Absecon Forcarb Final

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  • 7/28/2019 Absecon Forcarb Final


    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Samantha AndersonCasey Ghilardi

    Vinh Lang

    Environmental Issues 4300Spring 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Absecon Forcarb Final



    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Table of ContentsAbstract2

    Introduction..2 -3Methods....3 -4

    Forest Area Sampling...3-4

    Residential Area Sampling..4Analysis4-5Models..4-5


    Discussion.6-8Sources of Error7-8





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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ


    The city of Absecon, NJ is seeking certification for the Sustainable Jersey program and

    the Richard Stockton College Environmental Issues senior level class assessed the amount of

    CO2 being emitted by the town in the form of waste, electricity, and transportation. By also

    calculating forest carbon sequestration, Absecon can see the differences in emissions and storage

    capabilities of the town, and try to remedy the large discrepancy. The forests of Absecon are

    currently holding almost 38,000 tons of carbon, but the towns emissions are much greater. This

    information may provide Absecon with a new view regarding the management of its natural



    Carbon sequestration is a vector in the carbon cycle by which atmospheric carbon (CO2)

    is stored in vegetation and soils. Sequestration is variable across the landscape due to vegetative

    patterns resulting from land use as well as climate change (often a result of physical and

    chemical process variation). Because of the unique ability of terrestrial carbon sequestration to

    mitigate carbon emissions into the atmosphere, it is believed that vegetation is an important

    resource to evaluate for Absecon.

    By taking an inventory of the carbon found within Absecons forests, we will attempt to

    create a baseline to evaluate present carbon storage. In establishing this frame of reference, it

    will be possible for future studies to quantify the changes in carbon storage as well as rate of

    sequestration, which are directly correlated to changes in climate. Also, by investigating

    sequestration in an area of various land use, the results could lead to potential amendments of

    natural resource use.

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Ultimately, the results of our inventory will be compared with other data to verify

    whether Absecon is using the resource in an advantageous sustainable manner as compared to

    other municipalities, or whether there are ways in which Absecon can implement practices to

    increase sustainability and carbon sequestration productivity to achieve a successful threshold.


    Due to the complex nature of forest inventorying within urbanized areas, for purposes of

    simplicity and accuracy, forest inventory of the city was stratified into 2 segments, forested land

    and residential areas. Forested land was comprised of the larger areas of contiguous forest, and

    residential areas consisted of urban and suburban areas where trees are mainly found on

    individual lots.

    ArcGIS and Google Maps were used to preliminarily identify public parks and other

    large forested areas for sampling. Forest acreage was found using the 4100-4300 categories

    classified under the Anderson Land Use Classification system of 2007 which included

    coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forest types. Similarly, residential areas were classified in the

    1100 category of the Classification System, which included high, medium, low, and rural density

    units. The city was further subdivided into 6 sampling areas based on the six census block groups

    in the town so that each area was equally represented within the samples.

    Forest Area Sampling

    For forested land, plots were evenly distributed at an interval of five chains (330 feet)

    within the previously selected forested areas. Each plot was taken using a basal area factor

    (BAF) of 10, and the plot center was assessed to maintain a minimum distance of 1 chain (66

    feet) away from any forest edge. For each in tree: species, height, diameter at breast height

    (DBH), and condition were recorded. Heights of trees were measured using a Haglof laser

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    hypsometer, or a clinometer, and DBH was measured with a diameter tape to the nearest tenth of

    an inch.

    Residential Area Sampling

    Since much of Absecon is developed, a large percentage of trees occur on private

    commercial or residential land. To compensate for this, urban and suburban areas were

    inventoried using windshield surveys. To begin, random points were distributed within city

    limits using an online random point generator. Any block that contained a point was surveyed.

    Surveying involved a complete lap around the block and tallying front yard trees by species.

    Only native species were included, ornamentals and non-natives were excluded. Average DBH

    and height were ocularly estimated for each block. To compensate for not having access to

    backyards, all values were doubled under the assumption that the front yards are representative

    of the backyards.


