University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered Systems Jeffrey P. Bigham @jeffbigham University of Rochester

Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

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Page 1: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered Systems

Jeffrey P. Bigham @jeffbigham

University of Rochester

Page 2: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered Systems

Jeffrey P. Bigham @jeffbigham

University of Rochester

Page 3: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Dual Goals

1. Advocate for Accessibility

2. Accessibility w/ Crowd-Powered Systems


Page 4: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

(lower bounds on) Disability in Education

• 15% of the world’s population is disabled (about 1 billion people)

• 9% of the school-age population have disabilities

• 13% of undergraduate IT majors have disabilities. – 5% of graduate IT majors have disabilities.

• 0.8% of IT doctorates have disabilities (53 between 1999 and 2004)

• 40% of students with disabilities complete a bachelor's degree

– Compared with 60% of everyone else


Page 5: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe Accessibility

Page 6: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

$150 / hour for real-time captioning

hours to convert book to digital text - days to convert its figures

adapting assignments

Accommodation is Expensive and Slow


Page 7: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Crowd Education

• Prepared Resources

– fix a problem once, reach many students

• More (distributed) Interaction

– as students support students, less accommodation?

• Student Crowds

– students have the expertise to help


Page 8: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Page 9: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe Accessibility

Page 10: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

VizWiz Nearly Real-Time Answers to Visual Questions Real-Time

Page 11: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe


Bigham et al. Nearly Real-Time Answers to Visual Questions. UIST 2010.


Page 12: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Releasing VizWiz

• Released on May 31, 2011

– 5000 users asked more than 50,000 questions

– average time to first answer < a minute


Page 13: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe VizWiz

Page 14: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Legion:Scribe Real-Time Captions by Groups of Non-Experts

Page 15: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Real-Time Captioning

Stenographers ASR

expensive cheap

difficult to schedule available on demand

lack domain expertise can be trained for new vocab

pretty accurate does not work

Can I help?

NO, you are worse than ASR.


Page 16: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Real-Time Captioning

Lasecki et al. “Real-Time Captioning by Groups of Non-Experts.” UIST 2012.


Page 17: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Scribe Algorithm

Worker 1

Worker 2

Worker 3

open the

open java

the java

file up and



Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

file now


Baseline open the java file now and










W.S. Lasecki, C.D. Miller, D. Borrello and J.P. Bigham. “Online Sequence Alignment for Real-Time Audio Transcription by Non-Experts.” AAAI 2012 (poster).

Multiple Sequence Alignment

Online Version


Page 18: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Scribe Interface

Encourages: - real-time input - global coverage - short sequences

Co-evolution of Interface and Algorithm


Page 19: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Coverage Graph


Page 20: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe


Failures: “n-factorial” “in pectoral”


Page 21: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe

Interesting Qualities

• Captionists can be experts – not at captioning but in the subject

• Low cost – $30/hour on Mturk (did not optimize)

– or free (impossible before)

• Recruited on demand – for only as long as needed


Page 22: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe


• To be open to all, content must be accessible

• Scale Helps – Produced once, can be reused by many (usually)

– Many students ~= many experts

• Making interactive content accessible – leveraging the student crowd


Page 23: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe


hci.cs.rochester.edu @jeffbigham

Funded by: National Science Foundation Grants (#IIS-1149709, #IIS-1116051, #IIS-1049080 ), and Google.


Page 24: Accessible Education through Crowd-Powered …...–fix a problem once, reach many students •More (distributed) Interaction –as students support students, less accommodation? •Student

University of Rochester Human-Computer Interaction Jeffrey P. Bigham

Accessibility VizWiz Scribe