FIRST QUARTER 2017 ANTI-FRAUD Resource Guide NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, PG. 48 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle East, PG. 12 Inside the Fraudster's Mind, PG. 48

ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

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Page 1: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud


NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, PG. 48

ACFE Fraud Conference Middle East, PG. 12

Inside the Fraudster's Mind, PG. 48

Page 2: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

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The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.


Cancellation Policy — Our cancellation policy is intended to keep costs low for attendees. Due to financial obligations incurred by ACFE, Inc. you must cancel your registration prior to the start of the event. Cancellations received less than 14 calendar days prior to an event start date are subject to a $100 administrative fee. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations received on or after the start date of the event. Those who do not cancel and do not attend are respon-sible for the full registration fee. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Visit ACFE.com for the latest updates.

*Reservations subject to availability.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

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ACFE self-study courses do not require advanced preparation. For more information on ACFE self-study courses, including fields of study and learning objectives, please visit ACFE.com/shop

© 2017 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certi-fied Fraud Examiner,” “CFE Exam Prep Course,” “Fraud Magazine,” “Association of Certified Fraud Examiners,” “Report to the Nations,” the ACFE Seal, the ACFE Logo and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc., and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.



Conducting Internal Investigations CPE: 16

Membership and Certification (pgs. 3-6)10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century ...................................................................................................3ACFE Membership ..............................................................................................................................................6

ACFE Learning Events (pgs. 7-41)ACFE Anti-Fraud Training .....................................................................................................................................7Upcoming Events ................................................................................................................................................8

Conferences (pgs. 10-12)

28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference ....................................................................................................102017 ACFE Fraud Conference Europe ..............................................................................................................112017 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle East.......................................................................................................12

Seminars (pgs. 13-41)

Auditing for Internal Fraud ................................................................................................................................13Conducting Internal Investigations ...................................................................................................................14Principles of Fraud Examination ........................................................................................................................15Professional Interviewing Skills ........................................................................................................................16Featured Items: (In)Famous Frauds ..................................................................................................................17Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud ...............................................................................................................18Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits ..........................................................................................................19Fraud Risk Management ...................................................................................................................................20Investigating Conflicts of Interest .....................................................................................................................21Obtaining, Managing and Searching Electronic Evidence ...............................................................................22Advanced Fraud Examination Techniques ........................................................................................................23Featured Items: Fraud Examinations Across Borders .....................................................................................24Uncovering Fraud With Financial and Ratio Analysis ........................................................................................25Bribery and Corruption ......................................................................................................................................26Building Your Fraud Examination Practice ........................................................................................................27Contract and Procurement Fraud ......................................................................................................................28Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation ................................................................................................29Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance and Ethics Program ..........................................................30Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners ..................................................................................................31Financial Statement Fraud ................................................................................................................................32Investigating on the Internet .............................................................................................................................33Money Laundering Schemes ............................................................................................................................34Protecting Against Data Breaches and Cyberfraud ..........................................................................................35Tracing and Recovering Fraud Losses ..............................................................................................................36Understanding the Mindset of a Fraudster .......................................................................................................37Additional Events ..............................................................................................................................................38ACFE Faculty .....................................................................................................................................................39ACFE Webinars .................................................................................................................................................40ACFE On-Site Training .......................................................................................................................................41

ACFE Bookstore (pgs. 42-54)CFE Exam Prep Course .....................................................................................................................................42Self-Study CPE ..................................................................................................................................................44Books and Manuals...........................................................................................................................................52ACFE Merchandise............................................................................................................................................54

53NEW! Fraud Risk Management Guide

Page 3: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

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A seemingly endless stream of fraud stories hits the head-lines every day. On Monday you could read that an Ivy league-educated financier defrauded his victims of more than $38 million and by Friday, a European soccer star is spending his day in court.

It can be disheartening to see these stories splayed across your computer or TV screens. There is, however, a silver lining. If we’ve learned anything from taking history classes in school it’s that understanding the past helps to avoid repeating it.

In a new ACFE online self-study course, 10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud examiners can identify the methods the major players used to conduct their schemes, and analyze the aftermath and impacts of various frauds. Learning from past cas-es means you can help protect your clients, employers and the general public from similar schemes in the future. WorldCom

In 2002, the WorldCom scandal became one of the larg-est accounting frauds in history when the company revealed its wrongdoing and was subsequently forced to file bankrupt-cy and write off $50 billion in losses. The scandal began when WorldCom CEO Bernie Ebbers employed a business strategy of achieving growth through acquisitions. He acquired MCI Communications and then proposed a merger with Sprint, but was forced to abandon the Sprint merger in 2000. De-termined to show increased revenue despite a slow-down in mergers and acquisitions, Ebbers manipulated the books to satisfy Wall Street’s expectations.

The scheme was detected when a capital expenditures au-dit revealed suspicious journal entries. WorldCom’s internal audit team discovered improper accounting in expenses over five quarters.

The WorldCom accounting scandal was a situation in which corporate governance failed and the board of di-rectors were caught unaware. WorldCom’s accounting system was faulty and Ebbers’ close relationship with ex-ternal accounting firm Arthur Andersen presented a con-flict of interest in which the auditors were unable to exer-cise professional skepticism when performing their audits. FIFA

High-profile sports are big business in many countries. Unfortunately for the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), alleged corruption and money laundering means its big business operated with little or no oversight.

The FIFA scandal involved the collusion between FIFA ex-ecutives, sports marketing executives and officials of continen-tal football bodies. The scandal erupted in May 2015 when Swiss authorities raided a hotel in Zurich and several FIFA ex-ecutives were arrested. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has cited more than 40 defendants in the FIFA scandal. Some charges involved bids for World Cups and for marketing and broadcast deals that amounted to nearly $150 million.

Future World Cups are now in question — the scandal has caused the bidding process for the 2026 World Cup to be suspended. Proposed changes have been made, but only time will tell in an organization that has historically dealt with bribery and corruption.

By ACFE Staff



Page 4: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

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In 2012, British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmith-Kline (GSK) was at the center of the largest health care fraud settlement in history when the company agreed to pay $3 billion in fines to U.S. regulators. The crime? Ac-cording to the U.S. Justice Department, GSK unlawfully promoted certain prescription drugs, failed to report safe-ty data, paid kickbacks to health care professionals and engaged in fraudulent pricing practices.

The settlement arose from a number of GSK policies and practices that largely involved the promotion of pre-scription drugs, like Paxil and Wellbutrin, for off-label use. While doctors may prescribe drugs for off-label use, it’s illegal for pharmaceutical companies to promote or market off-label uses. The U.S. government also claimed that GSK paid unlawful kickbacks to health care profes-sionals to encourage them to prescribe certain drugs.

Although much of GSK’s misconduct was unique to the pharmaceutical and health care industries, the case contains broad lessons. A company’s culture should stress compliance and ethical conduct. The nature and prevalence of GSK’s misconduct suggest that its cul-ture rewarded profit rather than compliance and pa-tient safety. That type of culture is a recipe for fraud.


The Target data breach in late 2013 was the largest in U.S. retail history and resulted in the exposure of approx-imately 40 million credit card numbers and the personal information of 70 million customers. Unidentified hackers — thought to be from Eastern Europe or Russia — surrep-titiously installed malware into Target’s computer networks. The hackers accessed Target’s systems using the credentials of a third-party heating and air conditioning contractor.

Before the company was hacked, Target had installed a security system that caught five instances of malware graded at the highest severity. Members of corporate headquarters were notified, but apparently ignored the alerts. In this day and age when cybersecurity has become a hot topic thanks to the increasing advancements in technology, the Target debacle shows that companies need a strong response plan to deal with alerts of possible network intrusions. Olympus

The Olympus financial scandal exploded in late 2011 when then president and CEO Michael Woodford came forward with information exposing fraudulent accounting practices in the organization. Woodford had only served as CEO for two weeks when he revealed the financial mal-feasance. The fraud is one of the most significant corpo-rate corruption scandals in the history of Japan.

In 2000, standards in Japan changed significantly after the failure of Yamaguchi Securities in 1997. The new ac-counting standards required losses on certain assets to be noted at the end of each accounting period. Rather than comply with the standards and disclose mounting losses, Olympus constructed a complicated system of hiding its bad assets. The company began selling bad assets for ex-orbitant prices to newly created entities under its control without recognizing losses from the sales.

The Olympus fraud shows that tone at the top matters. Woodford wrote letters to the board about his concerns and was subsequently fired. This exemplified the company’s un-ethical culture. C-level executives must act according to the principles expected of em-ployees at all levels and across the enterprise.

Learning by Example

These are just five of the 10 cases covered, and here we only scratch the surface of what can be learned from these schemes. 10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century (page 48) contains analysis from experts and experienced fraud fighters. It dives deep into each case to interactively explore the pressures, opportunities and rationalizations of the fraudsters, and how fraud examiners can take these lessons into the field.

These are just five of the 10 cases covered, and here we only scratch the surface of what can be learned from these schemes.

Page 5: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

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For Rick Belik, CFE, Omaha Police Department Detective and part-time Task Force Officer for the FBI's White Collar Crime Task Force, fraud is often very personal. Belik, who was awarded the ACFE Outstanding Achievement in Community Service Award in 2015, has dealt with numerous cases of elder fraud. In addition to tackling cases that come across his desk, he is proactive about fraud education in his community. He has held numerous talks and seminars for senior citizens and caregivers to discuss common scams that target the elderly and how they can protect themselves from fraud.

How did you become passionate about fighting fraud?

I became passionate about fighting fraud by talking to the vic-tims. These are true victims and fraud crimes affect much more than just a financial loss. There is a true, real or perceived, loss of security, safety and trust in the world around them, especially with senior victims.

What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned since becoming a CFE?

The realization of the sheer scope of frauds that are out there worldwide and how their many tentacles reach into every one of our everyday lives.

What steps led you to your current position?

I started out in a cruiser like every other cop and then I joined our Mounted Patrol and did that for six years. When my 1,200-pound partner retired, I moved into investigations. Always being a bit of a "numbers nerd," the “Fraud Squad” was a perfect fit for me — I expressed an interest in the unit two years before I was assigned to it and I have been in that position for seven years. This year I have also become a part-time Task Force Officer (TFO) for the FBI's White Collar Crime Task Force.

The part-time TFO job was the idea of the local FBI supervi-sor, who is also an ACFE member. We got to know each other through Heartland Chapter events. We discussed cases that we’d both worked and discovered that we were definitely chewing some of the same dirt. There are jurisdictional issues that come up with being a cop in a municipality. Having a federal deputation can certainly broaden my approach. It has also helped find cases that might have otherwise "fallen through the cracks" in the system where both sides, federal and local, might think that the other is working on a particular case.

What is a memorable case or project that you have worked on; one that made you feel especially proud?

I work all of the financial exploita-tion cases involving vulnerable adults in Omaha. When paid caregivers steal from the people whom they are charged with help-ing, it really gets my dander up. I've worked several of these cases and, along with the partnership of Adult Protective Services (APS) and the County Attorney's Office, we have been able to bring suspects to justice, stop the financial bleeding and get the victims proper care and protection. This has been very satisfying.

I had one case where an elderly widow, living alone, was targeted by a man who knocked on her door and claimed to be a friend of her late husband's. This guy got into her head over a period of time, telling her that she was in danger from gang members and that she had to "pay them off" for protection through him. Over a short period of time, several thousands of dollars were depleted from her account. Bank employees became suspicious and alerted both APS and Law Enforcement. We were able to put a case together and get this guy convicted for robbery/extortion for the threats that he made to the victim. I drove her to the courthouse for the sentencing because she wanted to show the suspect that, in the end, he didn't get the best of her. It was an exhausting trip for her because she didn't move around too well, but it was important for her. I was hum-bled by her strength and proud to help her through it.

How do you think CFEs can help their communities better understand fraud risks and prevention?

In 2015, I was honored to receive the ACFE Outstanding Achievement in Community Service Award at the 26th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in Baltimore. I've given dozens of talks about fraud to thousands of seniors and caregivers, in-forming them of what fraud and scam trends are out there. I’ve advised them of what warning signs they can look for, and what steps they can take, to make themselves and their loved ones less of a target. The ACFE has a broad range of fraud fighters with a vast range of knowledge. Getting that knowledge and ex-perience out to the community does real and measurable good.

What activities or hobbies do you like to do outside of work?

My wife and I love to travel. If we can go somewhere different and experience something new, we're in!

Detective Spreads Fraud Awareness in His Community

Rick Belik, CFE Detective, Omaha Police Department

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Exclusive membership benefits include:

• Knowledge and tools — Gain access to timely and practical information including Fraud Magazine®, monthly member newsletters, free quarterly webinars, videos, tools and resources to support your anti-fraud efforts.

• Networking opportunities — Become a part of the world’s largest net-work of anti-fraud professionals and connect through online communities, LinkedIn groups, local chapters, and ACFE seminars and conferences.

• Professional Development — Sharpen your skills and stay competitive with world-class online and face-to-face training opportunities.

• Member savings — Last year ACFE Members saved more than $3 million on the best anti-fraud training available including the CFE Exam Prep Course® and ACFE Global Fraud Conference.

• Career Support — Advance your career using our members-only job board and our online Career Center, and attending free career webinars.

