Report on Progress 2012-2014 Principles of Responsible Management Education SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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Report on Progress 2012-2014 Principles of Responsible Management Education

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, Klaipėda, LT-91199, Lithuania


SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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Presidential letter (renewal of the commitment to PRME, signed by the highest executive of the organization)

President’s word

The world is changing so fast that every day we all meet new challenges, which make us to rethink the ways of our learning and performing. We understand that higher education must change as well – become integrated, open, interactive, and synergic. Therefore, we seek to create a different higher education institution, where teaching is incorporated together with a personal development, individual involvement and improvement of communal responsibility.

SMK is not only a higher education institution, it is also a friendly, ambitious, youthful and unified community. It is a space, where ideas are generated, new knowledge is developed, and long-lasting relations are formed. We seek to give our students such experience, which would enable them not only to gain and use their knowledge, but also strive for overall improvement, and become responsible people and citizens. We simply want to be a place, where You will always want to come back to. And we are happy that we successfully achieve it. We are proud of the achievements of our students, their professional career accomplishments and their loyalty to SMK.

Here in SMK, we develop personalities, everyday willing to emerge beyond themselves, who realise that it is the main goal for perfection – not to compete with the others, instead improve yourself. Each day become a better person, who learns and knows more, is able to transfer the knowledge to the others, and contributes to the welfare of the family, community and society.

I honestly believe, together we can do much more, accept the challenges and overcome them. Conjointly look for the essence, experience success and learn from our mistakes. Let us help each other grow and progress.


Gabija Skučaitė, President

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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Table of contents

About SMK.............................................................................................................................................................4

PRINCIPLE 1............................................................................................................................................................5

PRINCIPLE 2............................................................................................................................................................7

PRINCIPLE 3............................................................................................................................................................9

PRINCIPLE 4..........................................................................................................................................................11

PRINCIPLE 5..........................................................................................................................................................12

PRINCIPLE 6..........................................................................................................................................................14

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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About SMK

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

◦ SMK University of Applied Social Sciences is a non-state higher education institution, founded in 1994.◦ Currently SMK is one of the largest non-state colleges in Lithuania. Based on the data of October 2013 it has 2365 students.◦ Quality management system of the College is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard.◦ In 2009 SMK became the first college in Lithuania, which was granted an ECTS Diploma Supplement Label and in 2013 it was extended for the period of 2013-2016.


Peculiar, Modern and Creative higher school inspiring for new

ideas, meaningful discoveries and constant improvement.


To open and provide lifelong learning opportunities to people;

To foster their intellectual and creative powers;

To promote self-education; To prepare for a successful

professional career and responsible, honest and social

way of life.

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Cornerstone values of the SMK University of Applied Social Sciences which are applied in all activity areas are:

Vitality and ability to renew: Nothing gives more meaning to our being as our ability to renew and to look at the world anew. It is becoming a challenge and aspiration of our institution and every member of our community: to preserve personal identity and to change at the same time, understanding the laws of the global development, learning from others and our own experiences, improving and trying to surpass our abilities every day.

International and intercultural integration: The world is becoming an open space for exchanging knowledge, travelling, studying, learning about other countries and cultures. We must evaluate the advantages of such world bravely and be open to nations, cultures and new approaches. We are striving to become a multinational and multicultural community that respects human freedom, cherishes and nurtures democracy, tolerance and communication, creates ethical principles-based working environment.

Social interaction and cooperation: Social interaction is the core of the learning process. We need to understand the benefits of communication, partnership and networking. As well as the simple truth that working together we can do much more. Opening up, interaction, exchanging and sharing must become our key aspirations that would help us develop a cooperation culture based on trust and commitment that is perceived as a fundamental basis for the creation of economic and social value.

Creativity in attempt to create and lead: The world that is saturated with different goods and services needs innovations. So, new needs must be created for consumers, whose basic needs have already been met. In fact, innovations create the biggest value in today’s world. To learn from the experiences of others, but not to copy – instead, to discover, invent and create: these are the vectors of our movement direction. We can become the flagman in our sector only if we are able to create.

SMK seeks to be the leader in innovation, affecting not only the development of the higher education system in Lithuania, but also in Europe. Therefore, here, in SMK, new ideas and various projects are constantly born, aimed at improving the quality of higher education and the creation of knowledge economy. Especially SMK is promoting students’ entrepreneurship and creativity, which is highly encouraged during the lectures and after them.

Students are constantly inspired to participate in after-lecture activities. There are conditions created for them to perform internships abroad, to participate in various camps and gain new skills and experience in international community. In order to successfully prepare students for the labour market, Career Centre was established in SMK, which provides students and graduates career support.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

PRINCIPLE 1Purpose: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and

sustainable global economy.

