A training needs analysis tool for family intervention key workers Parents and families

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A training needs analysis tool for family intervention key workers

Parents and families

Page 2: A training needs analysis tool for family intervention key ... · PDF fileA training needs analysis tool for family intervention key workers Parents and families



This training needs analysis tool1 (TNA) is designed as an optional tool for

managers and key workers to use when assessing a key worker’s training and development needs. It has space to identify areas for development (performance development needs which could be addressed through training) and space to record actions agreed to address them. The TNA is most appropriately used as an initial analysis of training needs after induction has taken place. It can be revisited to review and monitor ongoing key worker training and development needs. The performance criteria are drawn directly from the key worker functional map: www.cwdcouncil.org.uk/wwp-functional-map-fikw. Organisations are encouraged to adapt this proforma to reflect local processes and priorities.

1 Derived from the family intervention key worker functional map, DfE 2010

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Family intervention key worker training needs analysis2

Name of practitioner:

Name of manager:


1 Develop and maintain effective partnership working with parents and families using a strength based approach to help, motivate and encourage behaviour change underpinned by a commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

1.1 Work in a way which empowers all parents and families

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

1.1.1 Develop a partnership approach to sharing information and decision making with parents and families.

1.1.2 Use a positive whole family approach to build on parent, child and family strengths and develop resilience, self-reliance and independent action.

1.1.3 Use a collaborative approach that develops empathetic knowledge and understanding of the family’s view of themselves thus acknowledging a family’s skills, strengths and expertise.

1.1.4 Support and educate parents and families to positively engage with their community and other agencies.

2 Derived from the family intervention key worker functional map, DfE 2010

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Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Information sharing protocols.

B The partnership model of helping.

C Strength based approaches in family intervention.

D Whole family approaches to family intervention.

E Risk, protective factors and developing resilience.

1.2 Engage with and maintain effective supportive relationships with parents and families

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

1.2.1 Communicate with parents and families in an open, clear and honest way.

1.2.2 Develop and use a range of approaches to engage with parents and families who are difficult to engage and find services and support difficult to engage with.

1.2.3 Develop and use a range of approaches to maintain effective trusting and professional relationships with parents and families.

1.2.4 Establish relationship ground rules, mutual understanding around professional boundaries and shared expectations.

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1.2.5 Agree with individual family members how personal information will be used, recorded, shared and stored with others within confidentiality policies.

1.2.6 Establish regular review and feedback processes with parents and families and other agencies.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Effective communication.

B Barriers to engagement and participation and strategies to overcome them.

C Effective relationship building and maintenance.

D Maintaining professional boundaries.

E Information sharing protocols.

F Review and feedback processes.

1.3 Agree with parents and families and other agencies the aims and purpose of work within safeguarding policies and procedures

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

1.3.1 Work with families and other agencies to prioritise the safety and welfare of children.

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1.3.2 Identify and negotiate role expectations and responsibilities between all parties, working to agreed protocols and procedures for safeguarding.

1.3.3 Work with parents and families to identify priorities, support needs, interventions, family actions and goals and develop, implement and maintain strategies for securing these.

1.3.4 Alert the family and agencies to the likelihood and impact of sanctions or other risks facing the family and use assessment and monitoring of these to motivate families to commit to and achieve agreed goals.

1.3.5 Construct a shared and mutually agreed support plan/contract.

1.3.6 Use a persistent, open and respectful manner to encourage the continued engagement of parents and family members.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Safeguarding policies, procedures, protocols and referral processes.

B Effective whole family assessment.

C The range of sanctions applicable to the families being worked with, how they can be used to support progress.

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D Goal planning, monitoring and reviewing processes.

E Persistent and proactive approaches in engaging with families.

2 Work persistently and assertively with families and other agencies to assess, provide or coordinate intensive support to meet identified support needs of families with multiple problems

2.1 Work with families and other agencies to assess and regularly review the family’s interrelated strengths, resources, needs and risks using a ‘whole family’ or holistic approach

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

2.1.1 Use the range of assessment tools used in your area to gather information from the family and involved professional to inform the whole family holistic assessment.

2.1.2 Gather information and identify with each family member what the family strengths, goals and resources are.

2.1.3 Gather information and identify with each family member what the family risk factors and needs are.

2.1.4 Gather information and identify with parents, children and their families the underlying or root cause of current difficulties.

2.1.5 Share the whole family assessment and recommendations with appropriate family members.

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2.1.6 Share the recommendations from the whole family assessment with the multi-agency team and the family at an assessment review meeting.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Whole family assessment processes and tools used locally.

B Information sharing protocols and procedures.

C Origins and cycles of complex and multiple needs.

D Effective multi-agency working.

2.2 Work with families and other agencies to develop and coordinate the delivery of a whole family support plan/contract

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

2.2.1 Use the whole family assessment to develop a support plan/contract with the family and other agencies which is based on the families identified strengths, needs and goals.

2.2.2 Work with families and other agencies to develop collective agreement on the changes expected from the family and (if appropriate) consequences or enforcement action families will face if changes are not evident within agreed timescales.

