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Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks

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Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basisneural networks

Haldun Sarnel • Yavuz Senol

Received: 7 August 2009 / Accepted: 7 February 2011 / Published online: 1 March 2011

� Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011

Abstract Neural network-based image registration using

global image features is relatively a new research subject,

and the schemes devised so far use a feedforward neural

network to find the geometrical transformation parameters.

In this work, we propose to use a radial basis function

neural network instead of feedforward neural network to

overcome lengthy pre-registration training stage. This

modification has been tested on the neural network-based

registration approach using discrete cosine transformation

features in the presence of noise. The experimental regis-

tration work is conducted in two different levels: estima-

tion of transformation parameters from a local range for

fine registration and from a medium range for coarse reg-

istration. For both levels, the performances of the feed-

forward neural network-based and radial basis function

neural network-based schemes have been obtained and

compared to each other. The proposed scheme does not

only speed up the training stage enormously but also

increases the accuracy and gives robust results in the

presence of additive Gaussian noise owing to the better

generalization ability of the radial basis function neural


Keywords Image registration � Affine transformation �Radial basis function neural network � Discrete cosine


1 Introduction

Image registration is a procedure to determine the spatial

best fit between two images that overlap the same scene

and a fundamental stage in many image processing appli-

cations, such as medical image analysis, remote sensing,

image matching-based vehicle guidance [1, 2], and super-

resolution [3]. To register two images, a transformation

must be found so that each point in one image can be

mapped to a point in the second. Registration is often a

complicated task and includes a wide range of problems to

deal with such as image distortions, scene dependency, and

determining a suitable geometric transformation model.

Although image registration methods can be classified

with respect to various criteria, the most essential one in the

registration methods is the existence of a feature extraction

stage before the registration. According to this criterion,

most image registration methods are divided into two

categories: the feature-based and the area-based [1]. Feature-

based methods require extraction of two sets of features

(landmarks, corner points, edges, etc.) represented by the

control points from both images to be registered. After

finding the pairwise correspondence between these control

point sets (control point matching), the parameters of the

transformation function, or the function itself, by which the

two images can be aligned are estimated. No features (con-

trol points) are detected in area-based methods. Instead of

control points, pixel intensities all over the two images, or

from their subimages, are matched to find the parameters of

the transformation such as in correlation-like methods.

The core of this work was presented at ISCIS 2008 (23rd International

Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul,

Turkey) held on October 27–29, 2008. This paper is an extended

version of the paper presented at ISCIS 2008. The add-ons consist of

some experimental results for two additional image data, and some

revisions and extensions in the manuscript.

H. Sarnel (&) � Y. Senol

Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey

e-mail: [email protected]

Y. Senol

e-mail: [email protected]


Neural Comput & Applic (2011) 20:1255–1262

DOI 10.1007/s00521-011-0564-z

Page 2: Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks

A new approach that does not fall into either of the two

categories given above is of interest to us here. It is called

neural network-based image registration and adopted for this

work. A neural network is trained with a set of global image

features (not control points) at inputs, representing an image

transformed by some known parameters, and the known

parameters at the outputs. Then, a trained neural network can

estimate unknown parameters of a query image when its

features of the same type are input to the network.

The most commonly used registration transformation is

the affine transformation. In this work, global affine

transformation that is composed of the Cartesian operations

of a scaling, a translation, and a rotation is assumed, and

the aim is to find these parameters for two given images.

Correlation-based methods and frequency domain methods

are disadvantageous for this type of transformation when

computational complexity is concerned since these meth-

ods generally require many geometrical transformations of

one of two images to accurately find the parameters. On the

other hand, local feature-based and control points methods,

although speed up the process, cannot be relied on when

image is noisy or feature extraction is problematic due to

scene content.

Image registration based on neural networks is relatively

a new approach and requires further consideration and

research. At the beginning, a Hopfield neural network was

used only in matching a set of landmark points extracted

from the images to be registered [4]. But registration

parameters were found by another approach on the basis of

matched control points in that work. Another use of neural

networks in image registration is seen in [5], where local

elastic registration is achieved by feedforward, Gaussian-

sigmoid, and radial basis function neural networks. It is

also based on detecting and matching control points. After

control points are matched, a neural network simply

interpolates the coordinates of the other points in one image

to those in the other image, using a local elastic model.

Similarly, support vector machines are also used to estab-

lish a nonlinear transformation between two images using

some control points from the images [6, 7]. Whatever

learning model is used, a neural network or a support vector

machine, these methods do not estimate transformation

parameters, but build a system that provides corresponding

transformed image coordinates given a pair of coordinates

from one image. Elhanany et al. [8] have proposed the first

image registration scheme that estimates the registration

parameters by a feedforward neural network (FNN) on its

own. Their registration scheme estimates the affine trans-

formation parameters of a test image with respect to a

reference image using discrete cosine transform (DCT)

features as a global image feature set. Selected DCT

coefficients of a test image are inputs to the trained net-

work, and estimated parameters are obtained at the output.

In a pre-registration phase, DCT features extracted from a

set of translated, rotated, and scaled copies of the reference

image are employed to train a FNN. Their work pioneered a

new category of registration schemes. Other registration

schemes using Zernike moments [9], principal components

[10], and kernel independent components [11] instead of

DCT features have followed. Although all the schemes

given above provide fairly accurate results for noisy ima-

ges, they have the following two drawbacks: the long

period of iterative learning process of FNN and its gener-

alization for problem-specific data to increase the accuracy

of the results. A well-generalized FNN can be obtained

by regularization techniques or early stopping method at

the cost of increased training times (or number of training

trials). Hence, the lengthy training phase that may consists

of many trials for ensuring a well-generalized FNN can

never be avoided. To overcome the drawbacks mentioned

above, replacing the FNN with a radial basis function

neural network (RBFNN) is the fundamental object of this

work. The proposed scheme here does not only avoid the

drawbacks of a FNN-based scheme but also increases the

accuracy and gives robust results in the presence of additive

Gaussian noise owing to the better generalization ability


2 Neural network-based image registration

A typical neural network-based image registration scheme

consists of two separate phases as shown in Fig. 1. In the

pre-registration phase, a reference image is scaled, rotated,

and translated by several amount of values to generate a set

of affine-transformed images. After noise is added to these

images, a global feature extraction is applied to every

image in the set in order to obtain training data for a neural

network. DCT coefficients and moments can be given as

examples to such global features.

The extracted features from the affine-transformed

image set are fed into a neural network together with cor-

responding parameter values at the output in a training

stage. Once a trained neural network is available, the reg-

istration phase is straightforward: extract the same global

Generate train-set: Apply affine transform Add noise

Extract global features

Pre-registration phase

Registration phase

Reference image

Feed features to neural network

Test image

Registration parameters

Train neural network

Extract global features

Fig. 1 Neural network-based registration scheme

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Page 3: Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks

features from a test image with unknown affine transfor-

mation parameters, feed them to the network, and read the

estimated parameter values at the output.

This type of registration approach reduces the entire

registration problem to vector regression by a neural net-

work. The neural network used here provides as an accu-

rate mapping as possible between a global feature space of

affine-transformed images and their affine transformation

parameters (registration parameters). Good mapping

capability and ease of use of neural networks make this

registration approach favorable for the applications which

require many fast registrations to a single reference image.

Image-based navigation, super resolution, and analysis of

time series of medical images are among those


Appending noise to the images in the training set

improves generalization and robustness of the neural net-

work. The number of affine-transformed images that rep-

resent the samples from the four-dimensional parameter

space must be sufficiently high, and this sampling must be

done suitably in order to cover the whole parameter space.

Otherwise, the parameter estimation accuracy of the net-

work will not be satisfactory.

When a FNN is used, the training stage in the pre-

registration phase is lengthy. Furthermore, the output

accuracy of the scheme with FNN in the registration phase

strongly depends on how good the FNN has been trained.

On the other hand, replacing the FNN with a RBFNN

simplifies the training stage both in terms of training time

and improving network generalization.

3 Radial basis function neural networks

RBFNNs with their structural simplicity and training

efficiency are good candidate to perform a nonlinear

mapping between the input and output vector spaces.