    NED-2 software produced by the US Forest Service was used in analysis which will be

    discussed further in the models section of this paper. Inventory data for forest and residential

    areas were compiled separately and then expanded out to their respective acreages found in the

    2007 Atlantic County Land use/Land cover maps downloaded from the NJ DEP website.


    A variety of modeling software packages were implemented and tested. While each had

    their own strengths and weaknesses, NED was ultimately chosen for the analysis.

    The initial software package utilized was I-Tree from the US Forest Service. This

    software package was designed for urban tree inventory and analysis, and can quantify

    ecosystem values (US dollars) and amounts. Some problems encountered were overly complex

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    interface made data entry difficult, and an extensive list of variables needed for even the most

    basic processing made plots too inefficient. Further problems included non-local data processing

    which created a time barrier, and analysis of carbon was based around land use allocations.

    Explanations of the models used to create carbon estimations were not available.

    The next software package tested was NED-2, also from the US Forest Service. NED had

    the advantage of being very user friendly in terms of data collection and entry. All variables were

    user selected and could be modified to meet any user needs. Carbon estimations are created using

    biomass regressions based on the works of Jenkins et al. 2003. For more information, please

    refer to the NED manual, which goes into more detail. Another benefit NED had was it allocated

    carbon as a function of tree segments (stem, branch, foliage etc.), rather than land use.

    After NED, FVS (Forest Vegetation Simulator) was tested. Ease of use and interface was

    easier than I-Tree, but more complicated then NED as it requires three separate file types to

    access one plot. FVS can model carbon, but further research found that it runs the same model

    (biomass regressions based on Jenkins et al 2003) as NED. One distinct benefit of FVS is that it

    is comprised of a series of growth models, so it can model a stand as it changes over time. This

    stand development can change carbon stocks, which is difficult to account for.

    An additional stand-alone model was found called FORCARB. This model was much

    more sophisticated and took into account factors such as growth, decay, soil carbon, and much

    more. This model was not able to be tested, as the model is very difficult to decipher for

    untrained personnel.

    NED was chosen as the software to use due to its ease of use, and ability to differentiate

    carbon stocks per tree segment rather than land use.

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ


    For forested land, carbon storage was found to be 35.88 tons per acre (Table 1), with the

    bulk being held in stem wood biomass. Forested land was found to make up 606.71 acres of

    Absecon based on the 2007 Atlantic County land use map, which equates to a total of 21,768

    tons of carbon held in the towns forestland.

    Residential areas were found to have a more modest amount of carbon storage with 11.96

    tons per acre, but in terms of area, residential land made up roughly double the area of forest land

    for a total of 1296.28 acres. When calculated out, this is equal to a total of 15,506 tons of carbon

    stored in trees. Total current carbon storage for residential and forested lands in Absecon is equal

    to about 37,274 tons.


    Some interesting trends emerged from the survey data. As noted in Tables 3 and 4, the

    size distribution of trees varied much more in forested land than residential. For residential land,

    the trees were mostly larger older oaks, while in the forested areas the size distribution was more

    variable. Another unique observation concerning residential carbon is the lack of carbon held in

    dead standing/down woody debris. Many people will remove dead property trees, as standing

    dead trees can pose health and safety hazards to people and property.

    Based on discussions with other groups working on the different aspects of this project, it

    was noted that the total amount of carbon that Absecons forests and residential areas are

    currently storing is roughly equivalent to the amount of CO2 emissions being released only by

    residential electricity use. This means that the amount of CO2 being released by all other aspects

    of the town i.e. commercial and residential waste, commercial energy, and transportation cannot

    be compensated for by the towns forests.

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Sources of Error

    While possible biases and sources of error were taken into consideration, there is a

    certain amount of error that is unavoidable due to the complexity of the project. All possible

    measures were taken to try to minimize controllable error due to sampling design. Determination

    of amount currently stored was the objective, as rate of sequestration is difficult to determine.

    Growth data is required to infer the rate of sequestration, which requires coring of trees. Since

    this project is focused on public and residential lands, coring trees was not possible.

