Study on Absenteeism of Workers INTRODUCTION About Chocolate (or) Confectionery Chocolate food products made from coca beans consumed as candy and used many beverages and as flavoring products. Rich in carbohydrate it is an excellent source of quick energy and also contains minute amount of the stimulating alkaloids Bromine and caffeine. Chocolate manufacturing started in the American Colonies in 1765 at Dorchester, using Coca beans brought in by New England Sea Capitals from their voyage to the west Indies James baker financed the first mill, which was operated in an Irish immigrant, Hohn Hanan water, power was used for grinding the beans. Chocolate is made from the kernels of fermented and roasted coca beans. The kernels are ground to from a paste calls chocolate liquor, which may be hardened in moulds to from baking (butter) chocolate; pressed to reduce the coca butter (vegetable) content and then pulverized to make coca power; pr kined with sugar and additional coca butter to make sweet (eating) chocolate, developed in English firm in 1847. Coating chocolate for use in candies and biscuits (cookies) came into use soon after ward. The addition of concentrated milk to sweet Ramaraja institute of technology and science 1

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


About Chocolate (or) Confectionery

Chocolate food products made from coca beans consumed as candy and used

many beverages and as flavoring products. Rich in carbohydrate it is an excellent

source of quick energy and also contains minute amount of the stimulating alkaloids

Bromine and caffeine.

Chocolate manufacturing started in the American Colonies in 1765 at

Dorchester, using Coca beans brought in by New England Sea Capitals from their

voyage to the west Indies James baker financed the first mill, which was operated in

an Irish immigrant, Hohn Hanan water, power was used for grinding the beans.

Chocolate is made from the kernels of fermented and roasted coca beans. The

kernels are ground to from a paste calls chocolate liquor, which may be hardened in

moulds to from baking (butter) chocolate; pressed to reduce the coca butter

(vegetable) content and then pulverized to make coca power; pr kined with sugar and

additional coca butter to make sweet (eating) chocolate, developed in English firm in

1847. Coating chocolate for use in candies and biscuits (cookies) came into use soon

after ward. The addition of concentrated milk to sweet chocolate produces milk

chocolates, introduced by danel pets of Switzerland in 1786.

The present study is About Nutrine Confectionery industry in India.

The word “confectionery” was derided the Latin word “connection” which

means “Hard boiled sweet”. It is an age-old profession, family confectioneries were

there from 18th century.

Confectionery is two types

1) Sugar confectionery

2) Flavor confectionery

Means sweets in which sugar is the main ingredient either they consist of

sugar in very fine crystal from dispersed in a sugar solution and flavored such as

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chocolate creams of fondants of they may be sugar maintained in a solution of careful

blend of the different types of sugar i.e., boiled sweets toffees (or) caramels. Milk

nuts are employed to obtain a variety of flavors and textures. Before the 19 th century,

sweets, candies were the monopoly of apothecaries who made them to hide the taste

of their drug.

The confectionery Industry in India is divided into two groups

1) Organized sector. 2) Unorganized sector.

Organized Sector

It contains of large scale units of confectionery whose scale of operation is very


The organized sectors in India are

1) Nutrine

2) Parry’s

3) Parle ravalgon

4) Perfetti

5) Candico

6) Nestlé

7) Cadbury

8) Itc etc.

Unorganized sector

It contains of small scale of confectionery whose scale of operations is limited

to their locations (local area)

The sector can be segmented as follows

Confectionery products can be categorized as,

1) Hard boiled sugar candies, looipops, jellies

2) Toffees

3) Chewing gums

4) Breathe fresheners, digestive, and throat relievers.

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Market share of various companies in the sugar confectionery market

Company Market Share Major brands





















Mahalacto,Kokinaka, Honey fab,Aamras,


Nutrine Éclairs, Superstar, Caramella,

Wildcoffy, Dishum, Assay.

Coffybite, Lactoking, Coconutpunch, Caremilk,

Madras, café, Softspot, Flavoured candy,

Mango, Sunshine,Shaki,Pineapple.

Melody, Mangobite, Kismi, Poppins, Rola cola,

Luxdairy, Pepparimit, Rusemit.

Bommers, Bonkers, Donalds, Pinpon, Mickey

Minto(after smoke), Americano(candy king)

Organg-Tuttifuthi, Drum beatvannila rall,

Elaichiroll, Big freedom jumbo_gumba,

Locopoco, Minto fresh.

Panpasand, Mangomood, coffeebreak, Hisoft,

supreme, cherries, juicy.

Brooklyn, Bigbabbool, Aplenliebe, Centre fresh,

Chlormint, Goliacofitos.

Polo Allen’s splash, Tuff butter, Fruitrings,


Googly, Mocka, English Toffee, Fruitiest,

Gollum, Éclairs, Pops.

Wrigley’s chewing gum, spearmint Boomer,

Juicy fruit, bouble mint.

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Market Segments:

The confectionery market can be classified into 3 segments.

1. Monos –Hard boiled candies, toffees, éclairs & jelly cups from 80% of

the market.

2. Stick Lollipops and rolls from about 6% - 8% OD the market.

3. OTC (over the counter)- Lozenges and digestive candies from 12% - 14% of

the market.

Major players in confectionery market

The leading national players in confectionery market are

1) Nutrine

2) Parrys

3) Parle

4) Revalgon

5) Candico

6) Perfetti

7) Wrigleys

8) JoycoIndia

Market shares of each category of confectionery market

Category Market share

Hard – boiled confectioneries 51%

Toffees 18%

Chewing gum and bubblegum 18%

Éclairs 5%

Mints 4%

Lozenges 4%

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Some Definitions of Absenteeism:

- “Absenteeism” is a practice or a habit of being an “absence” and an

“absentee” is one who habitually stays away.


- ‘Absenteeism’ is the failure of a worker to report for work when he is

scheduled to work.



Employees’ presence at the work place during the schedule time is highly

essential for the smooth running of the production process in particular and the

organization in general. Despite the significance of presence, employees sometime

fail to report to the work place during the scheduled time, which is known as


According to PICOARS AND MAYERS: Unexpected absence disturbs the

efficiency of the group as the jobs are inter connected, if one single man remains

absent without prior notice the whole operation process is distributed. This

Absenteeism results in production losses because, due to Absenteeism, workers cost

increases and thus efficiency of operations is affected.