• Earn your Certified Fraud Examiner credential — Joining the ACFE is the first step to earning the prestigious Certified Fraud Examiner credential and positioning yourself as an anti-fraud expert.

ACFE Member BenefitsThe anti-fraud profession is constantly changing. How will you keep

up? ACFE membership provides you with the knowledge and tools to help

you detect and deter fraud.

“My membership in the ACFE has allowed me to enhance my fraud examination skills and to associate with other dedicated fraud examination professionals. Attaining the CFE and becom-ing a member of the ACFE has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my 45-year professional accounting career.”

— David Ellingson, CFE

Not an ACFE Member? Don’t miss out on these exclusive member benefits. Visit ACFE.com/Join and join today.

“The free resources that are available to members have proven very valuable to me. I’ve visited the website and leveraged several of the checklists and questionnaires in my day to day responsibilities.”

— Doug Heusel, CFE, CPA

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ACFE Anti-Fraud Training Learn the latest anti-fraud skills and techniques from leading practi-

tioners, develop your fraud-fighting skills and network with colleagues and

peers at ACFE learning events. The ACFE offers learning opportunities for

every stage of your career and in locations all around the world (including

your own office).

ConferencesConferences offer basic, intermediate and advanced sessions, expert panel discussions,

educational tracks, workshops and networking opportunities. Many of our conferences

also have exhibitions for you to experience cutting-edge anti-fraud tools and services

firsthand (pgs. 10-12).

SeminarsACFE seminars give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of a specific topic in an

instructor-led, classroom environment. To help you select training that fits with your level of

knowledge and experience, ACFE seminars are categorized by level (pgs. 13-38):

• Basic — These courses provide essential knowledge and lay the foundation for professional development.

• Intermediate — The next level in your educational experience, Intermediate courses broaden and deepen your fraud-fighting skills.

• Advanced — For experienced anti-fraud professionals, Advanced courses offer opportunities to refine skills and further develop expertise.

• Overview — These courses cover a particular topic from a broad perspective, providing insight and fraud-fighting tactics for professionals at all levels.

Online Learning WebinarsACFE Webinars are a convenient way to gain important fraud-fighting knowledge and earn CPE credit from your own office or home

computer. In addition, past webinars are available as self-study programs on CD-ROM (pg. 40).

On-Site TrainingThe ACFE’s renowned anti-fraud training, delivered on your schedule and at your location, is a cost-effective way of meeting the

professional development needs of your staff (pg. 41).

To help you choose the courses that best match your needs, we encourage you to review course levels and recommended

prerequisites, as well as the course descriptions.

If you need further assistance determining which courses would provide the best fit for you, our staff would be happy to assist you.

Please call (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 to speak with an ACFE staff member.

More Ways to Save

Enhance your learning, earn extra CPE credit and gain practical skills by attending a combination of events held consecutively in select cities and receive up to $200 in savings. To take advantage of these combo events, look for the plus icon:

Also save when you register early, or when registering with a group of three or more!


Visit ACFE.com/Training

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Visit ACFE.com/Training

†Payment must be received by early registration deadline to obtain savings.

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ACFE Upcoming EventsFor information or to register, visit ACFE.com/Training

Combo Event Savings: Register to attend two events being held consecutively in select cities and receive up to $200 in savings! Combo events are designated with this icon:

Early Registration Savings: Register and pay before the Early Registration Deadline listed for the event (generally one month before event start date) and SAVE $95 or more off of the regular price for the event.

Group Savings: Gather a team of three or more individuals to register for the event that best suits the learning needs of your group. Call the ACFE at (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 to determine your savings.


Protecting Against Data Breaches and CyberfraudJanuary 19-20Phoenix, AZ

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle EastJanuary 29-31Dubai, UAE

See page 12 for pricing.

FEBRUARYUsing Data Analytics to Detect FraudFebruary 6-7

San Francisco, CA

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

CFE Exam Review CourseFebruary 13-16 Los Angeles, CA

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

Understanding the Mindset of a FraudsterFebruary 15Atlanta, GA

Members $295 / Non-Members $395

Conducting Internal InvestigationsFebruary 16-17Atlanta, GA

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Effective Report Writing for Fraud ExaminersFebruary 27 Houston, TX

Members $295 / Non-Members $395

Fraud Risk ManagementFebruary 28-March 1 Houston, TX

Members $795 / Non-Members $945


Contract and Procurement FraudMarch 6-7Denver, CO

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

CFE Exam Review CourseMarch 6-9Washington, D.C.

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

Professional Interviewing SkillsMarch 9-10Miami, FL

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

2017 ACFE Fraud Conference EuropeMarch 19-21 London, U.K.

See pg. 11 for pricing.

Auditing for Internal FraudMarch 27-28New York, NY

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance and Ethics ProgramMarch 29-30New York, NY

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

APRILConducting Internal InvestigationsApril 3-4Montreal, QC

Members CAD 970**

Non-Members CAD 1175**

Bribery and CorruptionApril 3-4

Boston, MA

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Detecting Fraud Through Vendor AuditsApril 24 Chicago, IL

Members $295 / Non-Members $395

Financial Statement FraudApril 25-26 Chicago, IL

Members $695 / Non-Members $845



















Schedule subject to change. Visit ACFE.com/Calendar for the most up-to-date Calendar of Events.*Event price includes the cost of the 2017 CFE Exam Prep Course software. Participants who own an older version of the Prep Course may register for a discounted fee. Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview for rates.**Residents of Quebec subject to additional 9.975% QST

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Advance your career with training from

the global leader in anti-fraud education.

CFE Exam Review CourseApril 24-27Austin, TX

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

Obtaining, Managing and Searching Electronic EvidenceApril 27-28Las Vegas, NV

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

MAYInvestigating on the InternetMay 1-2

Cleveland, OH

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

CFE Exam Review CourseMay 8-11Atlanta, GA

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

Controlling the Risk of Asset MisappropriationMay 22-23San Diego, CA

Members $695 / Non-Members $845


28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud ConferenceJune 18-23

Nashville, TN

See pg. 10 for pricing

JULYInvestigating Conflicts of InterestJuly 17Philadelphia, PA

Members $295 / Non-Members $395

Uncovering Fraud with Financial and Ratio AnalysisJuly 18-19Philadelphia, PA

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Protecting Against Data Breaches and CyberfraudJuly 27-28 Vancouver, BC

Members CAD 970

Non-Members CAD 1175

CFE Exam Review CourseJuly 31-August 3 Denver, CO

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

CFE Exam Review CourseJuly 2017 Washington, D.C.

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*


Conducting Internal InvestigationsAugust 7-8

Minneapolis, MN

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Effective Report Writing for Fraud ExaminersAugust 14Washington, D.C.

Members $295 / Non-Members $345

Money Laundering Schemes: Identifying and Investigating August 15-16Washington, D.C.

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

Fraud Risk ManagementAugust 21-22New York, NY

Members $795 / Non-Members $945

Tracing and Recovering Fraud LossesAugust 23-24New York, NY

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

CFE Exam Review CourseAugust 28-31Chicago, IL

Members $2395 / Non-Members $2395*

SEPTEMBERAuditing for Internal Fraud September 7-8 Frankfurt, Germany

Members EUR 845 / Non-Members EUR 1005

Advanced Fraud Examination TechniquesSeptember 11-13Austin, TX

Members $995 / Non-Members $1195

Professional Interviewing SkillsSeptember 18-19 Charlotte, NC

Members $695 / Non-Members $845

2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Asia-PacificSeptember 2017 Hong Kong

See FraudConference.com/AsiaPac

for pricing






















REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 9

Visit ACFE.com/Calendar for the most up-to-date Calendar of Events.*Event price includes the cost of the 2017 CFE Exam Prep Course software. Participants who own an older version of the Prep Course may register for a discounted fee. Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview for rates. Schedule subject to change.

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VenueMusic City Center201 5th Avenue SouthNashville, TN 37203

Hotel InformationSpecial rates for ACFE attendees are avail-able at the following nearby hotels. Please visit FraudConference.com for complete information.

Omni NashvilleRenaissance NashvilleSheraton Nashville DowntownHyatt Place NashvilleDoubleTree by Hilton Nashville

CPE Credit4-40

Course LevelsBasic-Advanced


Conference Fees

Most Popular Event Packages

Early Registration*

(by April 5, 2017)Advanced Registration(by May 10, 2017)

Standard Registration(after May 10, 2017)

Government Pricing

Full Conference Package Pre, Main, and Post Events (June 18-23)

Members .....................$1450Non-Members .............$1700

Members ....................... $1550Non-Members ................ $1800

Members .................... $1650Non-Members ............. $1900

Members ................. $1375Non-Members .......... $1625

Main Conference Only(June 19-21)

Members .....................$1050Non-Members .............$1300

Members. ....................... $1150 Non-Members ................ $1400

Members. .................... $1250 Non-Members. ............ $1500

Members. ................... $925 Non-Members .......... $1175

Group Registration — Make the ACFE Global Fraud Conference a team event and save even more. Groups of three or more

from the same organization will receive additional savings on conference packages. Visit FraudConference.com for details or

call (800) 245-3321.

*Payment must be received by April 5, 2017 to receive early registration savings. Discount does not apply to government, group or other special pricing.


Visit FraudConference.com

28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference June 18-23, 2017 | Music City Center | Nashville, TNFrom saving millions of dollars each year to mitigating reputational damage to their organizations, fraud fighters like you are making an impact around the world. Join more than 3,000 of these leading anti-fraud professionals at Nashville’s Music City Center, June 18-23, 2017, for the 28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference. Secure your spot early at FraudConference.com.

• Choose from more than 70 sessions on the latest anti-fraud issues, featuring international speakers addressing global concerns.

• Connect with anti-fraud professionals from more than 60 countries.

• Take the next step in your career with professional development advice.

• Discover the latest anti-fraud products and services from leading vendors.

Keynote Speakers

Andrew Jennings

Investigative Reporter,

First to Uncover

Corruption within FIFA

Eugene Soltes

Harvard University Professor

and Author, Why They Do It:

Inside the Mind of the

White-Collar Criminal

Eric O'Neill

Cybersecurity Strategist,

Founding Partner,

The Georgetown Group


Eric Ben-Artzi

Deutsche Bank Whistleblower

Page 11: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 11REGISTER NOW VISIT FraudConference.com/Europe CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 11

Conference Fees

Registration Packages Early Registration†

(by February 17, 2017)Standard Registration(after February 17, 2017)

Full Conference Package Pre-Conference and Main Conference

Members .......... EUR 1250Non-Members .. EUR 1400

Members................ EUR 1375Non-Members.........EUR 1525

Main Conference Only Members .......... EUR 1200Non-Members .. EUR 1350

Members................ EUR 1325Non-Members.........EUR 1475

Pre-Conference Only N/AMembers.................. EUR 275Non-Members...........EUR 365

†Registration fees include 20% VAT. Registration fees paid for by credit cards will be charged the U.S. dollar equivalent of the total fee. Differences may occur due to bank currency translation. Payment must be received by February 17, 2017, to receive the early registration discount.

Register today at FraudConference.com/Europe

Hotel InformationPark Plaza VictoriaHotel Phone: +44 844 415 6750Room Rate*: GBP 169 (inclusive of break-fast, exclusive of VAT)Hotel Cut-Off: February 15, 2017

CPE Credit4-24

Course LevelsBasic-Advanced

2017 ACFE Fraud Conference EuropeMarch 19-21, 2017 | London, U.K.

The ACFE Fraud Conference Europe offers you the opportunity to exchange

insights with fellow anti-fraud professionals and develop cutting-edge

skills in the global fight against fraud. In addition to attending informative

sessions offering practical techniques and tips, you’ll network with leaders

of Europe’s anti-fraud community and earn up to 24 CPE credits.


Visit FraudConference.com/Europe

Group Registration — Bring a team of three or more from your organization and save an

additional EUR 25 on Full and Main Conference packages. For details or to register, contact

[email protected] or call (512) 478-9000 / (800) 245-3321.

*Reservations subject to availability.

“A well-organized event in every aspect. Would definitely recommend for everyone who is in the anti-fraud profession. Great opportunity to exchange experience, knowledge and gain contacts.”

— Aleksandar Vidovic CEO, Salviol D.O.O.

Keynote Speakers

Mark Livschitz

Compliance and AML Expert

Attorney, Mark Livschitz AG

Clare Rewcastle Brown

Investigative Reporter

Malaysia 1MDB Exposé

Liseli Pennings, CFE

ACFE Training Director

Page 12: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Register today at FraudConference.com/AsiaPac!

12 | REGISTER NOW VISIT FraudConference.com/MiddleEast CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Register today at FraudConference.com/MiddleEast

2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle EastJanuary 29-31, 2017 | Dubai, UAE

Join nearly 400 anti-fraud professionals in Dubai for the 2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle East, January 29-31, 2017. With four tracks of educational sessions, an optional Post-Conference session, inspiring keynote speakers and invaluable networking opportunities, this conference is the region’s best oppor-

tunity to learn the latest techniques and tools in the fight against fraud.

This year’s conference is hosted by the Government of Dubai - Department of Economic Development.

*The ACFE does not compensate convicted fraudsters.†To qualify for the government rate, registrant must be an employee of a government department or entity. Rate is subject to approval.

