Chapter 11 A World in Flames 1939-1945

A World in Flames 1939-1945. The Rise of Dictatorships The Treaty of Versailles along with economic depression contributed to antidemocratic governments

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Chapter 11 A World in Flames


The Rise of Dictatorships The Treaty of Versailles along with economic

depression contributed to antidemocratic governments in both Europe and Asia.

These governments broke the agreement of the Treaty.

Sec 1(Origins of WWII)

In 1919 Benito Mussolini founded Italy's fascism movement

This was an aggressive nationalism movement that considered the nation more important than the individual.

Mussolini believe that order in society and national greatness came through a dictatorship who led a strong government and built an empire.

However, he was strong anticommunist , Mussolini protected middle class and private property.

Mussolini and Fascism in Italy

When he threatened Rome in March 1922, members of the Parliament asked the King to declare war…but he didn’t. …most member resigned making this easy for Benito to take over.

When in Rome…

After the Russian Revolution the Communists Party Leader Vladimir Lenin created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922.

After his death, Joseph Stalin came to power Family farms were collectives, or

government-owned. He used concentration camps, which held

about 2 million people by 1935….. Slave labors.

Stalin Takes Over The Soviet Union

Lenin Stalin

Hitler hated the Germany for accepting peace treaties during WWI

He became leader of National Socialist German worker’s party or Nazi Party

In Nov 1923 the Nazi take control of Munich, Germany… however their plan failed the party was ban and Hitler was arrested.

Hitler and Nazi Germany

In prison, he wrote a book “My Struggle” In his book, he believe that blue eyes/ blond hair

Germans belonged to “master race” called Aryans. He argued that Slavic people belonged to an inferior

race which Germans should enslaved. He blamed Jews for many of the world’s problems,

specially for Germany defeat in WWI. After his release, he changed his tactics …made

sure to elect Nazi to the Parliament By 1932, the Nazi were the largest party. The

following year they elected Hitler as chancellor (president)…. He became known as the leader.

“My Struggle”

Japan had difficult economic times Many Japanese military officers blamed corrupt politicians They argued that to take control other countries was the

only way to improve their economy. In September 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchurian a

region north of China. But hoping not to get in trouble with the U.S. they

withdrew the troops from China. However, they refused and Japan destroyed lot of cities in

China….. This became known as: Rape of Nanking” (city in China)

In October 1941, Tojo became Prime Minister in Japan he supported an aggressive military policy.

Militarism Control in Japan

Hitler rebelled against the Treaty of Versailles

He called for unification of all German-speaking people.

In Feb 1938, he threatened to invade German-speaking Austria unless Austrian Nazi were given important government posts.

After a failed, Hitler sent troops to Austria and announced Anschluss, or unification, of Austria and Germany.

WWII Begins….

Hitler claims an are of Czechoslovakia with a large German-Speaking population.

The Republic resisted Hitler France and the Soviet Union threatened to fight if the

Germans attacked Czechoslovakia. In September 29,1938 Britain, Italy and Germany met in

Munich Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands…this

became known as appeasement. They believed if they gave Hitler what he wanted they

could avoid war In March 1939, Hitler divided the country: Slovakia became

independent name under German control and Czech lands became a German territory.

Munich Crisis

Danzing, Poland –became part of Hitler’s control (90% were German-speaking)

March 31,1939, Britain announced that if Poland went to war to defend territory, Britain and France would come to its aid.

Hitler Demands Danzing

Sep 1, 1939 Germany invited Poland 2 days later WWII begun!! Germans used new warfare “blitzkrieg” or lighting

war Used massed tanks, combined with waves of

aircraft and paratroopers to break through and encircle enemy positions.

By October 5,1939 Germans defeated Poland. May 10, 1940 Hitler launched a new attack on

Belgium and Luxembourg As the British and French trooped rushed to

Belgium; Germany invaded France.

Invasion of Poland and the Fall of France

German troops drove Allied forces toward the English Channels

As German forces moved out of Dunkirk, Hitler order them to stop for three days. (reasons known)

About 338,000 French and British troops had been saved during the “Miracle at Dunkirk”

3 weeks later France surrender and Hitler assigned a German Leader to run France

On June 4, 1940 British Prime Minister Winton Churchill gave a speech vowing that Britain will never surrender.

After British advantage with radar, Hitler cancelled invading Britain.

Miracle at Dunkrirk (France)

Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) versus Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia).

The rise of dictatorship and militarism discourage many Americans.

The Nye Committee Many accusations emerged that arms

manufactures had tricked the U.S. into entering the U.S.

Gerald P. Nye held hearings to investigate… Many Americans disapproved of the War

Sec. 2 Neutrality to War

Neutrality Act of 1935- made it illegal for Americans to sell arms to any country at war.

Even Spain at the time had a Civil War. (Franco) Hitler and Mussolini pledge to cooperate on

several international issues. Japan allied with Germany and Italy= AXIS

Powers! President Roosevelt supported internationalism:

the idea that trade b/w nations created prosperities and helps prevent war.

Legislating Neutrality

Roosevelt wanted to help Britain and France-he asked Congress to revise the neutrality acts to allow the sale of weapons to warring nations.

Neutrality Act on 1939- Congress allowed sales but only on “cash and carry” basis.

By December 1940-Briatin runs out of money to fund the war: Lend-Lease Act.

Allowed the U.S. to lend or lease arms to any country considered “vital to the defense of the U.S.”

Neutrality Tested

German submarines sank hundredth of thousands of cargo each month.

The British lacked the ships to block them. Because the U.S. was officially neutral

Roosevelt could not order the navy to protect British

Therefore, he developed the idea of of hemisphere defense zone, …. he ordered the U.S. Navy to patrol the western Atlantic and reveal the location of German submarines to the British.

Hemispheric Defense Zone

Roosevelt’s efforts to help Britain fight Germany resulted in Japan’s decisions to attack the U.S.

Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor