Title: When creating a Development/Test Service Desk server with a data import from a production server, how can we stop email notifications from being sent out on the Development/Test server? Description: The data from production server may be configured to send out email notifications from Activity Associations, SLA events, etc... The steps below document an easy process to avoid sending out email notifications without needing to change all of that configuration. Solution: 1. Prior to loading the data on to a Development/Test server; rename these files under $NX_ROOT/bin directory (i.e. change the '.exe' to '.bak'): pdm_mail.exe pdm_mail_nxd.exe 2. After loading the data on to the Development/Testing server; run the following sql update statement in the DBMS: UPDATE ca_contact set email_address ='' UPDATE ca_contact set pager_email_address ='' 3. Remove any pending animations (events being processed) by using the following steps by first extracting the data to a flat file: pdm_extract Animator > ani.dat Next, use the command below to remove this data: pdm_load -r -f ani.dat 4. Remove or delete any files under the $NX_ROOT/site/mail_queue directory. 5. If necessary, revert the files mentioned in Step #1 to their original file name. $NX_ROOT is a variable used in tech documents to point to your Service Desk installation directory.

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Title: When creating a Development/Test Service Desk server with a data import from a production server, how can we stop email notifications from being sent out on the Development/Test server

Title:When creating a Development/Test Service Desk server with a data import from a production server, how can we stop email notifications from being sent out on the Development/Test server?


The data from production server may be configured to send out email notifications from Activity Associations, SLA events, etc...

The steps below document an easy process to avoid sending out email notifications without needing to change all of that configuration.

Solution:1. Prior to loading the data on to a Development/Test server; rename these files under $NX_ROOT/bin directory (i.e. change the '.exe' to '.bak'): pdm_mail.exepdm_mail_nxd.exe

2. After loading the data on to the Development/Testing server; run the following sql update statement in the DBMS: UPDATE ca_contact set email_address ='' UPDATE ca_contact set pager_email_address =''

3. Remove any pending animations (events being processed) by using the following steps by first extracting the data to a flat file: pdm_extract Animator > ani.dat Next, use the command below to remove this data: pdm_load -r -f ani.dat

4. Remove or delete any files under the $NX_ROOT/site/mail_queue directory.

5. If necessary, revert the files mentioned in Step #1 to their original file name.

$NX_ROOT is a variable used in tech documents to point to your Service Desk installation directory.

Title:Error "Can't execute command" and pdm_configure does not start


Whilst running pdm_configure an error dialogue of the following type appears:

Can't execute command. Command: "D:/Program Files/CA/SharedComponents/JRE/1.4.2_06\bin\javaw.exe" -DNX_ROOT="D:\PROGRA-1\CA\SERVIC~1" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -cp "D:\PROGRA~1\CA\SERVIC~1\java\lib\configui.jar" com.ca.ServicePlus.configui.ConfigUI pdm_configure. Error: 193

Note: Actual drive and directory names may differ depending on where Service Desk was installed.


The problem noted above can occur when JAVA is installed to a location with spaces in the path.

To test if this is the case in this instance, from a command line, navigate to the JRE/bin directory.

Note: In the case above this is "D:/Program Files/CA/SharedComponents/JRE/1.4.2_06\bin\"

Run the following adjusting D:\PROGRA-1\CA\SERVIC~1 to point to the folder where Service Desk is installed:

javaw -DNX_ROOT="D:\PROGRA-1\CA\SERVIC~1" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -cp "D:\PROGRA~1\CA\SERVIC~1\java\lib\configui.jar" com.ca.ServicePlus.configui.ConfigUI pdm_conf

If the pdm_configure GUI starts, the problem being discussed in this document is the problem you are experiencing.

There are two possible options to resolving the above problem:

1. Install or reinstall Service Desk to a location without a space in the path

2. Change the value of @NX_JRE_INSTALL_DIR in NX.env so that it uses the windows short name rather than the long name with spaces in it, e.g.:

Change @NX_JRE_INSTALL_DIR D:/Program Files/CA/SharedComponents/JRE/1.4.2_06

To @NX_JRE_INSTALL_DIR D:/Program~1/CA/SharedComponents/JRE/1.4.2_06

Title:Prerequisite for installing USRD Application Server while configuring mdb on a remote SQL Server Box - preventing error: "Error running SQL scripts to check permission"

Description:This document explains how to prevent the following error during configuration

"Error running SQL scripts to check permission"

Solution:While configuring Unicenter Service Desk 11.x with an MDB on a remote SQL Server machine, it is essential to first install the SQL client on the USRD Application Server.

Title:Why do I get an error "Error running SQL script to check permission" during execution of the USRD configuration (pdm_configure)?

DescriptionThis problem is applicable to installations of Service Desk with a SQL Server database (MDB) on a remote server.

During the Service Desk configuration the following error is displayed:

"Error running SQL script to check permission"

AnswerThe error detailed above can be resolved by installing the SQL Client on the Service Desk server.

The SQL Client is required on the Service Desk server to enable communication with the SQL Server that is installed on the remote server in support of the MDB database.

Question:Receiving error "Error running SQL script to check permission" when trying to run configuration in R11.1 with SQL Server on a remote server.

Answer:1. Install the Microsoft SQL Client on the server running Unicenter Service Desk.

2. Make sure the appropriate JDBC driver is installed correctly; the JDBC Driver can be downloaded via the Microsoft web site as follows:

a. Microsoft SQL Server 2000

b. Microsoft SQL Server 20053. Log into the server as a local administrator and run the configuration.

Title:How to restart the data migration after making changes to the custom .sch files to solve a problem of data loss during the 6.0 to 11.2 migration.

DescriptionSince the migration has already been run, an attempt to run it again will fail.

Additionally the MDB will have been created and populated with information from the old AHD database.

SolutionTo re-run the data migration, follow these commands:

1. Delete the existing MDB.

2. Delete the file NX_ROOT\site\migration.properties.Note: This will cause the migration to start from the beginning and build the MDB again.

3. Delete the directory tree Mig60ToR11.

4. Delete the customized schema files from NX_ROOT\site\r11_archived_files\Note: These steps are important. if these files are not delete the revised schema files will be replaced with the old version from the r11_archived directory.

5. Replace the old customized schema file inNX_ROOT\migrate\tor11\prer11\site\mods\ with the revised version.

6. Replace the old customized schema file NX_ROOT\site\mods\ with the revised version.

When the migration procedure is run, it will re-create the MDB and then continue to run the entire migration process.

Title:What are the MDB Database Roles used by ServiceDesk when using MS SQL as the DBMS?

DescriptionWhat are the Database Roles used by 'Service Desk' on the MDB database?

The 'ServiceDesk' database user may be a different user in your environment.

It is the Database User id entered when Service Desk Configuration was run and is the user specified in the NX_ROOT\NX.env file:@NX_DB_USERID.SolutionAll tables are owned by mdbadmin, so specific access is granted to each of the groups as follows.

All of which are granted to 'ServiceDesk':

RegadminGroup to allow update authority to Asset Registration tables required by CORA API

AmsgroupGroup to allow Read only access to tables required by the Asset Viewer

service_desk_admin_groupGroup to allow update authority to all tables owned by Service Desk.

service_desk_d_painter_groupGroup to allow access to D_PAINTER table. Required by any to use Screen Painter.

service_desk_ro_groupGroup that can be used to grant Read Only access to Service Desk table for reporting purposes.

db_ddladminNeeded during the initial install of Service Desk and on going for schema modifications (adding columns, tables, etc).

db_securityadminNeeded during the initial install of Service Desk.

Additional Information:Microsoft information on 'db_ddladmin':http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190667.aspx Microsoft information on 'db_securityadmin':http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188685.aspx