Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Children with Autism Adriana Di Martino, Clare Kelly, Rebecca Grzadzinski, Xi-Nian Zuo, Maarten Mennes, Maria Angeles Mairena, Catherine Lord, F. Xavier Castellanos, and Michael P. Milham Background: Models of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as neural disconnection syndromes have been predominantly supported by examinations of abnormalities in corticocortical networks in adults with autism. A broader body of research implicates subcortical structures, particularly the striatum, in the physiopathology of autism. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging has revealed detailed maps of striatal circuitry in healthy and psychiatric populations and vividly captured maturational changes in striatal circuitry during typical development. Methods: Using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined striatal functional connectivity (FC) in 20 children with ASD and 20 typically developing children between the ages of 7.6 and 13.5 years. Whole-brain voxelwise statistical maps quantified within-group striatal FC and between-group differences for three caudate and three putamen seeds for each hemisphere. Results: Children with ASD mostly exhibited prominent patterns of ectopic striatal FC (i.e., functional connectivity present in ASD but not in typically developing children), with increased functional connectivity between nearly all striatal subregions and heteromodal associative and limbic cortex previously implicated in the physiopathology of ASD (e.g., insular and right superior temporal gyrus). Additionally, we found striatal functional hyperconnectivity with the pons, thus expanding the scope of functional alterations implicated in ASD. Secondary analyses revealed ASD-related hyperconnectivity between the pons and insula cortex. Conclusions: Examination of FC of striatal networks in children with ASD revealed abnormalities in circuits involving early developing areas, such as the brainstem and insula, with a pattern of increased FC in ectopic circuits that likely reflects developmental derangement rather than immaturity of functional circuits. Key Words: Autism, brainstem, development, functional connec- tivity, insula, striatum H uman brain development is characterized by progressive remodeling of the brain’s structural and functional architec- ture. Resting state functional connectivity (FC) approaches vividly capture these developmental changes. Consistent with his- topathological and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (1,2), diffuse patterns of local FC are gradually replaced by a distributed architecture, dominated by focal long-range connec- tions (3–6). Concurrently, the strength of FC between cortical and subcortical regions progressively decreases (6), suggesting de- creased subcortical influence over cortical functioning with age. Disturbances in these maturational processes are increasingly im- plicated in neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism spec- trum disorders (ASD) (7). Models of ASD as a brain disconnection syndrome (8 –13) have emerged from analyses of abnormalities in corticocortical connec- tions. Studies of FC in ASD have found evidence of reduced long- range FC in various cortical circuits (14 –24). Because development is characterized by an overall increase in long-range functional connections (3–5,25), these studies suggest dysmaturation as a core feature of ASD pathophysiology. Examples of ASD hypocon- nectivity include findings of reduced FC in frontoparietal circuits supporting working memory (26), in medial-wall circuitry impli- cated in social cognition (27–29), and in a left inferior frontal gyrus- based network supporting language processes (10). Although spe- cific affected circuits vary depending on the process examined and approach (15–24,30), the common denominator has been evidence of abnormal corticocortical circuitry. Partly, this may reflect a greater focus on higher order cognitive and social processes, largely subserved by cortical regions found to be abnormal in indi- viduals with ASD (31,32). Here, we draw attention to subcortical-cortical interactions as a potential locus of dysfunction in ASD. We focus on striatal circuits that contribute to maturational changes in subcortical-cortical FC (6). Although infrequently examined, abnormal subcortical-cortical FC has been detected in ASD. Specifically, a resting-state positron emission tomography study found weaker correlations in glucose consumption between frontal regions and both striatum and thal- amus in young adults with ASD compared with typical adults (TA) (33). In contrast, in a task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, increased striatal FC with frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes was reported in adults with ASD during a sensorimo- tor task, relative to TA (34). These divergences may reflect differ- ences in imaging modalities, design (i.e., presence vs. absence of a task), analyses, or small sample sizes. While direct examinations of striatal FC in ASD are limited, ASD- related structural and functional impairments have been docu- mented, particularly, but not exclusively (35), in the caudate. Mor- phological studies have generally reported increased caudate volume in ASD (36,37). Individuals with ASD showed striatal hypo- activation relative to healthy control subjects in studies of facial expression imitation (38) and cognitive flexibility (39). On the other From the Phyllis Green and Randolph Co wen Institute for Pediatric Neuro- science at the Child Study Center (ADM, CK, RG, X-NZ, MM, FXC, MPM), New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, New York; Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (MAM), Barcelona, Spain; University of Mich- igan Autism and Communication Disorders Center (CL), Ann Arbor, Michigan; Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (FXC, MPM), Orangeburg, New York; and Division of Cognitive and Developmental Psychology (X-NZ), Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing, China. Address correspondence to Michael P. Milham, M.D., Ph.D., NYU Langone Medical Center, Phyllis Green and Randolph Co wen Institute for Pediat- ric Neuroscience at the Child Study Center, 215 Lexington Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10016; E-mail: [email protected]. Received Aug 12, 2010; revised Oct 18, 2010; accepted Oct 20, 2010. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847– 856 0006-3223/$36.00 doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2010.10.029 © 2011 Society of Biological Psychiatry

Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Children with Autism

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Page 1: Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Children with Autism

Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Childrenwith AutismAdriana Di Martino, Clare Kelly, Rebecca Grzadzinski, Xi-Nian Zuo, Maarten Mennes,Maria Angeles Mairena, Catherine Lord, F. Xavier Castellanos, and Michael P. Milham

Background: Models of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as neural disconnection syndromes have been predominantly supported byexaminations of abnormalities in corticocortical networks in adults with autism. A broader body of research implicates subcortical structures,particularly the striatum, in the physiopathology of autism. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging has revealed detailedmaps of striatal circuitry in healthy and psychiatric populations and vividly captured maturational changes in striatal circuitry during typicaldevelopment.

Methods: Using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined striatal functional connectivity (FC) in 20 children withASD and 20 typically developing children between the ages of 7.6 and 13.5 years. Whole-brain voxelwise statistical maps quantifiedwithin-group striatal FC and between-group differences for three caudate and three putamen seeds for each hemisphere.

Results: Children with ASD mostly exhibited prominent patterns of ectopic striatal FC (i.e., functional connectivity present in ASD but notin typically developing children), with increased functional connectivity between nearly all striatal subregions and heteromodal associativeand limbic cortex previously implicated in the physiopathology of ASD (e.g., insular and right superior temporal gyrus). Additionally, wefound striatal functional hyperconnectivity with the pons, thus expanding the scope of functional alterations implicated in ASD. Secondaryanalyses revealed ASD-related hyperconnectivity between the pons and insula cortex.

Conclusions: Examination of FC of striatal networks in children with ASD revealed abnormalities in circuits involving early developingareas, such as the brainstem and insula, with a pattern of increased FC in ectopic circuits that likely reflects developmental derangement

rather than immaturity of functional circuits.




Key Words: Autism, brainstem, development, functional connec-tivity, insula, striatum

H uman brain development is characterized by progressiveremodeling of the brain’s structural and functional architec-ture. Resting state functional connectivity (FC) approaches

vividly capture these developmental changes. Consistent with his-topathological and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)findings (1,2), diffuse patterns of local FC are gradually replaced bya distributed architecture, dominated by focal long-range connec-tions (3– 6). Concurrently, the strength of FC between cortical andsubcortical regions progressively decreases (6), suggesting de-creased subcortical influence over cortical functioning with age.Disturbances in these maturational processes are increasingly im-plicated in neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism spec-trum disorders (ASD) (7).

Models of ASD as a brain disconnection syndrome (8 –13) haveemerged from analyses of abnormalities in corticocortical connec-tions. Studies of FC in ASD have found evidence of reduced long-range FC in various cortical circuits (14 –24). Because development

From the Phyllis Green and Randolph Co�wen Institute for Pediatric Neuro-science at the Child Study Center (ADM, CK, RG, X-NZ, MM, FXC, MPM),New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, New York;Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (MAM), Barcelona, Spain; University of Mich-igan Autism and Communication Disorders Center (CL), Ann Arbor,Michigan; Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (FXC, MPM),Orangeburg, New York; and Division of Cognitive and DevelopmentalPsychology (X-NZ), Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sci-ences, Beijing, China.

Address correspondence to Michael P. Milham, M.D., Ph.D., NYU LangoneMedical Center, Phyllis Green and Randolph Co�wen Institute for Pediat-ric Neuroscience at the Child Study Center, 215 Lexington Avenue, 14thFloor, New York, NY 10016; E-mail: [email protected].

eReceived Aug 12, 2010; revised Oct 18, 2010; accepted Oct 20, 2010.


s characterized by an overall increase in long-range functionalonnections (3–5,25), these studies suggest dysmaturation as aore feature of ASD pathophysiology. Examples of ASD hypocon-ectivity include findings of reduced FC in frontoparietal circuitsupporting working memory (26), in medial-wall circuitry impli-ated in social cognition (27–29), and in a left inferior frontal gyrus-ased network supporting language processes (10). Although spe-ific affected circuits vary depending on the process examined andpproach (15–24,30), the common denominator has been evidencef abnormal corticocortical circuitry. Partly, this may reflect areater focus on higher order cognitive and social processes,

argely subserved by cortical regions found to be abnormal in indi-iduals with ASD (31,32).

Here, we draw attention to subcortical-cortical interactions as aotential locus of dysfunction in ASD. We focus on striatal circuits

hat contribute to maturational changes in subcortical-cortical FC6). Although infrequently examined, abnormal subcortical-corticalC has been detected in ASD. Specifically, a resting-state positronmission tomography study found weaker correlations in glucoseonsumption between frontal regions and both striatum and thal-mus in young adults with ASD compared with typical adults (TA)33). In contrast, in a task-based functional magnetic resonancemaging (fMRI) study, increased striatal FC with frontal, parietal, andccipital lobes was reported in adults with ASD during a sensorimo-

or task, relative to TA (34). These divergences may reflect differ-nces in imaging modalities, design (i.e., presence vs. absence of aask), analyses, or small sample sizes.

