Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013

Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

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Page 1: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Acolyte and Crucifer



Page 2: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

The purpose of this handbook is to help you understand about being an acolyte or crucifer

at First United Methodist Church. An Acolyte or crucifer plays an important role in the

worship service.

If you have questions PLEASE ASK! We may even change the handbook to make it clearer.

The idea is for this handbook to be easy to understand and to help in your training as an

acolyte or crucifer – AND to be a reminder to the experienced acolytes and crucifers.

Acolyte history

The word acolyte comes from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant,

or helper. The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where

the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest, and Elisha is seen assisting Elijah

the Prophet.

You’re Role

The Acolyte and crucifer’s role is to serve – to help in the presentation of the worship

service. An acolyte/crucifer is a leader and a helper. Therefore, the acolyte/crucifer must

learn his/her part in the service and pay attention.

If something goes wrong, the Pastor might ask you to do something a little different. For

example, if the Pastor forgets their Bible or Hymnal they may ask you to retrieve them…

Like a terrific waitress or waiter, an acolyte should always be on their toes.

A good acolyte/crucifer also anticipates the next step in the service. So you’re “at the ready”

when it’s time for the next thing to happen in the worship service. Just like the waiter or

waitress who knows just when to clear the table.

And, don’t worry about making a mistake, it will be okay. Just be comfortable in your role

as a leader and a helper. But use the opportunity to pay attention and to learn.

Page 3: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Schedule, Promptness, Dress Code

Schedule -- All acolytes and crucifers will receive a schedule of services for the coming

quarter. The schedule is made up after talking to everyone to determine the most sensible

schedule – based on availability – as best we can. A list of acolytes / crucifers (and their

phone numbers) is also printed on the schedule. If there is a schedule problem or if plans

change (things do come up) the assigned acolyte/crucifer are responsible for finding a


Emergency?? Call Bekah at 859-576-0057

Promptness -- As an Acolyte/Crucifer, you are expected to arrive at the church in time to

be in the dressing room 15 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin. This will give

you time to get vested, check equipment (torches and cross) and to check on any special


Dress Code -- Please wear nice clothes. Closed toed shoes. Please make sure your hair is

combed. No chewing gum or eating candy. And most importantly: “You’re never completely

dressed without a SMILE!”

Page 4: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Some General Knowledge…

Acolyte means “companion” or “one who helps.” An acolyte brings the symbolic light of

Christ into the worship service. Once the acolyte brings the light, the worship service may


Crucifer is the person who carries the cross, leading the procession into and out of the


Parts of the Church:

Chancel the area “inside” the communion rail

Narthex the “lobby” just inside the front doors to the church

Nave large main area where all the pews are located

Pulpit large elevated lectern from where the lessons are read

Page 5: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Things Used in the Service:

Altar Candles the candles on the Altar - front of table light right first then left

(extinguish opposite)

Alms basin the big brass plates for the offering

Candle-lighter is used by the acolyte to light the candles and consists of a taper from which

the candles are light and a bell for snuffing out the flame.

Eweer is the pitcher of water used to fill the Baptismal font

Font is the bowl from which water is taken during the Sacrament of Baptism

Offering is taken at a time in the service when the members of the church offer their gifts to

God in the form of money.

Prelude is the music played before the service starts

Postlude is the music played at the end of the service.

Sacraments are means by which we receive God’s grace. These sacraments are earthly

elements and God’s Word to bring His blessing. Baptism and Holy Communion are the two

that we partake in on Sunday mornings.

Taper is the long stem or wick in the candle lighter

Vestments is a general name for the clothing worn by

those who participate in the service.


Cassock robe that acolytes wear

Cincture the rope tied around your waist

Page 6: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite
Page 7: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Schedule For A Typical Sunday Morning

An acolyte/ crucifer should arrive 15 minutes before the service.


Put on your vestments (robe and smock) found in the narthex closet.

Opportunities For The Week

A time when announcements are given

Blessing of the Children

Children ages 2 -2nd grade are dismissed

Ritual of Friendship

Greeting each other


Music played at the beginning of the service

Call to Worship


The entrance in due order of the clergy and choir at the beginning of a church service,

usually a processional hymn is sung while entering.

Crucifer: When the processional hymn begins wait until the congregation has begun to sing.

Page 8: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Acolyte: When the usher lights your candlelighter, you should hold it in front of you. It

should be tipped slightly forward, with the flame pointing ahead of you and the bell

pointing back toward you. Your left hand should be near the bottom and your right hand

where it can adjust the knob that regulates the length of the taper.

With the lighted candlelighter or cross, walk in a dignified and unhurried manner toward

the altar. Take short steps. Keep your head up and your eyes straight ahead. Acolyte

should walk two pews behind the crucifer.

When you reach the front of the church, before you step up, pause and reverently look at

the cross on the altar.