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2.2.3 Work with families and other agencies to agree the support to be provided, the sequencing and co-ordination of this support and any enforcement action the families are facing, and time limited objectives for the family.

2.2.4 Review progress, against support plans/contracts and where appropriate challenge, restate and review goals with family members.

2.2.5 Maintain regular contact with other agencies and professionals to review progress against the written support plan/contract and where appropriate restate and review goals.

2.2.6 Ensure that regular review meetings take place to review progress against the support plan/contract and ensure accountability.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Whole family assessment processes.

B The support planning process and its place in facilitating action, monitoring and review.

C Multi-agency monitoring and review processes and protocols.

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2.3 Work with parents to enable them to acknowledge and meet their own and their children’s needs, develop life skills and reduce vulnerability

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

2.3.1 Work with families to increase parenting capacity where identified physical and mental health issues feature in the support plan/contract.

2.3.2 Work with families to increase learning and educational achievement and reduce barriers to work.

2.3.3 Work with families to strengthen positive relationships to create and maintain a warm and nurturing environment.

2.3.4 Work with families to create and maintain a secure and safe physical environment.

2.3.5 Work with families to reduce and prevent persistent offending behaviour and the subsequent consequences.

2.3.6 Work with families to reduce and prevent anti-social behaviour and increase pro-social behaviour.

2.3.7 Work with and encourage families to address threatening, offensive and prejudiced behaviour including domestic abuse, bullying, overtly racist or sexist or homophobic behaviour.

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2.3.8 Work with and encourage families and agencies to take responsibility in managing and prioritising appointments.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A The impact of physical and mental health issues on parenting capacity.

B Evidence based theories of change:

• Parenting style theory.

• Social learning theory.

• Attachment theory.

• Human ecological theory.

• Personal construct theory.

C Change theory, cycles and models which can support practice.

D The role of self-efficacy in supporting families to change.

E Child young person and adult development.

F The constituents of positive parenting.

G Agency appointments procedures and requirements.

2.4 Advocate on behalf of parents and families in relation to services and agencies

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

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2.4.1 Advocate on behalf of the family, or family members in engaging positively with, and shaping the services and responses of, agencies, organisations and other professionals who have a role in meeting the family’s needs.

2.4.2 Advocate on behalf of an individual within the family context.

2.4.3 Advocate on behalf of the family, or family members, as part of the process of building capacity within the family to represent itself, modelling behaviour as required.

2.4.4 Advocate on behalf of agencies in their relationship with families or family members.

2.4.5 Advocate on behalf of agencies and other professionals in multi-agency or integrated working contexts.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A How to advocate for parents and families with relevant agencies when they have limited confidence to do it themselves.

B The importance of capacity building and modelling when advocating on behalf of parents and families.

C The importance of avoiding the building of dependency of the family on the key worker.

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D The importance of maintaining role boundaries when advocating on behalf of parents and families.

2.5 Refer parents and families to other services (generic and specialist) with consent where appropriate, and in the context of the assessment process

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

2.5.1 Identify when referral is appropriate.

2.5.2 Identify services families can potentially be referred to.

2.5.3 Use assessment information to identify services relevant for referral needs.

2.5.4 Consult with referral agency to see if family meets threshold criteria and advocate where necessary.

2.5.5 Support parents and families to engage with referral agency.

2.5.6 Coordinate package of support and monitor family progress and engagement with referred service.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Multi-agency referral procedures and protocols.

B Multi-agency information sharing protocols and procedures.

C The role of consent in sharing information and making referrals.

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2.6 Enable parents and families to independently access and engage with services, social networks and community resources

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

2.6.1 Work with parents and families to identify services and other support which will meet family needs.

2.6.2 Enable parents and families to develop confidence to engage with services and other support.

2.6.3 Work with parents and families to reduce or plan to reduce their dependence on specialist services.

2.6.4 Work with parents and families to develop practical and organisational skills to engage with services.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A The range of service provision, networks and community resources available, and how to access them.

B Capacity, resilience and confidence building techniques and approaches.

3 Facilitate and deliver support and interventions which improve parental capacity and family relationships

3.1 Provide access to evidence based parenting programmes and other structured support for parenting

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Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

3.1.1 Work with parents and families in profiling their needs.

3.1.2 Facilitate access to evidence based programmes of support.

3.1.3 Agree and facilitate support programmes with parents and families.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Assessment of parenting capacity.

B The range of evidence based programmes of support available and how to access them.

C Processes for referral to parenting programmes, with reference to assessment of need and capacity to benefit.

3.2 Enable parents and families to reflect on influences on parenting capacity, parenting style and the parent child relationship

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

3.2.1 Enable parents and families to reflect on family environmental influences on parenting capacity.

3.2.2 Enable parents and families to reflect on personal experiences and their effects on parenting style and parenting capacity.

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3.2.3 Enable parents and families to reflect on how their own wellbeing influences their parenting capacity.