While direct examinations of striatal FC in ASD are limited, ASD-elated structural and functional impairments have been docu-

ented, particularly, but not exclusively (35), in the caudate. Mor-hological studies have generally reported increased caudateolume in ASD (36,37). Individuals with ASD showed striatal hypo-ctivation relative to healthy control subjects in studies of facial

xpression imitation (38) and cognitive flexibility (39). On the other

BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856© 2011 Society of Biological Psychiatry

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848 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 A. Di Martino et al.

hand, caudate hyperactivation was evident in a study of sensorimo-tor processes in ASD (40). Regardless of the direction of the aberrantstriatal activation (hypoactivation or hyperactivation), cortical com-ponents of striatal circuits, such as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and inferior parietal sulcus, exhib-ited the same type of aberrant activation (38 – 40). Overall, thisliterature suggests abnormal striatal-cortical circuits in ASD andhighlights the need for their direct investigation in this population.

Using resting state fMRI (R-fMRI), we previously establishedthat seed-based FC analyses delineate detailed maps of striatalcircuitry (41). We employed seeds in three caudate and threeputamen regions, adapted from a meta-analysis of the task-based literature (42). Independent applications of the same ap-proach yielded similar results (43,44). Accordingly, we used R-fMRI to comprehensively examine striatal functional circuitry inschool-age children with ASD compared with typically develop-ing children (TDC).

Consistent with the notion that ASD is characterized by neuro-developmental dysmaturity (7,10,31,45– 48), initial R-fMRI studiesof adults with ASD demonstrated reduced long-range FC in large-scale networks (e.g., [3,5,49]). This resembles TDC functional archi-tecture rather than that of TA (3,5,25), suggesting developmentalimmaturity in ASD. Given 1) our focus on children, 2) evidence ofincreased striatal-cortical FC in TDC relative to TA (6), and 3) initialfindings of increased striatal-cortical FC in ASD (34), we predictedthat children with ASD would exhibit immature FC development.Specifically, we anticipated that caudate and putamen circuits inASD would show stronger and more diffuse FC with paralimbic,associative, and sensory cortex compared with age-matched TDC.Based on the frequent findings of inappropriate patterns of coacti-vation in task-based studies (31,32), we also expected ectopic FC inASD—FC between regions that are not typically functionally con-nected in pediatric or adult samples. Additionally, we conductedsecondary analyses to contrast striatal FC in TDC and TA included inour earlier striatal study (41). In preparation for large-scale longitu-dinal studies, such analyses allow interpreting the findings of aber-rant striatal FC in children with ASD in the context of possible

Table 1. TDC and ASD Clinical Characteristics

ASD(n � 20)

ales, n (%) 17 (85)SES (Class 4 or 5) n (%)a 15 (75)

Mean (SD) Minimum Maximum

Age (years) 10.4 (1.7) 7.6 12.8Full IQ 109 (12) 88 134Verbal IQ 107 (11) 93 139Performance IQ 110 (18) 83 146ADOS Totalb 13 (4) 7 22ADOS SA Total 10 (4) 4 18ADOS RRB Total 3 (1) 1 5

ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ANOVA, analysis of varrepetitive behaviors; SA, social affect; SES, socioeconomic status; TDC, typic

aThirty-eight parents provided demographic forms used to compute SESenough information to compute SES class.

bADOS mean scores are based on 17 research-reliable administrations.

deviance from typical development. T


ethods and Materials

articipantsChildren with ASD were recruited through the New York Univer-

ity Child Study Center, parent groups, flyers, and web/newspaperdvertisements. We enrolled 26 children with ASD and excluded 6hildren due to excessive movement. For the remaining 20 childrenith ASD, the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (n � 19) (50)

nd the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Module 3 (ADOS)n � 20) (51) supported clinicians’ DSM-IV-TR diagnoses. Research-eliable scores were obtained for 17 (85%) children using the newiagnostic ADOS algorithm (52). The remaining ADOS and most of

he Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised scores (n � 16) were ob-ained from clinical administrations; therefore, Table 1 reports onlyhe 17 research-reliable scores. Clinicians’ best-estimate DSM-IV-TRiagnoses were Autistic Disorder (n � 12, 60%), Asperger’s Disorder

n � 7, 35%), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwisepecified (n � 1, 5%). Ten children were medication-naive, and 7ere not taking psychoactive medications for periods ranging fromweek to � 12 months. Two children were currently treated withsychostimulants (discontinued 24 hours before scanning) and 1ith melatonin. All other psychoactive medications were exclu-

ionary (49).Twenty TDC selected from a larger pool of children participating

n ongoing studies were group-matched for age, sex, estimated IQ,nd handedness. Inclusion as a TDC required absence of any DSM-

V-TR diagnoses and treatment with psychoactive medications. Thechedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for Children—resent and Lifetime Version (53) was separately administered toarent(s) and their child in 17 cases, and for 2 cases, due to sched-ling constraints, to one parent or the child only. For the remaininghild, the Anxiety Diagnostic Interview Schedule (54) was adminis-ered to one parent.

