A2level art&design - EXAM YEAR13 UNIT 4 TITLE research+observation+analysis+ideas+development+eva EXAM DATE: WEEK TASKS HOMEWORK 1 •Introduction to exam theme and PowerPoint. •Front cover •Definition of ‘sanctuary’ •Double page brain web •Double page mood board with word ‘sanctuary’ across page. •Continue with class work and decide what direction you will be taking. •A page in your sketchbook explaining the direction you will be following. 2 •Observational drawing large scale and in sketchbook-annotate all drawing thoroughly in sketchbook. •Observational drawings in biro/pencil/ink. Including close up detailed studies. •Draw a wide range of subject matter to show you are researching carefully through this. •Begin collecting a wide range of primary research. Lots of good quality photographs and visits to galleries/museum s/location visits. 3 •Observational drawings and drawing from photographs, fully annotated. Collage backgrounds, draw into photographs and experiment. May your pages exciting. •Begin to form a direction in your drawing •Write up any location visits/gallery visits. Stick in info collected/magazi ne cuttings etc. You should be looking in art magazines/tabloi

A2 exam plan

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A2level art&design - EXAM






1 •Introduction to exam theme and PowerPoint.•Front cover•Definition of ‘sanctuary’•Double page brain web•Double page mood board with word ‘sanctuary’ across page.

•Continue with class work and decide what direction you will be taking.•A page in your sketchbook explaining the direction you will be following.

2 •Observational drawing large scale and in sketchbook-annotate all drawing thoroughly in sketchbook.•Observational drawings in biro/pencil/ink. Including close up detailed studies.•Draw a wide range of subject matter to show you are researching carefully through this.

•Begin collecting a wide range of primary research. Lots of good quality photographs and visits to galleries/museums/location visits.

3 •Observational drawings and drawing from photographs, fully annotated. Collage backgrounds, draw into photographs and experiment. May your pages exciting.•Begin to form a direction in your drawing and annotate your thought process and where you could see this going.

•Write up any location visits/gallery visits. Stick in info collected/magazine cuttings etc. You should be looking in art magazines/tabloid newspapers and picking out an relevant info-moderators need to see that you are aware of what is going on in the current art world.

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A2level art&design - EXAM






4 •You should begin to gather research on artists connected to your direction. You should look at at least 6 artists (remember you should look at artists that use the subject content/materials/process/art movement/style that relates to your work, or that just inspire you) The more the better. Each artist research should cover at least 2 A3 pages in your sketchbook. Respond to their work and their materials-make the page full and tactile.

•Continue with class work.

•Remember these pages can be separated by observational drawings in response to the artists or media tests in response. Just make sure everything is explained.

5 •Observational drawings and photographs in response to the artists work you have looked at. Annotate thoroughly.

•Continue with class work.

6 •Begin to make informed decisions about your final outcome and begin taking final photos to support this and more observational drawings that will go on to support your final piece. Annotate all of this and make clear links to artists work.•Begin creating ideas for your final outcome. You should have at least 6 good quality drawn out ideas, annotated and where appropriate supported with photographs, media tests, fabric etc

•Continue with class work.

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A2level art&design - EXAM






7 •Choose your strongest idea and develop. Play around with colours/composition and begin media tests towards this. Annotate all of these and explain your choices as you so along making constant references to artists and photographs you have looked at/taken.

• Continue with class work.

8 •Make final trials/Maquette's and annotate.•Document your final decisions. document any changes/developments.•Plan your time in the exam.•Make sure you have all equipment necessary.

•Be prepared.•Arrive early to set up.


•Your Easter holidays are yours to do what you will with and I will not set you anything specific to do- BUT REMEMBER IT IS YOUR A LEVEL AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET THE MOST FROM IT. TIME TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND TIME MANAGEMENT.

SUGGESTIONS:Visit galleries-relevant to your work or not document it and show you are committed.

Observational drawings

Catch up (Hopefully you won’t need to)

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A2level art&design - EXAM




EXAM DATE: Please remember that you will need to put all your effort in over the next few weeks, it will be worth it. Make sure you use your lessons and free time efficiently. You can use my room any lunch time or the foyer (on the condition that you tidy up after yourself and respect our equipment-or you will loose that privilege).

You are lucky enough to have 3 teachers to feed off and ask advice. Make sure we see your sketchbook often. We can not help you develop and improve if we do not see what you are doing. You need to be honest with us along the way and it will only do you good if you admit you are behind or need help-it doesn’t go away! And neither do we, we will be on at you!

Please note that on the week of your exam it is a bank holiday on the Monday (no school) and the GCSE exam on the Tuesday and Wednesday, therefore the art department staff will be unavailable. This means that you need to make sure we are aware of your intentions for the exam and have checked through your sketchbook the week before.

N.B If there are specific materials/equipment you need for the exam you will need to give us at least 3 weeks notice to make sure we get it in. Even still this is still not a guarantee and you may need to make alternative arrangements. We will aways endeavor to help you and accommodate your idea.