reh$tl t i- @ \---" 6 6',1,6 ; i=log : Ktr Confidential 1{*i The Suptd. of Police, RC Your No: DFSlDy.Dirl Directorate of Forensic Guj arat State, Sector - l8/A, Nr. Gandhinagar. i - Di :26fi0/200g,:.: Scienc€, - Police Bhav&o, Sir,: , Please of the murder case '.;i.-.-ini,t-.. I (S)/2008/SC-IIIAIeW Arushi murdei case) 13/t0/2009. l- letter no . 26A98/ | /s/2008/SC- III, Dt . '.....-.'. , j \:, find enclosed herewith the crime-scene analysis (pages l-12) : in question. Kindly acknowledge receipt. :. Enclosure :- As above. Yours faithfully, V.\^*1t'^";- (DI.M. S- Rahiya) Deputy DirLctor,- Directorate of Fofensic Scienc€, :- '' Gandhinagar - .-.. l{ ,,'rr'; :'.'.'; ',' . a-- a '.... i:, . , - I :rl . ...t' a -i/, ii c'.9 e , ic T t', I I L^'r-t '' . - ,-t

Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

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This analysis was done based on photographs of the crime scene, not the actual crime scene.

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Page 1: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis



@\---"6 6',1,6

; i=log:



1{*i The Suptd. of Police,



No: DFSlDy.Dirl

Directorate of ForensicGuj arat State,Sector - l8/A, Nr.Gandhinagar. i -Di :26fi0/200g,:.:


-Police Bhav&o,


, Please

of the murder case


I (S)/2008/SC-IIIAIeW Arushi murdei case)


letter no . 26A98/ | /s/2008/SC- III, Dt

. '.....-.'. , j\:,

find enclosed herewith the crime-scene analysis (pages l-12):

in question. Kindly acknowledge receipt. :.

Enclosure :- As above. Yours faithfully,

V.\^*1t'^";-(DI.M. S- Rahiya)Deputy DirLctor,-

Directorate of Fofensic Scienc€,:- '' Gandhinagar -


,,'rr'; :'.'.'; ',' .a-- a '....

i:,. , - I :rl

. ...t'

a -i/,ii c'.9 e , ic




L^'r-t '' . -


Page 2: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

t,C.i-" -sccnc Analysis based on photographs of thc sccnO ofo ''


. '.: :

post-mortem reports ind other record of Arushi- ticlicl.r



, ,i murdcr casc : ItC I(S)/200S/SC-[I/Ncw Dclhi i. ,i


, . :, ,..t.

.l he murclei of Ms Arushi had allegedly come to 'the noticf of her

parents (Mrs & Mr 'ralwar) at around 6 a.m. on 16/05/200g, who

clairncd to be unaware of the time at and thc circumstanccs i6 which

Ms Arushi got murdcred,and belicved (on accouyrt of rhcir scrvant MrIlcmraj being missing) thar to bc thc pcrpetration ortur. IlcnLraj.'t'hc

dcacl hocly ol'Mr. tremraj was, however, found lying'on thc:ooliop ol'-"- 'J

thc flat of 'l'alwars on l7/0512008, with injuries very similar to those

that wcrc intlictcd on Ms. Amshi..

' : : . .; j , ,:'nt thc outset, it may be pointed out that thc availablc

lorm of- photograrihs, cP:, post-mortem rcpor-ts, .e.tc.) ct.

!.t :

perfcct substitute for the .real sitc-visit immediately afteri.i - '. .. '

.-tI{cnce, thc pbservations and inferenccs cmanating -fron1 thi.at ' crirnc-sccne analysis shall obliviously travb somr-: __'

lirTritations. 'l'o overcomc this di l-ficultv, rcliancc has to bc

c,ircumstantial evidence as well.

Page 3: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

3. I'he photographs of the dead body of Ms Arushi clearly indicate that

thc assassin(s) had inflicted head injury and had slit her ncck. 'fhe

post -mortcm report shows a laccrated wound on thc left side of thc. ..i . .i

skull in the parictal rcgion, with a conesponding fracturc of thb skull.;:'l'he'other lacerated wound abovc her left cycbtow had caused injury

cxtending inside the skull cavity. 'l'hcsc injurics on ,ti" vital pait of thc

body werc apparently inflictcd with somc hard suf,stancc capablc. ol-

causrng an rmpact with cbnsiderable force. 't'hc inipact in thd instant

casc had also causeil a break-up of the blood at thi.sourcc inlo small' ''* ;i

droplcts, causing a "forward impact-spattcr" as is evident t'fom thc

patlern formed by such droplets on the wall behind the hcadrest of

Ms. Arushi's bed. The skull injuries eustaincd by thc dcccascC:and thc

snall droplcts constitutirig the impact spattcr lead to uncquivocal

rf infliiting an

ahnost tbtal blow and thar the blows inflictcd. in this casc ;I ust havc

bc'.cn iatal.

