ABC BOOK OF U.S HISTORY Demarcus Byrd 2 May 15,2011

ABC BOOK OF U.S HISTORY Demarcus Byrd 2 May 15,2011

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Demarcus Byrd 2

May 15,2011


Abraham Lincoln- president during civil war

Abolitionist- Against Slavery

Articles of Confederation- the first constitution.

Andrew Jackson- 7th president of the united states.


Blockade- Cut off areas buy means of troops.

Boycott- refuse to buy item from particular country.

Bill of rights- Citizen Rights

Black Codes- Controlling freedom


Cabinet- Group of advisers to presidents.

Cash crop- Farm crop raised.

Cede- to give up by treaty

Citizen- Person who gives loyalty


Debtor- Person or country that owes money.

Desert- to leave without permission

Discrimination- unfair treatment of a group

Draft- selection persons required for military


Emancipate- to free from slavery.

Embargo- trade with a particular country

Emiganto-person who leaves country or region

Export- worship


Famine- extreme shortage of food

Federalism- sharing of power

Fedaralist- supporters of the constitution

Frigate- worship


Guerrilla Warfare- hit and run tequnique

Guerrilla tactics- referring to surprise attacks.

Gettysburg address- by Lincoln made in cemetery

Gibbons Vs Ogden- states walnut with legeslation.


Habeas Corpus- person being lawfully imprisoned

Holocaust- mass slaughter of Jews

House of burgesses- met first time

House of represantives- house of elective voters


Implied powers- power not mentioned in constitution

Import-buying goods from other countries.

Impressments- forcing people into service

inflation- continues rise in prices.


Judicial Branch- branch of government

Judicial review- right of supreme court.

Joint occupation- possession and settling of area

Joint stock company- investors buy stock in company.


Laiazzez faire- government interference as least as possible

Landslide- an overwhelming victory

Legislative branch-makes native laws

Loyalist- American colonist who remain loyal to Britain


Majority- more than half

Manumissions- freeing of enslaved persons

Mayflower compact- a formal document

Mercantilism- theory that slaves nation or power depended on its wealth


Nationalism- loyalty to a nation.

Neutral- taking no side in a conflict.

Northwest ordinance- water route to aisa

Nullify- or cancel


Ordinance- a law or regulation

Override- to overturn or defeat

Overseer- person who supervises large operation

Ozone- layer of gas composed


Patent- A document that gives inventor sole right

Patriots- American colonists determined to fight.

Petition- a formal request

Precedent- A tradition


Quakers- women who enjoyed a certain amount of equality

Quebec- Capital of new France

Quebec act-set up permanent government granted religious freedom to French Catholics.

Quencha- language


Radical- Extreme

Ratify- To give official approach to.

Recruit- to enlist soldiers into the army

Repeal- to cancel an act or law.


Secede- To leave or withdraw

Segregation- separation or isolation of a country

Spiritual- an African American folk song

Suffrage- the right to vote


Tariff- a tax on imported goods. Tejana- a

Mexican who claims Texas as his country

Toleration- the acceptance of different beliefs.

Tribute- money paid for protective beleifs.


Unalieble rights- a right that cannot be surrendered.

Unconstitutional- no aggreeing with constitution

Underground railroad- escape routes used for enslaved African Americans

Utopia- community based on a vision of perfect society sought by reformers


Veto- to regret a bill and prevent it from being becoming a law.

Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands

VAQUERO-Hispanic rich hand

Vertical interrogation- combining of companies


War hawks- republicans who pressed war with britain

Wrist of assistance- officers who went into houses

War of 1812- a war between united states and Britain

Washington G- first president of the united states.


Yankee-union soilders

Yellow journalism-type of sensational biased and often false reporting.

Yeo man- southern owner for a small farm.

Battle of yorktown-a war in yorktown


XYZ Affair- three agents who demanded bribe that became known as the XYZ Affair.