Creed: https://stbarts.com.au/the-apostles-creed-series

Other Helpful Books, Articles, and Courses

• Chapter 11 (“Believing that Jesus Reigns”) in “What Christians Ought to Believe” by Michael Bird https://www.bookdepository.com/What-Christians-Ought-Believe-Michael-F-Bird/9780310520924?ref=grid-view&qid=1548027583173&sr=1-1

For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU "


TALK 1/13 (ACTS SERIES): 27/01/19 “The Ascension”

by the Rev’d Adam Lowe

Bible Passage: Acts 1:1-11

Today we begin a new 13-week series, focusing on Acts 1-9. • Acts describes how the very first followers of Jesus,

were so compelled by Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, were so empowered with the Holy Spirit, that they took the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

• It’s an amazing book, but what’s even more incredible, is that Acts is not just one book on it’s own, but it’s actually part of a two-volume set!

• Acts continues on from where the Gospel of Luke finishes off. // • That’s the ‘other’ book referred to in the opening words of Acts 1…

In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven

• It’s not a mystery… the other book, is Luke. • And when you bring those two volumes together, Luke and Acts,

you immediately discover that Luke seems to repeat himself… recording the ascension not once, but twice!

• So right at the end Luke 24, we read…



While he [that is Jesus] was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. (Luke 24:51)

• Only then in Acts 1 to read, having already had a recap…

After he said this, [that is, after he had commanded them not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the Spirit to enable them to be witnesses] he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. (v.9)

• Luke is not having a moment, you’re not having da ja vu, and Jesus hasn’t ascended, descended, and re-ascended!Nor is this just a nice mechanism to provide some narrative overlap, that you can skip over like the recap at the beginning of a Netflix episode. //

• Luke provides two accounts of the ascension, because it is pivotal event that joins, what Jesus began to do and teach, and how he continues to be at work in the world today.

And so as we begin our series in Acts, we see the ascension matters, because it means that:

• Jesus is ALIVE (v.9); and Jesus is EXALTED (v.9); and Jesus is RETURNING (vv.10-11, vv.4-8)



So first, the ascension matters because it means that Jesus is ALIVE. That might sound like the most obvious thing in the world, but it changes everything. • The disciples and hundreds of others witnessed the risen Lord Jesus. • Luke wants us to be left without a doubt that Jesus had been raised…

that’s what his recap in verse 3 is all about: that Jesus,… spent 40 days with the disciples, … he presented many convincing proofs that he was alive. //

• The disciples went from being disillusioned, fearful, and scattered, to being passionate, courageous, and focused, being willing to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, even in the face of imprisonment, beatings, persecution, and martyrdom.

• All the evidence points to the fact that Jesus did indeed rise, physically from the dead. • But that wouldn’t mean much if Jesus didn’t ascend! Jesus clearly isn’t still around,

and if he didn’t ascend it could only mean one of two things, that either: he never actually rose from the dead,or that after he had risen from the dead, that he died again at some point.



• The consequence of which would mean that we do not worship a living Lord. • But that’s certainly not what Luke believed, nor the disciples believed,

nor in fact, any of the authors of the New Testament believed. // When a Roman emperor died, it had become custom that someone would say, that they witnessed their soul escaping from their body, and going up into heaven. • But that’s not what is being described here in Luke 24, and Acts 1.

In Luke 24 he says… while he was blessing them, HE left them and was taken up…In Acts 1, verse 1 it says… until the day HE was taken up to heaven,Or in Acts 1:9 it says, that he was taken up before their very eyes,and a cloud hid him from their sight.

• This is eyewitness language not metaphorical flourish. Luke is not merely describing some spiritual ascension, but that Jesus’ whole body ascended.

• It’s why the messengers could say, that THIS SAME Jesus will return… • And the consequences of Jesus being alive are mind blowing. • For it means that

they we don’t worship a dead King, but a living Lord.that Jesus is not merely a distant memory, but a living reality. that Jesus is not just someone we can know of, but we can know and depend on.


The writer of the letter to the Hebrews, unpacking the implications of Jesus’ ascension, puts it like this:

Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. (vv.23-24)

• Israel would have had thousands of priests over the centuries, but the author states the obvious problem, they keep on dying! //

• If you go into some of the great old churches, you might see a long list of all the ministers who have served over the centuries. But the list goes on and on with names, because regardless of their dedication, death prevents them from continuing in their office. Death does that.

• But Jesus is different. // • When the author of Hebrews refers to a ‘priest’,

they’re referring to the Old Testament concept of a priest who was seen as a mediator between people and God.

• People drew close to God though priests who would carry out sacrifices for sin on behalf of the people over-and-over again.



• But here were being told, that because Jesus rose, ascended, and therefore is alive, that he the one and only, final and permanent .

• Jesus will never resign, have a day off, slack off, move on, retire, or even die! • Mohammed died. Buddha died. But Jesus is alive. He always lives.

Which therefore means that he is the only one who can save completely.

• That’s the point of the author of the letter to the Hebrews: That because Jesus’ priesthood is unending, he can unendingly save.

• That no only has he done everything required to save us, but that he is available right now, for us to run to him, to trust in him, always be interceding for us.

• Most amazing news, that we can know today. That the same Jesus, who walked on this earth, who went to the cross, he rose, and ascended, is alive, and we can meet him today.



Second, the ascension matters, because it means that Jesus is EXALTED. • At the end of Luke 24, in response to witnessing Jesus ascend, we read that the disciples…

…worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God. (vv.52-53)

• Immediately after Jesus ascended, they worshipped him. Not only that, but they were filled with joy, and kept on praising God.