Features of Absenteeism:

Research Studies undertaken by different authors reveal the following

features of Absenteeism

i. The rate of Absenteeism is the lowest on pay day; it increases considerably on

the days following the payment of wages and bonus.

ii. Absenteeism is generally high among the workers below 25 years of age and

those above 40 years of age.

iii. The rate of Absenteeism varies from department to department within an


iv. Absenteeism in traditional industries is seasonal in character.

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Types of Absenteeism

Absenteeism is of four types viz….

1. Authorized Absenteeism.

2. Unauthorized Absenteeism.

3. Willful Absenteeism.

4. Absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond one’s control.

1) Authorized Absenteeism

If an employee absents himself from work by taking permission from superior

and applying for leave, such Absenteeism is called authorized Absenteeism.

2) Unauthorized Absenteeism

If any employee absents himself from work without informing or taking

permission and without applying for leave, such absenteeism is called

Unauthorized Absenteeism.

3) Willful Absenteeism

If any employee absents himself from duty willfully, such Absenteeism is

called Willful Absenteeism.

4) Absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond one’s control

If any employee absent himself from duty owing to the circumstances beyond

his control like involvement in accidents (or) sudden sickness, such

absenteeism is called Absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond one’s


Calculations of Absenteeism rate:

Absenteeism can be calculated with the help of the following formula.

Absenteeism rate = No of Mondays lost x 100

No of Mondays scheduled to work

Absenteeism rate can be calculated for different employees and for different

time periods like month & year.

The frequency rate reflects the incidence of absence and is usually expressed

as the no of separate absence in a given period, irrespective of absence. The

frequency rate represents the average no of absence per worker in a given period.

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Frequency rate = The no of times in which the leave was availed X 100

Total no of Monday’s schedules to work

Severity rate:

Severity rate is the average length of time lost per absence and is calculated by

using the following.

Severity rate = Total no of days absent during a period X 100

Total no of times absent during that period

A high severity rate indicates that the employee is absent for longer duration

each time. High frequency and severity rates indicates that the employee is absent

more frequently and for longer duration’s each time resulting in high Absenteeism

even in absolute terms.

Causes of Absenteeism

The following are the general causes of the Absenteeism

1. Maladjustment with the working conditions:

If the working conditions of the company are poor, the workers cannot

adjust themselves with the company’s working conditions. Then they prefer

to stay away from the company.

2. Social and religious ceremonies:

Social & religious functions divert the workers attention from the work.

3. Unsatisfactory housing

Conditions at the working place.

4. Industrial housing

The industrial fugue compels workers to remain outside the work place.

5. Unhealthy working conditions

The poor and intolerable working conditions in the factories irritate the

working excess heat, noise, either too much or too low lighting, poor

ventilation, dust, smoke cause poor health of the workers. This factory causes

the workers to be absent.

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6. Poor welfare facilities

Though a no of legislation concerning welfare facilities are enacted, many

organizations fail to provide welfare facilities. This is either due to the poor

financial position of the companies (or) due to the exploitative attitude of the

employs. The welfare facilities includes poor sanitation, washing, bathing

first aid appliances, ambulance, restrooms drinking water, canteen, shelter,

crèches etc.. The dissatisfied worker with these facilities prefers to be away

from the workplace.

7. Alcoholism

Workers mostly prefer to spend money on the consumption of liquor and

enjoyment after getting the wages. Therefore, the rate of absenteeism is more

during the first week every month

8. Indebt ness

The low level wages and unplanned expenditure of the workers force then to

borrow heavily. The research studies indicate that workers borrow more than

10 times of their net pay. Consequently workers fail to repay the money.

Then they try to escape the place in order to avoid the money lenders. This

leads to absenteeism.

9. Maladjustment with job demands

The fast enhancing technology demand higher level skills from the workers

fail to meet these demands due to their lower level education and/or

absenteeism of training.

10. Unsound personnel policies

The improper and unrealistic personnel policies result in employee

dissatisfaction. The dissatisfied employee in tune prefers to be away from the


11. Inadequate leave facilities

The inadequate leave facilities provided by the employer forces him to depend

on ESI leave which allows the workers to be away from the work for 56 days

in a year on half pay.

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12. Low level of wages

Wages in some organizations are very poor and they are quite inadequate to

meet the basic needs of the employees. Therefore, employers go for other

employment during their busy seasons and earn more money. Further, some

employees take up part time jobs. Thus the employees resort to moonlighting

and absent themselves from the work.

Categories of Absenteeism

K.N.VAID classified chronic absenteeism to fine categories viz….

1) Entrepreneurs

2) Status seekers

3) Epicureans

4) Family-oriented and

5) The sick and the old.

1) Entrepreneurs

These classes of absenteeism consider that their jobs are very small for their

total interest and personal goals. They engage themselves in other social and

economic activities to fulfill their goals.

2) The status seekers

This type pf Absentees enjoy or perceive a higher ascribed social status and

are keen on maintaining it.

3) The epicureans

The classes of absentees do not like to take up the jobs which demand

initiative responsibilities, discipline and discomfort they wish to have money,

power, and status but are unwilling to work for their achievement.

4) Family-oriented

These types of absentees are often identified with the family activities.

5) The sick and old

These categories of absentees are mostly unhealthy, with a weak constitution

or old people.

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Measures to minimize Absenteeism

Absenteeism affects the organization from multiple angles. It severely affects

the production process and the business process. The effect of unauthorized

absenteeism is more compared other types of absenteeism. However, it would be

difficult to completely avoid absenteeism. The management can minimize

absenteeism. The following measures are useful in controlling or minimizing


1) Selecting the employees by testing them thoroughly regarding their aspirations

value systems, responsibility and sensitiveness.

2) Adopting a humanistic approach in dealing with the personal problems of


3) Following or proactive approach in identifying and redressing employee


4) Providing hygienic working conditions.

5) Providing welfare measures and fringe benefits, balancing the need for the

employee and the ability of the organization.

6) Providing high wages and allowances based on the organizational financial


7) Impressing the communication network particularly the upward communication.

8) Providing leave facility based on the needs of the employees and organizational


9) Providing safety & health measures.

10) Providing cordial human relations & Industrial relations.

11) Educating the workers.

12) Counseling the workers about their carrier, income & expenditure habits &


13) Free flow of information, exchanging of ideas problems etc... B/w subordinate

& superior.

14) Granting leave and financial assistance liberally in case of sickness of employee

& his family members.

