ABC Pronunciary American English Pronunciation Dictionary Vocalis Ltd. Mary Gretchen Iorio Charles E. Beyer

ABC Pronunciary

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Page 1: ABC Pronunciary


American EnglishPronunciation Dictionary

Vocalis Ltd.

Mary Gretchen IorioCharles E. Beyer

Page 2: ABC Pronunciary

Copyright © 2001 Vocalis Ltd., Waterbury, Connecticut USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any otherform, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Published by:Vocalis Ltd., 100 Avalon Circle, Waterbury, CT 06710 USA

ISBN# 0-9709948-0-XLibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98-90574

Printed in the U.S.A.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................ pages 4-5Letters of the alphabet ........... pages 6-83R-controlled vowels ................ pages 84-89Vowel digraphs ....................... pages 90-93Consonant digraphs ............... pages 94-103Consonant blends .................. pages 104-105Silent letters ........................... pages 106-107Vowel contrasts ...................... page 108Consonant contrasts .............. page 109Practice sentences ................. pages 110-111Pronunciation key ................... pages 112-113

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English is one of the most widely-spoken languagesin the world today, necessary for international business,cultural and travel purposes. The English language hasa rich vocabulary and flexible grammar use. However,its pronunciation can be challenging at times becauseof the many complexities.

ABC Pronunciary, an American English pronuncia-tion dictionary, is set up to help students learn clear andeffective pronunciation. It is aimed at beginning-to-intermediate English learners but can benefit all whowish to improve their speaking abilities. The approachused is the phonics method, in which all of the soundsof the alphabet are taught. Once the sounds and theirsymbols are familiar, students can “sound out” wholewords from the various letters within.

There are 51 sounds described: vowels, consonantsand digraphs (two consecutive letters forming a singlesound when spoken together). Also included are silentletters, consonant blends, vowel contrasts, consonantcontrasts and practice sentences.

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For each sound, the following segments are presented.First, there is a step-by-step explanation of the mouthmovements, highlighting the changing shape of themouth, placement of the teeth, position of the tongueand air flow, if any. Next, a close-up photo of the mouthis shown for further demonstration. Then, three wordscontaining the sound are displayed; their definitions andpictures are given to convey full meaning.

Many helpful hints are offered in ABC Pronunciary.Special attention should be paid to the vowels, each ofwhich contains several sounds. For example, all of thevowels can have the “schwa” sound when appearingin unstressed syllables (such as the “o” in command).Some of the consonants also have more than one sound.For an overview of the 51 American English sounds, asimple pronunciation key* is listed at the back.

In order to speak English more clearly and improvecommunication skills, it is very worthwhile to study thisABC Pronunciary.

*The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is includedsolely for reference.

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short a (a)

The short a (a) sound is made by openingthe mouth wide. The teeth are apart, withsome of the top and bottom front teeth shown.The sides of the tongue touch the bottomback teeth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the short a (a)sound is pronounced: æ


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Africa (af ri k )

Africa is the large continentbetween the Atlantic andIndian Oceans. It is a land ofdeserts, safaris and jungles.

apple (ap l)

An apple is a round, ediblefruit with red, yellow or greenskin and firm, white flesh.

astronaut (as tr nät)

An astronaut travels intospace in a rocket to explorethe solar system.

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medium a (ä)

The medium a (ä) sound is made by openingthe mouth and pushing the lips outward to forman oval. The teeth are apart, with some of thetop and bottom front teeth shown. The tongueis in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Medium a (ä) sounds like short o (o).It is often written as ah, au, or aw.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the medium a (ä)sound is pronounced: a


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almond (äl m nd)

An almond is a brown nutshaped like a teardrop. It isthe nut eaten most oftenthoughout the world.

almanac (äl m nak)

An almanac is a yearlycalendar containing infor-mation about the weather,astronomy, tides and othermiscellaneous data.

auto (ä t )

An auto, also calleda car, is a vehicle withfour wheels and anengine which can bedriven long distances.

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long a ( )

The long a ( ) sound is made by opening themouth and lowering the bottom lip. The teethare slightly apart, with more of the bottom thanthe top front teeth shown. The sides of thetongue touch all of the back teeth.

Hint: Long a ( ) is often written as ai or ay.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the long a ( ) soundis pronounced: ei


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acorn ( korn)

An acorn is the nut of anoak tree. Squirrels gatheracorns for food.

apron ( pr n)

An apron is a protectivecloth covering for theclothes. It is smart to wearan apron while cooking.

ape ( p)

An ape is a primate withouta tail which can stand uprightand walk on two legs.