RBFNN is a fully connected feedforward structure and

consists of three layers, namely an input layer, a single

layer of nonlinear processing units, and an output layer

[12]. The network structure is shown in Fig. 2. Input layer

is composed of input nodes that are equal to the dimen-

sion of the input vector x. The output of the jth hidden

neuron with Gaussian transfer function can be calculated


hj ¼ e� x�cjk k2=r2 ð1Þ

where hj is the output of the jth neuron, x 2 <n�1 is an

input vector, cj 2 <n�1 is the jth RBF center, r is the center

spread parameter that controls the width of the RBF, and

:k k represents the Euclidean norm. The output of any

neuron at the output layer of RBFNN is calculated as

yi ¼Xk


wijhj ð2Þ

where wij is the weight connecting hidden neuron j to

output neuron i and k is the number of hidden layer


The mapping properties of the RBFNN can be modified

through the weights in the output layer, the centers of the

RBFs, and spread parameter of the Gaussian function. The

simplest form of RBFNN training can be obtained with

fixed number of centers. If the number of centers is made

equal to the number of training samples, then the error

between the desired and actual network outputs for the

training data set can be equal to zero. This type of network

is known as exact RBFNN. The weights wij are determined

by the linear least-squares algorithm that leads to training

in closed form. This provides very fast training compared

to the backpropagation algorithms. In this work, the num-

ber of RBFNN centers of the used RBFNN is chosen as

equal to the number of training samples.

4 Experimental work

4.1 Coarse and fine registration modes

The entire experimental registration work was divided into

two groups: local range fine registration (LRFR) and

medium range coarse registration (MRCR). In LRFR work,

the aim was to accurately estimate the registration

parameters from a relatively small range using a moderate

size RBFNN. If one wanted to accurately estimate the

registration parameters from a much wider range, then the

RBFNN needed would be enormous and impractical since

the number of neurons in the hidden layer of an RBFNN is

equal to the number of input vectors. On the other hand, an

additional RBFNN with a moderate size again can be

designed and trained to find registration parameters

roughly from a medium range (that is MRCR). This idea















Input layer Hidden layer Output layer



Fig. 2 Structure of RBFNN

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Page 4: Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks

apparently allows one to register an image accurately from

a wider parameter range: first, coarsely register image by

the MRCR network, then apply back affine transform to

image, and finally accurately register by the LRFR net-

work. The actual registration parameters can be later found

by joining the estimated values given by the two networks.

The joint registration parameters are extracted from a

combined affine transformation matrix [13] which is sim-

ply computed by multiplying the coarse transformation

matrix from MRCR result by the fine transformation matrix

from LRFR result. The same idea can also be applied to a

FNN-based image registration scheme.

4.2 Data set

Table 1 shows the values of affine transformation param-

eters used for experimental LRFR and MRCR modes and

the numbers of generated images for training and test data.

Both range and step size chosen for all parameter values

are wider in MRCR compared to those in LRFR. Trans-

formation parameters for the test data were chosen as the

midpoints of the transformation parameters used for

training data. This helps better discriminate the perfor-

mances of the RBFNN-based scheme and FNN-based

scheme by testing them at points farthest from the points at

which they trained to give most accurate results anyway.

The entire experimental results were obtained by applying

the registration schemes to three different reference ima-

ges, one by one. Figure 3 shows the first reference image

and two samples in a training set generated from this by

translating, rotating, and scaling according to the values

given in Table 1. Other two reference images are shown in

Fig. 4. All reference images have 256 gray levels and a size

of 400 9 400 pixels. All generated images, each of which

is 128 by 128 pixels size, were first added with white

Gaussian noise. DCT of the noisy images were taken to

obtain frequency domain coefficients. A region of 6 by 6

coefficients in the lowest frequency band in the DCT plane

was cut out and used as a feature vector for each affine-

transformed image. Discarding the zero frequency coeffi-

cients, a matrix of 35 by N coefficients, where N is the

number of generated images, was obtained and used to

train exact RBFNNs and FNNs. Some test images with the

transformation parameter values given in Table 1 were also

created and added with noise of the same strength as that in

the training set. Features from the test images were

obtained exactly in the same manner as explained for the

training data.

4.3 Experiments and results

Obtaining optimized neural networks was the main issue in

the experiments. The optimal spread values of the transfer

function for the neurons of all RBFNNs were found

empirically as Fig. 5 shows. An optimal spread value is

found by spanning a range of spread values at which reg-

istration errors for test data are computed. The optimal

spread value is chosen as the value associated with the

minimum of the registration errors in the plot. Figure 5

shows that the search for the optimal spread value of a

RBFNN yields 2,000, using the training and test data of

reference image ‘girl’, at 5 dB signal to noise ratio (SNR).