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Recent rankings and recognitions of the SMK University of Applied Social Sciences:

The SMK is acknowledged and known in Lithuania, takes the leading positions in national ratings of the colleges, wins prestigious awards. In the recent years, based on the choice of students, SMK is the most popular non-state HEI (including universities) and is in the top ten of the most popular colleges in Lithuania.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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SMK implements these undergraduate programs:

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

Business management


Transport and LogisticsEnergy Business Tourims and HotelsWellness and Beauty BusinessInternational Business and CommunicationInternational Business (Joint Degree study programme)Technology and Innovation Management (Joint Degree study programme)

Banking and Accounting Studies

Financial AccountingBanking and Investment Management

Communication and Creative Studies

Public relationsAdvertising DesignThe Industries of Creative and EntertainmentInternational Marketing and Branding (Joint Degree study programme)

PRINCIPLE 2Values: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global

social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.

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All of these programmes involves Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This subject is taught as a compulsory subject. Also some of above mentioned Study programmes are already directly related global social responsibility issues (such as Energy Business, International Business, Technology and Innovation Management, ect.).

One of the key principles of sustainable growth is fostering of personal responsibility among members of society, because on the level of awareness of personal responsibility and its ownership depends the level of common wellbeing. Therefore, fostering of the ideology of sustainable growth, nurturing of personal responsibility and self-consciousness is a key objective for the SMK. Academic year at the SMK traditionally commences with the “Day of Responsibility”, which serves as an instrument to provide a foundation of values for career and personal life, to assist students in acquainting with tendencies in national and global development, and to encourage them to be active and responsible creators of the future. On that day introductory lectures are delivered not only by the College lecturers, but also its social partners, representatives of local municipalities and government, and SMK graduates.

While thinking and acting globally, it‘s important not only to spread own ideas and initiatives, but also to apply global ideas nationally. Therefore participation in such global initiatives as United Nations Global Compact and PRIME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) network of educational institutions are very important to the SMK. At the beginning of every academic year President of the College presents to the teachers the 6 principles of responsible education of the PRIME network, motivating to adhere to them in their professional activities.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

Art studies

Audiovisual CreationVisual Design

Law studiesLaw

Computer sciences

Applied Programming and Multimedia

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SMK mission and key operational objectives underline the importance of scientific activity and the

added value it creates for the institution, regional economy, and larger society. SMK’s Mission statement

declares its strive to serve the society through supplying it with human capital, which can create new

knowledge and innovations, and which understands responsibility to contribute to the creation of advanced,

sustainable and safe Europe. Such institutional mission obligates to seek the high quality of scientific activity

and establishes it as a fosterer of public wellbeing.

Seeking to effectuate influence on the national level, the SMK follows conviction that society may

progress only if it acts conscientiously and responsibly, where relationships are built on ideas of harmony,

tolerance and democracy. Therefore in seeking positive changes on national level SMK focuses on formation of

societal values, on nurturing self-consciousness, responsibility and citizenship. This is achieved through various

social initiatives, national competitions, conferences, forums, discussions, and informational-publicity


In 2007-2013 the SMK realized over 700 events and social initiatives aimed at college students, pupils,

business community and larger society. Below are the examples of projects and initiatives, implemented by

SMK in accordance with the cornerstones of SMK’s public mission.

Seeking to foster sustainable development and increase awareness on sustainable development in

society and especially in the national business community, in collaboration with New Generation Science and

Business Cluster, SMK implemented a project, during which a series of informational-journalistic broadcasts

“Future Lithuania” were created and broadcasted. These programs/broadcasts were presented by the

President of SMK, G. Skucaite and aimed to disseminate ideas of sustainable growth, to demonstrate scientific

and industrial progress to society, and to encourage development of new entrepreneurial ideas.

Seeking to foster entrepreneurship SMK invests in various initiatives to promote entrepreneurship

among young people. One of the most successful examples is 2011-2013 project “Creation and implementation

of education methods of entrepreneurship in Lithuanian schools”, during which 238 teachers were trained, 14

entrepreneurship fostering events organized with the total number of attendees over 700 pupils from various

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

PRINCIPLE 3Method: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments

that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.

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secondary schools. In the course of the project SMK executed a competition, called “Entrepreneurial Genius.”

This project was selected as the best national investment initiative in fostering entrepreneurship, and

nominated to receive entrepreneurship award from the European Commission. Every year the SMK organizes

International Week of Entrepreneurship, hosting various events to promote entrepreneurship and the culture

of innovation. SMK students take part in a number of entrepreneurial competitions: “Grow a Business Idea”,

“Hunt for Business Talents”, “The Idea”, etc. In 2012 the Association of College students “Projects of

Tomorrow” has won the first prize in a national competition of business ideas “Junior Initiatives Lithuania

Competition 2012”.