15) Offering attendance bonus & inducements.

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16) Providing extensive training, encouragement, special allowance in cash for

technological advancements.


Theoretical background of the Topic:

Absenteeism has been variously defined by the Authorities from time to time.

Thus the term Absenteeism refers to the workers absence from his regular task, when

he is scheduled to work. Any employees stay away from work if he has taken leave to

which he is entitled or on the grounds of sickness or some accident without any

previous sanction of leave.

Nevertheless usually, involuntary lay off, lack of work, authorized leave or

vacation period of work stoppage are not counted as absence. Strikes, lock outs and

late attendance are treated as absence.

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Study of Absenteeism among Industrial Worker is not only from view point of

but it is important from the view point of moral of employees. Even though the effect

of the good morale of employees, may not be calculated in terms of costs, but it

should be said that, it is important than cost.

There is a clear relationship between high absenteeism and employees moral,

because it can easily traced that these department having high rate of absenteeism

have low moral.

There is a clear relationship between employee’s attitude & absenteeism. They

are related to each other. So employee’s attitude & morale are the important factors.

Labors is Human Factor, therefore consideration shall also be taken into account in

the discussion of problem connected in the absenteeism has been continuous to be one

of the major labors problem in Indian Industries.

As “No work No pay” is usually the general rule, the loss to workers

absenteeism is quite obvious when the workers fail to attend to the regular work, there

income is reduced and the workers become still poorer. Hence, Health and efficiency

of the worker is affected by the irregularity of the workers attendance.

The loss of employees and industry is due to absenteeism is still greater and

both efficiency and discipline suffer the maintenance of additional workers leads to

serious implications.

Thus the above discussions show how the problem of absenteeism is very

important to the organization. So, I have selected this problem of study.

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The Study aims at assessing the absenteeism in workers.

To conduct a detailed study on Absenteeism of Nutrine.

To identify the various that lead to Absenteeism.

To identify the variables that reduces the rate of Absenteeism

To find out the rate of Absenteeism in Nutrine.

To find out causes of Absenteeism & suggest remedies to reduce it.

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This is the technique followed in social research on any subject.

The research has selected the subject: “A Study of Absenteeism of workers in Nutrine

Confectionary Company Ltd.”

Research Design:

The process starts after selection of the topic Research Design denotes the planning of

the research study by which the researcher followed the below mentioned methods

and techniques

Data Collection:

Data Collected from primary and secondary data/sources.

Primary Data: Asking questions with employees and workers personally.

Secondary Data: Collecting the data from reference books and past records.

Sampling Methods:

Sampling method used for this study is non- probability convenience sampling.

According to my convenience the total samples interviewed are 105.

Methods of Data Collection:

Interview Method:

Interview method was used for the data collection with the interview schedule.

Questions of the schedule were recorded systematically. Researcher had interviewed

105 employees personally and collected the required information with this project is

an outcome.

All most all the workers could speak, till date researcher could not find any

difficulty in questioning and getting proper response.

Collections of Questionnaires and Schedules:

A questionnaire is simply a paper sheet (or) a few paper sheets containing a no

of questions printed (or) cyclostyled. These questions usually are very carefully

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drafted keeping in view the main object, nature and scope of problem under


Though questionnaires and schedules very often mean the same, yet there

exists a subtle difference. Schedule is usually blank forms containing certain blank

columns, under relevant headings. These schedules are commonly meant to be filled

by informants filling up a schedule in variably requires some training questionnaires

are necessarily followed by sufficient instructions as regards the procedure and

manner of answering the questions.

Processing and analysis of data.

After the data have been collected it has be analyzed. The data obtained from

the questionnaire is arranged in a serial order their master copy with tabulation

method is being prepared.

Tabulation is part of the technical procedure where in the essential data is put

in the form table.

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Nutrine confectionery company ltd is the foremost unit of Nutrine group of

companies spanning diversified products and services like confectionery, chewing

gum, gawlies, hire purchase, leasing & transportation etc.


Establishment 1952

Chairman Sri.v. Dwarakanath Reddy

Managing director Sri.v. vikram Reddy

Board of directors Sri.v. Madhusudhan Reddy

Sri.v. Dinesh Reddy

Sri.v. Shiva Monan.

The nutrine confectionery company ltd was established in the initial stage

started as a small unit manufacturing different types of candies. The management has

gained in valuable insight into the confectionery unit, with a vision and ethics.

The organization has grown small scale manufacturer in the 1960’s to become

the single largest manufacturer of confectionery and toffees in India a distinction it

has claimed since 1980, with more than 45 varieties of candies toffees, fruit bars and

nutrine jells one of every third of confectionery sold in the organized sector in India

market. It is reported a turnover of Rs. 171 crores in 1989. The other important

strengths are its distributors this being oral gratification business that relies largely on

impulse purchase made right at the retail outlays nutrine reaches some 425000

retailers across in India through its network of 2,400 stockiest who are supplied by its

36 warehouses in the south and chain of carrying and forwarding (c & f) agents in the

rest of the country. Nut’s advertising budget for 2000 – 2001 is a core earn market for

sundry promotion and events.

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Location factors:

Nutrine confectionery company ltd is started in the border town at chittoor

NH-4 in Andhra Pradesh. The company is established in an area where basic raw

materials like milk, sugar etc are available in plenty and easily procurable.

Chattier other wise called as “mango city” lies in an advantageous

horticultural where tropical fruits like mango, banana & popaya are grown in

abundance. Very good crops of lime, tomato and other vegetable are the compelling

reasons for many fruit processing units being developed in the region and nutrine has

always been in forefront of this Argo Industrial activity.

In 1980’s nutrine faced competition from parries, Parle and Ravalgon not to

mention Cadbury’s. In recent years domestic rivalry on a massive modernization

drive to upgrade it plans.

Growth and Development

For a small-scale industrial unit manufacturing only candies in the early

1960’s Nutrine confectionery company ltd has grown multitudes of become multi-

core multi product national gains. Nutrine confectionery company ltd is the single

largest manufacturing company of confectionary in India since 1982. The production

strength and quality assurances given to the market by companies are due to the

attitude and business acumen of members particularly of the chairman.

The management added a number of sophisticated machinery imported from

countries like U.K the Germany apart from the indigoes machinery equipments. This

makes product quality it Nutrine the most acceptable to the consumer and a no to

exciting new ranges of confectionery products are being manufactured in India for the

past several years. Nutrine Possess the most equipped research and development

laboratory where continuous Research and Development & product in notation is

carried out to give never dimensions to business philosophy.