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b (b)

The b (b) sound is made by closing the mouthand pushing the lips apart (as in blowing abubble). The teeth are apart, but not shown.The tongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: B (b) sounds like p (p), but without air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the b (b) sound ispronounced: b


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barn (bärn)

A barn is a house forfarm animals, such ascows and horses, withhay on the ground.

bell (bel)

A bell is a chiming musicaldevice. A school bell ringsto begin and end classes.

butterfly (but r fl )

A butterfly is a beautifulinsect with four brightly-colored wings and aslender body.

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hard c (k)

The hard c (k) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with some of the top and bottom frontteeth shown. The sides of the tongue touch thetop back teeth. Air is blown through quickly.

Hint: Hard c (k) has the same sound as k (k).C always has the hard sound when followed bythe vowels: a, o or u.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the hard c (k) soundis pronounced: k


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calendar (kal n d r)

A calendar shows thedays, weeks and monthsof a year, sometimeslisting major holidays.

corn (korn)

Corn is a vegetable whichhas yellow or white kernels anda green husk. It can be groundinto cereal or eaten on the cob.

clock (klok)

A clock is an instrument usedto tell time. An alarm clock hasa buzzer or bell which soundsoff at a pre-set time.

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soft c (s)

The soft c (s) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are shownclenched together. The tongue touches all ofthe bottom teeth. Air is blown through slowly.

Hint: Soft c (s) has the same sound as s (s).C always has the soft sound when followed bythe vowels: e, i, or y.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet,the soft c (s) soundis pronounced: s


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cellular (sel l r)

A cellular telephone is a wirelessmobile device for talking whileoutside, in the car, on the train oralmost anywhere.

city (sit )

A city is a largetown in whichmany people liveand work.

cymbals (sim b lz)

Cymbals are a pair ofbrass plates which areclashed together to makea loud, clanging sound.

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d (d)

The d (d) sound is made by opening themouth and lowering the bottom lip. The teethare slightly apart, with more of the bottom thanthe top front teeth shown. The tip of the tonguetouches the top of the mouth.

Hint: D (d) sounds like t (t), but without air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the d (d) sound ispronounced: d


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daisy (d z )

A daisy is a flower whichgrows wild in sunny places.Common daises have whitepetals and a yellow center.

desk (desk)

A desk is a table,usually with drawers,which can be used forbusiness or school work.

dog (dog)

A dog is a furry, four-legged animal. There aremany breeds of dogs, mostof which make great pets.

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vowel short e (e)

The short e (e) sound is made by openingthe mouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with some of the top and bottom frontteeth shown. The sides of the tongue barelytouch the bottom back teeth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet,the short e (e) soundis pronounced: e

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egg (eg)

An egg is an oval-shaped food. On theoutside is a brown orwhite shell and on theinside is a yellow yolk.

elephant (el f nt)

An elephant is the largestland animal. It is gray withbig ears, two ivory tusksand a long, curled trunk.

envelope (en v l p)

An envelope is a foldedpaper cover, inside whicha letter can be sealed andsent by mail.

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“schwa” e ( )

The schwa e ( ) sound is made by openingthe mouth and lowering the bottom lip a bit.The teeth are just barely apart, with more ofthe bottom than the top front teeth shown.The tongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Schwa e ( ), the most common sound,sounds like short u (u). It can be seen writtenas a, e, i, o, u, y or any combination thereof.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the schwa e ( )sound is pronounced:


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eleven ( lev n)

Eleven is an odd primenumber. It is one less thana dozen and one morethan a decade.


( kwes tr n)

Equestrian refers tohorseback riding andthe art thereof.

eraser ( r s r)

An eraser is an implementfor taking away pencil, ink orchalk marks.

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long e ( )

The long e ( ) sound is made by opening themouth and lowering the bottom lip. The teethare just barely apart, with more of the bottomthan the top front teeth shown. The sides ofthe tongue touch all of the back teeth.

Hint: Long e ( ) is often written as ea, ee orey.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet,the long e ( ) soundis pronounced: i:


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eagle ( g l)

An eagle is a powerfulbird of prey with sharpeyesight and strong wings.It is the symbol of courage.

e-mail ( m l)

E-mail is an electronicletter sent by one computerto another via the Internet.

equal ( kw l)

Equal means of the sameheight, weight, shape, form,quantity or general quality.=

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f (f)

The f (f) sound is made by closing the mouthalmost all the way. The top teeth are shownbiting down on the lower lip. The tongue is inthe middle of the mouth. Air is blown throughslowly.

Hint: F (f) sounds like v (v), but with air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the f (f) sound ispronounced: f


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face (f s)

The face is the part of thebody with two eyes, a noseand a mouth. It can expressall of the different emotions.

flag (flag)

A flag is a rectangular-shaped cloth of variouscolors used to symbolizea group. Every countryhas its own flag.

forest (for st)

A forest is a place ofmany trees and busheswith animals living therein.

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hard g (g)

The hard g (g) sound is made by openingthe mouth and and pushing the lips out a bit.The teeth are apart, with some of the top andbottom front teeth shown. The sides of thetongue touch the top back teeth.

