ACI Code 315-14

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  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


    ACI Code 315-14

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Admixture—Material other than water aggregate or hydrauli!!ement u"ed a" an ingredient o# !on!rete and added to!on!rete $e#ore or during it" mixing to modi#y it" %ro%ertie".

    • Aggregate—&ranular material "u!h a" "and gra'el !ru"hed"tone and iron $la"t-#urna!e "lag u"ed with a !ementingmedium to #orm !on!rete or mortar.

    • An!hor—A "teel element either !a"t into !on!rete or %o"t-in"talled into a hardened !on!rete mem$er and u"ed totran"mit a%%lied load" to the !on!rete.

    • An!hor adhe"i'e—A %o"t-in"talled an!hor in"erted intohardened !on!rete with an an!hor hole diameter not greaterthan 1.5 time" the an!hor diameter that tran"#er" load" tothe !on!rete $y $ond $etween the an!hor and the adhe"i'eand $ond $etween the adhe"i'e and the !on!rete.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • (a"e o#  "tru!ture—)e'el at whi!h hori*ontal earth+ua,e ground motion"are a""umed to $e im%arted to a $uilding. Thi" le'el doe" notne!e""arily !oin!ide with the ground le'el.

    • (eam—Mem$er "u$e!ted %rimarily to exure and "hear with orwithout axial #or!e or tor"ion/ $eam" in a moment #rame that #orm" %art

    o# the lateral-#or!e-re"i"ting "y"tem are %redominantly hori*ontalmem$er"/ a girder i" a $eam.

    • (uilding o0!ial—Term u"ed to identi#y the Authority ha'ing uri"di!tionor indi'idual !harged with admini"tration and en#or!ement o# %ro'i"ion"o# the $uilding !ode. u!h term" a" $uilding !ommi""ioner or $uildingin"%e!tor are 'ariation" o# the title and the term $uilding o0!ial a"

    u"ed in thi" Code i" intended to in!lude tho"e 'ariation" a" well a"other" that are u"ed in the "ame "en"e.

    • Cementation" material"—Material" that ha'e !ementing 'alue i# u"ed in!on!rete either $y them"el'e" "u!h a" %ortland !ement $lendedhydrauli! !ement" and ex%an"i'e !ement/ or "u!h material" in!om$ination with y a"h other raw or !al!ined natural %o**olan" "ili!a

    #ume and "lag !ement. 3

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Column—mem$er u"ually 'erti!al or%redominantly 'erti!al u"ed %rimarily to"u%%ort axial !om%re""i'e load $ut that

    !an al"o re"i"t moment "hear or tor"ion.Column" u"ed a" %art o# a lateral-#or!e-re"i"ting "y"tem re"i"t !om$ined axialload moment and "hear.

    • Column !a%ital— nlargement o# the to%o# a !on!rete !olumn lo!ated dire!tly$elow the "la$ or dro% %anel that i" !a"tmonolithi!ally with the !olumn.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Com%o"ite !on!rete exural mem$er"—Con!rete exural mem$er" o# %re!a"t or!a"t-in-%la!e !on!rete element"

    !on"tru!ted in "e%arate %la!ement" $ut!onne!ted "o that all element" re"%ond toload" a" a unit.

    • Com%re""ion-!ontrolled "e!tion— Cro""

    "e!tion in whi!h the net ten"ile "train inthe extreme ten"ion rein#or!ement atnominal "trength i" le"" than or e+ual tothe !om%re""ion !ontrolled "train limit.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Concrete — Mixture o# ortland !ement or any other!ementitiou" material 6ne aggregate !oar"eaggregate and water with or without admixture".

    • Concrete, Plain — Con!rete with no rein#or!ement or

    with rein#or!ement le"" than the minimum amount"%e!i6ed #or rein#or!ed !on!rete.

    • Concrete, Precast — Con!rete element !a"t el"ewherethan it" 6nal %o"ition in the "tru!ture.