Space is limited and last year’s event sold out. Register now to reserve

your spot! FraudConference.com/MiddleEast

Conference Fees

Registration Packages Standard Registration Government Rate†

Main Conference Only Members ........................ $1145Non-Members ................ $1345

Members .....................$795Non-Members .............$945

Full Conference Package Main Conference and Post-Conference

Members ........................ $1295Non-Members ................ $1495

Members .....................$945Non-Members ...........$1095

Post-Conference Only Members .......................... $295Non-Members .................. $395


Keynote Speakers

Hotel InformationAtlantis, The Palm HotelDubai, UAEHotel Phone: +971 4 426-2000

CPE Credit4-17

Course LevelsBasic-Advanced


Under the patronage of His Excellency AbdulAziz Abdulla Al Ghurair

Chairman of UAE Banks Federation

Strategic Partner

Eugene Kaspersky

CEO, Co-Founder,

Kaspersky Lab

Andrew Fastow

Former CFO, Enron

Convicted Fraudster*

Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, CPA

ACFE Vice President and

Program Director

Page 13: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/AIF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 13

ScheduleNew York, NY | March 27-28, 2017Executive Conference CenterVenue Phone: (212) 903-8060No room block established.Early Registration Deadline†: February 27, 2017

Frankfurt, Germany | September 7-8, 2017Le Meridien Parkhotel FrankfurtHotel Phone: +49 69 2697 0Room Rate*: EUR 179 singleHotel Cut-Off: July 26, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: August 7, 2017

Las Vegas, NV | December 2017

Visit ACFE.com/AIF for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.**Prices vary by location.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

“I took away at least 25 ideas I can put into practice right away.”

— Mary Nicks, CPA, CGMA Explorer Pipeline CAE


Visit ACFE.com/AIF


Members: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyAuditing

Course LevelBasic


Auditing for Internal FraudFinding fraud is part of your professional responsibility as an auditor.

Auditing for Internal Fraud will help you develop and sharpen your ex-

isting skills and teach you the techniques necessary for effective fraud

detection. During this 2-day course, you will explore the challenges

that auditors traditionally face in identifying fraud and learn the funda-

mentals of auditing for fraud, with an emphasis on understanding the

common schemes, detection techniques and methods of preventing

occupational fraud.

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

You Will Learn How To:• Identify the types, costs and red

flags of common internal fraud schemes, including: • Financial statement fraud • Bribery and corruption • Asset misappropriation

• Recognize the auditor’s fraud- related responsibilities in audit engagements and avoid potential malpractice

• Identify and avoid the obstacles auditors often face in finding fraud

• Define and strengthen the traits necessary to apply professional skepticism

• Employ strategies to overcome bias during audits

• Effectively assess an organization’s fraud risks

• Apply data analysis techniques to find fraud

• Implement mechanisms to prevent occupational fraud

Who Should Attend:• Controllers and corporate


• CPAs, CAs or equivalent

• Forensic and management accountants

• Internal and external auditors

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Register for for this event and Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance and Ethics Program in New York (pg. 30) and SAVE!

Register for for this event and Building Your Fraud Examination Practice in Las Vegas (pg. 27) and SAVE!

Page 14: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

14 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CII CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge and Applications

Course LevelBasic


Conducting Internal Investigations A well-run internal investigation can enhance a company’s overall

well-being and can help detect the source of lost funds, identify respon-

sible parties and recover losses. It can also provide a defense to legal

charges by terminated or disgruntled employees. But perhaps most

importantly, an internal investigation will signal to other employees that

the company will not tolerate fraud.

This seminar will prepare you for every step of an internal investigation

into potential fraud, from receiving the initial allegation to testifying as a

witness. Learn to lead an internal investigation with accuracy and confi-

dence by gaining knowledge about various topics, such as relevant legal

aspects of internal investigations, using computers in an investigation,

collecting and analyzing internal and external information, interviewing

witnesses and writing reports.

Atlanta, GA | February 16-17, 2017Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN CenterHotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNIRoom Rate*: $155 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: January 17, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: January 16, 2017

Montreal, QC | April 3-4, 2017W MontrèalHotel Phone: (877) W-HOTELSRoom Rate*: CAD 225 singleHotel Cut-Off: March 3, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: March 3, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Minneapolis, MN | August 7-8, 2017The Grand Hotel MinneapolisHotel Phone: (800) KIMPTONRoom Rate*: $209 singleHotel Cut-Off: February 8, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: July 7, 2017

You Will Learn How To:• Assess the risk of fraud within

your organization and respond when it is identified

• Detect and investigate fraud with the use of data analytics

• Collect documents and electronic evidence needed in the course of an investigation

• Perform effective information- gathering and admission-seeking interviews.

• Discern legal and regulatory concerns related to internal investigations

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• IT professionals

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

Register for this course and Under-standing the Mindset of a Fraudster in Atlanta (pg. 37) and SAVE!



Visit ACFE.com/CII

Page 15: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 15REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/POFE CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 15

Principles of Fraud Examination Build a solid foundation in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence

with Principles of Fraud Examination, the most comprehensive course

on the subject. Explore the four basic areas of fraud examination: fraud

prevention and deterrence, law, financial transactions and fraud schemes,

and investigation. This course is taught by leading practitioners who will

provide best-practices guidance and expert insight on dealing with the

professional challenges you encounter daily.

For 3½ days, immerse yourself in anti-fraud training while interacting with

colleagues and peers. The course includes lectures, group discussions

and video presentations.

“This is an amazing course and I have already recommended it to others. The speakers were great. They all had great examples/stories to help make the learning fun, easy to understand and relevant. I can’t wait to go to the next ACFE conference!”

— Patricia Parker, CFE, MS Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

You Will Learn How To:• Interpret the causes of frauds, and

how to prevent and deter future frauds by detecting red flags

• Conduct all steps of a fraud exam-ination from planning the examina-tion and interviewing prospective witnesses to writing effective reports

• Detect fraudulent financial trans-actions and conduct fraud risk assessments

• Identify occupational fraud schemes and external threats of fraud

• Examine the legal issues that affect fraud examinations including rules of evidence, key legal rights and privacy issues, and testifying

Who Should Attend:• Business professionals, educators

and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Experienced fraud examiners seek-ing to complement their practical experience with the knowledge of leading anti-fraud experts

• Individuals who are considering starting a practice focused on fraud deterrence and detection

• Anti-fraud professionals interested in becoming Certified Fraud Examiners


Visit ACFE.com/POFE


Austin, TX | December 4-7, 2017JW Marriott AustinHotel Phone: (844) 473-3959Room Rate*:$259 single/double, limited gov’t rate rooms availableHotel Cut-Off Date: November 13, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: November 3, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

FeesMembers: $1195Non-Members: $1395

CPE Credit28

Field of StudyVisit ACFE.com/POFE for more information.

Course LevelBasic


This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

Page 16: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

16 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/PIS CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyCommunications

Course LevelBasic


You Will Learn How To:• Plan and schedule interviews

• Comply with legal issues that affect interviews

• Identify different types of interview questions for individual personality styles

• Detect deception and create strate-gies to gain quality information

• Obtain confessions and signed statements

Who Should Attend:• Business professionals who

conduct interviews

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

“I enjoyed attending the Pro-fessional Interviewing Skills seminar. The experience was insightful, interesting and suggestive of different perspectives and approaches on interviewing. I loved it!”

— Natalie LePage, CFE TransAlta

Professional Interviewing Skills Are people lying to you? Do you know for sure? When do actions

speak louder than words? This 2-day, interactive seminar will teach you

how to be more effective in asking direct and follow-up questions, while

evaluating both verbal and non-verbal responses, so you can detect lies

and uncover the truth during interviews.

ScheduleMiami, FL | March 9-10, 2017DoubleTree by Hilton Grand Hotel Biscayne BayHotel Phone: (800) HILTONSRoom Rate*: $209 singleHotel Cut-Off: February 8, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: February 9, 2017

Charlotte, NC | September 18-19, 2017Omni Charlotte HotelHotel Phone: 800-THE-OMNIRoom Rate*: $209 single, doubleHotel Cut-Off: August 18, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: August 18, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Page 17: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 17

Almost any fraud case can provide lessons to inquiring fraud examiners to help them detect and prevent future schemes. These lessons are often more apparent and dra-matic, however, when the cases in question are among the biggest and most audacious ever perpetrated.

10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st Century The century may be young, but it has al-ready produced some fraud schemes that will go down in the history books. Learn more about the fraud schemes that have dominated the headlines — from Enron and WorldCom to Madoff and Olympus — and learn how anti-fraud professionals must adapt to the challenges of fraud in the 21st century.See pg. 48

Frankensteins of Fraud ACFE founder and Chairman Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, tells the stories of the 20th century’s most heinous fraudsters. These dynamic tales will take you beyond the facts of the cases, giving you glimpses of the minds behind the schemes.See pg. 53

Fraud Casebook: Lessons from the Bad Side of BusinessLook at a variety of fraud cases through the eyes of the CFEs who investigated them in the most comprehensive collec-tion of fraud case studies ever compiled. Learn about the schemes, how they were detected and what lessons they hold for anti-fraud professionals moving forward.See pg. 53




See Highlights From 2016 in the Latest ACFE Report to Members We are excited to share the ACFE Report to Members: 2016 Year in Review with you all. The report takes a look at the global events we’ve hosted, new resources we’ve offered and ongoing accom-plishments of our members during 2016. You can view the report at ACFE.com/RTM.

In the past year, we’ve offered a number of new resources thanks to your help. We released the 2016 ACFE Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse based on the thousands of surveys completed by many of you. We also partnered with the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations to release the Fraud Risk Management Guide (see pg. 53).

In an effort to help our members have an easier way to exchange best practices and new ideas, we were excited to introduce you to our new ACFE Community. This online discussion forum offers members a place to share best practices, network worldwide and ask questions about pertinent professional challenges. We have loved seeing so many of you participate and use the Community to further your professional skills and personal connections. To join the discussion, visit connect.ACFE.com.

Whether you were unable to make it to our 27th Annual ACFE Glob-al Fraud Conference, or just wanted to re-watch sessions, we of-fered a virtual conference option for the first time. You could choose to access specific breakout sessions and watch any sessions you might have missed. In order to bring highlights from all our conferences around the world, we have also written keynote recaps and exclusive interviews on our new Fraud Conference News site at FraudConferenceNews.com.

The report reflects not only the successes of the ACFE, but demon-strates the contribution that each of you bring to strengthen the global fight against fraud. We are proud of what we have accom-plished, but continue to think of even more ways to support you. Your drive and diligence serve as inspiration for us, and a reminder that the fight against fraud is an ongoing one.

We hope that you enjoy this retrospective at ACFE.com/RTM. We are looking forward to all we will accomplish together in 2017.

(In)Famous Frauds

Page 18: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

18 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/DA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

You Will Learn How To:• Use data analytics to detect fraud

• Implement the full data analytics process, from determining which data to acquire to spotting the warning signs of fraud

• Use different tools available to perform data analytics

• Recognize common red flags of fraud that appear in the data

• Implement data analytics tests that can be used to detect

numerous fraud schemes

• Analyze non-numeric data, such as text and timelines, for signs of fraud

Who Should Attend:• Controllers and corporate


• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• IT professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

“Data analysis techniques, applicability and fraud scheme red flags information was extremely well laid out. Very helpful.”

— Jackie Mounts, CFE Florida Dept. of Revenue,

Office of Inspector General

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyAuditing

Course LevelBasic


Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud According to the ACFE’s 2016 Report to the Nations on Occupational

Fraud and Abuse, proactive data monitoring and analysis is among the

most effective anti-fraud controls. Organizations which undertake proac-

tive data analysis techniques experience frauds that are 54% less costly

and 50% shorter than organizations that do not monitor and analyze data

for signs of fraud.

Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud will introduce you to the basic tech-

niques of uncovering fraud through data analysis. Taking a software-

independent approach, this 2-day course provides numerous data ana-

lytics tests that can be used to detect various fraud schemes. You will

also discover how to examine and interpret the results of those tests to

identify the red flags of fraud.

ScheduleSan Francisco, CA | February 6-7, 2017Omni San FranciscoHotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNIRoom Rate*: $299 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off Date: January 6, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: January 6, 2017

Seattle, WA | October 16-17, 2017

Baltimore, MD | November 6-7, 2017

Jakarta, Indonesia | December 2017

Visit ACFE.com/DA for updated seminar information.*Reservations subject to availability.**Fees vary by location†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Page 19: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/VA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 19

ScheduleChicago, IL | April 24, 2017Hyatt Regency ChicagoHotel Phone: (888) 421-1442 or +1 (312) 565-1234Room Rate*: $229 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: March 27, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.

You Will Learn How To:• Ensure that contract language

supports future audits

• Assess the strength of current vendor contracts and audit clause language and why it is vital to do so

• Identify and select good candi-dates for vendor audits

• Recognize key parties affected by the vendor audit and obtain their support for the audit process

• Identify and collect essential pre-audit background information

• Determine and request supporting documentation for audit

• Apply the most effective audit tests to detect potential fraud

• Recognize the types of fraud and related red flags that might be uncovered during a vendor audit

• Respond to identified vendor fraud warning signs

Who Should Attend:• Internal and external auditors

• Forensic accountants

• Controllers, CPAs and other accounting professionals

• Government auditors and investigators

• Procurement officers

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud specialists

FeesMembers: $295Non-Members: $395

CPE Credit8

Field of StudyAuditing

Course LevelIntermediate

PrerequisitesFamiliarity with the contract and procure-ment process

Detecting Fraud Through Vendor AuditsThe potential for fraud is not solely an internal threat; the businesses

that provide an organization with goods and services can engage in fraud-

ulent behavior as well. One of the ways to mitigate these external risks

is to establish a contractual right-to-audit in purchasing and other vendor

contracts. Auditing vendors and suppliers can be a critical fraud deterrent

and detection device for management to ensure they are being treated

equitably and are not victims of fraud.

Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits is a 1-day course designed to ex-

plain how to develop a solid foundation for vendor audits; how to identify

which vendors to target; how to prepare for a vendor audit; how to iden-

tify, gather and audit relevant vendor documentation; and what common

vendor fraud schemes to look for.

Register for this course and Financial Statement Fraud in Chicago (pg. 32) and SAVE!

Page 20: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

20 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/FRM CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ScheduleHouston, TX | February 28-March 1, 2017Crown Plaza – Houston River OaksHotel Phone (800) 227-6963Room Rate*: $119 singleHotel Cut-Off: February 12, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: January 27, 2017

New York, NY | August 21-22, 2017Executive Conference CenterNo room block establishedEarly Registration Deadline†: July 21, 2017

“This is a course that should be taken no matter what level of experience you may have.”

— Noel L. Barreto, CFE Bank of America

FeesMembers: $795Non-Members: $945

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyManagement Advisory Services

Course LevelIntermediate

PrerequisitesFamiliarity with common fraud schemes and risks

You Will Learn How To:• Identify fraud risks and the factors

that influence them

• Analyze existing risk management frameworks and how they pertain to managing fraud risk

• Develop and implement the necessary components of a successful fraud risk management program

• Identify the elements of a strong, ethical corporate culture

• Promote fraud awareness to employees at all levels of the organization

Who Should Attend:• Bank and financial institution


• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Fraud Risk ManagementWith organizations losing an estimated 5 percent of their annual reve-

nues to fraud, the need for a strong anti-fraud stance and proactive, com-

prehensive approach to combating fraud is clear. Develop an effective

fraud risk management program and apply a supporting risk assessment

framework within your organization. In this 2-day seminar, you will learn

to design and implement entity-wide controls to prevent fraud, as well as

support fraud risk management initiatives by establishing an anti-fraud

culture and promoting fraud awareness throughout the organization.

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.


Visit ACFE.com/FRM

Register for this course and Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners in Houston (pg. 31) and SAVE!

Register for this course and Tracing and Recovering Fraud Losses in New York (pg. 36) and SAVE!

Page 21: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 21

SchedulePhiladelphia, PA | July 17, 2017DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Center CityHotel Phone: (800) 222-8733Room Rate*: $159 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: June 16, 2017

You Will Learn How To:• Implement investigative tech-

niques for conflict of interest engagements

• Conduct the flow of conflict of interest investigations

• Deal with witnesses and the legal implications of these unique investigations

• Prepare witness statements, docu-ments and electronic evidence

• Obtain appropriate evidence and preserve it to build a conflict of interest case

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management accountants

• Internal and external auditors

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

FeesMembers: $295Non-Members: $395

CPE Credit8

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelIntermediate

PrerequisitesUnderstanding of basic fraud examination techniques

Investigating Conflicts of InterestConflicts of interest can present significant fraud risks for corporations,

government agencies, fiduciaries, customers and suppliers. It is also one

of the most difficult areas of fraud to investigate and obtain adequate evi-

dence. Improper investigations can create counterclaims and civil actions

against organizations and fraud examiners.

In this class, gain an understanding of how and why conflicts arise and

how to spot the warning signs of a conflict of interest. Plus leave with an

understanding of issues specific to these types of engagements.

Register for this course and Uncov-ering Fraud with Financial and Ratio Analysis in Philidelphia (pg. 25) and SAVE!

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/ICI CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 21

*Reservations subject to availability.

Page 22: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.**Hotel Resort Fee Policy: A $32.00 daily resort fee will apply. This fee will cover property-wide internet access (public spaces and in-room), unlimted local and toll free calls, airline boarding pass printing, notary service, daily digital newspaper access and fitness center access for guests 18+. Hotel Reservation Policy: Attendee must submit a credit card or deposit equal to the first night’s room rate, plus tax as a guarantee, at the time the reservation is made. Attendee’s credit card will be charged the (1) night’s room rate plus tax at that time. Deposits are only refundable for cancellations received by ARIA at least (72) hours in advance of the confirmed arrival date. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

ScheduleLas Vegas, NV | April 27-28, 2017ARIA Resort & CasinoHotel Phone: (866) 359-7757 or +1 (702) 590-7757Room Rate*: $185 single**Hotel Cut-Off: March 27, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: March 27, 2017

You Will Learn How To:• Identify digital forensics best

practices as they apply to a fraud examination

• Obtain and secure the digital evidence you are looking for

• Locate evidence in the cloud and on mobile devices

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Detectives and private investigators

• IT professionals

• Internal auditors, forensic accoun-tants and bank examiners

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals


Members: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelIntermediate

PrerequisitesSome familiarity with how electronic evidence is obtained and secured

Obtaining, Managing and Searching Electronic EvidenceFraud examinations are constantly evolving, and technology is often the

driving force behind these changes. In today’s data-driven environment, the

evidence obtained to investigate and eventually prosecute a fraud can come

from numerous sources — many of which are now digital. Identifying where

digital evidence might be stored, and using specialized tools and techniques

to preserve this data, will require new expertise from both the digital forensics

practitioner and the fraud examiner.

This 2-day seminar will introduce you to digital forensics and discuss accepted

techniques to identify, preserve and manage digital evidence. You will learn

how to qualify and work with digital forensics experts to effectively narrow the

focus of large volumes of data and identify those elements that will best serve

the case. Learning how to work with these professionals and how to plan an

investigative strategy in the digital environment will maximize your chance for

a successful fraud examination.

22 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/EE CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000


Visit ACFE.com/EE

Page 23: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 23REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/AFET CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 23

You Will Learn How To:• Plan and execute complex fraud


• Use functional knowledge of advanced legal issues pertaining to your investigation

• Strengthen your evidence- gathering skills by determining what items are relevant and how they should be collected and interpreted

• Implement advanced analytical techniques for detecting common fraud schemes

• Improve your ability to use tech-nology and the latest computer software

• Prepare for and conduct critical interviews of both witnesses and suspects pertinent to the case

• Testify under direct and cross- examination

Who Should Attend:• Experienced fraud examiners

seeking to complement their prac-tical experience with the knowl-edge of leading anti-fraud experts

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Government employees

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Loss prevention and security professionals

FeesMembers: $995Non-Members: $1195

CPE Credit24

Field of StudySee ACFE.com/AFET for more information.

Course LevelAdvanced

PrerequisitesA solid understanding of the legal, financial, investigative and criminological principles of fraud prevention, detection and examination.

ScheduleAustin, TX | September 11-13, 2017Omni Austin Hotel DowntownHotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNIRoom Rate*: $219 single/double; limited gov’t rooms availableHotel Cut-Off: August 10, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: August 11, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

“The best CPE course that I have taken in my professional career.”

— Marlin Evenson

Advanced Fraud Examination TechniquesAcquire the case experience and know-how you need to excel in your

job. This 3-day advanced course takes place in a uniquely interactive

learning environment where you will work on two actual fraud cases

that have been modified for teaching purposes. Working through these

scenarios, you will simulate many aspects of a real case — interviewing

a suspect and trying to obtain a confession; compiling evidence and

building your case; offering testimony and being cross-examined. By

understanding how it feels to be part of a small team working a real

investigation, you will enhance your skills as a fraud examiner and expand

your capabilities.

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

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24 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/LEGA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Fraud Examinations Across Borders Money can now crisscross the world with unprece-dented speed — and where the money goes, fraud-sters are sure to follow. Fraud examiners in the global economy must be prepared when the scope of an investigation extends beyond their domestic jurisdic-tions. Broaden your skills with these resources from the ACFE.

Issues in Conducting Interna-tional Fraud InvestigationsDevelop an approach to global fraud in-vestigations that complies with applicable local and foreign laws, cultures and com-mon practices. Learn about differences in employment law, data privacy and other significant factors that can vary signifi-cantly from one jurisdiction to another.See pg. 47

Issues in Conducting International Interviews Differences in language and culture may impact fraud examiners most dramat-ically when it comes to conducting interviews. This course will help you improve the way you communicate with people from other cultures or whose first language is different from yours. It also provides useful tips for planning in-ternational interviews and dealing with the unique challenges that can arise.

See pg. 47

28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference When it comes to international inves-tigations, nothing beats a professional network that spans the globe. And there is no better place to cultivate such a network than the ACFE Global Fraud Conference, where more than 3,000 anti-fraud professionals from more than 60 countries gather to learn, connect and grow.

See pg. 10




LEGA Bridges the Gap Through Exclusive Events and Training

The ACFE’s Law Enforcement and Government Alliance (LEGA) is committed to bridging the gap between the financial and investigative worlds for law enforcement agencies and government entities. One way the alliance continues to bring these two worlds together is through events like the ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Anti-Fraud Summit.

Last November, LEGA hosted the inaugural summit in Washington, D.C., on November 21. The 1-day training event sold out and provided attendees with five sessions tailored to the challenges faced by agencies from across the U.S. and beyond. LEGA expanded members’ access to educational tools and up-to-date live training from the industry’s foremost leaders.

In addition to the world-class training that the ACFE and LEGA offer, all alliance agencies are eligible for savings on seminars, training re-sources, and ACFE products and merchandise. Partners can post em-ployment ads on the ACFE Career Center Job Board at no charge and are given complimentary booth space annually at the world’s largest anti-fraud conference. With assistance in recruiting, training and net-working, LEGA offers abundant amounts of benefits and resources to its members.

Current LEGA members include:

Bridge the gap in your own organization and join LEGA today. Visit ACFE.com/LEGA, email [email protected] or call (800) 245-3321.

Please note, when requesting membership in LEGA, there are no ap-plications and joining is free upon written formal recognition of the CFE credential. If you are currently a member of LEGA, don’t forget to take advantage of the new LEGA member portal and to request access to the ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Alliance LinkedIn group. Both the member portal and LinkedIn group offer access to fraud-related sto-ries, the ability to request help from other members on cases and to keep up-to-date on all things happening with the alliance.

• U.S. Department of State

• U.S. Department of Defense

• Federal Bureau of Investigation

• South African Revenue Service

• United Nations

• City of London Police

Page 25: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/UFRA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 25

You Will Learn How To:• Design financial analyses aimed at

detecting fraud schemes, includ-ing asset misappropriations and financial statement fraud

• Elevate the fraud-detection capa-bilities of traditional horizontal, vertical and ratio analyses

• Recognize financial anomalies, including duplicate transactions and violations of Benford’s Law

• Apply complex ratios, such as the Beneish M-score and other multiple-factor analyses

• Formulate targeted ratios that combine non-financial data with financial data

• Implement monitoring tools to help automate and improve detec-tion of financial red flags

Who Should Attend:• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud specialists

• Internal and external auditors

• Forensic accountants

• Controllers, CPAs and other accounting professionals

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyAuditing

Course LevelAdvanced

PrerequisitesA solid understanding of the creation of and relationships between an organiza-tion’s financial statements and records

Uncovering Fraud With Financial and Ratio AnalysisAnomalies in an organization’s financial reports can be an indica-

tor that fraudulent activity is occurring — if you know what to look for.

Digging deep into the financial statements offers an advanced method

of detecting fraud by uncovering relationships that don’t make sense and

highlighting red flags of potential manipulation. Learn how to use in-depth

financial and ratio analysis to spot the warning signs of fraud in your orga-

nization. Practical problems and real case examples discussed throughout

the course will illustrate the principles and techniques presented.

Register for this course and Investigat-ing Conflicts of Interest in Philadelphia (pg. 21) and SAVE!

SchedulePhiladelphia, PA | July 18-19, 2017DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Center CityHotel Phone: (800) 222-8733Room Rate*: $159 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: June 16, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: June 16, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Page 26: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

26 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/BC CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

You Will Learn How To:• Navigate the legal elements of

bribery and corruption

• Implement policies and proce-dures to comply with the FCPA, U.K. Bribery Act and other anti-corruption legislation

• Identify common corruption schemes

• Evaluate the effectiveness of your anti-corruption compliance program

• Conduct third-party due diligence

• Respond to red flags of corruption

• Manage investigations across international borders

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud specialists


Visit ACFE.com/BC

Bribery and Corruption A dramatic increase in the number of enforcements and in the penal-

ties paid during settlements has made bribery and corruption key issues

for many global organizations. The extension of anti-corruption laws to

vendors presents an added vulnerability to companies in the U.S. How

do you ensure that both your employees and the third parties that play a

critical role for your organization are following the rules?

Learn how to effectively incorporate anti-bribery and corruption compli-

ance policies into your anti-fraud strategy at this 2-day ACFE seminar.

You will gain an understanding of how the Foreign Corrupt Practices

Act (FCPA), U.K. Bribery Act and other anti-corruption legislation impact

your organization. You will also learn how to protect against the twin

threats of bribery and corruption, from identifying possible violations to

managing a global investigation.

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


“Very relevant, dynamic and engaging course.”

