So much happens in each session of religious school, our teachers keep things acve and moving. See pages 2-6 to read all about it! There are many opportunies for families to parcipate together in everything from childrensservices, programs and dinners. See pages 7 & 10 for details. The Youth and Family Program Department has a variety of events for all ages. See pages 7, 8 & 10 for informaon on upcoming events. Change

hange › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2018-12-28 · Chanukah began. They learned about the menorah and that it has eight candles plus a shamash candle to light the others

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Page 1: hange › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2018-12-28 · Chanukah began. They learned about the menorah and that it has eight candles plus a shamash candle to light the others

So much happens in each session

of religious school, our teachers

keep things active and moving.

See pages 2-6 to read all

about it!

There are many opportunities for

families to participate together in

everything from childrens’

services, programs and dinners.

See pages 7 & 10 for details.

The Youth and Family Program

Department has a variety of

events for all ages.

See pages 7, 8 & 10 for

information on upcoming events.


Page 2: hange › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2018-12-28 · Chanukah began. They learned about the menorah and that it has eight candles plus a shamash candle to light the others






The Teachers and Madrichim keep things moving

and active in the classrooms. Take this

opportunity to read about some of the things that

have happened during this past month.


PreGan learned about Chanukah this month. I created a "Latke recipe" which was a

big hit in Dramatic Play Center. Nadav put in a handful of shredded potatoes

shredded brown paper), Layla put a spoonful of chopped onions (chopped

styrofoam), and Henry cracked the eggs (plastic egg with pom pom for yolk), and

cooked the mixture in the frying pan. There were also bean bag Latkes to flip with a

spatula which was a great wrist strengthening skill needed for writing. Next year I

need to tweak the ingredients so they are single use, because it took forever to

separate the ingredients once the students combined them. We played Bingo-like

game with Chanukah vocabulary words, including Judah Maccabee, and covered

each word with a mini Sufganiyot (Fruit Ring cereal). Faith gets REALLY excited

whenever the name Judah Maccabee is said! We played Dreidel using my "slide", but I was impressed how

many Pre Gan students were able to spin the Dreidel without the slide. Happy Chanukah and have a healthy

New Year.

We are so grateful to Mikey Frank for all she has

done for our students, teachers, parents and our

school. She has supported us in the school office and

school over the years and she will be missed. Mazel

Tov to Mikey on her new endeavor,

we know she will do well. We will miss her.

Todah Rabah for everything Mikey!

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What a fun way to end class before our break! Our focus has been, of course,

Chanukah! Our goal was to teach the children that there is more to Chanukah than

just presents – like playing dreidel and eating latkes! Playing dreidel helped the class

practice the letters shin, nun, gimel, and hay without them even realizing they were

learning! A shout out to Simon, who did a great job as our Chanukah Bingo caller. Our

class is filled with very enthusiastic game players!

Coming up in January, we will be focusing on the Synagogue. We will be learning all

about the different areas of the synagogue and the people that work there and what

they do. I am especially looking forward to our synagogue scavenger hunt. It should

be really fun!


The Kindergarteners love learning about and celebrating holidays. They began learning

about Shabbat and its symbols in November. They helped decorate items to use for

Shabbat and we put them in our Shabbat Boxes, filled with all the items needed to

celebrate the holiday. In addition to the Kiddush cups, challah covers and plates,

candlesticks, and spice boxes, the boxes also include grape juice, a challah roll, candy,

Shabbat candles and a Havdalah candle. The kids are so excited as they wait their turn

to take home the Shabbat box and show their families what they decorated! Liam said

he couldn’t wait for his family to see the cover that he decorated for one of the boxes.

The students also learned the Chanukah story as well as the background story of

playing dreidel. They learned difference between a menorah (7 branches) and a

Chanukiah (9 branches). Rosie and Jacob enjoyed picking an item out of our Chanukah grab bag and

sharing how it relates to Chanukah. Jonas chose the hammer and explained that Judah Maccabee had a

hand like a hammer and also needed a hammer to help fix the temple after the Greeks destroyed it. Each of

the children enjoyed making 9 beeswax candles for their families to use when lighting the Chanukiah. They

loved playing dreidel and Elan explained that dreidels in Israel have a Pey instead of a Shin. Blake especially

enjoyed making an edible dreidel for snack. Nadav told mom after class that he ate a Chanukiah, of course it

was edible too! In addition to holidays, the students have continued to be introduced to the Alef Bet letters. To

date they have learned more than half of the letters. We are always moving and learning in Kindergarten!


