A Sweet & Salty Chat From My Food Memoir

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  • 7/27/2019 A Sweet & Salty Chat From My Food Memoir


    On my way to Office today, I saw a cute pair of a brother and

    sister sharing a cone of ice cream outside the Food stall. Their

    cute sight filled my heart with some fond memories, some fond

    "food" memories that I had with my younger brother- Anurag

    AKA Tinku. I would often call him Tinkooo and he will come to

    my call, softly whispering about the savories mom would be making.

    Ah! Those lovely food memories that I shared with my brother.

    Let us keep that for another day, and continuing my post from

    previous day, Let me tell you how me and my kid brother Tinks

    would plan our "mom made delights" with schedules of our arrival,

    stay and depart from hostel to home.

    My younger brother would often call mom from hostel with his

    dates of arrival to and even a longer wishlist of all the yummy food

    that mom makes. Often his wishlist would be sub-routed through

    me. Our conversation would go something like this-

    Tinks- DeeDee, please tell mom that I am coming home next week

    at 2pm on Monday

  • 7/27/2019 A Sweet & Salty Chat From My Food Memoir


    Me- Ok. Come soon and safely. We are waiting.

    Tinks: Hope you will keep your room clean and ready for me.

    Me: My room? Why my room? Where will I stay? [grrr my

    room would be kid-napped now]

    Tinks- What Deedee? Where will your cute, little younger,

    innocent brother will stay then? And who will tell you those

    wonderful jokes and stuff?

    Me- I am not letting you inside my room. Stop dreaming and talk

    business. My STD is expensive.

    Tinks- Okay ok...I miss you all and especially mom made food.

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    Me: I know it all boils down to "mom made food". And am sure

    you will have a wishlist too. So Shoot.

    Tinks: Hee heee.. My sister is getting smart in my company. Tellmomma to make Sandwiches,chowmein, Masala Dosa, Dhokla,

    Dal-Chawal and aloo ki sabji, etc etc for me.

    Me [quite bored this time]- Whoa! What is that list? Wait, wait,

    hold..one at a time.

    Tinks: Why don't you note them down so you won't forget

    Me: Am I your steward to write them all down? SMS me.

    Yeah..I will ask her to make it today only and store in fridge hee


    Tinks- No way. You are going to make your "cute, little, sweet,innocent young brother" eat old, stale food? You mean sister...I

    am gonna take your "Borosil" bartan with me back to Nashik.

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    Me- Borosil Bartan? They are not "Bartan" but exclusive range

    of cookware and serveware. Dare you touch my Borosil collection

    ...Buy your own. I am keeping this phone down

    Tinks- Arre Sorry sis, would you not let your "cute, little, sweet,

    innocent young brother" enjoy his food the way you do? [sob sob

    start of emotional atyachaar]

    Me- Ok fine..I will let you eat in my Borosil bowls but you have to

    eat Khichdi as well. That is the must to do condition.

    Tinks- Khichdi? eeeks oops..Okay I will do that. Provided it is

    "Borosil Khichdi".

    Me: Yeah Sure thing. BTW, do you know what mom cooked for

    breakfast today?

    Tinks: Oh No! Don't tell me. I miss eating good food...

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    Me [without hearing his plea to not tell]: We had "Chowmein" in

    the breakfast.. It was yum, slurrp, slender so much flavorful. Youknow mom put 3 types of capsicum in it- red, Green and Yellow. It

    looked so "exotic" like they show on Zee TV. Oh Tinku, she

    crushed "burnt garlic" and added in it, which give such a beautiful

    aroma and those cherry tomatoes and mixed veg that she stirr fried

    and added...Ummm that was so yumm.. I mixed tomato ketchupand finished two plates in one go..Burpp!

    Tinks: Boohoo I want to "chowmein" now. My sister is so bad.

    How can you tempt me with such an exclusive description of my

    favorite thing, knowing that I cannot have it now and have to wait

    for it for another week. You are such a meanie. What a Khaap

    panchayat you are. I am keeping the phone down.

    Me: Okay Okay.. I will not tell you further about the Chowmein

    that she made in breakfast today or the Besan ke Laddoos she

    made yesterday, or the malai kulfi or the colorful double cheese

    burst Pizza with 3 types of cheese and garden fresh vegetable that

    she is baking now with a great smell of pine nuts and Oregano,

    using Borosil glassware..

  • 7/27/2019 A Sweet & Salty Chat From My Food Memoir


    Tinks: Mom is making Pizza today?

    Me: Yes, The "double cheese burst pizza" with 3 types of cheese

    my "cute, little, sweet, innocent young brother". She is layering it

    with fresh tomato sauce and sizzling Olives. Oh, it looks so amazing

    on this flat bread rectangular pizza that she is baking. Do you

    know that she is using a special "herb" crust for it? And the

    toppings would be all garden fresh vegetables like Zucchini,

    Brocolli, Onions, Sweet Corn, Jalapeno, Pine nuts, Fresh white

    cubes of marinated paneer. You like Paneer na!

    Tinks: yes, I like Paneer but I hate you for telling me all this.

    Bye. I am trying to pre-pone my trip to home and eat everything

    without letting you eat. Bye bye. [Bangs the phone]

    .....Well that was a memoir of my "Food talk" with "cute, little,

    sweet, innocent young brother". Our sweet and Salty chit chat

    continued. In case, if you are wondering what is Borosil Khichdi,

    read this space for more.