In the area of creating social prosperity SMK seeks to be a part in improving the situation of specific

social groups, increasing latitudinarian attitudes in society, promoting tolerance, and creating welfare society.

Many of such initiatives rest on volunteering among members of community, spreading ideas of common

wealth, and inspiring to share wealth with each other. Every year SMK implements and takes part in these

traditional social initiatives: solidarity event “Light the candle of your heart”, goodness event “A Gift of a

Smile”, social event “Extend the hand of mercy”, blood donorship promoting event “A Gift of a Drop”, “Food

Bank” and Maltese Order “Food on Wheels” events, environmental event “Back to Nature”, tolerance event

“Friendship Campfire of the Nations”, children’s sporting event “Let’s Greet the Spring Together!”, Lithuanian

youth talent competition “Show Yourself”, Christmas Season events for the children of staff and other social


In 2011 SMK prepared and executed a programme for developing social competencies “I can” for the

target audience of socially marginalized women, seeking to enhance their activeness and motivation, as well as

to develop their abilities to plan career and be competitive in the labor market.

In the area of preserving natural environment SMK seeks to promote a conserving and nature friendly

lifestyle, to develop personal responsibility for the preservation of the nature and its resources, and to

encourage responsible consumption. In the area of preservation of nature and its resources these initiatives of

the College are of particular importance: in 2011 in the course of the project “Large-scale public awareness

campaign ‘Back to the nature! Let’s live so we would not harm the environment’”, the College filmed and broad

casted on LNK TV Channel a series of 10 informational shows-discussions called “Eco Myth”, promoting nature

friendly lifestyle; in 2013 through the project “Eco-School.LT - Conservation and responsible use of natural

resources: an initiative for Lithuanian educational system” SMK held National pupils’ competition “Eco-School”

(2789 pupils from a number of secondary schools took part in this competition) and established a network of

Eco-schools, connecting 100 secondary schools in Lithuania, signing a Declaration of an Eco-school (more on

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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this at www.ekomokykla.lt). In cooperation with Kursiu Nerija National Park the College organizes events to

replenish and protect natural environment.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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Even though residing locally, SMK perceives itself a part of the world, able and obligated to make

influence on global development of society. Firstly, being a part of the European Union, SMK seeks to be a

party in creating safe and sustainable future of Europe. This aim is realized through the SMK initiative to create

an international network of future thinkers and strategists called „European Future Vision“ (more on

www.eufuturevision.eu), as well as through participation in various international projects, networks,

development of international partnerships as to share knowledge and experience, creation and

implementation of joint study programs.

SMK also organized these conferences, which focused on PRME principles implementation:

“The role of media in the creation of the responsible and smart society” (2013);

“Economic and Social Transformation in the Age of Smart Technologies“ (2013);

“The new role of the higher education institutions in society: the Future Challenges, tendency

and prospects” (2012);

“Creativity as a tool of the potential disclosure of personal and economic capital development”


“Social Transitions in Economics, Politics and Society” (2012);

Topical areas of the public mission of the SMK define the nature and objectives of various projects,

social initiatives and events prepared and implemented by the SMK. All projects and initiatives of College

significantly contribute to the fulfillment of needs of various groups in society, as well as those of the regions,

and assist in finding solutions to various relevant issues on local, regional and national levels.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

PRINCIPLE 4Research: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our

understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value.

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Public mission of the SMK would be impossible to achieve working alone, that is why co-operation in

developing strong ties with the industry, public and NGO sectors is one of the key success factors. The SMK

aims to develop value creating social partnerships, which would be binding and benefiting all partnering sides

and larger society.

Collaboration with employers is one of the key aspects of such partnerships, since it provides

opportunities to feel the pulse of the labor market, to understand and oblige specific needs of employers and

companies in the areas of specialist training and development of qualifications. The SMK is a member of

several associations: Confederation of Business Employers of Lithuania (LBEC), Association of Employers of

Klaipeda Region (KREA), Klaipeda Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (KCCIC), Lithuanian Business

Confederation (LBC), and Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LCI). Close cooperation is witnessed by the

number of projects, implemented together with the employers, e.g. a bilateral project with CBEL “Creation and

implementation of the model for internship in management and economy study programs”, in which a working

model for student internships was created, as well as a system of support using informational technologies was

designed (more about the project at www.gerapraktika.lt). The SMK was also a partner in LBC project

“Solutions for young leaders”. At the moment SMK participates in the project “Volunteering is the first step to a

successful career”, which has been developed together with CBEL.

In cooperation with banking industry, in 2011 SMK hosted National competition of financial literacy for

pupils, called “The Most Economical Class”. In 2014 the SMK decided to follow up on this idea and planned

another competition of financial literacy for pupils, titled “EUROclass”, which is listed in a Week of financial

education, initiated by the Bank of Lithuania.