    The largest source of error can be attributed to the fact that sampling could not be

    performed for a large area of forested land due to property boundaries. Large areas of forested

    land to the southwest, while qualifying for sampling, could not be accessed as the land belongs to

    Atlantic City Water Supply and is surrounded by a fence. Likewise, residential sampling was

    subject to the same difficulties. Private property boundaries must be respected, so trees within

    residential plots could not be precisely measured.

    Next, forest sampling is not entirely representative for every forest patch in Absecon, as

    the forests in the town are heavily fragmented by housing developments, roads, and businesses.

    The presence of places such as abandoned farm fields that are extremely overgrown with

    secondary successional species such as red cedar, dense mountain laurel, and many non-native

    species add error. These areas were vastly different from the usual oak-pine that made up the

    majority of the forested areas in the town.

    A problem unique to the residential inventory was the construction of new apartment

    complexes within the city. While these are still classified under residential land use, the

    measurements taken from surveys are not representative of the tree composition of these


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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Additionally, no commercial areas were surveyed at all. While the presence of trees in

    these areas is minimal, it may be beneficial to incorporate these areas in future surveys.


    In the event that the town would like to investigate this subject further, it is recommended

    that a proper forest and urban tree carbon inventory be carried out by professionals. Additionally,

    this report does not incorporate the effects of management decisions on rate or amount of

    sequestration. Young seedlings will sequester carbon at a much higher rate due to rapid growth,

    and lower density stands will have higher rates of sequestration than dense stands. Therefore it is

    suggested that a professional forester be consulted to develop a forest/ urban tree management

    plan if maximizing carbon sequestration is a priority for the town.

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ


    GeoMidpoint. (2013).Random point generator. Retrieved from


    NJDEP. (2007, January 1).Anderson land use land cover classification system. Retrieved from


    NJDEP. (2013, March 1).Njdep gis data. Retrieved from http://www.nj.gov/dep/gis/lists.html

    Twery, M., Knopp, P., Thomasma, S., & Nute, D. (2011, October).Ned-2 user's guide. Retrieved

    from http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs85.pdf

    Zimmermann, George. (2013). Personal communication.

    Zipse, William. (2013). Personal communication.

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ


    Table 2. Distribution of Carbon within Residential Land

    Carbon in tons Live trees Dead trees TOTAL

    Foliage Biomass 261 0 261

    Stem Wood

    Biomass 8,417 0 8,417

    Stem Bark

    Biomass 1,672 0 1,672

    Branch Biomass 2,699 0 2,699


    Biomass 13,048 0 13,048

    Coarse Root

    Biomass 2,458 0 2,458

    Total Biomass 15,506 0 15,506

    Table 1. Distribution of Carbon within Forested Land

    Carbon in tons Live trees Dead trees TOTAL

    Foliage Biomass 508 86 594

    Stem Wood

    Biomass 9,064 1,703 10,767

    Stem Bark

    Biomass 1,838 378 2,217

    Branch Biomass 3,620 975 4,595


    Biomass 15,030 3,143 18,174

    Coarse Root

    Biomass 2,980 614 3,594

    Total Biomass 18,011 3,758 21,768

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

    Table 4. Trees/acre based on DBH and species for forested land

    species < 7.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 > 23.00

    white oak 118.8 16.3 9.3 2.7 0 1.3 0 0 0 0scarlet oak 31 32.3 26.1 3.8 4 0.8 0 0 0 0

    pitch pine 9 5.4 5.2 6.4 3.6 3 0.5 0 0 0.3

    shortleaf pine 0 7.4 4.1 2.9 3.5 1.3 0 0 0 0

    American holly 0 0 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Table 3. Trees/Acre based on DBH and species for residential

    Species < 7.00 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 > 23.00

    scarlet oak 0 0 0.4 0.3 2.5 2 5.1 0 0 0.2white oak 0 0 0.2 0.6 2.2 2.6 0 0.1 0 0

    American holly 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    shortleaf pine 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.1 0 0 0 0

    pitch pine 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ

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    Forest Carbon Sequestration in Absecon, NJ