Today, Nutrine has manpower comprising 1400 employees all over the

country Nutrient confectionery company ltd built of a repetition of excellent

employee, employer relationship continuously being reinforced by generous, benefits

afford, which includes free uniform shoes, washing and medical allowances,

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subsidized Tiffin and meals, free tea dresses on the eve of festival to family, school

uniform & stationery for children etc.

Nutrine confectionery co. ltd growth has been one of a sure study with the

luckiest Masco of “Bunny” designed is 1968 and with its present caption ‘terrific treat

in every sweet’ it is emerging as a confectionery having high market share in the

organized sector current operations and future outlook Nutrine confectionery co. ltd

exports nature mango fruit bars and other confectionery products to various

international internal factors viz, Australia, middle cast, South Africa, Newzeland and

Srilanka. Every effort is being made to establish nutrine as a household name is

international market.

Nutrine confectionery co. ltd in India producing delay drafted fruit bar based

in an innovate highest quality standard and hygiene factors at canning and packing.

Production setup

Nutrine confectionery co. ltd products its confectionery with a main faction at

chittoor and with subsidiary unit arrangements located at Hyd, Banglore and at

pulicheria of chittoor district itself.

Nut also contributes to the Agro Industry as follows

Nut is a industrial consumer of India limited glucose in the country.

Nut is one of the largest industrial consumer of crystallize sugar in the


Nut is one of the largest consumers of flavors in the country,

Nut consumer substantial qualities of Soya powder for protein enrichment in


Nut has also developed a unique biocatalyst process for production of liquid


Nut has bailed facilities for processing coco-beans for use in confectionery


Some important points to remember computerized attendance recording


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Attendance recording system is working on computer. The employees will be

given on computer. Identify card & punching card at the joining of company. The

employees had to record their attendance by inserting their punch card in the

punching machine at their entering and leaving the company art time office.

The employees should not leave the premises of the company without written


Shifting Timing

1st shift 6.00am to 2.00pm

2nd shift 2.00pm to 10.00pm

3rd shift 10.00pm to 6.00am

General shift 8.30am to 5.30am

Safety and rules of safety

All the employees should follow the safety rules while at work wear & use the

safety equipments.

House keeping and cleanliness

It is the responsibility of each employee of the Company to follow good house

keeping & cleanliness and help maintaining good atmosphere.


All the employees to follow the rules of the company in force and that come

into the operation from time to time and help in maintaining industrial peace.

Employee relationship

Nutrine Confectionary Company Ltd has built up a reputation of excellent

relationship reinforced by generous benefits like free education, benefits to the

employees; free clothing on the eve of festival. There is only one recognized workers

union out of two registered unions, and the industrial relations are maintained peace



In the confectionary field the major competitors of Nutrine are Parry’s,

PARLE, Revalogon, Cadbury, Nestle, Perfetti and Vanmell.

Social obligations

The social service activities of Nutrine are

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Conducting under 13 super star cricket tournaments to talent cricket’s

talent in younger generations our country.

Setting up school for children.

Financial assistants to associate of blind people.

Setting up of traffic divider and traffic islands in chittoor town.

Setting up of children part at b.v.reddy colony, chittoor.

A planned nut Nagar near the Bangalore highway at iruvarum, a

company quarters for the employees of nut.

Sponsoring for games and sports

Nuts sponsor many games and sports is conducted inter college hockey

tournament on Kerala. Recently Nutrine is the sponsors of the national women

hockey tournament at Tirupati.

Various department of the confectionery

Nutrine Confectionery Company Ltd has consectors as its various departments


Raw-material department

The company has raw-material departments which take care of provisions of

raw-material department for the manufacture of product and also availability of raw-


Production department

In this department the company looks after the production process.

This further divided in to three-sub departments viz:

Confectionery departments

Toffee departments

Wrapping departments

Confectionery departments

In this department the company produces more than 45 varieties of hard

Body confectioneries.

Toffee departments

In this zone the company manufacturer more than 75 varieties of toffees.

Wrapping department

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This department deals with the packing of the final products. The company has

automated the wrapping sections.

Quality controlled department

This department looks after the quality of the product, which has a well

equipped state of the art research & development laboratory to check the quality of

the products.


It has its own well equipped workshop to with the machinery. This

department undertakes the repairs and snags besides maintenance.

Finance department

The personnel department deals with the administrative and welfare of the

workers and also maintenance of the attendance of the company.

Marketing department

It deals with the entire commercial and promotional activities like

advertising, market research and various strategies in order to popularized products

developed in the company.

The Product Profile of Nutrine Confectionery Company Private

Limited Chittoor.

Mango bond

Chocolate éclairs

Superstar delite

Top cream assortments

Twin treat assortments

Espresso toffee

Nutrine royal (pista,

badam, kajur,kesar)

Nutrine gold

Soft heart



pineapple, toffee, clubby)

Milky caramd

Chumma chumma




Sunship fruit

Nutrine (lollipop)

Bullest jar

Mixed caraways

Turkey eggs

Coconut punch

regal assessment

New lacto

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Mango, banana, grapes, gova,


Sources complied from the records of nut confectionery company limited




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Man power No. of persons

1. Senior Executives 009

Assistant Manager To Manager 058

Supervisor to Supervisors 181

(Including Field Personnel)

Sales Representatives 139

Staff (Clerical) 090

Trainer 014

2. Workers Grade:

Force men 003

Grade1 007

Grade2 007

Grade3 476

Grade4 040

ITI Apprentice 017

3. Drw 336

4. I&U Workers 091

5. Mint Roll (Pr) 026

6. Hadnd Wrapping (Pr) 011

7. Chacho (Pr) 004

Total 1809

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Table 1

Age of the Respondents

Employee age in years Respondents Percentage

Below 25 26 24.7

25-35 42 40

35-45 20 19.1

Above 45 17 16.2

Total 105 100

age of the respondents










The above table explains that from the total respondents 24.7% of respondents are

below age groups of 25 years. 40% of respondents are of groups of 35 years 45 years age

of groups is 19.1% above 45 years are 16.1% of respondents.