Hint: G always has the hard sound (g) whenfollowed by the vowels: a, o or u.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the hard g (g)sound is pronounced: g


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garden (gär d n)

A garden is a piece ofland on which flowers orvegetables are grown.

goat (g t)

A goat is a lively farmanimal with horns, abeard and a tail. Manypeople drink goat milk.

guitar (g tär )

A guitar is a musicalinstrument with six stringswhich are plucked with thefingers or a pick.

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soft g (j)

The soft g (j) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward. The teethare shown clenched together. The tip of thetongue touches the top of the mouth.

Hint: Soft g (j) has the same sound as j (j).G often has the soft sound when followed bythe vowels: e, i or y.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the soft g (j) soundis pronounced: d


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gem (jem)

A gem is a precious,valuable stone that is cutand polished for beauty.

gymnastics (jim nas tiks)

Gymnastics are physicalexercises that strengthenand tone the muscles of thebody.

giraffe (j raf )

A giraffe is the tallest animalin the world. It has a long neckand legs, helpful for eating theleaves from treetops.

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h (h)

The h (h) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are apart, withsome of the top and bottom front teeth shown.The tongue is in the middle of the mouth. Airis blown through quickly.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the h (h) sound ispronounced: h


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handshake (hand sh k)

A handshake is the clasp-ing of hands by two peoplein greeting, congratulationsor agreement.

helicopter (hel kop t r)

A helicopter is an aircraftwhich stays up in the airbecause of its rotatingpropellers.

house (hous)

A house is a place wherea person or family lives andkeeps their belongings.

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short i (i)

The short i (i) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with more of the bottom than the top frontteeth shown. The tongue touches all of thebottom teeth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the short i (i) soundis pronounced: i


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igloo (ig lü)

An igloo is a dome-shaped Eskimo hutmade of snow blocks.

infant (in f nt)

An infant is a baby orvery young child whocan’t walk or talk yet.

Italy (it l )

Italy is a southernEuropean country on theMediterranean Sea whichis shaped like a boot.

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medium i ( )

The medium i ( ) sound is made by openingthe mouth and lowering the bottom lip. Theteeth are just barely apart, with more of thebottom than the top front teeth shown. Thesides of the tongue touch all of the back teeth.

Hint: Medium i ( ) has the same sound aslong e ( ).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the medium i ( )sound is pronounced: i:


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kiwi (k w )

A kiwi is an oval-shapedfruit with rough, brown skinand sweet, green pulp.

police (p l s )

A police officer enforceslaws, maintains order andkeeps citizens safe.

ski (sk )

A ski is one of a pairof long, narrow strips ofwood or other materialfastened to boots forgliding over snow.

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long i ( )

The long i ( ) sound is made by opening themouth wide. The teeth are apart, with some ofthe top and bottom front teeth shown. Thesides of the tongue touch the top back teeth.

Hint: Long i ( ) is sometimes written as ie, uyor y.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the long i ( ) soundis pronounced: ai


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ice cream ( s kr m)

Ice cream is a dessertmade of frozen cream andsugar. It can be served ina dish or a cone.

island ( l nd)

An island is a piece ofland which is completelysurrounded by water.

ivy ( v )

Ivy is a green-leafed vinewhich climbs walls andfences. Sometimes it isused for decoration.

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j (j)

The j (j) sound is made by opening the mouthand pushing the lips outward. The teeth areshown clenched together. The tip of the tonguetouches the top of the mouth.

Hint: J (j) sounds like ch (ch), but without air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the j (j) sound ispronounced: d


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jacket (jak t)

A jacket is a short coatworn outside in chillyweather to keep warm.

jet (jet)

A jet is a very fastairplane which cantravel long distances.

juggle (jug l)

To juggle is to throw severalobjects into the air at once andkeep them bouncing off thehands.

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k (k)

The k (k) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with some of the top and bottom frontteeth shown. The sides of the tongue touch thetop back teeth. Air is blown through quickly.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the k (k) sound ispronounced: k


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kangaroo (kan g rü )

A kangaroo is a large, leap-ing animal from Australia. Thefemale kangaroo has a pouchin which to carry her young.

key (k )

A key is a shaped metalinstrument for locking andunlocking a door or a box.

kite (k t)

A kite is a toy madefrom paper or cloth whichcan fly high in the wind.

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l (l)

The l (l) sound is made by opening the moutha bit. The teeth are slightly apart, with only thebottom front teeth shown. The tip of the tonguetouches the top front teeth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the l (l) sound ispronounced: l


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ladder (lad r)

A ladder is a wooden ormetal frame with rungs forclimbing to high places.

lemon (lem n)

A lemon is an oval-shaped, yellow citrusfruit with tart juice.

lighthouse (l t hous)

A lighthouse is a talltower with a very stronglight for warning boatsthat land is nearby.

