We are raise in this world to face our goals and missions in life. In order to accomplish these things we must know how to deal it with it. God created us because he wants us to live and to see the world that he creates. God also created our parents because he wants us to have a guardian that will guide us as we grow old. He created our parents in order for us have someone that will guide us in our decisions and help us in our problems. In the movie, I can say that abortion is not a right thing to do because you killed an innocent baby. The word abortion by definition means the induced expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. We know that Abortion stops a baby from being born, but abortion affects more than just the baby. Abortion is an extremely controversial issue and there are some people who are completely against it because for them abortion is not a way in order to escape the problem. There are people who believe that a woman should have the right to choose. A right to choose in way that she will do what is right just like she didn’t think what the other people will say or judge to her. If you got pregnant you must face it because it is your choice to make love with your loved ones then it is your choice also to give birth to your baby. It is not your right if you abort your baby because the baby in your tomb has no mistakes at all but you made to hurt the baby. If the person got pregnant she must face that/ face the baby because your mother didn’t raise you in order to do that thing such abortion. Our mother raised us in a good way and our mother didn’t abort as well.


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We are raise in this world to face our goals and missions in life. In order to accomplish these things we must know how to deal it with it. God created us because he wants us to live and to see the world that he creates. God also created our parents because he wants us to have a guardian that will guide us as we grow old. He created our parents in order for us have someone that will guide us in our decisions and help us in our problems.In the movie, I can say that abortion is not a right thing to do because you killed an innocent baby. The word abortion by definition means the induced expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. We know that Abortion stops a baby from being born, but abortion affects more than just the baby. Abortion is an extremely controversial issue and there are some people who are completely against it because for them abortion is not a way in order to escape the problem. There are people who believe that a woman should have the right to choose. A right to choose in way that she will do what is right just like she didnt think what the other people will say or judge to her. If you got pregnant you must face it because it is your choice to make love with your loved ones then it is your choice also to give birth to your baby. It is not your right if you abort your baby because the baby in your tomb has no mistakes at all but you made to hurt the baby. If the person got pregnant she must face that/ face the baby because your mother didnt raise you in order to do that thing such abortion. Our mother raised us in a good way and our mother didnt abort as well.In my opinion, when a woman chooses to do make love, she is taking a chance. She does this of her own free will, and is in control over what she is doing. If a person decides to do make love, whether it is done with protection or not, the result is her responsibility and she must be willing to deal with the consequences. One such consequence is getting pregnant. When a woman gets pregnant, it is usually a result of her own choices, even if the pregnancy is unwanted or unplanned. . I believe that abortion is morally and ethically wrong.