An optimal spread value was found, in this manner, for the

data generated from each reference image, at each SNR

Table 1 Affine transformation parameter values used in the experiments for LRFR and MRCR

Transform parameter LRFR MRCR

Values used in training set Values used in test set Values used in training set Values used in test set

Scaling 0.9, 0.965, 1.035, 1.1 0.93, 1, 1.07 0.70, 0.85, 1, 1.15, 1.3 0.77, 0.92, 1.07, 1.24

Rotation (degrees) -5, -2, 2, 5 -3, 1, 4 -30, -15, 0, 15, 30 -25, -12, 5, 22

Vertical translation (pixels) -5, -2, 2, 5 -4, 0, 3 -20, -10, 0, 10, 20 -18, -5, 7, 16

Horizontal translation (pixels) -5, -2, 2, 5 -3, 1, 4 -20, -10, 0, 10, 20 -16, -4, 4, 17

Number of generated images, N 256 81 625 256

Fig. 3 a Reference image aerial, b an image generated from (a) by

scaling and translating, and c another image generated by scaling,

rotating, translating, and adding noise to use in the training set of the

neural networks

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value used in the experiments. Registration errors tend to

increase slowly after an abrupt fall. Please note that any

suboptimal spread value chosen within a range following

this fall will not increase estimation errors drastically.

Mean of the absolute value of LRFR errors resulted by the

RBFNN-based scheme was computed for each affine reg-

istration parameter, and given in Table 2. Experiments

were carried out for noise-free and noisy images at two

different SNR values, 20 and 5 dB. The fact that registra-

tion errors in scaling factor are very small in value com-

pared to the others, as shown in Table 2, should not be

mistaken. Since scaling factors in affine transformations

are generally small and around 1, in order the estimation of

scaling factor to have comparable accuracies, its errors are

expected to be much smaller than registration errors in

rotation and translations.

To make some comparisons, mean errors from a FNN

with a 20 neurons in one hidden layer by using the same

training and test data were also computed and given in

Table 2. The FNN had a tangent-sigmoid transfer function

for the hidden layer neurons and a linear function for the

output layer neurons and was trained using the Levenberg–

Marquardt method. The output parameter values fed to the

FNN were normalized to speed up the convergence in the

training stage, and this also helped to obtain smaller net-

work output errors in the registration stage. The actual

parameter values were obtained by denormalizing the

network output values. In order to improve generalization

of the FNN for the test data, we deliberately stopped

training early during every training stage. This required us

to repeat the training stage with early stopping as many

times as to conclude that a network giving the smallest

registration errors for the test data among the trial networks

was well enough generalized. The registration error results

for the FNN-based scheme given in Table 2 were obtained

with such best networks, each of which was found after

about 25 training trials with early stopping. An average

FNN emerged from a single training trial gives much worse

registration errors.

The same procedures explained above were repeated for

MRCR with the exception that the values used for training

and test sets were different as shown in Table 1. In order to

keep the size of the RBFNN moderate, the parameter value

steps chosen for training had to be large at the cost of much

lower accuracy in estimating the registration parameters.

Mean of the absolute value of MRCR errors resulted by

both networks is given in Table 3. Although the mean

errors for each parameter are relatively high, the estimated

registration parameters are in an acceptable range for a

coarse registration task. Recall that such a task is to be

Fig. 4 Other reference images a moon and b girl

0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 150000








n ab


te r





r scaling


x translation

y translation

minimum error atoptimal spread value

scaling errorsmultiplied by 100

Fig. 5 Optimal spread value is found by spanning a range of values

at which registration errors for test data are computed. Scaling errors

were multiplied by 100 to make them visible

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Page 6: Accurate and robust image registration based on radial basis neural networks

followed, after back-transforming the test image, by a fine

registration performed using a neural network trained in

LRFR mode. Coarse registration parameters estimated in

MRCR mode must be in the range for which that fine

registration network is capable of estimating fine registra-

tion parameters accurately. This can be ensured by

selecting a proper range and sufficiently small a step size

for registration parameter values used in the training stage

of that coarse registration network.

The experimental results given in Tables 2 and 3 show

that the RBFNN-based registration scheme is more accu-

rate in estimating the affine transformation parameters for

both LRFR and MRCR. LRFR accuracies of both regis-

tration schemes become nearly the same as SNR reduces to

around 20 dB. On the other hand, MRCR accuracy of the

RBFNN-based registration scheme is clearly much better.

This is explained by the fact that the parameter value steps

in the MRCR training set are so large that network

approximation errors inevitably become large and domi-

nate noise errors at the output of any of the two networks.