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m (m)

The m (m) sound is made by tightly closingthe mouth. The teeth, gently biting down on thelips, are not shown. The tongue is in the middleof the mouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the m (m) sound ispronounced: m


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maze (m z)

A maze is a complex set-up of paths. It may take awhile to go through amaze.

money (mun )

Money is cash and coinsused to buy services orgoods. Each country uses itsown money, such as dollarsand cents in the U.S.A.

music (m zik)

Music is a sound made bya voice or an instrument. Itcan be heard as a song,symphony, opera, etc.

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n (n)

The n (n) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with more of the bottom than the topfront teeth shown. The tip of the tonguetouches the top of the mouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the n (n) soundis pronounced: n


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necktie (nek t )

A necktie is a thin band ofcloth worn around the neckand tied in the front with aknot. It is often worn byprofessional men at work.

notepad (n t pad)

A notepad is a tabletof paper on which totake notes, write lettersor draw sketches.

nurse (n rs)

A nurse is a persontrained to care for sickpeople, usually in thehospital.

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short o (o)

The short o (o) sound is made by openingthe mouth wide. The teeth are apart, with someof the top and bottom front teeth shown. Thetongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Short o (o) sounds like medium a (ä).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the short o (o)sound is pronounced: o


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octopus (ok t p s)

An octopus is a seaanimal which has a bighead and eight armswith suckers on them.

office (of is)

An office is a roomwhere paperwork is doneand meetings take place.

opera (op r )

An opera is a stage dramaset to music, with all of theperformers singing their lines.

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medium o (u)

The medium o (u) sound is made by openingthe mouth and lowering the bottom lip a bit.The teeth are slightly apart, with more of thebottom than the top front teeth shown. Thetongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Medium o (u) has the same sound asshort u (u).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the medium o (u)sound is pronounced:


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oregano (u reg n )

Oregano is an herb whichis often used to flavor Italianand Spanish cooking.

onion (un y n)

An onion is a vegetablewhich grows as a bulb inthe ground. Its smell andtaste are very strong.

oven (uv n)

An oven is an enclosedheating space for cookingor just warming up foods.

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long o ( )

The long o ( ) sound is made by puckeringthe mouth to form a circle with the lips. Theteeth are apart, but not shown. The tongue isin the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Long o ( ) is often written as oa, oe,oh or ow.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the long o ( )sound is pronounced: ou


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oatmeal ( t m l)

Oatmeal is a cereal madefrom rolled or ground oats.It is often cooked for break-fast on cold days.

ocean ( sh n)

An ocean is a bodyof salt water. Theoceans make up 70%of the earth’s surface.

overalls ( v r älz)

Overalls are trousers withbibs made from denim or otherstrong material. They areusually worn for heavy work.

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p (p)

The p (p) sound is made by closing the mouthand pushing the lips apart. The teeth are apartbut not shown. The tongue is in the middle ofthe mouth. Air is blown through quickly.

Hint: P (p) sounds like b (b), but with air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the p (p) sound ispronounced: p


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parrot (p r t)

A parrot is a tropicalbird with brightly-coloredfeathers and a hookedbeak. Some parrots canmimic human speech.

pencil (pen s l)

A pencil is a writing toolmade of wood with agraphite center.

piano (p yan )

A piano is a large, woodenmusical instrument withblack and white keys in thefront connected to strings inthe back.

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q[u] (kw)

The q[u] (kw) sound is made by brieflypuckering the lips to form a small circle, thenletting the mouth open a bit. The teeth areslightly apart, but not shown. The sides of thetongue touch the top back teeth. Air is blownthrough quickly.

Hint: Q is always followed by u (except in somenames), which is why it has the (kw) sound.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the q[u] (kw) soundis pronounced: kw


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quail (kw l)

A quail is a speckledgame bird with a plumeon its head. When eaten,it tastes like chicken.

quartet (kwor tet )

A quartet is a group offour, usually referring tomusicians.

queen (kw n)

A queen is the wife of aking and the royal femalehead of a monarchy.

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r (r)

The r (r) sound is made by opening the mouthand pushing the lips outward to form an oval,while gently biting their edges. The teeth areslightly apart, with more of the top than thebottom front teeth shown. The tongue is in themiddle of the mouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the r (r) sound ispronounced: r


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rainbow (r n b )

A rainbow is an archof brilliant colors formedwhen the sun shinesthrough light rain.

robot (r bot)

A robot is a machine madeto look and act like a person.It is programmed to do tasks.

rose (r z)

A rose is a sweet-smellingflower which grows on a bushwith thorny stems.

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s (s)

The s (s) sound is made by opening the mouthmedium wide. The teeth are shown clenchedtogether. The tongue touches all of the bottomteeth. Air is blown through slowly.

