LESSON FOR BLOG TALK RADIO WAQFE NAU CLASS APRIL. 20, 2013 (Week 2 of 1 st six monthly syllabus Age Group 10-14) O ye who believe! fear Allah as He should be feared; and let not death overtake you except when you are in a state of submission.’ (3:103) و ل آ ي ا ا ا ال ا آ ي ا Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih prayed that may God open the hearts of the Muslim Ummah and may they understa nd God’s decree so that they are saved from the troubled times that they are experiencing. May they understand the signs of natural disasters and desist from cruelty and persecution. May God also enable us to follow Taqwa and be congruous in our word and deed and continue to alert the world from destruction! أÆ Ä Ç ȸĽÆǃ Å وȠ Å ǽ Ä Ä Ș Æ ȕ Æ Ș ü ø Ä Ƕ Ɍ ȦÄ Ç Ǫȑ ý Æ ȔȦ Æ Ǒ Ä Ç Ǡ ȑ ý [1:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. [ 1:1 ] وا د ، وا ر ا م ا( اور) وا ر ر ر ۔[1:2] All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, [ 1:2 ] ّ رب ں م ا م ۔[1:3] The Gracious, the Merciful, [ 1:3 ] وا د ، وا ر ا ۔( اور) وا ر ر ر [1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment. [ 1:4 ] دن ا ا ۔[1:5] Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. [ 1:5 ] د اور دت ی [1:6] Guide us in the right path [ 1:6 ] ۔ را

a state of submission.’ اويَ نُذِل مْآنُا مْنُ يُّمْيَ ا ...LESSON FOR BLOG TALK RADIO WAQFE NAU CLASS APRIL. 20, 2013 (Week 2 of 1st six monthly syllabus

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(Week 2 of 1st six monthly syllabus Age Group 10-14)

O ye who believe! fear Allah as He should be feared; and let not death overtake you except when you are in

a state of submission.’ (3:103) لذ ن ويا ا ي ي يم ن ماآن م ا ين انيلا ذ ل ااين ي اذ ذا ي ي Hadhrat ي ا ي ي ي ا ال ذ ييا آي ن ا ايل ن ا الل يا ي ل

Khalifatul Masih prayed that may God open the hearts of the Muslim Ummah and may they understand God’s decree so that they are saved from the troubled times that they are experiencing. May they understand the signs of natural disasters and desist from cruelty and persecution. May God also enable us to follow Taqwa and be congruous in our word and deed and continue to alert the world from destruction!

ب أ ٱلهلل ب يب ٱلهلل ي ـ ب ب ع وع ب ٱهلل

[1:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

۔ ابر ابر رمح رکےن واال ےہ (اور) اہلل ےک انم ےک اسھت وج ےب ااہتن رمح رکےن واال، نب امےگن دےنی واال [1:1]

[1:2] All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds,

ےہ[ 1:2]۔امتم دمح اہلل یہ ےک ےئل ےہ وج امتم اہجونں اکرب

[1:3] The Gracious, the Merciful,

ابر ابر رمح رکےن واال ےہ (اور)۔ ےب ااہتن رمح رکےن واال، نب امےگن دےنی واال [ 1:3]

[1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.

۔ زجا زسا ےک دن اک امکل ےہ[ 1:4]

[1:5] Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help.

ریتی یہ مہ ابعدت رکےت ںیہ اور یھجت ےس مہ دمد اچےتہ ںیہ[1:5]

[1:6] Guide us in the right path —

ںیمہ دیسےھ راہتس رپ الچ۔ [ 1:6]

[1:7] The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.

و ےن ااعنم ایک۔ نج رپ بضغ ںیہن ایک ایگ اور وج رمگاہ ںیہن وہےئ۔[ 1:7]

ان ولوگں ےک راہتس رپ نج رپ ت

ب with, (help and blessing), it also denotes; in swear, by, over, part of, from, at, all, in rest of.

اسيب Name

اٱهلل Allah: It is the proper name of Allah T‟ala comprising all the attributes of perfection.

In Taafseer e Kabir, Hazrat Muslehe Maoud rta has explained in length through various references of

Arabic scholars of Nahw that ALLAH is His original name and not derived from any other name

or word. It is a simple substantive, not derived and is never used as qualifying word. In the absence of a parallel word in the English language, the original “Allah” has been retained throughout the

Translation. ”Allah” according to the most correct of the opinions respecting it, is a proper name, applied to the Being Who exists necessarily by Himself, comprising all the attributes of perfection,

the „al’ being inseparable from it.

حـ ب ;Root word is „Rahama’ : Rahman ;The most gracious, bestowing without labor or reward اٱلهلل

„Mercy comprehending the entire world‟. „Rahman’ is He Who shows mercy gratuitously and

extensively to all creation without regards to work or effort, is applicable to God only.

حب يب Al Raheem ; again the root word is Rahama; denotes the idea of repetition and giving liberal اٱلهلل

rewards to those who deserve it. The ever Merciful, not loser of genuine labor. Al Raheem is He

Who shows mercy in response to and a result of the actions of men but shows it liberally and repeatedly.

اا All whole, each one

حدع Praise, Goodness, اا دع All and prime type of praises and goodness belongs to Allah

هللب Creator, Supporter, Protector 17] وقعل هللب ا حهع ا ك ا هلل انب صغبريا: and say, „My Lord,

have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood.‟”

ااب Universe; worlds; creatures

ب ب Owner or Master; Dominion; Sovereignty; Kingship اٱ

اوااب واا ب .the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone [2:108] ٱ ع ع ع اٱلهلل

ب Time absolutely; Period; Present time; يع ب ب اٱ ب ا ب I call to witness the Day of أعقلب

Resurrection. [75:2]

اٱدهللب ب time for reckoning; Judgement; recompense or compensation or requital ;

ب هللاا I’yyaka Thee alone ; إبيا Iyya; is defined as noun of vague signification

noun to be used for caution ; to be on guard or to signify accusative case.

Ex. كع ن فع ا تد ع ن بٱ ب بن شاء وتنل ن ا تعللب Nay, but on Him alone [6:42] ل ب هللاهع تد ع ن ف كلب

will you call; then will He remove that which you call on Him to remove, if He please, and you will

forget what you associate with Him. [Al An’am]

عدع we worship ; Abada , means; rendered His total obedience; our head is bowed down on His

command, ready to serve Him, acted upon His instructions unconditionally, declared His

unparallel oneness and unity. (Aqrab) تا و نب بب هللا اٱكب ب آتانب He said, „I am [19:31] قاا بنهللب دع اٱهلل

a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book, and made me a Prophet‟.

لت ب ع from Iste’ana which means to seek help or request for the help and when add Iyyaka to

begin, means that particularly we seek help from thee, whereas others do not have the capacity to offer this help.

اهدب ا from the word hada’; Ihden’a has got three meanings; to show the path ; to take someone to

a certain track; to lead from front and pace with someone right up to the destination. ع ا اا دع وقاٱـذا ي هدا ا لب هللذب ب اٱ هلل .And they shall say, „All praise belongs to Allah Who has guided us to this [7:44] ٱب

لاا ب لت ب ي ; Al Sira’t the path or way; road اٱلهلل لاا ع ذا صب وهع هـ عدع ي فا هللب و هللعكع بنهلل اٱهلل

[3:52] „Surely, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; so worship Him: this is the right path.‟ ”

لت ب ي is from Isteqauma, is spoken for a path which is straight, also defines a person who is ع


أ From Ina’m means to give or bestow with blessings and is used for someone who has

conscious and understanding.

هبي ‘those on whom‟ غ ع ب derived from the root word „Ghadhaba’ and reflects the forcefulness to punish on


هللب اٱ derived from the root word ‘Dhalla’; means diverting from the right path, whether ضهلل

intentionally or unknowingly and even if it is minor fault or major flaw. It is in opposition of „Hadaya’ which means the guided or straight

Etiquette for Salat

One should be physically clean as well as wearing clean clothes when going to the mosque.

Step into the mosque with the right foot first, and recite the following prayer:

In the name of Allah, all blessings and peace be upon the Prophetsa of Allah. Oh Allah! Forgive my sins and open the doors of your Blessing and Mercy upon me.

Upon entering, greet the people already in the mosque with Assal�mo ‘Alaikum. Do it at the

appropriate volume.

On arriving, if possible offer two naw�fil prayers. These are called Tah�yyat-ul-Masjid. Do not go to the Mosque after eating onion, garlic, radish or other strong smelling foods. It is

prohibited to spit, to clean one’s nose or to perform any such action which compromises the cleanliness of the mosque.

The mosque should be kept clean and fragrant.

Keep yourself occupied in quiet remembrance of Allah and do not indulge in unnecessary

conversations. If you must talk, it should be such that those in salat are not disturbed in any way.

It is forbidden to walk in front of someone who is praying.

The front rows should be occupied first. Those coming in late should not attempt to reach the

front by disturbing people already seated. Find an easy to reach spot and get there with minimum inconvenience to others.

A mosque is designated for the worship of God where there should be no hindrance to anyone

from remembering and worshiping Allah. Shoes should be put at the appropriate place such as in a shoe-rack. It is not allowed to walk

in shoes in the area designated for worship. When leaving the mosque, say Assal�mo ‘Alaikum. Put the right shoe on before the left shoe.

Step out of the mosque with the left foot first.