In this case, the RBFNN-based scheme manifests its better

affine transformation generalizations over the parameter

space. As to LRFR, the parameter value steps in the

training set are so small as to very accurately estimate the

parameter values. The RBFNN-based scheme still outper-

forms the FNN-based scheme at the high SNR values.

Noise errors naturally start dominating network approxi-

mation errors as the noise strength increases. This results in

similar estimation accuracies for both schemes at the rel-

atively low SNR values since an estimator in the highest

accuracy region is prone to larger degradations caused by

noise. In LRFR, although the FNN-based scheme seems to

be more robust to noise, this quality becomes inactive in

total registration accuracy. Table 3 also shows that the

RBFNN-based scheme is more robust to additive Gaussian

noise in MRCR in addition to being more accurate.

All the experimental work was carried out in the

MATLAB environment operating on a personal computer

with a 3-GHz Pentium 4 processor. It is more logical to

compare the computational loads of the two schemes in

terms of training time. With the data size chosen in the

experiments, training a RBFNN takes much less than one

second. On the other hand, a single training of a FNN with

the same data takes from many seconds to a few minutes

depending on the convergence speed of any training

attempt and early stopping criterion. In addition to the

longer duration of a single training attempt of FNN, the

necessity for several training attempts to acquire a well-

generalized FNN increases total training time and makes it

disadvantageous for a neural network-based registration

scheme. Table 4 summarizes the comparison of the two

schemes together with the training issues mentioned above.

5 Conclusions

This paper proposes to use a RBFNN in the neural network-

based image registration approach fed by global image

features such as DCT coefficients. All those schemes (only

a few known so far) use a FNN to estimate the registration

Table 2 Mean absolute

registration errors of RBFNN-

based and FNN-based schemes

for LRFR

Image SNR Neural


Scaling Rotation Horizontal




Aerial Noise free RBFNN 0.0002 0.01 0.007 0.02

FNN 0.0004 0.04 0.02 0.03

20 dB RBFNN 0.0006 0.06 0.03 0.05

FNN 0.001 0.1 0.04 0.07

5 dB RBFNN 0.002 0.18 0.1 0.15

FNN 0.003 0.22 0.17 0.25

Moon Noise free RBFNN 0.0003 0.03 0.004 0.01

FNN 0.0006 0.06 0.01 0.02

20 dB RBFNN 0.001 0.09 0.06 0.04

FNN 0.001 0.1 0.05 0.06

5 dB RBFNN 0.003 0.2 0.18 0.18

FNN 0.004 0.3 0.24 0.19

Girl Noise free RBFNN 0.0001 0.005 0.004 0.004

FNN 0.0003 0.01 0.01 0.02

20 dB RBFNN 0.0007 0.05 0.05 0.03

FNN 0.0009 0.05 0.04 0.05

5 dB RBFNN 0.003 0.2 0.17 0.15

FNN 0.003 0.2 0.15 0.19

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parameters. On the other hand, it is shown here, experi-

mentally, that employing a RBFNN instead of FNN to

estimate affine registration parameters gives more accurate

results in the presence of noise. Besides, the proposed

scheme shows good robustness to noise in general. This

performance superiority of the RBFNN-based scheme can

be accounted for its better affine transformation general-

izations over the parameter space. More importantly, the

proposed scheme is fast and easy to implement as a result of

avoiding the disadvantages of FNN-based scheme, such as

lengthy training iterations, multiple training attempts, and

network generalization problem which are encountered

during the training stage. Only parameter that has to be

determined to well-train an exact RBFNN is the spread

parameter of the Gaussian function. Although there is an

optimal spread value depending on the training data for a

network in the training stage, the experiments also show

that any suboptimal spread value can be easily estimated

and used without decreasing the performance drastically.

The proposed scheme can also be applied to any other

image features than the DCT coefficients.


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Table 3 Mean absolute

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for MRCR

Image SNR Neural


Scaling Rotation Horizontal




Aerial Noise free RBFNN 0.014 1.3 1.0 1.3

FNN 0.022 1.7 1.2 1.6

20 dB RBFNN 0.014 1.3 1.0 1.3

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FNN 0.018 1.2 1.2 1.1

20 dB RBFNN 0.011 0.8 0.8 0.9

FNN 0.020 1.4 1.3 1.0

5 dB RBFNN 0.013 1.0 0.9 0.8

FNN 0.021 1.6 1.4 1.5

Table 4 Comparison between RBFNN-based and FNN-based


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No Yes

Need for multiple training trials No Yes

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MRCR performance Superior

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120 s

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