: : .' i.

'l'hc photographs also prove that thcre was no resistancc of scufflc

bcforc the victim was immobilizcd or killed by her injuries. 'ihc h""d:

injurics as can be judged by their severity, could not havc lcft any

scopc lbr resistance once the injurics were inflicted. 'fhus, another._l


infcrcncc is that inflicting such severe hcad injuries-would.haijc lcd toj,. l

'the certain death of Ms. Arushi, even if no other*injury wc'rc to bc




Page 4: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis


5. The photographs and the post-mortem repon reveaf that thc dcccascd

had an incised wound on'iier neck, inflictcd in onc it"* strokc;with a

very sharp edged weapori and damaging lcft car^ifa aflery.& thc

winclpipe.'lhis injury waSjalso equally fatal and thbie was;no,i:hance

o1'her survival.

.:. . : ::When thc head injuries'causcd by forceful strikihg of. a hard

' .. isubstance and the neck

'injuries caused by the slitting of hc'r throat

wcrc inclividually ehoughito cause her death, theni:appears to bc no.t

rcason for the assassin(s). to inflict both the injuries on Ms. Z\,rushi'

cspccially *t"n therc was no resistancc wor.tttlits nanc.itf *n"-

assassin(s) hact caused two heavy blows on ihc skull ol'a ii'agilc and::

dclicatc adolesccnt that had let droplcts of blood to spatlcr c;n thc wall,

therc.could be no reason for him/them to slit her neck. Similar:ly, if the

assassin(s) had slit her,'neck first, therc could 'be no rcaspn for::

him/theni to inflict two hard blows on her skull. Ilence, it appchrs that'. .:. :: -:

thcrc has bccn Sijme alte4.hought that has progrpted:thc asshssin(s) to:: ' :

u-sc two diffcrent typcs;'of wcapon-s of assault .alnd to causc two:-i

difl'erent types of injuries-..; :


.q ,::';

lf wc try to ascertain as to which injury must have been caused-lirst or

which weapon must have ,been uscd. first, it can be.said with alrsolutc

ccftainl.y that thc assassin(s) must havc first causccj thc hc,acl 'Frjuries. : .,1, : il' : ': -

to Ms. Arushi. 'l'he reason is that thc breaching of thc carotid artcry

while thc heart is functional, would have led to aierial spurts ,''f'bloo<t


, :Ei

i[i;iEl:lijlir illliflj'3ir' t:1,t?*i, F!.|rl:

' 'tl.,1!.1ri


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tt-i:irl'it leet'f;iEi;#[ifft*!:s;;tla



Enlsi.,Rl';di.;La..t.!.la.si..Ei::Jat .



Page 5: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis


that would have left a:ilrrui1" appeiuance of staining of thc wall

adjaccnt to the headrest ofMs. Arushi's bed. 'thc #hol" of her pillow

would also have Ueen marljied with stains typical ofirterial sprlrts. 'I he::.. :

vcry tacts that therc are i'ro signs of artcrial spuits.and thai only that

pari of the pillow is soatciit'ih blood which is closcrio her necl injury,.a:l :: z

go to provc that slitting oT Ms. Arushi's throat was'an act subscquent

to the infliiting of two roiia Uto*s on her head and after thdsc head+

injuiics had rcndered her heart dysfunctional or fccblc cnough-as to bcr. -

inc'apable of geneihting arterial spurts in thc walie ol'breaching ol'

carotid urr:jr- It is also pertinent to note that the tlriout of.Mr. Aurshi

.was dcfinitcly slit whilc she was lying in thc bed. bccause rtic blood

that oozed out of that injury had not travcllcd anywhere bclow hcr

shouldcrs. 'l'hc slitting of her throat from onc cncl to thc tthcr also

i;rdicatcs that thc injury was inflicted in a statc whcrcin [r,'ts;,,,\rushi

rvas in no physical condition to rcsist or.makc any violcnt nrevcmcnt

to prcvent the same. Since the slitting of her throit; thus, appcars to

hn c taken place quite somc timc after shc was latally hit on hur skull,

this subsequent act appears to be a part of'the'.gam" pt*: of thc,;, :

assassin(s) ro nrake it appear to be a crimc committecl bv silmconc

who carric.s a sharp-edge.d weapon. 'l'o that cxtent, the scenc cl'crime

in the bcdroom of Ms. Arushi may have becn ilrcssed up.