    • Concrete, Pre-stressed — Con!rete in whi!h internal

    "tre""e" ha'e $een introdu!ed to redu!e %otentialten"ile "tre""e" in !on!rete re"ulting #rom "er'i!e load".

    • Concrete, Reinforced — Con!rete rein#or!ed with atlea"t the minimum amount" o# non-%re-"tre""ed or %re-"tre""ed rein#or!ement re+uired $y thi" Code.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Concrete Strength, Specied Compressive , (f c′) —Com%re""i'e "trength o# !on!rete u"ed in de"ign ande'aluated in a!!ordan!e with %ro'i"ion" o# thi" Code %"i/where'er the +uantity f c′  i" under a radi!al "ign the"+uare root o# numeri!al 'alue only i" intended and the

    re"ult ha" unit" o# %"i.

    • Connection — 8egion o# a "tru!ture that oin" two ormore mem$er"/ a !onne!tion al"o re#er" to a region that

     oin" mem$er" o# whi!h one or more i" %re!a"t.

    Construction Documents — 9ritten and &ra%hi!:o!ument" and "%e!i6!ation" %re%ared or a""em$led #orde"!ri$ing the lo!ation de"ign material" and %hy"i!al!hara!teri"ti!" o# the element" o# a %roe!t ne!e""ary #oro$taining a $uilding %ermit and !on"tru!tion o# the%roe!t.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Cover, Specied Concrete — :i"tan!e $etween theoutermo"t "ur#a!e o# em$edded rein#or!ement and the!lo"e"t outer "ur#a!e o# the !on!rete.

    • Design Displacement — Total !al!ulated lateral

    di"%la!ement ex%e!ted #or the de"ign-$a"i" earth+ua,e.• Design Information — roe!t-"%e!i6! in#ormation to

    $e in!or%orated into !on"tru!tion do!ument" $y theli!en"ed de"ign %ro#e""ional a" a%%li!a$le.

    • Design Load Combination — Com$ination o# #a!tored

    load" and #or!e".• Design Stor Drift Ratio — 8elati'e di

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Development Length  — )ength o# em$eddedrein#or!ement in!luding %re-ten"ioned "trand re+uired tode'elo% the de"ign "trength o# rein#or!ement at a !riti!al"e!tion.

    • Discontinuit — A$ru%t !hange in geometry or loading.

    • Drop Panel — roe!tion $elow the "la$ u"ed to redu!e theamount o# negati'e rein#or!ement o'er a !olumn or theminimum re+uired "la$ thi!,ne"" and to in!rea"e the "la$"hear "trength.

    • Duct — Conduit %lain or !orrugated to a!!ommodate %re-

    "tre""ing rein#or!ement #or %o"t-ten"ioning a%%li!ation".

    • Durabilit — A$ility o# a "tru!ture or mem$er to re"i"tdeterioration that im%air" %er#orman!e or limit" "er'i!e li#eo# the "tru!ture in the rele'ant en'ironment !on"idered inde"ign.

    • !"ective Depth of Section — :i"tan!e mea"ured #rom>

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • !#treme $ension Reinforcement — )ayer o# %re-"tre""ed or non-%re-"tre""ed rein#or!ement that i" the#arthe"t #rom the extreme !om%re""ion 6$re.

    • Inspection  — ?$"er'ation 'eri6!ation and re+uired

    do!umentation o# the material" in"tallation#a$ri!ation ere!tion or %la!ement o# !om%onent" and!onne!tion" to determine !om%lian!e with!on"tru!tion do!ument" and re#eren!ed "tandard".

    • Inspection, Continuous — The #ull-time o$"er'ation

    'eri6!ation and re+uired do!umentation o# wor, in thearea where the wor, i" $eing %er#ormed.

