Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms: to outlaw, ban, repeal, stamp out Antonyms: to establish, restore

Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

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Page 1: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,



Abolish(Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to

Will human beings ever be able to _____________war?

Synonyms: to outlaw, ban, repeal, stamp out

Antonyms: to establish, restore

Page 2: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,


(Noun) A sincere or strong request for something that is needed; a quality or ability that attracts or interests people; a request to a higher court for review of a legal decision Some people don’t understand the _____________of video games?

(verb) to ask strongly for help, understanding, or something else needed; to be attractive or interesting; to request review of a legal decision.  Our class will _____________for aid for the homeless.

Synonyms: a plea, petition; charm, attraction; to plead, implore, beg; to attract

Antonyms: to repel, disgust, repulse

Page 3: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

3. Brittle

(Adj) Easily broken, snapped, or cracked; not flexible

The pages of the old book had turned _____________.

Synonyms :breakable, stiff, unbending, fragile

Antonyms: bendable, flexible, elastic, rugged

Page 4: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

4. Condemn(Verb) To criticize a person or action as wrong, guilty, or evil; to judge as guilty and to punish.

The judge is expected to _____________the accused to life imprisonment.

 Synonyms: to disapprove, denounce, blame

Antonyms: To praise, admire, honor, applaud, approve

Page 5: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

5. Descend(Verb) to move to a lower place from a higher one; to come or be handed down from the past.

We watched the climber_____________the cliff.Synonyms: to drop, fall, plunge, climb down; to stem, derive

Antonyms: to rise, climb, scale, ascend

Page 6: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

6. Dictator(Noun) a ruler or leader who has total power.

Sometimes my older brother acts like a _____________.

 Synonyms: tyrant, master, despot, oppressor

Page 7: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

7 Expand(Verb) to open up, make or grow larger; to develop

The principal plans to _____________our classroom.

Synonyms: to spread, stretch, swell, enlarge

Antonyms: to shrink, reduce, contract, abridge

Page 8: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

8. Famine(Noun) A severe shortage of food over a large area

Children especially suffered during the _____________.



hunger, starvation, scarcity, want

feast, plenty

Page 9: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

9. Portable(adj) easily moved or carried

Dad put a _____________crib in the trunk.

Synonyms: movable, transportable

Antonyms: immovable, fixed, rooted

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10. Prey(noun) an animal hunted as food by another; someone or something that is helpless against attack.

The documentary showed a lion stalking its _____________.

(Verb) (used with on or upon) to hunt for food; to harm, rob, or take.

Only a bully would _____________upon the weak.

Synonyms: a victim; quarry; to devour; to bully, victimize, cheat

Antonyms: a hunter, predator

Page 11: Abolish (Verb) to do away completely with something: put an end to Will human beings ever be able to _____________war? Synonyms:to outlaw, ban, repeal,

11. Thrifty(Adj) Careful about spending money; tending to save money; managing money well 

My parents are teaching me to be a_____________shopper.

Synonyms: economical, frugal, tight-fisted

Antonyms: wasteful, careless, extravagant

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12. Visual(adj.) having to do with sight or seeing

The math teacher likes to use_____________aids.Synonyms: visible, pictured, shown, illustrated