Equally important for SMK is participation in associations of industrial sectors that are directly related

to the study programs offered at the SMK. SMK is a member of the National Association of Creative and

Cultural Industries, Project Management Association of Lithuania, Association of Hotels and Tourism of

Lithuania. In 2013 SMK joined the Lithuanian Medical Tourism cluster as to cooperate in creating new study

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

PRINCIPLE 5Partnership: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our

knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges.

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programs, to implement applied research programs and create new internship and employment opportunities

for the students.

The SMK is developing international partnerships through membership in these associations: European

Association for International Education (EAIE), European Association of the Institutions in Higher Education

(EURASHE), Baltic Management Development Association (BDMA), International Management Development

Association in Central and Eastern Europe (CEEMAN), and the Network of International Business Schools (NIBS).

SMK has also joined Anna Lindh and PRME (Rio+20) international networks.

SMK is not only a member of various organizations, but also is striving to initiate the creation and

development of new thematic cooperation networks. For instance, the SMK was one of the founders and key

initiators in creating these two associations: “New Generation Science and Business Cluster” and Association of

Digital Creative Industries “Mediapolis”. In the process of implementation of the project “ULMA- Upbringing

learning motivation of adults” a network of “European Network of Adult Educators” (ENAE) was founded.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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The SMK University of Applied Social Sciences presents a great opportunity to implement all students

ideas in science, sports, arts and recreation areas!

There are a number of various students club acting in SMK.

ESN SMK section of ESN Lithuania

ESN SMK (Erasmus Student Network) section of ESN Lithuania develops enthusiastic, creative,

responsible and tolerant personalities. All these character traits are united by the ESN SMK section candidate

Mentor Team.

The aim of the ESN SMK section initiated and implemented mentorship programme is to ensure a

successful social adaptation and integration of a first-course foreign student into the SMK community.

The Students’ Club

It is an autonomous organizations representing and advocating interests of all the students of the

University. Members of the Students’ Club are involved in the active life in society. The SMK Students’ Club

organizes various meetings, events, trips, camps, etc. These people do not know what a routine is. Their days

do not limit to class attendance. They are full of ideas, crave for activities, willing to diversify their study years

with new experiences, connections and practical competences. These people do not forget celebrations,

participate not only in national, but also in international events, develop and implement international projects,

initiate charities, actively participate while establishing democratic state educational system, promote

citizenship, analyse and solve youth-related questions and problems. Students‘Club is governed by the main

aim – to represent SMK students, promote the name of SMK and support incoming international students.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

PRINCIPLE 6Dialogue: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, business,

government, consumers, media, civil society organizations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability. We

understand that our own organizational practices should serve as example of the values and attitudes we convey to our students.

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The SMK supports all student initiatives and creates favourable conditions to their self-expression,

according to the preferences and abilities. Good learners and the most active SMK students get included into

project activities and are motivated by special awards, trips, discounts for studies.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania

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SMK Vision-2020 requires us to set the highest standards of quality and professionalism and strive for the achievement thereof. Constant learning, building of institutional capacity and improvement of individual competencies is the basis of our organizational ideology and the key engine of progress. Our community must be united in pursuit to be the best experts in the field.

SMK needs to maintain and strengthen its uniqueness and identity without fearing to meet the challenges and to discover new opportunities in those challenges. It is necessary to focus on the fostering of entrepreneurial organizational culture and the development of innovations that will help to diversify the activities and to make a significant contribution to the growth of the national and regional economy.

We aim to be the leading academic institution, where training, preparation for career and scientific research activities are closely in line with the third academic mission – establishment of business entities and development of economic and social welfare for the region and the entire country.

In implementing our strategy, we must work responsibly and urgently every day, creating innovative, open and organically developing higher education institution that would be valued by students, recognized by employers and the society.

Our aim is to be a higher education institution described by the following qualitative criteria:

- One of the most popular higher education institutions in the Baltic region; - Attracting the brightest talents from around the world to study; - Characterized by an entrepreneurial culture, which transforms knowledge into useful business

proposals, inventions and products; - Setting the highest teaching quality standards; - Promoting creativity and its various forms of expression in art, business and science; - Cooperating with regional, national and global partners actively; - Preparing responsible and smart graduates, who are active participants in the economic breakthrough; - Creating social innovations that help to solve the social problems of the society; - Distinguished for academic cooperation culture, where students are actively involved in the

development of learning culture, content and environment.

For any questions regarding this report, please contact: Reda Mikalauskaitė

General Manager for Strategic Development [email protected]


SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Nemuno street 2, LT-91199 Klaipėda, Lithuania