We have had a very fun and busy month learning about Chanukah and Hachnasat

Orchim. The students learned about the story of the brave Maccabees and how

Chanukah began. They learned about the menorah and that it has eight candles

plus a shamash candle to light the others. The students learned how to count to

eight in Hebrew, sang Chanukah songs ,and finger plays, and even tried latkes.

Ruthie and Samantha enjoyed playing dreidel. Aleitha was a mensch and kindly

shared bags of gelt with the entire class. We also learned about ways to welcome

guests, the Jewish value of Hachnasat Orchim. The children discussed a short video

and story about ways they can be kind and welcoming to friends, visitors and new

children in their classes. We role played ways to do this and made a Shalom

welcoming sign for their homes.

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What an exciting Chanukah we had! Fourth graders played dreidel, ate sufganiyot

(donuts), and practiced the Chanukah blessings. Students also made a chanukiah

based off of the Jewish values we will focus on the second half of the year. Liam and

Avi talked about why they thought peace was important, and Eden and Rachel

taught us about what peace in the home meant to them. We wrapped up our

Hebrew workbook, and will be moving on to our new book after break! Students'

vocabularies are getting bigger, and more and more students are catching on to

the vocabulary we use everyday in class. Their attendance is really paying off! Thank

you so much for sharing your bright and thoughtful children with me, I'm excited to

share more with each other in this new year!




This month we have been exploring the story of Chanukah and the power

of tikvah and light in darkness. We made Chanukiot and dreidels out of clay,

and while they were baking in the oven we made hand-dipped candles out of

beeswax. While playing with dreidels and gelt, we learned that the letters on

the dreidel tell the reason for the holiday: Nun, Gimmel, Hey, Shin stand for the

Hebrew phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, which means "a great miracle

happened there." We also discussed the cultural differences of celebrating

Chanukah in Israel and in the U.S.

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Kitah Hei really crammed Chanukah into our curriculum this past month. While we

continued learning about the Parsha cycle and delving into Joseph's story, we took a

bit of a break by focusing on Chanukah. We learned about various people in

Chanukah's history and what they did alongside a few interactive videos and games

to get the story told (including a good amount of gelt won by Noah, Elijah and Katie).

Our unit culminated in chanukiah candle lighting with Chelsea, Elijah and our

madrichim, Ethan and Eden. The students should now be able to tell the difference

between a Chanukiah and Menorah. We continue reading in Hebrew from the

weekly Parsha. The students really enjoy playing Hebrew Hangman, figuring out the

names of Biblical Characters. Finally, we're finishing the Book of Genesis. Through our

study of it we've learned about Joseph and his amazing technicolor dream coat,

hiding and revealing our identity as well as the geography Jacob and his family

traveled during his lifetime. Looking forward to continuing our learning after the break!


Shalom from Kitah Vav! We've wrapped up the semester with a Siyum Sifrei Kodesh. A

Siyum is the completion of any unit of Torah study, or book of the Mishnah or Talmud

in Judaism, usually followed by a celebratory meal, or seudat mitzvah. Tovina, Sarina,

Maya, Alexander, Cody, and Aaron stepped into leadership roles to complete this

class project. On our last day of the semester, we presented for 40 minutes on what

we have learned about Judaism's holy books. We're also finishing out the semester

with 120 points, reaching Ruby level!


We began our second to last unit: Obligations. As Conservative Jews, we have the

obligation to fulfill Mitzvot. As B’Nai Mitzvot, the students are discovering where

Judaism fits in their everyday lives. Our understanding of the source of our obligation

may differ greatly, but we share this obligation in common. We looked at the

advantages and consequences of obligations; we looked at everything from

wearing a seatbelt to doing your homework to fasting on Yom Kippur. We read and

discussed an article written by Rabbi Stephen C. Lerner, entitled “We are all Jews by

Choice.” We continued the unit by discussing the Conservative approach to

Halacha (Jewish Law) and the idea that your observance and spirituality can be a

journey. For December’s Tzedakah Sunday project we volunteered at the Kosher

Food Pantry. After our brief tour, we spent time stocking shelves and learning about the operation and who

benefits from it. After we finished stocking the shelves we moved into the programming area and discovered

how hard it is to feed a family with such limited supplies.