The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (55) provided IQstimates. All parents but three (two TDC, one ASD) provided de-ographic information to compute socioeconomic status (SES)

56). Evidence of known neurological or genetic syndromes and/orstimates of full-scale IQ � 80 were exclusionary. The ASD and the

TDC(n � 20)


�2(1) p

14 (70) 1.3 .2613 (77) .5 .49

Mean (SD) Minimum Maximum


F(1,38) p

10.9 (1.6) 7.9 13.5 1.1 .31116 (16) 80 138 2.1 .15113 (15) 85 135 1.5 .22115 (16) 72 137 1.2 .29

— —— —— —

; ASD, autism spectrum disorders; IQ, intelligence quotient; RRB, restrictedeveloping children.em one parent of a child with ASD and two parents of TDC did not provided

ianceally d, of th

DC groups did not differ significantly with respect to IQ, age, sex,

Page 3: Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Children with Autism













A. Di Martino et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 849

or SES. Except for two TDC, all children completed the EdinburghHandedness Inventory (57). All TDC were right-handed (two basedon self-report); 18 of the 20 children with ASD were right-handed(groups did not differ). Per parent-reported ethnicity (collected for19 children per group), Caucasian (11 and 8, in the TDC and ASDgroups, respectively) and African American (4 and 3 for the TDC andthe ASD groups, respectively) predominated (groups did not differ).Thirty-five adults (mean age: 28.4 � 8.5 years) described in our

revious study (41) were included for secondary analyses of striatalge-related changes. Per the New York University and the New Yorkniversity School of Medicine Institutional Review Boards, written

nformed consent (parents and adult participants) and assent (chil-ren) were completed.

cquisition and PreprocessingWe collected a 6-minute, 38-second rest scan comprising 197

ontiguous echo planar imaging functional volumes (3.0 Tesla, rep-tition time � 2000 msec; echo time � 25 msec; flip angle � 90°, 39lices, matrix � 64 � 64; field of view � 192 mm; acquisition voxelize � 3 mm3). Participants were asked to relax with eyes open.omplete cerebellar coverage was not obtained for all children. Aigh-resolution T1-weighted magnetization prepared rapid gradi-nt echo anatomical image was also acquired (Methods and Mate-ials in Supplement 1).

As detailed elsewhere (41,43,44), preprocessing was carried outsing both Analysis of Functional NeuroImages (AFNI) (http://fni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/) and FSL (http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk) (bothnalysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, United Kingdom). It comprised slice

ime correction for interleaved acquisitions, three-dimensional mo-ion correction, despiking, spatial smoothing (full width at half max-mum 6 mm), mean-based intensity normalization of all volumes byhe same factor, temporal filtering (.009 –.1 Hz), and linear anduadratic detrending. Registration of each participant’s anatomical

mage to Montreal Neurological Institute 152 stereotaxic space (2m3) comprised a 12 degrees of freedom affine transformation

FLIRT; Analysis Group, FMRIB) (58) and a nonlinear refinement ofhe initial registration (FNIRT; NIMH, Bethesda, Maryland) (59,60). Toddress concerns about age-related errors in registration (61), weonducted secondary analyses in data registered to a local tem-late (Methods and Materials in Supplement 1). Root mean squareovement in each of the cardinal directions (x, y, and z) and rota-

ional movement about three axes (pitch, yaw, and roll) were calcu-ated for each participant to include only data with displacement �.5 mm/2.5°. Each participant’s four-dimensional preprocessed vol-me was regressed on nine predictors modeling nuisance signals

white matter, cerebrospinal fluid, global signal, and six motionarameters). Resulting four-dimensional residual volumes were

hen spatially normalized to Montreal Neurological Institute 152pace using the previously computed transformation.

C AnalysesWe employed six previously validated (41) striatal regions of

nterest (“seeds”). Caudate seeds included the inferior and superiorentral striatum (VSi and VSs) and the dorsal caudate (DC). Putameneeds included the dorsal-caudal putamen (dcP), dorsal-rostral pu-amen (drP), and ventral rostral putamen (vrP). Each seed covered3 voxels in 2 mm3 space (radius � 4 mm). Comparable seed place-

ment in both groups and seed coordinates are illustrated in FigureS1 and Table S1 in Supplement 1.

For each subject, we derived whole-brain voxelwise correlationsassociated with the mean time series for each of the 12 seeds (6 perhemisphere) using 3dfim� (AFNI). Correlation maps were con-

verted to Z-value maps (Fisher r-to-z transformation). Individual FC g

aps were entered into group-level analyses (ordinary leastquares; FSL FEAT). No significant group differences were noted forge or IQ. However, given their wide ranges (Table 1), we covariedge and full-scale IQ. We did not covary sex, given the few femaleubjects (three ASD, six TDC). These analyses generated maps ofegions exhibiting significant positive and negative FC for eacheed and each group (ASD, TDC). Direct comparisons yielded mapsf voxels exhibiting significant FC group differences for each seed.econdary analyses comparing TDC with TA were conducted cova-ying age and sex. Gaussian random field theory was used for clus-er-level multiple comparisons correction (minimum Z � 2.3; p �05, corrected).


triatal FCConsistent with prior work (41), seed-based FC analyses pro-

ided detailed maps of distinct functional circuits for each of the sixeeds per hemisphere. Patterns of striatal FC obtained for TDC wererossly similar to those previously obtained with TA (41,43,44),

hough with notably more diffuse and stronger local positive FCFigure S2 in Supplement 1). As previously reported in TDC (6),oth child groups showed significant FC between all striataleeds and paralimbic regions such as insula and associativeegions such as superior temporal gyrus (STG) and planum tem-orale. However, in the ASD group, nearly all striatal seedshowed significantly stronger and more diffuse FC with bothegions typically included in striatal networks, as well as withctopic areas, which are not functionally connected with thetriatum in TDC (Figures 1-3). Specific findings are describedelow. The FC analyses in data registered to a local templateielded substantially similar results (Figure S3 in Supplement 1).

Inferior and Superior Ventral Striatum. Both groups dis-layed an FC gradient from ventromedial to dorsolateral divisionsf prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex going from VSi to VSs.dditionally, both ventral striatal seeds showed significant positiveC with paralimbic and associative areas in both child groups. These

ncluded correlations with the anterior and mid insula as well as STGor both hemispheres. Children with ASD displayed stronger and

ore extended positive relationships between these areas. Specif-cally, in children with ASD, the right VSi showed more diffuse andignificantly stronger FC with the right STG and the right mid insula,hile the left VSs showed increased FC with the left central opercu-

um. In children with ASD, significantly increased FC extended toortical areas that exhibited negative FC with the ventral striataleeds in TDC. Specifically, in children with ASD the left VSi showedositive FC with the left supramarginal gyrus, in contrast, these two

egions were negatively connected in the TDC group (Figures 1 and, Table 2; Figure S4 in Supplement 1).

Dorsal Caudate. In both TDC and ASD, DC showed positiveelationships with regions implicated in cognitive control (62– 64).hese included dorsal anterior cingulate and lateral frontal cortex,uch as right middle and inferior frontal gyri and ventrolateral pre-rontal and lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Both child groups alsohowed positive FC with anterior and posterior insula, as well asith superior and middle temporal gyri bilaterally, areas not

ypically observed in DC circuitry in TA. Direct group compari-ons revealed ASD-related increases in positive FC that extendedo heteromodal sensory processing regions that were negativelyorrelated with DC in TDC. Specifically, in the ASD group, theight DC exhibited positive FC with the left temporal fusiform

yrus, while the left DC showed positive FC with the supramar-


Page 4: Aberrant Striatal Functional Connectivity in Children with Autism





g ch

850 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 A. Di Martino et al.

ginal gyrus bilaterally (Figures 1 and 3, Table 2; Figures S4 and S6in Supplement 1).

Dorsal Caudal and Dorsal Rostral Putamen. Consistent withtheir role in primary motor control, the dorsal putamen seeds ex-hibited significant positive FC with primary and secondary sensori-motor areas for both TDC and ASD. However, relative to TDC, ASDagain showed a more diffuse pattern of FC extending to regionsthat did not exhibit FC with the putamen in TDC. Specifically, bothright dorsal putamen seeds were strongly correlated with a brains-tem region in the pons; for the right dcP, significant FC also ex-tended to the right parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampus. Fur-ther, in ASD, the left dcP was significantly more correlated with theright temporal-occipital fusiform gyrus (Figures 2 and 3; Figures S5and S6 in Supplement 1).

Ventral Rostral Putamen. Positive relationships with poste-rior and dorsal aspects of the insula bilaterally were observed forboth ASD and TDC. Children with ASD showed more extendedand significantly stronger FC between right vrP and right STGand planum temporale (Figure 3). Right vrP was the one region inwhich ASD-related hypoconnectivity was also detected, with acluster extending into the superior division of the lateral occipi-tal cortex in the left hemisphere (Figure 2; Figures S5 and S6 in

Figure 1. Within- and between-group statistical maps for the right hemisphchildren, autism spectrum disorders) analyses obtained for three caudate seeall analyses, Gaussian random field theory was employed to carry out clusterp � .05, corrected). Axial maps and inflated surface maps were generated uFunctional NeuroImages Surface Mapper software (http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/in Supplement 1. For results of the caudate seeds located in the left hemispcaudate; LH, left hemisphere; RH, right hemisphere; TDC, typically developin

Supplement 1). a


terative FC Brainstem AnalysesGiven 1) the finding of increased putamen-brainstem FC in chil-

ren with ASD, 2) the role of the brainstem in basic functions such aslertness, arousal, and sensory and autonomic processes, and 3)arlier models of brainstem pathology in ASD (65), we conducted aecondary FC analysis of the pons cluster that emerged as function-lly hyperconnected with both right drP and dcP in ASD relative toDC. Both groups showed significant relationships between theons and cerebellum, thalamus, putamen, caudate, and parahip-ocampal gyrus. In ASD, not only were these correlations moreiffuse but they also extended to areas unrelated to the brainstem

n TDC. Massive FC was observed between the pons and insula,nvolving the posterior and middle insula divisions bilaterally andhe anterior insula in the right hemisphere only (Figure 4).

triatal Age-Sensitive Areas and ASD AbnormalitiesWe examined patterns of age-related changes in FC for the 12

yperconnected and 1 hypoconnected functional circuits in chil-ren with ASD relative to TDC. With the exception of the right VSi,SD-related abnormalities in FC did not suggest delayed develop-ent (i.e., ASD � TDC � TA, or TA � TDC � ASD). Rather, the

rofiles observed suggest ectopic FC in ASD. For nearly all the

audate seeds. Results of within- and between-group (typically developingright hemisphere are depicted on the left and right panels, respectively. For

correction for multiple comparisons (minimum Z � 2.3; cluster significance:Analysis of Functional NeuroImages and surface mapping with Analysis ofuma). For seed placement and seed coordinates, see Figure S1 and Table S1see Figure S4 in Supplement 1. ASD, autism spectrum disorder; DC, dorsal

ildren; VSi, ventral striatum inferior; VSs, ventral striatum superior.

ere cds for


berrant circuits, significantly positive FC was observed in the ASD

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A. Di Martino et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 851

group, but FC was either absent or negative in each of the other twogroups (TDC, TA). Post hoc tests verified differences between ASDand both TDC and TA (Figure 5; Table S2 in Supplement 1).

