June 2015 ACTIVITY PACKET Advanced Implementation CASAS Technology Support Team [email protected] 6:00 am – 5:00 pm (Pacific), M – F Toll Free: (800) 255-1036, option 2 (858) 292-2900, option 2

ACTIVITY PACKET Advanced Implementation

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June 2015


Advanced Implementation

CASAS Technology Support Team [email protected]

6:00 am – 5:00 pm (Pacific), M – F

Toll Free: (800) 255-1036, option 2

(858) 292-2900, option 2

Page 2: ACTIVITY PACKET Advanced Implementation

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Page 3: ACTIVITY PACKET Advanced Implementation

Advanced Implementation

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Table of Contents

Steps to Edit Session Template .............................................................................................................................. 3

Steps to Interrupt a Test in Progress .................................................................................................................... 5

Steps to Reconnect a Suspended Test................................................................................................................. 15

Steps to Override the Next Assigned Test (NAT) ............................................................................................ 21

Steps to Monitor Web-Test Units (WTU) ........................................................................................................... 24

Steps to Generate Basic Reports .......................................................................................................................... 30

Steps to Add and Edit Student Records ............................................................................................................. 34

Steps to Add Test Records ................................................................................................................................... 38

Steps to Merge Duplicate Student Records ....................................................................................................... 40

Steps to Import Records ....................................................................................................................................... 41

Steps to Add and Manage User Accounts ......................................................................................................... 45


My Site:


Agency ID: 4908 4908 4908

User: coordinator _____ @rhas.org proctor _____ @rhas.org administrator _____ @rhas.org

Password: coordinator proctor admin

RHAS: https://eTestsonline.org/rollinghills/

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Steps to Edit Session Template

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Sign In.


Enter User credentials.

(Sign in as a coordinator)

Click Login.


Click Testing Sessions.


Filter Site and Lab.


Click Refresh.

Collapse Filter.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


(From any session sharing the same Template)

Click Edit f


Click Template Configuration.

Click Registration.

Click Edit

Click to remove checks and dashes for clear boxes


1. Collect student demographics.

2. Collect program information.

3. Collect statuses and goals.

4. Collect zip code.

Click Save.

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Steps to Interrupt a Test in Progress

Step Screen Description / Notes


(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Back.

Click Logout (as Coordinator).


Click Sign In.

Enter Proctor credentials.

Click Login


Click Testing Sessions.


Filter Site and Lab.

Click Refresh.

Collapse Filter.


Click Start for

LAB:?? – Intake: Level A session.


Add Station.

(select your station)

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Step Screen Description / Notes

DEMO #1 Testing Station > Pause/Return to test


(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click Administer Test.

Click Run.


Enter Identification.

(as a new student)


Click Save.


Click Reading Test.

(Practice 1 = B)

(Practice 2 = C)

Click Begin.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Random Answers.

(Interrupt the test)

Use Ctrl + E key command.

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click Return to test.


Test continues where interrupted.

Test-timer restarts.

One WTU decremented when test is finished


Click Random Answers.

DEMO #2 Testing Station > Score the test


(From Testing Station browser tab)

(Interrupt the test)

Use Ctrl + E key command.

Click Score the test…

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Test ends without student finishing.

Student may not return to the test.

Test is scored and recorded.

Personal Score Report displays.

One WTU decremented for ended test.

Click Forward.

DEMO #3 Testing Station > Cancel the Test


(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click Math Test.

(Practice 1 = B)

(Practice 2 = D)

Click Begin.


Click Random Answers.

(Interrupt the test)

Use Ctrl + E key command.

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click Do not score...

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Screen returns to Test Menu.

Test is not scored or recorded.

Answers are deleted.

One WTU decremented for completed Locators.

No WTU decremented for cancelled pre/post-tests.

DEMO #4 Management Console > Abort the Test

20. PREP STEP #1

Logout Student.

21. PREP STEP #2

Exit Testing Application.

22. PREP STEP #3

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Manage.

23. PREP STEP #4

Stop Session.



Pair-up within your group, and decide

Who will be the Proctor, and

Who will be the Student.

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Step Screen Description / Notes

You may also have a group of three with

One Proctor in the middle, and

Two Students on each side.


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Start LAB:?? – Intake: Level A session.


Add Station.

(add student station(s), not yours!)


ATTENTION: Students!

Lend your Proctor a helping hand!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click Administer Test.

Click Run.


Enter Identification Code.

(as same student)

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Confirm Yes.


Click Math Test.

(Practice 1 = B)

(Practice 2 = D)

Click Begin.


Click Random Answers.


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Refresh.

Click Intervene.


Score = Score at testing station.

Abort = Do not score at testing station.

Disconnect = Exit at testing station.

Click Abort.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click OK.

Test is cancelled and not scored.

Answers are deleted.

No WTU decremented for aborted pre/post-tests.

One WTU decremented for completed Locators.


ATTENTION: Students!

Lend your Proctor a helping hand!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click OK


Student is automatically logged out.

Test screen returns to ID field.

DEMO #5 Management Console > Score the Test


ATTENTION: Students!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Enter Identification Code.

(as same student)

Click Yes.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Math Test.

(Practice 1 = B)

(Practice 2 = D)

Click Begin.


Click Random Answers.


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Refresh.

Click Intervene.


Click Score.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click OK.

The test ends.

The test is scored and recorded.

One WTU is decremented for the scored test.


ATTENTION: Students!

Lend your Proctor a helping hand!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click OK.


Student is automatically logged out.

Test Screen returns to ID field.

Note! When Scored from Management Console,

Personal Score Report (PSR) is not displayed at

Testing Station.

A copy of the PSR may be retrieved from TE.

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Steps to Reconnect a Suspended Test

Step Screen Description / Notes

DEMO #1 Testing Station > Exit the test



If you want before we continue, you may switch

Proctor and Student roles.

If so,

1st Proctor – Stop Session.

1st Student – Exit Testing Application.

2nd Proctor – Start Level A session.

Add Station.

2nd Student – Wait!

DEMO #1 Testing Station > Exit the test


ATTENTION: Students!

Lend your Proctor a helping hand!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click Administer Test.

Click Run.


Enter Identification.

(as new student)


Click Save.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Reading Test.

(Practice 1 = B)

(Practice 2 = C)

Click Begin.


Click Random Answers.

Use Ctrl + E key command.

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click Exit.


Student is automatically logged out of Testing


Test screen returns to the ID field.

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Step Screen Description / Notes

DEMO #2 Management Console > Disconnect the Test


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Manage


Stop Session.


Click OK.


Click Intervene.


Click Disconnect.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Station is now available for next student.

(session may be stopped if all testing is finished)

DEMO #3 Testing Station > Request


ATTENTION: Students!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Enter Identification Code.

(as same student)


Click Yes.


Proctor must Intervene and Reconnect test.

DEMO #4 Management Console > Request


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Refresh (if needed)

Click Intervene.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Reconnect.


ATTENTION: Students!

(From Testing Station browser tab)

Click Refresh

(or Next if screen already refreshed)


Test continues where interrupted and suspended.

Test timer restarts.

One WTU decremented when test is finished

(continue) Click Random Answers.

DEMO #5 Management Console > Disconnect the Test


ATTENTION: Proctors!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Intervene.


Click Disconnect.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Manage.

Stop Session.


ATTENTION: Students!

Click an Answer + Forward arrow to reactivate

test screen.


Click OK.


Student is automatically logged out of Testing


Test screen returns to Refresh.

Suspended test will remain suspended



Click Exit to close Testing Application.

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Steps to Override the Next Assigned Test (NAT)

Step Screen Description / Notes



ATTENTION: Everyone!

(From Management Console browser tab)

Click Back.

Click Logout (as Proctor)


Enter Coordinator credentials.

Click Login


Click Testing Sessions.


Filter Site and Lab.

Click Refresh.

Collapse Filter.


Click Edit for

LAB:?? – Post-Test session.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Students tab.

Click Select.


Check Student.

(randomly select)

Click Select.


Click Edit.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Apply edits to:

Modalities – only if overriding the next-assigned

test (ONAT), otherwise, leave unchecked so that

the session configuration takes effect.

Options – such as different test-times or

defaulting to the largest screen display for

accommodations which may remain persistent so

that any time the student logs in, the student

configuration will take effect.

Note! Setting time to ‘0’ turns off the test timer.

Layout – such as defaulting to the largest screen

display for students who are visually impaired.

This too may remain persistent for the student.


Click OK.


Student configuration for accommodations may

remain for future use.

Clear or Remove student configuration if applied

to modalities.

Caution! If a modalities configuration is not

cleared, the student will continue taking the same


Removing the student from the Students tab does

not remove the student record from the database.

Click Save or Cancel to close the Testing Session


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Steps to Monitor Web-Test Units (WTU)

Step Screen Description / Notes


Launch TE from web browser or desktop icon.


Enter Coordinator credentials.

Click Connect.