• Enoch and Elijah were assumed into heaven, but only Jesus is rightly worshipped. • Notice something: they weren’t distraught that Jesus had left them. • Despite all of their confusion, this was a vindicating moment:

He had been exalted on the cross to pay for the price for sin, now he was exalted and enthroned at the right hand of God. Because he was the only one who could be!

Imagine if… when visiting some royal castle, if you snuck up, got through security,and ascended up and sat on the throne, that wouldn’t make you king or queen!



• You wouldn’t be qualified, not one would accidentally coronate you! • But that’s not the case with Jesus! Jesus not only ascended, but is qualified! The writer to the Hebrews puts it like this.

Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. (vv.26-28)

• That’s quite a list of qualifications! • He’s holy, blameless, pure, set apart, and exalted! • He’s not only the perfect priest, but was also the perfect sacrifice. • Jesus is the only one qualified to be at the right-hand of God,

he’s the only one who can truly meet our needs, and the fact that he is exalted and enthroned, changes everything.

• A human who can actually fulfil the creation command to rule over world, is at the reigns and it is none other than Jesus Christ. And that changes everything! //


• When Stephen in Acts 7, is just about to be stoned to death, he able to face that situation, even ask forgiveness for those persecuting him, why? Because he has a glorious vision of the ascended Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

• That despite his circumstances, he knew that Jesus was ruling even in that moment.He might not have understood the situation, but he understood who is King.

• That there is no dominion over which Jesus’ Lordship does not extend. That’s what we looked at in week 1 of the year..That there is not one corner of the cosmos, or a piece of any human heart, That Jesus does not cry, ‘mine’.

• The ascension not only concluded his earthly ministry, but inaugurates his heavenly exaltation.

• That’s why they worshipped him! It is Good News!




Finally, the ascension matters, because it means that Jesus is RETURNING.

They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (vv.10-11)

Followers of Jesus wait for Jesus return not by star gazing, but by being Jesus’ witnesses.

• But the disciples weren’t to rush out yet, because before Jesus left them, he had promised to send his Spirit.

“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4-5)

• There’s a connection between Jesus’ going and the Spirit’s arrival. • In John’s Gospel we read Jesus saying that if he doesn’t go, that the Spirit won’t come.


• That is not of course because the Son and Spirit cannot be co-present, as if the universe would collapse in itself or something like that.

• No, the connection is missional. • What Jesus wants us to see is that there is a fundamental link between his going,

and the disciples sending, for which they will be sent in the power of the Spirit. • The work of the Spirit is to help witness to the Son.

But prior to the ascension, the disciples didn’t get that.

• When Jesus tells them (in Acts) that they will receive power from the Holy Spirit, they seem to miss the bit about being witnesses, and instead think, woohoo, have we arrived? Is now the time that Israel will be restored to its former glory?Is now the time, that the people of God will have their own political autonomy.

• It’s not surprising that they would think this, after all, there had been a long association between the restoration of God’s people and the outpouring of the Spirit.

• They’re just putting two and two together, or at least trying to. • But of course what Jesus is talking about it not just a territorial kingdom or

political autonomy, but the kingdom of God breaking in through the forgiveness of sins.



• They’re thinking a kingdom with a particular place for a particular people, but right now, it’s about the reign of King Jesus and it’s available to everyone.

• We too can rush ahead, we can know that Jesus is enthroned, we can long for that day when every knee will bow, but that day is yet to come, and in the meantime we have a job to do.

• That’s why Jesus says to them.

“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (vv.7-8)

• Note that they have asked, “when will you restore the kingdom Jesus, and he says, you will receive power,you will be my witnesses in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

• But the disciples couldn’t do it on their own, they needed the gift of the Holy Spirit.

• That’s why they had to wait in Jerusalem. //


• We’ll see that in dramatic effect next week. as the day arrives that they’re waiting for, as the Spirit arrives, just as Jesus promised

• People will hear the wonders of God spoken in their own language. • The Gospel, empowered by the Spirit,

will go out like shockwaves reverberating, from Jerusalem to the whole earth.

• And the amazing news is that Jesus’ work of proclaiming the Good News continues today! • The Good News of salvation is for everyone,

and every one of Jesus’ followers has a responsibility to tell the world. • In a way that I found so extraordinary to fathom,

we participate not only in the work of witnessing of the disciples, but we continue in the work of Jesus in the world, by witnessing to him.




That’s exactly the focus of our year in 2019 as a church.

• We’re praying and being intentional about seeing more people become followers of Jesus. • But just as we are called to be witnesses for Jesus,

we cannot possibly run ahead and to it on our own. • The disciples couldn’t do it! And nor can we! • But unlike the disciples, we don’t have to wait for the Spirit to be outpoured,

because if you have put your trust in Jesus, you’ve already received that gift. • So often, when it comes to the Spirit,

we can relegate or deprecate the Spirit’s role, to simply making us feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

• But the primary role of the Spirit, is to equip us for the mission of being witnesses for Jesus!


• It’s only just begun, but our wall up the back is gradually being covered with photos of all the disciple makers in our church.

• And as you look them, you will be reminded that: Jesus didn’t just call the disciples, but he’s also called you:

• Jesus has called Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Children, Son-in-Laws, Daughter-in-Laws, brothers, sisters, lecturers, daycare workers, tradies, physios, journalists, teachers, doctors, dentists, artists, landscapers, engineers, social workers, painters, musicians, accountants, planners, retirees, students, cyclists, golfers, park runners, ministers, board members, young and old,

• To be witnesses of the same Jesus, In the power of the same Spirit.

• Jesus is ALIVE. Jesus is EXALTED. And Jesus will RETURN.And as we await that day, he has empowered us with his Spirit to be witnesses of him.
