ACC 455 Week 3 Discussion Questions http://www.tutoriallance.com/shop/uncategorized/acc-455-week-3- discussion-questions/ For any inquiry email us: [email protected] Visit Website For More Tutorials : http://www.tutoriallance.com/ Here is the instructors instructions for the discussion questions Initial answers to each Discussion Starter Question will be at least 200-300 words. Outside research may be necessary and please include references and citations using APA 6th edition standards. I do not count repeating the question or your signature block toward the 200-300 minimum word count for DSQ initial answers. Discussion Starter Questions (DSQs) initial responses do count toward participation, and are not mandatory. However, your responses to these DSQs will help to start our more informal class discussions. As you reply to others’ initial DSQ responses by asking questions, adding ideas, making connections to the readings, etc., you will be creating the substantive messages that will also count toward your participation grade. Note: The participation requirement for University of Phoenix, Online Campus students is that you must post eight substantive messages over at least 3 days each week. Meaning of Substantive For this class, substantive means that your message has substance and helps to further the discussion of

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ACC 455 Week 3 Discussion Questions


For any inquiry email us: [email protected]

Visit Website For More Tutorials : http://www.tutoriallance.com/

Here is the instructors instructions for the discussion questions

Initial answers to each Discussion Starter Question will be at least 200-300 words.

Outside research may be necessary and please include references and citations using APA 6th edition standards. I do not count repeating the question or your signature block toward the 200-300 minimum word count for DSQ initial answers. Discussion Starter Questions (DSQs) initial responses do count toward participation, and are not mandatory. However, your responses to these DSQs will help to start our more informal class discussions. As you reply to others’ initial DSQ responses by asking questions, adding ideas, making connections to the readings, etc., you will be creating the substantive messages that will also count toward your participation grade. Note: The participation requirement for University of Phoenix, Online Campus students is that you must post eight substantive messages over at least 3 days each week.


Meaning of Substantive For this class, substantive means that your message has substance and helps to further the discussion of course content. Substantive messages will often include contributions of additional ideas and sources, insights or questions about classmates’ comments, connections to the course readings, ways of applying the lessons from the course, etc. As a rule of thumb, your substantive comments should be at least several sentences in length. Short comments, such as “Good idea” or “I agree,” do not constitute substantive posts on their own. Neither do comments that are unrelated to the topics at hand (for example, “I saw that movie, too!”) If you say you agree about something, please explain why you agree, and add an additional insight or question. Tips for Creating Substantive Participation:


Explain why you agree or disagree, and add some examples to support your belief. Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic at hand.

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Ask additional questions of your classmates. Make connections between the topics at hand and the readings in the text. • Add ways

you can apply the lessons from the class in your work and educational life.


Week Three Discussion Question One:

How does a corporation compute earnings and profits (E&P)? What income is deferred to a later year when computing taxable income but is included in E&P in the current year? What deductions are allowed for taxable income purposes but denied for E&P?



Week Three Discussion Question Two:


Distinguish between current and accumulated earnings and profits. Why is it important to make this distinction?



Week Three Discussion Question Three:


The corporation owns a building with a $160,000 adjusted basis and $120,000 fair market value. The company has earnings and profits of $200,000. Is it more advantageous for the company to sell the property and distribute the sales proceeds to its shareholders or distribute the property to its shareholders and let them sell the property? Why? If you were a shareholder, what would be most advantageous to you?



Week Three Discussion Question Four:


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What is a stock redemption? What are some reasons for redeeming stock? Why are some redemptions treated as sales and others as dividends?

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