Hint: S (s) sounds like z (z), but with air.Although sometimes s (s) doesn’t have air, asin most plural words, such as “apples”.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the s (s) sound ispronounced: s


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sailboat (s l b t)

A sailboat is a boatwhich skims over thewater when the windblows against its clothor nylon sails.

sofa (s f )

A sofa, also called acouch, is a long seatwith a back and arms.

sun (sun)

The sun is the bright,shining center of the solarsystem. It lights and warmsthe planets as they revolvearound it.

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t (t)

The t (t) sound is made by opening the mouthand lowering the bottom lip. The teeth areslightly apart, with more of the bottom than thetop front teeth shown. The tip of the tonguetouches the top of the mouth. Air is blownthrough quickly.

Hint: T (t) sounds like d (d), but with air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the t (t) sound ispronounced: t


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telescope (tel sk p)

A telescope is a tube-like instrument withlenses or mirrors forviewing distant objects.

truck (truk)

A truck is a largeautomotive vehicle fortransporting heavyloads on the road.

tiger (t g r)

A tiger is a fierce, wildanimal of the cat familywhich has orange furwith black stripes.

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short u (u)

The short u (u) sound is made by openingthe mouth and lowering the bottom lip a bit.The teeth are slightly apart, with more of thebottom than the top front teeth shown. Thetongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Short u (u) sounds like “schwa” e ( ),but with more emphasis.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the short u (u)sound is pronounced:


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umbrella (um brel )

An umbrella, usuallymade of cloth or plastic, isa shield against raindropsor even sunshine.

umpire (um p r)

An umpire is an officialwho oversees a sportsgame to make sure thatthe rules are followed.

unhappy (un hap )

Unhappy is a feeling ofanger, sadness or discom-fort. A baby is unhappywhen hungry, for example.

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medium u (ü)

The medium u (ü) sound is made by pucker-ing the mouth to form a small circle with the lips.The teeth are slightly apart, but not shown. Thetongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: Medium u (ü) is often written as eu, ew,oo, ue, or ui.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the medium u (ü)sound is pronounced: u:


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flute (flüt)

A flute is a long, thin andhollow musical instrumentplayed by blowing througha hole near one end.

Peru (p rü )

Peru is a mountainous countrylocated on the west coast ofSouth America. It was thehome of the Incan empire.

sushi (sü sh )

Sushi is a Japanesefood dish made up ofcold rice and raw fishwrapped in seaweed.

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long u ( )

The long u ( ) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward, while gentlybiting their edges. The teeth are apart, withsome of the top and bottom front teeth shown.The tongue is curled against the bottom teeth.

Hint: Long u ( ) is sometimes written as eu,ew or ue.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the long u ( ) soundis pronounced: ju:


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unicorn ( n korn)

A unicorn is a mythicalwhite horse with a spiralhorn in the middle of itsforehead.

U.S.A. ( es )

The United States ofAmerica is a country of50 states filled withpeople of many religions,races and backgrounds.

utensil ( ten s l)

A utensil is a tool used fora practical purpose. Forks,knives and spoons areeating utensils.

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v (v)

The v (v) sound is made by closing the mouthalmost all the way. The top teeth are shownbiting down on the lower lip. The tongue is inthe middle of the mouth.

Hint: V (v) sounds like f (f), but without air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the v (v) sound ispronounced: v


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vase (v s)

A vase is a containerwhich is usually made ofglass or pottery. Its mainuse is to hold flowers.

violin (v lin )

A violin is a musical instru-ment with four strings playedby a bow. Most orchestrashave a large violin section.

volcano (vol k n )

A volcano is a cone-shaped mountain with acrater at the top. Whenit erupts, hot lava comesshooting out.

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w (w)

The w (w) sound is made by briefly puckeringthe lips to form a small circle, then letting themouth open a bit. The teeth are slightly apart,but not shown. The tongue is in the middle ofthe mouth.

Hint: The w (w) sound is made by sayingmedium u (ü) then short u (u) in rapid order(which is why it is called “double u”).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the w (w) sound ispronounced: w


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watch (wäch)

A watch is a timepieceworn on the wrist asuseful jewelry.

web (web)

A web is a delicatenetwork of silky threadsspun by a silkworm or aspider.

windmill (wind mil)

A windmill is a tower with“arms” that revolve in thewind. This action is used topump water or generateelectricity.

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x (ks)

The x (ks) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are shownclosing together. The tongue touches thebottom front and all of the back teeth. Air isblown through slowly.

Hint: The x (ks) sound is made by saying k (k)then s (s) in rapid order.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the x (ks) sound ispronounced: ks


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x-ray (eks r )

An x-ray is an intenseray of light used to photo-graph the inside of thebody for medical reasons.

fox (foks)

A fox is a wild animalclosely resembling areddish brown dog witha bushy tail.

saxophone (saks f n)

A saxophone is a musicalinstrument of the woodwindfamily. It is played mainly injazz and pop bands.

