Overcoming the Seduction Community Aaron Sleazy

Aaron Sleazy - Overcoming the Seduction Community (Slides)

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I gave a talk in Rotterdam at the "Real Man Conference Try Out." Five speakers were invited, and the audience was supposed to select people to speak at the Real Man Conference in April 2010.My talk "Overcoming the Seduction Community" was on the many wrong concepts that are being taught within the seduction community, and what the core of pickup really is. (Yes, it's that simple.)If you are stuck doing "routine-based" or "indirect" game and not really getting anywhere, those slides might give you some inspiration.I got a standing ovation from the audience for this talk and glowing reviews from the attendants. Due to other commitments I can't come to the RMC in April, though."Hearing him talk was enough to go through the annoyances of the other speakers and intermissions though.."--Sailing, ThePlace.bzSome of the attendants asked me for the slides, and a little later more people emailed me, so it seems that there is enough interest to share this PDF publicly.Feel free to pass this file on, but mind the copyright notice if in doubt. (No, you are not allowed to sell or modify it.)http://www.aaronsleazy.com

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Overcoming the Seduction Community

Aaron Sleazy

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• No Pictures

• No Audio

• No Video

• (Of course you can take notes. Also, feel free to email me for the slides.)

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• My Background

• The “Seduction Industry”

• What to do instead

• Q & A

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My Background

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Why listen to me?

• Rapid development, nine months to “mastery”

• Unusually high skill-level

• Had to learn game, thus: high level of understanding (unlike naturals)

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In a Nutshell

• Started with “game” in late 2006 at the age of 27

• Began to take “game” seriously in early 2008

• Focussed on clubs (because I love them)

• “Sleazy Rockstar”: 2008

• “King of the Fool’s Mate”: 2009

• Currently in a monogamous relationship

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• Conservative Upbringing

• Authoritative Father

• As a result, I never blindly accepted authority

• My life started at 25 (Berlin)

• Gradually became social

• How did I get good so quickly?

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Decisive Factors

• Probably no accident that I got heavily into pickup when my life changed

• Aimed at doing a PhD, but got disillusioned

• Moved back to Berlin one year later

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My Game

• No-Nonsense approach to seduction, no “inner game” mumbo-jumbo etc.

• All about efficiency

• 10:23:18: TVA_Oslo: Sleazy is very one-dimensional

• 10:23:55: apy: at the same time though, Sleazy is trying to find the quickest route from meet to lay, so his one-dimensionality is understandable

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More Background

• Check my archive on mASF:

• http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi

• Search for “author”: Sleazy

• Probably best documented progress of anybody on this planet!

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Have Goals!

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•What do you want to get out of it?

• Me: losing virginity, then:

• Getting sex somewhat regularly

• Having SNLs (found it strangely fascinating)

• “being a seducer”

• Then I got bored of that (and my “game” took off as I explored boundaries)

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Some Achievements• String of ONS/SNL

• Variety of relationship setups

• “Public indecencies”

• Rapid escalation angle

• Lots of bathroom pulls (<15 min)

• Note: cultural differences US/Europe

• Nonverbal pulls

• “instant-pulls”

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The Seduction Industry

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Myths & Nonsense (just a few)

• Phone numbers are an achievement

• A “kiss-close” is an important step

• You have to “demonstrate value”

• There is a “linear model” (M3)

• “All girls are the same”

• Peacocking

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The worst thing that happened

• Neil Strauss’ “The Game”

• It is fiction!

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Since “The Game”:• Self-proclaimed “gurus” with no history whatsoever

(but flashy websites)

• “Community” turned into an industry

• Marketers instead of seducers

• “Pickup Artists”

• Heaps of misinformation (because guys that don’t get laid can’t teach how to get laid)

• Can “game” even be taught, at least in the traditional sense?

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“This community is completely ridiculous.”

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Main Problem with “old school game”

• It’s not fun

• It takes too long to learn

• It misses the point

• E.g. absurd over-complications such as “phone game”, “text game” or downright nonsense like “tapping”

• Mental masturbation is rampant!