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Music: The month of Chanukah brought some of our students' favorite songs. We

sang Hebrew classics, such as Maoz Tzur, Mi Yimalel, and Sevivon Sov Sov Sov. We

also sang a number of fun songs from present day artists, such as Ellen Allard and

Debbie Friedman. The students loved singing the upbeat "Judah Maccabee the

Hammer" that told the story of the Maccabees. Somehow after a few choruses the

words changed to Judah Mac and Cheese with Pepper! "Cholcolate, Chocalate

Gelt" and "Sufganiyot" songs by Ellen Allard were also a lot of fun and made us

hungry! Debbie Friedman's "I am a Latke" is still a classic. It's fun to see many of the

students come up to the front and lead the verses. In our 3-5 grades, we made a

circle and sang and danced to Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah.

Trope: This month marks the end of the first semester. During the last few weeks of

the semester, I began evaluations to see how the students are progressing. Both 5th and 6th graders are

doing a great job singing and recognizing the Haftorah tropes. Our Madrichim along with our 6th grade

students came up with fun motions to help us learn the long blessings after the Haftorah. The 6th graders had

an Ashrei race to help learn the challenging Ashrei prayer. Each student took turns saying a verse from Ashrei

for points to help their teams. 5th graders reviewed the blessings we have learned so far. Students have also

worked on using the tropes they learned with sentences we wrote on the blackboard. At the end of the

semester in 6th grade, we read and discussed the translation for the blessings after the Haftorah to help make

a connection to what we were singing.


By this time we have noted significant progress by our students. They use a variety of

materials geared to their particular styles of learning and success, which brings

satisfaction and feelings of self-esteem. We continue to create new games and

experiences, tapping into computer programs, Montessori materials, stencils,

magnetic letters, and, yes, even a Hebrew Twister Game! We see students eager to

arrive, even to engage in the many ways to make the words of The Ashrei come



Students are wrapping up Fall Israel projects and starting to get ready for Purim. The

upper grades have almost completed their map projects; look for them on the

bulletin board across from room 322 this coming January. 1st graders are making

great progress on their "All about Me" Hebrew picture books. They recently added a

bingo game with around the classroom Hebrew vocabulary. 4th grade enrichment

completed collecting information on Jewish major league baseball players (in

Hebrew). This coming semester, they'll play a custom version of Guess Who? that

reviews the colors, numbers, and team names they learned while preparing the




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Picture It!

Thank you Mikey Frank for all you have done for our students, our

school and our synagogue. You will be missed!

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday





6 Religious School Resumes 9am Mazel Tots NO Mercaz



9 Religious School


11 USY Board Shabbat @ Phylicia’s

12 10:30am Mini-Minyan

13 Religious School Mercaz resumes 12:30pm Jewish Stars/Atid Movie Day

14 15 16 Religious School



19 Eli Cogan Bar Mitzvah


21 9am –2pm MLK Day Program (incl. march)

22 23 Religious School


25 6pm Kiddush Club

26 B/M Ethan Blatt 10:30am Family Service

27Religious School & Mercaz 1230pm USY TuBshvat Kadima Lounge Day

28 29

30 Religious School



Benjamin Abes-Feldman 1/19 Levi Kaplan 1/26

Evelyn Ackerman 1/29 Adam Kling 1/12

Ethan Blatt 1/2 Ella Levine 1/9

Avi Boymel 1/7 Madison Levine 1/24

Eli Cogan 1/28 Marley Ogden 1/13

Zachary DelBello 1/29 Jonah Rosenberg 1/24

Maya Deutch 1/16 Abi Rubinstein 1/10

Shaul Francus 1/14 Ben Yishai Sabath Beit-Halachmi 1/30

Remi Goldstein 1/13 Kaleb Sarembock 1/10

Lila Guttman 1/10 Shoshanah Stern 1/24

Jaclyn Hall 1/1 Noah Tyler 1/9

Jacob Jarnicki 1/1 Madison Weeden 1/28

Erez Kadosh 1/29 Eden Weisman 1/9