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y (y)

The y (y) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are slightlyapart, with some of the top and bottom frontteeth shown. The sides of the tongue touch thetop back teeth.

Hint: When y is at the beginning of a word, itis a consonant (y).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the y (y) sound ispronounced: j


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yacht (yät)

A yacht is a boat usedfor pleasure sailing orracing on the high seas.

yo-yo (y y )

A yo-yo is a small toy witha grooved disk that winds upand down from an attachedstring.

yucca (yuk )

A yucca is a plant withsword-shaped leavesand white flowers thatgrows in very dry areas.

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y (i / / )

As a vowel, y has three sounds: short y (i),medium y ( ) and long y ( ), each correspond-ing to its own i sound.

Hint: When y is in the middle or end of aword, it is almost always a vowel (i, or ).


The vowel y (i / / ) has the same sounds asi (i / / ). Refer to the various i pronunciationpages for descriptions:

short y = short i (i) ................ see page 34

medium y = medium i ( ) ..... see page 36

long y = long i ( ) .................. see page 38

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bicycle (b sik l)

A bicycle, also calleda bike, is a vehicle withtwo wheels, handlebars,pedals and a seat.

cherry (ch r )

A cherry is a small, roundfruit that is red with a pit inthe middle.

fry (fr )

To fry is to cook food invery hot oil or grease,such as fried potatoes.

medium y ( )

long y ( )

short y (i)

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z (z)

The z (z) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are shownclenched together. The tongue touches all ofthe top teeth.

Hint: Z (z) sounds like s (s), but without air.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the z (z) sound ispronounced: z


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zebra (z br )

A zebra is a wild horsefrom Africa which hasblack and white stripes.

zipper (zip r)

A zipper is a fastener madefrom two rows of metal orplastic teeth and a sliding tabfor opening and closing it.

zoo (zü)

A zoo is a park where wildanimals are on public display.A modern zoo shows theanimals in a natural setting.

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vowel ar (är)

The ar (är) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward to form anoval, while gently biting their edges. The teethare apart, with some of the top and bottom frontteeth shown. The tongue is in the middle of themouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the ar (är) sound ispronounced: ar

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archery (är ch r )

The skill of archery ispracticed by shooting anarrow from a bow to atarget.

arm (ärm)

The arm is the part of the bodywhich connects the shoulder to thehand, with the elbow in the middle.

artist (är tist)

An artist is a personwho creates objects ofbeauty, such as paintingsor sculptures.

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vowel er / ir / ur ( r)

The er / ir / ur ( r) sound is made by openingthe mouth and pushing the lips outward to forman oval, while gently biting their edges. Theteeth are slightly apart, with more of the topthan the bottom front teeth shown. The tongueis in the middle of the mouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the er / ir / ur ( r)sound is pronounced: r

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bugler (b g l r)

A bugler plays a simplebrass horn in militaryceremonies.

circus (s r k s)

The circus is a fun showof clowns, acrobats andanimal acts. It is usuallyheld in a big tent.

purse (p rs)

A purse is a small bag forholding money, often coins,and can be carried in apocket or handbag.

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vowel or (or)

The or (or) sound is made by puckering themouth to form a small oval with the lips, whilegently biting their edges. The teeth are apart,but not shown. The tongue is in the middle ofthe mouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the or (or) sound ispronounced: r

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orange (or nj)

An orange is a sweetcitrus fruit which has around shape and reddishyellow (orange) rind.

oriole (or l)

An oriole is a colorfulsongbird with black andgolden feathers.

ornament (or n m nt)

An ornament is an interesting(often hanging) object whichadds a bit of decoration to aroom or place.

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digraphoi / oy (oi)

The oi / oy (oi) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward to form asmall oval, while gently biting the edges (whichcurl up slightly). The teeth are apart, but notshown. The tongue is in the middle of themouth.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the oi / oy (oi)sound is pronounced: i

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oil (oil)

Oil is a fatty liquid ob-tained from plants, animalsor minerals and used as alubricant.

ointment (oint m nt)

Ointment is a medicinalor cosmetic cream for useon the skin.

oyster (oi st r)

An oyster is a sea molluskwith a hard shell and ediblebody. Many oysters makepearls by grinding sand.

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digraphou / ow (ou)

The ou / ow (ou) sound is made by brieflyopening the mouth medium wide and thenpuckering the lips to form a small circle. Theteeth are slightly apart, but not shown. Thetongue is in the middle of the mouth.