DEMO #1 WTUs via Test Administrations list


Click Organization.

Click Test Administrations.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


For each purchase record, the online system records

WTUs Reserved – these are tests in progress and

suspended tests.

WTUs Used by Tests – these are tests that were

ended, scored, and recorded.

WTUs Available – this is the number of WTUs

remaining per purchase.

WTUs Used by Deleted Tests – a deleted web-

based test does not delete the WTU used for

administering the test.

DEMO #2 WTUs via WTU Balance report


Click Reports.

Select CASAS eTests.

Click WTU Balance.


Click Generate.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Pages

Click New Horizontal Page Group


Drag and drop WTU Balance report tab to bottom


Unpin Navigator in bottom Page.

Close Report Generator in top Page.


Click Pages in bottom Page.

Click Close and Move Pages.

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Step Screen Description / Notes

DEMO #3 eTests Administrations Report


Click Reports,

Select CASAS eTests

Click eTests Administrations.


For Special Options,

Reporting Level, click Site.

Count, click Non-WTU.

(to simulate eTests administrations)

Click Generate


Columns right of sites – these are the number of

tests administered per month at each site.

Far right column – these are the total number of

tests administered per site.

Bottom of each column – these are the total

number of tests administered per month across all


Bottom right cell – this is the total number (777) of

tests administered for the current PY.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click a Cell.


To save the list of records to a spreadsheet or 3rd

party Export file, click Export.

To set up and print your own ad hoc report, click



Click reporting session date and time, or

Click Orange (report) Bar.


Click Keep Session to save a copy of the report in

the Reports Manager.


Click Pages.

Click Close all Pages.

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Step Screen Description / Notes

Ordering WTUs


The quickest way to order WTUs is through

CASAS Online Ordering.

At top right from any page on the CASAS

website, click Order

Click Order eTests and complete the online

ordering process.

Orders placed online are generally processed

within 1 to 2 business days.

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Steps to Generate Basic Reports

Step Screen Description / Notes

Report Generator


Click Help.

Click Contents.

Click Reports arrow.

Click Report Setup Screen.

Generate Basic Reports


Generate a Next-Assigned Test (NAT) report.

Go to: Reports > CASAS eTests > NAT

So that all tests from any class or site taken by

students having an enrollment in a class display

all together for the class, apply the following


General Settings / Special Options

Display Class based on: Class Enrollment

Navigator / Class Instances

Uncheck all classes and randomly select one class.

Click Generate.

Compare and re-generate with

General Settings / Special Options

Display Class based on: Test.

Click Generate.

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Step Screen Description / Notes

Notice! Results for students enrolled in the class

may display on separate pages from different


Note! Navigator / In Program Years

This report may also be generated per student or

selected group of students, or by site.


Generate a Personal Score Report (PSR).

Go to: Reports > CASAS eTests > PSR

Navigator / Tests

Uncheck all tests and randomly select a test.

Click Generate.

Note! You may want to specify Assessment Date

Range for results from most recent test(s).

This report may also be generated by class, site, or

selected group of students.


Generate an Individual Skills Profile (ISP).

Go to: Reports > Test Results > Skills Profile >


General Settings / Special Options

Show Grade Level Equivalent.

Navigator / In Program Years

Uncheck all students and randomly select one


(Jesse Campos – 610101494)

Click Generate.

Note! A GED Predictor will display if one test

score is 236 and above. CASAS is undergoing a

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Step Screen Description / Notes

study with the new GED and HiSET and will

update the predictor to include both.

Students must have an Instructional Program

enrollment for report to generate.

This report may also be generated by class, site, or

selected group of students.


Generate a Student Competency Performance

(SCP) report.

Go to: Reports > Test Results > Competency

Performance > SCP

Navigator / In Program Years

Uncheck all students and randomly select one


Click Generate.


You may want to specify Assessment Date Range

for results from most recent tests otherwise,

reports will generate for all results.

This report may also be generated by class, site, or

selected group of students.


Generate a Student Test Summary report.

Go to: Reports > Test Results > Test History >


So that all tests from any class or site taken by

students having an enrollment in a class display

all together for the class, apply the following


General Settings / Special Options

Display Class based on Class Enrollment

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Step Screen Description / Notes

Navigator / Class Instances

Uncheck all classes and randomly select one class.

Click Generate.

Note! This report may also be generated by site, or

for a selected group of students.


Click Pages.

Click Close all Pages.


Sample Reports are available on the CASAS


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Steps to Add and Edit Student Records

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click TE icon.

Click Disconnect.