— Agnessa Vartanova, CFE, CIA, CPA Internal Audit Manager

Ball Corporation

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

ScheduleBoston, MA | April 3-4, 2017The Westin Copley Place, BostonHotel Phone: (888) 627-7216Room Rate*: $299 single, doubleHotel Cut-Off: March 3, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: March 3, 2017

Tampa, FL | October 2017

Visit ACFE.com/BC for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Page 27: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/BYFP CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 27

ScheduleLas Vegas, NV | December 2017

Visit ACFE.com/BYFP for updated seminar information.

You Will Learn How To:• Build a personal brand that will

help you attract and retain clients

• Develop your business plan

• Promote your firm through a variety of media

• Network to build your client base through referrals

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Business professionals with mid-size and larger firms who plan to introduce or expand their current offering to include fraud examina-tion services

• Detectives and private investigators

• Individuals who are considering starting a practice focused on fraud deterrence and detection

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• IT professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

FeesMembers: $295Non-Members: $395

CPE Credit8

Field of StudyBusiness Management and Organization

Course LevelOverview


Building Your Fraud Examination PracticeDemand for fraud examination services is at an all-time high. Lawyers,

consulting firms, government agencies and companies of all sizes require the

expertise of fraud examiners. A challenge for many small firms and solo practi-

tioners is connecting with these opportunities and growing their business.

This 1-day, instructor-led course will teach you the types of fraud examination

services in demand and provide practical advice on how to market your services

to those who need them most. Find your niche in the anti-fraud profession.

Register for this course and Auditing for Internal Fraud in Las Vegas (pg. 13) and SAVE!

Page 28: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

28 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CPF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ScheduleDenver, CO | March 6-7, 2017Embassy Suites DenverDowntown Convention Center Hotel Phone: 800-HILTONSRoom Rate*: $189 singleHotel Cut-Off Date: February 3, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: February 6, 2017

Dallas, TX | October 2017

Visit ACFE.com/CPF for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.


Visit ACFE.com/CPF

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


Contract and Procurement Fraud The rise in contract management and the outsourcing of goods and

services has created an increase in procurement fraud, which can occur

at any stage of the contracting and procurement process. Appropriate

controls, fraud prevention strategies and proper tendering processes are

necessary in the fight against this fraud. This 2-day course will teach you

the best practices for preventing, detecting and investigating contract

and procurement fraud.

Organizations can be defrauded through collusion among bidders,

between employers and contractors, and by sole procurement employ-

ees. Consequently, you need to be aware of the vulnerabilities and risks

associated with fraud schemes that attack the purchasing, procurement

and contract functions. Acquire the knowledge, skills and techniques you

need to prevent, detect and deter these devastating frauds.

You Will Learn How To:• Determine if a procurement

scheme violates legal statutes or civil laws

• Identify the red flags of bribery and corruption

• Recognize bid-rigging and market-allocation schemes

• Reduce the risk of vendor fraud

• Develop an investigation plan to respond to suspected procure-ment fraud

Who Should Attend • Government procurement officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Professionals and educators seeking knowl-edge of fraud in the procurement process

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Detectives and private investigators

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Register for this course in Dallas and Understanding the Mindset of a Fraudster (pg. 37) and SAVE!

Page 29: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CRAM CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 29

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyAuditing

Course LevelOverview

PrerequisitesNoneYou Will Learn How To:

• Identify common asset misap-propriation schemes, including skimming, larceny and check tampering

• Assess entity-wide fraud risks, including how the organizational culture affects the threat of asset misappropriation

• Assess the process-level fraud risks in the cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll and other functions

• Establish effective internal con-trols to mitigate the risk of asset misappropriation schemes

• Respond to an asset misappro-priation scheme that has been identified

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

ScheduleSan Diego, CA | May 22-23, 2017Embassy Suites by Hilton San Diego Bay DowntownHotel Phone: (800) EMBASSYRoom Rate*: $289 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off Date: April 21, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: April 21, 2017

Salt Lake City, UT | November 9-10, 2017 Hilton Salt Lake City CenterHotel Phone: (800) HILTONSRoom Rate*: $169 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: October 18, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: October 9, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Controlling the Risk of Asset MisappropriationAsset misappropriations pose a risk to all organizations. According

to the ACFE’s 2016 Report to the Nations, these schemes are by far the

most common form of occupational fraud, accounting for 85 percent of

cases reported and resulting in a median loss of $125,000 per incidence.

By identifying areas of vulnerability and implementing targeted preventive

and detective measures, anti-fraud professionals can reduce the impact

these threats might have on their organizations.

Learn how to stay a step ahead of this form of employee fraud with the

2-day ACFE seminar, Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation. This

training course will help you assess your organization’s risk of asset mis-

appropriation and will provide best practices for deterring and identifying

the costly theft or misuse of company resources.


Visit ACFE.com/CRAM

Page 30: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

30 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/DACEP CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyBehavioral Ethics

Course LevelOverview


You Will Learn How To:• Assess an organization’s ethical

and compliance culture

• Create effective anti-fraud, compliance and ethics policies

• Structure the organization to reinforce a culture of ethics and compliance

• Implement a whistleblower reporting system

• Design and conduct effective ethics and compliance training

• Address ethical breaches and noncompliance

• Monitor the anti-fraud, compliance and ethics programs, and remedi-ate any identified deficiencies

Who Should Attend:• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud professionals

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal auditors

• Attorneys and legal professionals

ScheduleNew York, NY | March 29-30, 2017Executive Conference CenterVenue Phone: (212) 903-8060No room block established.Early Registration Deadline†: February 27, 2017

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance and Ethics ProgramThe tone at the top can set a precedent for an ethical corporate culture,

but a formal ethics program provides a clear framework for the organization’s

expectations, policies and potential consequences. While compliance and

ethics are the foundation of such programs, the pervasive threat of fraud

makes it critical to also integrate fraud-focused initiatives into the program,

including anti-fraud and whistleblower policies.

Learn best practices for creating an effective compliance and ethics program

that incorporates anti-fraud measures. This 2-day course will explore the

essential steps your organization needs to take in developing a program that

will effectively foster ethical behavior, promote compliance and deter fraudu-

lent activities by your employees.

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.


Register for this course and Auditing for Internal Fraud in New York (pg. 13) and SAVE!


Visit ACFE.com/DACEP

Page 31: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 31

ScheduleHouston, TX |February 27, 2017Crown Plaza – Houston River OaksHotel Phone: (800) 227-6963Room Rate*: $119 singleHotel Cut-Off: February 12, 2017

Washington, D.C. | August 14, 2017Grand Hyatt WashingtonHotel Phone: (800) 421-1442Room Rate*: $169 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: July 17, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.

FeesMembers: $295Non-Members: $395

CPE Credit8

Field of StudyCommunications

Course LevelOverview


You Will Learn How To:• Assess your audience and plan

your report

• Organize your report content to maximize readability

• Incorporate visual aids to illustrate key points

• Identify and address relevant legal issues in report writing

• Write effective expert witness reports

• Avoid common mistakes when preparing reports

Who Should Attend:• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud professionals

• Business professionals who conduct interviews

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners Communicating your findings is an important part of the fraud exam-

ination process, whether working with a client or as part of an internal

investigation. A written report provides not only a record of the inves-

tigation’s results, but can build credibility for your work. Learn to write

an effective report during this 1-day ACFE seminar. This instructor-led

course will introduce you to the fundamentals of good report writing

and enable you to clearly and effectively communicate the results of

your investigation.

Register for this course in Houston with Fraud Risk Management (pg. 20), or register in Washington, D.C. with Money Laundering Schemes (pg. 34) and SAVE!

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/RW CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 31

Page 32: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

32 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/FSF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ScheduleSydney, Australia | March 2017

Visit ACFE.com/FSF for updated seminar dates and information.

Chicago, IL | April 25-26, 2017Hyatt Regency ChicagoHotel Phone: (888) 421-1442 or +1 (312) 565-1234Room Rate*: $229 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: March 27, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: March 24, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.**Fees may vary by location.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

You Will Learn How To:• Recognize the most common

financial statement fraud schemes

• Identify the red flags of financial statement fraud

• Detect fraud using audit procedures

• Address issues that might affect discussion and analysis of the financial statements

• Understand the fraud implications of emerging issues in financial reporting

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals


Members: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyAccounting

Course LevelOverview


Financial Statement Fraud The complexity of financial statement fraud has received considerable

attention over the past few years and will continue to cause concern. This

course is designed for those who regularly review and evaluate financial

statements. Auditors, both internal and independent, will benefit from an

enhanced understanding of what the numbers mean and the increased

ability to detect indicators of fraud.

This 2-day, instructor-led course also discusses the fraud-related respon-

sibilities of financial professionals and provides attendees with practical

techniques to detect financial statement manipulation.

Register for this course in Chicago and Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits (pg. 19) and SAVE!


Visit ACFE.com/FSF

Page 33: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 33REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/IOI CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 33

ScheduleCleveland, OH | May 1-2, 2017InterContinental Hotel Suites ClevelandHotel Phone (855) 268-0352Room Rate*: $189 singleHotel Cut-Off: March 31, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: March 31, 2017

New Orleans, LA | November 2017

Visit ACFE.com/IOI for updated seminar dates and information.

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

“Probably the most current, up-to-date information that I know of being presented on this subject matter.”

— J. F. Belichick, CFE, PI

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudyComputer Science

Course LevelOverview


You Will Learn How To:• Conduct fraud examinations using

the Internet efficiently and legally

• Create advanced searches on popular search engines

• Search public record sources and commercial databases online

• Obtain information from foreign corporate records

• Mine social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn for data in your investigation

• Analyze the evidence you have found and close the investigation

Who Should Attend:• Experienced fraud examiners

seeking to complement their prac-tical experience with the knowl-edge of leading anti-fraud experts

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management ac-countants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Government employees

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Loss prevention and security professionals

Investigating on the InternetAre you using online resources in your internal and external investiga-

tions to your best advantage? Presented in non-technical terms, Investi-

gating on the Internet will teach you how to use the internet to find and

follow leads and make your fraud examinations more effective.

With a better understanding of the information available online, you can

increase the efficiency and success of your fraud examinations. In this

seminar, you will learn how to locate evidence online, discuss methods

for researching foreign corporate records and examine various tech-

niques for optimizing online searches.

Page 34: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


Money Laundering SchemesMoney laundering is a common element in many fraud, corruption and

terrorist-financing cases, and has an economic impact on most business-

es and government entities. As technology’s accessibility and ease of

use increase, so does the number of ways a fraudster can conceal his

ill-gotten gains.

This seminar will teach you how to recognize both traditional and emerg-

ing methods of laundering assets, including new payment technologies.

You will also learn the tools and techniques you need to conduct a suc-

cessful money laundering investigation.

Register for this course in Washing-ton, D.C. and Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners (pg. 31) and SAVE!


Visit ACFE.com/MLS

34 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/MLS CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

You Will Learn How To:• Evaluate the goals of a money

launderer at each stage of the laundering process

• Identify traditional laundering schemes, as well as schemes involving emerging payment methods

• Implement procedures to detect money laundering and identify red flags

• Conduct money laundering investigations at the domestic and international levels

• Report the results of the investi-gation and recommend corrective measures

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and

law enforcement personnel

• Criminal investigators from local, state and federal agencies

• Forensic accountants and bank examiners

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

ScheduleWashington, D.C. | August 15-16, 2017Grand Hyatt WashingtonHotel Phone: (800) 421-1442Room Rate*: $169 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: July 17, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: July 16, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Page 35: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 35

SchedulePhoenix, AZ | January 19-20, 2017Sheraton Grand PhoenixHotel Phone: (800) 325-3535Room Rate*: $239 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: December 12, 2016

Vancouver, BC | July 27-28, 2017The Fairmont Waterfront VancouverHotel Phone: (800) 441-1414 or +1 (604) 691-1820Room Rate*: CAD 369 singleHotel Cut-Off: June 26, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: June 27, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Course LevelSpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


You Will Learn How To:• Describe the ways data can be

stolen by employees and informa-tion thieves

• Enact data security measures and be prepared in the event of a data breach

• Contend with data theft maneu-vers such as social engineering, hacking and espionage

• Identify various sources of data loss, both internal and external

• Recognize the impacts of converg-ing trends such as cloud comput-ing and BYOD

• Evaluate legal and regulatory con-cerns related to data security

Who Should Attend:• Governance, risk management and

compliance officers

• Corporate managers

• IT professionals

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Government employees

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Protecting Against Data Breaches and CyberfraudLosing data to fraud can be more costly than the loss of cash or other

assets. To ensure data security, safeguard intellectual property and pro-

tect against cyberfraud, fraud examiners must stay informed of rapidly

advancing technologies, emerging business trends and the methods

employed by increasingly sophisticated information thieves.

This 2-day, instructor-led course will clarify these issues while guiding you

through the crucial strategies needed to mitigate the threat of malicious

data theft and minimize the risk of inadvertent data loss. You will also

learn useful steps for the creation of data security policies and related

internal controls.