,," ';It has beerattcmptcd to .bc projcctcd that Mr. Ile5nraj w4s alsaultccl

ind t itt".t on thc rooftop' of'the flat of 'l'alwars. 't,h" pr*r",-,.t of thc

blood of Mr. llemraj on, the pillow in thc bcdrocm of lvls.:i\rushi,a-


Page 6: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

:!, :' i-

howcvcr, ncgates that plei'conclusively- The preseircc of two distinct

impact spatters on the *ill u"hirrd the headrest of 'Ms- Arushj's bed

: the cotention of Mr- Ilcmraj haVing bccnlcaused

hcacl injurics in thc roorfi of Ms. nrushl irs"tt: 1:. ".oo"ilt !n":.':"

assassin(s) had probably 6iu{e99ncd {r, Ilcqrraj i1.the rosrnqof Ms'

Arushi only. I-Ie must h[te been shifted to thc 1oftop in 4 htally

injurcd condition (as the hcad injuries werc .grave,.as in thcicasc of

Md. Arushi ) or ,"-ou"d'ifter he had succumbed tb;iiie samelon.the

ilthcr hand, thcrc is'no imfacfspatter anywhcrc on'the rooftop-lterraccfl

or walls) colresponding ib the hcad injurics cau1,{ -1:

t: i1'"it1.l

'I'his conclfsively ,ules o,it the rooftop as the likely plaie of a$sault in.. :

thc cgntcxt of the head injuries sustained by Mr. Ilcmraj. Fhat Mr'

Iler-r"rrcaj was brought/litlcd to the rooftop in an injurcd conilition is

also apparcnt from thc blbodstain near thc cnLry to thc tcrracc' whcrc:

M.r. Ilcmraj must have ,bcen first placed aftcr bcing movcd [o thc

rooftop, and the trail of blood-<lrops whcn hc was bci:rg shiftccl

towards the air "onditi6nct,

where his throat.,appc4rs jto havc

sqbsequently been stit. The pool of blood and 4bscncp o! artcrial!

'spurts in bl6odstain pallErn ncar the air conditioqer on'. thq rooflop

' :' peht to the hcad,injuries' when hisshows that his throat wasi$lit subseq

:heart had either stopped''or rendcred dysfunctional to a considerablc

cxrent dlrc to grievous fipad injuries sustained ppiof to thit' Illood:-

appears tg_ have slowly 6ozed out of his ncck 6d.1!,rcad injUlics aftcr. :- N

., he was placcd near the '.?ir conditioner, whcrc h[s 'throat appcars to

have becn slit with an idqa to make it look likc S,murder by ,somc bnc

Page 7: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

with whom the deceased iould be expcctcd to go to the rooltop at latc'


night. 'l'hc possibility of Mr. Hemraj having been physicallV;li[tcd to

..,thc rooltop in a bed-covdr''cannot be ruled out- l'hc bcd-covcr mlght

. .,'l' I ,

. have bccn rcmoved from below his body aftcr placing th9 sdmc near' ="-thc.air con6itioner ancl aftbr slining his throat,'and th.at can explain thc

g drag n ulii, away from the placc *iio" his ddad body' i ii'

was founcl lying. 'fo that lit"nt, an attcmpt appears fg

hu\o" bccn madc

: to <lrcss up the crime scehc with a view to isoratc ihe murd-er of Mr-



circumstances under which both the deceased weie together in Ms-

''f :l

Arushi's beclroom when the assault took placc-

9. lt is crysta! clear that the assassin(s) had causccl fatal inju"es to Ms' '

Arushi ancl therc was no chance of hcr survival- llaving lt"'i that and

having assaultcd Mr. Flemraj as well in that vcry room (a9 is clear

) of his blood on Mr' Arushi's pillow)' there was no 'from thc Prcsenc(

rcason- for the assassin($,io shift thc dead body of Mf. Ilenn:aj to thc .

rooflop or tQ execute the'final act of slining his lhroat aftcridragging:i.

him ro the rooftop. lf thc assassin(s) werc to vanish after' finishing

Mr. I.lemraj & Ms. Aruslii, as they are bcing claimed to havc donc',

thcrc was no reason for them to drag Mr. Ilcmraj's body;ln !" roollop,

ancl thereby increase thc.'chanccs of their bcing noliccd r clughl n1i

can bc seen, thcre *us 4,dcfinitc and conscious cflort to cqnccal ths

fact uf trtr. I.lcmraj having been killcd. 'l'owards that:cncl, thc:

assassin(s) had used a bed-sheet to block thc vision lrom thc adjacent.

