NATIONAL JUNIOR A C H I ~ ~ E R S CONFERENCE- NEWS=*, - - . 7J Jza3 .ta -... . INDIANA UNIVERSITY B.LOOMINGTON, IND. .I . z. ir3 &?Lr . . l2-1: 00 Lunch, Korth and South Lines, +, 3 2:00 - Group 3iscussions; Contests and fq Cornmitt~es. P:,,I ? a: _I 4:OO - Recreation, ,., _ . i 6-7:00 - Dinner, North and Soutl~ Unes. 8:00 - General 14eeting in Auditorium, Sit as individuals. 11:30 - Curfew. \::i - I 12200 - Eights Out. Er(3 Rzesday, August 25 --- kjfi I I,.! 7:lS-8 :I5 - Breakfast, 9:00 - General Keting in Auditorium. Sit by ?roup n~unber. 10:OO - Workshops. W X H W S P A + H : + H + X + M - M W ~ ~ ~ Miller N l e r , a former achiever whois now president of his company, nil1 %ell + success story to delegates at tonightas General Bssemblp. Edr, hiller, president o? Nler jmd Dees Marketing Group, .Inc, is a former delegate to the national conferencg. Ellike Carnahan, a representative of Future Farmers of America will explain the basic fundementals of FFA, their goals, objectivesand how they are similar to Junio: Achievement's,goals, ' At t h i s morning 1 s meeting, B~I . George Stone, director of public relations of J.C, Penny Co,, told delegates of the values of public relations. ' CONTEST ACTIVITIES BEGIN L* G- Some of Junior Achieverpsnt~s top talent began t o compete i n the nearly dozen constests scheduled this week. Always tough and competitive, the contest will determine a group of the most outstanding achievers after iong careful consider- ation, -: T -, . Contest activities for 1"londay include written tests, essays or interviews depending on the contest, Elimations i n most contests will take place on Tuesday and announcements of those entering i n second round will be posted on the bulle- t i n board.. Company-of- the-year contest began with interviews of three members of each of the 12 3.A companies participating, First round elhations will reduce the competi - tion by about 25% reports Dick .Ballotr, staff supervisor in charge of the contest. Contest aiid the number of delegates in % s h are: Presldentrof -theyear, 71; Vice Safety, 20; Personnel, 15; ~iss J.A@, 46; I -President of Hanufacturing, 37; Treasurer 26; Secretary, 41; Marketing Exeecutive,2& , ,manil Public Speaking, 39. I - &. Stone said that the most important thing i n big business , as in J,A,,is the small businessm. Through his direct contact with the custdmfirs he influences their feelings toward the firm. (continued on back of page) .l I - - - - - .---"L , -;a ts What gZi d that orientation man say1 --- =- b *-- ,, L) ,fi b e2:i 3u fcbr! tern p? mar In ; nr? mi 7nf zqe


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Page 1: ACHI~~ERS NEWS=*,


NEWS=*, - - . 7J Jza3 .ta -... . I N D I A N A UNIVERSITY B.LOOMINGTON, I N D . .I

. z. i r3 &?Lr

. . l2-1: 00 Lunch, Korth and South Lines, +, 3 2:00 - Group 3iscussions; Contests and f q

Cornmitt~es. P:,,I ? a : _I

4:OO - Recreation, ,., _ . i

6-7:00 - Dinner, North and Soutl~ Unes. 8:00 - General 14eeting i n Auditorium, S i t

as individuals. 11:30 - Curfew. \::i - I 12200 - Eights Out. Er(3 Rzesday, August 25 --- kjfi

I I,.!

7:lS-8 :I5 - Breakfast, 9:00 - General K e t i n g i n Auditorium. S i t

by ?roup n~unber. 10:OO - Workshops. W X H W S P A + H : + H + X + M - M W ~ ~ ~

Miller N l e r , a former achiever whois now president of his company, n i l 1 %ell + success s tory t o delegates a t tonightas General Bssemblp. Edr, h i l l e r , president o? Nler jmd Dees Marketing Group, .Inc, i s a former delegate t o the national conferencg.

Ellike Carnahan, a representative of Future Farmers of America w i l l explain the basic fundementals of FFA, t h e i r goals, objectivesand how they a re similar t o Junio: Achievement's,goals, '

A t t h i s morning 1 s meeting, B ~ I . George Stone, director of public relat ions of J.C, Penny Co,, to ld delegates of the values of public relations. '


Some of Junior Achieverpsnt~s top talent began t o compete i n the nearly dozen constests scheduled t h i s week. Always tough and competitive, the contest wi l l determine a group of the most outstanding achievers a f t e r iong careful consider- ation, -: T - , .

Contest ac t iv i t i e s f o r 1"londay include written t e s t s , essays or interviews depending on the contest, Elimations i n most contests w i l l take place on Tuesday and announcements of those entering i n second round w i l l be posted on t h e bulle- t i n board..

Company-of- the-year contest began with interviews of three members of each of the 1 2 3.A companies participating, F i r s t round e l h a t i o n s w i l l reduce the competi - t i o n by about 25% reports Dick .Ballotr, s taf f supervisor i n charge of the contest.