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ScheduleNew York, NY | August 23-24, 2017Executive Conference CenterNo room block established. Early Registration Deadline†: July 21, 2017

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

You Will Learn How To:• Play an important role in recovery

as a fraud examiner

• Structure an asset recovery examination

• Leverage online resources and social media sites to find people and assets

• Use financial records and data analytics to locate hidden assets

• Comply with legal aspects and considerations faced in this line of work

• Recover fraud losses from third parties

• Locate and seize assets internationally

Who Should Attend:• Asset recovery specialists

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management ac-countants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Government employees

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Individuals considering starting a practice focused on fraud deter-rence and detection

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

FeesMembers: $695Non-Members: $845

CPE Credit16

Field of StudySpecialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


Tracing and Recovering Fraud LossesA conviction or civil judgment in a fraud case is a victory, but where

does it leave the victim? Recovering fraud losses is critical to resolving

the examination — and it is often complex due to fraud’s inherently

clandestine nature. Fraud examiners must be prepared to deal with the

strategic, organizational, investigative and legal challenges of tracing and

recovering the hidden proceeds of fraud.

From tax filings to Facebook, there is a wealth of tools that you can use

to trace illicit funds and recover hidden assets. This 2-day ACFE training

course provides an overview of the resources, legal considerations and

techniques to prepare for and conduct an asset recovery examination.

Register for this course in New York and Fraud Risk Management (pg. 20) and SAVE!


Visit ACFE.com/TRFL

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ScheduleAtlanta, GA | February 15, 2017Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN CenterHotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNIRoom Rate*: $155 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off: January 17, 2017Early Registration Deadline†: January 16, 2017

Dallas, TX | October 2017

Visit ACFE.com/UMF for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Understanding the Mindset of a FraudsterOnce a fraud scandal goes public, the “who, what, when, where and

how” become a matter of public record. But what about the “why”? Why

do these individuals lie, cheat and swindle? Understanding the path a

fraudster takes from employee to criminal can provide valuable insight

that can help strengthen your anti-fraud initiatives and make your fraud

examinations more successful.

Take a fascinating look inside the mind of a fraudster during this 1-day

ACFE course. Through discussions of human behavior, video interviews

with convicted fraudsters and interactive problem-solving, you will gain

a deeper understanding of motivations and personality traits common to

many fraudsters.

FeesMembers: $295Non-Members: $395

CPE Credit8

Field of Study:Specialized Knowledge

Course LevelOverview


You Will Learn How To:• Recognize common characteris-

tics of fraud perpetrators

• See what societal and organiza-tional factors can lead to fraud

• Recognize red flags in employee behavior

• Use behavioral knowledge to en-hance your fraud examination(s)

• Design anti-fraud programs to include behavioral characteristics

Who Should Attend:• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud professionals

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Detectives and private investigators

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Loss prevention and security professionals

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.


LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/UMF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 37

Register for this course in Atlanta with Conducting Internal Investigations (pg. 14), or register in Dallas with Contract and Procurement Fraud (pg. 28) and SAVE!

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Fraud PreventionDiscover what you can do to protect your company from fraud. Learn about management’s respon-

sibilities for preventing fraud and effective internal controls to aid in this effort. This course will take

you further into leading techniques to manage the risk of fraud and cut its ongoing cost for all types

of entities.

Interviewing Techniques for AuditorsGathering information from employee interviews is an integral part of the audit process, but getting

to the truth requires more than simple questions. This 2-day, instructor-led course will show you

how to conduct more effective interviews during an audit in order to successfully obtain the truth,

and detect lies and deception.

Legal Elements of Fraud ExaminationAs courts make decisions on pressing issues and lawmakers enact legislation, it is important for

you to not only understand the important aspects of the law, but also any relevant changes. This

basic-level course is designed to cover the legal issues that you and your client or employer might

face during a fraud examination.

Fraud-Related ComplianceManaging anti-fraud compliance obligations can be a daunting task. Anti-fraud laws and regulations

often impose monitoring, auditing, collecting and reporting requirements on regulated entities. And

often, regulated entities must coordinate such efforts into a variety of fraud-prevention plans. This

course will explain how national and international laws and regulations apply to your business, and

how to ensure compliance with industry practices and anti-fraud laws and regulations.

How to TestifyEstablish yourself as a consummate courtroom professional. In this course, you will learn how to

testify effectively on direct and cross-examination, basic courtroom procedures and most important,

tricks for surviving on the witness stand.

Additional Events



These courses are part of the ACFE anti-fraud curriculum. They are not currently on the schedule, but will be offered

again in the future. Please visit ACFE.com/Training for updated information on scheduled courses.



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Jenny Brawley, CFE Mortgage Fraud Investigations Associate Director, Freddie Mac

Allen F. Brown, CFE, CPA Former Assistant Legislative Auditor

Rebecca S. Busch, RN, CFECEO and President, Medical Business Associates, Inc.

J. Aaron Christopher, Ph.D., CFE, CPAVice President for Administration and Finance,Northeastern State University

Tiffany Couch, CFE, CPA, CFF Principal, Acuity Forensics

Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, CPA, CVA Vice President and Program Director, ACFE

Eric Feldman, CFE, CIG Managing Director for Corporate Ethics and Compliance Programs, Affiliated Monitors, Inc.

John Gill, J.D., CFE Vice President – Education, ACFE

Cynthia Hetherington, CFE President, Hetherington Group

Hugo A. Holland, Jr., J.D., CFE Prosecutor, State of Louisiana

Ryan C. Hubbs, CFE, CIA, CCEP, PHR, CCSA Sr. Manager, Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services,


Andrew H. Kautz, CFE Manager, Special Investigations Unit, Great-West Life Assurance Company

Bethmara Kessler, CFE, CISA Chief Audit Executive Campbell Soup Company

Walter W. Manning, CFE President, Investigations MD

Tamara May, CFE, CPC-P, PMP President, T.R. Turner & Associates Inc.

Sherman McGrew, J.D., CFE Program Analyst, U.S. TSA

Janet McHard, CFE, CPA, CFF President, McHard Accounting Consulting, LLC

Don Rabon, CFE President, Successful Interviewing Techniques

James D. Ratley, CFE President, ACFE

Chris Rosetti, CFE, CPA Chief Operating Officer, NYSNA Pension Plan & Benefits Fund

Alton Sizemore Jr., CFE, CPA President, Alton Sizemore and Associates

Ralph Q. Summerford, CFE, CPA/ABV, CIRA President, Forensic Strategic Solutions, Inc.

E. Michael Thomas, CFE, CBA, CIA, CPA Partner, Crowe Horwath, LLP

Jonathan E. Turner, CFE, CII Senior Director, Corporate Compliance, Wright Medical Technology

Gerard M. Zack, CFE, CPA, CIA, ACFE Fellow Managing Director – Global Forensics, BDO Consulting

ACFE FacultyACFE faculty members are leading experts in various aspects of de-

tecting, preventing and deterring fraud. They combine years of practical,

professional experience with exceptional speaking and presentation skills.

Although they come from diverse backgrounds, they all share a common

commitment to giving you knowledge, strategies and techniques you can

begin applying immediately to become more effective at fighting fraud. For detailed bios of ACFE faculty, visit ACFE.com/Faculty. Course leaders subject to change. Visit ACFE.com/Faculty for updated information.

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ACFE Webinars

Don’t miss your chance to hear the 27th Annual ACFE Global Fraud

Conference’s top-rated speakers discuss some of the most relevant issues

faced by anti-fraud professionals. The Virtual Conference All-Star Webinar

Series features rebroadcasts of top conference sessions. Register to hear

an individual session or choose the series option to earn up to six hours of

Continuing Professional Education (CPE).

All-Star Series Bundle: Members: $249 / Non-Members: $329

For the most current information on upcoming live CPE webinars, plus a wide selection of archived webinars, please visit ACFE.com/Webinars.

Aligning Data Analytics with COSO's 2016 Guidance on Fraud Risk ManagementCPE Credit: 1.5In 2016, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and the ACFE issued the Fraud Risk Management Guide as a supplement to COSO's Internal Control — Integrated Framework (2013 Framework), which included the consideration of fraud risks. A key component set forth in the Fraud Risk Manage-ment Guide was the use of forensic data analytics and how it can be applied to assist with fraud risk assessments, prevention and detection as well as investigation and corrective actions. In this session, you will hear from one of the co-authors of this guidance and learn specific data analytics use cases, governance frameworks and analytics techniques that were presented in the COSO guidance.

Members: $79 / Non-Members: $99


Why Let the Truth Get In the Way: How Our Implicit Biases Affect Investigations CPE Credit: 1.5Are you able to maintain an objective point of view when conducting your investigations? If you answered in the af-

firmative, you have just made yourself even more susceptible to your implicit biases, those subconscious views held

about the world and everything in it. Learning how to mitigate the influences of implicit biases will ensure that you

remain as objective as possible when conducting investigations and reporting your findings.

Members: $79 / Non-Members: $99


Overcoming the Barriers of Being the Auditor in a Fraud ExaminationCPE Credit: 1.5If your job title includes auditor or investigator, you’re likely wearing an invisible scarlet letter A and you don't even know

it. As internal and external auditors and investigators, the people you interact with often have information pertinent to

your work. However, with auditor or investigator next to your name, you are often perceived as unapproachable. Seek

to understand this myth, common behaviors exhibited by auditors and auditees, and learn how simple and easy-to-use

rapport-building steps can break through the barrier and increase your audit and interviewing effectiveness.

Members: $79 / Non-Members: $99


Prevention Versus Detection: Who Wins in Reducing Procurement Fraud?CPE Credit: 1.5Procurement fraud and abuse are, by their very nature, a product of human behavior and performed with willful

intent. These malicious acts occur by compromising organizational procurement policies, procedures or require-

ments. Therefore, it is important for an organization to determine its tolerance level and how it will mitigate risks.

This session will take you through two opposing techniques to combat procurement fraud and abuse.

Members: $79 / Non-Members: $99



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Benefits of On-Site Training• Productive — Increase your team’s ability to detect and prevent fraud with knowledge

and solutions that can be applied immediately. ACFE On-Site Training uses the ACFE course materials that have helped the ACFE become the world’s leading provider of anti-fraud education.

• Convenient — On-Site Training is conducted at a time that works with your team’s schedule. And since it takes place at your location, you save travel time.

• Cost-Effective — Hosting an ACFE On-Site Training session costs less than sending a group of people to an off-site training event.

• Dynamic — During the course, your team will experience an interactive learning environment where their specific concerns and questions will be addressed in a positive atmosphere. And there are no distractions from questions that have no rele-vance for your business — all discussions are focused on your specific needs and concerns.

• Motivating — The shared learning experience provides a valuable opportunity for team building and increasing staff motiva-tion and morale.

• NASBA Compliant — ACFE On-Site Training Courses are NASBA compliant to meet the continuing professional education needs of your staff.

ACFE On-Site Training TopicsChoose topics from the ACFE’s comprehensive anti-fraud curriculum that most directly address the training needs of your staff. Our

Core courses provide a solid foundation in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence, and are recommended for all anti-fraud pro-

fessionals. Advanced and Specialized courses provide more in-depth knowledge to help develop expertise in focused areas. We will

be happy to help you determine, based on the experience of your team and your specific training needs, the best training options.

Learn MoreFor more information about how ACFE On-Site Training can provide a convenient, cost-effective way to make your team more skilled at fighting fraud, contact us today.

ACFE.com/[email protected]: (800) 245-3321Phone: +1 (512) 478-9000

ACFE On-Site Training ACFE On-Site Training is a cost-effective way to meet the professional

development needs of your staff. Instead of booking flights, hotels and

rental cars, have one or more of our industry-leading faculty members

come to your location, at a time that’s convenient for you and your team.

The instructor(s) will bring years of experience on the front lines of the fight

against fraud and the ACFE course materials that have helped make the

CFE the “gold standard” in the anti-fraud profession.

Fraud Examination Core Courses

• Auditing for Internal Fraud

• Conducting Internal Investigations

• Fraud Prevention

• Fraud Risk Management

• Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud

Fraud Examination Advanced and Specialized Courses

• Bribery and Corruption

• Contract and Procurement Fraud

• Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation

• Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits

• Financial Statement Fraud

• Uncovering Fraud with Financial and Ratio Analysis

CFE Exam Review Course

Do you have a group of people who need the fraud-fighting

knowledge and skills represented by the CFE credential? The

CFE Exam Review Course can help your team master the con-

cepts tested on the CFE Exam.

The CFE Exam Review Course is available as an On-Site Train-

ing Course. Your team will benefit from the comprehensive

review and instructor-led discussions, as well as added motiva-

tion from attending class with colleagues.


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42 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CFEPrep CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Online, Download or CD-ROM: $795 Members / $995 Non-MembersAlso available: CFE Exam Prep Course, International Edition

2017 CFE Exam Prep CourseDesigned with the busy anti-fraud

professional in mind, the CFE Exam

Prep Course® gives you the flexibil-

ity you need to prepare for the CFE

Exam on your schedule. Includ-

ing study questions and practice

exams, the CFE Exam Prep Course

will help you prepare to pass the

rigorous CFE Exam.

Highlights of the Prep Course:• Review important concepts of the CFE Exam with 1,500 study questions

• Simulate the CFE Exam environment with timed practice exams

• Read more about topics on which you need additional review with the included PDF edition of the Fraud Examiners Manual

• Money-Back Pass Guarantee — Prepare for the CFE Exam with confidence knowing that the CFE Exam Prep Course is backed by our Money-Back Pass Guarantee

Establish yourself as an anti-fraud expert and advance your career by obtaining the CFE

credential. The CFE Exam Prep Course is the most effective tool available to prepare you

to pass the CFE Exam.