None of the respondents are below further it clears that majority of total respondents

are from age of 25 to 35 i.e. 40%.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 25

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


Designation of employee

Designation Respondents Percentage

supervisors 20 19.05

workers 42 40

chemists 17 16.19

others 26 24.76

Total 105 100

designation of employees












From the above table it indicates, that of the total respondent 19.04% of

respondents are working as supervisors, 40% respondents as workers, 16.2% are

in the place of chemists and the rest of respondents are from the other designation.

The above table’s gives clear pictures of majority i.e. majority of respondents are

working as workers in factory.

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

Table -3

Table showing in which department the respondents’ works.

Department Respondents Percentage

Raw materials 25 23.8

Confectionary 25 23.8

Toffees 20 19.0

Wrapping 15 14.3

Quality 10 9.5

Work shop 10 9.5

total 105 100

different departments














From the above table it indicates that of the total respondents, 23.8% of

respondents are working in raw material department. In confectionery 23.8% of

respondents, 19.1% of respondents are working in toffees, 14.3% of respondents in

wrapping and the rest 9.5% in quality and work shop 9.5% of responds.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 27

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

Further it clears that no of respondents are working raw material,

confectionery and in toffees department only.


Size of members in family the respondents

Family size in members respondents percentage

2 20 19.05

3-5 54 51.43

5-7 20 19.05

Above 7 11 10.48

Total 105 100

familty size of members










Out of total 105 respondents only 19.04% are 2 members, 51.43% of

respondents are having 3-5 members, 5-7 members are 19.04% of respondents are

above 7 members are only 10.49% of respondents.

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


Marital status of respondents

Marital status respondents percentage

married 77 73.33

unmarried 28 26.67

Total 105 100

Martial Status






According to the survey conducted 73.33% of respondents are got married and

rest of respondents is got married and rests of respondents i.e. 26.67% of respondents

are un-married.

From the above table it is clear that the majority of respondents i.e. 73.33% of

respondents are married.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 29

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

Table -6

The educational qualification of Respondents

Qualification Respondents Percentage

Illiterate 35 33.33

<10th standard 23 21.91

Technical 27 25.71

Graduates 20 19.05

Total 105 100

Educational Qualification






<10th Std.




As shown in the table most of the respondents i.e. 33.3% of

respondents are illiterate, 21.9% of respondents are below 10th & 25.7% of

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 30

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

respondents and having technical qualifications and rest of the respondents 19.1% are



Years of experience of the respondent’s years of

Experience Respondents Percentage

<5 years 10 9.52

5-10 years 36 34.29

10-20 years 19 18.10

20-30 years 40 38.10

Total 105 100

years of experiences of respondents

< 5 years


5-10 years


10-20 years


20-30 years

38%< 5 years

5-10 years

10-20 years

20-30 years


From the above table that is indicates that of the total respondents, 9.52% of

respondents are below 5 years of experience 34.28% of respondents are 5 to 10 years

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 31

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

of experience, 18.10% of respondents and having 15 to 20 years of experience & rest

of respondents i.e. 38.10% of respondents & having 20 to 30 years experience.


Responsibility of intimation to the supervisors

Opinion Respondents Percentage

Rarely 35 33.33

Some times 55 52.38

Always 05 4.76

Never 10 9.53

Total 105 100

Responsiability of intimation to the supervisors









As per the table 33.33%of respondents feeling this responsibility rarely 52.38% feel it

some times where as 4.76% feel it as must and the other i.e. 9.53% feel it never.

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


The majority of workers absent due to unexpected work.

Unexpected work Respondents percentage

rarely 40 38.10

sometimes 22 20.95

always 0 0.00

never 43 40.95

Total 105 100

Workers absent due to unexpected work




Rarely Sometimes Always Never


According to the survey conducted 38.09% of respondents are rarely absent,

20.95% of the respondents will absents sometimes & the rest 40.96% are never absent

to duty due to unexpected work.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 33

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

By these surveys the majority of workers i.e. 40.96% are never absent duty

due to unexpected.


Is health one of the Reasons for Absenteeism

Health is reason Respondents Percentage

Rarely 32 30.48

Sometimes 48 45.71

Always 0 0.00

Never 25 23.81

Total 105 100

Health is reason for absenteeism











Out of total 105 respondents, 30.48% of respondents are rarely absent, and

45.72% of respondents their absents for sometimes and rest 23.80% of total

respondents will never absent for the duty due to health reason.

From the above table it is clearly observed that the workers will absent to duty

i.e. 45.72% are absent for sometimes only.

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


Which shift workers are facing the problems in working?

shifts respondents percentage

I shift 22 20.96

II shift 21 20.00

III shift 62 59.04

Total 105 100.00

Wokers Problem in which Shift



1 shifts 2 shifts 3 shifts


As it can be clearly seen from the above table that from the total respondents

i.e. 105, 20.96% of respondents are facing problems in 1st shift 20% in 2nd shift and

move and rest of respondents 59.04% are facing problems in 3rd shift.

Further it clears that majority of total respondents i.e. 59.04% are facing

problems in 3rd shifts only.

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


Response regarding safety measures

Response Respondents percentage

Yes 85 80.95

No 20 19.05

Total 105 100.00

Response regard to saefty measures








The table shows that nearly 81% are satisfactory about safety measures in the

factory only 19% feel, they are not adequate.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 36

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


Different kinds of problems facing to attend to duty.

Problems Respondents percentage

sickness 30 28.57

social 27 25.71

personal 42 40.00

economic 06 05.72

Total 105 100

problems facing to attend to duty Respondents










As shown in the above table most of the respondents i.e. 40% of respondents

are absent to duty because of personal problems, 25.71% of respondents i.e. are

absent due to slickness and the rest of i.e. 5.72% are absent sue to economical causes.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 37

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

It is clearly observed that moist of the respondents are absent due to personal

problems i.e. 40% of respondents.


Absence due to reaching factory late.

Frequency respondents percentage

Rarely 20 19.04

Sometimes 70 66.66

Always 5 4.76

Never 10 9.54

Total 105 100

Absence due to reaching factory late




Rarely Sometimes Always Never


Ramaraja institute of technology and science 38

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

As per the table due to reaching factory late 19.04% of respondents are rarely.

66.66% are sometimes absent 5% are always absent and 9.54% are never absent only

sometimes due to this reason.


Distance b/w respondent’s house and factory.