Crucifer walks slowly to the right and places the cross in the holder by the baptismal. Then

slowly walks to the front pew. Acolyte slowly walks up the altar area and lights the

candles. As soon as both sets of candles are lit, extinguish the candlelighters by pulling the

lever down making the wick go into the candlelighter. Turn around, go down the steps and

walk to put the candlelighter in the holder by the piano. Then be seated on the front rows

on both sides of the church.

The best way to stand as an Acolyte

Stand straight. Please don’t slouch or lean against a pew. Hands folded at waist (belly

button level) or hands at your sides.

Affirmation of Faith Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;

and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord: who was conceived by

the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius

Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day He rose

from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right

hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to

judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the

holy catholic* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of

sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

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Gloria Patri Praises sung to God

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen. Amen.


Music played during the presentation of offering


Gifts of money are gathered

Doxology Praise sung to God after the offering is brought to the front of the Sanctuary

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise Him, all creatures here below;

praise Him above ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer for those who are sick, for the world, and for the needs of the Church


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom

and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

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A text from Scripture is applied to daily life


Blessing given by the minister at the end of the church services


Special Events:

Baptisms: If there is a baptism during the service, the Crucifer and Acolyte will typically

help with pastor. The pastor will direct the Acolyte and Crucifer as to when they are to get

up and join them at the stairs in the Chancel area. Crucifer holds the water and the Acolyte

holds the towel. Crucifer will need to go and get the bowl of water from the baptismal and

the Acolyte will need to make sure that they have the towl from the robe closet.

Good Friday: During our Good Friday service ther will be a chance for the Acolytes to serve

as major role in the service. As the service begins, the Acolyte lights the candles on the

altar and then during the service they extinguish the candles. There is a script to be

followed and parents are in charge of helping keep track of when it is time to go up and

which candle to extinguish.

Page 11: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Church Seasons

Advent: Includes four Sundays before Christmas and Christmas Eve. The season begins on

the Sunday nearest St. Andrew's Day, November 30th, and is the beginning of the

ecclesiastical year. "Advent” means a coming, a visitation, the coming of our Savior's birth.

This is the first advent. The Second Advent is yet to come. It is during this season that we

make preparation for the Nativity. Since it is a time of preparation and penitence the color

of purple is used.

Christmastide: This season includes Christmas Day, and one or two Sundays between

December 25 and January 6, designated as Sundays after Christmas Day. Since he season of

Christmastide is the celebration of the birth of Christ, the color of white is used.

Epiphany: The time frame of this season is four to nine Sundays between January 6, which

is Epiphany Day, and the beginning of Lent, which depends upon the date of Easter Day,

designated as Sundays after Epiphany Day. This season begins on January 6, in

commemoration of the manifestation of our Savior's birth to the wise men of the East, and

continues until Ash Wednesday. The color white is used for Epiphany Day and through one

week. Green is used for the remainder of the season to signify the growing Church and the

spreading of the gospel.

Lent: This season extends begins six Sundays before Easter day. The fifth Sunday is

called Passion Sunday and the sixth Sunday is called Palm Sunday. Lent is the revival season

of the church. It is a time of penitence and self-denial, and of intensive cultivation of the life

of the spirit. It lasts forty days, corresponding to the forty days' fast at the beginning of

Christ's earthly ministry. It also marks His suffering and death on the cross. The seasonal

color is purple. The last two weeks of Lent are called Passiontide. The final week is also

called Holy Week.

Shrove Tuesday: the day before Lent begins

Ash Wednesday: first day of Lent

Palm Sunday: Sunday before Easter when Jesus rode into Jerusalem

Maundy Thursday: the day we remember the Last Supper and Jesus' command that we

love one another.

Good Friday: the day Jesus died on the cross for us

Page 12: Acolyte and Crucifer Handbook 2012-2013€¦ · The acolyte ministry dates back to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite

Eastertide: This is Easter Day and six other Sundays, of which the last may be called

Ascension Sunday. The Easter Season covers a period of forty days, from Easter to

Ascension Day. These are known as the "Great Forty Days" during which our Lord

continued His earthly ministry, giving final instructions to His disciples concerning things

that pertained to the Kingdom of God. The color of this season is white.

Pentecost: This season commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles'

fifty days after the resurrection of Christ. It begins with Pentecost Sunday, which is the

seventh Sunday after Easter Day and goes from eleven to sixteen Sundays, continuing

through the next to last Sunday in August, designated as Sundays after Pentecost. The color

of the season is red. Pentecost has a double meaning. It is the anniversary of our Lord's

fulfilled promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is also the birthday of the Christian

Church. The season lasts until the last Sunday in August.

Kingdomtide: This is the final season of the Christian year and lasts for thirteen or

fourteen Sundays beginning the last Sunday in August and continuing until Advent. The

color is green. It begins on the last Sunday in August with the Festival of Christ the King,

and continues until Advent. This is the growing season of the Church and is a time when the

social gospel is preached and the emphasis is given to the principles of the Kingdom of God.