INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY ADVANCED RESEARCH TRENDS ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014 A STUDY ON THE VALUE DEVELOPMENT AMONG THE TEACHER TRAINEES UNDER VARIOUS MANGEMENTS Dr. G. Elisha Babu Assistant Professor University College of education Adikavi Nannaya University Rajahmundry INTRODUCTION “Values are those principles or standards which help to better the quality of life. Values codify the ‘dos and donts’ of behavior. Values form the basics of character formation and personality development. The values that spring from within or the core of the heart like love, compassion, sympathy, empathy, tolerance etc, lay foundation for the external practiced values like honesty, discipline, punctually and loyalty. The most important to remember is that “Values are priceless while valuable are priced. A value stands for ideals men live for. They are the part and parcel of philosophy of a nation and that of its educational system. In the words of Lehner and Kube, “Values are the integral part of personal philosophy of life by which we generally mean the system of values by which we live. The philosophy of life includes our aims ideals and manner of thinking the principles by which we guide our behaviour and conduct our affairs”. The values of the different individuals are not the same. There is much diversity in behaviour which is due to the difference in values. The bahaviour, the personal likes and dislikes and interests in different fields can be known if the knowledge of values about individual is obtained. Values help the 210

A STUDY ON THE VALUE DEVELOPMENT AMONG THE …ijmart.in/PreviousIssues/Aug 2014/15.pdf · have gone into abysses where human existence and its future looks dismal and in dark. The

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ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014


Dr. G. Elisha Babu Assistant Professor

University College of education Adikavi Nannaya University


“Values are those principles or standards which help to better the

quality of life. Values codify the ‘dos and donts’ of behavior. Values form the basics of character formation and personality development. The values that spring from within or the core of

the heart like love, compassion, sympathy, empathy, tolerance etc, lay foundation for the external practiced values like honesty, discipline, punctually and loyalty. The most important to

remember is that “Values are priceless while valuable are priced.

A value stands for ideals men live for. They are the part and parcel of philosophy of a nation and that of its educational

system. In the words of Lehner and Kube, “Values are the integral part of personal philosophy of life by which we generally mean the system of values by which we live. The philosophy of

life includes our aims ideals and manner of thinking the principles by which we guide our behaviour and conduct our affairs”. The values of the different individuals are not the same.

There is much diversity in behaviour which is due to the difference in values. The bahaviour, the personal likes and dislikes and interests in different fields can be known if the

knowledge of values about individual is obtained. Values help the



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

individuals in making selection of clothes, edibles subjects of study and vocations. Values which are so important for an individual need to be investigated scientifically.

Need for the Study:

Teaching is a complex and many-sided demanding, variety of human traits and abilities. With emerging social order, the

teacher’s role has changed and he is no longer concerned with traditional teaching. He is concerned with the educational for the total personality development of the child. With the emerging set

up in the country and world at large, the responsibility of every teacher will assume great significance for building up a strong

and self-reliant nation. As already mentioned in today’s fast paced competitive world man seems to have compromised on his values, integrity and character in a bid to earn, use and possess

more and more material wealth and materialistic out look is emerging in individuals consciously or unconsciously. As a result, the entire planet is in danger as it is plagued by severe

environment problems, hatred and insensitiveness among social groups which cause wars, terrorism, and poverty and so on. Therefore there is an urgent need to re-introduce value based

education through curricular subjects and programmes. Hence the study is stated as:

Review of Related Literature:

Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy: The values are eternal in their meanings and relevant to the everyday activities of the growing child. The series is a resource referral for the partnership of the

teacher with the parent in guiding the child along the inquiring



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

early childhood years, into the turbulent preadolescence period and towards a stable and healthy adulthood. The series is not intended to be yet another text loading the already heavy

schoolbag of the child but a pleasant everyday experience for the child and a visual treat for the teacher and the parent in seeing their child blossoming everyday, nurtured in the values so

sacredly cherished by our country.

Dr A R Seetharam: Value Education, according to one more view, is essentially a matter of educating the feelings and

emotions. It is the `training of the heart' and consists in developing the right feelings and emotions. It does not involve

any cognitive abilities that can be trained. Like poetry, it is `caught' rather than taught. It is essentially a matter of creating the right atmosphere, imitation and learning by example

communion with nature or modelling one self after an ideal. Such a view is countered by saying that mere imitation of a `good' person and modelling oneself after an ideal does not confer any

morality on an individual. Morality is not a thing that simply `radiates' from one person to another. Moral development

includes both thinking morally and behaving morally. Moral thinking is a distinct type of thinking characterized by the exercise of rational choice. A moral person is not only a person

who does the `right' thing but also one who does the `right' thing for the `right' reason.

CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION: CONCEPT AND APPROACH TO VALUES EDUCATION. The idea of imparting Values Education is also closely linked with the

educational reforms that have been introduced under the scheme



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

of continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).It is apparent that Values Education is an area that needs to be highlighted as it holds the key to real and meaningful education–

that engages students in addressing real world challenges, issues important to humanity, and questions that affect them as individuals.

Dr. Anuradha Sindhwani & Dr. Rajeev Kumar: Values in Higher Education: Need and Importance. Values are defined in literature differently from eternal ideas to behavioral procedures.

Value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise, to estimate, it means the act of cherishing something, holding it

dear and also the act of passing judgment upon the nature and amounts of values as compared with something else. In present scenario where we live, the society values material gains and

profits above all. It is not an exaggeration if to say that in this materialistic era of science and technology, everything except morality has reached to its echelon. Values unlike other aspects

have gone into abysses where human existence and its future looks dismal and in dark. The present paper highlights need and importance of values in higher education.



The present study adopted survey method of research and

descriptive in nature.



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014


To compare the status of value development among teacher trainees under the managements of Private, Aided, Government,

Minority of Andhra University.


There is no significant difference among the teacher

trainees in the value development based on their management’s i.e. Private, Aided, Governament and Minority.

Sample of the study:

For the present study, the investigator selected total sample of 306 teacher trainees out of which 83 are TTC students. 78 from TPT students, 51 are HPT and 44 are B.Ed., Students, 50

are from M.A., (Edn).With different methodologies the investigator adopted the simple random sampling method.

Variables of study:

Male and female trainees, Managements of Private, Aided, Government, Minority.

Construction of the tool:

A questionnaire was prepared and standardized to study the Values Development in the Teacher Trainees under various managements of Andhra University area. The tool is consisting of

40 items to gather data.

In the first stage of the attitude scale, an appeal was made to the teacher trainees to express their feelings freely and frankly

and it is also stated that the information provided by them will be



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

kept confidential and utilized strictly for he education purpose only.

Administration of the Tool:

The attitude scale thus prepared with forty items was administered to three hundred and six teachers’ trainees who are studying in different teacher training institutions i.e. Private,

Aided, Governament, and Minority. Among Andhra University Area of Andhra Pradesh

Data Collection:

The investigator has visited different teacher training institutions to the maximum extend possible for the administration of the attitude scale and to collect back the

answered attitude scales received only 306.

Scoring of the Tool:

After the establishment of strength of the items concludes in

the attitude scale through Chi-Square test. The response of the subjects (Valid items) all the items are quantified duly assigning the numerical values of 5,4,3,2 and 1 are assigned to responses

Strongly Agree. Agree Undicide, Disagree and Strongly Disagree respectively in the case of the positive statements and reversed in

the case of negative statements.

All the items were scored by giving the above weightages for further statistical treatments.

Data Analysis:

After careful collection of the data from the sample, it is tabulated to calculate‘t’ and ‘f’ values to find out the significance



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

of differences in variable studying institutions. In the obtained values are used to accept or reject null hypothesis formed at the initial stages of research.

Table 1: ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) – Management wise

Sum of Squares

Df Mean Square

F Table value

Between Groups

1347.794 3 449.256

Within Groups

51302.942 302 169.877 2.65 5.42

Total 52650.735 305

The Analysis of variance (F-ratio) in the total aspect for the teacher trainees according to their management of the school is found to be 2.65, which is less than the required table value of

5.42 (df 3,302), which is not significant. This reveals that there is no significant difference among different management groups of

teacher trainees.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference among different management groups. Hence null hypothesis is accepted.

Table 2: Showing the mean and SD values of Teacher Trainees working in different managements of Aided and Government

Management N Mean Std.Dev. t Df

TOTAL Aided 49 151.73 13.67 2.25* 174

Government 127 156.50 12.16

Significant at 0.05 level



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

In the above variable the mean of Government teacher trainees (156.50) is higher than the mean of Aided teacher trainees (151.73). The‘t’ value is found to be 2.25, which is

significant at 0.05 level. This shows that there is a significant difference in the means of both the Government and Aided qualified teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Government and Aided teacher trainees in the total aspect.

Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Table 3: showing the mean and SD values of Teacher Trainees working in different managements of Aided and


Management N Mean Std. Dev.

t df

TOTAL Aided 49 151.73 13.67 .09 74

Minority 27 152.04 13.49

In the above variable the mean of Minority teacher

trainees (152.04) is higher than the mean of Aided teacher trainees (151.73). The‘t’ value is found to be 0.09, which is not significant at 0.05 level or 0.01 level. This shows that there is no

significant difference in the means of both the Minority and Aided teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Minority

and Aided teacher trainees in the total aspect. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

Table 4: Showing the mean and SD values of Teacher

Trainees working in different managements of Aided and Private

Management N Mean Std. Dev.

t df

TOTAL Aided 49 151.73 13.67 0.37 150

Private 103 152.60 13.64

In the above variable the mean of Private teacher trainees (15.60) is higher than the mean of Aided teacher trainees (151.73). The‘t’ value is found to be 0.37, which is not significant

at 0.05 level or 0.01 level. This shows that there is no significant difference in the means of both the Private and Aided teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Private and Aided teacher trainees in the total aspect. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

Table 5: Showing the mean and SD values of Teacher Trainees working in different managements of

Government and Minority

Management N Mean Std. Dev.

t df

TOTAL Government 127 156.50 12.16 1.70 152

Minority 27 152.04 13.49

In the above variable the mean of Government teacher trainees (156.50) is higher than the mean of Minority teacher trainees (152.07). The t’ value is found to be 1.70, which is not

significant at 0.05 levels or 0.01 levels. This shows that there is



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

no significant difference in the means of both the Government and Minority teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between

Government and Minority teacher trainees in the total aspect. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

Table 6: Showing the mean and SD values of Teacher

Trainees working in different managements of Government and Private

Management N Mean Std.


t df

TOTAL Government 127 156.50 12.16 2.29* 228

Private 103 152.60 13.64

*Significant at 0.05 level

In the above variable the mean of Government teacher

trainees (156.50) is higher that the mean of Private teacher trainees (152.60). The‘t’ value is found to be 2.29, which is significant at 0.05 level. This shows that there is a significant

difference in the means of both the Government and Private qualified teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between

Government and Private Teacher trainees in the total aspect. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

Table 7: Showing the mean and SD values of Teacher

Trainees working in different managements of Private and Minority

Management N Mean Std. Dev.

t df

TOTAL Minority 27 152.04 13.49 .19 128

Private 103 152.60 13.49

In the above variable the mean of Private teacher trainees (152.60) is higher than the mean of Minority teacher trainees

(152.04). The ‘t’ value is found to be 0.19, which is not significant at 0.05 level or 0.01 level. This shows Minority teacher trainees in the value development.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between Private and Minority teacher trainees in the aspect. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

Findings and Conclusions:

Findings of the study:

1. There is a significant difference in the value development in

the teacher trainees of different management of Aided and Government teacher trainees.

2. There is no significant difference in the value development in

the teacher trainees of between Aided and Minority managements.

3. There is no significant difference in the value development in

the teacher trainees of between Aided and Private Managements.



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014

4. There is no significant difference in the value development in

the teacher trainees of Andhra University area between Government and Minority managements.

5. There is significant difference in the value development in the teacher trainees of Andhra University area between Government and Private Managements.

6. There is no significant difference in the value development in the teacher trainees of Andhra University area between

Minority and Private Managements.


There is a lot of difference between propagating values and

development of values. Propagation stops abstract level where as value development ends with quality changes in the human being. As the adage goes that value are caught, but not tought.

Though values are taught indirectly in the college of education they remain at door steps. The present research has shows that the management’s role is paramount in collocating values among

teacher trainees. It is gainsaying that no managements is the value orientation. It is the prime duty of the management whatever type it is. It can be concluded that value development is

a process where the managements have to take social responsibility.



ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, AUGUST 2014


R.T Nanda: Country approaches to values Education in India, Regency publications. New Delhi.

S.P Sharma: Moral and value Education, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.

Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy: Value Education, Published in India: Viva Books Private Limited.

Dr.N.Vekatesh: Value Education, APH Publishing House,

New Delhi.

Central Board of Secondary: Concept and approach to values Education, published Education by: design,

layout illustrations Education, New Delhi.