Distance Respondents Percentage

Below 1 km 43 40.95

1 to 5 21 20.00

5 to 10 16 15.24

Above 10 km 25 23.81

Total 105 100

Distance between respondents house and factory





Below 1km

1 to 5 km

5 to 10

Above 10 km


From the above table it indicates, that of the total respondents, 40.95% of

respondents are below 1km, and 20% of respondents are 1 to 5 km of distance,

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 39

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

15.24% of respondents are living 5 to 10 km away, and the rest of the respondents i.e.

23.80% are residing far i.e. above 10km from the factory.

By the above observation it clears that majority of total respondents are

residing near the factory i.e. below 1km.


Conveyance to the factory.

Mode of convenience Respondents Percentage

Bus 20 19.04

Cycle 40 38.10

Scooter 15 14.29

Walk 30 28.57

Total 105 100

Conveyance to the factory Respondents








Ramaraja institute of technology and science 40

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

As per the table, 19.04% of respondents come to factory by bus, 38.09% come

by cycle and 14.28% come by scooter. The rest i.e. 28.59% come to factory by walk

because of their near by quarters.


The rate of bad habits among the Respondents

Bad habits Respondents Percentage

Alcohol 38 36.19

Smoking 32 30.48

Gambling 12 11.43

Nothing 23 21.90

Total 105 100

The rate of bad habits among the respondents Respondents









Ramaraja institute of technology and science 41

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


According to the survey conducted 36.19% of respondents are having the habit

of taking alcohol, 30.48% respondents are having smoking habit and 11.43% are the

habit of gambling, and the rest of respondents i.e. 21.90% do not having and habit.

From the above table it clears that the majority of respondents are having the

habit of drinking the alcohol.


Absenteeism affects the economics conditions of workers.

Economic condition Respondents Percentage

Yes 75 71.43

No 30 28.57

Total 105 100

Effecting the Economic Conditions

Yes, 75

No, 30



Ramaraja institute of technology and science 42

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


As shown in the table most of the total respondents i.e. 71.43% of respondents

are agreed and 28.57% of respondents not agreed.

It is clearly observed that6 from the above table the majority of respondents

are believed that absenteeism will affect their economic conditions.


Workers are having any creditors at their work place.

Creditors Respondent Percentage

Yes 58 55.24

No 47 44.76

Total 105 100

Having any Creditors to Workers

Yes, 58

No, 47Yes



Ramaraja institute of technology and science 43

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

According to survey conducted 55.23% of respondent are having creditors and

the rest of respondents i.e. 44.77% of respondents are not having any creditors.

Further it is clear that majority of total respondents i.e. 55.23% of respondents

are having creditors at their workplace.


Absenting to avoid creditors.

Response Respondents Percentage

Yes 20 19.05

No 60 57.14

Sometimes 25 23.81

Total 105 100

Absenting to Avoid Creditors







Ramaraja institute of technology and science 44

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


The table show that 19.04% of the respondents are absent to avoid creditors

but for 57.14% of the respondents, it is not a cause for absent for 23.82% , it

sometimes causes for absent.


Feeling boredom with the assigned duty.

Frequency Respondent Percentage

Rarely 10 9.52

Sometimes 10 9.52

Always 5 4.76

Never 80 76.2

Total 105 100

Feeling Boredom with the Assigned Duty








Ramaraja institute of technology and science 45

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


The table shows that 9.52% of the respondents felt boredom at work rarely,

9.52% felt sometimes, 4.76% felt always and 76.20% felt never, it seems that the

majority employees are interested in the work.


Respondents having any other sources of income.

Sources of incoming Respondent Percentage

Agriculture 33 31.43

Business 25 23.81

Nothing 47 44.76

Total 105 100

Other Sources of Income



47 Agriculture



Ramaraja institute of technology and science 46

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


As it can be clearly seen from the above table from the total respondents,

31.43% of respondents and doing Agriculture, and23.80% of respondents are having

business and rest of respondent i.e. 44.77% of respondents do not have any source of


It is clears that majority of respondents i.e. 44.77% of respondents are not

having and source of income and there are the dependent on the factory income in.


Cordial relationship with higher authorities.

Response Respondents Percentage

Yes 90 85.71

No 5 4.76

Marginal 10 9.52

Total 105 100

Cordial relationship with higher authorities Respondents







Ramaraja institute of technology and science 47

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

As per the table 85.75% of respondents have cordial relationship with higher

authorities 9.53% have marginal relationship and 4.76% have not any good relations


Quarrelling with supervisors.

Response Respondents Percentage

Yes 5 4.76

No 90 85.71

Something 10 9.52

Total 105 100

Quarreling with supervisors Respondents


90 Yes



Ramaraja institute of technology and science 48

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


As per the table 85.71% of respondents do not quarrel with supervisors 9.53%

quarrel only at sometimes and 4.76% often do it.


Absent due to bad working conditions.

Bad working Conditions respondents percentage

Strongly agree 20 19.05

Agree 22 20.95

Disagree 40 38.10

Strongly disagree 23 21.9

Total 105 100

Badworking conditions





Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


Ramaraja institute of technology and science 49

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

According to the survey conducted out of total 105 respondents 19.04% of

respondents are strongly agree and 20.96% of respondents are agree, 38.09% of

respondents and disagree and rest i.e. 21.91% of respondents are strongly disagree for


Further it clears that majority of total respondents i.e. 105, 38.09% of

respondents do not agree for the given statement.


Absence due to heavy work load.

Frequency Respondents Percentage

Often 0 0.00

Rarely 5 4.76

Sometimes 0 0.00

Never 100 95.2

Total 105 100

Absent due to heavy work

0 5 0







Ramaraja institute of technology and science 50

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

The table shows that heavy workload is not a reason for absent for nearly

95.24% of respondents. Only 4.76% fell it as reason for absent.


Wish for higher job (or) Responsibility.

Response Respondent Percentage

Yes 75 71.43

No 30 28.57

Total 105 100

Wish for higher job or responsibility






Ramaraja institute of technology and science 51

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

The table shows that 71.42% of respondents with for higher job and higher

responsibilities only 28.58% feel it negative.


Effect of training program on absenteeism.

Response Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 60 57.14

Agree 30 28.57

Disagree 10 9.52

Strongly disable 5 4.8

Total 105 100

Training programs on absenteeism


10 5

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 52

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers


The table shows that 57.14% of respondents strongly agree that training

programme on absenteeism has a good effect. 28.57% feels it as satisfactory by

agreeing to it 9.52% does not agree with it and the rest i.e. 4.77% feel that it has no


Percentage of Absenteeism for the recent year i.e. in month wise.