Correlation with SymptomsSecondary analyses explored potential relationships between

ASD-related abnormalities in FC and symptom severity. In the 17children with research-reliable ADOS scores, we correlated thesescores and FC for each of the 13 circuits that differed significantlybetween ASD and TDC. Consistent with our primary analyses, wecomputed partial correlations, controlling for age and IQ. We ob-served a positive correlation between restrictive repetitive behav-ior scores and right vrP/right STG FC [partial r(13) � .69, p � .005]

nd a negative correlation for the right dcP/right pons FC [partial(13) � �.64, p � .011], although these correlations did not surviveonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (p � .004; Table S3

n Supplement 1).


Our seed-based resting state fMRI examination of striatal func-tional architecture in school-age children with ASD revealed a wide-

Figure 2. Within- and between-group statistical maps for the right hemisphchildren, autism spectrum disorders) analyses obtained for the three putrespectively. For all analyses, Gaussian random field theory was employed tcluster significance: p � .05, corrected). Axial maps and inflated surface mapswith Analysis of Functional NeuroImages Surface Mapper software (http://afnS1 and Table S1 in Supplement 1. For results of the putamen seeds locatedisorder; dcP, dorsal caudal putamen; drP, dorsal rostral putamen; LH, left hrostral putamen.

spread pattern of excessive FC in striatal-cortical circuitry, relative to e

DC. Excessive striatal FC was evident between nearly all striatalegions examined and a variety of heteromodal associative andimbic cortex previously implicated in the pathophysiology of ASD,ncluding the right STG and insular cortex. We also found evidencef striatal functional hyperconnectivity with the pons, thus expand-

ng the scope of functional alterations implicated in ASD. Second-ry FC analyses focusing on this brainstem area revealed broadatterns of ASD-related hyperconnectivity with bilateral insularortex.

One of the challenges facing fMRI studies of neurodevelopmen-al disorders is ascertaining the pathophysiological processes un-erlying increased or decreased FC. Functional hyperconnectivity

n clinical populations is increasingly interpreted as reflecting de-ayed or stunted maturational processes. For example, increasedocal and reduced long-range FC— characteristic of immature de-elopment— has been reported to be widespread in Tourette’sisorder (along with two anomalous circuits) (66) and was also

ound in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (67). Here, the onlyvidence suggesting developmental immaturity was ASD-related

ncreases in FC between VSi and right insula/STG. Beyond this singlexample, the remaining ASD-related differences were suggestive of

utamen seeds. Results of within- and between-group (typically developingseeds for right hemispheres are depicted on the left and right panels,

ry out cluster-level correction for multiple comparisons (minimum Z � 2.3;generated using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages and surface mappingh.nih.gov/afni/suma). For seed placement and seed coordinates, see Figuree left hemisphere, see Figure S5 in Supplement 1. ASD, autism spectrum

here; RH, right hemisphere; TDC, typically developing children; vrP, ventral

ere pameno carwerei.nim

d in themisp

ctopic FC—patterns of inappropriate, rather than residual, FC.


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852 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 A. Di Martino et al.

Most aberrant FC observed in ASD was with regions not correlatedwith the striatal seeds for either TDC or TA. The idea of ectopic FC isconsistent with the task-based literature, which has shown thatparticipants with ASD exhibit inappropriate patterns of task activa-tion in sensory (e.g., occipital cortex), motor (e.g., supplementalmotor cortex), and heteromodal association areas (e.g., ventrome-dial prefrontal cortex) not recruited by the specific tasks examinedin neurotypical populations (11,31). Although intriguing, thismodel remains speculative until validated by cross-sectional andlongitudinal studies beginning in early development. These studieswill elucidate whether increased striatal FC is specific to school-agechildren or extends to younger and older children with ASD. Foryoung children with ASD, no FC studies are available, while for olderchildren, findings of mostly corticocortical decreased FC have beenreported (e.g., [10,24]), albeit with exceptions (28,34,68).

In our data, ASD-related differences in the FC of insular cortexere prominent, being evident in both striatal and brainstem anal-

ses. These findings are timely; a recent meta-analysis of functionalmaging studies of autism highlighted ASD-related insula hypoac-ivation in studies examining social processing (30), prompting calls

for increased attention to insula dysfunction in models of autism(69). In considering the role of the insula in ASD, a logical step hasbeen to focus on the anterior insula (AI), which is implicated inempathy (70), task control (71), and more broadly, in the ability tointegrate visceral, autonomic processes to guide behavior (72–74).