Enter Administrator credentials.

Click Connect.


Click Records.

Select Students.

Click Demographics.


Click New.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click arrow icons to collapse each section.


Expand Select Site section. (click arrow)

Click Site-field down arrow.

Select a Site,

(select site for your group)

(automatically recorded w/eTests)


Expand Identification section.

Identification Code is assigned by agency.

Enter unique Student ID.

Enter First, Middle initial, and Last Name.

Select Gender

Select Birth Date.

(name, gender, and DOB are optional to save

student record but may be required at your agency

or by your state)

(automatically recorded w/eTests)

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Expand Education section.

Education information adds additional unique or

permanent information about the student.

(optional to save student record but may be

required at your agency or by your state)

(automatically recorded w/eTests)


Expand Ethnicity, Race & Language section.

This information also provides additional

information about the student.

(optional to save student record but may be

required at your agency or by your state)

(automatically recorded w/eTests)


Expand Address, Contact & Provider Use section.

CASAS recently added the ability to collect and

record the Social Security Number through


CASAS will add address, phone, and e-mail in

near future.

(optional to save student record but may be

required at your agency or by your state)

(zip code automatically recorded w/eTests)

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Expand Consumer Information section.

These fields are for agencies serving adults with

intellectual disabilities.


Click Save.


If no other record is added for the student at this

time, the new record will not automatically

display in the list of Students Demographics

records. This is because the record has no activity

in the current program year.

Records may be edited in TE by clicking the

pencil-icon and change to edit mode.

(records cannot be edited in eTests)

Don’t close record!


Steps to Add Test Records

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Steps to Add Test Records

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Tests

Click New


Click arrow icons to collapse each section.


Expand Select Student in PY section.

Click Assessment Date-field down arrow.

Select Date.


Expand Assessment Info section.

Click Form-field down arrow

Select Test Form.

Type to search or Select from Lister.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Check Score Override.

Enter Raw Score.

When the record is saved the Scale Score will



Expand Assessment Items section.

Note! If you plan to generate a student

performance report from test results, do not check

Score Override and enter item responses.

Click Save.


Close Test Record.


Click Refresh.

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Steps to Merge Duplicate Student Records


Steps to bring together two records of the same student in your online database may be found

in TE from the Help menu.

The Merge function is available with both Basic and Enhanced access to the Online System. In

other words, a TE License, or collective agreement with CASAS is not required.

Student records are generally merged by the user who manages your online database and is

typically a user in the TE Enhanced or ET Basic Access Group.

You may merge two records of the same student within the same site.

o In these cases, there is a difference with the student’s ID and you will need to highlight

both records and click the Merge button to consolidate data recorded from both records

into one record under the same ID.

Two records of the same student with the same ID at different sites may not be Merged.

o In most cases, there is no difference with the student’s ID and the online system is

recording activity for the student per site.

o In some cases, there may be a difference with the student’s ID at each site so you will

need to correct the ID at one site to match the ID at the other site.

Whenever you need to see activity associated with a student from all sites, filter for all

demographic records of the student and then click the aggregate button from the toolbar.

Note! Only two duplicate records may be merged at one time. If more than two records are


o First, merge two of the three duplicate records.

o Then, merge the third duplicate record with the newly-merged record.

All conflicting fields between duplicate records must be resolved before a Merge will take


Give Merging a try by following directions from TE’s Help menu and select two random

records at the same site to step through the process and Merge two student records.

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Steps to Import Records

Follow 3rd-Party Import Wizard directions per screen. Refer to specified step (below) when

importing the following records:

o Step 4 – Teacher (Personnel) records (

o Step 5 – Class records

o Step 6 – Student class status

o Step 7 – Attendance hours

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Tools.

Click 3rd Party Import Wizard.


Records may be imported in the order listed when

not assigning classes to test records.

1. Name & Demographics (5050)

2. Test (6050)

3. Teacher records (1050)

4. Class records (4050)

5. Student class status (2050)

6. Attendance hours (7050)


The most common file type for importing is a

Comma Separated Values file, or CSV.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Teacher (Personnel) records (1050)


o Avoid duplicates and link with existing

User Accounts by substituting the

Personnel ID from the import file with a

work-related e-mail for the User


Uncheck When missing auto-populate required

names and user accounts with ID values.

o This will allow you to momentarily

pause and edit records before

completing the import process.

Per record from the Data Correction Edit


o Check User Account.

o Enter personnel e-mail address.

o Click Save.


Class records (4050)


o Avoid duplicate User Accounts from

importing and specify Class Start and

End dates.