Jan - 3.88%

Feb - 2.27%

March - 1.53%

April - 3.21%

May - 3.70%

June - 4.38%

July - 4.01%

Aug - 4.01%

Sep - 3.35%

Oct - 3.30%

Nov - 4.40%

Dec - 3.22%

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 53

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

%age of Absenteeism - 2002





4.384.01 4.01

3.35 3.3









%age 3.88 2.27 1.53 3.21 3.7 4.38 4.01 4.01 3.35 3.3 4.4 3.22

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

The rate of Absenteeism at the year 2003 i.e. in month wise.

Jan - 3.88%

Feb - 2.27%

March - 1.53%

April - 3.21%

May - 3.70%

June - 4.38%

July - 3.85%

Aug - 4.01%

Sep - 3.35%

Oct - 3.30%

Nov - 4.40%

Dec - 3.22%

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 54

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

%age of Absenteeism-2003





4.383.85 4.01

3.35 3.3









%age 3.88 2.27 1.53 3.21 3.7 4.38 3.85 4.01 3.35 3.3 4.4 3.22

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

The rate of Absenteeism at the year. 2004

Jan - 4.28%

Feb - 2.68%

March - 2.16%

April - 3.78%

May - 3.96%

June - 4.72%

July - 3.89%

Aug - 4.48%

Sep - 4.76%

Oct - 5.58%

Nov - 5.89%

Dec - 5.36%

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 55

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

%age of Absenteeism-2004











May Ju




Sep Oct




The rate of Absenteeism of the present year.2005

Jan - 4.45%

Feb - 3.40%

March - 2.23%

April - 2.59%

May - 4.33%

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 56

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

%age of Absenteeism-2005











Jan Feb Mar Apr May


Summary of Findings

From the study it has found that there are many factors influencing the

workers absenteeism, some of them are as follows.

1. Absenteeism in shifts is mainly in 3rd shift i.e. (10 pm to 6am) that mean it is

high in night shift. This is because workers in the night shift experience greater

discomfort during their course of work than they do during daytime.

2. The habit of Alcoholism among workers is significant cause of Absenteeism,

which higher in the first week of each month, when workers receive their wages,

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 57

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

rush to liquor shops and drink to forgot their immediate worries. Once included

in drink, the habit continuous however the next day leads to absenteeism.

3. From the samples of workers about 60% of the workers are debit other workers

in work place due to which they absent themselves in order to escape the


4. Some many absent because of ill health family member’s health and unexpected

work etc.

5. Most of the employees facing personal problem it is also reason for absenteeism.

6. Some of the workers strangely agree that they have cordial relationship with the

higher authorities. And they are very much satisfied with the safety measures

undertaken by the company.

7. Some of them absent because of Boredom in doing assigned job.

8. While in workers above 55 years old, the absenteeism is least because they are

going to retire in a few months (or) days.

9. The rate of absenteeism is nearly 8% in nutrine confectionery company ltd. The

normal rate in Indian Industry varies from 7% to 30%. The abnormal level is

40% in other reason.

10. Most of the workers absent because there are having other sources of income i.e.

Agriculture, Business.

11. The various training programmes and seminars like







These are being conducted by the mgt of NCCL regularly in order to improve

the individuality of the workers and to bring up good result in production. And

to present absenteeism.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 58

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

Though these training programmes many worker have changed their life style

and improved their attendance.

According to the sample selected these are the findings

1. 24.7% of the respondents are under 25 years and 40% are from 25

to 35 years and 19.1% are between 35 to 45 years and 16.1 are

above 45years.

2. 23.8% of the respondents belongs to raw material department,

23.8% of the respondents belonged to confectionery department,

19.1% of them to toffee department, and 14.3% to cropping /

packing quality and workshop 9.5%.

3. 19.4% of respondents are supervisors, 40% of respondents are

workers 16.2% of respondents are chemists and 24.76% are

belonged to the other designations.

4. 19.4% of the respondents said that their family size is 2 and

51.43% of respondents said that 3 to5 and 19.4% of respondents

said that 5 to 7 and 10.49% said that they are above 7.

5. 73.33% of the respondents are married and 26.67% are unmarried.

6. 83.3% of the respondents are Illiterates, 21.9% are below 10 th

standard and 25.7% are technical and 19.1% are Graduates.

7. 9.52% of respondents are below 5 years of experience, 34.28% are

b/w 5 to 10 years 18.10% are b/w 15 to 20 years and 38.10% are 20

to 30 years.

8. 3.33% of the respondents are rarely feel responsible, 52.38% feel

some times responsible, 4.76% are always feel responsible and

9.53% are never feel responsible.

9. 38.09% of the respondents are verily absent, 20.95% are sometimes

absent and 40.96% are never absent.

10. 30.48% of the respondents are rarely absent because of the health

problem 45.72% are sometimes absent and23.80% are never


Ramaraja institute of technology and science 59

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Study on Absenteeism of Workers

11. 59.04% of the respondents said that have more problems in

attending 3rd shift 20% of the respondents are facing problems in

2nd shift and 20.96% are facing in the 1 shift.

12. 80.95% majority of the respondents said the safety measures are

satisfied and 19.05% are un-satisfied.

13. 28.57% of the respondents said that they are absent to their because

of sickness problems. 25.72% are economical problems.

14. 19.04% of respondents are rarely absent 66.66% are. Sometimes

absent and 4.76% is always and 9.54% are never absent.

15. 40.95% of respondents said that the distance b/w their residents

and factory is less than 1 km, 20% of the respondents said that 1 to

5 km, and 15.24% said that 5 to 10 km and 23.80% said they are

above 10km.

16. 19.04% of the respondents came to the factory by bus 38.09% by

cycle and 14.28% are scooter and 28.59% are by walk.

17. 36.19% of the respondents agree they have the habit of drinking

alcohol, 30.48% have the habit of smoking and 11.43% said that

they have the habit of gambling and 21.90% said that they have no

such sort of habits.

18. 71.43% of the respondents are agreed that they are adjusted by the

economic conditions and 28.57% said they are not adjusted.

19. 55.23% of the respondents said that they have some creditors at

work place and 44.77% said that they so not have any creditors at

work place.

20. 19.04% of the respondents are absent to avoid creditors and

57.14% of respondents it is not cause and 23.82% are sometimes

absent due to creditors.