Contest aiid the number of delegates i n % s h are: Presldentrof -theyear, 71; Vice

Safety, 20; Personnel, 15; ~ i s s J.A@, 46;

I -President of Hanufacturing, 37; Treasurer 26; Secretary, 41; Marketing Exeecutive,2&

, ,manil Public Speaking, 39. I

- &. Stone said tha t the most important thing i n big business , as i n J,A,,is the small businessm. Through his d i rec t contact with the custdmfirs he influences the i r feelings toward the firm.

(continued on back of page) .l

I - - - - - . - - - " L

,-;a ts What gZi d tha t orientation man say1 --- =- b *-- ,, L) ,fi b e2:i 3u fcbr! t e r n p ? mar I n ; nr? mi 7nf z q e

Page 2: ACHI~~ERS NEWS=*,

Pace 2 .- Conf errnce i\Jews - - - ?/ionday, Au.y.st -- 21!., 1964

In order t o be t t e r acquaint Celegates Entertainment 1:ras the ordey a t l a s t l d t h t h e conference officers, The Confer- n isht 'S meeting. . / e ~ t e r n .!e&i09al :.kpre- ence News presents a brief interview w-jth selltative 30b 2ichad.s starteed ~ .e - th h i s each 'of tllem, Coderence President Steve i toiles while the Achicve~s Danz was interviewed i n yesterdayts p p e r e n t l l ~ ~ s i a s t i c a l l y sang along.

Frarty Portnoy sang !{Old ;.:an . .tverttand Jo Ann Moore, conference secretary, is played, h i s guitar . !.le then played a mcrll-ey - .

an achiever i n every sense of t h e ljoyd. of favor i t es On the pi2n0. - ~ o l l ~ ? ~ r i n ; i .arty, I\Iow 18 years old, she has been i n J,A., Chris T,%ite played h i s fanous rcnc1~:Lion of four years, has won the sxecutive Award, "Basin S t r ee t EluesIt rrl~ich FJOn him %be is .a member of t h e Spealcers Corps and. ljas Talent i ' isht contest f o r s i x years i n a vice-presiclent of t he Acllievers Associa- rolv. T:;en t he duet Vas joined by ailother t i o n i n her home area of Chicago. How counselor, Lee Erj.?lit, t:iho sang tt-'illen the

' , does Jo A h f e e l about t h e conference? Taints Go iIa rc him Tn" and. duiilrnerti.me". "The success of t he conference l i e s i n individual achievements , I 1 she says, t h a t does she f e e l i s t 3e most important par t

of t h e conference. She says t h e Itchallenge of learning t o work with other peo9le. I s n ' t t ha t r e a l l y a major par t of J.A.- the challenge of learning t o work ~>Jj.tli other people ,"

Eobbi Sue Griffey i s a nenuine c red i t t o her home area of ISouston, Texas. As her t h i r d year of J.A. draws t o a close, the 18 year old Texas l a s s has qui te a l o t t o lcok back upon, She has earned t he Execu- t i v e Award, membership i n t h e Spealterls Corps and the presidency of her Achiever's Association, She believes t ha t t h e best say t o get something out or conference j-s t o "give a l i t t l e of yourself t o con- ference a c t i ~ i t i e s , ~ Bobbi Sue enjoys t h e

Itopportunity t o worlc with kids t h a t are r e a l l y i l t e r e s t e d i n J.A." The p re t t y secretary expressed a desire t h a t achie- vers vote as individuals i n selecting

ANNUAL C O K i CONTEST REGIPS -- Feeling lucky? O r maybe j u s t smart? The publications committee i s sponsor-

ing i ts annual Guess-the-number-of -Cokes- to-be-consumed-during-the-conference

Contest, 11s of lionday mornln~, t he Coca- Cola company had provided delegates v l i t h 5500 Cokes. The contest ends when the s o f t drink company r e f i l l s Friday morning. Only d e l e ~ a t e s a r e e l igab le for t he prize, which n i l 1 be an excit ing and expensiae. Entry blanks may be obtained i n Rec Room C of Rabb Hall.

iLNi{OuI\TCE&'p7TS - The Information Office has requested

t h a t s t a f f members and counsellors no t i fy them of t h e time and place of a l l committee meetings*

The Elections Committee ~vishes t o remind prospective o f f ice r candidates t o check the Elections ~ u l l e t i n ~ o a r d

next year t s o f f ice rs . She explained t h a t one of t h e main points t h e off icers wish t o stress t h i s year is individual voting.

Paul Warren, conference vice- president, feels the worth of t h e confer .. -

near t he Coke Tent every day* Delegates f r o m one building

t o another w i l l please Use t he sidewalks and not t he s t r e e t s ; We have received several complaints from area dr ivers

ence is t h e sum total of individual &forts, kn7;one in te res ted i n information The t h i r d year achiavm asks every achieve$ab0ut sports activities may get this t o sc ru t in ize t he assets and qualifica- *ions of each candidde before they vote.

Learning t o work with people is one of the most valuable experiences t ha t Paul

encountered zs vice-president. A sophmore a t Purdue University, he

information i n Room 300 of Building A i n Teter Quadran@@* The man in charge i s John Tarter phone is 7-62 63 -- (continued from f ron t of page)

Alsq appearing on the morning progrzm w i l l be president of h i s amgsny which vras Bloornington IPaycr Jack Hooker who published a newspaper f o r hi3 &mior 1 i~elclmed the conference t o the c i t y fo r Achievemen% area. I the seventh t ine .