Figure 3. Autism spectrum disorder-related functional hyperconnections inconnectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders relative to typicahemisphere. In each panel, along with the statistical brain maps, Z-transformin the autism spectrum disorder (triangles) and typically developing childrandom field theory was employed to carry out cluster-level correction for m

xial and coronal maps, as well as inflated surface maps, were generated uunctional NeuroImages Surface Mapper software (http://afni.nimh.nih.goigure S6 in Supplement 1. ASD, autism spectrum disorders; DC, dorsal caudemporal gyrus; R, right; RH, right hemisphere; STG, superior temporal gyrtriatum inferior; VSs, ventral striatum superior.

However, recent work suggests that AI function may be more di- d


ectly related to alexithymia, a phenomenon that is associated with,ut distinct from, impaired empathy (75,76).

Our findings underscore the importance of extending the scopef ASD-related insular abnormalities beyond the AI. A meta-analysisf 1768 task-based functional imaging studies highlighted the het-rogeneity of insular cortex and identified four functionally distinctreas (74). These are ventral and dorsal AI areas, associated withmpathy and cognitive functions, respectively; a posterior regionssociated with sensorimotor processes; and an intermediate re-ion involved in olfactory-gustatory functions (74). Considering theotential role of insular circuits in ASD beyond empathy deficitsay provide a more comprehensive model of ASD pathology. For

xample, posterior insular circuitry, implicated in bodily sensoryrocesses (77), may play a role in the ASD-related abnormalities inensory perception and integration (78). Further, it is necessary tonderstand the interactions among the different insular functionalivisions, rather than focusing on any region or circuit in isolation. A

ecent examination of autistic traits in TA illustrates this point (30).n that study, the severity of autistic traits was directly related to thextent to which FC between mid insula and pregenual ACC resem-led that of the ventral AI (low autistic traits) as opposed to poste-

ior insular regions (high autistic traits) (30).Another cortical region hyperconnected with the striatum in

SD was the right STG, particularly its posterior division, whichxhibited hyperconnectivity with both right VSi and vrP. Posterior

riatum. Cortical and subcortical clusters with significantly greater functionalveloping children are illustrated for the striatal seeds located in the right

rrelation coefficients indexing functional connectivity for each participantircles) groups are depicted for the most representative circuits. Gaussianle comparisons (minimum Z � 2.3; cluster significance: p � .05, corrected).

Analysis of Functional NeuroImages and surface mapping with Analysis ofi/suma). For results obtained with the left hemisphere striatal seeds, seecP, dorsal caudal putamen; drP, dorsal rostral putamen; L, left; MTG, middleC, typically developing children; vrP, ventral rostral putamen; VSi, ventral

the stlly de

ed coren (c

ultipsingv/afnate; dus; TD

ivisions of the right STG (pSTG) have been implicated in percep-

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cal Inuperi


A. Di Martino et al. BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 853

tion of intentional movements such as eye gaze (79), salience ofacoustic cues (80,81), prediction of reward based on other agents’strategies (82), and live face-to-face interactions (83). Consistentwith a role of pSTG in these processes, fMRI studies of ASD havedemonstrated abnormal activation of the pSTG during tasks involv-ing perception of intentional movements, particularly in the righthemisphere (84 – 86). Recent work showed that reductions in white

Table 2. Regions Exhibiting Group Differences (ASD vs. TDC) in Striatal Con

Seed Region with FC Peak

ASD � TDCCaudate R DC Left fusiform cortex

L DC Left supramarginal gyrusRight supramarginal gyrus

L VSs Left frontal operculum/insulaLeft middle frontal gyrus

R Vsi Right superior temporal gyrusRight insula

L Vsi Left precentral gyrusutamen R dcP Right brainstem (pons)

L dcP Right lingual gyrus/cerebellumLeft cuneus/supracalcarine cortex

R drP Right brainstem (pons)L drP Left precentral gyrus

R vrP Right superior/middle temporal gyrusTDC � ASD

R vrP Left lateral occipital cortex/precuneus

Within-cluster peaks of significant FC were identified on the group-levelprogram 3dMaxima, specifying a minimum significance threshold of Z � 2.3in number of voxels and stereotaxic coordinates are reported in MNI space.

AFNI, Analysis of Functional NeuroImages; ASD, autism spectrum disordefunctional connectivity; L, left hemisphere seeds; MNI, Montreal Neurologiventral rostral putamen; VSi, ventral striatum inferior; VSs, ventral striatum s

Figure 4. Brainstem-based aberrant functional connectivity in autism spectrumsummarized as within-group (top row) and between-group (bottom row) statfunctional connectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders relative to tputamen and dorsal caudal putamen) in primary analyses. The pons seed is depsurface maps were generated using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages and s

(http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/suma). Gaussian random field theory was employed to

luster significance: p � .05, corrected). ASD, autism spectrum disorders; TDC, typical

atter volume and hypoactivation of the pSTG during a Stroop taskositively correlated with levels of autistic traits in TA (87). Autismpectrum disorder related abnormalities in temporal gyri gray mat-er have also been noted (88). Increased FC between STG and fron-al cortex in ASD emerged from a study of language processes (89),hile R-fMRI studies of ASD are beginning to reveal STG abnormal-

ties. For example, initial R-fMRI work has revealed ASD-related


Cluster Size (# Voxels) Z-Score x y z

1550 4.43 �28 �42 �20624 3.37 �62 �28 28634 3.90 58 �28 50627 3.75 �40 16 8

3.07 �28 26 42823 4.55 62 �30 6

4.21 38 �6 2627 3.67 �2 �30 58558 3.84 8 �26 �32479 3.96 14 �40 �12492 3.60 �6 �88 12499 4.08 8 �22 �22549 4.68 �48 �14 56