3.2.4 Enable parents and families to reflect on how a child’s temperament and personal experiences affect the parent-child relationship.

3.2.5 Enable parents and families to reflect on the unique contribution both mothers and fathers make to the outcomes of children.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Assessment of parenting capacity.

B Influences on parenting capacity, parenting style and the parent child relationship.

C Influences and factors that impact upon family functioning and dynamics.

D Temperament and personality theory.

E The contribution of mothers and fathers to outcomes for children.

F Father inclusive practice.

3.3 Work with parents and families to identify understand and meet their children’s and family’s needs and promote positive outcomes for their children

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Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

3.3.1 Support parents and families to understand and identify their child’s developmental needs.

3.3.2 Support parents and families to provide or access environments, experiences and resources which will support their child’s development.

3.3.3 Support parents and families to understand and identify the social, emotional, spiritual, cultural and physical needs of their children.

3.3.4 Support parents and families to provide or access environments, experiences and resources which will support their children’s social, emotional spiritual, cultural and physical needs.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Child young person and adult development, including:

• Social and emotional development.

• The social, emotional, spiritual, cultural and physical needs of children and adults.

3.4 Enable parents and families to develop ways of handling relationships and behaviour that contribute positively to everyday life with children

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Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

3.4.1 Encourage parents and families to have a warm and supportive relationship with their child.

3.4.2 Work creatively with parents and families to build their confidence as a parent.

3.4.3 Help parents and families to develop their skills in order to communicate effectively.

3.4.4 Help parents and families to adopt practices and techniques which support and encourage their children to develop social skills and behaviour which will help them as they progress towards adulthood.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Constituents of positive parenting.

B Strategies to build parental confidence.

C Strategies top develop communication skills.

D Strategies to build parental capacity.

3.5 Work with parents and families to help them understand and meet their own needs

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

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3.5.1 Help parents to identify their own needs in relation to personal well-being as a parent.

3.5.2 Help parents to access environments and experiences which will support their personal well-being as a parent.

3.5.3 Support parents and families to understand their learning needs.

3.5.4 Support parents and families to access formal and informal learning.

3.5.5 Support parents and families to understand and identify their social emotional, spiritual, cultural and physical needs.

3.5.6 Support parents and families to provide or access environments, experiences and resources which will meet their social, emotional, spiritual, cultural and physical needs.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A The use of family assessment and action planning to enable families to meet their own needs.

B Well-being and its impact on parenting.

C How resilience and self-reliance contribute to well-being.

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4 Develop and maintain competent and ethical practice

4.1 Operate within legal, ethical and practice boundaries when working with families

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

4.1.1 Maintain appropriate practice boundaries in the relationships and interactions with families.

4.1.2 Acknowledge, respect and promote equality of opportunity and diversity.

4.1.3 Effectively challenge discriminatory or inappropriate behaviour within families and agencies.

4.1.4 Acknowledge, respect and promote the rights and responsibilities of families and individuals within families.

4.1.5 Maintain personal and family health, safety and well-being throughout the family support process.

4.1.6 Develop and establish a clear understanding of levels of confidentiality, particularly in relation to safeguarding.

4.1.7 Seek to promote efficient and cost-effective practice and allocation of time and resources with a view to using resources in the way most likely to achieve a positive outcome for families.

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Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Values and principles underpinning family intervention activity.

B Legal, ethical and practice boundaries when working with families.

C Anti-discriminatory practice.

D Safeguarding, confidentiality and information sharing protocols.

E Impact analysis.

4.2 Develop and maintain skills, knowledge and competence

Performance criteria Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

4.2.1 Follow agreed case management procedures, including recording and storage of records, reporting, involving other agencies, colleagues and line managers.

4.2.2 Be accountable for, and review, own practice using supervision, reflective practice and other opportunities for professional development.

4.2.3 Work with line managers and colleagues to ensure that personal professional competence remains sufficient to provide effective support to families.

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4.2.4 Utilise CPD, practice development opportunities and research to review and develop personal practice.

4.2.5 Develop and maintain professional networks and relationships as part of integrated services provision.

4.2.6 Engage in peer supervision and support activity and contribute to professional support to colleagues.

4.2.7 Use evidence-based approaches to personal and organisational development, with particular reference to evaluation and impact analysis.

4.2.8 Engage in regular reflective practice and maintain relevant professional knowledge on relevant professional, organisational and policy matters likely to impact upon practice and service delivery.

Supporting knowledge and understanding Identify areas for development Summarise action agreed to address areas for development

A Systems and processes available to support skills, knowledge and practice development, including:

• Reflective practice.

• Supervision.

• Peer support/supervision.

• Practice networks.

B Evaluation and impact analysis.

C Policy developments in relation to practice.

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improvements so the millions of people and volunteers

working with children and young people across

England are able to do the best job they possibly can.

We want England’s children, young people and

families’ workforce to be respected and valued for the

positive difference it makes to children, young people

and their families.

We work in partnership with lots of different organisations

and support workers and employers who want the lives of

all children and young people to be healthy, happy and


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