Hint: The ou / ow (ou) sound is made by sayingshort o (o) then medium u (ü) in rapid order.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the ou / ow (ou)sound is pronounced: au

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cloud (kloud)

A cloud is a white orgray mass in the skymade up of tiny waterdrops. Some clouds looklike puffy white pillows.

outlaw (out lä)

An outlaw is a personwho breaks the law andis wanted by the police.

owl (oul)

An owl is a night bird ofprey with a big head, largeeyes and a hooked beak.

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digraph ch (ch)

The ch (ch) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward. The teethare shown clenched together. The tip of thetongue touches the top of the mouth. Air isblown through quickly.

Hint: Sometimes ch has the k (k) sound, as whenfollowed by r (r) and some r-controlled vowels.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the ch (ch) sound ispronounced: t

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chair (ch r)

A chair is a piece of furni-ture for sitting. It consists ofa seat, a back, legs andsometimes arms.

chicken (chik n)

A chicken is a commonfarm bird which can be eatenor saved for the eggs it lays.

chopsticks (chop stiks)

Chopsticks are a pair ofthin, usually wooden, sticksused as eating utensils inAsian countries.

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digraphph (f)

The ph (f) sound is made by closing themouth almost all the way. The top teeth areshown biting down on the lower lip. The tongueis in the middle of the mouth. Air is blownthrough slowly.

Hint: ph (f) has the same sound as f (f).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the ph (f) sound ispronounced: f

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phone (f n)

A phone (short fortelephone) is an electronicdevice for talking withsomeone at a distance.

photograph (f t graf)

A photograph is a picturetaken by a camera of aperson, place or thing andcan be saved as a memory.

pheasant (fez nt)

A pheasant is a large,long-tailed game bird.The male has multi-colored feathers, likethe related peacock.

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digraph sh (sh)

The sh (sh) sound is made by opening themouth and pushing the lips outward. The teethare shown clenched together. The sides of thetongue touch the top back teeth. Air is blownthrough slowly.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the sh (sh) sound ispronounced:

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shamrock (sham rok)

A shamrock, an emblemof Ireland, is a green cloverwith three leaves.

shovel (shuv l)

A shovel is a large toolwith a handle and scoopfor picking up dirt, snowor other loose material.

shell (shel)

A shell is a hard coveringwhich protects an insideobject. Shells that oncecovered sea creatures canbe found on beaches.

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digraph th (th)

The th (th) sound is made by opening themouth medium wide. The teeth are apart, withonly some of the top front teeth shown. Thetongue sticks out of the mouth between thefront teeth. Air is blown through slowly (exceptin some common th words, such as “the”, “that”and “then”).Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the th (th) sound ispronounced: (or in th words without air, cited above)

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theater (th t r)

A theater is a placewhere plays or othershows are performedon a stage.

thermos (th r m s)

A thermos is an insulatedcontainer for keeping beverages(and sometimes food) hot or cold.

thread (thred)

Thread is long strands ofspun fiber used for makingand sewing cloth.

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digraph wh (hw)

The wh (hw) sound is made by briefly pucker-ing the lips to form a small circle, then lettingthe mouth open a bit. The teeth are slightlyapart, but not shown. The tongue is in themiddle of the mouth. Air is blown throughquickly.Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the wh (hw) soundis pronounced: hw

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whale (hw l)

A whale is the largestanimal in the world. It livesin the sea and looks like afish, but it is a mammal.

wheelchair (hw l ch r)

A wheelchair is a seat withlarge wheels made for themobility of sick or disabledpeople.

whistle (hwis l)

A whistle is a device intowhich air is blown, makinga shrill, high-pitched sound.It is used to call attention.

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bl / br / cl / cr / dr / fl / frgl / gr / pl / pr / sc / scr / sksl / sm / sn / sp / spl / sprsqu / st / str / sw / tr / tw


blaze / brink / class / crest / draft /flip / frog / glitz / grab / plum / prim /scold / scrub / skin / sled / smile /snap / space / split / spruce / squint /stop / strip / swat / trunk / twig

A consonant blend is a group of two or threeconsonants, each of which is pronounced.

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flamingo (fl min g )

A flamingo is a tropicalwater bird with pink feathers,tall legs and a long neck.

pretzel (pret s l)

A pretzel is a piece ofhard bread which has aglazed, salted outside andis usually twisted in shape.

tractor (trak t r)

A tractor is a motor-powered vehicle used forpulling farm equipment,such as a plow.

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gn / kn / rh / wr /mb (at the end of a word) /mn (at the end of a word)


gnat gnome gnu sign /knack knee knit knock /rhapsody rhombus rhubarb rhyme /

wrap wreck write wrong /climb lamb numb thumb /autumn column hymn solemn

Certain letters, when paired with other letters,are silent and not pronounced. Above, theunderlined letter is silent.

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comb (k m)

A comb is a thin plasticor metal strip with teethused to style hair.

rhino (r n )

A rhino (short forrhinoceros) is a big,tough-skinned animalwith one or two hornson its snout.

wrench (rench)

A wrench is a handtool used to turn a nut,bolt or pipe.

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- ebait - betlace- lesspain - penrake- wrecksale - sell

i - udill - dullfizz - fuzzknit - nutlick - luckpin - pun

- ideep- dip

feet - fitpeel - pillseat - sitteen- tin

o - ubox- bucksdoll - dulllock- lucklong- lungnot - nut

- ücoal - coolfloat - fluterode- rudesow- suetone- tune

ä - ouall - owl

brawn- brownhaul - howllaud- loud

tall - towel



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b - pban- panbee- peabeg- peg

bowl - polebuy- pie

d - tdab- tabden- tendip - tipdot - tot

duck- tuck

c - gcap- gap

cave- gaveclass- glass

cot - gotcurl - girl

f - vfast - vast

fault - vaultferry - veryfine- vinefolly - volley

l - nlap - naplet - net

light - nightlow- nolull - null

s - zsap- zapseal - zealsink - zincsip - zip

sue- zoo



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short a (a) .......... Al had the answer in Math class.medium a (ä) ..... Wanda always talks with her Aunt.long a ( ) ........... May I take the latest train today?b (b) ................... A big ball bounced on the beach.hard c (k) ........... Can Colleen cut the carrot cake?soft c (s) ............. The city is certainly exciting!d (d) ................... Dan drank diet soda yesterday.short e (e) .......... Every egg has a yellow center.“schwa” e ( ) ...... The forest was beautiful in April.long e ( ) ........... We can eat turkey and cheese.f (f) ..................... First, focus on the firm facts.hard g (g) ........... The girl gave the dog a big bone.soft g (j) .............. George is a generous gentleman.h (h) ................... How happy I am to have a horse!short i (i) ............ It is a bit chilly during the winter.medium i ( ) ....... Tina skied in the Austrian Alps.long i ( ) ............. I’d like to get ice cream tonight.j (j) ...................... Jim took a jet to Japan in January.k (k) .................... Ken took his kite to the park.l (l) ...................... A little luck will help Larry a lot.m (m) .................. My mother will make lemonade.n (n) ................... Nell is in need of a new nurse.short o (o) .......... The doctor got a job in a hospital.medium o (u) ..... Sonny’s brother has some onions.long o ( ) ........... The only boat goes at six o’clock.p (p) ................... Pass a piece of apple pie, please.

Practice Sentences

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q[u] (kw) ............. The queen quietly asked a question.r (r) ..................... Railroad trains run rapidly.s (s) .................... Snacks were sold at the bus stop.t (t) ..................... Tell Tom to turn the light on.short u (u) .......... Uncle Gus traveled to Russia.medium u (ü) ..... The blue lagoon was truly scenic.long u ( ) ............ Is a university education valuable?v (v) .................... Val was brave to visit the volcano.w (w) .................. The weather was warm Wednesday.x (ks) .................. Max was excited to visit Texas.consonant y (y) .. Did you eat yogurt yesterday?short y (i) ........... Sylvia’s symptoms are mysterious.medium y ( ) ...... Mary didn’t have any candy left.long y ( ) ............ My house will be built by July.z (z) .................... Brazilian zinnias are amazing!ar (är) ................. The large dog started barking.er / ir / ur ( r) ..... Shirley burned her finger.or (or) ................. Nora bought oranges at the store.oi / oy (oi) ........... The boy’s toys were noisy!ou / ow (ou) ........ A loud crowd is outside my house.ch (ch) ................ I chatted with the Chinese teacher.ph (f) .................. Ralph phoned the pharmacy.sh (sh) ................ She wished to see the show.th (th) ................. Thank you for the birthday gift!wh (hw) .............. When was the wheel invented?

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Sound Symbol IPA Exampleshort a a æ apple

medium a ä a almondlong a ei ape

b b b bellhard c k k cornsoft c s s city

d d d dogshort e e e egg

“schwa” e elevenlong e i: equal

f f f flaghard g g g goatsoft g j d gem

h h h houseshort i i i igloo

medium i i: skilong i ai ivy

j j d jetk k k keyl l l lemon

m m m mazen n n nurse

short o o o operamedium o u oven

long o ou ocean

Pronunciation Key

Page 113: ABC Pronunciary


Sound Symbol IPA Examplep p p piano

q[u] kw kw queenr r r roses s s sunt t t tiger

short u u umpiremedium u ü u: flute

long u ju: unicornv v v vasew w w webx ks ks fox

consonant y y j yachtshort y i i bicycle

medium y i: cherrylong y ai fly

z z z zooar är ar artist

er / ir / ur r r purseor or r orange

oi / oy oi i oilou / ow ou au cloud

ch ch t chairph f f pheasantsh sh shellth th theaterwh hw hw whale