    • Inspection, Periodic — The %art-time or intermittento$"er'ation 'eri6!ation and re+uired do!umentationo# wor, in the area where the wor, i" $eing %er#ormed.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Licensed Design Professional —  An indi'idual who i"li!en"ed to %ra!ti!e "tru!tural de"ign a" de6ned $y the"tatutory re+uirement" o# the %ro#e""ional li!en"ing law" o#the "tate or uri"di!tion in whi!h the %roe!t i" to $e!on"tru!ted and who i" in re"%on"i$le !harge o# the

    "tru!tural de"ign. May al"o $e re#erred to a" 8egi"tered:e"ign ro#e""ional.

    • Load — or!e" or other a!tion" that re"ult #rom the weighto# all $uilding material" o!!u%ant" and their %o""e""ion"en'ironmental e

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Load, %actored — )oad multi%lied $y a%%ro%riate load #a!tor".

    • Load, Live — Ba )oad that i" not %ermanently a%%lied to a"tru!ture $ut i" li,ely to o!!ur during the "er'i!e li#e o# the"tru!ture Bex!luding en'ironmental load"/ or B$ load" meeting"%e!i6! !riteria #ound in the general $uilding !ode/ without load

    #a!tor".• Load, Roof Live — A load on a roo# %rodu!edD Ba during

    maintenan!e $y wor,er" e+ui%ment and material" and B$during the li#e o# the "tru!ture $y mo'a$le o$e!t" "u!h a"%lanter" or other "imilar "mall de!orati'e a%%urtenan!e" thatare not o!!u%an!y related/ or load" meeting "%e!i6! !riteria#ound in the general $uilding !ode/ without load #a!tor".

    • Load, Service — All load" "tati! or tran"itory im%o"ed on a"tru!ture or element thereo# during the o%eration o# a #a!ilitywithout load #a!tor".


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • &anufacturer's Printed Installation Instructions (&PII)— u$li"hed in"tru!tion" #or the !orre!t in"tallation o# anadhe"i'e an!hor under all !o'ered in"tallation !ondition" a""u%%lied in the %rodu!t %a!,aging.

    • &odulus of elasticit — 8atio o# normal "tre"" to

    !orre"%onding "train #or ten"ile or !om%re""i'e "tre""e"$elow %ro%ortional limit o# material.

    • &oment frame — rame in whi!h $eam" "la$" !olumn"and oint" re"i"t #or!e" %redominantly through exure "hearand axial #or!e/ $eam" or "la$" are %redominantly hori*ontal

    or nearly hori*ontal/ !olumn" are %redominantly 'erti!al ornearly 'erti!al.

    • *ne-+a Construction — Mem$er" de"igned to $e !a%a$leo# "u%%orting all load" through $ending in a "ingle dire!tion.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Seismic Design Categor — Cla""i6!ation a""igned to a"tru!ture $a"ed on it" o!!u%an!y !ategory and the "e'erityo# the de"ign earth+ua,e ground motion at the "ite a"de6ned $y the general $uilding !ode.

    • Seismic-force-resisting sstem — ortion o# the "tru!ture

    de"igned to re"i"t earth+ua,e e

  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Spacing  — Centre-to-!entre di"tan!e$etween ada!ent item" "u!h a" longitudinalrein#or!ement tran"'er"e rein#or!ement%re-"tre""ing rein#or!ement or an!hor".

    • Spacing, clear — )ea"t dimen"ion $etweenthe outermo"t "ur#a!e" o# ada!ent item".

    • Span length — :i"tan!e $etween "u%%ort".

    •Special seismic sstems — tru!tural"y"tem" that u"e "%e!ial moment #rame""%e!ial "tru!tural wall" or $oth.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Spiral Reinforcement  — Continuou"lywound rein#or!ement in the #orm o# a!ylindri!al helix.

    Stirrup  — 8ein#or!ement u"ed to re"i"t"hear and tor"ion #or!e" in a mem$er/ty%i!ally de#ormed $ar" de#ormed wire"or welded wire rein#or!ement either "ingle

    leg or $ent into ) F or re!tangular"ha%e" and lo!ated %er%endi!ular to or atan angle to longitudinal rein#or!ement.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Strength, Design — Gominal "trengthmulti%lied $y a "trength redu!tion #a!tor H.