• It can easily turn you into a weirdo

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Common Trap

• 1) “I experienced X but ... said Y”

• 2) ...then the guys refute their experiences

• 3) They never progress

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It’s a cultural phenomenon


• UK (mainly London)

• ...not much elsewhere

• It is not a global movement

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• Looks

• Height

• Wealth

• Popularity / Fame

• But don’t worry, “game” is the great equalizer (at least in some fictional tale)

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More big lies

• “You can get any girl your want.”

• “I go ‘five out of five.’”

• “I never get rejected.”

• “I can make any girl my girlfriend.”

• “I can steal any girl from her boyfriend in max. 15 minutes.” (my favourite)

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What does “good” mean?

• The “pros” are a lot worse than you might think (some don’t even get laid)

• If you have a life outside of pickup: five girls/year is good, ten/year is great

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• Scam of the Decade

• Works like this:

• Guy tells you to approach

• If it doesn’t work: millions of suggestions

• If it does work: millions of reasons

• Hides the fact that it’s a numbers’ game

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Public Forums

• Mostly a haven for virgins and social retards

• A minority gets laid (barely), and on a low skill level like online dating or #/date

• One-eyed leads the blind

• Seniority and post-count often mistaken for competence

• But what to do instead?

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What to do instead

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The main idea• Pickup/seduction is not about manipulation!

• Forget magic tricks, routines, patterns, NLP, hypnosis etc.

• Mutual: only happens if the two of you want it!

• Cool guys get laid and always got laid

• Thus: become a cool guy! (easier than you might think)

• Requires: sense of fashion & style, liking yourself (and your body), being comfortable with (your) sexuality

• Before we start to pick up girls, we have to work on ourselves – this might be hard work!

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• Instead of learning “routines”, spend time at the gym

• Pick an at least semi-social hobby, get some friends

• Get a decent wardrobe

• Yes, it’s shallow, but that’s just how it is

• Also proven to work

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Nobody has all the answers!

• Cf. martial arts

• Different styles evolve based on the personality of the “seducer”

• Don’t follow anyone’s advice blindly even if they are good

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About my Style• Love going to clubs

• Not overly talkative

• Not extremely social

• In touch with my body/sexuality

• Therefore I escalate quickly and do mostly non-verbal game

• It wouldn’t work for everybody, but feel free to try

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A friend of mine

• Precocious 17 y/o

• Strong case of ADD

• Couldn’t even remember “routines”

• Otherwise talkative, very impulsive and outgoing, always talks about sex

• Gets more girls than five random “gurus” put together

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Instead of Scripts, Routines etc

• Find your scene/environment

• Show up

• Choose the right girl

• Be willing and ready to escalate

• If she likes you she’ll give you a chance, if not, nothing (=no routine in the world!) will make her change her mind

• This “method” is more effective than any kind of “game”. Think about that for a moment.

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• “Bedding them is easy, keeping them is hard.” (???)

• Maybe this is true for routines-junkies

• “Looks good next to her”

• Can be introduced to her friends

• ...and her family

• Satisfies her sexually

• Isn’t a complete dickhead

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Where to meet them

• Everywhere

• Social circle

• During your (!) day: hobbies, activities, shopping

• ...or at night

• Why not “online”?

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Take home message

• Get out

• Forget about “pickup theory”

• Fix your life

• ...and get laid

• It is no big deal!

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Aaron Sleazy

• http://www.AaronSleazy.com

• http://www.AaronSleazy.com/forum

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Minimal Game

• “The most honest book that I've read about picking-up women”–Assanova

• Available as paperback and ebook for Kindle

• Get it on Amazon.com!

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Sleazy Stories• “Immensely entertaining and about

as fascinating as a neon colored high speed euro-rail train wreck.”–K. Southall

• Available as paperback and ebook for Kindle

• Get it on Amazon.com!