Which format should I choose?

Online Download CD-ROM

System Compatibility PC, Mac, iPad PC Only PC Only

Installation Web-Based Installed Installed

Number of Devices Multiple Two Two

Progress Saved Online Locally Locally

Offline Access ✗ ✓ ✓

Instant Access ✓ ✓ ✗

Shipping Required ✗ ✗ ✓

CFE Exam Prep Course Format Comparison

Efficient Use of Your Study Time

The CFE Exam Prep Course streamlines CFE Exam preparation. Use your time more efficiently by focusing on the areas you need to study the most.

• Create a personalized study plan tailored to your individual strengths and weaknesses with an optional 100-question Pre-Assessment.

• Pick the sections and topics most relevant to your exam preparation by creating custom review sessions.

• Learn more from your practice exam sessions by reviewing the questions you missed, analyzing your results by subsection and tracking your progress over time.

• Focus on the areas where you need the most work with an enhanced review of results and progress by exam section, subsection and topic.

User-friendly Exam Prep

This easy-to-use course puts the most relevant information at your fingertips. Quickly review your Prep Course prog-ress by subsection and topic, access on-screen help menus and study tips, and stay on track to meet your target certification date.

• Review your progress with a streamlined design.

• Get immediate answers to your questions with Guides to Success, on-screen FAQs and an improved help section.

Stay on track to earn your CFE credential by measuring your progress towards your target dates for certification and using helpful checklists within the Prep Course.

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Toolkit: $895 Members / $1345 Non-MembersAlso available: CFE Exam Prep Toolkit, International Edition

The CFE Exam Prep Course is worth every penny. It efficiently and effec-tively prepares you for the exam.”

Nick Potocska, CFE, CPA

Just finished the Prep Course and CFE Exam online via my iPad; it worked flawlessly… great job ACFE!”

Jeffrey Kraft, CFE

The Prep Course is well worth the in-vestment. It crystal-lizes the major con-cepts of the immense amount of data that candidates need to absorb, and helps the material become second nature.”

Andrew Levine, CFE

2017 CFE Exam Prep ToolkitAcquire the tools you need to prepare for

the rigorous CFE Exam with the CFE Exam

Prep Toolkit, U.S. Edition. This toolkit con-

sists of four valuable study tools, including:

• 2017 CFE Exam Prep Course, U.S. Edition (CD-ROM) — This compre-hensive tool will help you pass the CFE Exam. The CFE Exam Prep Course is a computer self-study course that pre-pares you for the exam while letting you study at your own pace.

• 2017 Fraud Examiners Manual, U.S. Edition (Printed) — The anti-fraud pro-fession’s body of knowledge is captured in the Fraud Examiners Manual, from which the CFE Exam is derived. Use this for more in-depth study of challeng-ing topics.

• 2017 CFE Exam Prep Flashcards App (Toolkit Exclusive) — Familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts covered on the exam with an app consisting of 900 flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course. Android and iOS versions available.

• 2017 CFE Exam Study Guide (Toolkit Exclusive) — This study guide offers a breakdown of the key points and foundational concepts found in the four main sections of the exam.

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CPE Credit: 20Course Level: OverviewPrerequisite: NoneField of Study: Specialized knowledge

PDF/Workbook Self-Study Course:$179 Members / $229 Non-Members

Also of Interest

Fighting Fraud in the GovernmentGovernment entities fall victim to every conceivable kind of scheme, and everyone pays, directly or indirectly. This course focuses on strategies to prevent, detect and investigate government fraud schemes.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize the different ways government employees steal or misuse their employer’s cash and non-cash assets

• Devise measures to prevent and detect the different types of government fraud schemes

• Evaluate the stages of a government fraud examination from planning to conclusion

• Identify the elements of conspiracy schemes designed to defraud the government

• Assess why sensitive information maintained by government entities must be protected, how it can be compromised and the appropriate controls needed to protect such information

• Recognize the various types of frauds that target and challenge the integrity of government programs including social, subsidy, grant and student financial aid programs

• Differentiate the benefits and barriers to using data analytics to prevent and detect government fraud

• Identify the appropriate data analysis tools and techniques to use when targeting specific types of government fraud

Fraud Against Government Health Care ProgramsSee pg. 47


Government FraudSee pg. 47


I definitely recommend this course because I learned many interesting things about fraud in the government in the comfort of my home.”— Beth A. Van Cleve, CFE Fraud Analyst

= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

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Preventing and Detecting Financial Institution FraudCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

This course explores fraud schemes against financial institutions, and recommends controls and techniques designed to prevent and detect each type of scheme. The specific schemes include embez-zlement and internal fraud, customer schemes, loan fraud, fraud by third parties, money laundering and institutional schemes.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize common internal, external and money laundering fraud schemes at depository institutions

• Identify the legal elements of fraudulent conduct against financial institutions

• Assess the factors involved in planning and conducting a financial fraud risk assessment

• Determine the relevant internal controls and policies needed to prevent fraud committed against an institution

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

CPE Credit: 16

Conducting Internal Investigations: Gathering Evidence and Protecting Your CompanyCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Understanding of basic fraud examination techniques

This self-study course presents a complete guide to setting and achieving investigation goals, gathering evidence, interviewing wit-nesses, preparing reports and discharging employees who commit fraud. Learn how to avoid the legal landmines that make internal investigations so hazardous.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify documentary and electronic evidence

• Recognize an employee’s legal rights in an investigation

• Describe an effective approach to conducting a successful admission-seeking interview

• Determine the best practices to use while composing the investigation report

• Ascertain effective methods to organize and plan your investigation

• Describe fraud examination methodology

$159 Members / $199 Non-Members

= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

CPE Credit: 4

Internal Controls for Fraud PreventionCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

Internal controls form a complex system that involves the collab-oration of the board of directors, the audit committee, internal and external auditors, risk management personnel, investigators, operations personnel and others. This online self-study course will explore the key roles in preventive controls and essential compo-nents of internal control, inherent limitations of internal controls and much more.

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 24

Introduction to Fraud ExaminationCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

This course covers the basics of fraud examination by focusing on the major areas including criminology and ethics, legal elements of fraud, fraudulent financial transactions and fraud investigation. In-troduction to Fraud Examination is the perfect introductory course for someone new to or unfamiliar with the anti-fraud profession, and provides a comprehensive review for experts in the field.

Introduction to Fraud Examination features 10 hours of footage including coverage from the ACFE’s popular Principles of Fraud Examination seminar, expert narration and interviews with con-victed fraudsters.

$199 Members / $249 Non-Members

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46 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Shop CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Legal Issues in Fraud ExaminationsCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

Legal issues can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of your fraud examinations. This course will help you learn to nav-igate the most common pitfalls, including the legal elements of fraud claims, the rules of evidence, privacy rights and other issues relevant to fraud examinations.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify the legal elements of fraud

• Differentiate types of fraud claims in civil and criminal cases

• Recognize the most important federal fraud-related statutes

• Compare the types of remedies available in fraud cases

• Determine employees’ rights during an internal investi-gation

• Recognize the legal risks associated with workplace searches

• Identify the rules and types of evidence

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

Investment Swindles and Con SchemesCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

This course will help you identify the red flags of investment fraud. It provides you with a general understanding of delivery methods and techniques associated with the major types of in-vestment swindles and con schemes. It also provides resources and remedies available for the detection, deterrence, reporting and prevention of these schemes.

$155 Members / $195 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 14

Fundamentals of Computer and Internet FraudCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

As technology continues to become more sophisticated, fraudsters find new ways to commit fraud with computers. This self-study course is written especially for professionals who are responsible for preventing and detecting fraudulent computer schemes.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify common computer-related schemes and the methods used to carry them out

• Determine the ways in which unauthorized access to computer systems can be accomplished

• Recognize the threats of internet and e-commerce fraud and their associated mitigation strategies

• Identify appropriate procedures for collecting and han-dling digital evidence so that it will later be accepted by a court

• Connect computer-related misconduct to legal violations

• Ascertain legal concerns regarding computer and internet fraud investigations

• Discern potential criminal and civil actions that might result from fraud investigations

$169 Members / $209 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 18

Data Analysis Techniques for Fraud ExaminersCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

This course explores the basics of using data analysis to uncover fraud. You will work through several interactive examples to illus-trate simple analysis techniques. With these examples, you will learn how to perform a variety of tests and interpret the results to identify common red flags of fraud.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recall the benefits and challenges of using data analytics

• Identify the four phases of the data analysis process

• Recognize common red flags for data that appear to be suspicious or fraudulent

• Select data analysis techniques that can be applied based on the type of fraud scheme(s) under investigation

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

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Issues in Conducting International Fraud InvestigationsCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Experience with international organizations and understanding of basic fraud examination techniques

Issues in Conducting International Fraud Investigations will help you to prepare for and respond to international challenges in an efficient, defensible and cost-effective way. This course will also help you develop an approach that complies with applicable local and foreign laws, cultures and practices.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize the unique challenges specific to cross-border fraud investigations

• Identify logistical problems that must be addressed in inter-national fraud investigations

• Distinguish the types of privacy laws that impact the collec-tion, use, retention and transfer of information in cross- border fraud investigations

• Recognize the types of employment or labor laws that restrict an employer’s authority to investigate possible mis-conduct by employees

• Relate key information about legal professional privileges and their applications in cross-border fraud investigations

• Determine how to respond to evidence of fraud that spans international borders in an appropriate and timely manner

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 4

Issues in Conducting International InterviewsCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Familiarity with basic interviewing techniques

This course will educate you about issues specific to international interviews, and will provide you with strategies to help you overcome these issues. Additionally, this course will improve how you interview employees who are from another culture or speak a different first language than you.

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 2

Government FraudCourse Level: Overview Prerequisite: Fundamental knowledge of audit procedures

This course provides an overview of the most significant types

of government fraud including public corruption, false claims

and statements, procurement fraud, social security fraud and

welfare fraud. The course also examines Medicare and Medicaid

fraud, tax fraud, counterfeit currency and grant fraud.

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

Fraud Against Government Health Care ProgramsCourse Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

In this course, you will learn how to combat the costly health care fraud epidemic. You will examine common fraud schemes against government programs, legal initiatives associated with health care fraud, data analytics techniques to identify suspicious activi-ty and the unique aspects of health care fraud investigations.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify specific types of health care fraud, including billing, coding, marketing, insurer and beneficiary schemes

• Navigate the third-party payment system and key players of government health care

• Associate legal violations with fraudulent acts

• Recognize ongoing changes resulting from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

• Select data analysis techniques to identify health care fraud schemes

• Determine an effective approach to conduct a health care fraud examinationraud that

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4


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= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

10 Infamous Fraud Cases of the 21st CenturyCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

In this self-study course, learn from 10 infamous fraud cases to better protect your clients, employers and the general public from similar schemes. Fraud cases include the WorldCom scandal, Mad-off’s Ponzi scheme and the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) scandal.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify the major players involved in infamous fraud cases and the methods they used to conduct their schemes

• Analyze the aftermath and impacts of various frauds

• Recognize lessons learned from fraud cases, as well as recommendations to prevent similar frauds from occurring in the future

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 4

Ethics for Fraud Examiners in the Digital Age Course Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Understanding of the general ethical issues faced by fraud examiners

As the digital world evolves, so do the ethical issues faced

by fraud examiners. The rapid modernization of information

and communication processes has advanced the anti-fraud

profession in numerous ways, while simultaneously com-

plicating the ethical landscape. This course will help you

understand your ethical responsibilities and obligations as a

fraud examiner in the digital age.

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 2

Inside the Fraudster’s MindCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

This course takes an inside look at the fraudster’s mind, ex-

ploring psychological information that is key to the successful

development of a fraud prevention and detection program. Inside

the Fraudster’s Mind includes a 50-minute video examining 10

common critical thinking errors displayed by fraudsters and how

they are manifested in convicted perpetrators.

You Will Learn How To:

• Differentiate between various criminological theories of human behavior

• Compare the categories of perpetrators and how they are correlated to the reasons perpetrators commit crimes

• Identify common motivations for committing fraud

• Recognize 10 common critical thinking errors associated with unethical behavior

• Identify indicators of deception commonly exhibited by inter-view subjects

$169 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 8 Foundations of Mortgage FraudCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Understanding of real estate financing and basic fraud examination techniques

This course presents a brief overview of the mortgage in-

dustry and its impact on the economy. It examines individ-

uals involved in the mortgage loan process and identifies

specific areas vulnerable to fraud. You will also learn about

common fraud schemes affecting the mortgage industry

and emerging trends.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize the ways the mortgage industry has evolved and influenced the market

• Assess current and emerging trends in mortgage fraud

• Identify the legal aspects of mortgage fraud, at both federal and state levels

• Identify the players in the mortgage industry and the frauds they perpetrate

• Recognize mortgage fraud schemes and common red flags for each

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

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= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.


Issues in Developing a Global Compliance and Ethics ProgramCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Basic understanding of anti-fraud, compliance and ethics programs

This course will educate you on the issues you might encounter

when developing a successful global compliance, ethics and an-

ti-fraud program that spans multiple countries, and will provide you

with ways to overcome them.