    • Strength, ominal — trength o# a mem$eror !ro"" "e!tion !al!ulated in a!!ordan!e with

    %ro'i"ion" and a""um%tion" o# the "trengthde"ign method o# thi" Code $e#ore a%%li!ationo# any "trength redu!tion #a!tor".

    • Strength, Re.uired — trength o# a mem$eror !ro"" "e!tion re+uired to re"i"t #a!toredload" or related internal moment" and #or!e" in"u!h !om$ination" a" "ti%ulated in thi" Code.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Structural Concrete — Con!rete u"ed #or "tru!tural%ur%o"e" in!luding %lain and rein#or!ed !on!rete.

    • Structural Diaphragm — Mem$er "u!h a" a ooror roo# "la$ that tran"mit" #or!e" a!ting in the %lane

    o# the mem$er to 'erti!al element" o# the lateral-#or!e-re"i"ting "y"tem. A "tru!tural dia%hragm mayin!lude !hord" and !olle!tor" a" %art o# the


    • Structural Integrit — A$ility o# a "tru!ture through

    "trength redundan!y du!tility and detailing o#rein#or!ement to redi"tri$ute "tre""e" and maintaino'erall "ta$ility i# lo!ali*ed damage or "igni6!anto'er"tre"" o!!ur".


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • Structural Sstem — Inter!onne!ted mem$er"de"igned to meet %er#orman!e re+uirement".

    • Structural $russ — A""em$lage o# rein#or!ed!on!rete mem$er" "u$e!ted %rimarily to axial

    #or!e".• Structural +all — 9all %ro%ortioned to re"i"t

    !om$ination" o# "hear" moment" and axial#or!e" in the %lane o# the wall/ a "hear wall i" a

    "tru!tural wall.• Strut  — Com%re""ion mem$er in a "trut-and-tie

    model re%re"enting the re"ultant o# a %arallel or a#an-"ha%ed !om%re""ion 6eld.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • $endon  — In %o"t-ten"ioned mem$er" a tendon i" a!om%lete a""em$ly !on"i"ting o# an!horage" %re-

    "tre""ing rein#or!ement and "heathing with !oating #orun-$onded a%%li!ation" or du!t" 6lled with grout #or$onded a%%li!ation".

    • $ension-Controlled Section — A !ro"" "e!tion in whi!hthe net ten"ile "train in the extreme ten"ion "teel atnominal "trength i" greater than or e+ual to @.@@5.

    • $ie — Ba )oo% o# rein#or!ing $ar or wire en!lo"ing

    longitudinal rein#or!ement/ a !ontinuou"ly woundtran"'er"e $ar or wire in the #orm o# a !ir!le re!tangleor other %olygonal "ha%e without re-entrant !orner"

    en!lo"ing longitudinal rein#or!ement/ B$ ten"ion elementin a "trut-and-tie model.


  • 8/9/2019 ACI Code 315-14


     Terminology – 2.3

    • $/o-+a Construction — Mem$er" de"igned to $e!a%a$le o# "u%%orting load" through $ending in twodire!tion"/ "ome "la$" and #oundation" are !on"ideredtwo-way !on"tru!tion.

    +all — A 'erti!al element de"igned to re"i"t axialload lateral load or $oth with a hori*ontal length-to-thi!,ne"" ratio greater than 3 u"ed to en!lo"e or"e%arate "%a!e".

    • +ater-Cementitious &aterials Ratio — 8atio o#

    ma"" o# water ex!luding that a$"or$ed $y theaggregate to the ma"" o# !ementitiou" material" in amixture "tated a" a de!imal.

    • +or — The entire !on"tru!tion or "e%aratelyidenti6a$le %art" thereo# that are re+uired to $e#urni"hed under the !on"tru!tion do!ument". 21

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     Terminology – 2.3