Page 8: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

roof, had covered tne acid body with a panel of the coolcr and had

lockcci thc door leading to:the terracc. whcn the assassin(s) kniw with

ccrrainty that the murdertpf Ms. Arushi would incviiably bc t:cvcaleo

ar thc daybreak, whal purhosc could bc servcd by ibnccat'ingitnc futr.i-. f

of murcler ancl the aeaa blildy pf Mr.'Flcmraj?'It appi:ars that rcrnco4c

veiy desperate to somehd;* avoid linking the two ifiurdcrs' hls to bc

behind this movc. Anoth,{i possibility is that a plan of sccretdiSposal

ol'thc dcad body of Mriilcmraj at a subscqucnt$oint i: ?-: "i|"

Hbffi-couldie': lhi's murd"r oil Mrshifting ofThe suspicion of Ms' Arus i

b.'th" objective bchindtihi, -unipulation. Since.tvtr' He1?aj - a'

(iurkha, could be expectel to huu" used 'khukhri' for pcrpctrating Ms'

Arushi,s murder, the slrtting of throat of Ms. Arushi and conceaiing ofa.

Mr. llcrnraj's clead body;.may have bccn planncd'.by. sonrconc. wht:

,happcncd to lose controlrover his angcr aftcr hc t'quncl Ms, {rushi


Mr. Ilemraj together in the former's bedroom at thc dcad of nFht'

. -.: . :

10.'l'he co-mmon/similar na!,lre and dimensions of injuries inttrictcd on

'6"* ,n" i"""us"a "staUiish

the common origin ni th"it asiassin(s)'\i

'Ihis similarity also goesdo provc th1lthey wcrc thq.victims o{Similar'ljt

' ' :' | :t'n ' ' :


probably grn of some trahsaction that was cnoughtilu plp",Fation tc

.ssin(s) i" nttt both'of them u'ith cqual '$runlity' ;

Asccrtaining those "ir"urrturrces

involves an an3lvsis or !1t9nding,1i.,j l .


Officcr, who had conductcd the post-mortcm onlthc bocly of Ms'


Page 9: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis



t':_ ' : .:

Arushi nccd speciFrc attention in that hcr hyrnen was ruptrrre"d and

opening was l6und pror4inent.:, i

IIc had also found'thc presencc of whitish mrrcold {luid in.her

vaginat cavity. The phoib$raphs also indicatc thai'lier Pyjamfra.was' .:!-

also not properly fastened.-'Ihe blanket is having a blood stain that

docsn't match with the ,iia of injury &, hcnce, apiehi! to har:L bccn:

shiftccl aftcrwards. Strangily enough, the vaginal smear, allpgclil to be

of ttrc dcceased Ms. Arusfti, failed the DNA test & hencc, nruit havc

becn compromised./replaci:'d probabty with a view"to clsurc th"t no

male bioklgical fluid couid bc traccd to hcr. All thcsc circurni-tanccs

inclicatc thc possibility o'[ somconc intcrcstcd in thc honottrrof thc

dcceascd girl and/or her family, bcing activc on this count. As far as

human psychology is conccrned, I.rnding onc's adolescent dau$iter in

thc company of a domestic servant at the dcad of night in her

bedroom, is a gravc provocation that can lead to an emotional ttpsurgc

bcyond human control and beyond rationality. 'l'hcre arc instanccst" '

whcrc a ferson

can annihilatc his own'daughter, wifc, sistcr or mothcr

in circumstanccs wherein a domestic servant in found to bc involveci. .. .;i t

with that female. Though no.conclusive evidcncc to that cflcctrcan bc

obraincd from photographs & other limitcd facts, an jntcnsiv:" pi'obc it't

that dircction is certainly warranted.



the hcad injury had bccn causcc!' hy'u hard: .-:l ':.'

stnrck with tremendous fo4cc withc)ut gctting

because the impact was so forcpl{ as to







Page 10: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis


it "'Ifracture the skull & to gEnerate a "forward impact:spatter,"..and the


victim had no chance 1to stage . any resistancer. whatsoever, .The

strong reasons to rule out;ihe use of a golf club. A golf ciub is heavy ..i

elopgh to fracture the skull; it has a long handie that alfows the '

assailant to maintain distgnce from the victim; it dan be struck with i

rce; it cbn leave a triangular cavity at the point of.,i:'ir

impact on the skulll and it can cause an injury thatimatches fl4ttr ttre ,

dimensions of, injuries recdrded in the present 'case...:i

...Pertinently, striking the golf club horizontally on tli,e head of a person

(who is standing, sitting or squatting ) can cause a skull fracture/head

injury that will be horizontal to the ground. tf the:goJf club Ls struck '

vertically on the head of person who is lying on the bed, thatian also ,'. : : i

cause a skull fracture/ head injury that will be: horizontal to the I:,giound. Thad is, a golf ctu[ can qadse hea{ injqry, fizri is horizontal to

the ground, depending oii the'manner in which itiis s*ayediand the

attempt at balancing tiis/trer body might have made ;him/trer :