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members

ACFE Bookstore Staff Pick: Fraud Risk Management GuideThe ACFE Bookstore offers hundreds of resourc-es including books and manuals, self-study CPE courses, the CFE Exam Prep Course, merchandise and more. In this interview, ACFE Research Direc-tor Andi McNeal, CFE, CPA, offers her suggestion on one must-have ACFE resource to help you in your fight against fraud.

What is your professional background and current role at the ACFE?

I started my career in public accounting, working for a small regional CPA firm doing tax and audit work before joining the ACFE staff in 2004. I am currently the Director of Research for the ACFE; in this role, I oversee the development and production of the ACFE’s educational materials and publications.

What ACFE bookstore product would you recommend as a beneficial resource to CFEs?

Fraud Risk Management Guide, a publica-tion jointly sponsored by COSO and the ACFE

Why would CFEs be interested in this product?

Many organization’s use COSO’s Internal Control — Integrated Framework in establishing and assessing their internal control programs. The Fraud Risk Management Guide was created specifically to build upon COSO’s internal control framework and to provide organizations with practical guidance on how to integrate a holistic fraud risk management program into their existing internal control initiatives.

How is the information in this product useful for CFEs in their professional roles?

The Fraud Risk Management Guide provides five core princi-ples of fraud risk management — fraud risk governance, fraud risk assessment, fraud control activities, fraud investigation and corrective action, and fraud risk management monitoring activities. For each of these principles, the guide includes numerous points of focus and best-practices recommendations that give users practical steps to take to enact a comprehen-sive, effective fraud risk management program. In addition, the guide provides several interactive tools that can be used to implement program components; an online version of these tools can be accessed at ACFE.com/fraudrisktools.

SEE PG. 53



CPE Credit: 2

Fraud Risk ManagementCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Familiarity with common fraud schemes and risks

Fraud can decimate the bottom line or even destroy an entire

company, making management of fraud risk a critical function.

This course explains the importance of a proactive approach

and outlines the steps to develop an effective fraud risk man-

agement program.

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify fraud risk

• Explain the importance of proactively managing fraud risk

• Compare different fraud risk management frameworks and their various components

• Examine the roles of those involved in the fraud risk man-agement process

• Implement methods for ensuring fraud awareness and

establishing an effective anti-fraud culture

$99 Members / $119 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 3

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Fraud Risk AssessmentCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Familiarity with common fraud schemes and risks

There are many measures organizations can and should take to

minimize the risk that fraud might occur and go undetected. A

fraud risk assessment can be a powerful proactive tool in the fight

against fraud for any business.

Fraud Risk Assessment provides an overview of fraud risk,

explores the risk assessment process and provides you with

a framework for conducting and reporting your own fraud risk


You Will Learn How To:

• Determine why an effective fraud risk assessment is vital to an organization

• Evaluate and implement an effective fraud risk assessment

• Identify key factors that should be considered when assess-ing fraud risk

• Examine methods to address fraud risks identified during the

risk assessment process

$99 Members / $119 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 3

Fraud PreventionCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

This course provides a guide to reducing your organization's

losses due to fraud. Fraud Prevention also explores ways to sell

fraud prevention to management and finally the course provides

an overview of internal controls and preventative measures that

you can implement to help mitigate fraud.

$99 Members / $119 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 3

Investigating Money LaunderingCourse Level: Intermediate Prerequisite: Understanding of money laundering and basic fraud exam-ination techniques

This course explores the money laundering process,

reviewing the methods used to launder funds, discussing

laws and regulations used to combat money laundering

and explaining techniques used to investigate it.

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

Analyzing Bank RecordsCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

This course explores analyzing bank records including the

various types of bank records, how to interpret them, the

detection methods used to uncover varied illegal gratuities

through bank records and the formats used to present

these activities in graphics and writing. After reviewing

the information presented,you will have the opportunity to

complete a case study using bank record files.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize common entries in bank records

• Compare methods of analyzing bank records

• Identify indicators of illegal activity in bank records

• Recall which graphics are used to portray financial data

• Determine conclusions and recommendations after analyzing bank records

• Recognize the major laws and agencies governing bank records

$129 Members / $169 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 8

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Introduction to Asset MisappropriationCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

This course focuses on the most common form of internal fraud:

asset misappropriation. Introduction to Asset Misappropriation con-

sists of 13 lessons covering topics from skimming and cash larceny

to billing schemes and the misappropriation of intangible assets.

You Will Learn How To:

• Relate asset misappropriation schemes to other categories

of occupational fraud

• Differentiate common forms of asset misappropriation


• Recognize effective controls to prevent asset misappropriation

• Identify relevant techniques to detect various forms of asset

misappropriation schemes

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 2

Introduction to Bribery and CorruptionCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Bribery and Corruption consists of 10 lessons cover-

ing topics from illegal gratuities and economic extortion to conflicts

of interest and red flags of corruption. This course will teach you to

identify types of bribery and corruption, as well as provide you with

guidelines to create an anti-corruption program.

You Will Learn How To:

• Relate key information about the basic aspects of corruption


• Differentiate common forms of corruption

• Recognize various ways in which parties can make corrupt


• Identify red flags of corruption

• Recognize effective measures to prevent and detect various

forms of corruption

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 2

Introduction to Financial Statement FraudCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Financial Statement Fraud presents an introduction to

the most common schemes used to manipulate an organization’s fi-

nancial statements. This course includes descriptions and examples

of the schemes, how the schemes are perpetrated and concludes

with a discussion of common techniques used to uncover financial

statement manipulation.

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 2

Introduction to Fraud SchemesCourse Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None

Fraud can be devastating to a business, especially in today’s

turbulent economy. Even more alarming, as financial pressures

bear down on individuals, their need for money and rationalization

to commit fraud grow. With this online self-study course from the

ACFE, learn to recognize some of the most common and threaten-

ing internal and external fraud schemes including asset misappropri-

ations schemes, fraud by vendors and corruption.

$69 Members / $89 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 2

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s and



52 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Bookstore CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

NEW! 2017 Fraud Examiners Manual, U.S. EditionThe Fraud Examiners Manual is the global standard for the anti-fraud

profession. Because no other work provides such a comprehensive

guide, every fraud fighter should keep a copy in their library.

The Fraud Examiners Manual:

• Examines hundreds of fraud schemes

• Reviews legal principles involved in prosecuting fraudsters through both the criminal and civil systems

• Provides the tools and techniques necessary to gather information and evidence when conducting a fraud examination

• Explores why people commit fraud and what can be done to prevent it

• Contains a sample fraud examination report, fraud examination checklist, and sample engagement and advisory letters

CD-ROM or Download: $99 Members / $179 Non-Members

Printed: $199 Members / $289 Non-Members

Printed/CD Set: $219 Members / $339 Non-Members

International Edition also available.

NEW! Healthcare Fraud Investigation Guidebook By Charles E. Piper, CFE | Paperback, 231 pages

Unlike other books on health care fraud, this book will teach you how to both detect and investigate

health care fraud. By mastering how to investigate a health care fraud, you’ll be able to increase the

likelihood of a successful prosecution of the fraudster in court.

In the Healthcare Fraud Guidebook, retired Federal Special Agent Charles E. Piper, CFE, shares his

unique approach to investigating in which as many as 10 simultaneous investigations are conducted

on each case.

$59 Members / $69 Non-Members

NEW! Strategic Career Engagement: The Definitive Guide for Getting Hired and Promoted

By Donn LeVie Jr. | Paperback, 200 pages

In this book, you will receive in-depth expert advice regarding seeking either a great job, a stellar career or

both from author, consultant and former Fortune 500 hiring manager Donn LeVie Jr.

$14 Members / $18 Non-Members

NEW! The Billionaire’s Apprentice: The Rise of the Indian-American Elite and the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund By Anita Raghavan | Paperback, 288 pages

In this book, investigative journalist Anita Raghavan criss-crosses the globe from Wall Street boardrooms

to Delhi’s Indian Institute of Technology to reveal an incredible tale of triumph, temptation and tragedy.

$17 Members / $20 Non-Members

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An Endless Stream of Lies: A Young Man’s Voyage into FraudBy Don Rabon, CFE Paperback, 174 pages

$19 Members / $22 Non-Members

Forensic Analytics: Methods and Techniques for Forensic Accounting InvestigationsBy Mark J. Nigrini, PhD Hardcover, 463 pages

$59 Members / $95 Non-Members

A Just Cause: A True Story of Courage, Hope & Integrity of the American DreamBy James H. Holzrichter, Sr. Paperback, 256 pages

$10 Members / $15 Non-Members

Investigating Internet CrimesBy Todd G. Shipley, CFE and Art Bowker Paperback, 472 pages

$45 Members / $50 Non-Members

Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation: From Detection to ProsecutionBy Stephen Pedneault, CFE, CPAHardcover, 194 pages

$36 Members / $59 Non-Members


NEW! Fraud Risk Management GuideResearch Commissioned by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and Co-Sponsored by the ACFE Paperback, 130 pages

The Fraud Risk Management Guide details how to create a comprehensive fraud risk management program for your organization that:

This joint report, published by COSO and the ACFE, provides:

$59 Members / $69 Non-Members

• Establishes a visible and rigorous fraud governance process

• Creates a transparent and sound anti-fraud culture

• Conducts a thorough fraud risk assess-ment periodically

• Designs, implements and main-tains preventive and detective fraud control processes and procedures

• Takes swift action in response to allegations of fraud

• Guidance for implementing your fraud risk management program

• References to other resources to tailor your program based on your organiza-tion’s size and circumstances

• Examples of key components you can use as a starting point for developing your organization’s fraud risk manage-ment program


Frankensteins of FraudBy Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA Hardcover, 386 pages

$22 Members / $39 Non-Members

Fraud Casebook: Lessons from the Bad Side of BusinessBy Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPAHardcover, 610 pages

$59 Members / $95 Non-Members

Page 54: ACFE Fraud Conference NEW! 10 Infamous Fraud Cases Middle ... · Fraud Cases of the 21st Century, we do just that. By ex-ploring 10 notable fraud cases of the 21st century, fraud

NEW! ACFE Blue Skies UmbrellaCarry blue skies with you no matter the weather with this 46” arc, automatic opening umbrella. The underside of the ACFE Blue Skies Umbrella is decorat-ed with a picturesque sky scene to keep you dry in style.


$20 Members / $25 Non-Members

54 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Shop CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000




NEW! ACFE Tech PadfolioThe ACFE Tech Padfolio features a

zippered front-access pocket with

business card holders and elastic

media organizers. Inside you’ll find

a Techtrap elastic interior that holds

up to a 10” tablet or can be used for

general storage.

$34 Members / $39 Non-Members

MousepadThis navy circular mousepad, 8” in

diameter, features the ACFE seal and

complements any office décor. Its

slick surface provides smooth and

easy mouse movement.

$7 Members / $10 Non-Members

Challenge CoinSince their origin in World War I,

challenge coins have been used

to unite members of organizations

sharing a common goal. Featuring the

ACFE seal and tagline, the ACFE 1.34”

die-cast Challenge Coin symbolizes

your commitment to reduce fraud


$9 Members / $19 Non-Members

Stainless Steel Travel MugFeaturing the ACFE seal printed on

stainless steel, this mug offers a

distinguished look, while keeping

your drink hot at work, at home or

while you travel. The ACFE travel mug

also includes a spill resistant lid with

a thumb slide closure and non-skid

bottom as well as a contoured rubber

handle. Holds up to 16 oz.

$15 Members / $20 Non-Members

ACFE Silk NecktieThe custom silk woven tie features

multiple ACFE logos to show your pride

in the worldwide fight against fraud.

Available in navy blue, the ACFE Silk

Necktie will make an exquisite addition

to any wardrobe.

$34 Members / $45 Non-Members

• Automatic opening

• Folds down to 17” long

• Sturdy frame construction

• Matching fabric case with shoulder strap

• Hardwood handle with wrist strap

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Earn additional CPE credit and save on training costs by attending an ACFE combo event. These events offer two courses back-to-back in one location, allowing you the

opportunity to get the latest anti-fraud education on two topics.

Register for a combo course and save up to $200 on registration fees. Plus, register by the course’s early

registration date to save an additional $95! See individual event pages for full details.

Upcoming Combo Events:

June 17-19 | Philadelphia, PAInvestigating Conflicts of Interest

Uncovering Fraud with Financial and Ratio Analysis


August 21-24 | New York, NYFraud Risk Management

Tracing and Recovering Fraud Losses


February 15-17 | Atlanta, GANEW! Understanding the Mindset of a Fraudster

Conducting Internal Investigations


February 27-March 1 | Houston, TX Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners

Fraud Risk Management


March 27-30 | New York, NY Auditing for Internal Fraud

Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud,

Compliance and Ethics Program



April 24-26 | Chicago, ILDetecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits

Financial Statement Fraud


Register today at ACFE.com/Training

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Earn your CFE credential in 2017

NEW! 2017 CFE Exam Prep Course® U.S. Edition The CFE Exam Prep Course includes helpful study tools to prepare you to pass the CFE Exam:

• Review important concepts covered on the CFE Exam with 1,500 study questions

• Simulate the CFE Exam environment with timed practice exams

• Read more about topics on which you need additional review with the included PDF version of the Fraud Examiners Manual

• Stay on track to earning your CFE credential by measuring your progress towards your target dates for certification and using helpful checklists within the Prep Course

Visit ACFE.com/Prep2017 to learn more