AAA HowToReadme

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  • 7/28/2019 AAA HowToReadme


    Install Ubuntu on Windows 7 (i.e. run them simultaneously)

    (1) Download Oracle VM VirtualBox Download the .iso of the version of linux you want. This setup assumes Ubuntu, and was done for Ubuntu

    10.04. on red Download Ubuntu button get the desktop edition)

    (3) Install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your windows 7 machine.(4) Create new machine in VirtualBox Open new machine if first time will ask for the directory for the .iso file and will then proceed to install linux

    (be sure to choose option to install it, not just test it) and create username etc.

    (6) Log in and let the Linux update itself.(7) Enable the guest additions (it should show up on desktop of ubuntu) and then cd to /media/NAME and

    install the additions $ sudo ./

    (8) Fix weird unidentified network problem on Windows 7 side by using regeditSee File Fix_Virtualbox_Unidentified_Network or

    (9) Install needed stuff on linux side: emacs, root, latex, multimediaSystem->Administration->Synaptic Package Manger

    Click in area and type emacsselect The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage)

    for root, select the root-system Meta package to install all ROOT packages

    for latex, texlive-latex-baseTex Live: Basic LaTeX packages

    For multimedia go to the medibuntu site repository howto &

    follow directions to enable it in the synaptic package manager (i.e. copy/paste the long directions from web site to terminal)

    in package manager add: ubuntu-restricted-extras

    can also add the dvd viewer: libdvdcss2

    also add good multimedia player: vlc

    (10)Enable x forwarding (so dont need X everywhere)(11)Turn off screen saver/lock


    (12)Set up Shared Folder. First create the folder on Windows Then start Virtual box and select Shared Folders option in the Details page for your VM, here you add the

    shared folder you created in Windows and give it a name

    Now start your VM, and edit file /etc/fstab (will have to sudo the editor), and add the following:# Shared Folder for VM

    sharename mountpoint vboxsf defaults 0 0

    (sharename = name of shared folder you gave it from the VirtualBox, mountpoint = where you want it mountedin linux, e.g. /home/hofman/Desktop/Shared )

    Now can go to your home directory and can create a link to it (e.g. I call it work, since I do all my work on theshared folder so it is always easy to access from windows) with $ ln s Desktop/Shared/ work (where

    Shared is the shared folder name and it sits on the Desktop and you want to link it to a directory called work.)

    Additional nice things. I like to run it in seemless mode (Host+L) so I only put a linux menu bar along the top with

    minimal things [by default Host = Right-Control key]