21. 9.52% of the respondents rarely feel bore on the assigned duty and

9.52% sometimes feel bore and 4.76% always bore and 76.20%

will never feel boredom.

22. 31.43% of the respondents are doing agriculture, 23.80% doing

business and 44.77% do not have any source of income.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 60

Page 61: Absentee Sim of Workers

Study on Absenteeism of Workers

23. 85.71% respondents have cordial relations with higher authorities,

9.53% have marginal relationship and 4.76% do not have any


24. 85.71% do not have quarrel with supervisors, 4.76% of respondents

often do it and 9.53%, sometimes they do that.

25. 19.04% of respondents are strongly agreed that they have bad

working conditions 20.91% strongly disagreed.

26. 95.24% of respondents that heavy work load is not a reason

24.76% rarely feel that it is a reason.

27. 71.42% of respondents are waiting for the higher

jobs/responsibility and 28.58% of them are satisfied with their

existing job.

28. 57.14% of respondents strongly agreed that training

programme on absenteeism has a good effect, 28.57% feel it as

agree and 9.52% disagree and 4.72% strongly disagree.



The following are some to the suggestions in order to minimize absenteeism in

the company.

1. Many of the workers agree that they have good relationship with higher

authorities. Some may fear to talk with them, improving the

communication network, particularly the upward communication.

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 61

Page 62: Absentee Sim of Workers

Study on Absenteeism of Workers

2. Since the literacy rate very lower only few members are the graduates and,

some of them are literates, so that by counseling the workers about their

career, income & expenditure, habit and culture. The company so what

can reduce the absenteeism rate.

3. By providing high wages and allowance based on organizational financial


4. Selecting the workers by testing them thoroughly regarding their

aspirations, value system, and sense of responsibility.

5. Most of the workers have bad habit like drinking alcohol, so personal

department have tell the effects of these habits.

6. Selecting the workers who do not have any other source of income (i.e.)

agriculture business.

7. The management should conduct regular seminars, group’s discussions,

social gathering orientations programmes on the problems of absenteeism.

8. The personnel department (HRD) of the factory must conduct the

interviews of the absenteeism cases and give proper counseling to the


9. The employees who are attending to 3rd shifts have to be provided more

benefits than the workers. In order to make them enthusiastic to attend the



1. Majority of the employees are absenting due to Ill health, ailment.

2. Majority of the employees has said they are paid worth of their work.

3. Some of the employees are absenting because they are old, sick.

4. Most of the workers come from rural areas in that some of the workers have

bad habits.

5. Most of the workers are having creditors a few persons are having creditors in

work place also, some creditors in workplace also, some creditors are coming

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 62

Page 63: Absentee Sim of Workers

Study on Absenteeism of Workers

to the factory gate fore collecting the money from them to avoiding creditors

some are absenting.

6. Though there are limitations the personal department is taking special care to

frame certain policies and procedures that would reduce absenteeism and

increase the labor turn over.

7. Majority of workers is facing problems in 3rd shift the company had to take

necessary steps to reduce the problems.


Personal Mgt - C.B.Mamoria & Gankar.

Research Methodology - C.R.Kothari.

Industrial Relation &

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 63

Page 64: Absentee Sim of Workers

Study on Absenteeism of Workers

Personal Mgt - P.Tirupathi.

Dynamics of Industrial

Relations - C.B.Mamoria & Gankar.


1. www.google.com

2. www.prenhall.com

3. www.yahoo.com


A study of Absenteeism of workers in Nutrine

confectionery company ltd Chittoor

1) Name

2) Age in years

a) Below 25 ( ) b) 25 to 35 ( )

Ramaraja institute of technology and science 64

Page 65: Absentee Sim of Workers

Study on Absenteeism of Workers

c) 35 to 45 ( ) d) Above 45 ( )

3) Department

a) Raw Material ( ) b) Confectionery ( )

c) Wrapping ( ) d) Quality ( )

e) Toffees ( ) f) Workshop ( )

4) Designation

a) Supervisors ( ) b) Workers ( )

c) Chemist ( ) d) Above 45 ( )

5) Family Members

a) 1 to 2 ( ) b) 3 to 5 ( )

c) 5 to 7 ( ) d) above 7 ( )

6) Martial status

a) Married ( ) b) unmarried ( )

7) Educational Qualification

a) Illiterate ( ) b) Below 10th ( )

c) Technical ( ) d) Graduates ( )

8) Years of experience

a) Below 5 ( ) b) 5 to 10 ( )

c) 15 to 20 ( ) d) 20 to 30 ( )

9) Do you inform you superior about your absence to the duty

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

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c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

10) Do you absent because of UN expect work?

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

11) Is health is one of the reason for your absence to the duty.

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

12) In which shift you are facing the none problems to attend the


a) First ( ) b) Second ( )

c) Third ( )

13) You are satisfied with the safety measures provided by the


a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

14) What are the other problems you face to attend the duty

a) Sickness ( ) b) personal causes ( )

c) Social causes ( ) d) Economical causes ( )

15) You are absent because of you reaching factory late

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

16) What is the distance B/w your house factory in KM

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a) Below 1 ( ) b) 1 – 5 ( )

c) 5 – 10 ( ) d) Above 10 ( )

17) How do you come to the factory

a) By bus ( ) b) By cycle ( )

c) By scooter ( ) d) by walk ( )

18) Did you addict to any bad habits like

a) Alcohol ( ) b) smoking ( )

c) Gambling ( ) d) Nothing ( )

19) Do you think absenteeism affects your economic conditions

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

20) Do you have any creditors at workplace

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

21) Do you feel that being at home is a good way of avoiding


a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

c) Sometimes ( )

22) Do you feel boredom in doing the assigned duty

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

23) Do you have any others sources of income

a) Agriculture ( ) b) Business ( )

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c) Nothing ( )

24) Do you have cordial relationship with your higher


a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

c) Marginal ( )

25) Do you quarrel with your supervisors

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

c) Sometimes ( )

26) Do you absent because of bad working conditions

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

c) Sometimes ( )

27) Do you absent because of heavy workload

a) Rarely ( ) b) sometimes ( )

c) Always ( ) d) Never ( )

28) Are you waiting for a higher job (or) responsibility

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

29) Do you feel that the training programmes on absenteeism are

informative & useful

a) Strongly agree ( ) b) Agree ( )

c) Disagree ( ) d) Strongly ( )

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