Uncheck When missing auto-populate required

names and user accounts with ID values.

o This momentarily pauses the import

process to make corrections/edits.

Click Load Existing Data

o This will auto-populate existing

Personnel/Teacher and User Account


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Step Screen Description / Notes

Per record, or all records from the Data

Correction Edit Window,

o Check Class Start/End Dates.

o Enter Class Start/End Dates.

o Click Save.

If Personnel/Teacher information is missing, per

record from the Data Correction Edit Window*,

o Check User Account.

o Enter personnel e-mail address.

o Click Save.


Student Class Status (2050)


o Importing Student Class Status records

automatically adds a Class Enrollment

record with Active Class Status, and

o May also be used to update a student’s

status in class such as

Inactive, or


Even though all records in the Import file may

be considered valid, some fields may not auto-

populate, such as student First, Middle, and

Last Names

o Click Load Existing Data

This will auto-populate missing

student names.

Managing Class Enrollment is beneficial for

generating reports that only include Students

with an Active enrollment status rather than all

Students who have been enrolled in the Class.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Attendance Hours (7050)


o When imported hours represent the total

number of hours since entry in a class.

Check Import instructional

hours as cumulated hours.

o When imported hours represent

additional number of hours from the last


Leave Unchecked Import

instructional hours as cumulated


o Importing Daily Attendance hours is not


Importing Attendance Hours automatically

adds Class Records with Instructional Hours

for each student per Participation Source.

The Participation Source for imported

Attendance Hours depends on whether or not

the box for "Import instructional hours as

cumulated hours" was checked or left


o Checked, the Participation Source is

Student Updated (Cumulated).

o Unchecked, the Participation Source is

Student Update.

Even though all records in the Import file may

be considered valid, some fields may not auto-

populate, such as student First, Middle, and

Last Names

o Click Load Existing Data

This will auto-populate missing

student names.

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Steps to Add and Manage User Accounts

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Organization.

Click Users.


Click New.


Click arrow icons to collapse each section.


Expand Select Container section.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Container-field down arrow.

(leave account at agency level)


Expand User Identification section.

Enter User Account name.

(work-related e-mail preferred)

Enter Password.


Select Group.

Type to search or Select from Lister.


Click Add


Expand User Contact section.

Enter First Name.

Enter Last Name.

Enter e-mail.

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Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Save.


Collapse User Identification and User Contact


Expand Menu Access Rights section.

The new user will inherit access to menus set up

for the Access Group in which the user is now a


As with eTests, TE also uses a three-state model

for settings.

o Inherited mode in TE is represented by

shaded boxes.

o Inherited settings in eTests are

represented by dashed boxes.

Editing an Access Group is much quicker and will

simultaneously affect all members in the group

rather than editing individual user accounts.

If you have a user who may need access to a Menu

not granted to an Access Group,

o You may augment the individual

account to override the Group setting

and grant the user access by placing a

check in the box.

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Advanced Implementation

48 © 2015 CASAS. All rights reserved

Step Screen Description / Notes

o You may also disable access to menus for

an individual user by clearing a shaded

or checked box.

Scroll and Click a few Menus at random.


Click Menu Access Rights Edit icon and change to

view mode.

When an account is managed through an Access

Group, the message displayed specifies

o If the user is not placed in an Access

Group, the user will have access to all


o If the user is placed in an Access Group,

the user will inherit access to menus

assigned to the group.


Expand Data Access Rights section.

If the user is not placed in an Access Group, the

user will not have access to any data.

If the user is placed in an Access Group, the user

will inherit access to data assigned to the group.

Click a few Data boxes at random.


Click Data Access Rights Edit icon and change to

view mode.

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Advanced Implementation

© 2015 CASAS. All rights reserved. 49

Step Screen Description / Notes


Click Clear All Rights.

(resets the account)

Scroll through Menus and look at Data. Notice

boxes returned to inherited mode, or shaded


CASAS strongly recommends managing users

through Access Groups!

More information about Access Groups is

available from the CASAS website.


Close new User Information record.


The new User Account now displays in the list of

User records.


Click Pages.

Click Close all Pages.

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Advanced Implementation

50 © 2015 CASAS. All rights reserved

Step Screen Description / Notes


If finished working in TE,

Click TE icon.

Click Disconnect.


Click Exit.

Page 53: ACTIVITY PACKET Advanced Implementation

Contact Information

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For additional information regarding implementation, or settings and features of:

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Team members are available:

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Phone: (858) 292-2900, option 2

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