3.07 �64 0 24585 3.73 58 �32 6

656 4.80 �18 �64 40

holded Z-score maps using the peak detection algorithm provided in AFNIminimum distance between peaks equal to 30 mm. Cluster size is reported

dorsal caudate; dcP, dorsal caudal putamen; drP, dorsal rostral putamen; FC,stitute; R, right hemisphere seeds; TDC, typically developing children; vrP,or; Z, Z score of peak of connectivity or local maxima.

er. Results of the secondary analyses of pons-based functional connectivity arel maps. The seed of interest corresponds to the pons region showing greaterlly developing children for both right dorsal putamen seeds (i.e., dorsal rostralin blue in the sagittal map at the bottom of the figure. Axial maps and inflatedmapping with Analysis of Functional NeuroImages Surface Mapper software


thresand a

r; DC,



carry out cluster-level correction for multiple comparisons (minimum Z � 2.3;

ly developing children.


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854 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2011;69:847–856 A. Di Martino et al.

increases in FC between STG and posterior cingulate cortex (28) andincreased regional homogeneity of temporal cortices includingSTG (90). Here, we extend the range of STG disconnectivity in ASD,by demonstrating excessive FC with striatal subregions. Given therole of the VSi in reward mechanisms, abnormal FC between theseregions may underlie the hypothesized deficiency of social rewardsin ASD (91).

We detected robust abnormalities in striatum-brainstem andbrainstem-cortical FC, based in the pons. The pons comprises anumber of nuclei that support sensory and motor cranial nervesinnervating the face and the reticular formation—a net of cell bod-ies and bundles of axons that extends from the spinal cord to thethalamus that is essential for heart beat, respiration, alertness,sleep, and a wide array of basic sensory and motor processes (92).

oting the early ontogeny of brainstem development and evi-ence of increased prevalence of putative ASD cases associatedith early exposure to teratogens affecting brainstem develop-ent (93), models of autism have posited brainstem abnormalities

65). Evidence from neuropathology (94) and electrophysiology95) also implicates the brainstem in ASD; morphometric studies ofndividuals with ASD have revealed reduced gray and white mattern the pons and brainstem more broadly (e.g., [88,96]). Despitehese convergent lines of evidence, brainstem dysfunction haseen rarely considered in imaging studies of ASD. We hope ourndings will encourage its inclusion in future studies.

Our findings should be interpreted in light of limitations. Al-hough our sample size is on par with functional imaging studies ofSD, larger samples are needed to account for the marked hetero-eneity characteristic of ASD. Along with sample size, failure toetect robust relationships between FC and symptom severity may

eflect our failure to sample symptoms beyond the cardinal diag-ostic domains. Nevertheless, we tentatively identified relation-hips between right vrP/STG and dcP/brainstem FC and restrictiveepetitive behavior scores. Future work will explore these brain/ehavior relationships in greater depth. Given the role of striatal-nd brainstem-based circuits in the generation of eye movementselated to attention control, reported abnormal in ASD (e.g., [40]),uture studies should record eye movements during R-fMRI. Addi-ionally, we included too few female subjects to examine group byex interactions. Incomplete coverage of the cerebellum in some

articipants prevented full analyses of striatal-cerebellar functional


nteractions. Finally, even though corticostriatal circuits are medi-ted by the thalamus, we did not examine the thalamus directlyecause of current limitations on thalamic functional parcellation.uture work building on recent findings (97,98) should examinetriatal-thalamic-cortical circuitry, taking advantage of ultra-higheld imaging.

In summary, school-age children with ASD exhibited prominent96) ectopic FC affecting striatal interactions with cortical and sub-ortical regions, most notably including the insula and brainstem.ur results support broadening the focus of examination in ASD to

egions involved in early stages of brain development, such as therainstem, insula, and striatum.

This work was supported by Grants from National Alliance for Re-earch on Schizophrenia and Depression and National Institute of

ental Health (K23MH087770) awarded to ADM; from the Nationalnstitute of Child Health and Human Development (R01HD065282),utism Speaks, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and the Alicia Kop-

owitz Foundation awarded to FXC; as well as from the Leon Levyoundation awarded to MPM and ADM.

Our strongest gratitude goes to the children and parents who ded-cated their time and effort to this research. We also thank Drs. Amyrain Roy and Christine Cox for helpful editorial suggestions on earlierersions of this manuscript.

Dr. Lord receives royalties from the publication of the Autism Diag-ostic Interview–Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observationchedule. The royalties received from this research have been donatedo the charity Have Dreams. Adriana Di Martino, Clare Kelly, Rebeccarzadzinski, Xi-Nian Zuo, Maarten Mennes, Maria Angeles Mairena, F.avier Castellanos, and Michael P. Milham reported no biomedicalnancial interests or potential conflicts of interest.

Supplementary material cited in this article is available online.

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