Page 11: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis


I ii

. -'l .-r




accidentally touch thc waiii& thereby inadvcrrcntlyfleavc a pahn print:!:: -i'

on the wall. Another posiibility may be that in the process,of groping: , :r: : -

for thc handlc of thc door & using forcc to opcn the'same, thc a3sassin

must havc bccn under striss on account of thc gravity of thc ihcidcnt

& darkness so as to'inadvertently leavc a chancc palh print. :I

_: l

14. I)cspitc tl'rc assassin(s) having come into closc contact.. wilh Ms.

Arushi to cut hcr throat and with Mr. I-Icmraj to lirs shift his body to:

thc lcrracc & then slit hi,s throat, their blood-stained prints are not

found inside thc house begause the assassin(s) must.have takentare to.:locatc all such chance c,q4tacts with walls & otbgl surfaces and to

wipc them clean. 'l'he srnudgcd palm print cstablishcs that thc hands- : ', I

of thc'assas,!n(s) were dcfinitcly staincd with blood and hence.{ltooA-

stainccl .tingcr prints w5Luld havc ccrtainly bccn,founiJiinrid" th*

all su'ch chance printVstains. T'hc presence of a ghapge blood- slain on:

the vertical facc.of one ofthe steps in the staircase gocs to provb that a. -?- .t- '.

cleansing opcration must have been undertakcn aftcr thc incicleirt. It is:

also obvious that the assassin(s) must havc rcl.urncd downstairS to thc;.'.'i.

[Iat, bccausc if they were not to get back into the house, thcr€ could:l:

have been no reason for them to drag thc body of Mr. Ilcmr:"ito ancl































lfiitt i






lliiIt; i


llr 'li rli




lffilli j

l$ill i :

lii =

lh,E:rr.r;,t:tIirlr ,lii


Page 12: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

.l: iconccal thc same on thc'ioofiop. 'lhc abscnce of blood,r,4irr.inqidc

:!thc llat dcspitc thc assassin(s) havingi r.c.turncd to thel holrsc aftcr.aconccaling the dead bodl';ig1Mr. I{cmraj on the.rooftop, sliows that.=


thc.y took full adv.antage. of well-lit conditions insidc tbb flat to

carefully remove all chance prints. l

:..-: l:.: .r I j- : ;. '.:' L-t5

15., l'o sum up, ii. appears to 6i: a casc of murdcr by sori'ib assiissi$ts; alicr'

bcing enragcd/provokecl ai"somb scrious misconduct nn ,!.' p!r, of in"t:

deceascd. 'l'hat unf6rtunaic evcnt led to .subsequent'icalizatirin:!y f[6r;' 7

assassin(s) of the gravity. of the crimc that got committcd land was

fo-llowcd by a conscious. cffort to control / minimizc thc d.amagc

'legai as wcll as social. trn that proccss, thc samplc of vagirmi ,,-,i"ur.

appcars to havc bccn conpromised, atlempt appears to hivc bcen,-

made to project the Gurkha domestic scrvant as the assassin, andl body,{

o[ the dcceased Mr. I{emraj appears to have bcen rcmov{d to thc.:ro.gftop to gain time or. to disposc that of at an oppcrtuirc tin'lc.

.Attcrr"ldipg circ,umstahccs,and cvidcnci on rccord marrdatcs lha.t thosc,j,'

"i ;

kccnly intcrcstcd in the ivinuosity and honour of Ms- .A.rusbi & thci . :.:. ,. 'ij ', i,.'l alwar family. could be i[siln6 this incidcnt thar qppear$ to?havc its

:rolts sclrncwhcrc in an impropcr / immoral conduct of cithcior both''. ... a

of the deceascd- It may nilr be orit of place to mcntrjn that thf Wcapbn..i.

uscd to causc neck injurGs to the.deccased was qoticcd to t1c a veryt

sharp-cdgcd weapon, and.the ready availability of.surgical couipmcnt

Page 13: Aarushi Crime Scene Analysis

. prolession, is another circumstantial

the abovc oplnlon--;'

factor wcighing agains! them in

'.i.. ,,i -

}..V^1U"'|(Dr. M. S. pahiYa)Deputy Diiector;'

Directoratc of l:orcnsic Sciencd,(iandhinagar





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